29300 Lankford Hwy Melfa, VA 23410 757-789-1789 www.es.vccs.edu 2015 Summer Class Schedule Admission to English and Mathematics courses is based on placement test results. To schedule a placement test, call (757) 7891730. Payment: The due date for tuition Thursday, May 21, 2015. Payment for enrollment in classes after Thursday, May 21, 2015 must be made on the same day of enrollment. The last date to enroll is May 31, 2015. Interested in distance learning courses offered by other VCCS Colleges, visit the VCCS website: http://courses.vccs.edu/ courses Technical Questions: Call Malcolm White at (757) 789-1771 with technical questions concerning distance learning courses. Students who take online courses from other VCCS colleges must apply and register through those colleges. Financial aid will not apply. Note: This does not include the Shared Distance Learning Courses offered through NOVA's ELI. General Questions? Call (757) 789-1789. Student Handbook: http://es.vccs.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/2013-2014_Course_Catalog.pdf Important Phone Numbers Academic Division ......................................................................................................................................................... (757)789-1725 Counselors ........................................................................................................................................ (757)789-1730 or (757)789-1777 Distance Learning Assistance ....................................................................................................................................... (757)789-1771 Financial Aid ..................................................................................................................................... (757)789-1733 or (757)789-1727 Placement Testing ............................................................................................................................ (757)789-1730 or (757)789-5926 Reception ....................................................................................................................................................................... (757)789-1789 Security ........................................................................................................................................................................ (757) 789-7990 Revised 5/27/2015 Sub Cat Sec Class # Title/Notes Cr Days Start Time End Time AST 80 29807 Basic Keyboarding 1 3:50 PM Ames BIO 101 SO2 32271 Gen Biology I 4 BIO 101 SO2L 32272 Gen Biology I Lab 01 M 3:00 PM Online Instructor Stickler Room A66 V BIO 101 S02 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. Lab is virtual and will be completed online. This class begins on 5/18/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. BIO 150 01 BIO 150 01L CHD 165 V1 26105 Intro to Microbiology 4 Intro to Microbiology Lab 28778 Obser/Participation in Primary Child TR 2:00 PM 4:30 PM Freund C111 T 4:45 PM 9:15 PM A68 3 Online Zodun V CHD 165 V1 is an online course using the Blackboard management system, and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. For information on how to access Blackboard, got to www.es.vccs.edu/my-escc. CHD 230 VI 28781 Behavior Mgmt for School Child 3 Online Zodun V CHD 230 V1 is an online course using the Blackboard management system, and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. For information on how to access Blackboard, got to www.es.vccs.edu/my-escc. CST 110 SO1 26648 Intro to Communication 3 Online Chaaban V CST 110 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 5/18/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. CST 110 SO2 32035 Intro to Communication 3 Online Carter V CST 110 S02 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 5/18/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. ENF 3 01 28782 Preparing/College English III 2 TR 2:30 PM 4:00 PM McCarter B94 ENG 111 01 28784 Col. Comp. I 3 TR 4:00 PM 6:30 PM McCarter B94 ENG 112 V1 28785 Col. Comp II 3 Online Duffman V Pre-requisite: English 111 or its equivalent. This course is an online course using the Blackboard Management system, and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. For information on how to access Blackboard, go to www.es.vccs.edu/my-escc. ENG 115 S01 26649 Technical Writing 3 Online Anderson V ENG 115 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 5/18/2015 and ends ENG 242 V1 28786 Survey of American Lit II 3 Online Duffman V Pre-requisite: English 112or equivalent. This course using the Blackboard management system, and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. For information on how to access Blackboard, got to www.es.vccs.edu/my-escc. Sub Cat Sec Class # Title/Notes Cr Days StartTime End Time Instructor Room ETR 248 01 26122 Test Instruments/Measurements 2 MW Floyd A47 HCT 115 29684 Registered Medication Aide 3 MW Mueller B77 11 Must have completed an approved nurse aide education program or direct care staff training approved by Dept. Social Services. Must spend 24 hours in clinical as part of this course. HIS 111 S01 26651 His/World Civ I 3 Online Garnett V HIS 111 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 6/15/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. HIS 112 SO1 26652 His/World Civ II 3 Online Evans V HIS 112 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 6/15/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. HIS 121 01 26653 US History I 3 TR 3:00 PM 5:45 PM Neville A75 HIS 122 01 26654 US