ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bennington, NE 68007 Vacation Bible School! June 10th - June 14th Still accepting Registrations! Pre-K: 9:00am to 11:00am K-5: 9:00am to 12:00 June 2013 Building on the Legacy Tues & Thurs coffee at Lighthouse 9:00am - 4:00pm Church Work Day Saturday, June 8 8:00am - 4:00pm VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 10-14 We are still in need of volunteers to help teach & donations of various items. Older student assistance is welcome but we need adult leadership to make this work. Register Today! Call: 402-238-2483 Father’s Day Outdoor community worship June 16 9:30am - Coffee 10:00 Outdoor Worship Help! Help! Help! Come One - Come All. We need your help June 8th 8:00am to 4:00pm. Lunch will be served. You do not have to give your whole day, but any gift of your time would be a blessing. Oh yes, this is a church work day (a variety of projects have been planned). If you have any questions, please call Fred Barnhard at 402-657-8771. Thru the Windows Page 2 Pastor Stein Shares One of the highlights of Spiritual Growth organized by a very committed congregational life in the and dedicated group of & Small Group last five years was the volunteers. This is true for every Ministries congregation-wide small-group project in life: The degree of campaign “40 Days of Purpose”. It managed to preparation correlates directly to the quality of the involve people from all different demographics result. I am in the process of assembling a team to of the congregation and provided for a place coordinate the preparation phase of this campaign. to experience spiritual fellowship and focus on If you are interested to be part of this team, please prayer and the Word of God. Consequently, these let me know. small groups provided a true spiritual growth I am also looking at launching other ministries experience. that focus on spiritual growth experiences. As The plan is to launch another congregation-wide small group campaign this fall. It is my hope that this campaign will not just be about one six to ten week cycle, but can be the launch of an ongoing small group ministry at St. John’s. The initial cycle will wrap up well before Christmas, and everyone involved can reassess his or her commitment to the small group at that time. The single most important reason why back then that campaign was so successful is because it was I communicated at the annual meeting back in January, we will place a more intentional focus on facilitating spiritual growth at St. John’s. In particular, there are two different areas of ministries that I am looking at: Providing places and opportunities for adult biblical education and marriage-enrichment ministry. If either of these two areas is a passion of yours, please consider being part of those teams that will coordinate the planning. Pastor Andreas Stein June 2013 Page 3 Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations Donations Work Day Lunch & Refreshments Saturday, June 8th Please consider a donation of food or refreshment for the project workers. We will need food for lunch and breaks: salads, cold cuts, bread, fruit, chips, cookies and beverages. This is an opportunity for ANYONE & EVERYONE to contribute to Work Day at St. John’s! VBS Projects Fostering Hope for Foster Children We are collecting items for our “Fostering Hope for Foster Children” project for the VBS student. These donations are items to assist a foster child’s transition from the home they were removed from, to the temporary homes they are placed in. Donation Receptacles in the narthex Volunteers Needed!! Change for Change A collection area is in the narthex for change and money (Change for Change) as well as fleece blankets, toothpaste and toothbrushes, small little girl/little boy specific toys and any other items that can be put into a small care package that the kids may call their own. VBS Donations Needed: • Lots of various fake plants and vines (these will be returned) • Numerous woven, wicker-type baskets • Plastic pop bottle caps • Cheap paper plates • Cereal box liners • Tame, barnyard animals for “petting zoo” House pets ok. Animals will need an attendant/parent with them.