Geochlmlco et Cosmoch~mrca Acta Vol.SO. PP.1249-1259 0 Pergamon Journals Ltd.1986. Printedin 0016-7037/86/33.00 + .oO U.S.A. Ra-Th disequilibria systematics: Timescale of carbonatite magma formation at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania Ross W. WILLIAMSand JAMESB. GILL Earth Sciences Board, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, U.S.A. and KENNETH W. BRULAND Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, U.S.A. (Received November 5, 1985; accepted in revisedform March 17, 1986) Abstract-Carbonatite magma can form and erupt within 7 to 18 years, and the event seems associated with prior volcanic eruptions. This determination of magma age is possible because the carbonatite lava and ash which were erupted in 1960-66 from Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania, have the most extreme disequilibria between U and Th series nuclides yet measured in volcanic rocks. At the time of eruption: (228Ra)/(23*Th)= 27 and (226Ra)/(2qh) z 60; (238U)/(232Th)> 10, while (2?h)/(232Th) = 1.0; and (‘I%)/ (226Ra)= 0.3. Three end-member models are presented which enable interpretation of these disequilibria. If the disequilibrium formed instantaneously, the event occur& about 7 years before initial eruption, and just before the last preceding but small eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai. If, instead, the disequilibrium formed continuously, the process must have begun 15 to 18 years before initial eruption, just after the last preceding major eruption. The disequilibria data confirm tbat the carbonatites are not fused trona, but do not distinguish between other genetic options (mantle fusion, selective assimilation, liquid immiscibility). However, the shortness of magma-formation time together with mass-balance considerations suggest formation due to the continuous exsolution of 2 to 20% of carbonatite from nephelinite which was itself Raenriched. VOLCANOLOGICAL CONTEXT AND COMPOSITION OF SAMPLES INTRODUCTION STUDY OF SHORT-LIVEDRa and Pb as well as U and Th nuclides in recent volcanic rocks holds promise for constraining both the timescale and processes of magma genesis (CAPALDI et al., 1976; MCKENZIE, 1985). Previous contributions to this infant field of research include those by OVERSBYand GAST (1968), NISHIMURA(1970), CAPALDIet al. (1976, 1982, 1983), BENNETT et al. (1982) and KRISHNASWAMIet al. (1984). In general, these authors found (226Ra)2 (*qh) - (238U) in alkali basalts to hawaiites and some calc> alkaline andesites, (238U)> (23@Th)in nephelinite from Vesuvius, and (*‘*Ra) > (232Th) in shoshonite (Stromboli) and hawaiite (Etna). (In the previous sentence and throughout this paper, parentheses around isotopes denote activities, i.e., concentration times decay constant.) As a contribution to this subject, and to illustrate the power of the technique, we present here the most extreme disequilibria between Ra and parent Th isotopes yet measured in volcanic rocks-those in 196066 carbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. We also present interpretive models for the development of Ra-Th disequilibria similar to those developed by CAPALDI et al. (1976). The Ra-Th systematics are illustrated graphically using (228Ra)/(232Th) vs. (226Ra)/ (230Th) isochron plots. In addition, we propose that (226Ra)/Ba vs. (23’?h)/Ba isochron plots, similar in theory to the Th-U isochron plot developed by ALL~ZGRE (1968), may be used to date young (~8000 yrs) volcanics. Oldoinyo Lengai volcano is a steep-sided cone 2 km high and roughly 8 km in diameter, located within the Gregory Rift Valley in northern Tanzania, near the western fault escarpment about 16 km south of Lake Natron (DAWSON,1966). It is mainly composed of ijolitic pyroclastics with minor volume lava flows of nephelinite, phonolite and melanephelinite. The summit has two craters: the southern one is inactive, and the northern one formed during a major eruption in 1917 (DAWSON,1962a. 1966; DAWSONet al., 1968). The latter is the eruptive center of the subsequent sodium carbonate lavas and ashes, for which the volcano is famous. The next major eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai occurred in 1940-4 1 and lasted approximately six months. During this eruption ejecta were distributed up to 95 km away (DAWSON,1962a). In 1954-55 small ash cones developed on the crater floor. In early 1960 Oldoinyo Lengai began an eruptive cycle characterized by quiet extrusion of sodium carbonatite lavas. Both pahoehoe and blocky aa lava flows erupted onto the northern crater floor. These eruptions were observed, and samples collected, in early October, 1960, by J. B. Dawson. who kindly provided sample BD 114, a pahoehoe lava, to us for this study. Charles Milton observed the eruption in 1963 and, in early February, collected our second carbonatite lava sample, which was hermetically sealed. We obtained this sample (# 11354) from the U.S. National Museum of Natural History. The type of activity changed in August 1966, when ash was vented during Plinian and Vulcanian eruptions (DAWSONef al., 1968). Our ash sample, BD 882, was erupted on August 20, and collected by J. B. Dawson. All three samples were collected within l-2 days of eruption. The major element composition of both our lavas is quite similar. Both are characterized as lengaiite by trace Si02, low A1203 (. l%), high CO2 (30%), and high Na20 (30%) relative to CaO and K20 (13%and 7W, respectively) (DAWSON.1962b; 1249 1250 R. W. Williams. .I. B. Gill and K. W. Bruland and C. Milton, unpublished data). However. the trace element data reported here (Table I) imply that the two eruptions are chemically distinct, with higher concentrations of incompatible elements (Th, U, Pb, Sr, Ba, Ra) in the earlier carbonatite. The I966 ash (BD 882) is more siliceous than the earlier lavas (Si02 = 25%) and has a nephehnitic mineral assemblage (nepheline, melanite, clinopyroxene, apatite, sphene, wollastonite, magnetite * pyrite, calcite) in a matrix of sodium carbonate (DAWSONer al., 1968). Several authors have made isotopic measurements of 1960 lengaiite. BELL ef n/. (1973) found *‘Sr/%r = 0.7059: O’NEIL and HAY t 1973) found S’*O = +7.l%‘and 6°C = -- 7.6%; and DEPA~LO and WASSERBURG(1976)found 6Nd= 0.1 -e0.9. DAWSONand GALE(1970) and POOLE(1963) measured the Ll and Th concentrations in 1960 lava. Poole also concluded erroneously that the uranium decay series was in radioactive equilibrium. DATA Activity, concentration, and Pb-isotope data for the lavas and ash are given in Table 1 as measured in June 1984. U. Th, and PO were purified from 1-2 gram ahquots of crushed sample following the procedures given in Appendix I. Complete dissolution of lavas was obtained in dilute HCI-HNOs, thereby assuring sample-spike equilibrium. (238U), (2uU). (2%), (232Th)and (228Th)were measured by isotope-dilution alpha-spectrometry using a 232U-22*Thspike. The (228Th)/ (232Th)ratio was measured on unspiked ahquots. (228Ra)was calculated by assuming transient equilibrium with 228Th.The 232U-‘28Thspike was calibrated against the Hat-well uraninite standard, and against well-known ‘“U, 23zTh and 23”Thsolutions. (210Pb)was measured