S U N Y N E W P A LT Z FOUNDATION A NNUAL R E P O RT 2001 2002 LOUIS RESNICK 1912 - 2002 Dedicated in loving memory to our dear friend and benefactor and his passionate commitment to education. CONTENTS GREETINGS FROM THE FOUNDATION BOARD PRESIDENT / 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE / 3 SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION MISSION & BOARD OF DIRECTORS / 4 GIVING’S IMPACT AT NEW PALTZ / 5 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS / 7 SCHOLARSHIPS / 15 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS / 18 SUNY New Paltz Foundation 75 S. Manheim Blvd. Suite 9 New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 (845) 257-3240 www.newpaltz.edu 1 GREETINGS FROM THE SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION \ t is my pleasure to greet you as chair of the foundation for a second year. That’s enough time to have some perspective on what’s happening. So let me share with you my pleasure in reporting our progress, our enthusiasm and our forward momentum! Those of you who are or have been teachers, know that a good indicator of what you will get from a given pupil is how much you expect or demand from that pupil. Using a not too dissimilar philosophy, we on the foundation went through a process of asking much more of ourselves than we have done in the past. Interim President Steven Poskanzer initiated the process and enthused us. Then, in our various committees, the process took on a momentum of its own. The result is that, for the first time in my memory, expectations of giving levels from board members have been explicitly stated. Not only were they made explicit, but it turned out that each time we discussed the issue, we raised our sights! Also, for the first time, we have one hundred percent giving by each and every board member. And foundation members have given a considerably higher amount than ever in the past! Furthermore, with guidance from the administration, priorities have been agreed upon for our fundraising efforts. We are concentrating our efforts in the areas of: ■ ■ ■ ■ Student enhancement. This is primarily the raising of scholarship endowment funds. Faculty enhancement. This involves raising funds to secure teaching materials as well as financing research grants. Campus recognition. The initial effort is concentrating on adequately endowing our newest pride and joy, the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art. Campus facilities. The first task is renovation of the van den Berg Learning Center, which will become the home of the School of Business. A lot is happening. We have accepted the tasks presented to us. We recognize the responsibility that has been given to us, and good pupils that we are, we fully intend to perform up to the high expectations set forth. You who are reading this, please realize that this is a shared task. We need your participation. We welcome your participation in the task of growing our great school at New Paltz into an ever-greater institution! 2 Chair, SUNY New Paltz Foundation PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE \ hope that this report brings home, in compelling terms, the fact that your gift makes a difference in meaningful ways for our students, our faculty and for New Paltz. All great colleges and universities share a strong tradition of private support, which is invested to achieve institutional excellence. That ultimate goal — sustained excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship and public service — is always at the forefront of our thoughts. By insisting upon excellence, we make sure that the New Paltz of 20 or 100 years from today is even more robust than the already-strong institution we are privileged to help lead today. Contributions from New Paltz’s alumni and friends are invested wisely in ways that look to the future: ■ ■ ■ ■ Scholarships for top students; Faculty support, ranging from a research leave to finish a book or a series of experiments to equipping laboratories where New Paltz faculty both teach and mentor students; State-of-the-art classrooms and facilities that enhance student learning; and Raising New Paltz’s visibility in the region. As we move ahead, New Paltz’s development efforts will be focused as never before on key areas that are described in this annual report. We are particularly committed to building meaningful endowments that will ensure that our goals for the college will be achieved in perpetuity. It has now been almost a year since I arrived on campus and, like many an entering student or new faculty member before me, I am powerfully struck by how quickly — and how completely — this college and its unique environs grab ahold of one’s heart. It is a delight to witness the extraordinary teaching and discovery that take place here every day, activities with profound consequences for our students, their families and communities, and the larger world. I hope you know and appreciate how your generosity enables such work, and that you take as much pride in your support of New Paltz as all of us here feel gratitude towards your commitment. Again, thank you. Interim President 3 SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION Mission SUNY New Paltz Foundation, Inc. exists to enhance, to enrich and to enliven the academic, cultural, professional and community programs of SUNY New Paltz. Through its work, the Foundation fosters programmatic excellence, academic achievement, scholarly research and student scholarships. It is the role of the Foundation to promote a positive public image of the university in the region, to foster positive relations with university alumni and to increase the financial support for the university and its programs. Foundation Board 2001 - 2002 Officers Everton Henriques ’78 Karl Rodman, Chair Frances Hesselbein Clifford Miller, Vice Chair Robert Jackson ’74 Edward D. Bell, Secretary Myrna Jargowsky Eli Basch, Esq., Treasurer Mark Kalish ’73 Steven G. Poskanzer, Interim President Shoji Kimura Sally J. Cross, Vice President for Development David K. Lavallee Lisa King Ciaccio ’01, Chief Financial Officer Charles Lynch’78 Johanna D’Aleo ’84, ’92, Assistant Treasurer Brian McShane ’74 Joel Miller Members Anne Moss Richard Bengloff ’75 Rose Rudnitski Rosanne Cahn Harry Scherr, III Vincent Cozzolino ’83 Marjorie Shelley Jane Delgado ’73 Taylor Thompson, Sr. David A. Dorsky Sarah Yue Wang ’92 Noah P. Dorsky Martin Wodin L. David Eaton 4 Michael Fegan ’69 Distinguished Advisors Barbara Geider Roger Bowen Donald Gibson Alice Chandler Lisa Hahn John J. Neumaier Robert E. Hatfield, Jr. Stanley Coffman, Jr Jeffrey Heller ’67 GIVING’S IMPACT AT NEW PALTZ h nrestricted gifts to the SUNY New Paltz Foundation significantly enhance the teaching, learning, and discovery that take place on campus, and allows New Paltz to enrich the cultural, economic and social fabric of the Mid-Hudson region. New Paltz’s priorities include ensuring student quality and success, enhancing faculty quality and success, providing facilities to support academic excellence, and raising New Paltz’s visibility in the region. Here are just a few examples of programs your contributions supported last year: Recruiting and Retaining Top Students ■ Merit-based Presidential Scholarships and Minority Recruitment awards provide financial support to some of the most academically-gifted and talented students attending New Paltz. ■ Throughout the year, student Admissions Ambassadors lead small group tours and meet with prospective, admitted, and newly enrolled students and their parents. Our experience has shown that these current New Paltz students — selected in a competitive process and given annual stipends with foundation funds — are our most persuasive spokespersons. ■ New Paltz was an early leader in recruiting and retaining a diverse student body. The Minority Mentorship program promotes student success by pairing minority students with faculty and staff and peer mentors on campus. Investing in Academic Quality ■ Last year foundation funds helped bring guest lecturers to campus, ranging from renowned Italian geneticist L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, head of the Human Genome Diversity Project at Stanford University, to a symposium of nationally renowned metal artists discussing their work. ■ Research keeps faculty current in their fields and creates new knowledge to be integrated into the classroom. This past year foundation grants to faculty supported research in areas as diverse as medieval history, economics, and computer science. ■ Foundation grants also allowed New Paltz faculty to incorporate electronic technology into students’ learning experiences in courses ranging from physics to art history. ■ New faculty in the sciences and engineering require costly laboratory equipment to support their teaching and research. This year, foundation funds helped outfit a physiology laboratory for Dr. Steven Jury, a new member of the biology faculty. 5 HOW YOUR GIFT TO THE FUND FOR NEW PALTZ IS SPENT Campus Programs 20% Alumni Programs 23% Scholarships 17% Foundation Administration 15% Development Programs 25% Building Ties to Alumni and Across the Mid-Hudson Region ■ Foundation support keeps New Paltz’s 55,000 alumni updated on new and exciting developments on campus and in each other’s lives through regional and local networking events, the annual reunion on campus, and publishing semi-annual issues of the Observer magazine. ■ Foundation funds also support student activities including the School of Businesses’ annual business day, during which student members of the American Marketing Association organize workshops and networking featuring regional business leaders and alumni. Raising New Paltz’s Visibility in the Region ■ 6 Wide-ranging discussion and debate are one of the hallmarks of a university community. Special events funding from the foundation enables the faculty to invite speakers with wide appeal both on campus and in the community. Last year, speakers ranged from the aftermath of September 11th attacks and the US’s war on terrorism to PCB and other contaminants in the Hudson River basin. HONOR ROLL OF DONORS We are grateful to the many SUNY New Paltz Foundation donors whose names are listed on the pages that follow. The charitable support for academic excellence that these gifts represent allows the Foundation to fulfill its mission. Thank you again for your continued commitment. The following is a list of donors whose gifts were received between July 1, 2001 and June 30, 2002. We make every effort to produce an accurate list. If you notice an error or omission, please contact our office at 845-257-3238 or email foundatn@newpaltz.edu. President’s Club ($5,000 or more) Francis ’53 and Bonnie Cahill Rosanne M. Cahn Campus Auxiliary Services Inc. ★ Julie A. Case Donald and Luellla Cleverley Mary W. Davenport David A. Dorsky ★ Karen P. Dorsky ★ Noah Dorsky ★ The Dorsky Foundation ★ The Edwin A. Ulrich Charitable Trust Grace E. Elliott ● Theodore Forstmann Ida (Dubois) Gerald ’31 ● Henry & Elaine Kaufman Foundation Heritagenergy McKenna Productions Ltd. ★ David J. Millstein ★ Mt. Hope, Inc. James and Mary Ottaway ★ Louis ● and Mildred Resnick ★ Ann and Karl Rodman ★ Taylor and Elizabeth Thompson ★ Giancarlo Traverso ◆ Armand ’54 and Roberta Trivilino Sarah Yue Wang ’92 Huguenot Society ($1,000-$4,999) Allied Communications Corp Virginia Alyea ’39 ★ Avery & Company LLC Carl ◆ and Ann Bacon ★ Michael Badalucco ’76 ★ Eli and Susan (Raymond) ’76 Basch Beech Grove Technology ★ Anne C. Bienstock Peter and Lynn Bienstock ★ Harry K. Bonsu ’90 Paul and Marlene (Sagrario) ’73 ’75 Brown ★ Horace and Alice Chandler ★ ★ ★ Compaq Computer Corporation ★ The Daily Freeman ★ Victoria (Short) ’72 and George Danskin Jane Delgado ’73 and Mark Stel ★ The Eric Brown Foundation ★ Michael ’69 and Susan Fegan ★ First Federal Savings of Middletown ★ Gannett Foundation ★ Barbara ’94 ◆ and William Geider ★ Evelyn (Crawford) Gluckman PhD ’58 ’62 ★ Howard I. Goldblatt ’73 Paul and Diane Guenther Kurt and Adelaide ◆ Haas ★ Marjorie L. Hart Jeffrey Heller ’67 Heller Pension Associates Everton H. Henriques ’78 ’83 and Jeannie Irvine ’78 ★ Hudson United Bank Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Julia O. Wells Memorial Foundation Mark I. Kalish ’73 Norman Kellar, Esq. Key Bank of Eastern New York The Kingston Hospital Gerald ◆ and Randy Kitzmann Klock Kingston Foundation ★ Cynthia A. Lowe and Glenn Sutherland ★ Brian McShane ’74 ★ Clifford Miller ’73 Nancy (Hahn) ’64 and David Moore ★ James and Ann Moss ★ Robert ’68 and Henrietta (Thomas) ’68 ’71 Mountz John J. Neumaier ◆ and Sara (Fletcher) Luther ’74 ★ Robert Owens P&G’s PDQ Manufacturing Co. ★ Brian R. Petroro ’98 Steven ◆ and Jane Poskanzer Samuel Morse Historic Site ★ Dorothy