* * Contact Mary Carol at 402-238-2863 for more information Please put name on item if you want it returned. Thank You for your donations!!! Thru the Windows Page 4 St. John’s Women in Action Join Us in Bible Study! All Women are Welcome! Love to Crochet or Knit? St. John’s Women in Action has a Prayer Shawl Ministry. We have had a wonderful response in our Prayer Shawl Ministry. We are blessed with many talented, giving women. There are 17 beautiful prayer shawls and lap robes waiting for a home. Do you know someone who needs a shawl lovingly crocheted or hand knit out of a soft, comforting yarn, blessed by the one who has made it? You could wrap one around the shoulders of someone who needs the sort of comfort only the love and generosity of a caring friend can provide. Call Debbie at the church office if you know someone. This is our heart to heart and hand to hand project. Help us share our ministry with your family, friends, neighbors, men or women. Faith Bible Study June 11th at 1:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall Lesson Leader – Doris Gottsch Refreshments – Addie Backhuus Rejoice Bible Study June 17th at 7:00 p.m. at the Lighthouse Lesson/Refreshments – Jane Frost Coming Events Fair Trade Sales June 9th in the Narthex between services Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Hot Chocolate, Nuts & Chocolate Bars Learn more about Fair Trade products@ Saved to Serve Events Bethpage Mission Axtell, NE June 7-9 Prison Ministry Program Lincoln, NE August 9-11 Ask Annette Kay for information Martha Study for time and place contact Young Women of the ELCA BE BOLD! Check out these websites! WomenoftheELCA Café is a free, monthly on-line magazine for young women 18 to 35 years old and is offered by Women of the ELCA. Women of all ages are reading it! Café stands for Community, Advocacy, Faith, & Enlightenment June 2013 Page 5 Bennington Daze Run & Walk Thru the Windows Page 6 Kid’s Kingdom Preschool News Wow! What a month! Our Spring Program and Graduation took place on Thursday, May 16, 2013. We had a great crowd and the children did a terrific job of singing, swaying, and moving to the beat. We bid farewell to our four and five year olds and wish them much success as they begin their Kindergarten year of school! A BIG thank you to our Preschool Board of Directors for assisting with refreshments and for all they have done to help grow this program! Jane Frost, Angela Sukraw, Kerry Greunke, Janna Pohlmann, Debbie Almquist, and Jake Lage have put in many hours to get us where we are today! Thanks also to Fred Barnhard and Wendy Andersen for assistance with the sound and video at the Spring Program and Graduation! And of course we need to thank Pastor Stein and Cara Jensen for their assistance in the faith formation of our students. Our growth continues at a steady pace. We are adding a morning session for the K-Prep class, which brings that age group up to two sessions per day. We have also determined there is a need for another session of 3 year-olds. By the beginning of May we were already at capacity and developing quite a waiting list! This will hopefully enable our growth to continue into the next year or two. With the addition of these two class sessions, we now have availability in all three of our age groups. If you know of families with preschool aged children please share with them our information here at Kid’s Kingdom. We are still taking registrations for the 3 year-old, 4 year-old, and K-Prep classes. Please advise families to telephone the preschool office at 402-290-5014 or they can visit our website at to obtain more information. I sincerely thank each of you for spreading the word about our fantastic early childhood educational opportunity here at St. John’s! Although we are officially on summer break for preschool, the fun WILL continue in the lower level classrooms! June 10- 14th is St. John’s Vacation Bible School; be sure to get your child’s registration in and join us for some ancient Greek fun in Athens! Once again, the staff and families of the preschool would like to take the opportunity to thank the St. John’s Congregation, Board of Directors, and Church Council for their support throughout the year! The service our program provides to the community is extremely important! The children of this community are much better prepared to meet the high