ETIENNE BERTHIER Glaciologue - Chargé de Recherche CNRS OMP-LEGOS – 14 av E. Belin 3100 – Toulouse Né le 17/09/1976, marié, 2 enfants +33-(0)5-61-33-29-66 GLACIOLOGIE & TELEDETECTION EN BREF 55 articles dans les revues internationales (13 en 1er auteur, 11 en 2nd auteur) PI du projet international SPIRIT (qui a généré > 100 publications) et de 6 autres projets nationaux Editeur pour 3 revues, référé de > 120 articles CURSUS UNIVERSITAIRE Avril 2015 Sept 2005 Juin 2000 Juin 1999 Juin 1998 Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) - Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) THESE - Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) & Moniteur D.E.A. / Océanologie, Météorologie & Environnement, Univ. Paris VI, mention TB, rang : 1 AGREGATION / Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre, rang : 1 LICENCE & MAITRISE / Sciences de la Terre, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris EXPERIENCES DE RECHERCHE 2012-2013 Mission Longue Durée : IANIGLA – MENDOZA - ARGENTINE Glaciers des Andes: indicateurs climatiques et rôle hydrologique 2007- CR-CNRS : LEGOS – TOULOUSE Glaciers et petites calottes glaciaires : indicateurs & acteurs des changements climatiques. 2006 Post-Doctorat : UBC – VANCOUVER - CANADA Evolution passée, actuelle et future des glaciers du Yukon/Alaska. Collaboration : G. CLARKE 2002-2005 Doctorat : LEGOS – TOULOUSE Bilan de masse et dynamique des glaciers de montagne (Alpes, Islande, Himalaya). Contribution de l’imagerie satellitaire. Directeurs de Thèse : F. REMY & Y. ARNAUD Fév-Juin 2002 Pré-Doctorat : NSIDC – BOULDER – ETATS UNIS Champ de vitesse et bilan de masse du glacier Mertz (Antarctique). Encadré par B. RAUP & T. SCAMBOS Sept 2000 à Janv 2002 Coopérant du Service National : IRD - LA PAZ - BOLIVIE Responsable du réseau d’observations météo-glacio-hydrologiques du glacier Zongo (Andes tropicales). DISTINCTIONS & BOURSES Dec 2010 Nove 2009 Août 2008 Nove 2007 Octo 2006 Mai 2006 Juil 2005 2009 Best paper award pour la revue ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ‘Top Reviewer’ pour la revue Remote Sensing of Environment d’Elsevier ‘Outstanding referee award’ pour la revue Geophysical Research Letters de l’AGU Prix de la Cartographie de l’Académie des Sciences. Conjointement avec Frédérique Rémy. Prix de thèse Adrien Gaussail de l’Académie des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Toulouse Prix de thèse Henri Milon de la Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF) Bourse Marie Curie – Outgoing International Fellowship – MORE ICE RÉFÉRENCES Frédérique Rémy Anny Cazenave Ted A. Scambos Garry K. C. Clarke Andreas Kääb CV – Etienne BERTHIER LEGOS – Toulouse LEGOS – Toulouse NSIDC – Etats-Unis UBC – Canada Univ. Oslo frederique.remy<at> anny.cazenave<at> teds<at> clarke<at> andreas.kaab<at> mise à jour : 18/05/2015 1 RESPONSABILITES SCIENTIFIQUES & COLLECTIVES Comités Scientifiques Comité Scientifique du pôle de données Form@ter (2014 - ) Responsable section 8 du CNFGG/IUGG (2013 - ) Membre du groupe Terre Solide du TOSCA-CNES (2009 - , 2 mandats) Comité Scientifique et Technique de la Société Hydrotechnique de France (2007-13) Projets Internationaux PI du projet SPIRIT ( Stewart pour les glaces des Kerguelen pour GLIMS ( Organisation colloques 2010. Toulouse. Conférence SPIRIT (40 participants, 6 pays) Activité éditoriale (~20) The Cryosphere (2015- ) Annals of Glaciology #63 (2012) & #71 (2015) La Météorologie (2012- ) Review Editor for Frontiers in Cryospheric Sciences (2015-) Membre du Jury pour le prix U.V. Helava de ISPRS J Photogram & Rem Sensing Référé d’articles (~120) Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Climate Change, Geophysical Research Letters, Global & Planetary Change, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Hydrology, Remote Sensing of Environment, IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing Journal of Glaciology, The Cryosphere, Annals of Glaciology, Environ. Res. Lett. (…) Référé de projets France : LEFE, PNTS, IPEV, CEFIPRA, IRD (Bourses DSF) NWO – Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NSERC – National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada NSF – National Science Foundation (US) NERC – Natural Environment Research Council (UK) IRF – Icelandic Research Fund ISCAR – Italian Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research CFQCY – Conseil franco-québécois de coopération universitaire Jury de thèse 2008-12-05 Alvaro Soruco – LGGE - Examinateur 2015-07-08 Ruben Barrantès– LGGE - Rapporteur Vie du Laboratoire Responsable communication au LEGOS (2007-) Membre du Conseil de Laboratoire du LEGOS (2007-2011) PROJETS DE RECHERCHES Responsable principal (PI) 2013TOSCA-CNES ‘SPIRIT2: Repeat Snapshot of Polar Ice with SPOT5-HRS’ (PI) 2011DLR ‘Toward geodetic mass balances of mountain glaciers using Tandem-X differential DEMs’ 2011TOSCA-CNES ‘TOP GLACIERS : TOPographies des GLACIERS de montagne’ 2010-2013 PNTS ‘Potentiel du satellite Formosat-2 pour le suivi des évolutions géométriques des glaciers’ 2007-2009 TOSCA-CNES: SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies 2007-2011 PAI Jules Verne ‘Satellite observations and dynamic modeling to understand the response of Icelandic glaciers to climate change’ PI H. Björnsson & E. Berthier. 2006-2009 ESA Announcement of Opportunity for International Polar Year ‘Velocity and topographic maps of Icelandic ice caps. A comprehensive dataset to study their dynamic response to climate change’ Comme co-responsable (Co-I) ou participant 2013-2017 ANR SUMER ‘Survey and Modelling of East Antarctica’ (Co-I, responsable LEGOS) 2009-2013 ANR ADAGe ‘Ajoint ice flow models for Data Assimilation in Glaciolo’ (Co-I, responsable LEGOS) ENSEIGNEMENTS 20092007-2011 2002-2005 Univ. de temps Libre (UTL) : séminaire annuel ENS Paris (Magistère) : 1 journée de Conf. + TP imagerie sur l’évolution des glaciers Cours sur l’évolution des glaces du globe : méthodes d’observation et conséquences (responsable module Pieter Van Beek en L3 & Anne Nédelec en M2) Moniteur à l’Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III), ~64h (équivalent TD) / an - TD de Géophysique externe (L1) - Camps de terrain de Géophysique de sub-surface et de Géologie (IUP et M1) - TP/TD et examinateur de leçons de Géologie générale à l’Agrégation SVT CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 2 ENCADREMENTS VISITEURS SCIENTIFIQUES 2014 Charles Papasodoro, Univ Sherbrooke (2 mois) « Bilan de masse des calottes de la Terre de Baffin » 2014 Pierre Pitte, IANIGLA (3 mois) « Etude du surge du glaciar horcones, Aconcagua » THESE 2013Vanessa Drolon (30%) « Snow Monitoring and Glaciers Mass Balance from SPOT/VEGETATION » 2010-2013 Thomas Flament (30%) « Variations de hauteur de la calotte antarctique par altimétrie radar par satellite : amincissement dynamique, vidanges de lacs sous-glaciaires et autres curiosités » 2009-2012 Julie Gardelle (50%) « Contribution des glaciers de l’Hindu-Kush Himalaya à la ressource en eau régionale et à l’élévation du niveau des mers » M2 2014 Vincent Cabot. « Bilan de masse des glaciers de l'Aconcagua » 2014 Romain Milan (25%). « MNT Tandem-X pour la glaciologie » 2011 Guillaume Carrie (50%). « Amélioration MNT SPIRIT en Antarctique » 2010 Cyrielle Guérin (50%). « Flux de vêlage du Breidamerkurjökull (Islande) » 2009 Yoann Drocourt. « Dynamique du glacier Kronebreen (Spitzberg) » 2009 Julie Gardelle (33%) « Climatologie des lacs himalayens et leur évolution récente » 2007 Raymond Le Bris. «Évolution des surfaces et volumes de la calotte Cook (Kerguelen) depuis 40 ans. » 2006 Pâquerette Durand (50%). « Exploration des possibilités de HRS pour la glaciologie » M1 & L3 2011 Lauren Ducret & Yoann Malbetea (L3). « Perte de la calotte Cook (Kerguelen) entre 2000 et 2009 » 2011 Caroline Ripoche (M1, 25%) « MNT aérien du glacier du Breidamerkurjokull en 1960 » 2009 Romain Dolques (L3) « Bilan de masse des glaciers du Mont-Blanc (2003-2008) par Spot5 » 2008 Laure Mabileau (L3). « Inventaire