Fabulous Fibers

June 2012
Leaping Point by Wen Redmond
Fabulous Fibers
York Art Association’s third annual, juried,
fiber art show will open Thursday, June 7
and will run thru Sunday, June 30. There
will be an opening reception on Sunday,
June 10 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.
This show is open to members and nonmembers. Submissions must have been
made within the last three years and fall
into the categories of: Quilting, Rug
Hooking, Weaving, Wearable Art, Fabric
Painting, Felting, Textiles or Soft Sculpture.
Judging will be based on Artistic Value,
Workmanship, and Originality.
This show highlights the diversity of fiber
as a medium. While today's fiber artists
may have learned how to sew, knit, crochet,
or quilt, from their mothers, and
grandmothers --- they have made the
medium their own by implementing new
technology, and pushing the boundaries of
the medium. “Fabulous Fibers” showcases
the work of some of the most talented fiber
artists in the area.
Wen Redmond – a nationally recognized,
mixed media fiber artist, will judge the
show. Redmond is a longtime member of
League of New Hampshire Craftsmen,
Studio Art Quilt Associates, Surface Design
Association, and Seacoast Association
Fiber Artists. Redmond has worked in the
fiber field since 1973 when she made her
first intuitive, textile construction. Her new
work uses digital processes and mixed
media --- an unusual use of fiber. Her work
has been widely published, and can be
seen nationwide, in galleries, as well as in
juried, solo, and invitational shows.
Bizarre Bras, Clothesline Show Winners …….………. Page 2
Fiber Art Workshop ……..…………..………….………. Page 3
In The Good Old Summertime …………………..……… Page 4
Guidelines for Artwork, Gift Shop, Show House ….... Page 5
Lex & Joe, Fiber & Photo Groups,
YAA Studio Workshops …………………………………. Page 6
Member Appr., York High School, Member News,
Cancellation of Art Auction …………………………….. Page 7
Open Call, YAA Brd. Mtg, Outside Exhibit ……………. Page 8
Calendar of Shows, Workshop Ideas,Facebook …….. Page 9
Fabulous Fibers will also feature
“Bizarre Bras,” a display of
handmade bras, which were created
by members of the York Art
Association’s Fiber Artist Group. The group meets monthly to
experiment, and share ideas. The front entryway will be transformed
into a display area for the bras.
Last October “Bizarre Bras” made its debut at the Portsmouth Fabric Company in honor
of Breast Cancer Awareness month. The display’s purpose was to: honor the memory of
women who have lost their lives to breast cancer, celebrate the courage, and strength of
breast cancer survivors, and remind women to follow through with annual exams, and
early detection methods. The exhibit not only successfully raised awareness, but was so
popular that visitors donated money to support the cause. As a result, the YAA Fiber
Artist Group was able to make a donation to the Maine branch of the Susan G. Komen
This October “Bizarre Bras” will travel to Engine, a new gallery in Biddeford. Plans are
also underway for an October 2013 display in Brunswick. The hope is that this display,
and its message will catch on, and inspire artists around the country to come up with
similar displays for their communities. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BRAS WILL NOT BE
Congratulations to the Winners of
YAA’s First Ever Clothesline Show
“White Water Lilies” by Susan Wierzba - Hand dyed silk
“Barn in Avebury Henge” by Robert Taylor - Photography
“Beach” by Susan Colburn Motta - Mixed Media.
Honorable Mention
“Not Your Normal Nubble Lighthouse” by Nina-Rosa Duddy - Photography
“The Rubaiyat” by Anne Gately - Quilt
“The Flower Mart” by Brenda Slattery - Oil Painting
Thank you to Jackie Abramian of Kittery’s Haley Art Gallery for judging the show!
Fiber Art Workshop
with Rose Mary Cullen
York Art Association is will be offering two fiber
art workshops taught by celebrated fiber artist,
Rose Mary Cullen, during the month of June.
Rose Mary Cullen is a textile artist, and teacher
who specialize in contemporary, embroidered
textile art. She splits her time between Dublin,
Ireland, and Portsmouth, NH.
Cullen has a degree in Embroidered Textiles, a
Masters in Design History, and is a tutor at the
National College of Art and Design, Dublin,
Ireland. She is a member of the Crafts Council
of Ireland and the New Hampshire Art
Cullen’s work consists mostly of contemporary
embroidered framed pieces, but also includes
wearable art that utilizes both traditional, and
modern embroidery techniques. Some works
are pictorial with a naïve quality. Other pieces
are more abstract using stitch, the layering of
fabrics and the incorporation of varied
materials to create visual effects.
