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Outside the U.S., dial your international access code, then 1-301-578-1646. 4 PUBLICATIONS AFIP ATLAS OF TUMOR PATHOLOGY, SERIES IV Since 1949 this monograph series has been regarded as the benchmark for tumor pathology reference books. A distinguished editorial board recruits many of the most authoritative pathologists in the world to author each fascicle. To assure the finest quality illustrations, all images are processed digitally by ARP staff and carefully reviewed by the authors and editors. Series IV, started in 2004, includes a hardbound cover and illustrations almost exclusively in color. An accompanying electronic version is available on-line with the purchase of each fascicle. There is increased emphasis (wherever appropriate) on the cytopathologic (intraoperative, exfoliative, and/or fine needle aspiration) and molecular features that are important in diagnosis and prognosis. 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