Shapiro ● Sisters of St. Ursula ★ Albert K. Smiley SUNY New Paltz Alumni Association Super 8 Management East ★ Glenn Sutherland and Cynthia A. Lowe ★ Techcomp Limited The Times Herald Record ★ Toshiba America Electronic Components ★ Ulster Savings Bank ★ Wendell ’67 and Karen Van Lare ★ Alice (Lang) ’47 and Joseph ● ’48 Viscogliosi Warwick Savings Bank West Point Tours ★ Martin ◆ and Dolly Wodin ★ Robert H. Wolf Zagyel Studio J. Philip Zand, Esq. Founder’s Club ($500-$999) Agonian Alumni Association AT&T Foundation ★ Linda ’65 and John Babb Richard Bengloff ’75 ★ David I. Berman ’81 Boscobel Restoration Roger ◆ and Barbara Bowen ★ Jean (Mackie) ’43 and John Chase ★ Ralph and Doris Coffing ★ William E. Connors ◆ ★ Construction Contractors Association of the Hudson Valley M. Celia Coulter ◆ ★ Vincent Cozzolino ’83 ★ Sally J. Cross ◆ Jason ’90 and Stacy ’91 Dahl ★ Johanna D’Aleo ’86 ’92 ◆ ★ Gabriel E. Deeb ’46 ’49 Edwin B. Dezendorf ’57 ★ Michele T. Di Palo ’77 Alan ◆ ’69 and Francoise Dunefsky ★ L. David ◆ and Deborah Eaton ★ 7 \ NSTITUTIONAL FUNDRAISING PRIORITIES SET Following consultation with campus leadership, four priorities were adopted by the SUNY New Paltz Foundation as a focus for their activities. These goals represent “stretch” targets that will have a transformational impact on the campus. Ensuring Student Quality & Success: Supporting New Paltz’s continued development as a highly competitive “college of choice” by increasing funds for merit-based financial aid targeted for top-quality students in particular disciplines, geographic, and ethnic diversity. Enhancing Faculty Quality & Success: Building on New Paltz’s reputation for faculty excellence by increasing funds for start-up expenses for new faculty, summer research support and research leaves, and supporting students in research projects with faculty. Providing Facilities to Support Academic Excellence: Complete renovations in the van den Berg Learning Center to create teaching and research space for New Paltz’s growing business programs, including state of the art classrooms and computer labs. 8 Increasing New Paltz’s Visibility in the Region: The newly completed Dorsky Museum has attracted thousands of visitors in recent months. In addition to its role as an academic resource, the museum’s focus on Hudson River and Catskills art position it to increase New Paltz’s visibility as a regional cultural attraction and for arts education. Friends of the Hudson Valley ★ Gail ◆ and Joseph Gallerie ★ Stuart ’66 and Jill Goldberg ★ Ernest ’76 and Debra Gomez Daniel Gonzalez ’87 ★ Bari J. Gossman ’88 Lisa Hahn Eileen W. (Wurst) Hamann ’51 ★ Lois G. Harbart ’61 Barbara Hardgrave ◆ and Ronald J. Steinberg ★ Judy ’94 and L. Wynn Herron ★ Virginia Huyler ★ Harold◆ and Karen Jacobs ★ Jewish Foundation of Memphis Claudia ’70 and Jules Justy David Krikun and Phyllis R. Freeman ◆★ Chui-chun Lee ◆★ Guy Mitchell Lewit Paul ’84 and Shifee ’83 Losacco Charles ’78 and Barbara ’78 Lynch Marist College Chris Marsigliano ’92 Robert ◆ and Gloria (Wood) ’67 Mumper ★ New Paltz Chamber of Commerce Marian L. (Snyder) Nolan ’57 ★ Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association ★ Frances Reese ★ William ◆ and Sally Rhoads ★ Irene M. Rogers ’54 ★ Rose Rudnitski ◆★ Roseann (O’Reilly) ’68 and Hans Runte Kathleen A. Sakraida ’81 ★ Stacy (Dahl) ’91 and Jason ’90 Schafrick ★ Margaret A. Schroeder ’58 ★ Marjorie and Edward Shelley ★ Joanne (Foley) ’56 and Warren Spellman ★ Joan (Baiardi) ’59 and Jan Steber ★ Stephen ’83 and Marcene (Johnson) ’93 Stewart-Hill ★ The Roy & Niuta Titus Foundation United Way of Dutchess County ★ William ◆ and Sarah Vasse ★ Stephen Walters Susan Wisherd◆ Hawks Swimming Association Redtree Productions, Inc. Old Main Associates ($250-499) Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc Alice J. (Jones) Bartner ’39 Marilyn L. (Schrag) Bates ’64 ★ Stanley A. Beinstein ’73 Edward D. and Wilhelmina ’77 Bell Patricia Bishko ★ Norman ’75 and Michele Blashka Bruce Blumenthal ’76 William ’87 and Lorna Carroll ★ Bridge Creek Catering LLC Peter D. G. Brown ◆★ Robert Brown Carol Lee Campion CH Energy Group Karen Ann Chaffee ’91 ’94 ◆★ Eudora and Sunday Chikwendu ◆★ Joan R. Costa ’44 ★ Mary C. Cryer ’87 Robert ’63 and Roseann (Morris) ’62 Dillman Carl B. Eissner ’92 ★ Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund James ’78 and Michele (Reina) ’76 Filiault ★ Elizabeth A. (Mousseau) Fite ’50 Robert Fite ★ Focus Publications Steven Furey ’78 ★ Eileen (Zoref) ’71 and Ira ’70 Fusfeld ★ Donald Gibson and Dai Sil KimGibson ★ Ryan E. Giedd ’81 ★ Tom and Nancy Gleason Gary R. Gregg ’77 ★ David ’95 and Sarah ’97 Hall ★ Wayne ’70 and Rachel Hamilton ★ Jeffrey L. Hartman ’70 ’99 ★ Judith (Lee) ’69 and James Hartung ★ Carol (Lotarski) ’70 and Lee Heffron ★ Darren P. Hernandez ’91 Charles S. Houser ’75 Robert ’74 and Faika (Rifai) ’76 Jackson ★ Wallace H. John ’68 E. Peter ’69 and Betty Kane ★ Robert D. Kaplan ’74 ★ Joseph ’64 and Paula ’65 Kasell Kathy Erteman Studio Greg N. Keiffert ’85 Elizabeth Kelly Kenneth A. Krieg ’70 and Sandra J. Gurin Krieg ’71 ★ Christine V. Lanier ’93 ★ Stephen Lee ’73 ★ Jonathan D. Lewit ’87 ★ Shifee (Lovitt) ’83 and Paul ’84 Losacco ★ Herbert ’38 and Mary (Gilleo) ’46 Lown ★ Marna Anderson Gallery H. Marianne (Ossmer) ’76 and John Mizel ★ Mary ◆ (Hofgren) ’76 and William ’76 Mulligan ★ Susan ’67 and R. Frederick Najork New Paltz Student Christian Center ★ Gilda L. Nicholas ’74 ★ Elizabeth M. Nugent ’69 Martha E. Nye ’66 Katherine Olan ’68 ★ Edward and Barbara Paulinski Mary ’49 and Richard Petrone Barbara ◆ and Lou Petruzzelli ★ Patricia Phillips ◆★ Piller Premium Power Systems Plaza Diner ★ Julia Pokorny Lee H. Pritchard ◆★ Arthur M. Purvin ’72 Domenica G. Raciti ’48 ★ Mary A. Roehm ◆★ Emily (LaBrie) ’48 and Jack ’49 Roosa Paula C. (Tucciarone) Rozelle ’72 ★ Harry and Barbara Scherr Roseann (Post) ’85 and Lloyd ’86 Sellers ★ Max and Nadia Shepard ★ Joy A. Siebler-Dickin ’66 and John Dickin ★ Denis ’74 and Fredda Simon Deborah ’88 and Ronald Stein ★ SWF Airport Acquistion, Inc Stanley Swiatocha Jane and Robert Taylor Linda S. Upright ’99 Margaret Wade-Lewis ◆★ Joann Whitaker-Beckles ★ Steven J. Zweig ’71 Century Circle ($100-$249) Gary and Betty Abramowitz Brian and Wendy Adams Adco Electric Judith M. Albertson ’97 ◆ Pamela (Semenovich) Alexander ’94 Geraldine K. (Kaufmann) Allan ’69 ★ Mary (Frey) ’47 and William Allen ★ Elaine H. (Honig) Alper ’56 Michele ’87 and Allen ’86 AndersonTodd ★ Douglas E. Baker ◆★ Andrew F. Balch ’76 ★ Balchem Corp. John J. Bardin ’52 Leslie Barker Larry and Marcia Barnett Christopher M. Barons ’76 ★ Donald W. Bartsch ’66 Basch & Keegan, LLP Lison Baselis-Bitoun ’70 Natalie Bassen-Soto ’60 ★ John ’66 and Mary ’66 Beaver ★ Kathleen (Mahoney) ’71 and John Bell ★ Deborah A. Bellas ’87 ★ Avra (Aberbach) ’67 and Arie Ben-Ari ★ Gerald Benjamin ◆★ Gayle (Landy) ’74 and Richard ’74 Benson Cathy (Goble) ’56 and Robert ’55 Berger ★ John ’68 and Christine Bergstrom ★ Catherine and David Berko Patricia J. (Jordan) Berlanga ’59 ★ Larry I. Berman ’68 ★ Lenore (Orenstein) ’69 and Jesse ’68 Bernstein ★ Jerilyn D. Bifulco ’67 Reuben S. Birnbaum ’84 J. David ◆ and Helen ’86 Blankenship ★ Richard ◆ ’98 and Anne Bodenschatz ★ Thelma (Keeler) ’38 and Fred Boettger ★ Mario J. Bonsignore ’80 Rochelle (Glick) ’69 and Stephen ’70 Borman ★ John ’59 and Dorothy Borst ★ Karen Boyce Mary Elinor Boyle ◆★ Diane ’69 and William Bradley ★ Pamela Brady Douglas T. Branch ’80 and Patricia Sibilia ’80 Debra (Kramer) ’73 and Marlon Branitz ★ Brazill Brothers & Assoc. Inc. Helene M. (Menger) Bredes ’53 THE AVERAGE GIFT AMOUNT FROM ALL SOURCES WAS $414 LAST YEAR. Christopher Andreucci ’89 ★ Thomas ’57 and Carol Annacone Maria Arango John Arbia Alvin K. Aronoff ’67 Carol Ash Asset Coverage, Inc. Joan V. Authenrieth, Rn ’93 ★ Andrew and Gina Avellino Susan M. Baggerman ’57 ’72 Pauline (Mueller) ’62 and James ’62 Bagnell ★ Susan Bristow Glorina (Ciarlanto) ’59 and Edward Brown ★ Bonnie Brown-Rubin Jacqueline ’95 and Lewis ◆ Brownstein ★ Rose (LeFevre) ’43 and Igor Broz ★ Elaine (Atkinson) ’64 and Ernest Bryant Patricia Bull ’92 ★ James A. Bulson ’87 Mark Burigo ’85 ★ Christian E. Burke ’90 and Jill Tournour-Burke ’92 ★ 9 Jonathan Burstein ’71 and Patricia A. Fahie ’80 ★ Anna Burton Dudley Cahn ◆★ Victoria (VanHorn) Campbell ’84 Lucille Caputo ★ Stephen A. Carle ’90 ★ Eleanor (Bigos) Carlin ’37 ★ Dolores (Legg) ’49 and Robert Carlzon ★ Joan (Plust) ’69 and M. Carmack Vivienne L. Castelli ’89 Christa L. Catania-Skormin ’90 Jacqueline (Kirk) ’55 and Walter ’52 Chaskel ★ Elisa Davila ◆★ Elizabeth (Homan) ’62 and Clifford ’62 Davis ★ Tammy L. Davis ’93 ★ Juliann (Solghan) ’69 and John ’68 De Leo ★ Carla (Smith) ’61 and Robert ’67 Decker ★ Lisa A. DeDomenico PhD ’91 Depuy Canal House Donna DeRosa Catherine A. (Mulligan) Detz ’89 James Dietz ’71 Dominick and Sue DiFabio Mario Diponio ’96 Donald and Debra Ditter THE FOUNDATIONS’S UNRESTRICTED REVENUE INCREASED 4% OVER THE YEAR BEFORE. 10 Michael J. Chernick ’95 Chestnut Service Center Dorothy Christiansen ’64 ★ Lisa Ciaccio ’01 ◆★ Carolyn (Adams) ’58 and Joseph Cirincion ★ Michael Clancy ’93 ★ Carl E. Clark ’93 ★ Barbara (Dix) ’59 and Bruce ’62 Clarke ★ Patricia L. Clarke ’80 ◆ and Ellen B. Sribnick ’72 ★ Sherman Clarke Doris Rave Clayton ’49 ★ Eileen E. Cleary ’81 ★ Anne (Landwehrl) ’54 and Donald Cody ★ Robin S. Cohen ’77 ◆★ Edward N. Cohen ’87 Donna (Fenico) ’60 and Richard ’60 Cohen ★ Thomas ’58 and Anna Collins ★ Sherry (Rosenberg) Comerchero ’74 Alice (Korsen) ’45 and Josiah Compton James and Joanne Cordingley ★ Linda G. (Greco) Corsaut-Townsend and Merlyn E. Townsend ★ Patricia A. Costa ’68 ★ Ann A. Costello-Rockrohr ’70 John J. Courtney ’72 ★ Katherine (Tretola) ’55 and Carl ’55 Cozzette ★ Max and Christine Crossman Stephen D. Curran ’70 and Linda M. Ouimet ★ James ’70 and Marlene Dachinger ★ Gloria M. D’Agostino ’73 ★ Virginia B. (Brown) Daley ’39 ★ Jeanne M. Daley ’90 ★ Kimberly A. Daly ’00 Mark ’86 and Melissa Danowski Kristine (Kreiselmeier) ’68 and Joseph Dockery ★ Dennis P. Donnelly ’70 Lynne L. Doty ’75 ★ Lloyd F. Draper ’86 Ralph and Annette Dratch Karen (Miller) ’83 and Michael Drucker ★ Catherine (Hay) ’49 ’65 and Robert DuBois ★ Connie K. (Kieffer) Duff ’73 Francis I. Dumbuya ’85 Lucy Haberstock Duquette ’92 Kimberly A. Eaton ’91 ★ Lewis Eberhardt Michael W. Eisenberg ’78 Barbara (Singer) ’72 and Jeffrey ’73 Eiskowitz ★ Ella (Karsten) ’49 and William ’49 Eldard ★ Minnie E. Ellmauer ’63 ★ Kathleen M. (Healy) Englehart ’89 ★ Emily (Berzoff) ’76 and Charles ’77 Entress Patricia (Hillis) ’66 and Robert ’63 Faigle Mary F. Fairchild Fala Technologies Linda and Donald Farrell Wilma Feliciano ◆★ Laura (Van Noy) ’56 and Eugene Ferrio ★ Lawrence Fialkow ◆★ Jeffrey L. Fields ’68 Max and Annette Finestone Maria (Caminiti) ’75 and Stephen ’75 Finkle Russel ’67 and Margie (Carmen) Fischer ’68 Janet (Tillinghast) ’67 and Francis ’69 Fitzpatrick ★ Christopher and Carmel Flanagan Benjamin ’71 and Deborah ’71 Fleischer Robert and Bettyann Formato William ’76 and Cathy Franken ★ Pamela (Hessinger) ’72 and Frederick ’70 Freed ★ Heather (Kadner) ’91 and David Friedle ★ Laurence Friedman Joann (Timpa) ’71 and Pascal ’69 Frisina ★ Pat Frisina David J. Furtzaig ’86 ★ Jeffrey J. Gaer ’88 Christina G. Galu-Lowe ’90 Vijay Gandhi Joseph Gardiner ’57 James and Janice Garofalo Gary and Cindy Garwacke John J. Gavin ★ Glenn Geher ◆ Gerald Lauber Louise (Hayes) ’54 and Peter Gerard ★ Joyce (Guisti) ’64 and Albert Geyer ★ June (Kelemecz) ’72 and Stephen ’72 Gilje ★ Russell E. Gilmore ’97 Anne ’96 and Ronald ’87 Giordano ★ Georgene B. (Burdenuk) Gladstone ’62 ★ Merritt E. Glennon ’67 Stewart ’70 and Mary Gordon ★ Charles A. Gordon ’72 ★ Linda ’72 and Dennis Gottlieb ★ John J. Greco Dana (Holtzman) ’94 and Morton ’93 Greenberg ★ Alynn J. Greene ’53 ★ Gorgette Y. Green-Hodnett ’91 and Calvin K. Hodnett ’90 Phyllis Gregory ’69 Joe Grosch Jacqueline (Fass) ’67 and Bill Gross ★ LAST YEAR, MORE THAN 4,400 CONTRIBUTORS GAVE NEARLY THE SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION $2 MILLION IN CASH GIFTS AND GIFTS OF EQUIPMENT AND ART. Bernard ’69 and Judy Grotsky ★ Beverly M. Guernier ’49 ★ Eileen M. (McKenna) Gulbrandsen ’67 and Stewart P. Glenn Jeanne P. Gurnis ’74 ★ Sarah (Cooke) ’97 and David ’95 Hall John W. Hanley ’97 James ’58 and Jean Horend ★ John ’73 and Janice Hornbeck ★ Deborah (Weltsch) ’82 and Justin Horowitz ★ Robert and Diana Howe ★ Ronald M. Hucker ’77 Patricia A. Hughes ’72 In its first Hall of Fame event, the School of Business recognized (from left) Lisa Greco ’02, Student of the Year, Taylor N. Thompson Sr., Business Person of the Year, and Paul Daniels ’00, Alumnus of the Year. Helen B. Harkonen ◆★ Betty Harper Mark ’73 and Donna Harrison Mark A. Hartman ’71 Maryann Hasselbach ’63 Julia K. Haupt ’58 ★ Eugene Heath ◆★ Jean (Engel) ’69 and Lewis Hecht Ann S. (Gracey) Hedstrom ’58 Dorothy (Lane) ’74 and Leo Hellerman Judith (Scheele) ’68 and Bruce Henry ★ Samuel E. Hernandez ’83 Frances R. Hesselbein Pablo J. Hoffer ’82 Howard and Elaine Hoffman Bertha B. (Bower) Hopkins ’33 Nancy A. (Bachan) Hopkins ’77 ★ Kenneth Hurlie Robert S. Insolia ’79 Yoshiko Ishii ’76 Cedric Iwasaki Joan (Arthur) ’60 and Earl Jackel ★ Jacob & Mollie Fishman Foundation Connie A. (Aucello) Jakola ’59 Sandra Jakubek ’93 ★ Reed ’58 and Denise Jarvis Virginia Purcell Jimenez ’63 and Joaquin Jimenez ★ Dorothy V. (Vollmer) Jones ’31 Susana C. (Colonny) Jones ’86 ★ Patricia (Sayer) ’66 and Dominic ’53 Juliano Bryan and Denise Kantner ★ Gary P. Kaplan Joseph S. Karaczynski ’78 ★ Paula (Weiss) ’65 and Joseph ’64 Kasell ★ Rachel (Crum) ’43 and Harold Kaufmann ★ Gregory Kelder JD ’84 Susan J. (Kreloff) Kind ’70 ★ Patricia A. (Gisin) King ’60 ★ Christopher Kitson G. Elizabeth (Brown) ’39 ’45 and Henry Klinger ★ Ronald G. Knapp ◆★ Elaine Kniffen ’36 ★ Patricia C. (Stillwaggon) Kobelt ’72 ★ Sanford E. (Sandy) Koeppel ’71 Frank ◆ and Susan Kraat ◆★ Kravco Company ★ Jean (Erath) ’38 and Alfred Krebs Janice Krell-Cohn ’75 Linda A. Krupa ’68 ★ George Krupica ’74 Stanley Kudzin ◆ Christine E. Kuhnke ’79 Karen Lackaye Pierre J. Lacombe ’76 Virginia ’80 and Richard LaFalce LAM Electrical Supply Co. John Lang Moira (Brown) ’46 and Roper ’38 Larsen ★ Stephanie I. Leder ’93 ★ Ruth A. Lee ’33 Justine H. (Disick) Leger ’87 Ivy (Geberer) ’73 and Ronald Leight Joan E. Lein ’70 ★ Harriet Lettis ◆★ Ellen (Daly) ’72 and Thomas Leuner ★ Bruce Levine ’75 ★ Nicholas A. Lewis ’88 Hazel Li Karen (Herzfeld) ’73 and Marc ’73 Liebman ★ Teresa M. (Ensenbach) Linacre ’45 Hyman and Verna Livingston Hillary Lo (Hause) ’95 Gail Park ’58 and John ’59 Logan ★ Paul and Margurite Lorusso ★ Harry F. Lowe ’98 Diane Y. Lucchesi ◆★ David ’81 and Linda Lund ★ Carleton Mabee ◆ Elizabeth (Gerrick) ’73 and Ronald Macfarlane ★ Susan D. (Daley) Macomber ’69 ★ Julie Majak ◆★ Lucia Mallardi ’96 ◆ Maria C. Manabat Juliana Mansfield ★ Geraldine (Seltenrich) ’52 and Frank ’52 Manzi ★ Wendel ’54 and Sara Marsh ★ Lisa ’89 and Gregory Massimi 11 12 Kenneth J. Masten ’77 and Pamela J. Robertson ’96 ★ Martin Mastromarino ’74 ★ Mary K. Maulucci ’86 Daniel Mazzeo ’73 Steven J. Mazzuca ’83 Thomas L. Mc Mahon ’77 Sandra (Traviesas-Nussbickel) McCarthy ’57 Mary K. McClellan ’78 and Edward Carroll Jo Ann (Oakley) ’59 and John McCreight Joan (Kashin) McDonald ’57 ★ Ann M. McFarland ’81 E. Mary ’89 and J. McGowan ★ Irene (Hugger) McInnis ’79 Martha G. McKenna Mary E. (McClymont) McKeon ’95 ★ Patricia A. McMillan ’86 ★ Glenn McNitt ◆★ Carol (Neimeth) ’67 and Barry ’67 Meehan Elizabeth (Quimby) ’66 and Robert Mehalso ★ Chelsa A. Melo ’61 ★ Richard ’86 and Anita Meserole ★ Nathan and Carolyn Metlitz Barbara (Malev) ’64 and Alfred ’64 Meyer ★ Tom Meyer ◆ Robert Michael ◆★ Eleanor L. (Spuches) Miller ’69 Jeanne (Anderson) ’54 and Walter ’54 Millman Helen (Lane) Milvaney ’49 ★ Robert Miraldi ◆ Jose ’89 and Yvette ’94 Molinas Robert E. Molloy Sr. ’46 Barbara L. (Lardner) Moore ’69 ★ Marcia A. Moore ’93 John and Dorothy Moran Leonard P. Moroff ’67 Michael S. Morosky ’88 ★ Dorothy M. Morris ’71 ★ Randolph Morton ’92 Philip and Adrienne Morvillo ★ Jean M. (Lowery) Mottola ’47 ★ Edward J. Mucci ’78 Edward Mucci ’99 ★ Dale (Simpson) ’73 and Stephen ’72 Murphy Oliver ’36 and Ethel Murray ★ Greg Muth National Career & Life Institute Pauline D. (Butremuk) Nearing ’37 J. Scott and Vanessa Neely Nancy (Rugg) ’66 and Richard ’66 Neiman Mark ’77 and Eva Nestor ★ Thomas R. Nevins ’91 ★ New Paltz Democratic Committee New Paltz Pharmacy ★ David ’77 and Carolyn ’79 Nichols ★ Gerrianne (Harmon) ’58 and Storm Nickerson ★ Eileen ’72 and Robert Nye Steven and Rosemary Nyman Merry (DeWitt)’74 ’90 and Quentin ’70 Oakley ★ John W. O’Donnell Jr. ’56 Helanie I. (Isaacs) Ortiz ’78 Alice L. Oswald-Watkins ’43 and Albert C. Watkins ’43 Robert H. Ottens ’74 ★ Renee S. Padmore ’91 Toby A. (Gavron) Parisse ’61 Lynn (Blydenburgh) ’69 and William ’67 Parment ★ James F. Patch ’70 ★ Angelika F. Patsis ’72 ★ Catherine A. (Drucklieb) Paulson ’76 Peak Associates, Inc. Angela (Silecchia) ’64 and Stanley Pearlstein ★ Susan (Roos) ’64 and Roy Pearson ★ Grace Pell ◆ Rachel E. (Elliott) Rigolino ’93 ★ Gerald J. Robbins ’78 Eugenia ’70 and Stanley Roberts ★ Lisa R. Roberts ’88 Carolyn ’79 and David ’77 Roberts-Nichols Mary R. Robertson ’95 ★ David R. Rogol ’75 Donald and Carol Roper ★ James A. Rosenquist Mark E. Rosenthal ’88 E. L. Rotchford ’54 Beth A. Rubin ’77 ★ Pierrette T. Ruhland ’74 ★ Joseph A. Sagula ’77 ★ Hadi ◆ and Nezi Salavitabar ★ Diana ’88 and Edgar ’82 Santos Louis Saraceno ◆ Ronald and Barbara Schade Sylvia I. (Kiener) Schaffrath ’59 ★ Peter Scharff Melanie C. (Carrington-Debiec) Schmelzer ’73 Hazel (Hochuli) ’46 and Rudolph Schmidt ★ DONORS’ GENEROSITY INCREASES SCHOLARSHIPS: CONTRIBUTIONS FUNDED 201 SCHOLARSHIPS THIS YEAR, COMPARED TO 183 FUNDED THE YEAR BEFORE - A 10% INCREASE! Wendy (Doty) ’74 and Robert Perrigo John J. Perry ’76 ★ Robert G. Petix ’71 Thomas ’66 and Mary Pilla ★ Phyllis M. Pincus ’63 ★ Gabriela (Boll) Pino ’87 ★ Elizabeth (Logan) ’51 and Virginio ’49 Piucci ★ Stephanne Pleshette CSW ’88 ★ Maureen (Morris) Pontillas ’55 ★ Myrtle J. (Dabney) Porter ’45 ★ Diane Price Paul R. Profy ’80 Mitchell and Skit Rabbino ★ Esther Ratner Kristin Rauch ◆★ Hugh and Rita Rawlins ★ Janet M. (Meade) Reagon ’85 ★ James Reardon Laurence J. Reitman ’00 Lillian Reovan Paul H. Rhoads Carole (Pflugfelder) ’59 and Walter Rhodes ★ Maria and John N. Riccio Judith A. Richards ’70 ★ Miriam M. (McCloy) Ridgeway ’40 ★ Peter O. Riggins ’50 ★ Jeffrey A. Schnur ’76 ★ Paul M. Schropfer Marlin Schwartz ’82 Raymond ◆ and Catherine Schwarz ★ Dorothy K. (Kostyun) Scorelle ’68 Elyse (Desmond) ’71 and Allan ’72 Scott Helen M. Senesky ’45 Harry H. Shapiro ’73 Arthur J. Shapiro ’75 Jane (Gerstein) ’66 and Richard Shapiro Kevin and Alice Sharpe Nancy S. Shen ’85 ★ Cheryl K. (Armbrust) Shroads-Johnson ’72 and Wayne Johnson ★ Lynne (Goldman) ’72 and Glenn ’72 Shulim Mildred Sierra ★ Bruce Sillner ◆★ Lorraine (Zirger) Silva ’51 Sheila (Axelrod) ’73 and David ’72 Silverman ★ Charles and Robin Silverman SMC Surg-Med Devices and Consultants, LLC Gail D. (Dawson) Smith ’66 John T. Smith ’71 ★ Smitty’s Body Shop of New Paltz ★ Paul J. Solomon ’69 ★ Janet Sosinsky Aviv and