des glaces des Iles Kerguelen. » VULGARISATION SCIENTIFIQUE / MEDIAS Nov 2014 Mai 2014 Mai 2013 Aout 2012 Juin 2012 Avril 2012 Dec 2011 Nov 2011 Oct 2011 Sep 2011 Jan 2010 Juil 2009 Nov 2008 Oct 2008 Sep 2008 Sep 2008 Fév 2008 Oct 2007 Mai 2007 Avr 2007 Sept 2006 ITW dans Pour La Science : « L’anomalie du Karakorum en partie expliquée» ITW dans Figaro : « La fonte des glaces fait remonter la surface de la Terre » Article/ITW dans Le Monde, France Info, Huffington Post : « Glaciers et hausse du niveau marin » Interview Médiapart « Le destin contrasté des glaciers de l'Himalaya » Interview German Public Radio : « Gletscheraderlass unvermindert stark » Article dans Figaro, Le Monde, BBC, The Guardian : « Les Glaciers hors norme du Karakorum » Interview pour Le Monde : « Et pendant ce temps, la fonte des glaciers s’accélère » Article pour le site web du CNES «A la conquête du pôle Sud » Contribution au blog Miss Terre : « L’âge de glace, épisode final ? » Novela, La ville devant soit : « Les satellites de Toulouse » Interview pour Libé, Figaro, NewYorkTimes : « Recul du Groenland, l’erreur du Times Atlas » Interview pour Libération, Le Figaro, La Croix, Le Monde, Toulouse Mag, TV TLT, Radio Deutsche Welle : « Perte de masse des glaciers d’Alaska » France 3 – Sud : le déclin des glaces des Kerguelen Formation des étudiants d’école de journalistes ( Chaîne parlementaire (Année polaire Internationale : L’eau vu de l’Espace) ; La dépêche du Midi (rôle des glaces continentales dans la montée du niveau marin). M6-Toulouse & La dépêche du Midi : évolution récente de la banquise arctique. TV taïwanaise (DAI TV) : observations satellitaires (Spot-5, Formosat-2) des glaciers islandais. Intervention en maison de retraite pour l’association ‘Les étoiles brillent pour tous’ Intervention sur TF1 (20h) : Images satellite & Année Polaire Internationale Fête de la Science 2007 : Conférence et débat autour de l’évolution récente des glaces Conférence Grand Public (Société d’Astronomie Populaire, Toulouse) Soirée sur le changement climatique (Escalquens, Haute Garonne) Contribution à l’émission ‘La fonte des glaciers islandais’ diffusée le 6-11-2006 sur Radio-Canada LANGUES ETRANGERES Anglais : Ecrit, lu & parlé (TOEFL 290/300) Espagnol : lu & parlé Allemand : notions AFFILIATIONS IGS – International Glaciological Society CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 3 TRAVAUX ET PUBLICATIONS JOURNAUX A COMITE DE LECTURE (RANG A) Souligné en noir = contractuel ou étudiant encadré en thèse RESUME 55 articles dans les revues internationales (13 en 1er auteur, 11 en 2nd auteur) 10 chapitres de livre 6 articles de vulgarisation scientifique ~20 présentations par an dans des conférences scientifiques (15 présentations invitées depuis 2004) 2015 OR IN PRESS [55] Lacroix P., Berthier E. & Taipe E. Earthquake-driven acceleration of slow-moving landslides in the Colca valley, Peru, detected from Pléiades images, Remote Sensing of Environment, in press [54] Masiokas, M., Delgado, S., Pitte, P., Berthier E., Villalba, R., Skvarca, P., Ruiz, L., Ukita, J., Yamanokuchi, T., Tadono, T., Marinsek, S., Couvreux, F. and Zalazar, L.: Inventory and recent changes of small glaciers on the northeast margin of the South Patagonian Icefield, Argentina, Journal of Glaciology, in press [53] Kääb, A., Treichler, D., Nuth, C. and Berthier E.: Contending estimates of 2003–2008 glacier mass balance over the Pamir– Karakoram–Himalaya, The Cryosphere, 9(2), 557–564, doi:10.5194/tc-9-557-2015, 2015 [52] Brun F., Dumont M., Wagnon P., Berthier E., Azam M. F., Shea J. M., Sirguey P., Rabatel A. and Ramanathan Al.: Seasonal changes in surface albedo of Himalayan glaciers from MODIS data and links with the annual mass balance, The Cryosphere, 9(1), 341–355, doi: 10.5194/tc-9-341-2015, 2015 [51] Paul F., Bolch T., Kaab A., Nagler T., Nuth C., Scharrer K., Shepherd A., Strozzi T., Ticconi F., Bhambri R., Berthier E., Bevan S., Gourmelen N., Heid T., Jeong S., Kunz M., Laucknes T., Luckman A., Merryman Boncori