SINHALESE srm|p, km|mEl~g`y sh r#@bl~l` pYwQXk~wQkrN @w`rwOr# j`wQk pYwX Q k~wk Q rN v#dsthn mgQn~ LmEnt~ vys m`s12 sh18 qW srm|p, km|ml E g ~ `y sh r#@bl~l` en~nw (MMR) @n`mQ@l~ lb` @qnE l#@b|. vys avEr#qE 4 MMR m`wY`v 2015 @qs#m|br@y~ avs`n @v|. 1966 vsr wOl @h`~ in~ psE upn~, srm|p a#wOlw~ en~nw~ m`wY` @qkk~ lb` @n`m#wQ ayq en~nw~ krgw yEwy O . srm|p srm|p ynE uN, n`s@yn~ @s`tE g#lWm, k#s~s sh @v|qn` shQw a#s~ rwOvWm sh in~psE plE mwOkrn wqQn~ @b`~@vn brpwl vyQrs @r`~gykQ. srm|p a#w#m| vQt nQyE@m`~nQy`v v#nQ anwOr#q`yk sAkWr\Nw`vyn~ a#wQ kryQ. srm|p v#l[EN ay@gn~ 1000kt ek~ @k@nkOt pmn @m`L@y~ pYq`hy vr\{ny @v|. @m| ww~vy a#wQvn LmEn~ 10 @q@nkO@gn~ ek~ Lm@yk~ mrnyt pw~vn awr @b`@h`~ @q@nkOt @m`L@y~ s~}Qr h`nQ a#wQ@v|. srm|p @h~wO@vn~ wvmw~ os~@t|YlQy`@v| mrn sQqE@v|. srm|p as`qny a#wQvW~ vsr gN`n`vkt psEv SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) nmQn~ h[En~vn vQrl ww~vyk~ vr\{ny vWmt pElEvn. SSPE @h~wO@vn~ @ m`Ly XWGY@yn~ vQn`X vn awr ey s#mvQtm m`r`n~wQky. srm|p as`qQw @knkO wmn~t asnWpyk~ a#w#yQ @w~r#m||g#nWmt klQn~ em pEq~gly`@g~ k#s~s sh kQvQsRm| mgQn~ @m| @r`~gy wvw~ @k@nkOt @b`~vWmt pElEvn. km|mEl~g`y km|mEl~g`y @h~wO@vn~ uN, hQsrqy, sh @Kt gYn~}Q pYq`hy a#wQ@v|. LmEn~ 5,000kQn~ ek~ LmykOt pmn @m`L@y~ pYq`hy vr\{ny @v|. @mm @r`~gy @h~wO@vn~ s~}Qr bQhQrQbv a#wQvQy h#k. km|mEl~g`y v#L[En nv@y`vEn~ @h`~ v#dQhQtQ pQrQmQn~ ps~ @q@nkO@gn~ ek~@k@nkOt pmn v^;N @k`~;vl @v|qn`krW pYq`hy sh iqQmEm vr\{ny @v|. s`m`n&@yn~ @mm ww~vy htgw~ pQrQmQn~ sm|pRr\N sEvy lbn nmEw~ kl`wOrkQn~ @m| nQs` v[x`vy a#wQvQy h#k. km|mEl~g`y as`qQw @knkO wmn~t asnWpyk~ a#w#yQ @w~r#m||g#nWmt klQn~ em pEq~gly`@g~ k#s~s sh kQvQsRm| mgQn~ @mm @r`~gy wvw~ @k@nkOt @b`~vWmt pElEvn. r#@bl~l` @my Lm` vQ@y~qW a#wQvn m^qE @r`~gyk~ vEvq, nv @y`vEn~ sh v#dQhQtQyn~tq @my a#wQvQy h#k. @mm @r`~gy @h~wO@vn~ gYn~}Q iqQmEm, hn~qQpw~ @v|qn`v sh mEhR@n~ sh @bl~@l~ mwOvW qQn @qkk~ sQt wOnk~ @wk~ pvwQn plE htgnW. s#mvQtm @m| @r`~gy iw` ik~mnQn~ sh sm|pRr\n@yn~m sEv@v|. r#@bl~l` iw`m anwOr#q`yk vn~@n~ k`n~w`vkt gr~xNW x`v@y~ pLmE swQ 20 wOl ey v#L[Rn vQty. @mvQt aUw upn~ Lqr#v` wOl brpwl as`m`n&w` a#wQvQy h#k. bQhQrQbv, an~{bv, hqv@w~ @q`~; sh bEq~{Qmy qRblw` a#wQvQy h#k. r#@bl~l` as`qQw @knkO wmn~t asnWpyk~ a#w#yQ @w~r#m||g#nWmt klQn~ em pEq~gly`@g~ k#s~s sh kQvQsRm| mgQn~ wvw~ @k@nkOt @m| @r`~gy @b`~vWmt pElEvn. r#@bl~l` wqQn~ @b`~@vn @r`~gyk~ b#vQn~ g#bQnQ mv|vr#n~ sh Lqr#vn~ @myQn~ a`r]`kr g#nW@m| @h`[m m`r\gy k`n~w`vn~ gr\xNW vWmt @pr pYwQXk~wQkrNy lb` qWmy. *pYwQXk~wQkrNy lb`@gn m`syk~ psEvn wOr# g#b| g#nW@mn~ v#lkQy yEwOy. srm|p, km|mEl~g`y sh r#@bl~l` (MMR) en~nw~ m`s 18 k~ vys LmyQn~t qWm s[h` MMR en~nwt p#@p`l en~nw sh @mm vyQrs @q@k~m Xk~wQy adE kl sEU pYm`Nyn~~q, nQomyQsQn~ (neomycin) pYwQjWvQk@y~ sEU pYm`Nyk~q a#wOlw~ kl en~nwk~q wQ@b| (MMRV). pYwQXk~wQkrNy lb`gw yEw~@w~ kvEr#n~q? vys m`s 12 qW lb` @qn MMR en~nw mgQn~ LmEn~v @m| @r`~g wO@nn~m a`r]` @k@r\. LmEn~v p#@p`l @r`~g@yn~ a`r]` kQrWm pQNQs vys m`s 18 qW MMRV en~nw x`vQw` kr~ @qvn m`wY`vk~ @qnE l#@b|. vys m`s 18 qW MMR en~n@w~ @qvn m`wY`v lb` @n`gw~ LmEn~t, vys avEr#qE hw@r\qW MMR en~nw lb` @qnE l#@b|. vys avEr#qE hw@r~ en~nw~ m`wY`v 2015 @qs#m|br@y~ avsn~ @v|. 