NEWSLINER THE CUSTOMER MAGAZINE OF SEKISUI URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS COMPANY A PERFECT COMBINATION SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC formed from two U.S. companies SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE KYDEX® T-LW NEW FORM OF RAILS FFU sleepers support train tracks worldwide APRIL 2015 EDITORIAL CONTENTS Exhibitions 2015 CONTENTS 2 3 CONTENT OVERVIEW 10 If you wish to learn more about our SEKISUI UIEP products, we will be exhibiting at a number of trade fairs: APAC REPORT New sales company SEKISUI Vietnam Pipe Solutions EDITORIAL by Ronn Cort 12 4 NEWS Customers and material supplier intensify cooperation SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC formed from two U.S. companies 14 5 6 TRAVEL REPORT EVENTS Visit Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Collaboration: For the love of art and science 16 PRODUCT FEATURE US REPORT FFU sleepers support train tracks worldwide KYDEX® T-LW Copolymer technology and ALEXTRA® 8 DESIGNLAB 18 CSR SEKISUI Environment Week 2014 EUROPE REPORT • Aircraft Interiors International EXPO Hamburg, Germany, 14 - 16 April • APTA’s 2015 Bus Conference Fort Worth, TX, USA, 3 - 6 May • AWWA ACE15 Anaheim, CA, USA, 7 - 10 June • MD&M East New York, USA, 9 - 11 June • APTA’s 2015 Rail Conference Salt Lake City, UT, USA 21 - 24 June • Sewage Works Exhibition Tokyo Tokyo, Japan, 28 - 31 July • International No-Dig Istanbul, Turkey 28 - 30 September • Railway Interiors EXPO Prague, Czech Republic 4 - 5 November Sewer rehabilitation in Budapest NEWS US REPORT PRODUCT FEATURE Page 4 Page 6 Page 16 A PERFECT COMBINATION SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE NEW FORM OF RAILS SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC formed from two U.S. companies KYDEX® T-LW for commercial aviation interiors FFU sleepers support train tracks worldwide PUBLICATION DETAILS Cover: KYDEX® Thermoplastics being manufactured in Bloomsburg, PA, USA 2 NEWSLINER SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., Ltd. Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company Marketing Group 3-17, Toranomon 2-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-8450 Japan Tel. +81 3 5521 0741 E-Mail: Layout and typesetting: Nowak & Schweickhardt GmbH Ringseisstr. 8, 80337 Munich, Germany THE BUSINESS IN PLASTICS SEKISUI Chemical Co., Ltd. was established in 1947 as a pioneer of plastic technology. Ever since then, it has been contributing to society by replacing products made from materials like metal, concrete and wood with those made of plastic. At present, its business is organized into three categories: Housing, High Performance Plastic Products and Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products (UIEP). Ronn Cort COO and President SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC The Housing business has a unique position in the fabricated housing industry. It conducts business based on the principle of providing environmentally friendly housing for safe and comfortable living for at least 60 years. This principle extends from manufacturing to conserving household energy. For example, houses are fabricated in-factory instead of onsite to minimize material waste and damage to the environment. And, more than 80% of the houses we sell contain solar power generators that reduce energy use and cost. High Performance Plastics focuses on providing high performance and intermediate materials for a wide variety of industries such as electronics and automobiles through utilizing fine particle, adhesion and precise synthesis technologies. Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products chiefly serves municipal infrastructure by supplying construction materials and pipes for water supply and drainage. Its overseas business (outside of Japan) also includes pipeline renewal and plastic sheets for applications such as high performance plastic molds. Our first operation outside of Japan was initiated in 1962 when we established the SEKISUI New York Corporation. In the following year, we established SEKISUI Plastics Corporation to manufacture expanded polystyrene paper. This was the first Japanese manufacturer to establish operations in North America – prior to Toyota or Honda and before Sony came to the U.S. During our accomplished history, our product line has changed and expanded. One of our main businesses in North America is the plastic sheet business. In order to increase its competitiveness, we combined the former businesses KYDEX, LLC and Allen Extruders, LLC to create a new company, SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC (SPI). In this issue, NEWSLINER focuses on this unique plastics business. As a proud member of the UIEP division of SEKISUI Chemical, SPI continues its commitment to its environmental and global responsibilities by manufacturing products that are safer, cleaner, more sustainable, and recyclable. With the position and disposition of all our companies, UIEP embraces our commitment to improving people’s lives and the environment around the world while maintaining sustainable growth as a company. Ronn Cort COO & President SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC NEWSLINER 3 NEWS EVENTS SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC formed from two U.S. companies A PERFECT COMBINATION On September 16, 2014 KYDEX, LLC and ALLEN Extruders, LLC officially combined to become SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC. The creation of this new global business is part of SEKISUI Chemical Company’s long-term strategy to strengthen current investment in the plastics manufacturing and thermoforming industry. SEKISUI Polymer Innovations (SPI) is headquartered in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, USA with a second location in