by alpha-spectrometry of 2’oPo usine a 2”Po soike. Radioactive eauilibrium between “‘Pb and1210Po is certain, given the short half-life of ““PO ([r/z = 138.4 d) and the relatively long time between eruption and measurement (> 15 y). The accuracy of (*‘*U). (“@fh), and (‘j2Th) is ~2% at the I o level of confidence from replicate analyses of NBS standard material RFS- I. The precision of these analyses is governed by the countmg statistics (commonly _+1.5IO 5%). Because this uncertainty is generally greater than the uncertamt~ in the spike calibration, the errors reported in Table I are from the counting statistics only. (226Ra)was measured by the Rn emanation method and the error reported is the precisron o: the calibration of the extraction and counting technique for replicate analyses ofNBS standards (3%). The accuracy of the (“‘Pb) can be estimated from measurements of samples rn which *“Pb is in equilibrium with ‘*‘Ra (fresh rocks >2OO years old). For these samples. the one-sigma error tram counting statistics on (*“Pb) always overlaps with the 3c; error on (226Ra). Concentrations of Sr and Ba were measured by name atomrc absorption. Pb concentrations were determined hy differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. and conhrmed by mass spectrometric isotope dilution. A total error of 5’: ISassigned to these numbers which is a result of propagatmn of uncertaintiesarising from weighing. dilution. standard preparation. and within-run variability. Our uranium concentrations agree farrly well with those ol DAWSONand GALE (1970). They found U -- 6.73 and 7.3 i 2 0.10 ppm by the delayed fission neutron method for two 1960 lavas, whereas we found 7.2 t 0.1 ppm. In contrast. POOLE(1963)found significantly higher LJ in the I960 lava by the total alpha emission method. He reports a value o! 34.5 ppm U which was calculated assuming secular equilihrium in the entire U decay chain. We attribute the discrepant! to the extreme 226Raenrichment we have found. In fact. the U ppm equivalent of (226Ra) is 39.1, verc close to Poole‘\ value. Poole’s conclusion that the U chain was in secular equihhrium resulted from his comparison of the ratios of ““Th and 2’4Pbgammas between a uraninite sample in equilibrium and the carbonatite. which he found to be “practically identical’. However, pure uraninite emits no gammas from the nuclides of the Th decay-series, whereas the natural carbonatite. hemp enriched in 228Ra,will emit significant gammas from the decay of 228A~.The analyzer Poole used had relatively poor resolution, so that the 228Acand 234Thpeaks probably were not resolved. Poole had expected to hnd a radium enrichment in Table 1. Oldomyo Lengal carbonawe activities (dpm/g) on June 1.1984 ___--.--Sample BD 882 L. Magadi Evap BD 114 USNM #I I3544 * Eruptton dare Ocr 8.1960 Feb.3.1963 Au1.20,1966 WSWlCi (X8,,) .C..i7 f 0.08 ?%) J73iOO9 4.88iO 5 43 + 0.08 f3’Th) 047J~OO12 IO 0.316~0.016 7.90*0.13 0.457 i 0 1.97 + 0.13 0.684 i 0 01. 4.87 + 0.20 0.101 + 0 005 (226Ra! 29.2 i 0.6 24 7 i 0.5 10.07 * 0 25 (*“Pb) io.7 f 0 4 I5 7 + 0.4 8.77+0 14 llii’ n a. 0.060 i O.OOJ T‘h-srr,a 0469+0.01: 0 285 + 0.015 4.87 f 0.20 (l?ERA: 1 !diUO5 0.89 +_0.06 5.54 * 0.25 (=‘Th! I s-i i 0.07 I.10 to.08 5.88 f. 0.27 (“‘Th, !x00 i 1600 5400 Ba i lJ%,O x401) 4100 Pb IX 110 90 Sr (ppln! 0.169 + 0.00: II rl 0.259 C 0 011, I, 9 I: a n a. Th I .(I.?+ 0.05 i17+0.06 19.96 k 0.82 0.69 i 0 03 u 7201to.10 6.341t0.12 10.59f0.17 0.61 + 0.01 “.I “a na 206Pb/20JPb IY 19 ‘07Pb/2(ilPb Ii 55 2onPb/‘MPb 39.14 ___..~.. ‘?K The (- Kd) wa) calculated by assuming it 10 be m transient equilibrium “‘Th. Evapontr C2”‘Pb) wa, messwd by alpha-spec(rometry of *“PO. wrh *The Lake Magad! was collected m Aug. 1985 and Ihe actlwtes are as measured on Sept !7 1985. ‘11a ” means not analyzed. plven lri ihe appmd,x Delailrd descnpttons of the analytical methods ;lic 1251 Carbonatite magma formation the carbonatite, and it is ironic that the uranium enrichment he reported was probably the result of the radium instead. Table 2 presents the activities of the shorter-lived nuclides decay-corrected to the time of eruption, plus certain activity ratios. Decay corrections assumed closed system behavior, because the samples all were collected and sealed very soon after eruption. The ranges reported for (““Pb) and (**‘Ra) and the ratios of these to their longer-lived ancestors, are the maximum and minimum values calculated by assuming the minimum and maximum, respectively, “parental” activities. Very little error is introduced in these calculations due to the uncertainty in the time of ingrowth-decay, because the uncertainty in the date of eruption is very small with respect to the half-lives of these nuclides. PRINCIPLES OF Ra/Th GEOCHRONOLOGY Radioactive disequilibrium within a decay series occurs because of enrichment or depletion of any isotope of the chain relative to its parent or daughter. The timescale over which the perturbed system, once closed, returns to equilibrium depends on the half-life of the enriched/depleted isotopes. In general, depending on the magnitude of the initial disequilibrium and on the precision of the analytical techniques, radioactive equilibrium is reestablished to within analytical error (usually 3%) after approximately five half-lives of the perturbed isotope. The duration and magnitude or rate of the enrichment/ depletion event is also important in conjunction with the halflife of the isotope. For example, an instantaneous enrichment of a very short-lived isotope such as 224Rawill cause an enrichment of all the daughters of the Th-series following it within a short time (hours), because of the very short half-lives of these daughters. However, this enrichment will decay with the half-life of 224Ra(3.64 days), and after about 20 days the entire chain will return to equilibrium with 228Th,the parent of 224Ra. A slow enrichment of 224Ra may not perturb its equilibrium significantly, because the excess 224Racan decay to undetectable levels as rapidly as it is enriched. However. a Ra enrichment that is “slow” with respect to 224Ra may be “rapid” with respect to *“Ra (f,,r = 5.76 y) or 226Ra(tllz = 1600 y) and may result in a substantial enrichment for these longer-lived isotopes. If disequilibrium between 226Raand “Th occurs rapidly with respect to the half-life of 226Ra(within tens of years), then it may be possible to date the event causing the disequilibrium by normalizing the activities to a “stable” Ra homoloaue such as Ba. A olot of fZZ6Ra)/Bavs. (23”Th)/Ba or (228Ra)/Ba vs. (232Th)/Ba would be analogous to the (s”Th)/ (232Th) vs. (23*U)/(232Th)isochron plot developed by ALLI?GRE(1968). Both (226Ra)/Ba vs. (23@Th)/Baand (228Ra)/Ba vs. (*‘*Th)/Ba systematics require physical separation of contemporaneous phases to provide an isochron. The weakest assumption of this method is that Ra and Ba will fractionate identically: that is. that the (226Ra)/Baor (228Ra)/Ba at timezero will be the same in all phases of the system. Our data from Oldoinyo Lengai indicate that this may be true because the (226Ra)/Ba ratios of the two lavas and the ash overlap at the 20 confidence level. However. the precision of the analyses only permits the age of fractionation to be constrained to be recent with respect to the half-life of 226Ra,i.e.. less than 200 years. Our lava and ash samples are not contemporaneous with respect to the half-life of 228Ra,and mineral separations from an individual lava were not feasible. Thus. the (22*Ra)/ Ba W. (232Th)/Ba systematics could not be applied to these samples. However, the simultaneous consideration of (22sRa)/(232Th) and (226Ra)/(23@Th) disequilibria, each with their own unique response time. for individual volcanic rock samples can allow constraints to be placed on the age and duration of processes which fractionate Ra from Th within the magmatic system. Plots of (228Ra)l(232Th) 1’s.