H2020 – ICT24 – 2015: ROBOTICS – OVERVIEW ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS Roadmap-based R&D&I in Robotics 1. What are you looking for? OVERVIEW Deadline: 14 APRIL 2015 83M€ http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h20 20/topics/9087-ict-24-2015.html Bu Robotics ICT23.a ICT23.b ICT23.c 57 M€ 12 M€ 5 ICT24.a – PRIORITY: healthcare, consumer, transport RTD to advance key technologies relevant for industrial and service robotics ICT24.b - Technology transfer - Industry-academia crossfertilisation ICT24.a ICT24.c -Robotics Technology transfer - Robotics use 50cases ICT24.b ICT24.c ICT24.d ICT24.e 12 12 5 4 50M€ 12M€ 12M€ ICT24.d - Pre-commercial procurement in robotics: healthcare 5M€ ICT24.e - Community building and Robotic competitions 4M€ PPP in Robotics – SPARC ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? ICT 24.a Research & Innovation Actions (RIA) to advance key technologies relevant for industrial and service robotics Advance robotics abilities + key technologies and their combination Market domains: healthcare, consumer, transport. Demonstrate increased TRL (Technology Readiness Level) relevant for the market domains Research results will have to be validated in real‐world setting, demonstrating progress in abilities/technologies RELEVANT to these market domains 100% funding ‐> Focus on RTD, not innovation From basic research to more applied research (depending on TRL) REFER TO Strategic Research Agenda and Multi‐Annual Roadmap (MAR) ‐ Detailed definition of Market domains and Technology Combinations ‐ Technology/ability gaps for specific applications –> need for TRL steps Market domains: ICT 24.a Transport Consumer (B2C) Healthcare Surgical Therapy & Rehab Training Assistive Robotics ... Domestic Appliances Goods Transport Assistive Living People Transport Entertainment Logistics Education Warehousing Monitoring and … Security FOR MORE DETAILS SRA/MAR … Market Domains Set Requirements Capability Provide Technologies Market Domains Set Requirements Capability Provide Technologies Market Domains Set Requirements Capability Provide Technologies STEP CHANGES ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? ICT 24.a Research & Innovation Actions (RIA) to advance key technologies relevant for industrial and service robotics + enabling robotics technologies for disabled people; this applies in particular for people with upper, lower limb disabilities and/or amputees allowing them to gain functionalities with exoskeletons or prostheses.Advance robotics abilities + key technologies and their combination Demonstrate increased TRL (Technology Readiness Level) relevant for the market domains Research results will have to be validated in real‐world setting, demonstrating progress in abilities/technologies RELEVANT to these market domains 100% funding ‐> Focus on RTD, not innovation From basic research to more applied research (depending on TRL) REFER TO Strategic Research Agenda and Multi‐Annual Roadmap ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? ICT 24.b INNOVATION ACTIONS (IA): Technology transfer – Industry‐ academia cross‐fertilisation 1 or 2 Large project (s) may include open calls for small scale Industry‐Academia experiments with industrial platforms Share infrastructure, define joint industrially relevant scenarios, cluster activities ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? ICT 24.c INNOVATION ACTIONS (IA): Technology transfer – Robotics use cases Proposals focusing on transferring latest research results from the lab to the industry/users the expertise covering the complete lifecycle must be present in proposal (from research to integration to users). concrete plan to reach impact carefully explained business case made user driven proposals and not technology push ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? ICT 24.d Pre‐Commercial procurement (PcP) in robotics Application Areas: Healthcare Gathering public procurers with common needs One large project (up to 5m€) including 2 major components ‐ Refining requirements; organizing the selection of suppliers and evaluation of progress ‐ RTD work to be procured More specific information on PCP: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2014_2015/annexes/h2020‐wp1415‐ annex‐e‐inproc_en.pdf ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? ICT 24.e Coordination Actions (CSA): Community building and Robotic competitions Supporting the European robotics community: ‐ Networking, education, outreach, public awareness, technology watch, standardisation, and industry‐academia