academic demands of kindergarten due to the existence of our preschool; and most importantly, we are also able to provide this education in a faith based community, spreading the Love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Have a wonderfully relaxing & safe summer! Faithfully, Nicole Cloudt, MEd. Kid’s Kingdom Preschool Director June 2013 Page 7 Youth Ministry What is the BYG Deal? Well JESUS is of course!!! BYGs Summer Schedule Hope you can join us for a summer filled with Faith and Fun!! June June 8 – B YGS Bible Study and Scavenger Hunt Meet @ The Lighthouse 6:30pm – 8:00pm • Details will be emailed to you June 9-14 – V acation Bible School • T hey are still looking for people to help with this week. Please come and participate!!! June 16 – Worship in the Park June 22 – B YGS Bible Study and Progressive Dinner by the Colors Meet @ The Lighthouse (6:30pm – 8:00pm) • Details will be emailed to you June 23 – B YGS Workday @ The Lighthouse (Noon – 5:00pm) • Potluck Dinner • Taping and Painting, putting up floor trim, etc. July July 10 – BYGS @ The Lighthouse (6:30pm – 8:00pm) July 14-18 – BYGS Summer Trip to Cedar Point in Ohio July 24 – BYGS Ultimate Frisbee • Meet @ The Bennington Elementary Football Field (6:30pm – 8:00pm) • Details will be emailed to you The Bennington Youth Group (BYGs) is open to any High School Student in the 9th - 12th grades for the upcoming 2013/ 2014 school year. Please visit our Facebook Page - St Johns BYG Thru the Windows Page 8 Quilters in Action God uses my talents to test my unselfishness. You have to decide in life for whom or what you’re to live. You’re either going to live a self-centered, miserly life or you’re going to live for something greater than yourself – the kingdom of God. Faithful people don’t live for themselves. They realize that the talents God gave them are not for their own benefits; they’re to make a world a better place. When God made you, he gave you all kinds of gifts, talents, and abilities. We call it your s.h.a.p.e.: your Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. These 5 things make you “you”. And God made you “you”. There’s nobody like you in the whole world, and he wants you to be “you” for his glory. God shaped you to serve him, and there’s only one way to do that: by serving other people. Faithful people realize that their talents are not for their benefit. You may have a talent for art and say that you do it “just because you love to do it.” That’s nice, but that’s not a good enough motive. God didn’t give you artistic ability just so you can love to do it. He gave it to you so you can use your art in some way to help other people. Some of you have an ability to fix things. Some of you are good at math. Some of you are good at closing deals. Some of you are good at music. Some of you are good at organizing. And some of you are good at trimming and gardening. God made us all different so that everything in the world gets done. If we all liked to do the same thing, there would be whole lot left undone. You are the steward of your talents, and God is watching to see if you use what he gave you effectively on Earth. “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (Peter 4:10 NLT) If you use them effectively on Earth, he’s going to give to you more responsibility in Heaven. He put us here because life is a test and a trust and a temporary assignment. He’s watching to see if you are faithful to use what he gave you here on Earth to bless other people. In May the following ladies met and completed the following: Arlene Youmans Darlene Langendorfer Doris Gottsch Emily Laaker Addie Backhuus Betty Deardoff Lorene Andersen Norma Collins Delores Thorell Carol Iltzsch Karen Arp. We completed: 3 baby quilts, 12 full size quilts, 4 crocheted baby caps, 1 crocheted premie pad, boxed rolled bandages, laid out 6 quilt kits for the youth at Camp C. J. Holling to tie, and prepared 5 quilts for delivery for the auction and the Camp also in July. June Quilting Days June 10 9:00am (all day) June 11 9:00am (half-day) Quilter’s Pr ayer: Thank you for blessing me with the ability to quilt. Thank You for the joy, peace, and blessing it brings into my life. It is a gift that has brought me countless hours of pleasure & enjoyment. Father, I return this gift