Holland, Michigan, USA. SPI’s 300 employees serve customers based in 34 countries across a diverse spectrum of major industries including aviation, transportation, agriculture and heavy equipment, and industrial equipment housings, among others. Our cutting-edge, proprietary thermoplastic sheet products are known by specifiers, designers, fabricators, and original equipment manufacturers for use in diverse applications such as aircraft passenger seatbacks and tray tables, MRI machines, commuter rail window shrouds, retail point-of-sale fixtures, and metro bus rocker panels. SPI’s products are available in a wide range of standard and custom colours, textures, finishes, sheet sizes, and grades and meet strict regulatory requirements like flame spread and toxicity. Unlike glassreinforced plastics or high-temperature thermoplastics, SEKISUI SPI products can be recycled back into the industrial recycling stream. NEWSLINER Collaboration between SEKISUI companies, local educators, and artists bring science, technology, and ancient Japanese Noh theatre to rural Pennsylvania On Saturday, August 2, 2014, SEKISUI Polymer Innovations (SPI), SEKISUI America Corporation (SAC), SEKISUI Chemical Company and Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble collaborated to offer free science workshops during Science and Technology: For Real! for 4th and 5th grade students in four school districts surrounding Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, headquarters for SPI. Chemists and engineers from SPI and SAC taught hands-on experiments featuring the science behind products that improve our lives and keep us safe. Ronn Cort, COO and President SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC, at the foundation ceremony of the newly formed SPI company. KYDEX® thermoplastics are extremely durable thermoplastic alloy extruded sheet products (PVC/PMMA and PC-based) with integral color and ALLEN® thermoplastics product lines include ABS, ABS-PC, TPO, and Alextra® – a high-gloss, exceptionally durable sheet that raises the industry standard for aesthetics and extreme weather resistance. The complimentary products of the former two companies allow for bundling solutions for customers. For example, ALLEN® thermoplastics are non-PVC, smooth for exterior applications (such as tractor hoods) with high gloss, while KYDEX® thermoplastics are mostly PVC, textured products for interior applications (such as an aircraft passenger seat armrest) , available with low gloss. Sales teams from both product lines and 100 professionals from the thermoforming industry gathered at a reception as COO and President, Ronn Cort announced the new company name to the world at the US Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Thermoforming conference in Chicago, Illinois. “By bringing KYDEX and ALLEN together under the new business brand of SPI, we are setting a new standard of excellence for the plastics industry to think, design, and create,” said Ronn Cort. “The combined research and development capabilities and products of the many SEKISUI companies will continue to result in better solutions for our customers.” “By bringing KYDEX and ALLEN together under the new business brand of SPI, we are setting a new standard of excellence for the plastics industry to think, design, and create.” 4 FOR THE LOVE OF ART AND SCIENCE “This event was in recognition of Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble’s Noh Training Project 20th Anniversary Celebration,” Elizabeth Dowd, Producing Director of Noh Training Project and Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble member explains, “SPI and SAC have long been supporters of the Noh Training Project and this day was a terrific opportunity to celebrate science as part of everyday life.” Ronn Cort, COO and President of SPI adds, “Sponsoring these events aligns with our dedication as Japanese/ American manufacturing companies to playing significant roles in our communities as employers and supporters of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, art and culture.” The science class was held at the Bloomsburg High School and included four sessions highlighting products manufactured by SEKISUI Chemical, including S-LEC™ automotive film, KYDEX® thermoplastic sheet, POVAL soluble PVC and Calmmoon™ sound dampening sheet. Over 30 students learned about the science and technology of the products, what traits are needed to become a scientist, and how plastics contribute to our safety every day. Students learn about thermoforming from Jym Kauffman, SPI Applications Engineer, during Science and Technology: For Real! That night, Noh Training project presented a free performance of the Noh play Hagoromo featuring projected English subtitles, unusual instruments, and magnificent costumes. The event offered a unique experience in the United States for area residents to experience one of the oldest theatrical forms in the world seldom seen outside of Japan. Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble (BTE) is a non-profit, professional theater founded in 1978 and located in the heart of downtown Bloomsburg, which sponsors the Noh Training Project. The Noh Training Project (NTP) is a summer three-week intensive, performancebased training program in the dance, chant, music, and performance history of Japanese classical noh drama. NTP offers the most intensive and extensive noh training available in the United States and attracts students from all over the world. Tom Kapelewski , EHS Manager, SPI demonstrates S-LEC™ safety film. A student with Poval, water-soluable PVC in the “Bouncy Bubble” experiment. What students learned • How S-LEC™ automotive film, a plastic layer laminated between two layers of glass in windshields, protects passengers by preventing the glass from shattering. • The properties of thermoplastics from watching their custom-designed KYDEX® thermoplastic samples transform from flat sheet to formed parts on mini thermoforming machines. • How POVAL makes products such as film and packaging stronger while being biodegradable, when blowing ‘bouncy’ bubbles containing POVAL water soluble solution. • The science of sound and how Calmmoon™ dampens sound in homes, railcars, and ships by suppressing vibration energy. NEWSLINER 5 US REPORT US REPORT Thermoplastic sheets for extreme environments COPOLYMER TECHNOLOGY AND ALEXTRA® ALEXTRA® is a high-gloss, co-extruded, exceptionally durable line of thermoplastic sheet products that since 2006 has raised the thermoplastic industry standards in regards to aesthetics and durability for extreme weather conditions. These products offer equipment manufacturers in transportation, agriculture, personal recreation, and marine industries a material solution to achieve a Class A surface appearance without compromising long-term performance. These polycarbonate-based products use copolymer resin technology to produce sheet products that have unrivalled depth of image, robust weathering, high regrind compatibility, excellent toughness, strong chemical resistance, high heat resistance, and are easily thermoformed. KYDEX® T-LW formed part. Modified KYDEX® T-LW SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE In product development sometimes what you can’t see can make all the difference, particularly in materials manufactured for commercial aviation interiors. Lightweight requirements and materials are a focus for commercial airlines as they continue to reduce fuel costs. This year, SEKISUI Polymer Innovations released KYDEX® T-LW, a second generation of KYDEX® T, a fire-rated PVC/ PMMA alloy thermoplastic sheet. Although the product looks and maintains flammability compliance like the first generation KYDEX® T, it features 10% weight savings as compared to the original KYDEX® T; a significant gain considering all the parts in which it can be used in commercial aviation interiors, including tray tables, trim, armrests, and accent pieces. KYDEX® The weight savings in T-LW comes from using a proprietary additive, “Advancell Em,” a SEKISUI Chemical Company technology used in multiple industries and 6 NEWSLINER applications. While many weight-reducing additives can be negatively affected during production by atmospheric conditions including climate and altitude, Advancell Em utilizes chemistry that is climate independent, which keeps the product performance consistent between production runs, providing security and consistency of material performance in a finished component. Fittingly, the release of KYDEX®T-LW coincided with the formation of the new company SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, which combined KYDEX, LLC and ALLEN Extruders, LLC. A significant part of the development of KYDEX® T-LW was possible because of collaboration with the research and development center at SEKISUI Chemical in Kyoto, Japan, the team responsible for creating Advancell Em. ALEXTRA® meets the demanding performance requirements of extreme environments in a diverse range of applications including exterior components in heavy trucks; commercial buses; agriculture equipment such as tractors and crop sprayers; and heavy equipment such as lift booms. ALEXTRA® is available in two grades, ALEXTRA®-MV (most versatile) and ALEXTRA®-ET (extreme temperature) in a wide range of high-chroma solid colors and can be matched to painted components. Mike Ringquist, Sales Manager for ALLEN® Thermoplastics, explains the product’s benefits don’t stop there, “ALEXTRA®’s combined characteristics produce a unique balance of aesthetics and performance, which can enable customers to decrease costs and offer a more environmentally friendly alternative to painted, in-mold coated, or gelcoated material systems.” When multiple plastics are combined, the result can yield properties distinct from those of a single material. For instance, the capping used on ALEXTRA® provides attributes such as outstanding weatherability by blocking UV wave lengths and improved chemical and scratch resistance over polycarbonate. The substrate layers contribute to outstanding ductility and lightness. Ringquist elaborates, “Our team collaborates with customers to design the right sheet composition for their programs. ALEXTRA® continues to be in high demand in the markets we serve. Its popularity is a result of its outstanding characteristics, which are only outshined by its versatility.” Snorkel lift boom made with ALEXTRA® ET. What is co-extrusion? Co-extrusion is a process where two or more materials flow through the same extrusion die to produce a single sheet. Multiple layers of polymers that are co-extruded produce products for demanding applications where unique properties, strength, weight, or cost are paramount. Agricultural Equipment Hood made from ALEXTRA® Gold Winner for heavy-gauge vacuum part at the Society of Plastics Engineers USA competition, 2012. NEWSLINER 7 EUROPE REPORT EUROPE REPORT The frame of the winding machine is adapted to the shape and size of the pipe to be rehabilitated. Special shapes with a diameter of 200-5500 mm can be rehabilitated along an installation length of several hundred meters. Winding process during controlled live flow Sewer rehabilitation with the Spiral-Wound technology SPR™ underneath the Pozsonyi Street in Budapest, Hungary. Sewer rehabilitation with SPR™ technology in Budapest, Hungary QUALITY PROVES ITS WORTH With the consistent application of Spiral-Wound technology for circular as well as custom-shaped profiles along several kilometers and for several years, Budapest has developed into a model city for Spiral-Wound pipe rehabilitation in Europe. The bracing positions the SpiralWound pipe liner and prevents buoyancy during the subsequent grouting process. 