Eastern States Building Officials Federation ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards Purpose In accordance with the ESBOF By-Laws Article 10, Section 1, the ESBOF has established the ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide tuition assistance to a child or grandchild of an ESBOF member for 2015. Award Benefits Recipient (s) will be awarded (2) $1,000 Scholarships in April 2015. Recipient (s) will be presented the Scholarship Award(s) at the Annual ESBOF Conference Meeting/Luncheon Eligibility Requirements Applicant must: A. The Sponsor of the applicant must be registered for the 2015 ESBOF Conference by March 15, 2015 (including payment in full). B. Be scholastically responsible as evidenced by attaining a cumulative grade point average of a B- (80% or 2.76/4.0) or equivalent at the time of application. If the application is for 1st year of college, this requirement applies to high school transcript. If the application is for 2nd year or subsequent year of college, this requirement applies to college grades only. C. Applicant must demonstrate financial need for the scholarship. D. Applicant must be pursuing a degree on a full time basis at an accredited college or university. Award is not based on the applicant’s particular field of study. E. The completed application form, along with all attachments must be post marked by March 15, 2015 to the ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Committee at: ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards Committee C/o John J. Clancy 11 Shawsheen Road Billerica, Ma. 01821 johnclancy16@yahoo.com 781-760-0183 Administrative Guidelines • • • • • • • Applications can be obtained from organizations web site at www.esbof.org. Every member of ESBOF will be e-mailed the scholarship information/ scholarship application no later than February 6, 2015. The applicant will no longer have to request an application be sent. Completed applications including all attachments must be post marked by March 15, 2015. Selection(s) will be made by the ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards Committee. Financial Documents (IRS Form W-2) including parents (guardians’) and the applicant are required to be submitted with the application. If the 2014 IRS documents are not completed, then the 2013 documents are required to be submitted. Awards are presented at the Annual Conference Meeting/Luncheon (April 14, 2015). If the recipients are unable to attend, the scholarship award will be mailed. Recipients must enroll within six (6) months of being awarded the scholarship and provide evidence of attendance to ESBOF. A student biography (including photography) must be included with each application. Acknowledgement I had read the above guidelines, requirements, benefits and purpose and here-by acknowledge and understand the process of the Scholarship Application procedures. _____________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Name of Applicant Date Name of ESBOF Member /Sponsor Eastern States Building Officials Federation ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards Applicants Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Number and Street ____________________________________________________________ City/Town State Zip Code Contact Information: ___________________________________________________ E-Mail Address ____________________________________________________ Phone Number ESBOF Member/Sponsor: _______________________________________________ Name Job Title: ______________________________________________________________ Jurisdiction: ___________________________________________________________ City/Town Work Address: _________________________________________________________ Number and Street _________________________________________________________________ City/Town State Zip Code Contact Information: _____________________________________________________ E-Mail Address _____________________________________________________ Phone Number List all High Schools and Colleges you have attended: Name of School: Dates Attended Average (GPA) Degree Earned Work History (Starting with the most recent employer): Name Address Title Dates Employed: _________________________________________________________ List all Extracurricular Activities (memberships in clubs, volunteer groups, sports teams, etc.) Provide the following information concerning the college you are planning on attending: Name Location (State) College Major Planned: ___________________________________________________ Year Scholarship will be applied (Ex: Freshmen, sophomore year): ________________ Tuition cost only: ______________________ per semester (do not include housing costs) Applicant Statement: In applying for consideration, I’m aware that the scholarship is to be applied to tuition only unless otherwise specified. In the event that my tuition cost for the academic year does not equal the amount of the scholarship awarded, I understand that I will receive only the amount of the tuition. It is my intention to remain a full time student (as defined by the institution) for the term(s) for which the scholarship is applied. I certify that all information submitted is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Applicant’s Signature Date Confidential Statement of Financial Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Identify below all sources of scholastic aid available to you during the school year for which this application is being made: A. Aid to be provided by parents: $____________________ B. Personnel Savings, investments, trusts, etc. $____________________ C. Earnings- current calendar year $____________________ D. Social Security, Veterans benefits, etc. $____________________ E. Other Scholarships, loans or grants for applied for and expecting to be available for the upcoming year. $____________________ F. Aid from other relatives $____________________ G. Other $____________________ Total $____________________ Parents Financial Information: Information required from parent’s or parent most recent Federal Income Tax Return (please provide/attach a copy of page 1 of the 2014 tax return, if not available, please provide 2013 Tax return). Number of Exemptions: __________________________ Number of Children in household who are attending college: _____________________ Adjusted Gross Income: ___________________________________________________ This information will be used to determine relative need for financial assistance and will be kept strictly confidential by the Scholarship Committee. ESBOF Scholarship Application Reference Form Please complete and return this form by March 15, 2015. If the applicant is currently in school or working, it is desired that the reference be completed by a teacher, guidance counselor or an employer. If not in school or working, a personnel reference is acceptable. Recommendation for: _____________________________________________________ Applicant’s Name Submitted by: ___________________________________________________________ Last name First Middle I. Position Title: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Submit Form to: ESBOF Scholarship Committee C/o John Clancy, 11 Shawsheen Road, Billerica, Ma. 01821. E-mail- johnclancy16@yahoo.com, Cell # 781-760-0183 1. What is your relationship to, or in what capacity have you come to know the applicant? 2. What are some of the qualities of this applicant that lead you to believe he/she merits a scholarship? 3. Are you aware of any personnel circumstances that might interfere with the applicant success as a student or the utilization of the scholarship funds in a suitable manner? 4. Additional comments. Please feel free to attach your comments in a word document. Name/Signature Date Eastern States Building Officials Federation ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards High School or College Transcript Request The below named high school/college has my permission to release to my official transcript to the ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards Committee __________________________________ _________________________________ Name of High School/College Name and Signature of Student Instructions High School/College officials are requested to complete this form, attach a copy of the student’s official transcript and forward it to the scholarship committee. Transcripts must be received on or before March 15, 2015. The mailing address is: ESBOF Past Presidents Scholarship Awards Committee C/o John J. Clancy 11 Shawsheen Road Billerica, Ma. 01821 Please provide the following information, even if given on the transcript: Students Name Dates of Attendance: ______________________________________________________ From To Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): _____________________________________ College Entrance Test Scores- CEEB/SAT: _________________________________ SAT: ______________________________________ ACT Composite: ____________________________ High School Class Size: __________________ Class Rank of Applicant: ____________ • If final results are not available, this should be based on latest information. Name of School Official Title Student Biography Each applicant is required to provide a biography, along with a small picture (wallet size) of the student. Included in this bio should be the students goals, achievements, activities, career objectives and list of schools applied to and/or accepted to. The bio should to one to two paragraphs in length. This bio will be used for the ESBOF Annual Conference Awards Program. Student Picture
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