Workshop 1
Go Green with Plastics,
Paper and More
Monday, June 25th 10 – 4
Tuition: $75 plus a $10 materials fee
Stitch, iron, paint, or layer your household
fruit/vegetable packaging and newspapers to
create beautiful, and interesting surfaces that
can be cut and reassembled onto cards or used
as part of larger textile projects. Bubblewrap
packaging can be ironed to create a stiff
textured surface, plastic can be sealed to
enclose fabrics and images, ironing fruit, and
vegetable netting creates a web structure,
napkins machine stitched and washed leave
traces of remnants, and newspaper folded,
painted or stitched tells a different story. The
possibilities are endless so bring along your
waste, and re-create it to make cards, base
fabrics and anything your imagination dreams
Workshop 2
Embellishment Techniques for Clothes
Tuesday, June 26th 10 – 4
Tuition: $75 plus $12 fee for materials
Basic hand-embroidery stitches, beading and
appliqué will be explored as a means to
embellish, add texture and re-invent an item of
techniques will be demonstrated, and sampled,
taking into consideration design elements such
as scale, repetition and the various threads with
which to make a mark. Participants will then
apply one or a combination of these techniques
to their own garment to create some
embellishment magic!
Participants who sign up for both workshops
will receive a 20% discount on tuition. The cost
for both workshops is $120, plus a $22.00
materials fee.
Workshops can accommodate 10-12 students.
Registration must be made in advance to
reserve your spot. The sign-up deadline is
Monday, June 18.
To register contact Jill Burke at
call 207.363.4049
register online at
YAA reserves the right to cancel workshops if
there is not enough interest.
“In the Good Old Summertime”
Annual Members Show & ART AND BLOOM
Intake: July 8th and 9th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM
Show Dates: Thursday, July 12th – Sunday, August 8th
Opening Reception: Sunday, July 15th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Chairmen: Evelyn Ring 361-3027 evelynring@gmail.com
Sue Wierzba 361-04541 susanwierzba@gmail.com
Judge: Brett Gamache
Our theme is “In the Good Old Summertime.” All mediums with that theme will be accepted, including:
abstract, and representational work, as well as all mediums. Since this is a Members Show, each member will
be assured of having at least one piece of art accepted into the show and there will be cash prizes for the
winners. All Artists will be expected to Gallery Sit for at least 2½ hours. Please read over the hanging
guidelines on our website and in this newsletter.
Flower Arranging Demonstration & Workshops
The “Art in Bloom” addition to the show will feature members who want to have the opportunity to make an
arrangement for the opening. The demonstration and workshops will teach you how to interpret a piece of
artwork in floral design.
Wednesday, June 27 at 6:30 PM - Demonstration in Flower Arranging and Interpreting Art. Given by Evelyn
Ring, who has done arrangements for the Museum of Fine Arts’ “Art in Bloom” Exhibit in Boston. All
members Welcome! Learn what you will need and how to make arrangements for the show opening on July
15th. We will be gathering names of those members who would like to take one of the workshops on July 11th
or July 12th.
Pick Your Painting to Interpret
Some vases, and suggestions for interpreting your painting through floral arranging will be given.
Come to either:
Session 1 - Tuesday, July 10, 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Session 2 - Wednesday, July 11, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Flower Arranging Workshops
Bring your flowers, vase / filler and make your arrangement for the opening of the show on July 15th. Evelyn
Ring and Barbara Carino from Massachusetts will be running these workshops.
Choose either
Session 1 - Wednesday, July 11, 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Session 2 - Thursday, July 12 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Wondering What to Submit for the August show “Wonderful Water”?
Let your work reflect water in any unique, or personal way that you want to interpret it. Be inspired by rain,
ponds, lakes, the ocean, waterfalls, streams and vernal pools. Think of falling rain, sprayings fountains and
crashing oceans…or even a refreshing glass of water. Have fun and use your imagination!
For additional questions contact the “Wonderful Water” show chairs:
Deanna Block
Pat Iguchi
Jean Lincoln
Guidelines for Hanging Artwork in All
YAA Shows
As we enter peak exhibit season we just wanted
to remind our members about the basic rules
for submitting work to YAA shows…
Artwork submitted to all York Art Association
exhibits, should be: original, of good artistic
quality, be properly framed and should not have
been exhibited in previous YAA shows.
A well-framed piece of artwork reflects the tone
and style of the art itself. An ornate frame, or a
colored mat may overpower the artwork and
distract viewers. Please keep in mind that
framing, and presentation make a difference.