(226Ra)l(23@Th) , enable visualization of different Ra-Th fractionation processes, and evaluation of their potential as geochronometers for volcanic processes occurring on timescales of less than half a century. Theoreticallv. one also can utilize 210Pb/226Radiseauilibria when observed; as here, to date processes which are short relative to the 22.4 y half-life of *“Pb. In the Oldoinyo Lengai case, and perhaps in general, rigorous 2’oPb-2’6Rageochronometry is precluded by uncertainty concerning the chemical and physical behavior of Pb in volcanic processes. For example, Pbloss by volatilization on eruption could result in spuriously young ages, Even so, (2’0Pb)/(226Ra)= 0.3 in both 1960 and 1963 lavas at the time of eruption (see Table 2) is consistent with the young ages implied by the Ra-enrichment (discussed below). Pioneering work on the use of Ra-Th geochronology to date volcanic processes was presented by CAPALDI etal. ( 1976). Their samples were freshly erupted lavas from Etna and Stromboli, in which (**‘Th) < (228Ra).Disequilibrium between these short-lived isotopes of the Th-decay series can provide strong constraints on geochemical models. Massimo Cortini recently published (while our manuscript was in review) a reinterpretation of these data in a paper entitled “An attempt to model the timing of magma formation by means of radioactive disequilibria” (CORTINI, 1985). In this paper, Cortini points out the need for a “reliable” model of magma formation, and develops single-stage and two-stage models for Ra and Th growth in magmas. His single-stage linear model is similar to our Model 2, developed below. Simple models fail to explain the activities observed in the lavas from Etna and Stromboli largely because of the 22*Th-228Rad&equilibria which indicates recent Ra addition. Transient equilibrium between 228Th(f,,r = 1.91 y) and 228Rain our samples from Oldoinyo Lengai was established prior to analysis, and any insight into the processes responsible for the original disequilibria which that pair might have given has been lost. Consequently, the following three models concentrate on 228Ra2’2Th and 226Ra-23qh disequilibria. Table 2. Acliwtles decay-corrected to the time of eruption Sample BD 114 USNM #I 13544 BD a82 (226Ra) 29 5 + 0.6 24.9 + 0.5 10.1 + 0.3 (*“Pb) 9.3 (7.8-10.7) 7.3 (5.9-8.5) 7.8 (7.4-8.3) (‘28Ra) 12.8 (12.0-13.5) 8.2 (7.5-8.8) 10.7 (10.1-11.1) (238U)/(230Th) 11.3kO.3 15.0 f 0.8 1.6 i 0.07 (226Ra)/(230Th) 62.8 -t 2.9 a3 0 + 4.5 2.07+_0.11 (2’oPb)/(226Ra) 0.315 (0.26-0.37) 0.293 (0.23-0.35) 0.762 (0.712-0.847) (228Ra)/(232Th, 27 4 (24.9-29.5) 27.2 (25.0-32.5) 2.19(1.99-2.38) The activities ax decay-corrected to the time of eruption of each sample (dates gwen in Table 1). The range in actiwties and activity ratios, (the numbers in parentheses), it~e obtained by propagating decay-correchon and ratio calculations the la errors of the analyses through the R. W. Williams, J. B. Gill and K. W. Bruland 1252 FIG. 1. Model 1, Ra/Th activity ratios are plotted for the isotopes of the Th-series VS.the isotopes of the U-series. Instantaneous enrichment of a magma with Ra that has (22sRa)/(226Ra) = I.0 occurs at 1 .I- 0 followed by closed-system decay. The trajectory of an enriched system (point A’) is shown by the arrows as it moves toward radioactive ~uiiib~um represented by the e&point. The isochrons represent the time since en~chment. Point A is the 1960 lava from Oldoinyo Lengai. GEOCHEMICAL MODELS We have developed three geochemical modeis which use (2*aRa)/(232Th) vs. (226Ra)/(23’?fh) systematics to constrain the timescaie of the fmctionation process. In them, we have chosen to speak of relative Ra enrichment, rather than Th depletion, because carbonatite genesis seems more likely to concentrate Ra than to remove Th from the carbonate liquid. However, the two are identical mathematically. Note that the source of the Ra will become relatively Th enriched and will obey the same equations for growth toward secular equilibrium. We have chosen parameters for the three models to illustrate their application to our samples from Oldoinyo Lengai. In Figs. 1. 2 and 3, the points C 20 40 Cz26RoV labeled “A” represent the 1960 lava at the time ol eruption. The models are described here and in Appendix 2. A more detailed interpretation of their application to the data follows in the “Discussion”. Model i: Instantaneous Ra enrichmtmr The simplest case to consider is a process in which Ra is added instantaneously and the system then closed. after which the excess Ra decays toward equilibrium with the parent Th isotope. “instantaneous” in thts context means the enrichment process occurred in less than a year. Fig. 1 is a plot of the activity ratio of the daughter/parent Ra/Th isotopes of the Th-series (j’axis) VS.the same ratio for the isotopes of the Il-series. 60 100 (2X”Th) FIG. 2. Model 2. Instantaneous and continuous Ra-emichment model curves and isochrons for the continuous process (dashed tines) are shown. Solid lines show representative ratesof Ra enrichment, as multiples of the Th activity. per year. The added Ra has (‘%a)/(‘26Ra) = 1.0 and remains constant thrnu~out the process, as if the Ra were derived from an infinite reservoir. The 1960 and 1963 lavas on eruption are plotted as A and B. respectively. 1253 Carbonatite magma formation lnstantonews enrichment wth 40 = 70 60 80 ('26RaV(=oTh) FIG.3. Model 3. The Ra enrichment in the magma evolves through time as a result of Rayleigh fractionation of a finite reservoir. The partition coefficients (D’s) defined as (activity in the carbonatite)/(activity in the source) are constant (Drt,/Dn = 70) for each incremental batch of carbonatite that forms. The (22SRa)/ (226Ra)of each successive increment increases because (228Ra)grows toward (232Th)in the residue. The percentages denote the mass fraction of the source which has separated as carbonatite (i.e.. analogous to the percent solidified during crystal fractionation). The isochrons refer to the time required for a given percent of fractionation to occur. The 1960 lava is again plotted as “A”. Model 2: Continuous Ra enrichment with constant The line labeled “Instantaneous” has slope = 1, which (zz8Ra)/(226Ra) is the (*2sRa)/(226Ra) ratio of the added Ra in this model. The isochrons are defined by the locus of points In contrast to an instantaneous event, the disequirepresented by the “Instantaneous” line at t = 0, which librium within the U and Th