8 NEWSLINER The Spiral-Wound technology from SEKISUI SPR is already a familiar rehabilitation solution for the city of Budapest. Since 2010, approximately 18,861 m lengths of round as well as custom-shaped profiles have been rehabilitated in Hungary of which 5,869 m are beneath the Budapest city centre. With the latest large profile rehabilitation, the Spiral-Wound pipe system showed its potential again by rehabilitating 565 m of the egg-shaped sewer with dimensions of 1400 x 2100 mm. The trenchless rehabilitation was carried out together with the construction partner Agriapipe in the north-east of Budapest in summer of 2014. The 565 m long sewer section was rehabilitated with the SPR™ Spiral-Wound method by winding a steel-reinforced profile strip of PVC-U into a new watertight liner directly within the host pipe. Once one of the Spiral-Wound pipe spools was used up, the new profile strip was joined in a portable butt welding unit. The winding process was carried out during controlled live flow in the old sewer. Heavy rainfall posed a challenge occasionally as the water level rose to 1 m and the winding process had to be interrupted briefly. Since the winding machine always remained stationed in the old sewer, winding could resume promptly after the water level had dropped and the pipe was cleaned. Host pipe condition class type II Durable corrosion protection of the concrete structure The combined wastewater sewer, which has been in operation since 1907, exhibits material fatigue due to non-stop operation over the years as well as cracks and damage from corrosion. The egg-shaped sewer in need of rehabilitation is located under the very busy main road, Pozsonyi Street, in the 13th district of downtown Budapest. For rehabilitation through standard manholes, only a few meters around the access needed to be blocked off for the equipment and the rehabilitation vehicle. There was hardly any hindrance for traffic above ground even though the rehabilitation project underground was rather large and many metres in length. The statically defined annular space of 50 mm to 80 mm between the SpiralWound liner and the host pipe was filled with a high-strength grout to re-establish the static features. Since the Spiral-Wound pipe liner is not a temporary aid for installation, but rather remains a fixed design component of the rehabilitation solution, it permanently protects the host pipe and the filled-in annular space grout against mechanical abrasion and attack by the combined wastewater. The smooth and abrasionresistant surface of the SPR™ liner will improve the hydraulic capacity and compensates for the minimal cross-section reduction of the host pipe. With each rotation, the winding machine connects the tongues and grooves of the SPR™ profile strip to create a high-peformance, watertight pipe. NEWSLINER 9 APAC REPORT APAC REPORT The Vietnamese market Vietnam is situated at the center of ASEAN countries and continues to enjoy strong economic growth. As a result of its social stability and abundant labor force, numerous foreign enterprises including Japanese companies are establishing operations in Vietnam. At the same time, however, infrastructure including water and sewer systems is underdeveloped and considerable growth in this market is expected. SEKISUI Chemical decided to establish SVPS as a local sales company in order to promote business by improving understanding of local standards, controlling systems and acceleration of decision making. The opening of SEKISUI's new sales office in Vietnam was celebrated with its employees and invited guests. Headquarters of the new Vietnamese sales company SEKISUI Vietnam Pipe Solutions. Characteristics of Vietnam New sales company SEKISUI Vietnam Pipe Solutions Co., Ltd. WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS FOR ASIA SEKISUI Chemical strengthens its presence in the Asian water infrastructure market with the new sales company SEKISUI VIETNAM PIPE SOLUTIONS Co., Ltd. (SVPS). The new sales company SVPS focusing on the water infrastructure industry was established in Vietnam in December 2014. The affiliate headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam, is responsible for the marketing of the water and sewer system products of SEKISUI’s Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company in Vietnam as well as the Asian countries. With a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy, SVPS will contribute to increase the market share of SEKISUI in the area of water and sewer systems in Asia. Together with its business partner Tien Phong Plastic Joint Stock Company 10 NEWSLINER (TifoPlast), SEKISUI has already started to penetrate into the Vietnamese Market by taking advanced capabilities of TifoPlast and by supplying products and services matched to the needs of the Vietnamese market in 2013. Tifoplast is a major plastics manufacturer in Vietnam with a strong sales network who is supplying products under the brand of SEKISUI as OEM including plastic pipes. The new SEKISUI sales office in Vietnam, SVPS, will intensify the business for water and sewer system projects using OEM products manufactured by TifoPlast and products imported from the SEKISUI Chemical Group. The products are used in private homes as well as the public building sector. Plastic pipes, water chambers, fittings or any other water and sewer infrastructure products are promoted not only to Vietnam but also to other Asian countries. For this purpose, SVPS will collaborate with TifoPlast to conduct sales in Asian countries. Moreover, SVPS will also cooperate with local construction companies and deploy the advanced pipe construction and quality control techniques that SEKISUI Chemical established in Japan with the aim of handling comprehensive