Compacting Privacy-Preserving k-Nearest Neighbor Search using

Compacting Privacy-Preserving k-Nearest Neighbor
Search using Logic Synthesis
Ebrahim M. Songhori
Siam U. Hussain
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
Dept. of ECE
Rice University
Houston, TX, USA
Dept. of ECE
Rice University
Houston, TX, USA
Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Germany
Farinaz Koushanfar
Dept. of ECE
Rice University
Houston, TX, USA
This paper introduces the first efficient, scalable, and practical method for privacy-preserving k-nearest neighbors (kNN) search. The approach enables performing the widely
used k-NN search in sensitive scenarios where none of the
parties reveal their information while they can still cooperatively find the nearest matches. The privacy preservation is based on the Yao’s garbled circuit (GC) protocol. In
contrast with the existing GC approaches that only accept
function descriptions as combinational circuits, we suggest
using sequential circuits. This work introduces novel transformations, such that the sequential description can be evaluated by interfacing with the existing GC schemes that only
accept combinational circuits. We demonstrate a great efficiency in the memory required for realizing the secure k-NN
search. The first-of-a-kind implementation of privacy preserving k-NN, utilizing the Synopsys Design Compiler on a
conventional Intel processor demonstrates the applicability,
efficiency, and scalability of the suggested methods.
Secure Function Evaluation, Garbled Circuit, Logic Design,
Logic Synthesis, Nearest Neighbor, k-NN, Data Mining,
The search for similarities has a wide range of applications
in data mining, such as finding close matches in images, local
features, biological and genome data, and multimedia systems [28]. The most extensively used function for similarity
search is the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN). For a given dataset
S of n points in a multi-dimensional space w, and a query q,
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the k-NN search finds a subset of S with k points that are
closest to q. Numerous works have focused on development
of efficient k-NN search, where the underlying assumption is
that the dataset S and the query point q are public. For example, it is well known that the approximate search speed of
k-NN can be dramatically improved by projecting the data
into smaller hash tables [1, 31]. However, such approximation methods are orthogonal to our effort. We focus on the
basic textbook k-NN search which could also be accelerated
with the known approximations.
In a number of scenarios, the data and the query are sensitive and it is important to maintain privacy while performing
the search. This has motivated the development of privacypreserving k-NN search [29]. The existing works assume
that the parties each own a private dataset, while the query
q is not private; they focus on devising higher-level protocols for privacy-preserving similarity search and proofs of
privacy [28, 29]. These works mostly leverage homomorphic
encryption to perform a secure function evaluation (SFE).
Homomorphic encryption enciphers the data (plaintext) in
such a way that performing a mathematical function on the
encrypted information, and then decrypting the result, produces the same answer as performing an analogous operation on the plaintext. Since the first fully homomorphic
encryption was proposed about 5 years ago [8], numerous
protocol-level and implementation-level advancements have
been made. Even so, the implementations are still rather
inefficient and impracticable for real applications.
This paper suggests the first efficient and scalable methodology for privacy-preserving k-NN search that is implementable on embedded processors. In contrast to the existing literature that assumes private datasets and known
query, we assume a more general case of both private dataset
and private query. Our methodology for providing a SFE is
based on Yao’s Garbled Circuit (GC) that is currently considered the most effective way to preserve privacy [4, 13].
Note that the use of GCs for the generic problem of privacy
preserving data mining has been proposed, but not implemented [20]. GC requires that the function is represented
as a binary circuit. It encrypts the truth tables of Boolean
gates in the circuit. The input values are used as to decrypt the output value of the gates. All the garbled circuits
suggested to date only support one pass, directed acyclic
circuits, a.k.a., combinational circuits. The only available
implementation of the privacy-preserving similarity search
using the GC protocol is for the 1-NN search, where the circuit size was linearly increasing with the dataset size [17].
This increase is due to the fact that conventional combinational logic representation is not scalable.
To implement a GC, one needs to compile the higher-level
description of the functions to the Boolean logic suitable for
garbling. For this purpose, several custom compilers have
been developed by the security and software/compiler communities [9, 11, 19, 23]. These compilers either use a custom
library for a general purpose programming language [23], or
introduce transformations for performing compile-time circuit garbling and on-the-fly gate generation [19]. Since these
compilation methods are built upon the combinational logic
model, they all suffer from the scalability issue.