decay chains produced have decayed for 1,5,10,20, and 30 years. They pivot by a continuous Ra enrichment depends on the rate through the point at (1,l) which we will call the “equiat which Ra is added. The trajectories of systems that point”, representing radioactive equilibrium in both have undergone continuous enrichment in Ra at difdecay series. ferent rates are represented by the curves in Fig. 2. The There is nothing sacred about the slope of the “Inadded Ra has a constant isotopic composition, specifstantaneous” line. It can be chosen on a case by case ically (228Ra)/(226Ra)= 1.0, and the line labeled “inbasis to represent the assumed isotopic composition stantaneous enrichment” has the same slope as the of the added Ra. We chose the slope = 1 for the figure “instantaneous” line in Fig. 1. The rates of enrichment because (232Th)/(2Th) = 1.0 for our samples from indicated on the individual curves are in units of decay Oldoinyo Lengai. The added Ra isotopes will have the per minute per gram per year, and are given as mulsame activity ratio as the Th isotopes if the Ra and the tiples of the activity of Th (either 230 or 232) which Th have a common source, and if the source is in rais constant. The great difference in the half-lives of dioactive equilibrium. 226Ra and “‘Ra would allow a relatively slow enrichFor example, a system instantaneously enriched in ment process (e.g., the curve representing 0.5 X (Th)/ Ra by a factor of 63 relative to the Th activity is shown y on Fig. 2) to produce significant 226Ra excess while in Fig. I as the point A’. If the system remains closed, “‘Ra remained close to equilibrium with its parent, this point will move along the trajectory shown by the 232Th. In contrast, a rapid enrichment rate (e.g., the arrows. The rate of movement in the y-direction is curve representing 10 X (Th)/y on Fig. 2) would procontrolled by the half-life of ‘*‘Ra (5.76 y), and is relduce Ra-enrichment approaching the instantaneous atively rapid with respect to the rate of movement in case for the range of (228Ra)/(232Th)plotted in Fig. 2 the x-direction, which is controlled by the half-life of (i.e., less than 40). Isochrons are drawn on this figure 226Ra (1600 y). through the locus of points made by systems that have If the Ra in the source is not in radioactive equilibrium with the parent Th isotopes, then (228Ra)/(226Ra) undergone variable rates of radium enrichment throughout the given interval since time zero. If the will not necessarily equal (232Th)/(23@Th). For example, isotopic characteristics of a sample are produced by if the source had been previously enriched in Ra, then this continuous Ra-enrichment process, then its plot it is probable that (228Ra)/(232Th) will be less than on this diagram defines a unique duration and rate of (226Ra)/(23@Th),because of the short half-life of ‘*‘Ra. enrichment. Similar enrichment curves and isochrons Instantaneous enrichment with Ra of this isotopic can be constructed for any chosen Ra (or Th) isotopic character will decrease the slope of the instantaneous ratio. Continuous enrichment with Ra from a source line and reduce the ages derived from Model 1. I254 R. W. Williams. J. B. Gill and K. W. Bruland not in radioactive equilibrium, where (228Ra)/(226Ra) c (‘“Th)/(*qh) results in flattening of the enrichment curves and isochrons, and yields younger Model 2 ages. Model 3: Continuous Ra enrichment rvith increasing f228Ra)/(z26Ra) Models can be constructed to trace the isotopic evolution of a system in which the isotopic composition of the added Ra changes with time. The temporal dependence of the added (228Ra)/(226Ra)must be known. and assumptions must be made about the initial conditions. As an illustration, we have constructed a model in which the (228Ra)/(226Ra)ratio of the added Ra increases with time as a result of growth toward secular equilibrium with the parent Th isotopes in the source of the Ra. The activities of the Ra and Th isotopes in the system depend on the activities initially present, the rate at which these activities change. and the time span over which the change occurs. Fig. 3 shows a model for Ra addition according to Rayleigh fractionation from a source which is homogeneous and initially in radioactive equilibrium. A system enriched in Ra. and its complementary residue enriched in Th, are formed by this continuous fractionation process. We define the partition coefficient. D, to be (the activity of the nuclide in the system)/(the activity of the nuclide in the source) for each increment of system that forms. In the model shown, D~DT,, = 70. “Source” here can denote solids being fused, residue from leaching. or silicate liquid which separates to yield carbonatite (see “Geological Processes” section below). and “system” denotes carbonatite magma in each case. Note that D here retains the form carbonate liquid/silicate liquid, as used by FREESTONEand HAMILTON ( 1980), but inverts the usual solid/liquid convention in order to retain carbonate liquid in the numerator consistently. The source in Fig. 3 has (“‘Th)/(*“Th) = I, and is initially in radioactive equilibrium. The first infinitesimal bit of system that forms has an isotopic composition represented by the point A’. With time the system moves from A’ into the field where (22bRa) > (“‘Ra) because of the relatively rapid decay of unsupported **‘Ra. The source is strongly depleted in Ra relative to Th very early in the fractionation process because of the large D chosen for Ra. However. 228Ra builds into its parent in the source much more quickly than does 226Ra, and the available Ra in the source for the next incremental fractionation step has (**‘Ra) > (226Ra). Thus, the difference between Models 2 and 3 is that the former assumes an infinite pristine source, whereas the latter assumes a finite source which constantly rehomogenizes its increasingly residual character at a timescale short with respect to the half-life of 228Ra. The isochrons in Fig. 3 are drawn through the locus of points defined by variable final percentages of system formed in that length of time. The trajectory from point A’ to point A is one in which 4% of the total system becomes Ra-enriched throughout I8 vears. As we dis- cussed above. previous Ra-enrichment of the source will tend to reduce the (zz8Ra)/(2’6Ra) I relative to (232Th)/(23@Th)) of the added Ra, and decrease the ages obtained from both Models I and 2. The same IS true for Model 3. Prior Ra-enrichment of the source dis.. places it into the field where (‘-?bRa) b IZZXRa).From this starting point. less time is needed to produce the observed Ra-enrichment. and a lower \aiue of I),,, DTh is allowed. GEOLOGICAL PROCESSEls The three models presented above are end-member possibilities of Ra-enrichment processes. Each may be applicable to the geological processes h\ which carbonatite magma forms: partial melting in the mantle (KOSTER VAN GROOS. 1975): assimilaCon or fusion of carbonate sediment (EUGSTER. 1970: VII IX?>. 1968); or exsolution from a phonolitic or nephelemtii magma (DONALDSON and DAWSON. 