1966 vs@r~ sh in~ psE upn~ sQylE @qn` ovEn~t srm|p a#wOlw~ en~nw~ m`wY` @qkk~ lb` a#w~q yn~n pQrQk~s` b#lQy yEwOy. srm|p a#wOlw~ en~nw~ m`wY` @qkk~ lb`gw~ bv @pn~vn pYwQXk~wQkrn lQyvQl~lk~~ (lQKQw en~nw~ v`r\w`vk~ @h`~ pYwQXk~wQy whvEr# krn @l~ prW]Nyk~) @n`m#wQ, @mm vys~ k`N~dyt ayw~ ay @m| en~nw lb` gw yEwOy. qr#vn~ l#@bn vy@s~ k`n~w`vn~, vQ@X~;@yn~m gr\xNW vWmt slk` bln k`n~w`vn~, wm @@vq&vry` hmEvW r#@bl~l` s[h` @l~ prW]Nyk~ lb`gw yEwOy. wvw~ MMR pYwQXk~wQkrNyk~ lb` g#nWm avX&q yn~n @mm @l~ prW]N@yn~ @pn~nEm| krnE a#w. obt wvw~ MMR pYwQXk~wQkrNyk~~ lb` g#nWm avX& bv whvEr# vEv@h`w~, Pm pYwQXk~wQkrNy lb` gw~w`t psE emgQn~ wmn~t a`r]`v lb`qW a#w~q yn~n whvEr# kr g#nWm pQNQs wvw~ @l~ prW]Nyk~ kl yEwOy. wmn~ q#ntm gr\xNW nm| @h`~ m`syk~ a#wOlw gr\xNW vWmt id a#w~nm|, en~nw lb` @n`gw yEwOy. k`n~w`vn~ gr\xNW vWmt @pr s$m avs~}``vkm, wmn~@g~ a`r]` mt|tm wvmw~ pYm`nvw~q yn~n whvEr# kr g#nWm pQNQs r#@bl~l` @l~ prW]Nyk~ lb`gw yEwOy. MMR en~n@wn~ a#wQvQyh#kQ awOr# Pl • m[ @v|qn`v adE krg#nWm s[h` p#rsQt@m`l~ g#nW@mn~~ (@h`~ o@b| Lmy` qW@mn~). (Lmy`@g~ vyst aq`l nQr\@q~XQw m`wY`v whvEr# kr gn~n) pYwQkYQy` brpwl nm|, awOr# Pl @n`kdv` pvwW nm| @h`~ ob kns~slE nm|, o@b| @@vq&vry` hmEvn~n, n#wQnm| @r`~hlt yn~n. (03) 9345 4143 aAky os~@s~ vQk~@t`~rQy`nE en~nw~ a`r]` @s~vyt Victorian vaccine safety service (SAEFVIC) kw` kQrWmtq obt pElEvn. @prvr# 10.00 sQt ps~vr# 4.00 qk~v` @mm qErk}n aAk@y~ @m@hyvn~nn~ sQtQn awr in~ pQts~wr o|n$m @v|l`vk obt pNQvQdyk~ w#n~pw~ kQrWmt pElEvn. pRr\v pYwQXk~wQkrN pQrQk~sEm| l#yQs~wOv obt @h`~ o@b| Lmy`t pYwQXk~wQkrN lb`g#nWmt @pr, phw s[hn~ kr#nE kQsQvk~ aq`l @v|nm| e~ bv @@vq&vry`t @h`~ s`w~wO@s~vky`t pvsn~n : c psEgQy m`sy wOl ‘sjWvW vyQrs adAgO en~nwk~ lb`@gn a#w~nm| (MMR, p#@p`l @h`~ BCG v#nQ) MMR pYwQXk~wQkrNyt qk~vn pYwQkQYy`vn~ @r`~gy v#LqW@mn~ a#wQvQy h#kQ sAkWr\Nw`vyn~t vd` vQrly. c pYwQXk~wQkrN qv@s~ wmn~ asnWp@yn~ sQtWnm| @p`qE awOr# Pl c mQn~ @pr MMR en~nwt brpwl @ls pYwQkQYy` qk~v` a#w~nm| c ym| en~nwk @k`tskt brpwl as`w~mQkw`vyk~ qk~v` a#w~nm|, en~nwt psE qQn h@w~ sQt qQn 10 awr awOr# Pl • @s. 39 º vd` ihl wq uN • l` rwO lp (@b`~ @n`vn) • @sm|pYwQX&`v sh/@h`~ n`s@yn~ qQyr g#lWm • k#s~s sh/@h`~ a#s~ iqQmWm • nQqQbr gwQy sh @w@ht|tEv • @Kt gYn~}Q iqQmWm • en~nw~kl s~}`n@y~ w`vk`lQkv kOd` g#tyk~ mwOvWm (@s. 38.5 ˚ vd` uN a#w~nm|) uq`hrnyk~ @ls nQomyQsQn~ (neomycin ) c a#qEm s[h` a`GY`Ny krn in~@h~lr @h`~ s~@t@r`yQd a`@l~p h#r @vnw~ o|n$m vr\gyk s~@t@r`yQd p`vQc|cQ krn~@n~ nm| (uq`hrn @ ls, @k`~tQ@s`~n~ @h`~ @pYd|nQ@s`~n~ cortisone @h`~ prednisone ) c psEgQy vsr wOl imQyE@n`~g~@l`bQyElQn~ @h`~ r#{Qr qYv& lb` a#w~nm| c pYwQXk~wQy adE krn @r`~gyk~ v#L[W a#w~nm| @h`~ pYwQXk~wQy adE krn pYwQk`ryk~ lb`gn~@n~ nm| (uq`hrn @ls, lQyEkW~mQy`v, pQlQk`, HIV/AIDS, vQkQrN brpwl awOr# Pl cQkQw~s`v @h`~ rs`ynQk cQkQw~s`v radiotherapy @h`~ • MMR en~n@w~ plmE m`wY`v lb` gw~w`t psE pEq~glyn~ 20,000 sQt 30,000 kQn~ ek~ @k@nk~ ht pt|tQk` gNny phw v#tWm (@l~ g#lWm sh w#LWm| vlt @h~wOvn) sQqE @v|. chemotherapy ) c gr\xNW nm| @h`~ pYwQXk~wQkrNy lb` m`syk~ a#wOlw gr\xNW vWmt iw` vQrl awOr# Pl v#dQqEr @w`rwOr# • brpwl as`w~mQk pYwQkYQy` m^qE awOr# Pl ht gw@h`w~ e~v` qQn @qkk sQt qQn wOnk~ qk~v` p#vwQmt id wQ@b|. awOr# Pl phw @p@nn an~qmQn~ avm kr gwh#k: s#lsEm| krn~@n~ nm| • rQqEm|@qn en~nw~ kl s~}`ny mw sQsQl~ @ww~ @rqQ kdk~ w#bW@mn~ • v#dQpEr qQyr bWmt qW@mn~ sh em pEq~gly`t rX~ny q#@n~nm| pmnt vd` a#[Rm| @n`a#n~[vW@mn~ prQvr\wn sh x`;N prQvr\wn @s~vy (Translating and