HEARTHSTONE COPA AMÉRICA 2015 – PLAYER GUIDE I) User Registration: a) Please access http://esports.viustudio.com/register/ and fill in your information. b) If you are not part of a Team, you may leave the corresponding field blank. II) Tournament Sign-up: a) After filling the registration form, please log-in at: http://esports.viustudio.com/login/ b) Next, click on the TOURNAMENT SIGN-UP button (web site upper menu). c) In the sign-up page (http://esports.viustudio.com/profile/?lang=en), choose the qualifiers to which you wish to sign-up. d) You may sign-up to both qualifiers, without any penalty being applied. e) You will receive an e-mail from the organization confirming that you are signed up. III) Check-in: a) Check-in will be open from 18:00 to 18:50 in the same day of the qualifier. (All times GMT-3) b) In the set time, the Check-in button will appear AUTOMATICALLY in the Copa América Web Site tournament sign-up section http://esports.viustudio.com/profile/?lang=en c) Click the Check-in button, which will positioned in the center of said page. IV) Brackets: a) At 19:00 of the day of the qualifier, the tournament will be generated and published by the organization on the following links: http://viu.gg/hscopabracketq1 http://viu.gg/hscopabracketq2 b) Access the bracket and find your match. c) In the bracket you will find all the players’ BattleTags (ex: Player#3344). V) Opponent: a) Add your opponent to your friends list and challenge him in Hearthstone. b) Do not forget to read all the tournament rules in the rules section http://esports.viustudio.com/hearthstone-copa-america/rules/?lang=en VI) Chat: a) Once the qualifier starts, access the official chat room in the link below: http://esports.viustudio.com/profile/ b) Stay in the chat room during all your participation in the qualifier. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. IT IS VIA THE CHAT ROOM THAT YOU MAY CLEAR ANY DOUBTS AND RECEIVE OFFICIAL INFORMATION FROM TOURNAMENT ADMINS. c) Tournament Admins will be online both in the chat room and in Hearthstone. VII) Tournament Admins: a) If you have any questions, please contact all admins: Eduardo “Barba” Maciel: Barba#1990 Denis “MoSkA” Callai: MoSkA#1543 Fernando Frazzatto: Frazz#1534 VIII) Reporting match Result: a) Contact an admin via chat and inform him of the match result. b) Take a Screenshot (pressing Print Screen) of your Win and Loss screens. c) If you run into any problems, contact an admin and send an e-mail to hsreport@viustudio.com IX) Rules: Read the Hearthstone Copa América rules carefully: http://esports.viustudio.com/hearthstone-copa-america/rules/?lang=en GL HF! :)
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