1978: FREI-STON~ and HAMILTON, 1980). Partial melting can be described by Model I it’ the magma is formed and leaves the source region rapidI! (within a year). Models 2 and 3 allow the magma to be generated more gradually. Model 2 requires a large homogeneous source region, portions of which, once fused, become isolated or refractory and play no further role in the generation or evolution of the magma. On the other hand, Model 3 allows gradual extraction 01 magma from a progressively depleted and continuousI> re-homogenized source, and is most consistent with current ideas of melt extraction (e.S.. MCKENZIE. 1985). Both bulk assimilation and selective leaching also can be described by all three models. Models I and 2 describe rapid and gradual bulk assimilation of Raenriched material, or rapid and gradual selective addition of Ra, respectively. Model 3 implies continuous leaching of Ra from a finite volume of country rock. As regards liquid immiscibility, Model i applies to rapid exsolution when a body of magma reaches the 2-liquid field and all the carbonatite exsolves simultaneously from the source magma. Model 2 describes exsolution in which the exsolving carbonatite volume increases gradually, but requires that a given increment of source magma exsolves carbonatite only once. Model 3 applies when exsolution accompames differentiation of a source magma which is constantly rehomogenized and continuously exsolvmg DISClJSSlON The enrichments of 238Uand 226Raover .““Th, and of **‘Ra over 232Th in the 1960 and 1963 lavas are the most extreme ever measured in lavas. The deficiency of*“Pb with respect to 226Rais also the most extreme. These extremities result from the strong partitioning of U and Ra into carbonatite. and make possible the detailed interpretations which follow. The greatest disequilibrium between ““Ra and ‘q-h previously reported was in a 1944 nephelinite from Vesuvius (CAPALDI et al.. 1982) in whkh tL2’Ral~ Carbonatite magma formation (230Th)was 7.5-10, compared with values of 63-83 for the Lengai lavas (Table 2). However, (226Ra) in some cumulate rocks from Vesuvius is extremely high, with (2z6Ra)/(2qh) = 170 (CAPALDIet al., 1982). CAPALDI et al. (1976) also found (228Ra)/(232Th) of 1.1-1.5 in 197 l-1974 lavas from Etna and Stromboli, which is an order of magnitude less than the values at Oldoinyo Lengai. Although 228Ra-232Thdisequilibrium has been looked for in several other recent eruptions (BENNETT et al., 1982; R. WILLIAMS, unpublished data), it has been found only at Etna, Stromboli and Oldoinyo Lengai. The (230Th)/(232Th)ratio of all three samples is 1.OO f .05, which represents equilibrium with material that has a Th/U ratio of 3.04. These values, together with the Sr-Nd-0 isotopic compositions cited above and the Pb isotope ratios of Table 1, are consistent with an upper mantle source for this carbonatite, as has been argued for carbonatites in general by LANCELOTand ALLBGRE(1974) and others. In particular the low 207Pb/ 204Pb and 20*Pb/Z04Pb,lie near the Northern Hemisphere reference line of HART ( 1984), and well below crustal values expected for the Tanzanian Shield. The Th activity ratio, like the 6”O values of O’NEIL and HAY (1973), preclude the possibility that the carbonatite is remobilized trona-rich evaporite lake deposits. We analyzed a sample of such deposits from Lake Magadi in Kenya (see Table 1). The (234U)/(238U) of the evaporite is 1.50 and the (*38U)/(232Th)is 2.70. In contrast, the U-isotopes of the carbonatites are in radioactive equilibrium: (234U) = (238U). If the Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatites represent remobilized evaporite similar to the Lake Magadi deposits, then the process must have taken at least 0.75 million years, which is the minimum time required to reestablish equilibrium in the U-series. In this much time, the (2?h)/(232Th) would become 2.70, a value much greater than observed in the carbonatite. Also, the extreme 228Ra enrichments preclude the alternative hypothesis of EUGSTER( 1970) that the lavas are the result of interaction of alkaline magma with the groundwater reservoir. That is, a convecting hydrothermal system within low Th sediments could not maintain a sufficiently great standing crop of 228Ra. For these reasons, partial melting of the upper mantle, and exsolution from mantle-derived silicate magma are evaluated further using the three models developed in this paper, whereas fusion or assimilation of nearsurface sediment are not. 1255 requires the event to have occurred in late 1953. Thus, the instantaneous model is self-consistent, but the roughly synchronous occurrence of an event which produces a chemically zoned magma, with higher concentrations of incompatible elements including Ra at the top, seems fortuitous. It is more likely that the 1963 and 1960 lavas, though consanguineous, differ in activities as the result of magmatic differentiation in the 2.4 years that separate the eruptions, for reasons given later under the heading “Carbonatite Differentiation”. Model 2: Continuous processes adding isoropicallJ* constant radium The activity ratios of the 1960 and 1963 lavas decaycorrected to the time of eruption are shown on Fig. 2, as “A” and “B”, respectively. The 1966 ash plots close to the equipoint and is not shown. The Model 2 age of these disequilibria can be evaluated according to the principles discussed earlier. First, consider the 1960 lava (point A). If its isotopic characteristics were produced by continuous enrichment of Ra with a constant 2261228 activity ratio of 1.0, then the process must have operated for approximately 17 years prior to eruption, at a rate of 3.8 times the activity of Th in the lava per year (1.8 dpm/g-y). Because both lavas and ash have (23’?h)/(232Th) = 1.O at the 1u confidence level, we assume initially that (226Ra)/ (*“Ra) = 1.O also, which is an underlying assumption in the construction of all three figures. Figure 2 also shows that if the 1963 lava (point B) was produced by this model, the Ra-enrichment process operated at a slower rate for a longer time, i.e., for roughly 24 years prior to eruption at a rate of 3.4 times the activity of Th. Considering the higher activities of Th (both 232Th and 23@I’h)in the 1960 lava, and the analytical errors, the minimum Ra-enrichment rate that could produce this lava is 1.5 dpm/g-y. Similarly, the lower Th-activities in the 1963 lava, fixes the maximum Ra-enrichment rate that could produce this lava at 1.3 dpm/g-y. It is possible that the Raenrichment process stopped prior to the eruption of the 1963 lava, and closed system decay of “‘Ra (a vertical vector in Fig. 2) accounts for the lower enrichment rate given by Model 2. As for Model 1, this is possible, but, because of the different incompatible element concentrations in the two lavas, fortuitous, and therefore, deemed unlikely. Model 1: Instantaneous processes Model 3: Continuous processes with changing radium If the Ra enrichment was produced instantaneously, then the 1960 lava formed in late 1953 when it would have been at the point (63,63) (point A’, Fig. I). This date is within a year of the last previous eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai when small ash cones developed on the crater floor. Subsequently, 7 