interpreting service) 131 450 amwn~n @mm @l~Kny @vnw~ a`k^wQykQn~ lb`g#nWm s[h` vQqy~ w E ~ w#p$@ln~ amwn~n: Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 50 Lonsdale St, Melbourne. © Department of Health, November 2013 (1310037) Measles, mumps and rubella Immunisation information The National Immunisation Program schedule provides free measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine to children at 12 months and 18 months of age. The four year old MMR dose ends in December 2015. People who were born during or since 1966, who have not received two doses of a measles containing vaccine, should also be vaccinated. Measles Measles is a serious and highly contagious viral disease which causes fever, runny nose, cough and sore red eyes, followed by a rash. Measles can sometimes lead to dangerous complications such as pneumonia. About one person in 1,000 who contracts measles will develop inflammation of the brain. For every 10 children who become affected in this way, one will die and many will have permanent brain damage. Measles still causes deaths in Australia. A rare condition called SSPE can develop several years after a measles infection. SSPE rapidly destroys the brain and is always fatal. Rubella This is a mild childhood disease but it can also affect teenagers and adults. The disease causes swollen glands, joint pains and a rash on the face and neck which lasts two to three days. Recovery is always speedy and complete. Measles can be caught through coughs and sneezes from an infected person before that person realises they are sick. Rubella is most dangerous when a woman catches it in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. This can result in serious abnormalities in the newborn baby. Deafness, blindness, heart defects and intellectual disabilities can occur. Mumps Rubella can be caught through coughs and sneezes from an infected person before that person realises they are sick. Mumps causes fever, headache and inflammation of the salivary glands. About one in 5,000 children develops inflammation of the brain. The disease can cause permanent deafness. Rubella is highly contagious and the best way to protect expectant mothers and their babies is to ensure that women are immunised before they become pregnant. About one in five adolescent or adult males who contracts mumps develops a painful inflammation and swelling of the testicles. Males with this condition generally recover completely, but on rare occasions it may cause infertility. Mumps can be caught through coughs and sneezes from an infected person before that person realises they are sick. *Pregnancy should be avoided for one month following immunisation. Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines The MMR vaccine also comes in combination with chickenpox (MMRV) for 18 month old children and contains small amounts of each of the viruses at a reduced strength and a small amount of the antibiotic neomycin. Who should be immunised? The MMR vaccine protects children against all three diseases and is given at 12 months of age. A second dose using MMRV vaccine is given at 18 months of age to also protect children from chickenpox. MMR is given at four years of age to children who did not get their second MMR vaccine at 18 months of