Our work is the first to synthesize and optimize the GC
for performing privacy preserving k-NN using a sequential
representation. Instead of relying on custom compilers, we
follow the recent TinyGarble methodology [30]. TinyGarble views the compilation of the general sequential circuit
as a special case of logic synthesis. By defining new custom
libraries and design objective/constraints, we demonstrate
that utilizing standard logic synthesizers addresses the challenges in privacy preserving k-NN. As a result, we can store
the GC and perform the privacy preserving k-NN search
with an unprecedented efficiency.
Problem Statement. Alice has a query q and Bob has
a dataset S. They want to jointly compute the k nearest
neighbors of q in S such that Bob does not learn anything
about q and Alice does not learn anything about S except
the nearest neighbors.
Contributions. In brief, our contributions are as follows:
• Introducing the first efficient, practicable, and scalable
methodology for privacy-preserving k-NN search assuming that the dataset and query are each privately
held. The method is based on the Yao’s GC protocol
and implementable on embedded processors.
• Proposing a sequential circuit description for privacypreserving k-NN search using Yao’s Garbled Circuit
protocol (instead of the known combinational representation). New transformations are created such that
the sequential k-NN implementation are securely evaluated by interfacing with the available (combinational)
cryptographic garbling schemes.
• Development of new custom libraries to generate optimized circuits for k-NN search using the standard
logic synthesis tools. This is the first time that conventional logic synthesis is utilized for secure function
evaluation/GC of k-NN.
• Reduction in
the size of the required memory for GC
from O nw to O w compared with the best known
GC implementation of 1-NN [17]. Our scalable imple-
mentation requires a memory in the order of O kw
for k-NN search. Note that k-NN search was impracticable earlier (for large n) due to the linear growth of
the combinational representation.
• Proof-of-concept implementation of privacy preserving
k-NN utilizing the Synopsys Design Compiler on an
Intel processor. For example, the circuit size for k-NN
search with w = 31, k = 8 is only 41.8KB.
Consistent with most literature in the area of GC and its
implementations, we assume an honest but curious attack
model [2, 9, 11, 19, 23].
Oblivious Transfer
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a cryptographic protocol executed between a sender S and a receiver R, where R obliviously selects one of the inputs provided by S. More precisely,
in an 1-out-of-n OTn
1 , S provides an n-tuple (x1 , . . . , xn ); R
provides a selection number r with 1 ≤ r ≤ n and obtains
xr as the output [25]. A special case of an OT protocol is
1-out-of-2 for binary selection.
Yao’s Garbled Circuits Protocol
Yao’s garbled circuits [32] is a protocol between two parties, Alice and Bob, allowing them to compute a function
on their secret inputs. More precisely, Alice, called creator,
encrypts the function f to be computed where f is represented as a combinational Boolean circuit. To do this,
the plain binary values are garbled -they are mapped to random symmetric keys and for each gate of the circuit, an
encrypted truth table is generated that allows computation
of gate’s output key given its input keys. Alice sends the
encrypted circuit along with her corresponding encrypted
inputs to Bob, called evaluator. Now to evaluate f , Bob
needs to obtain his inputs without revealing them to Alice. For this, Bob obtains his encrypted inputs obliviously
through an 1-out-of-2 OT protocol and uses them to evaluate
the encrypted function gate by gate. Finally, Alice provides
a mapping from the encrypted output to plain output.
State-of-the-art GC optimizations
Our implementation adopts the state-of-the-art optimizations for garbled circuits, namely: free-XOR, row reduction,
and garbling with a fixed-key cipher.
In the free-XOR method, Alice generates a global random
(k − 1)-bit value R which is known only to her. During
garbling operation, she produces a key, X 0 , for the binary
value 0 and computes the other key X 1 as X 1 = X 0 ⊕
(R k 1)1 . With this convention, encrypting an XOR gate is
simplified as it needs no cryptographic encryption and the
keys for its output g can be computed as Xg = Xa ⊕ Xb
where a and b are the inputs [18].
Using the row-reduction optimization reduces the size of
the non-XOR gate truth tables by 25%. Instead of randomly
emitting tokens for the gate output, they are generated as
a function of the input tokens. Alice produces the output
token such that the first entry of the garbled table becomes
all 0. Thus, the first entry need not be sent [26].
Bellare et al. proposed garbling with a fixed-key cipher
which results in an efficient garbling/evaluation of non-XOR
gates by a fixed-key AES [2]. The proof of security given in
their paper is in the random permutation model, as long as
every AES call gets a unique-per-gate identifier. We adopt
this approach as our GC scheme, while we devise new transformations to satisfy the uniqueness of the identifier.