years of decay would have reduced the (228Ra)/(232Th) to the value at the time of eruption (point A). Analogously, instantaneous production of the Ra enrichment in the 1963 lava also This model was described in detail earlier and is presented in Fig. 3. As often is the case geochemically, the more complicated and less constrained explanations seem most applicable. However, the timescales of magma formation, and the caveat that the same rate cannot explain formation of both lavas, are the same as for Model 2. For both lavas to have been produced by the same continuous fractionation process, the D&DT,, ratio 1256 R. W. Williams, J. B. Gill and K. W. Bruland must have been at least 85. This value is required if as little as 0.5% fractionation is necessary to produce the 1963 lava which has a (226Ra)/(23?h) of 83. Some 25 years of such fractionation would be necessary. The 1960 lava, with its higher concentrations, would require approximately 10% of similar fractionation over 22 years. So the later erupted lava would represent an older, yet less fractionated magma. Again. this is possible, but fortuitous. Therefore, we chose to apply Model 3 only to the 1960 lava (point A on Fig. 3). The 1963 lava was not plotted because the grid of intersecting percentages and isochrons would be different for the higher value of DdDTh (i.c., greater than 85) that is needed to model this lava. Convection in carbonatite magma chambers will be turbulent (TREIMANand SCHEDL,1983), which makes it unlikely that the differences between the 1960 and the 1963 lavas are the result of a stratified magma chamber with higher incompatible element concentrations at the top. Instead, we believe the 1960 lava, being the first-erupted carbonatite from the volcano, represents a less differentiated magma than the 1963 lava. Also, we believe DdalD~~ = 70 is a more reasonable estimate of the Ra-Th partitioning because it results in a lower percentage of carbonatite formed from the initial system. Although model-dependent. it can be shown that the percentage of carbonatite formed is probably less than 20% (see next section). Thus, if the magma formed in this manner, then it began the fractionation process in 1942, just after the last preceding major eruption. This conclusion is robust whether one assumes the isotopic composition of the Ra from the source remained constant (Model 2). or varied systematically (Model 3). Carbonatite formation The preceding analysis demonstrates that the carbonatite magma erupted in 1960 and 1963 formed either about 7 years before initial eruption, just before the immediately preceding small eruption (if it formed instantaneously), or about I8 years before initial eruption, just after the last major eruption (if it formed gradually). The disequilibria rule out magma derivation from near-surface trona, but by themselves do not further constrain whether formation reflects mantle fusion, selective assimilation of carbonate, or crustal-level immiscibility from phonolite or nephelinite. If the Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatites came directly from the subcontinental mantle, our conclusion, that at most 20 years separate melt formation and eruption, would be stunning. Following MCKENZIE’S (1985) reasoning, for example, would require that KRa <<k;,, (K = CmI./Cliq.) during initial mantle fusion. Mantle porosity is required to be less than 1%. even if k;,, is as large as .O1, and will be even less if Th is more incompatible. Chemical equilibrium is required to be achieved within centuries, perhaps decades. If carbonatite magma convects turbulently and flows rapidly (TREIMANand SCHEDL, 1983: SPERA. I98 1). heat and mass transfer could be rapid enough during ascent for the melt to erode conduit walls “instantaneously” with respect to the half-life of “*Ra. However, mantle fusion and bulk assimilation seem least consistent with the short timescales deduced from the &equilibria. insofar as both must melt rock. The soundness of this temporal argument hinges on the volume of magma produced. which we do not know. Similarly, if carbonatite could form in the mantle and be erupted within decades, it is surprising it is so uncommon. The experimental work of ROSTERVANC&OOSand WYLLIE (1966, 1968) WENDLANDTand HARRISON ( I979), and FREESTONEand HAMILTON( 1980) demonstrates unambiguously that immiscibility occurs brtween silica-rich and carbonate-rich liquids of a variety of compositions at common magmatic temperatures and pressures. In particular. the natrocarbonatite ot Oldoinyo Lengai is thought to have separated from a parental silicate magma which was more likely a phonolite than a nephelinite (DONALDSONand DAN’SON, 1978; FREESTONEand HAMILTON, 1980). The LREE are partitioned more strongly into the carbonate phase than the HREE, and all the REE partition more strongly into the carbonate liqutd with increasing pressure and decreasing temperature (BEDSON. 1984). Hence, immiscibility in which Ra. like the LREE, partitions strongly into the carbonate hquid. and U partitions more strongly than Th. seems most consistent with our data. To test this hypothesis further, the disequilibria between the nuclides of the U and Th decay-series are used to constrain the relative proportions of the immiscible carbonate and silicate fractions. The composition of the pure carbonate phase 1s taken to be that of BD I 14. Although the composition of the pure silicate phase is unknown, it can be inferred from the composition of the 1966 ash. If the ash is ;i physical mixture of the two components, then massbalance calculations show that the maximum carbonate component permissible in the ash is about 30%. because negative concentrations of Sr. Ba and Ra III the silicate phase are required for greater mass fractions of carbonate. The composition of the silicate component is roughly fixed by this constraint and is very similar to the nephelinites or melanephelinites, but not the phonolites, previously erupted from Oldoinyo Lengai (DAWSON, 1966). Taking these compositions to represent those of the carbonate and silicate phases. theoretically one can find the proportion of these phases that can be mixed together to produce a system originally in radioactivr equilibrium. This is a unique application of the radioactive decay series, possible because in secular equilibrium the different elements of the series all have the same initial activity. Similar mass-balance calculations using elemental concentrations are generally under.. determined, whereas the equations for the activities of the decay series nuclides define an overdetermined system. However, as can happen for an overdetermined system of equations, no unique solution exists. Therefore, the system prior to fractionation apparently was 1257 Carbonatite magma formation not in radioactive equilibrium. It was slightly enriched initially in U and Ra, as might be expected from the affinity of U and Ra for COz-rich fluids. Using a leastsquares approach, one can find “solutions” to the massbalance equations in which the parent magma is closest to radioactive equilibrium. The residuals are least when between 2 to 20% carbonatite exsolves from the parent