Some jurors might say "if it wasn’t for the mat
or frame, it would be a great piece of art." Also,
if you see the artist’s signature before you see
the art - it is a clear indication that the signature
is too prominent. The presentation of your
work can affect acceptance into juried shows.
A well-framed piece of art can also increase the
likelihood of selling your art. So please make it
a great presentation!
All 2 dimensional art must be framed and wired.
Acceptable Hardware for wood frames:
- Screw eyes or D-rings
Acceptable hardware for metal frames:
- Hardware that screws securely into a track
NOT Acceptable Hardware:
- Saw tooth hangers
- Spring clips
- Tension mounts
- Pop-in frames
- Sliding hardware
- Standing photo frames
Wiring your artwork:
Your two dimensional artwork wiring should be
secured 1/4 to 1/3 down from the top. Do this by
dividing the side lengths into thirds or quarters.
The wire should be fairly taut so, when hung,
the artwork does not slant greatly from the wall
at the top.
Reminder of Gallery Rules and
Please remember that all artwork submitted to a
show must be for sale with the understanding
that 30% of sales go to YAA and 70% of sales
go to the artists. Artists cannot swap out
artwork during a show or remove artwork
before the end of a show.
Since the entryway will be dedicated to the Bizarre
Bras display -- all of the items in the entryway will
need to be moved into the gift shop. This may make
things a little crowded for a while. But, with our
busy season upon us we hope that the crowded
conditions will be alleviated by lots of sales.
Museums of Old York 23rd Annual Designer
Show House
YAA Show House Committee members have been
hard at work. They have painted the loft space that
YAA will occupy in Harmon House and all of the
artists have been juried in. Intake dates have also
been set. Intake will take place on June 27 th, 28th
and 29th by appointment. The Show House will be
almost ready by then and visitors to the house must
be careful walking through while carrying things.
Anne will be contacting all of the artists in the show
to arrange a day and time when you can bring your
work to the Show House.
Although the Show House was open to submissions
of fine crafts, as well as art, most of the participating
members are painters. So if you have small items
that do not need to be hung on the wall and would
still like to be considered for inclusion in the Show
Please contact Anne at: artannie@maine.rr.com
We are looking forward to a wonderful show. If you
are not participating in the show please visit the
Show House to see the magnificent rooms that the
designers have created and support the Museums of
Old York and York Art Association.
The Show House display will be on view from July
14th through August 11th. Since it is within walking
distance to York Art Association and since the work
of YAA artists will be in the loft, and a YAA
representative will be in daily attendance at the
Show House to steer visitors to our gallery --- sales
opportunities abound for the artists participating in
the Decorator Show House, YAA’s July Member
Show, “In the Good Old Summertime,” and the gift
YAA Decorator Show House Committee
(from left to right):
- Tori Rasche
- Diana Servis
- Barbara Heintz
- Deb Kolbjornsen
- Carol Powley
- Susan Wierzba
- Anne Gately
- Mary Sweeney
with Fiber Artist Wen Redmond
This 3-day series covers a variety of surface
design methods… You'll learn new techniques
or be inspired by new ideas.
August 20
Creating Thermal Fax Silk-Screens
August 21
Printing Textured Photographs
August 22
Stalking the Wild Print
Instructor, Wen Redmond, has
worked in the fiber field since 1973
when she made her first intuitive
textile construction. Her new work
uses digital processes and mixed
media, an unusual use of fiber.
Saturday July 21st
Lex Romane plays guitar, and his vocals are
reflective of artistic influences such as Muddy
Waters, Van Morrison, and Leon Redbone. Joe
Riillo --- the other half of this dynamic duo -trained as a classical clarinetist, and
transitioned into saxophone after being
introduced to rhythm and blues, and jazz. Riillo
continues to play the clarinet, and also plays
the flute.
Lex and Joe plan to play a mix of songs and
styles of music for the York Art Association
crowd. Even though “swing is their thing” they
will be performing jazz, and blues tunes in
addition to swing.
Fiber Artist Group
Because the Fiber Artist Group members will be
busy with their 3rd annual fiber arts show at
YAA – Fabulous Fibers – the group will not be
meeting during the month of June. They will
resume their meetings in July.
Photography Group
Redmond is a member of Surface
Design Association, Studio Art Quilt
Associates, Pen & Brush, Inc. (NYC),
Visions Art Museum (San Diego, CA),
Fiber Revolution, Textile Study Group
of NY, TAFA: The Textile and Fiber
Art List, Seacoast Association Fiber Artists,
Women’s Caucus for the Arts/NH Chapter, New
Hampshire Art Association, League of NH
Craftsmen and Sharon Arts Center.