to You. Use this talent to serve Your purpose in the world. Bless each item we quilt so that it radiates Your love to the person who receives it. Amen June 2013 Page 9 Martha Study The Martha Project was busy in May, providing for the high school graduation party for one of the adopted family members. This activity represents the Heather Goertz with her biggest fan. commitment that the Martha Study group made to encourage and follow the children thru to graduation. Plans are still in place to paint the children’s bedroom. Any donations of paint and tools to accomplish this will help. On May 11th 5 new foster children were placed with the Goertz family. They are brothers and sisters, ages 2, 8, 10, 12 & 15. It was an emergency situation, so they arrived with only backpacks. They are in need of so much. Please pray now! We would like these “New 5” to experience summer camp. Please consider sponsoring! Contact Heather Goertz for more information about specific, immediate help you can provide. Outreach Ministry Reaching Out, Through Outreach Ministry The Healthy by Design program continues with the following schedule: H FIT (Faith Intensity Training) Mon/Tues*/Wed/Thurs/Fri 5:30am *yoga-style (Practicing Grace) Mon/Wed/Fri 8:15am H LIFT (Low Impact Fitness Training) Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00am Y O G A Who’s up for some Yoga for an older generation? We have a video class that is adaptable to limitations. Can’t get up off the floor? No problem. Can’t get down on your knees? No problem. Can’t lift your arms above your head? No problem. We can improvise those parts of the routine for you. It is good for improving mobility, flexibility, and balance – maybe even your heart health. Don’t worry – we don’t meditate or tie ourselves up in knots. Tuesday & Thursday mornings at 9:00 in the choir room. If these dates/times don’t work for you let us know, we are flexible! Call Emily Laaker for details. 402-238-2583. Thru the Windows Page 10 Joys & Concerns April 28 May 19 Altar flowers were given by Joyce Baldwin and family in loving memory of Gene who is always in their hearts. Flowers near the pulpit were given by the family of Jerry & Doris Gottsch in honor of their 56th Wedding Anniversary on April 27th. Flowers near the lectern were given by Tony & Danielle Frost in celebration of their daughter, Lily’s 1st Birthday on April 26th. May 5 Altar flowers were given by Bev Knoch and family in loving memory of Dick Knoch. Mariela Iris Sass was received into God’s Holy Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism at the 11:00am service. Mariela was born September 20, 2012 and is the daughter of Tim and Emily Sass. Mariela’s sponsors are Todd Andrews and Brian Sass. Altar flowers were given by Vic and Deb Sass in honor of their granddaughter Mariela’s baptism. May 26 Altar flowers were given by the family of Merlin & Annette Kay in celebration of their 40th Wedding Anniversary which they are celebrated on that day. Please keep Joe & Kayla Frerichs in your prayers. Joe was deployed in early March to Afghanistan for 6 months. We encourage all to send Joe a note or card to: Joseph Frerichs 455 EAPS/Special Handling Bagram Airfield, APO, AE 09352 Liturgical Worship Team Kerry Gruenke will order new choir folders, with money from the Memorial Fund. We switched to Setting 10 on Memorial Day weekend. The Evangeline Meyer Scholarship will be given to Cara Jensen. Bennington Daze Outdoor Service will be Sunday, June 16th at 10:00 in Centennial Park, with coffee and rolls at 9:30. CFC will be asked to help. Chairs and tables will be set up by the Bennington Daze committee. Kevin Braden will head up the canopy crew. Exultation will provide the service. June 2013 Page 11 Kingdom Quest Sunday School Fun Day: All of our Sunday School children & their siblings got to celebrate an awesome year with a “Fun Day” on Sunday, May 5th. We had a magician perform some really cool magic tricks and of course enjoyed some fun treats. Students were recognized for excellent attendance, participation of the “Bring your Bible” program, and beautiful handmade Bible covers were distributed to our students who are moving up to the next level of their Christian education at St. John’s. It was an amazing year and all the children learned