projects for water and sewer industries. The culture of Vietnam is one of the oldest in Southeast Asia. Due to 1,000 years of Chinese rule, Vietnam was heavily influenced by Chinese culture in terms of politics, government, Confucian social and moral ethics, and art. Vietnam is considered to be part of the East Asian cultural sphere. Following independence from China in the 10th century, Vietnam began a southward expansion that saw the annexation of territories formerly belonging to the Champa civilization (now Central Vietnam) and parts of the Khmer empire (modern southern Vietnam), which resulted in minor regional variances in Vietnam's culture due to exposure to these different groups. During the French colonial period, Vietnamese culture absorbed various influences from the Europeans, including the spread of Catholicism and the adoption of the Latin alphabet. Prior to this, Vietnamese had used both Chinese characters and a script called Chu nôm which was based on Chinese but included newly invented characters meant to represent native Vietnamese words. In the socialist era, the cultural life of Vietnam has been deeply influenced by government-controlled media and the cultural influences of socialist programs. For many decades, foreign cultural influences were shunned and emphasis placed on appreciating and sharing the culture of communist nations such as the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and others. Since the 1990s, Vietnam has seen a greater re-exposure to Asian, European and American culture and media. Some elements generally considered to be characteristic of Vietnamese culture include ancestor veneration, respect for community and family values, handicrafts and manual labour, and devotion to study. Important symbols present in Vietnamese culture include dragons, turtles, lotuses and bamboo. NEWSLINER 11 DESIGNLAB DESIGNLAB SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC celebrates opening of FSTLab at its Bloomsburg, PA facility A Color Technician in the SPI designLab™ thermoforms a color sample on a mini thermoforming machine. Customers and material supplier intensify cooperation DESIGNLAB™: SIGNALING THE FUTURE ROLE OF MATERIAL SUPPLIERS The success of the designLab™ is more significant than what it has brought to the company and its customers; it is a forerunner of the changing role of suppliers in the thermoplastics industry, and in manufacturing in general. The SEKISUI Polymer Innovations (SPI) designLab™ at the company’s headquarters in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, is a 6,000 square foot design center that includes a color development laboratory, research and development labs, an exhibit space, meeting hall, and collaborative working areas. The designLab™ team intentionally immerses itself in the world of design and color by welcoming design professionals and project teams to its home base at the designLab™ and by visiting customers and design houses all over the world. Close collaboration has always been the core of the company’s brand promise. As Customer Collaboration Manager charged with connecting customers with company tools and resources for their project’s success, Bernadette Chupela sees the designLab™ as an extension of the company’s mission, “The designLab™ is a dedicated space and resource for designers and project teams to begin, refine, or extend a design. For years we’ve witnessed good design coming from a fluid exchange of ideas. 12 NEWSLINER The designLab™ drives innovation in our products through collaboration among ourselves and with our customers. Our process is hands-on and flexible. It works for businesses of all sizes and across industries: from major design firms for aircraft interiors to startups with a nascent product idea.” MATERIALS TESTED FOR THE FUTURE The U.S. based manufacturer of design-forward thermoplastics officially opened a state-of-the art materials testing facility, called FSTLab at its Bloomsburg, PA facility in May, 2014. The FSTLab is a space where suppliers, engineers, processors, and end users collaborate with SEKISUI Polymer Innovations’ (SPI) research, development, and design teams on new fireresistant technologies and materials, and where SPI engineers perform regulatory tests on products throughout the development cycle. The FSTLab includes collaboration areas and six testing laboratories. Worldwide, thermoplastics are often required to meet flammability regulations. The term “FST” refers to flame, smoke development, material toxicity, and heat release testing. Understandably, the aviation and mass transit industries have some of the most stringent FST requirements. The FSTLab will be utilized during product development by two SEKISUI Chemical Company Sheet business brands, KYDEX® thermoplastics and ALLEN® thermoplastics. In 2012, the company opened the designLab™, a 6,000 square foot design center that includes a color development laboratory, research and development labs, an exhibit space, meeting hall, and collaborative working areas. Since its opening, the designLab™ has been a center of inspiration and collaboration for designers and product development teams worldwide. The FSTLab is the perfect extension and complement to the designLab™ for product ideation and development. COO and President Ronn Cort believes the success of the designLab™ is a clear indicator of how the relationship between customers and material suppliers is changing. “Many designers and project leads tell us they’re tired of material suppliers who say ‘tell me how much business there will be and I’ll tell you if we can make it.’ Suppliers can no longer wait for customers to request what they need,” concluded Cort. “It’s about creating something new, together, and then having your customers tell you they want to use it.” (L to R) Vijay Yadav, Vice President of R&D, SPI; Ronn Cort, COO and President of SPI; and Mr. Nishiie, Executive Officer and Division Leader for Public Works and Infrastructure SEKISUI Chemical Company celebrate the opening of the FSTLab. A color mill in the SPI designLab™. NEWSLINER 13 TRAVEL REPORT TRAVEL REPORT Enjoy a meal and a well-deserved rest After a long day of taking in the sites, we recommend visiting The Inn Farmhouse & Brewing Company at Turkey Hill. This bed and breakfast offers the weary traveler a unique and relaxing lodging and dining experience. A production at Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble. See a show: Centre of Bloomsburg with its historic buildings, the popular “Old Main” and the Market Square. Travel Report VISIT BLOOMSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, HOME OF THE HEADQUARTERS OF SPI The SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC (SPI) headquarters is located two and a half hours west of New York City in the small, historic town of Bloomsburg. The only incorporated “town” in Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg is home to 14,000 residents. The area is known for its rural beauty with rolling farmlands, state game lands, state forests, nature preserves, and the Susquehanna River which at 464 miles long, is the longest river on America’s east coast that drains into the Atlantic Ocean. A diverse economy includes Geisinger-Bloomsburg Hospital, Bloomsburg University, several manufacturing companies, and a downtown community of small businesses including theaters, shops, bars, and eateries. We invite you to go for a stroll, relax, and stay awhile… Visit Market Square: Start out in the middle of town at Market Square. The character of our downtown is evoked by two and three-story brick commercial buildings, all erected along Main Street before 1900. The style The Stroup fountain in downtown Bloomsburg, PA. 14 NEWSLINER of the buildings varies, but many of them share common features: narrow sash windows, ornamental brickwork, wrought-iron details, and prominent cornices. The focal point of downtown is Market Square with its 60-foot American Civil War monument honoring Columbia county residents who fought in the war and the Stroup Fountain, originally installed in 1892. On weekends townspeople gather here to shop for seasonal goodies at local farm stands. Treat yourself to a matinee or evening theatre performance. Visitors and Bloomsburg residents are fortunate to have Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble downtown (BTE to locals). Founded in 1978, BTE is unique in the United States and rare in the world as a professional, resident ensemble operating for 36 consecutive years. Productions are year-round and range from classics to contemporary. Their Theatre in the Classroom program has brought theatre education to over one million elementary school children during its 36-year history. Take a hike: If you are a nature lover, we recommend a hike at Ricketts Glen State Park, a National Natural Landmark located minutes outside of town. The Falls Trail System boasts a series of wild, free-flowing waterfalls, each cascading through rock-strewn clefts along ancient hillside. Winding trails provide access to breathtaking views including the 94-foot Ganoga Falls, the highest of 22 named waterfalls. Old growth timber and diverse wildlife add to the park’s beauty. Ricketts Glen is one of the most scenic areas in Pennsylvania and is comprised of 13,050 acres spread across three counties. No visit to Central Pennsylvania would be complete without seeing a covered bridge or two. Covered bridges were intentionally built and painted to look like barns to ease livestock as they crossed water. Pennsylvania has the most remaining covered bridges in the country, with 19 in Columbia county alone. No two bridges are alike and each has its unique history. Stop by nearby Orangeville, a tiny hamlet famous for its twin covered bridges. Built in 1884, the picturesque East and West Paden bridges are one of the only two remaining twin covered bridges in the country. Turkey Hill hosts a critically acclaimed fine dining restaurant featuring scrumptious desserts. If you prefer a more casual atmosphere, a brewpub offers a casual alternative serving pub fare every night, with an on-site brewery. The main house, an 1839 brick farmhouse, is reminiscent of an old world European bed and breakfast and houses two wellappointed guestrooms; sixteen more surround the quaint courtyard complete with gazebo, duck pond, and two resident ducks. Columbia county has 19 remaining covered bridges. Head back to town and stroll through the campus of Bloomsburg University. It enrolls nearly 10,000 students and is one of 14 public universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. The scenic campus features 54 buildings on 282 acres. If you want to stay an extra night, enjoy a professional musical performance at the Haas Auditorium. One of the many scenic waterfalls at Ricketts Glen State Park. The Inn at Turkey Hill. NEWSLINER 15 PRODUCT FEATURE PRODUCT FEATURE FFU (Fibre reinforced Foamed Urethane) Thermosetting Resin Foam (Hard Urethane Resin) Glass Reinforced Fiber The 16 cm high corrosion-resistant FFU sleepers withstand high pressure, carry axle loads up to more than 45 tonnes and are practical approved for speeds up to 300 km/h. FFU sleepers support train tracks worldwide NEW FORM OF TRACK FFU synthetic wood sleepers are conquering the underground and train tracks all over the world. FFU has already been used in Japan for 30 years and is nowadays installed along approximately 1,400 km of tracks at bridges and turnouts in an increasing number of countries globally. Started in 1987, almost all turnouts and bridge bearers on the Tokaido Shinkansen are now made from FFU, carrying 270km/h trains every 3 to 5 minutes. As