The related literature in realizing privacy-preserving kNN search has mainly focused on using homomorphic en1
k denotes binary concatenation.
cryption as the enabling cryptographic primitive [28, 29]. In
their protocol, two parties perform k-NN search locally on
their respective private dataset for a public query and then
privately combine their results to form the k-NN. In contrast with these works, we adopt a more general setting in
which one party holds a private dataset and the other one
provides a private query. Moreover, we only rely on Yao’s
GC protocol which is known to be much more efficient SFE
protocol than homomorphic encryption [4, 13]. The use of
GC for privacy preserving data mining has been suggested,
but the existing literature focused on theoretical/protocol
aspects and not implementation [20]. Leveraging our sequential description, this paper proposes the first scalable
implementation and a low-overhead realization of secure kNN on a conventional processor.
The work on generating Boolean functions for GC can be
broadly classified into three categories: cryptographic primitives such as [2,23], transformations at the logic-level such as
[18], and compiler/software techniques for mapping GC to
the Boolean logic including [11,19,23]. Our work is orthogonal to the advances in the GC cryptographic primitives and
logic-level transformations. We provide a compilation from
the functional description to the Boolean logic which can be
optimized and interfaced for any GC scheme. Therefore, we
only describe the related work in the area of compiler/software techniques.
In the area of mapping and optimizing functions into
Boolean logic for GC, the related literature has suggested developing custom compilers [9, 11, 19, 23], custom libraries for
conventional high-level compilers [10, 14, 22], hardware accelerators[2, 16, 27], and mobile device implementation [24].
Following the introduction of the first compiler for GC,
called Fairplay [23], a number of researchers have focused
on providing a custom compiler to interpret high level procedural language and map it to a circuit description language
[9, 11]. The most scalable existing compiler is PCF, which
introduces loops that, if given manually in the high level language, are kept until the GC evaluation [19]. Our sequential
description of the k-NN function that we input in the HDL
format is much more compact than the high-level (software)
loop embracing in PCF. Note that PCF is also based upon
a combinational description.
Another class of proposed GC compilation methods leverage a library-based technique along with conventional software compilers. Some examples include FastGC [14], VMCRYPT [22], and FastGC extension to re-usable sub-circuits
[10]. Our work is inspired by TinyGarble methodology [30].
We are the first to adapt a hardware description language
and conventional logic synthesis for the important problem
of privacy preserving of k-NN. Our method is automated,
while it also benefits from custom logic-level libraries.
A number of researchers have suggested development of
hardware accelerators for GC, including GPUs [15, 27], FPGAs [16], or using the AES-NI available in recent CPUs [2].
Our work is orthogonal to this domain and can benefit from
building accelerators for our sequential representation.
Using the GC for secure computing on resource constrained devices such as mobile/embedded platforms was
suggested in [12]. A recent work in this area described a
protocol for GC that relies on a smartcard embedded in
the mobile device [7]. These implementations can greatly
benefit from the scalable and efficient k-NN methodology
introduced in this work. To overcome the limitations of
resource-constrained devices, a set of relevant work in this
area suggested outsourcing the GC generation and evaluation to cloud servers [5, 6]. Our work demonstrates the
feasibility of on-device GC implementation.
In this section, we present implementation of privacypreserving k-NN search using Yao’s GC protocol. First, we
describe the optimized circuit generation for GC using logic
synthesis tools. Next, we outline the implementation of 1NN search using conventional GC based on combinational
circuit. Lastly, we discuss the compact realizations of 1-NN
and k-NN search based on sequential circuit.
Without any loss of generality, we assume the distance
function for finding the nearest neighbors is Hamming distance in the following description.
Circuit Generation
We customize the flow of the standard logic synthesis
tools to generate circuits optimized for GC protocol. As
mentioned in Section 2.3 for GC with free-XOR optimization, there is a need to minimize the number of non-XOR
gates in the Boolean representation. We perform two major customization in the synthesis flow. First, we create a
new synthesis library to aid the conversion of the arithmetic
and conditional operations to GC-optimized logical modules. Second, we develop a technology library to guide the
mapping of the logic to the circuit netlist.