a lot. Thank you to all our teachers, supply coordinators, youth helpers, etc… We couldn’t provide the experience that we do for our children if we didn’t have such an amazing team of people to work with. To all our volunteers – THANK YOU! Speaking of our volunteers, we would love to have more join our team. We appreciate all levels of participation. Some may want to teach, some may want to help with “behind the scenes” preparation, some may want to provide supplies or even lend their creativity in other ways. We welcome all of it so PLEASE consider giving your time to make our Sunday School better than ever next year. It is so rewarding to see the children excited about their Christian education and you can be a part of that. Vacation Bible School: St. John’s will be holding Vacation Bible School from June 10-14th. Pre-K attends from 9-11am and K-5 is from 9-12pm each day. The theme this year is Athens – the children will learn about the dangerous journey to tell the truth, straight from the apostle Paul himself. It’s not too late to register – please share the word! FUN DAY! Page 12 Music Ministry Thru the Windows Music Ministry And so it begins – summer is upon us!! Even though the summer can seem a bit more relaxed, less stressful than our normal calendar, i.e. school year, St. John’s has some great new events/programs/ concerts/activities in the works, and we hope that you will take advantage of many of them! Exultation will also take the summer to do some reflection, spiritual training and rejuvenation on several Sunday evenings. We begin on Sunday, June 23 and will continue one Sunday evening a month through August! THANKS to Pastor Stein for leading us through this great, uplifting exercise! First of all, Exultation will be the featured group at an outdoor concert on Sunday, June 9 for Blair’s Gateway to the West Days. Thanks to Nicole Cloudt, our Preschool Director, for inviting us and arranging our appearance through her church, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Blair. The outdoor concert (weather permitting) will be at 6 p.m. on June 9 at the church at 17th and Grant in Blair. If weather becomes an issue, we will move the concert inside the church. This will be the culminating event for the entire Blair weekend celebration, so come join us!!!! And as we continue to increase the number of Exultation members, we seek out anyone who has a heart for worship, including singers, instrumentalists, clappers, etc. Please call, e-mail me, or chat with me at church if you are interested or know of anyone who might be. Summer is a great time to “try us out!” Also in June, we will celebrate our week-long Vacation Bible School (June 10-14) and cap off the week with our annual “Service in the Park” on Sunday, June 16 at 10 a.m. This is also Father’s Day and the culminating event of Bennington Daze! This year, Exultation will again provide some great music as well as the VBS kids, so invite your friends and neighbors to come worship and celebrate with us! Let’s fill the park!! And if you have a student in 6-8 grades, or know of anyone in those grades, we will be re-forming our Jr. Praise Band “Joyful Noise” this summer. As our current group of students has “graduated” to singing and playing with Exultation (Yeah!!!!!!), we will be starting with a new group of young talent. Look for an e-mail soon about the date and time of our first rehearsals. Also just as a teaser, August will again bring a couple of great “Theme” Sundays at the Contemporary Worship services!!! You remember our Beatles and Johnny Cash themes last year – lots of great fun and music! Don’t forget to check next month’s TTW for more information! Also remember we are now worshiping at 10:30 a.m. throughout the summer. Finally, the 3nd Annual Braden Bash, church family picnic, will again be out at our acreage on Saturday, August 3 from 3-7 p.m. The last two years were lots of fun with more food than you can believe!!!! Lutherans always come through when there’s food involved!!! And I promised Pastor Stein that the “ribs” would be back!!! Exultation will sing and we are looking for more St. John’s youth to showcase in a Talent Show!!! Call me if you are interested!!! Look for more information next month! Come worship with us this summer – it’s