a first application in Europe the railway operators of the Austrian capital Vienna have been convinced of the electrical resistance, extrusion and static capacities of the FFU synthetic wood for 11 years now. Started in 2004 different types of FFU repaired several tracks of the Vienna underground network, switches, bridges and tunnels to withstand the more than 20 tons of load annually by transporting 1,5 million underground passengers every day and 900 train passengers every 3 minutes. The first installation in Germany took place in 2008 with a switch at Chempark Leverkusen. In 2011 German infrastructure provider DB Netz AG renewed a 9 km track section as well as one bridge on 16 NEWSLINER the section with FFU sleepers to increase the line speed from 100 km/h to 120 km/h. In 2011, FFU bridge timbers were installed on an American private mining railway carrying axle loads up to 38 tonnes and DB Netz installed two switches with FFU in Wurzburg. Stronger than wood The Fiber reinforced Foamed Urethane (FFU) sleepers are provided by Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company of the SEKISUI Chemical Group. The lightweight and corrosionresistant construction material FFU synthetic sleepers are manufactured in Japan. Produced by pultrusion the endless glass fibers are soaked in polyurethane and hardened by higher temperature to receive the natural fibrous structure of wood. Having the lightweight and workability of wood but the durability of plastics, the FFU sleep-ers with an height of 16 cm withstand high pressure, carry axle loads up to more than 45 tonnes and are practical approved for speeds up to 300 km/h. The Railway Technical Research Institute in Japan tested regularly the FFU railway sleepers since the year 1980 and proved that the strength deterioration of FFU sleepers after 100 million load changes (approximately 1,5 billion load tonnes) will be similar to that of new wooden sleepers. Further, the laboratory testing of the Technical University Munich shows that after 5 million load cycles no damage to the sleeper could be determined and there were no signs of fatigue. The 100% recyclable sleepers minimize through their long lifetime of 50 years not only costs for restoration and maintenance but also the installation costs and time. Each railway line has different requirements on the customized sleepers, which are fulfilled by the different product variants: the short, switch, bridge, flat and regular sleepers with grooving, surface grinding, bolt driving, chamfering, stepping or tapering. which train speed of only 60 mph is permitted. The required construction height of up to 37 cm was obtained by laminating single plies about 30 mm high by 410 mm wide. The precise installation of the sleepers, each weighing up to 840 kg, was completed over a weekend. Latest developments in efficiency During the night of 2 - 3 May 2014, the Swiss Rhaetian Railway (RhB) installed a sleeper grid of FFU flat sleepers in the ballast bed at a country lane underpass. For the repair at the track section on the line to Disentis were sleepers used with a height of 120 mm and a length of 15.7 m. The installation took place in a 51 m long transition curve with maximum superelevation of 79 mm at the end of the transition curve. In preparation for applying the FFU sleepers, the existing bridge construction was partly dismantled and a new ballast tray of precast concrete parts was fitted. Once the precast parts were braced the ballast bed was constructed and the In September 2014, FFU synthetic wood was used for the first time in England and they installed the largest dimension of 410 x 370 x 7450 mm (w/h/l), which has been applied since 1980. Network Rail has fitted two bridges on the Hastings to Ashford track with this longitudinal FFU baulks. In the Ashford direction of travel, the Military Canal Bridge, which has a length of 29.5 m, is followed in close proximity by the 13 m long Block House Bridge. Both open steel-framed constructed bridges have the same technical parameters. The track with a superelevation of 1:264 lies in a curve with a radius of 2,320 m at The 100% recyclable FFU sleepers have been applied in more than 15 countries on tracks, rail bridges and turnouts of the rail network worldwide. FFU is a synthetic wood for railway sleepers based on foamed plastics reinforced with continuous glass fibres. Key features of FFU: • High mechanical strength • Workability like wood • 12 cm high sleepers approved for 22.5 t axle loads and speeds up to 200 km/h • Excellent electric insulation • Long-time durability • 100% recyclable • Corrosion and water-resistant • Customized and mm exact pro- duction of lightweight sleepers • Railway Technical Research Institute proposes a lifetime of 50 years sleeper grid moved in. The modifications of the bridge structure and track were carried out within the track possession of around 8 hours. The first switch was fitted with FFU sleepers in Switzerland at the Frutigen railway station. This was the first of three projects using FFU synthetic sleepers that BLS Netz AG implemented in 2014. Holes for the supporting points on the synthetic wood sleepers for the single switch were prebored at the SEKISUI works in Japan. After the assembling of the switch at the SBB AG Railway Technology Centre in Hägendorf in Switzerland the new switch made from FFU sleepers was installed at a previously prepared ballast bed at the night of 7 - 8 April 2014. To date, in total FFU have already been applied in more than 15 countries worldwide. In the future SEKISUI will continue to contribute to solving infrastructure related problems including environmental, economic and aging of the infrastructure asset by its state of the art synthetic technology. NEWSLINER 17 CSR CSR SEKISUI SPI Holland – Michigan, USA Armed with mechanical reachers, gloves