collaboration, links to national programmes and initiatives. ‐ Ethical, legal, societal and economical aspects International cooperation Coordinating on the next generation of cognitive systems and robotics Robotic Competitions: towards smarter robots What are you looking for? OVERVIEW ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 1. What are you looking for? OVERVIEW Roadmap-based R&D&I in Robotics Deadline: 14 APRIL 2015 Bu ICT24.a –Robotics PRIORITY: healthcare, consumer, ICT23.a 57 M€ transport ICT23.b 12 M€ RTD to advance key technologies relevant for industrial and ICT23.c 5 service robotics (RIA) ICT24.b - Technology transfer - Industry-academia crossfertilisation (IA) ICT24.c - Technology transfer - Robotics use cases (IA) Robotics ICT24.a ICT24.b ICT24.c ICT24.d ICT24.e 50 12 12 5 4 83M€ 50M€ 12M€ 12M€ ICT24.d - Pre-commercial procurement in robotics: healthcare 5M€ (PcP) ICT24.e - Community building and Robotic competitions (CSA) 4M€ ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 2. Is this new or has it been called before? ICT 24.a: While the robotics technologies and abilities that still are to be advanced are not very different from the previous research efforts, they now have to be advanced in the context of some market domains prioritized in the call and progress have to be demonstrated in real‐life setup relevant for these market ICT CT 24.b: Technology transfer ‐ Industry‐academia cross‐fertilisation – similar to ECHORD http://www.echord.info/ and ECHORD ++, however, with a different administrative mechanism ‐ possibility to include third parties as opposed to add partners ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 2. Is this new or has it been called before? ICT 24.c: use‐cases – similar to CALL10 /ICT 23.b – but relatively recent – proposers must understand the focus on technology transfer as opposed to R&D ICT 24.d: PcP in Healthcare – second time called in robotics (first time in ICT23 for a different domain) – a concept of PcP (PcP Pilot) exists in ECHORD++ – relevant projects: SMART@FIRE http://www.smartatfire.eu/, SILVER http://www.silverpcp.eu/ ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 3. Current project portfolio http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/robotics/ http://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/en/node/72886 ‐ Project factsheets ‐ Robotics ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 4. What do you NOT want? ‐ ICT 24 a) Research not connected to the prioritised market domains ‐ ICT 24 c) ‐ Major research components in the tech transfer projects ‐ Use cases without users: Pure technology push use cases ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS ‐ Key actors 5. Who are the leading players? PPP in Robotics – SPARC, represented by the euRobotics AISBL ‐ http://www.eu‐robotics.net/ppp ‐ involves major stakeholders ‐ open: strongly encourage participation of robotics stakeholders Note that the PPP is not exhaustive and end users are typically not highly represented System integrators are not present either Public body/ procurers for the PcP not (yet) in the PPP ‐ the PPP partners are not favored in the selection process 6. Is there a key group of actors or ETP driving this? European Robotics PPP – SPARC ‐ http://sparc‐robotics.eu/about/ ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 7. Are there any additional / background documents? (1/2) 1. Q&A document will be updated in due time Current url: http://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/en/news/information‐day‐horizon‐ 2020‐call‐1‐and‐2‐objective‐ict‐23‐and‐ict‐24‐robotics Check Participant portal – "Additional documents" 2. Presentations Infoday January 2014: http://ec.europa.eu/digital‐ agenda/en/news/information‐day‐horizon‐2020‐call‐1‐and‐2‐objective‐ict‐23‐and‐ict‐ 24‐robotics 3. ICT proposers day Firenze, October 9‐10 – Topic Robotics : https://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/en/ict‐proposers‐day‐9‐10‐october‐2014 ICT 24 – 2015: ROBOTICS 7. Are there any additional / background documents? (2/2) Essential reading for proposers, providing detailed definitions of technologies and abilities and illustrative examples of the selected priorities. "Research implementing the Strategic Research Agenda" VISION /GOALS Multi-Annual Roadmap GUIDANCE "HOW TO" CONTACT 8. Contact: Call coordinator Cécile HUET Directorate‐General CONNECT ‐ Unit Robotics – A2 cecile.huet@ec.europa.eu ‐ Website : http://ec.europa.eu/digital‐agenda/en/robotics THANK YOU
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