Her work has been widely published, and can
be seen nationwide, in galleries, as well as in
juried, solo and invitational shows.
The workshops at YAA run from 10AM - 4PM.
The first day will start at 9:30AM for registration
and payment.
Tuition is $75.00 per day with a $10.00 materials
fee or $60.00 per workshop if you sign up for
more than two.
Due to personal and business commitments
Barry Tarr will no longer be able to coordinate
the photography group. YAA would like to
thank Barry for his years of leadership. YAA is
currently looking for someone to take his place
in this role. The group will not be able to meet
until a new leader steps forward.
There will be a registration fee of ½ total cost to
hold your place in the workshop. Refundable
up to one month ahead of the workshop .
If you are interested in volunteering for this
position please contact:
Education Chairman, Jill Burke at:
Registration will be available soon at:
To register contact:
Jill Burke, YAA Education Chairman
or email
or call
YAA at 207 - 363- 4049
Member Appreciation and
Networking Events
YAA would like to focus on its members and
encourage them to get to know one another.
Members Diana Servis and Suzie Goodwin are
spearheading these events in an effort to foster
collaboration and support among our membership
JUNE 21 – Knock, knock…who's new?
6:00 to 8:00 PM
This is an informal, networking event for new
members. Find out how to make the most of your
YAA membership and get to know other members.
Please bring a piece of art and share a little about
your work and your goals.
JULY 19 - ARTNET - YAA New Networking Group
6:00 to 8:00 PM
ARTNET is a new, networking event hosted YAA
with the purpose of bringing together local artists
with a shared desire to meet other creative
individuals. This informal group will meet on a
regular basis to share work, seek and give objective
feedback and support one another. These events
are open to members and non-members. Artists of
all skill levels are welcome. This is a new group and
will evolve, and change depending on the needs of
the participants. So leave your studio for the
evening and come and get to know your fellow
Networking Goals:
---Share resources, and ideas - including tips on
art suppliers, open calls and contests
---Offer objective feedback about each other’s
---Provide social, and educational opportunities
that will enable members to further their careers,
and artistic journeys
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas
please email Suzie Goodwin at:
York High School Scholarship
Recipient Named
The York Art Association Award is given to a
graduating senior planning to pursue an art degree
(studio art or art history) at a two or four-year
college. Faculty from the York High School art
department selects the recipient. This award is not
based on financial need or academic excellence,
but solely on the student's artistic talent. This year's
recipient of the $750 scholarship is Margaux
Maertens. This fall she will be entering Rochester
Institute of Technology to study photography. YAA
is pleased to be able to offer this scholarship and
wishes Ms. Maertens the best of luck as she
embarks on her college career.
Member News Info
Nina-Rosa Duddy
Nina Duddy was invited to show some of her work
at the new art gallery at the Little Red Hen Gifts &
Things at 150 Woodbridge Road in York through
June 26th. The exhibit includes two photographs
that Nina has received honorable mentions for in
exhibitions at the York Art Association, including:
Morgan’s Boots and her latest piece, Not Your
Normal Nubble Lighthouse that was recently part
of YAA’s “Clothesline” exhibition.
Suzie Goodwin
Goodwin’s work is currently featured in a solo
exhibit entitled, “Transformations” at Haley Art
Gallery in Kittery (178 Haley Rd). Goodwin’s work
will be on display through June 30th. Goodwin
started her career as a photographer, but has now
established herself as a mixed media artist. She
is constantly pushing the boundaries of her
medium and is known for combining encaustic or
painterly elements to her work, as well as printing
on unusual substrates like aluminum and even
dryer sheets!
Zenaida Maicas
The artwork of YAA member, Zenaida Maicas, was
selected by Museums of Old York to depict this
year's Decorator Show House. Zeni's rendition of
Harmon House will be featured on the cover of the
Show House catalogue, poster and all advertising
materials for this event. Congratulations Zeni!
Donna Sabaka
The paintings of Donna Sabaka, and the paintings
and photographs of Geraldine Aikman will be
displayed in the exhibition “Visions of Here and
Away” at the gallery at The Port, Union Square, 24
Ocean Ave., Kennebunkport. The exhibit runs
from Friday, June 1st to Saturday June 30th.
to 8:00 PM.
Pam Sawin
Sawin has been selected to participate in a benefit
concert for the Salvation Army of Portsmouth on
Sunday, June 10 at Portsmouth’s South Church.