and trash bags, ten SPIHolland employees and four family members paddled out into the Macatawa river marsh and picked up every trash they could find. The clean up effort was conducted in support of the Outdoor Discovery Center’s mission to protect the banks, floodplain, marsh and wetlands along the Macatawa River. Pulling in Styrofoam, bottles, cans, buckets, plastic chairs and even rolling out a truck tire, the group did their part to help protect the marsh for wildlife. Employees and their families are active in several eco activities all over the world to do something good for the environment. SEKISUI`S Corporate Social Responsibility SEKISUI ENVIRONMENT WEEK 2014 For the second consecutive year, the SEKISUI Environment Week took place at all world offices in summer 2014. Companies of the SEKISUI Group planned eco activities for one or several days to raise awareness about environmental protection. SEKISUI Environment Week was established in 2012 during the Global Children's Eco Summit. In support of their aim of being a Global Environmental Top Runner that contributes to enable the co-existence of ecology and economy, SEKISUI Chemical has shown great effort to mitigate the environmental impact of its business activities, products and services for many years now. It also wants to increase the environmental awareness of its employees in business and non-business activities worldwide. The employees of the overseas companies in America, Europe and Asia-Pacific have shown strong commitment and team spirit in their eco activities: 18 NEWSLINER SEKISUI Chemical – Suzhou, China planted with 170 employees and family members around 200 cherry tree saplings at the 12th forestation event at the Yuping Mountain Ecological Park in Suzhou. Since 2009, many employees and family members have actively supported Chairman of the Board Naofumi Negishi at the eco activity, which is held twice a year, but this year the total number of participants exceeded 1,000 people. In addition to the main event in China, unique environmental activities took place at various locations: SEKISUI SPECIALTY CHEMICALS MEXICO was also active in forestation, Sekisui Aqua Systems cleaned up around their plant and Sekisui Heim Chushikoku cleaned the roads and cutted the grass around the office. SEKISUI SPR Europe – Schieder-Schwalenberg, Germany planted fruit trees on the company site and invited children from the day care centre of the SOS Children's Village to built together bird and bat nesting boxes. The bird and bat nesting boxes, which were not installed at the premises, were presented to the biological station in Lippe (NGO engaged in local environment education and protection). The Eco Day on 26 September was also used to analyze which species utilized the insect hotels and nesting boxes from the past years activities. SEKISUI SPR Construction – Altenberg, Austria is supporting the e-car Renault Twizy from the municipality of Engerwitzdorf to move around by 100% electrical power. Sponsors may also borrow Twizy to cover distances in a more eco-friendly manner. The recycling of invalid documents not only cleared up but created new storage with an improved archiving system. Due to the big success of last year, employees once again collected trash along the nearby located riverbed and the surrounding landscape in the home municipality at the Eco Day on 17 October. SEKISUI SPI Bloomsburg – Pennsylvania, USA collected 3,389 pounds (around 1.5 tons) during a recycling drive at their facility. Each employee who participated received a reusable shopping bag and a CFL bulb and was entered in a drawing to win a set of recycle bins and a composter. The company also encouraged their community to recycle by donating two recycle bins to the Bloomsburg Town Park. SEKISUI Emirates – Abu Dhabi, UAE was gardening at the company site of the impregnation plant Mussafah in the hot summer of Abu Dhabi on 24 August. Thus limited resources employees worked together to provide significant cooling to the local environment and to help to control the dust by growing lawn. The hard soil was also prepared for planting the Iceberg lettuce flower by joint hard effort. The recycled water from the Cleaning Units is used for the irrigation of the lawn and flowers. NEWSLINER 19 SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. Urban Infrastructure & Environmental Products Company ADDRESSES Entities of UIEP company Asia Pacific Europe USA SEKISUI Asia Pipe Solutions PTE, Ltd. Tel: +65 629 637 88 SEKISUI SPR Europe GmbH Tel: +49 5284 7050 SEKISUI Polymer Innovations, LLC Tel: +1 570 387 6997 SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd. Tel: +61 8 8260 8000 SEKISUI SPR Construction GmbH Tel: +43 7230 72130 SEKISUI SPR Americas, LLC Tel: +1 678 510 1820 SEKISUI (WUXI) Plastics Technology Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 510 8520 4282 SEKISUI SPR Germany GmbH Tel: +49 5284 7050 HEITKAMP, Inc. Tel: +1 860 274 5468 SEKISUI (QINGDAO) Plastic Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 532 8683 7875 SEKISUI SPR Austria GmbH Tel: +43 7230 86860 SEKISUI (SHANGHAI) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 21 5950 8999 SEKISUI SPR Poland Sp.Zo.o Tel: +48 52 343 91 34 YONGCHANG-SEKISUI Composites Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 991 331 8888 SEKISUI SPR Czech s.r.o Tel: +42 0381 52 14 23 SEKISUI KNT (HEBEI) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 318 861 9969 SEKISUI Refresh Co., Ltd. Tel: + 82 31 881 3741 SEKISUI Industrial Piping Co., Ltd. Tel: +886 4 2657 3688 SEKISUI Vietnam Pipe Solutions Co., Ltd. Tel: +84 4 3939 2677 20 NEWSLINER 1/14 SEKISUI SPR Romania s.r.l. Tel: +40 213 26 25 12 SEKISUI SPR Slovakia s.r.o. Tel: +42 12 544 10 852 SEKISUI Eslon B.V. Tel: +31 475 322 851
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