Synthesis Library
To realize the k-NN search, a set of basic arithmetic
and conditional operations consisting of comparator, multiplexer, and Hamming distance are required. We create a
custom synthesis library that includes the minimum nonXOR implementations of these operations. A w-bit comparator (COMP w ) is implemented using only w non-XOR
gates [17]. A w-bit multiplexer (MUX w ) is realized using w non-XOR gates [18]. A w-bit Hamming distance
(HAMMING w ) is devised using w − dlog2 (w)e non-XOR
gates where w = 2k − 1, k ∈ N [3]. In all these modules,
the total number of gates is O w .
Technology Library
The technology library includes logical descriptions of basic units and their parameters like delay and area. The synthesis tool uses the technology library to generate a circuit
optimized for given objectives and constraints. We design a
custom technology library that contains 2-input gates (according to the requirement of the GC protocol). We set the
area of XOR gates to 0 and the area of non-XOR gates to 1.
The circuits are synthesized with the area constraint set to
0 so that the synthesis tool’s objective becomes minimizing
the number of non-XOR gates in the generated circuit.
An additional feature of this library is inclusion of nonstandard gates (other than basic gates like NOT, AND,
NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, and XNOR) to increase the flexibility of the mapping process. For example, the logical functions F = A ∨ B and F = (∼ A) ∨ B requires equal time
in garbling/evaluation. However, using only standard gates
the second function will require a NOT gate and an OR
gate. We include four such non-standard gates which have
Figure 2: Sequential circuit for 1-NN. It consists of 1 Hamming distance and 1 min module. For a dataset of size n,
the circuit is required to be garbled/evaluated n times.
Figure 1: Combinational circuit for 1-NN. It consists of n
Hamming distance and n − 1 min modules.
an inverted input.
Combinational Garbled Circuit
As stated in Section 2.2, all previous implementations of
GC protocol use a combinational description. To start our
implementation for the special case of 1-NN search, we look
for the closest point (o) to the query point (q) in the dataset
(S). In the privacy-preserving setting, there is a need to
compare the query point to all the points in the dataset.
This is because the (private) intermediate search values cannot be utilized to bound the search, e.g., binary search.
Figure 1 shows the combinational circuit for 1-NN. The
implementation uses n Hamming distance modules, and n−1
min modules (consisting of 1 COMP and 2 MUXs) to find
the nearest point. One MUX selects the smaller distance for
later comparison while the other one finds the point corresponding to that distance.
The total number of gates in the 1-NN combinational circuit is as follows:
# of gates = n × HAMMING w
+ (n − 1) × (COMP dlog2 (w)e
+ MUX w + MUX dlog2 (w) e)
⇒ # of gates ∈ O nw .
Sequential 1-NN
Our 1-NN search sequential circuit is implemented with
only 1 Hamming distance and 1 min module. Figure 2 illustrates the sequential circuit for 1-NN search. In each cycle c,
the circuit computes the distance between q and S[c]. Next,
it compares the resulting distance with the stored minimum
distance in the register (reg). It then stores the minimum
distance along with the nearest point until cycle c. The total
number of cycles required to compute 1-NN is n.
The total number of gates in the 1-NN sequential circuit
is as follows:
# of gates = HAMMING w
+ (COMP dlog2 (w)e
Sequential Garbled Circuit
Sequential circuits can be used as a very compact circuit
description for both real hardware and GC protocol. A sequential circuit is composed of a combinational circuit and a
set of registers that stores the intermediate values. We modify the garbling scheme such that for each sequential cycle,
it garbles/evaluates the combinational part and stores the
garbling keys for the registers. The stored keys are used
as inputs in the next cycle. To ensure security, each gate
should have a unique identifier for each time that it is garbled/evaluated. Since in the sequential circuit each gate is
garbled/evaluated multiple times, we use the combination
of gate index and cycle index as a unique identifier for each
gate invocation. Thereby, the proof of security provided in
[2, 21] also applies to our garbling scheme. We now describe
the sequential 1-NN search implementation followed by kNN implementation.
Figure 3: Sequential circuit for k-NN. It consists of 1 Hamming distance, k min, and k − 1 max modules. It requires
to be evaluated n times where n is the size of the dataset S.
The circuit should be garbled/evaluated only once. Thus,
the time complexities of garbling/evaluation is O nw .
+ MUX w + MUX dlog2 (w) e)
⇒ # of gates ∈ O w .
The circuit should be garbled/evaluated n times. Thus,
the time complexities of garbling/evaluation are
the same as
the combinational circuit and equal to O nw .