Margaret Soussan John Spagnoli ’94 ★ Torin A. Spellman ’76 Sperry, Mitchell & Company, Inc. Laurie C. (Chase) Spiegel ’75 ★ Spotted Dog Ventures, L.L.C. Pauline (Nuzzolese) Staiano Janet B. Steffens ’54 Susan (Humphrey) ’69 and Arthur ’70 Stegen ★ William ’66 and Alyson ’88 Steiniger Stephen M. Lieber Co. Charles B. Stieglitz Doris (Mills) ’56 and Philip Stoddard ★ Mabel ’52 and Vernon Stokes ★ Jeanette (Schultz) Straebler ’97 ★ Chuck Straebler ’98 Marion E. (Taylor) Strebel ’28 ★ Martha M. Strever ’61 Daniel Strickland Cornelia (Romanski) ’37 and Alexander Struck ★ Laurie (Marcus) ’91 and Adam ’89 Stumer ★ Margaret (Kotovitch) ’59 and William Swift ★ Amy S. (Blackinton) Szurly ’89 T. G. Henderson Bookkeeping Minerva S. (Schwartz) Tancredi ’46 Brigitte Taub Nancy (Stahl) ’70 and Stanley ’70 Taylor Lorraine Taylor ◆★ Maria Thomas Taylor N. Thompson Jr. Stephen Thornley ’72 Sandra W. (Williams) Thurston ’62 Allen ’86 and Michele ’87 Todd ★ Paul Tompkins ’74 Debra A. Traikos-Penkava ’76 and Eric A. Penkava ’74 Lisa (Usefof) ’82 and David ’82 Treco ★ Richard L. Trent ’92 Richard ’67 and Roberta Trier ★ Mary L. (Perez) Troeger ’61 ★ Frances E. (Petralia) Truncali ’92 Joan (Tancredi) ’60 and Nikos Tsakanikas Barbara Tubito-Megara ’71 ★ Barry R. Tunkel ’72 ’02 Lori (Klein) Tunkel ’70 ’72 ◆★ Fredda H. Turnof ’76 ★ John M. Turturro ’79 Constance (Bendas) ’70 and Earl ’70 Tuttle Thomas N. Tyrol ’72 ★ Effie C. (Carpouzis) Uhl ’58 ★ Jeanette M. Unger ’00 Kenneth Uva CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION Non-Cash Gifts, Art, Equipment 17% Unrestricted Gifts 16% Other Revenues 13% Gifts to Scholarship Funds 34% Valley Vista Adult Home Harry B. Van Ormer ’69 ★ Teresa (Toolin) ’79 and William Vanslyck Vassar Brothers Hospital Dorothy J. Vlastelica ’88 Margaret F. Voorhies ’66 Ellie ’61 and Robert Waechter ★ Laura R. (Karlin) Walker ’76 Millicent A. Wall ’53 Marilyn (Paganelli) ’68 and Joseph Walsh ★ Robert Waugh◆ Virginia (Reisert) ’46 and Roderic Whalen ★ Helena P. (Pyne) White ’65 ★ Wilder Consolidated Enterprises Inc. Virginia (Wilson) ’69 and Denis Williamson ★ Veronica Wills Patricia A. (Fredericks) Wilson ’62 ★ Rita (Eronimous) ’38 and William Winterbourne ★ Gifts to Programs, Depts. & Schools 34% Craig ’70 and Christina Winterfeldt Helise I. Winters Mary T. Wohlscheid ’49 ★ Christine (Knepper) ’78 and Bert Wolff Alton B. Woodman ’68 Eoin J. Wrafter ’94 Dorothy A. (Anwyl) Wright ’58 Nancy S. (Reeve) Yannopoulos ’76 ★ William Yeaple ’49 ★ Kwong Yip Margaret R. Zettle ’81 ★ David Zuckerman ★ And more than 3,000 contributors of up to $99 ★ ◆ ● 3 or more years of consecutive giving current or retired faculty and staff donor deceased 13 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTORS Adirondack Trailways Annette Lappin's Homemade Candies & Gift Baskets Apple Greens Golf Course Artcraft Camera Center The Awareness Shop The Bakery James A. Bennett Roger and Barbara Bowen Adam Brown Burger King CellularOne Center for Therapeutic Massage Gary and Ilona Cuneo Cynfre's Caterer & Bakery & Cynthia's Upstairs Dedrick's Pharmacy Gertrude W. Dennis Depuy Canal House Mason Douglas Eddie's 68 Main Inc Elaine's Beauty on the Run Paulette Esrig Richard '72 and Pamela '64 Geuss Gourmet Pizza Howard Greenberg Handmade and More Inc. Helen B. Harkonen Fred Howard Hudson Valley Resort and Spa International Business Machines Italian Supreme John C. Menihan Enterprises La Stazione Eric Lindbloom Main Street Bistro Mary's Country Kitchen Daniel McCormack Natalie V. Minewski '73 Mohonk Mountain House Mohonk Preserve Mountain Creek Recreation New Paltz Hot Bagels New York Video Exchange Brigid O'Hanrahan Old Navy Jaime Permuth Plaza Diner Rino's Pizza Royal King Dry Cleaners James G. Shine Michael Shulan Sherry Ann Simms '98 Carlyle H. Smith Lola B. Spier Starbucks Coffee Company Sunoco A+ Mini Market Dr. Albert Tannin Phillip and Patti Teplen Unison Arts and Learning Center Arthur Weyhe PARTNERS IN GIVING MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Agilent Technologies Amerada Hess Corporation American Express AT&T Bank of America The Bank of New York Bookspan BP Amoco Chevron Citigroup The Coca Cola Company Compaq Computer Corporation Con Edison Corning Incorporated Deutsche Bank Americas ExxonMobil Fidelity Foundation Fleet Financial Group 14 Gannett The Gap Houghton Mifflin Company HSBC Intel International Business Machines ITT Industries The Kresge Foundation Lexmark International Merrill Lynch Metropolitan Life Foundation Mobil Foundation Morgan Stanley Mutual Of America Nepera New York Life Novartis US Pfizer Philip Morris The Prudential R.R. Donnelly Raytheon Schering-Plough Shell Oil Company Sony USA Sprint State Farm Companies Telcordia Technologies Texaco The Gillette Company Time Warner Inc. Times Mirror UPS Wachovia Xerox GROWTH IN SCHOLARSHIP DOLLARS AWARDED 2001-2002 $500,000 $450,000 ● $444,269 $400,000 ● $389,602 $350,000 $300,000 ● $250,000 $278,917 SCHOLARSHIPS – A KEY TO STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Last year, gifts and pledges to scholarship funds approached three-quarters of a million dollars. Scholarships are the key for many top students seeking a New Paltz education. Awards range from merit-based recruitment scholarships to those that recognize achievement of students in the course of their study at New Paltz. One of New Paltz’s top priorities is to increase the number and amount of scholarships – with a particular emphasis on building a robust scholarship endowment to provide four-year renewable awards to high achieving applicants. These recruitment scholarships will help New Paltz continue to admit and retain the kind of talented and diverse students who have long been a hallmark of our campus. 