age. The four year old MMR dose ends in December 2015. If mild reactions do occur, they may last two to three days. The side effects can be reduced by: • placing a cold wet cloth on the sore injection site • giving extra fluids and not overdressing if the person has a fever • taking (or giving your child) paracetamol to reduce discomfort (note the recommended dose for the age of your child). All people born during or since 1966 should check their immunisation status to ensure they have had two doses of a measles containing vaccine. If people in this age group do not have documentation (either written or by a blood test showing immunity) of two measles containing vaccines, they should be vaccinated. If reactions are severe or persistent, or if you are worried, contact your doctor or hospital. Women of child-bearing age, especially those considering pregnancy, should see their doctor and have a blood test for rubella. The blood test will show if another MMR immunisation is needed. If you do require another MMR immunisation, a further blood test should be done after immunisation to ensure that the vaccine has provided protection. Women should not have the vaccine if they are already pregnant or might become pregnant within one month. It is important that women have a rubella blood test before each pregnancy to check that the level of protection is still adequate. Pre-immunisation checklist Possible side effects of MMR vaccine Reactions to MMR vaccine are much less frequent than the complications of the diseases. Common side effects Seen seven to 10 days after vaccination • high fever over 39 ºC • faint red rash (not infectious) • head cold and/or runny nose • cough and/or puffy eyes • drowsiness or tiredness • swelling of the salivary glands • a temporary small lump at the injection site. Serious side effects You may also call the Victorian vaccine safety service, (03) 9345 4143 - the line is attended between 10 am and 4 pm and you can leave a message at all other times. Before you or your child is immunised, tell the doctor or nurse if any of the following apply. c Has had a vaccine containing live viruses within the last month (such as MMR, chickenpox or BCG) c Is unwell on the day of immunisation (temperature over 38.5 ºC) c Has had a severe reaction to a previous MMR vaccine c Has had a severe allergy to any vaccine component for example, neomycin c Is taking steroids of any sort other than inhaled asthma sprays or steroid creams (for example, cortisone or prednisone) c Has had immunoglobulin or a blood product in the past year c Has a disease or is having treatment which causes low immunity (for example, leukaemia, cancer, HIV/AIDS, radiotherapy or chemotherapy) c Is pregnant or planning to become pregnant within one month of immunisation Further information • Low platelet count (causing bruising or bleeding) occurs after the first dose of MMR vaccine at a rate of about one in 20,000 to 30,000. Translating and interpreting service Call 131 450 Extremely rare side effects • A severe allergic reaction. To receive this document in an accessible format email: Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 50 Lonsdale St, Melbourne. © Department of Health, November 2013 (1310037)
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