magma. Ra, the 1960 lava was Ra less than 20 years prior to eruption. The association of these ages with prior eruptions is consistent with movement of a new batch of magma to crustal levels beneath the volcanic edifice. Exsolution of immiscible carbonatite from a nephelinitic parent magma is compatible with the radioisotope data, as is differentiation of the 1960 magma to form the lava erupted in 1963. Carbonatite Acknowledgements-We differentiation As noted earlier, whatever model explains the disequilibrium in one of the lavas cannot explain it in the other. We believe, instead, that the differences between the two lavas reflects differentiation during the intervening 2.4 years. The activities of all the nuclides and the concentrations of Sr, Ba and Pb decreased between 1960 and 1963. The Th activities decreased by about 36%, while (226Ra) only decreased by about 16%, resulting in higher (226Ra)/(23?h). However, (22”Ra)/ (232Th) remained approximately constant, because of the more rapid decay of 228Ra. Assuming that “‘Ra would be depleted by the same percentage as 226Ra, the Ra-Th systematics of the 1963 lava can be explained by 36% decrease in Th and 16% decrease in Ra of the 1960 lava over the 2.4 y time interval observed between eruptions. Regardless of whether the differentiation process occurred instantaneously (e.g., volatile loss during the 1960 eruption) or continuously (e.g., crystal fractionation or volatile streaming-fenitization), the RaTh systematics indicate an age of 2.4 + 1.2 years, which is consistent with the time between eruption of the two lavas. If differentiation occurred instantaneously in 1960, then immediately thereafter the magma would have lain at the point (83,36) on the (228Ra)/(232Th)vs. (226Ra)/(2qh) plot, and 2.4 years of closed system decay would have reduced (228Ra)/(232Th)from 36 to 27. A continuous differentiation process, in which Th and Ra are reduced by 36% and 16%, respectively, produces the same results if it operates over the same length of time. CONCLUSIONS (228Ra)/(232Th) vs. (226Ra)/(230Th) plots can aid interpretation of the chronology of recent Ra-emichment events and evaluation of the processes responsible for the disequilibria. Meaningful, albeit model-dependent, ages can be found for single samples. In contrast to (226Ra)/Ba vs. (23?h)/Ba isochron plots, neither separation of phases to give leverage on an isochron, nor identical fractionation of Ra and Ba between phases is required. However, coupled 228*226Ra disequilibria have been found only in some highly alkaline magmas. We believe that the Ra enrichment in the Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatites is a primary characteristic produced during magma genesis. The Ra enrichment in the 1960 lava either occurred instantaneously between 1952-54 (Model I), or began developing by a continuous process (Model 2 or 3) between 1942-45. Despite uncertainty in the isotopic composition of the added thank J. B. Dawson. and the U.S. National Museum of Natural History for the samples from Oldoinyo Lengai, and Ellery Ingall for collecting the Lake Magadi evaporite for us. John Donat measured the Pb concentrations. We also thank George Tilton, and Sam Mukase for assistance with the Pb-isotopic measurements. and Michel Condomines for a helpful review of this manuscript. This research was supported by NSF Grants EAR8218467 and EAR84 17459. Editorial handling: J. D. Macdougall REFERENCES ALL~GREC. J. (1968) *?h dating of volcanic rocks: a comment. Earth Planet. Sri. Lect. 5, 209-2 10. BEDSONP. 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Amer. J Sci. 264, 234-255. with disposable polypropylene tips (Bio-Rad econo columns). KOSTERVAN GROOS A. F. and WYLLIEP. J. (I 968) Liquid and charged with 8 N HCI. (Samples with more Fe require immiscibility in the join NaAlSisOs-NaZC09-Hz0 and its larger resin beds.) All columns flow by gravit!. In 8 N HC; bearing on the genesis of carbonatites. .4?ner J Sci. 266, the PO, U and Fe are adsorbed by the resin and the Th passes 932-967. with the other salts in the effluent. The U and Fe are eluted KRISHNASWAMIS., TIJREKIANK. K. and BENNETI J. 1. with three successive 8 ml portions of H20. followed h) 8 ml (1984) The behavior of 232Th and the “*U decay chain of 0.5 N HCI and then another 8 ml of water. During this nuclides during magma formation and volcanism. Geochim step the PO remains adsorbed on the resin and is then eluted Cosmochim. Acta 48, 505-5 1 I. with 200-300 ml of 7.5 N HNO,. This techntaue for seoaLANCELOTJ. R. and ALLI?GREC. J. 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(1981) Carbon dioxide in igneous petrogenesis: the salts can be rinsed through with three or more IO ml II. Fluid dynamics of mantle metasomatism. Contrib. Minportions of 7.5 N HNO3. U is eluted with HI0 and weak HCl eral. Petrol. 77, 56-65. as above, and Th is eluted with IO ml of water followed b\ TREIMANA. H. and SCHEDLA. (1983) Properties of carbonthree successive IO ml portions of 8 N HCI. After drying the atite magma and processes in carbonatite magma chambers. LJ commonly has a trace of Fe contamination. and the Th J. Geol. 91, 437-447. usually has some trace salt contamination. WENDLANDTR. F. and HARRISONW. J. (1979) Rare earth The final purification of the U is achieved with :1small : ? partitioning between immiscible carbonate and silicate liqN HNO, column (0.7 cm dia. Y 10 cm. r-4 ml resin bed) II) uids and CO2 vapor: results and implications for the formation of light rare earth-enriched rocks. Contrih. .&4inera/. a manner similar to the Fe + U separation. following which no Fe contamination remains and the U is ready for plating Petrol. 69, 409-4 19. and alpha-counting. Depending on the amount of other salts remaining with the Th fraction, either a small 7.5 N HNO, APPENDIX 1 column separation must be done. or if only a small amount of contaminant remains a TTA-benzene extraction of Th wtll Reagents suffice. For the TTA-benzene extraction. the Th-fraction IF taken in I5 ml of pH = 2 HNO, and shaken in a sep-funnel AG-IX8 (Bio-Rad Laboratories), 100-200 mesh, chloride with I5 ml of TTA-benzene. (The TTA-benzene is prepared form, anion exchange resin is used for all the exchange sepby dissolving 5.5 g thenoyl-trifuoroacetone in IO0 ml of benaration steps. Fisher certified thenoyl-trifluoroacetone and zene.) The aqueous phase is discarded, the TTA-benzene is Mallinckrodt spectrophotometric-grahe benzene are used for rinsed once with - I5 ml of clean pH = 3 HNO,. and the the TTA-benzene Th purifications. Glass distilled. deionized Th is back-extracted from the organic phase mtn I5 ml of I? Hz0 and analytical &ade (Mallinckrodt) acids are used N HNO,. The 2 N HN03 phase is taken to dryness and the throughout. 232U, 22*Th, and ““PO tracers are used for the Th is ready for plating. The purified U and Th fractions arc isotope dilution a-spectrometr). electroplated (-2 amps at 7 volts, for 30 minutes) on Pt planchets from a 2 M NH$ZI solution adjusted to pH 2.2. Digesf ion r Aliquots of carbonatite were weighed inio teflon beakers. dampened with H20. and digested with 6 N HCI added in small increments to prevent vigorous effervescence. After the .4lpha spectrometr) Separate detectors are maintained for countmg L. I h and PO. The spectrum from each detector is collected on q ! 