Sawin will create a painting during the
performance of celebrated musician Tenley
Westbrook, among others. At the end of the
concert Sawin’s work will be auctioned off to the
highest bidder. YAA wishes Pam the best of luck
during this exciting personal challenge!
Cancelation of Art Auction
The Art Auction scheduled for July 28th has been
canceled. Stay tuned for news of future
fundraising events ….
207-490-0543 - www.sanfordspringvaleart.org
The Sanford/Springvale Art Association would
like to extend an invitation to the members of
the YAA to attend the Stapleton Kearns
Landscape Demo on June 16th from 1 to 3 PM at
the Trafton Senior Center (9 Elm St. Sanford, ME).
Kearns is a member of the New England Plein
Air Painters. Kearns is an elected member of
the Guild of Boston Artists and has served as
President of Rockport Art Assoc.. His work has
also been exhibited at the National Academy of
Design in New York City.
The cost is $5 for members and $10 for nonmembers. Pre-register by calling: 207-490-1487
or email: marybullock2@juno.com.
- Place: Sanford / Springvale Art Gallery
- Jury fee: $15 for 1 piece of artwork or $20 for
2 pieces of artwork (non-refundable)
- Drop-off: Monday, July 2, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
- Show dates: Tuesday, July 3 to Wednesday,
August 1st
- Reception: Friday, July 6 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
(Awards will be presented.)
The Sanford / Springvale Art Association is
pleased to announce our Open Juried Art Show
which has the theme this year of “ANYTHING
GOES.” This show is open to all Artists, over
the age of 18, in the following mediums: oils,
watercolors, pastels, acrylics, mixed media,
drawings, pen and ink, fiber art, mosaics, metal
works, wood and clay art.
Up to 2 works of art may be submitted for
jurying with a completed Exhibit Agreement (a
separate form) and with the non-refundable $15
fee for 1 artwork or $20 jury fee for 2 artworks
*(please cash or check only).
This show will be judged for ribbons and cash
prizes in the following categories: 1 st place
$125, 2nd place $75, 3rd place $50, plus 4 merit
award ribbons and a People’s Choice Award.
FMI contact:
Mary Gannon at 207-636-3198 or 207-590-9733
or maryart0314@aol.com
To download an application visit:
Art Items for Sale:
Art Show Tent and Display Walls for Sale.
If interested please email:
for more information
6/20/12 - June Board Meeting
7/18/12 - July Board Meeting
8/15/12 - August Board Meeting
9/19/12 - September Board Meeting
10/17/12 - October Board Meeting
11/21/12 - November Board Meeting
Members got an email listing areas and months
available several times. Will call if no response
from my email. Will email the 2012 Outside
Exhibit Schedule to 2012 members.
The current exhibits for these sites are:
Helen Hennessy – May / June
Philip McCurdy – May / June
Carol Powley – July / Aug
Susan Tetro – Sept / Oct
Anne Catell – Nov / Dec
Anne Catell – Sept / Oct
Louise Whelton – Jan / Feb
Sue Wierzba – May / June / July
Tom Stevens
207 – 363 – 8453
York Art Association Show Schedule
Show Name
Drop Off
6/9 TO 6/30
Fiber Art Show
Pat Spiller / Janet Perry
6/3 & 6/4
4 to 6 PM
2 to 4 PM
Evelyn Ring / Sue Wierzba
7/8 & 7/9
4 to 6 PM
2 to 4 PM
Pat Iguchi / Jean Lincoln /
Deanna Block
8/5 & 8/6
4 to 6 PM
2 to 4 PM
Open Show
7/5 TO 8/5
Art in Bloom
Annual Show Members Only
8/9 TO 9/2
Wonderful Water
Summer Show Members Only
Visit our page on Facebook (www.facebook.com / YorkArtAssociation) to view current
events, browse photos, make comments and ask questions.
“Like” us today – and share with your friends!
YAA Newsletter
Newsletter Editor – Tom Stevens - tstevens@maine.rr.com
Newsletter Printing – Donna Sabaka - sabaka.donna@measuredprogress.org
Newsletter E-mail Distribution – Tori Rasche – trasche@maine.rr.com
- To get the YAA Newsletter by email we will add you to the list.
- If you have suggestions for future classes, lectures or demos, please contact our new
Education Chair: Jill Burke - lburke6@maine.rr.com
If you have questions regarding shows, please contact the specific show chair.
YAA Gallery Hours
12:00 to 5:00 PM
York Art Association
PO Box 74
394 York Street
York, ME 03909
207 – 363 – 4049