15 NEW SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS CREATED IN 2001-2002 Educating New Teachers: The Dyson Foundation Awards $300,000 New Paltz is helping address a teacher shortage in the Mid-Hudson region with a grant from the Dyson Foundation. Beginning this fall, for each of the next five years, six students transferring from Dutchess Community College to New Paltz’s School of Education will receive two-year Dyson Family Foundation Scholarships to cover their tuition costs, and provide a stipend for student teaching. Scholarship recipients will be encouraged to begin their teaching careers in high need districts in Dutchess County. “We’ll work closely with superintendents in Dutchess County to place teachers in critical areas,” says Bob Michael, Dean of the School of Education at New Paltz. “This grant represents an exceptional way to strengthen our schools and support the teachers that play such important roles in the lives of our young people,” said Dyson Foundation Vice President and CEO Diana M. Gurieva. “New Paltz is a key educational resource in the mid-Hudson Valley and the foundation was delighted when we were approached about new strategies to encourage young people to enter and remain in the teaching profession in our region.” Russell S. Cleverley Memorial Scholarship Russell Cleverley was born on April 11, 1969 to Donald and Luella Cleverley of Poughkeepsie, NY. He graduated from Arlington High School in 1987 and entered Dutchess Community College, graduating with an Associate’s Degree in English in 1989. He continued his studies at the State University of New York at Oswego, where he earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in both English and History. Russell then returned to Poughkeepsie, earning a Master’s in English Literature in 1995 at New Paltz while he was teaching at Dutchess Community College, Marist College, and Orange Community College. Russell had a passion for music that began when he started playing guitar in high school. After graduating from New Paltz, he was active in a number of Hudson Valley area bands, often playing at local venues. Russell lost his life in a tragic drowning accident on April 1, 1998. He is survived by his parents, brother Bradley, sister-in-law Cristina, and nephews Alec and Austin. Russell’s parents established the Russell S. Cleverley Memorial Scholarship in English at SUNY New Paltz in his memory. The scholarship will assist a graduate student who intends to teach English at the college level. The Luigi and Anita Traverso Endowment for Italian Studies “One must also begin to give back what one has throughout life received” – Professor Emeritus Giancarlo Traverso. 16 “From SUNY New Paltz, I received a 30-year teaching opportunity and from the students enrichment and enjoyment,” Traverso said. He created this endowment in honor of his parents. The fund’s goal is to increase enrollment in New Paltz’s Italian Studies program, and to provide a forum for discussion on the Italian and ItalianAmerican experience. The fund supports two programs: an annual lecture series, and scholarships for students seeking to major or minor in Italian studies. THANK YOU, NEW PALTZ SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORS! Adopt a Scholar Sponsors Kenneth and Peggy Abt Dean and Susan Avery Michael Badalucco Michael Beck Anne Bienstock Roger W. and Barbara Bowen Marlene Brown Rosanne Cahn Jan Campbell – Schoolbell foundation Pam Dembicki – Follett Bookstore Alan and Francoise Dunefsky William and Barbara Geider Howard Goldblatt Gayil Greene Robert E. Hatfield – M&T Bank Wynn and Judy Herron Harold S. and Karen Jacobs Norma Kellarp Gerald and Randy Kitzman Phyllis Freeman and David Krikin William Long – Campus Auxilary Services James Marini – Fleet Bank Anthony Marmo – Kingston Hospital Clifford and Elizabeth Miller Lisa Morris – Hudson Federal Credit Union Robert and Henrietta Mountz Robert Mumper John J. and Sara Luther Neumaier Mildred and Louis Resnick Karl and Ann Rodman Rose Rudnitski Irving Shapiro Cynthia Lowe and Glenn Sutherland Taylor and Elizabeth Thompson Edward Ullman Wendell Van Lare Jack Zand, Esq. Named Scholarship Funds Ailsa Reid Memorial Scholarship Alex Minewski Scholarhsip Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority XiMu Chapter Scholarship Armand J. and Roberta K. Trivilino Scholarship Arnold Lent Memorial Scholarship Art History Award Arthur Bruce Bennet Drama Scholarships Baggerman Family Scholarship Bernard Aratowsky Memorial Scholarship Bertha Herwig Connelly Memorial Scholarship Brian Parsons Scholarship Campus Auxiliary Services Golf Scholarship Campus Auxiliary Services Scholarship Campus Auxiliary Services/Jim Fredericks Student Employees Scholarship Campus Auxiliary Services/Pepsi of the Hudson Valley Scholarship Cary Coffing Memorial Scholarship Charles Giebel Scholarship Class of 1947 Memorial Scholarship Communications Disorders Departmental Scholarship Constance Von Wock Scholarship Craig EvansAlexis Mims Memorial Scholarship David E. Huyler Scholarship Dollars for Scholars Donald Bishko Memorial Scholarship Dr. Bruce and Sandra Orenstein Scholarship Dr. Edwin A. Ulrich Business Scholarship Dr. Edwin A. Ulrich Fine Arts Scholarship Dr. Edwin A. Ulrich Music Scholarship Dr. Edwin A. Ulrich Theatre Scholarship Dr. Jim Campion Memorial Chemistry Scholarship Dyson Family Foundation Scholarship for Educators Eli B. and Susan Basch Scholarship Erna Lynne Heyer Memorial Scholarship Eugenio Maria de Hostos Scholarship Faculty/Staff Scholarship Fleet Bank Endowed Scholarship Francis X. Cahill Scholarship Gertrude M. Elliot Scholarship Harold C. Storm Scholarship Helen Brown Emerick Memorial Scholarship Herbert Lewis Kammerer Memorial Prize for Excellence in Sculpture India Academic Award Irma and David Goldknopf Scholarship Jean Claude Belot Scholarship Jim Fredericks Memorial Scholarship Joseph Y. Resnick Memorial Scholarship Julia O. Wells Memorial Education Foundation Inc. Laura Abigail Gosline Rawlins Memorial Scholarship Leonard Eisenberg Memorial Scholarship Leslie S. Oakley Memorial Scholarship Lucy Delgado Memorial Scholarship Luigi and Anita Traverso Endowment for Italian Studies Lynne L. Doty Math Scholarship Marc Silver Memorial Marion Harding Scholarship Martha V. Barnett Scholarship Martin Luther King Scholarship Mary Gallagher Burke Memorial Scholarship MidHudson Alumni Association Chapter Scholarship Mildred and Louis Resnick Arts and Humanities Scholarship Morris Louis Rosenfield Memorial Scholarship MRP Scholarships New Paltz Student Christian Center Scholarship Award Paul F. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Peg Leg Bates Memorial Scholarship Peter D. Brown Scholarship Presidential Scholarships Resnick Family Engineering Scholarship Resnick Nursing Scholarship Richard A. Panman Memorial Scholarship Richard J. Ordway Memorial Scholarship Robert Durkin Memorial Scholarship Russel S. Cleverley Memorial Fellowship Ruth Bennett Art Scholarship Ruth Mack Havens Scholarship Sean Geng Memorial Scholarship Simon and Evelyn Gluckman Scholarship Fund Stephen Jay Egemeier Memorial Scholarship SUNY New Paltz Alumni Association Scholarships Thomas and Marie Bell Scholarship Thomas Santoro Memorial Scholarship Trudy Resnick Farber Memorial Scholarship Vera R. Irwin/John C. Morrow Scholarship Vincent Tomaselli Creative Writing Award Walter Reuther Scholarship William and Helen Kochant Writing Scholarship William C. Hauber Memorial Scholarship William J. and Nancy Jean Irvine Memorial Scholarship William J. Haggerty Scholarship Yetta Jacowitz Howitt Memorial Scholarship 17 SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Financial Position – June 30, 2002 With Comparative Totals for 2001 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2002 2001 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Prepaid Expense $ 79,600 $ --- $ --- $ 79,600 $ 59,399 4,950 --- --- 4,950 --- Pledges Receivable (Note 3) --- 335,000 --- 335,000 65,000 Accrued Interest Receivable 43,280 --- --- 43,280 32,359 Other Receivable 16,633 --- --- 16,633 13,143 Investments-Gift Annuity (Note 4) 171,598 150,000 --- 321,598 303,336 Investments (Note 5) 728,732 418,925 4,362,957 5,510,614 5,411,313 Total Current Assets 1,044,793 903,925 4,362,957 6,311,675 5,884,490 Fixed Assets Net (Notes 2 & 6) 1,290,352 --- --- 1,290,352 1,351,171 Artwork Paintings & Antiques 1,629,710 --- --- 1,629,710 1,369,459 $ 3,964,855 $ 903,925 $ 4,362,957 $ 9,231,737 $ 8,605,120 $ 314,562 $ $ --- $ 314,562 $ 229,654 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Gift Annuity Payable Awards Payable Total Current Liabilities Net Assets (Note 8) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS 18 --- 101,478 --- --- 101,478 92,146 8,425 --- --- 8,425 16,325 424,465 --- --- 424,465 338,125 3,540,390 903,925 4,362,957 8,807,272 8,266,995 $ 3,964,855 $ 903,925 $ 4,362,957 $ 9,231,737 $ 8,605,120 SUNY NEW PALTZ FOUNDATION, INC. Statement of Activities – Year Ended June 30, 2002 With Comparative Totals for 2001 Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $ 275,834 $ 745,897 $ 442,598 $ 1,464,329 $ 1,185,293 281,389 --- --- 281,389 228,888 80,315 --- 184,844 265,159 269,227 --- --- (9,185) (9,185) (6,566) Unrealized Loss on Securities (14,963) --- (222,701) (237,664) (328,079) Loss on Sale of Securities (12,803) --- (92,127) (104,930) (3,130) --- --- --- --- (3,889) Royalty Income 122,700 --- --- 122,700 120,000 Assets Released from Restrictions 777,315 (543,791) (233,524) --- --- 1,509,787 202,106 69,905 1,781,798 1,461,744 1,135,879 --- --- 1,135,879 987,322 105,642 --- --- 105,642 145,216 1,241,521 --- --- 1,241,521 1,132,538 268,266 202,106 69,905 540,277 329,206 3,275,374 736,069 4,255,552 8,266,995 7,937,789 (3,250) (34,250) 37,500 --- --- $ 3,540,390 $ 903,925 $ 4,362,957 $ 8,807,272 $ 8,266,995 Unrestricted TOTAL ALL FUNDS 2002 2001 REVENUES, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions - Cash Contributions - Non-Cash (Note 9) Interest and Dividends Change in Value of Split Interest Gifts Loss on Disposal of Assets TOTAL REVENUES, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT EXPENSES AND LOSSES Program Services Supporting Services TOTAL EXPENSES AND LOSSES Change in Net Assets Net Assets - Beginning of Year Interfund Transfers Net Assets - End of Year 19 Make a Difference – Today and in the Future Create a Lasting Legacy c lanned gifts, deferred charitable contributions to New Paltz, can take many forms — leaving a bequest in a will, naming New Paltz the beneficiary of retirement plans or life insurance, or through charitable life income gifts or trusts. Each contributes to the lasting legacy of academic excellence at New Paltz, and some can even provide you with financial benefits. By joining the Tower Society, you leave a legacy at New Paltz by inspiring others with your gift to follow your lead of using your estate plan to benefit New Paltz. Membership Benefits—Of course, the most rewarding benefit of Tower Society membership is knowing that you are making an investment in New Paltz’s future. Other benefits include: ▲ invitations throughout the year to join the President and other top supporters at special receptions and events on campus, ▲ publication (with your permission) of your name in the Tower Society listing in the Annual Report, and ▲ listing (with your permission) on the Tower Society recognition wall in the lobby of the Haggerty Administration Building. For more information on how an estate or planned gift can benefit New Paltz as part of your overall financial plan, please contact Sally Cross, Director of Development 845-257-3238 crosss@newpaltz.edu 20 THE TOWER SOCIETY WE OWE A DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO THE ALUMNI AND FRIENDS WHO HAVE MADE PROVISIONS FOR NEW PALTZ IN THEIR ESTATE PLANS. The Tower Society recognizes and honors these commitments to New Paltz and the vital role they play in ensuring our continued margin of excellence. Tower Society Members Agnes C. Adams ’47 Frank* and Gertrude Eckelt Joan E. Palladino ’62 Anonymous (4) Lynda ’78 and Karl Schwab-Edmundson Francis ’53 and Bonnie Cahill Karen A. Chaffee ’91 Lulu J. Eisenhauer* Grace E. Elliott* Phyllis R. Freeman and David Krikun Gail and Joseph Gallerie Ida Gerald ’31* Evelyn Gluckman PhD ’58 Darren P. Hernandez ’91 Dorothea Hopfer ’19* Edgar and Renee Jackson Mark I. Kalish ’73 Ruth Cleveland* Elaine Kniffen ’36 Martin and Dolly Wodin Adah M. Copeland* Helen E. Kochant Ann Kubik ’68 Victor Landau* Doris Lee* Brian E. Logan ’86 Hugo Munsterberg* Susan M. Baggerman ’57 Marybeth C. Bannon ’81 John T. Beetar ’74 Stephen D. Becker ’70 Ruth C. Bergman ’44 Edwin ’38 and Louise Braem Arvid and Mary ’28 Burke* Ruth P. Cummings ’65 Arthur A. Delaney PhD ’53 Ruth DeRoberts ’20* Samuel Dorsky* Lynne L. Doty ’75 Philomena Sepenoski* Max and Nadia Shepard James G. Shine Muriel Smolen Armand J. and Roberta Trivilino ’54 Michael J. Uvanni Ph.D. ’72 Millicent A. Wall ’53 Albert Wang* Lilian Whitford* Italics – charter members * – deceased If you have already named New Paltz in your will or another type of planned gift, please let us know! We would like the opportunity to thank you for your generosity. SUNY New Paltz Foundation 75 S. Manheim Blvd. Suite 9 New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 address service requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Newburgh, New York Permit no. 6127
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