EVERGREENS Norway Spruce (Picea abies) (Bundles of 25 = $16.50) 8-18” Fastest growing spruce. Short-needled tree with deep green color. Good demand for Christmas tree, ornamental and reforestation use. Colorado Blue Spruce (Picea Pungens glauca 7-15” One of the finest trees for Christmas tree, ornamental and windbreak use. Color ranges from blue-green to silvery blue. Our seedlings are grown from the very finest seed collection areas available. This provides you with superb color, excellent shape and a good growth rate. Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziessi glauca) 10-18” Excellent demand as a Christmas tree or an ornamental. Extremely fast growth, superb needle retention and soft, 1" blue-green needles make Douglas the favorite tree for many growers. Prefers fertile, well-drained, light soil with full sun. Concolor Fir (Abies concolor) 8-16" Good Christmas tree and ornamental. Soft silver-blue needles 2", with excellent needle retention and a citrus aroma. Withstands heat and dryness better than other firs and grows best in well-drained soil. White Spruce (Picea glauca) 8-16” Very hardy, compact tree with short blue-green needles. Fast rate of growth for Christmas trees, ornamentals and windbreaks. Tolerates wide variety of soils. White Pine (Pinus strobus) 8-15” Soft blue-green needles 3-5" long. Fast growth with excellent needle retention. Desirable for Christmas trees, ornamentals, and reforestation. Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) 12-24“ Excellent landscape specimen that can be easily shaped for hedges or privacy screens. Graceful pyramidal shape with short green needles. Prefers well-drained soil and tolerates shade. Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra) 10-16” Beautiful dark green, long-needled Christmas, ornamental and windbreak tree. Extremely hardy plant tolerates poor soils, dry soils and air pollution. Berries Strawberries 10/$7.00 Albion – Everbearing Red Raspberries Blue Berries BlueCrop Duke Nelson Patriot 5/$13.00 Heritage – Everbearing Elderberries 18-24” 18-24” $9.00 each - Large, mid-season - High yield - Large firm dark fruit - Large firm fruit $1.75 ea. Large, spreading, multi-stemmed FRUIT TREES Apple Trees (Semi-dwarf) Rogers McIntosh Cortland Mollies Delicious Gala Honeycrisp $17.00 ea. 4-6' - Mid Season Red - Mid Season Red - Late Summer Red Delicious - Mid Season Red - Mid Season Red Tart Cherry Balaton $17.00 ea. Pear Trees (should plant 2 trees) $17.00 ea. Nova Spy Peach Trees Contender Madison Sweet Cherry Rolden Russett Bosc D’Anjou - Mid Season Red $17.00 ea. $17.00 ea. 4-6' - Mid Season - Mid Season, Mild Flavor 4-6' Plums - Mid Season, Freestone - Early Mid Season Kristin - Large, Dark Red (Must plant with another variety) Summit - Large, Red (Must plant with another variety) 4-6’ - Large firm, Red and juicy $17.00 ea. Stanley Methley 4-6' - Early Large, Dark Blue Skin - Early Season, Purple 4-6’ DECIDUOUS TREES Sugar Maple (Acer sacharum) $2.00 ea. 24-36" Among the most shade tolerant of large deciduous trees Species of maple native to the hardwood forests of northeastern North America. Mature height 82-115 feet. Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) $2.00 ea. 24-36" Native tree with fast growth to 75 feet in good soil. Fine textured leaves are deeply cut and assume a russet, brown or red autumn color. Leaves hang on longer than any other hardwood in the winter. The upper branches are upright, the middle branches are horizontal and the lower branches are pendulous, giving this tree a beautiful and graceful pyramidal outline. Acorns are good wildlife food. Good as a windbreak almost year around. Will tolerate wet soil but prefers moist rich, acidic, well-drained soil. American Cranberry Viburnum (Viburnum trilobum) $2.50 ea. 36-48” A deciduous shrub, growing 8 to 12 feet with a spread to 8 to 12 feet. White flowers, in clusters in May. Bright red berries early September through fall into February, which provide food for birds. People used to make jelly from the berries. Use as a screen or a background plant, space 4 feet apart. A good wetland plant. Chinese Chestnut (Castanea mollisima) $1.75 ea. 18-24" Hardy, blight-resistant, fast growing tree which bears nuts slightly larger than the almost extinct American Chestnut. Plant two or more for pollination. Height at maturity about 30-35 feet. White Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) $2.00 ea. 24-36" One of the most popular of native flowering trees. In early spring it is covered with white-petaled flowers; in early Fall with red berries and beautiful crimson leaves. Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) $1.75 ea. 18-24" Native nut tree of eastern United States. Medium size, round-headed tree known chiefly for its edible nuts and prized for its fine wood in furniture construction. Grows best in fertile, well-drained soil. Height at maturity 50-75 feet. Red Oak (Quercus rubra) $2.00ea. 12-24” Fast growth 60 to 70 feet with equal spread. Its dense, lustrous green foliage turns a deep red in the fall. Grows best in sandy to rich loamy soil in full sun. The fastest growing of all oaks. One of the most popular ornamental oaks. It transplants easily, withstands city conditions, is clean in habit and makes one of the best street or avenue trees we have. Wild Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) $2.00 24-36” Also known as Rum Cherry. Grows to 60 feet. Dense foliage with green lustrous leaves, single white flowers in late May producing black cherries in August. Grows best in rich, deep moist soil. One of the best native American species for its wide geographical range. A good ornamental, turning yellow to red in fall. It has been highly prized in furniture making since colonial times and is an excellent firewood. Fruit provides food for many small animals. GROUND COVER Vinca minor [Myrtle (Periwinkle)] Small, shiny evergreen leaves with violet-blue flowers in the spring. Grows well in shade or sun. VERY HARDY, will grow vigorously in almost any soil. Valuable to cover hard to mow banks. Beautiful around trees, foundations, or by itself. Plant 6-12 inches apart. Clumps (10-20 Leads) 5/$5.50 SPECIAL SEED MIXES Wildflower Mix 18 varieties Wildlife Food Plot Mix $12.00 $ 6.00 3oz. 5lbs. Butterfly & Hummingbird Mix $15.00 Keystone Deer & Turkey Habitat Mix $30.00 3oz. 5lbs - No refunds on orders not picked up Planting survival rates of bare-root seedlings vary from site to site, from excellent to poor. We strive to provide the most viable seedlings. All efforts are made to prevent root stress. The conservation district will NOT ensure successful planting of bare-root seedlings, just as our suppliers will not ensure seedling survival. The district is not responsible for mistakes made by the suppliers of our seedling stock. PICKUP LOCATION Pickup Date: April 24, 2015 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at the Waterford Fairgrounds, Rt. 19 South, Waterford, PA You will receive a reminder by e-mail or postcard prior to pickup date. Go to: www.erieconservation.com for more forms Erie County Conservation District 1927 Wager Road, Erie, PA 16509 814-825-6403 HEADWATERS NATURAL RESOURCE CENTER TRUST ERIE COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1927 Wager Road Erie, PA 16509 Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Erie, PA Permit No. 327 *Return Service Requested GROWN IN AMERICA Look Inside! 2015 Tree Seedling Order Form Support Headwaters NRC Scholarship Program Also vinyl tree wraps available! Order Today! Support Environmental Education! TREE SEEDLING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM VISIT: www.erieconservation.com for order forms “Our 34th Year” Our 2015 sale marks the 34th year we have sold tree seedlings and conservation plants for the sole purpose of fund raising for the Scholarship Fund and the Envirothon. To date, 77 youths from Erie County have received scholarships. Ordering deadline is March 27. However, some varieties are limited in supply. We recommend that you place your order as early as possible. All orders will be filled in the order they are received! - CHECK must accompany order and include SALES TAX (By law we must collect sales tax on ALL orders) - Make check payable to: Headwaters NRC Mail to: 1927 Wager Road Erie, PA 16509 Phone: 814/825-6403 2015 ORDER FORM Qty. EVERGREENS PRICE TOTAL __________ Norway Spruce 25/$16.50 ____________ GROUND COVER __________ Blue Spruce 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ Douglas Fir 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ Concolor Fir 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ White Spruce 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ Nova Spy $17.00 ____________ __________ White Pine 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ McIntosh $17.00 ____________ __________ Hemlock 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ Cortland $17.00 ____________ __________ Austrian Pine 25/$16.50 ____________ __________ Mollies Del $17.00 ____________ BERRIES __________ Strawberries 10/$7.00 ___________ __________ Red Raspberries 5/$13.00 ___________ __________ Vinca 5/$5.50 ____________ FRUIT TREES __________ Gala $17.00 ____________ __________ Honeycrisp $17.00 ____________ __________ Contender $17.00 ____________ Madison $17.00 ____________ __________ Blue Crop $9.00 ___________ __________ __________ Duke $9.00 ___________ __________ Kristin $17.00 ____________ __________ Nelson $9.00 ___________ __________ Summit $17.00 ____________ __________ Patriot $9.00 ___________ __________ Balaton $17.00 ____________ ___________ __________ Bosc $17.00 ____________ __________ Elderberry $1.75 __________ DECIDUOUS __________ Sugar Maple $2.00 _____________ D’Anjou $17.00 ____________ __________ Stanley $17.00 ____________ __________ Methley $17.00 ____________ __________ Pin Oak $2.00 _____________ __________ Am. Cranberry $2.50 _____________ __________ Chinese Chestnut $1.75 _____________ __________ Wildflower Mix $12.00 ____________ __________ Dogwood $2.00 _____________ __________ Wildlife Food Plot $6.00 ____________ __________ Black Walnut $1.75 _____________ __________ Butterfly Mix $15.00 ____________ __________ $2.00 _____________ __________ Deer & Turkey $30.00 ____________ Red Oak __________ Black Cherry SEED MIXES $2.00 _____________ SUBTOTAL ______________ ****** 6% SALES TAX _______________ ____________________________ PHONE TOTAL DUE _$___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL
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