History II 3 TR 6:30 PM 9:15 PM Neville A75 HLT 105 01 29446 CPR 1 FS 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Wilson A45 1 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Wilson A45 Jacobson V Note: Classes meet on Friday, June 12 and Saturday June 13 only. Closed. HLT 105 02 29446 CPR MT Note: Classes meet on Monday, June 22 and Tuesday, June 23 only. HLT 110 S01 29451 Concepts of Health 3 Online HLT 110 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 5/18/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. HLT 130 V01 29808 Nutrition & Diet Therapy 2 HLT 250 01 29449 General Pharmacology 2 ITD 110 S01 29907 WEB Design I 3 Online MW 9:30 AM Mueller 11:30 AM Perry TBA Online V A46 V ITD 110 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 6/15/2015 and end on 8/9/2015. ITD 210 S01 26659 WEB Design II 3 McCullough V Online ITD 210 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szodun@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 6/15/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. ITE 115 01 26329 Intro to Comp Apps & Conceptions 3 MW 11:00 AM 1:45 PM Rogers A34 ITE 119 11 26344 Information Literacy 3 TR 6:30 PM 9:15 PM Rogers A34 ITE 140 S01 29909 Spreadsheet Software 3 Blackburn V Online ITE 140 S01 is an online course taught by Northern Virginia Community College using the Shared Services Distance Learning model. The course will be taught via the Blackboard management system and it will be made available the first day of the class session. Students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. Proctored testing is required. For additional information contact Stephanie Zodun at szoduny@es.vccs.edu. This class begins on 6/15/2015 and ends on 8/9/2015. ITN 260 01 26129 Network Security Basics 3 TR 2:00 PM 4:45 PM Kelley A47 Sub Cat Sec Class # Title/Notes Cr Days Start Time End Time Instructor Roo m MDA 103 01 29809 Medical Asst. Science III 4 MW 1:00 PM 2:45 PM Perry TBA MDA 290 01 29810 Coordinated Internship II Note: 180 hours 5 TRF 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Perry TBA 3 Onlin e Online Online Fluharty V of clinical time assigned to various sites MTH 241 V01 26140 Statistics MTT 1 01 26157 Dev. Math For Students requiring any ONE 1 of the following courses: MTT 1-9 TWR 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Custis 159 MTT 2 01 26160 Dev. Math For Students requiring any TWO 2 of the following courses: MTT 1-9 TWR 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Custis 159 MTT 3 01 26161 Dev. Math For Students requiring any THREE of the following courses: MTT 1-9 3 TWR 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Custis 159 MTT 4 01 26163 Dev Math For Students requiring any FOUR 4 of the following courses: MTT 1-9 TWR 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Custis 159 MTT 1 11 26178 Dev. Math For Students requiring any ONE 1 of the following courses: MTT 1-9 TWR 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Johnson 159 MTT 2 11 26182 Dev. Math For Students requiring any TWO 2 of the following courses: MTT 1-9 TWR 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Johnson 159 MTT 3 11 26186 Dev. Math For Students requiring any THREE of the following courses: MTT 1-9 3 TWR 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Johnson 159 MTT 4 11 26189 Dev. Math For Students requiring any FOUR of the following courses: MTT 1-9 4 TWR 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Johnson 159 PNE 145 01 28060 Trends in PNE 1 M 8:30 AM 9:40 AM Stonestreet A45 1 M 1:00 PM 2:20 PM Nordstrom 8 M 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Bennett W 6:30 AM 1:00 PM R 9:00 AM 12:00 PM Bennett F 6:30 AM 1:00 PM StoneStreet OFF R 1:00 PM 3:30 PM Pruitt A45 WF 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Pruitt OFF W 5:00 PM 7:45 PM Murphy C111 Classes begin on 5/11/2015 and end on 7/31/2015. PNE 158 01 28062 Mental Health & Psychiatric PNE A45 Classes begin on 5/11/2015 and end on 7/31/2015. PNE 163 01 31754 Nursing in Health Changes III A45 Stonestreet OFF A45 Classes begin on 5/11/2015 and end on 7/31/2015. PNE 174 01 28066 Applied Pharmacology for PNE 2 Classes begin on 5/11/2015 and end on 7/31/2015. PSY 235 H01 26819 Child Psychology 3 PSY 235 - H01 is a hybrid course that combines face-to-face and online instruction. Online instruction is offered via the Blackboard course management system, and students should have access to a computer and know how to use the Internet and e-mail. For information on how to access Blackboard, go to www.es.vccs.edu/ myescc. SDV 100 01 28787 College Success Skills 1 M 1:00 PM 2:40 PM Handy A46 SDV 100 02 28788 College Success Skills 1 T 2:00 PM 3:40 PM Surran A46 SDV 100 03 28789 College Success Skills 1 W 12:00 PM 1:40 PM Carmody A46 SDV 101 01 29431 Orientation Topics: Health Careers 1 M 4:30 PM Nordstrom A45 6:10 PM Summer Semester 2015 Calendar Registration for Current Students Begin Open Registration Begins Payment Due Same Day as Enrollment Summer Graduation Application Deadline Last Day to Register Classes Begin Last Day to Drop with Refund Midterm Grades Due Independence Day Holiday Observed (College Closed) Last Day to Withdraw without Academic Penalty April 13, 2015 April 20, 2015 After May 19, 2015 June 5, 2015 May 31, 2015 June 1, 2015 June 9, 2015 June 30, 2015 July 3, 2015 July 6, 2015 Last Day of Classes July 28, 2015 Final Exams July 29-30, 2015 Final Grades Due July 31, 2015 Revised 5/27/2015
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