going to be a wonderful time! Jr. Choir Jan Braden Director of Music Thank you so much Jr Choir members and parents for the fantastic year we had. We were blessed with 13 regular, very talented and willing participants. Jr Choir is open to all 2nd through 5th graders and we would like to invite all children in that age group to come and join us in the fall. Have a fun and safe summer!!! Thanks again! Chris and Julie June 2013 Page 13 Lighthouse coffee Shoppe Volunteer! at the Coffee Shoppe Volunteers are needed for the Summer! Open Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9am to 4pm Serving Coffees, Teas, & specialty beverages. Homemade goodies are always available. Do you have an hour or more to help staff the Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe? Call Jodi Pooley 402-238-2109 Hooks and Needles Thursday, June 6th & 20th 1-3 PM at the Lighthouse Join us - the coffee will be ready! Beginners are always welcome!! Lesson: More Basics and Reading a Pattern Thanks, Sharon Newman Do you need yarn for a prayer shawl? Call Sharon, 402-571-6791 7x9 inch swatches made by Jean Biesendorfer Just a few of the prayer shawls crocheted by our faithful. Thru the Windows Page 14 Church Office Hours, Due Dates & Such Please help our office to be as efficient and helpful as possible by keeping the following in mind: Monthly Publication – Thru the Windows The due date for information for the monthly newsletter “Thru the Windows” is the 15th of each month. Any articles or information after that date will not be included. Please submit all articles to the editor at Office Hours Monday through Friday are 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The church staff meets at 10:00 am on Mondays. Usually volunteers answer the phones during that time. If not, the phone will go to voicemail. Occasionally, the staff will have lunch offsite on Tuesdays, so please call before coming to make Church Staff Church Pastor Office Administrator Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry Organist Director of Music Chancel Choir Director Jr. Choir Pre-school Director Bookkeeper Custodians Pre-school Teachers Pre-School Administrative Assistant sure we are here. If you need access to the church at other times, please call and we will work with you to make arrangements. Voice Mail & Email All voicemail & email messages will be answered as soon as possible. Messages left after 4:00 pm on Friday will be returned on the next business day. Church Council Rev. Andreas Stein Debbie Misfeldt Cara Jensen Connie Dunn Jan Braden Kerry Greunke Julie Rothermund & Chris Tomjack Nicole Cloudt Gail Pfahl Tom & Cindy Koziol Hilary Cemer Jacquie Dugan Mindi Gansebom Kim Mitchell Elizabeth Pooley Pastor Andreas Stein Stacy Laue President Matt Geiseman Vice President Deb Almquist Treasurer David Sandstedt Jr. Secretary Jan Braden Special Funds Treasurer Fred Barnhard Property David Burgers Mutual Ministry Jake Lage Pre-school Liaison Scott Pierson Property Mary Pat Schmidt Social Ministry Coordinator Tricia Schneider Zach Melvin Youth Representative Thank you to all our Kingdom Quest volunteers for an amazing Sunday School year! Special Thanks to our Kingdom Quest Task Force: Brenda Teller, Cathy Kuhl, Mary Carol Junker, Michelle Pierson, Heather Roth, Ingrid Geiseman June 2013 Page 15 Birthdays & Anniversaries HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 1 Julie Krause 2 Carol Backhuus Michelle Christensen Logan Glandt 3 Joan Havekost Jessica Bauer Mitchell Junker 4 Joanna Ziemba Taylor Dreessen Heather Roth 5 Rayden DeLawter Gil Sass 6 Mary Finn 7 Caitlin Sandstedt Andrew Mattson Tammy Glandt 8 Myrna Nelson Mary Larsen Ann Weidner Jake Crawford 9 Irwin Bridgeford Jim Dunn Sarah Junker Chael Hanish 10 Jacob Mohr Conor Dunn Chris Burchell Ella Cemer 11 Thomas Giebelhausen Mark Carl Sharon Howells 12 Walter Sass Juli Logemann Sarah Rothermund Julie Dunn 13 Zander Hanish Mark Huygens 14 Erma Bunz (92) Ryan Fuchser Peggy Dall Caleb Simmons Avery Gaston 15 Wendy Christensen Bailey Hartman 16 Kyle Fuchser Maria Greunke Jakson DeLancey 17 Kaitlyn Smith Cyndi Musel 18 Ted Kirby (81) 19 Melayna Miller Alec Smith Nathan Stier 20 Bernetta Schroeder (91) Chris Tomjack 21 Nicholas Pinegar Nicole Huff Kurt Petersen 22 Chad Blacketer 23 