Sequential k-NN
In k-NN search, the goal is to find the k nearest points to
the query in the dataset. We expand the sequential circuit
for the 1-NN to store the k nearest points. For this purpose,
we implement a priority queue with depth of k which receives
one point at each cycle. The priority of each point is equal
to its distance to the query. Figure 3 shows the sequential
circuit for the k-NN search. The circuit has 1 Hamming
distance, k min, and k − 1 max modules. The max module,
like min, consists of 1 COMP and 2 MUXs.
The total number of gates in the 1-NN sequential circuit
is as follows:
# of nonXORs = HAMMING w
+ (2k − 1) × COMP dlog2 (w)e
+ (2k − 1) × (MUX w + MUX dlog2 (w)e )
⇒ # of nonXORs ∈ O kw .
The circuit should be garbled/evaluated n times. Thus,
the time complexities of garbling/evaluation are the same as
the combinational circuit and equal to O nkw . Note that
due to the unscalability of combinational k-NN search, we
did not include its implementation.
The circuit generation is done with Synopsis Design Compiler (DC) 2010.03-SP4. We also use the Synopsis Library
Compiler from DC package to interpret our custom technology libraries. For garbling and evaluation we use the JustGarble framework [2] which we modified to support sequential circuits. JustGarble exploits the cryptographic permutations realizable by fixed-key AES for GC operations. We
run the framework on a system with Ubuntu 14.10 Desktop,
12GB of memory, and Intel Core i7-2600 CPU at 3.4GHz to
assess the timing performance.
The metrics used to evaluate the performance of our implementations are as follows:
• The Circuit Size (CS ) in Bytes is computed as
CS = 24 × q,
where q is total number of gates. We store 2 indices
(16B) and one type (8B) for each gate in circuit description file.
• Circuit Size Efficiency (CSE ) is defined as
where CS C is the size of the combinational circuit and
CS S is that of the sequential circuit.
• The garbling time is calculated as
T = # of non-XOR × Tnon-XOR + # of XOR × TXOR ,
where Tnon-XOR is the execution of a non-XOR gate
and TXOR is the execution of a XOR gate, which are
164 clock cycles (cc) and 62cc respectively in the specified system. We measured these values as the mean
of 10,000 garbling trials.
The circuit size and timing evaluation for 1-NN search is
reported in Table 1 for different values of w and n. For same
w, the circuit size remains constant for sequential implementation. Therefore, the CSE increases linearly with n. As can
be seen, the garbling times are almost equal for both combinational and sequential circuits. The small improvements
in garbling time for sequential circuit is due to the more efficient optimization in the synthesis tool when circuit is small
(sequential). For example where n = 256, w = 31, the
time of garbling using combinational circuit is 6.83 × 106 cc
(2.01ms in our evaluation setup) while the one using sequential circuit is 6.24 × 106 cc (1.84ms) which is 8.7% faster than
combinational circuit.
The circuit size and timing evaluation for k-NN search is
reported in Table 2. Since its combinational evaluation is not
practical, we do not compare it in the way we did for 1-NN.
The CS for the largest circuit in this work (w = 31, k = 8)
is 41.8KB which will fit easily in embedded systems. As an
example where n = 128, w = 31, k = 8, the garbling time
would be 128k × 173848cc = 22.8 × 109 cc (6.7s).
This paper presents an methodology for generation of
highly compact and scalable privacy-preserving k-nearest
neighbor (k-NN) search using garbled circuits (GC). We
are the first to suggest a sequential description of k-NN,
which enables generation of a compact Boolean GC. Our
newly created custom libraries allow us to leverage the established powerful logic synthesis tools to optimize the (k-NN)
Boolean expressions for GC. We introduce transformations
that make the k-NN sequential expressions transparent to
the available garbling schemes that are based on the combinational description. We show the first-of-a-kind implementation of privacy preserving k-NN using the Synopsys Design
Compiler. It requires only 41.8KB storage for the 32-bit 8NN search. Our implementation shows the practicability,
efficiency, and scalability of the suggested methods.
We would like to thank anonymous reviewers for their
helpful comments and suggestions to improve this work.
This work is partially supported by an Office of Naval Research grant (ONR-R17460), a National Science Foundation grant (CNS-1059416), and U.S. Army Research Office grant (ARO-STIR-W911NF-14-1-0456) to ACES lab at
Rice University. The work of the author at TU Darmstadt is in parts supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) grant agreement
n. 609611 (PRACTICE), the German Science Foundation (DFG) as part of project E3 within the CRC 1119
CROSSING, the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) within EC SPRIDE, and the Hessian
LOEWE excellence initiative within CASED.
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