1 Carbonatite magma channels of a 2048 channel multichannel analyzer. The alpha resolution (FWHM) at 5.11 MeV is between 30-40 KeV. Reagent and processing blanks are spiked. This allows the extent of tracer cy tailing into the 234U, “‘U, *qh and 23’Th regions of interest to be determined. Unspiked reagent and processing blanks have detector blank count rates in the 238U, *%J. 232Th. and *qh regions of interest (0.7 to 3 cts/day). The 232U-2’8Th tracer is very pure. No peaks in the lower energy U or Th regions are detectable. However. blanks spiked with 23*U-228Th have elevated count rates in these regions of interest due to tailing. Commonls. O.l-0.3% of the mikes alohas will tail into the lower energy regions of interest. The counts in these regions arc corrected for the detector blank and for tracer tailing. Polonium. The counts from 20sPo and 2’oPo are corrected for the detector blanks of 5 and 12 counts per day, respectively. Since the odecay emissions of *“PO and *“PO are close in energy. correction must be made for tailing of *“PO into the 208Po region. Despite these peaks being well resolved. 1.6% of the *“PO alphas tail into the 208Po region. This percentage was determined by counting a Ag-disk plated with only 210Po. Reagent and processing blanks for PO show no detectable *“PO contamination. The counts from each nuclide are then decay corrected from the midpoint of the count to the time of PO separation (the first 8 N HCI column). The value for the *08Po spike at this time is used to calculate the activity of ““Po. Uranium. U and Th cross contamination is resolvable, but has never been observed. The 5.423 MeV-cu (73%) peak of ***Th is easily distinguishable from the 5.321 MeV-a peak of 232U. Only the 5.34, 5.2 1 and 5.18 MeV-(Y peaks (total 27%) of ***Th fall within the 232U region of interest. Decay of 13*U results in some recoil contamination of 228Th on the U detector. This contaminant builds in so slowly that the detector blank in the 232U region does not change during sample counting. Detector blanks are monitored before and after samples are counted. (2”U)/(238U) ratios are calculated directly from the detector blank and tailing corrected counts in these regions. The value for the *“U spike at the mid-point of the U count is used to calculate the 238U activity. Thorium. To calculate the counts solely due to the 2z8Th tracer. several corrections need to be made to the total counts in this region. First, the detector blank (-5 cts./day) and 0.0638 times the 224Ra counts are subtracted. The value of 0.0638 represents 6% of the total ‘24Ra alphas. Onlv 94% of the 224Ra decays with the 5.686 MeV-cu energy, which is resolvable from the ***Th region of interest. The other 6% of the 224Ra decays with alpha energy almost identical to “‘Th. Second. tailing of the recoil contaminant. 224Ra. into the 228Th region is taken into account. In addition to the 6% of the total 224Ra alphas that fall in the “‘Th region of interest. another 2-3s ofthe 5.686 MeV 224Ra alphas tail into the 228Th region. This percentage is determined by counting backgrounds on the contaminated detector. Third. the decays due to 228Th from the sample must be subtracted. In the Oldoinyo Lengai case, where direct measurement of (228Th)/(232Th) was made on unspiked aliquots, the correction for *‘“Th from the sample came directly from the counts in the “‘Th region. Before subtraction, the ***Th counts from the sample are decay corrected for the length of time between Th-Ra separation (the 7.5 N HNO, column) and the mid-point of the count. Lastly, the 228Th spike counts are decav corrected back to the time of U-Th separation (the 8 N HCI column) and the value of the spike at this time is used to calculate the “‘Th and “@fh activities. Our methods of reducing the data from a-spectrometry differ from those reported by KRISHNASWAMI et nl. (1984). We consider the tailing of the higher energy alphas from the tracers into the lower energy regions of interest. Also. the correction for 224Ra tailing into the 228Th region can be substantial when long counting time results in substantial build-in of 224Ra. We also consider the unsupported decay of 228Th from the sample. Ten days of unsupported decay of *“Th reduce the number of counts expected from the sample by I %. 1259 formation APPENDIX 2 The activities of the parent and daughter isotopes of a simple two-membered radioactive decay series are given by (P), = (P),e@ and (1) (2) (0, = where(P),, (D),. and (P)O. (D)O are the activities ofthe parent and daughter at time = I and time = 0. respectively: and Xp and XDare their decay constants. The daughter/parent activity ratio can be simplified by assuming Xp = 0. which is justified if the parent has a very long half-life compared to the daughter and compared to the timescale of interest. Making this assumption for the Ra-Th systematics. the daughter/parent activity ratio is given by (E), = I + ($$ - +*u’. (3) where Ra and Th can refer to the isotopes of either the Th or U decay series. Model 1 Fig. I was constructed from Eqn. 3 using the same value of (Ra)*/(Th)o for both axes, resulting in an “instantaneous” slope = 1. The slope of this line reflects the isotopic character of the added Ra. Model 2. The Ra activity in a system that is continuously in Ra can be expressed by (Ra), = (Th),( 1 - e-@‘) + (Ra)oe-“b’ + s enriched 0’ RemAb”dl’. (4) where R is the rate at which Ra is added, and it is assumed that Xn’ iz 0. If R is a constant and is expressed in terms of (Th), then R = ’ + (Th)JRa which is the equation used to produce the continuous enrichment curves in Fig. 2. The isoshrons can be produced by holding I constant while varying R. Model 3. In Model 3. the isotopic composition of the Ra added to the system changes with time. This is because the source is finite, and is modified by the extraction of the system. The R-term inside the integral in Eqn. 4 is not a constant: rather. it is a function of the rate of fractionation and &J&,, We did not attempt to find an explicit solution to this problem. Instead. we used numerical integration to obtain the isochrons and percentages of system formed shown in Fig. 3. For each small incremental fractionation step (approximating Rayleigh fractionation) the (Ra)/(Th) of the system and of its complement. the source, are calculated for the given DRJDTh. Both system and source activities are decay-corrected for the small span of time between fractionation steps, and updated activity ratios are calculated for the next increment of system to fractionate from the source. As well as the time factor. the relative weight fractions of system already formed, and of the new increment added are taken into consideration when calculating the cumulative activities and activity ratios. A listing of a BASIC computer program which performs these calculations is available on request from R. W. Williams, or interested persons can send a formatted IBM-PC compatible diskette.
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