Christopher Havekost 24 Lois Petersen (85) Patrick Mueller Nicole Japp 25 Joseph Frerichs Kaitlyn Farnum Cara Jensen 26 Butch Redel Lisa Kramer Richard Killingsworth 27 Marisa Tomjack Kevin Flesner Wayne Ruff Meg Sass 28 Deena Slechta Jodie Tulson Tate Jensen 29 Mindi Laaker Katie Dose Eric Huff 30 Jean Biesendorfer (92) LaFern Dierks (89) Bruce Pierson Michael Braden Jason Jensen Jesse Grothendick HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 1 Michael & Marlene Smith (50) Mark & Kris Carl Jerry & Amy Kuhl Dave & Connie Burgers 2 Don & Kristina Wallingford 3 William & Verjean Bohn (51) 4 John & Betty Davis 6 Al & Rhonda Logeman 8 Mike & Lindsey Schellhardt Irwin & Helen Bridgeford 9 Joseph & Laura Gochanour Lucas & Heather Roth 10 Londo & Lorna Auch (35) Joseph & Kayla Frerichs 13 Doug & Carol Stephens 14 Winston & Karen Anderson Greg & Caryn Stichler Jeffrey & Angela Coe 17 Bruce & Nina Pierson Kevin & Lisa Flesner Tyler & Kimberly Fritz Victor & Kelli Smith 19 Bill & Jackie Weidner 20 Jacob & Courtney Sukalski 21 Jim & Connie Dunn 22 Eric & Nicole Huff 23 Jim & Sheri Pinegar Chad & Heather Krejci 25 Van & Nancy Mohr Cory & Jordan Havekost 26 Kevin & Jan Braden Mike & Wendy Christensen (20) Jeffrey & Nicole Flynn 27 Greg & Jodi Pooley 28 Ryan & Katie Korth (10) Bret & Ronda Frerichs 30 Richard & Lois Musel (51) Kelsey & Tricia Schneider Page 16 Thru the Windows Service Schedule The May 10th Community Blood Drive was a success! Eighteen units of blood were collected. Special thanks to Mary Bequette, Betty Deardoff, Carol Iltzsch, and Deb Sass. The next blood drive is scheduled for Thursday, July 25 from 1:00-7:00pm. June 2013 Page 17 P AGE 1 June Calendar SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 8:30 Worship 9:30 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Contemporary 9 8:30 Worship 9:30 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Contemporary 16 Father’s Day Centennial Park 9:30 Coffee/Rolls 10:00 Outdoor Community Worship 3 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 10 9-12 VBS 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 9:00 Quilting (all day) 6:00pm City Council MeetingFH 17 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 12noon Keenagers 4 5:30 FIT 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 11 9-12 VBS 5:30 FIT 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 9:00 Quilting (1/2 day) 1:30 Faith Circle 5 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 9:00 Over 60 6:30 Youth Board Meeting 7:00 Exultation 12 9-12 VBS 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 9:00 Over 60 7:00 Exultation 6 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 1:00-3:00 Hooks and Needles-LH 13 9-12 VBS 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 9:30 Premiere Club 7:30 AA-YLH 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 19 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 9:00 Over 60 7:00 Exultation 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 20 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 1:00-3:00 Hooks and Needles-LH 8 8:00-4:00 Church Work Day 6:30-8:00 BYGs Bible Study and Scavenger Hunt-LH 7:30 AA-YLH 7:00 Council 18 5:30 FIT 9:00 Yoga 7 14 9-12 VBS 5:30/8:15 FIT 15 9:00 LIFT 7:00 ShowerFH Bennington Daze Bennington Daze 21 22 9:00 LIFT 6:30-8:00 BYGs Bible Study and Progressive Dinner-LH 28 29 1:00 ShowerFH 5:30/8:15 FIT 7:00 Endowment 7:30 AA-YLH 23 8:30 Worship 9:30 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Contemporary 12:00-5:00 BYGs Workday-LH 24 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 25 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 26 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT 9:00 Over 60 7:00 Exultation 27 9:00 Yoga 9-4 Lighthouse Coffee Shoppe 1:30 Lutheran Club 7:30 AA-YLH 30 8:30 Worship 9:30 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Contemporary 5:30/8:15 FIT 9:00 LIFT St John’s Lutheran Church 322 North Molley Street Bennington, NE 68007 Reverend Andreas Stein 402-238-2483 (Church) 402-238-3398 (Fax) St. John’s Lutheran Church “The Place to Be” Bennington Daze Outdoor Service Sunday, June 16th 10:00 in Centennial Park Coffee and rolls at 9:30 Everyone is welcome!
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