J. P., Moholdt G., Muir A., Neelmeijer J., Rankl M., VanLooy J. A., and Van Niel T. The Glaciers Climate Change Initiative: Algorithms for creating glacier area, elevation change and velocity products, Remote Sensing of Environment, 162, 408-426, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2013.07.043, 2015 2014 [50] Berthier E. , Vincent C., Magnússon E., Gunnlaugsson Á. Þ., Pitte P., Le Meur E., Masiokas M., Ruiz L., Pálsson F., Belart J. M. C. and Wagnon P.: Glacier topography and elevation changes derived from Pléiades sub-meter stereo images, The Cryosphere, 8(6), 2275–2291, doi:10.5194/tc-8-2275-2014, 2014 [49] Cazenave A., Dieng H., Meyssignac B., Von Schuckmann K., Decharme B. and Berthier E.: The rate of sea-level rise, Nature Climate Change, 4(5), 358-361, doi: 10.3189/2014JoG13J119, 2014 [48] Das I., Hock R., Berthier E., and Lingle C. S. 21st-century increase in glacier mass loss in the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, USA, from airborne laser altimetry and satellite stereo-imagery, Journal of Glaciology, 60(220), 15-24, doi: 10.3189/2014JoG13J119, 2014 [47] Flament T., Berthier E., Rémy F. Cascading water underneath Wilkes Land, East Antarctic Ice Sheet, observed using altimetry and digital elevation models, The Cryosphere, 8(2), 673-687, doi: 10.5194/tc-8-673-2014, 2014 [46] Le Meur E, Sacchettini M, Garambois S, Berthier E, Drouet AS, Durand G, Young D, Greenbaum JS, Holt JW, Blankenship DD, Rignot E, Mouginot J, Gim Y, Kirchner D, de Fleurian B, Gagliardini O and Gillet-Chaulet F. Two independent methods for mapping the grounding line of an outlet glacier – an example from the Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adélie, Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 8(4), 1331–1346, doi:10.5194/tc-8-1331-2014, 2014 [45] Nield G. A., Barletta V. R., Bordoni A., King M. A., Whitehouse P. L., Clarke P. J., Domack E. W., Scambos T. A. and Berthier E.: Rapid bedrock uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula explained by viscoelastic response to recent ice unloading, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 397, 32-41, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.04.019, 2014 [44] Pfeffer T., and the 75 members of the Randolph Consortium, Journal of Glaciology, 60(221), 537-552, doi: 10.3189/2014JoG13J176, 2014 [43] Scambos, T. A., Berthier E., Haran, T., Shuman, C. A., Cook, A. J., Ligtenberg, S. R. M. and Bohlander, J.: Detailed ice loss pattern in the northern Antarctic Peninsula: widespread decline driven by ice front retreats, The Cryosphere, 8(6), 2135-2145, doi: 10.5194/tc-8-2135-2014, 2014 CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 4 [42] Vincent C., Harter M., Gilbert A., Berthier E., and Six D. Future fluctuations of the Mer de Glace (French Alps) assessed using a parameterized model calibrated with past thickness changes, Annals of Glaciology, 55(66), 15-24, doi: 10.3189/2014AoG66A050, 2014 2013 [41] Wagnon P., Vincent C., Arnaud Y., Berthier E., Vuillermoz E., Gruber S., Ménégoz M., Gilbert A., Dumont M., Shea J., Stumm D., and Pokhrel B. K. Seasonal and annual mass balances of Mera and Pokalde glaciers (Nepal Himalaya) since 2007, The Cryosphere, 7, 1769-1786, doi: 10.5194/tc-7-1769-2013, 2013 [40] Gardelle J., Berthier E., Arnaud Y., and Kääb A. Region-wide glacier mass balances over the Pamir - Karakoram - Himalaya during 1999-2011, The Cryosphere, 7, 1263-1286, doi: 10.5194/tc-7-1263-2013, 2013 [39] Clarke G. K. C., Anslow F., Jarosch A., Radic V., Menounos B., Bolch T. & Berthier E. Ice volume and subglacial topography for western Canadian glaciers from mass balance fields, thinning rates, and a bed stress model, Journal of Climate, 26(12), 4282–4303, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00513.1, 2013 [38] Lacroix P., Zavala B., Berthier E. & Audin L. Supervised Method of Landslide Inventory Using Panchromatic SPOT5 Images and Application to the Earthquake-Triggered Landslides of Pisco (Peru, 2007, Mw8.0), Remote Sensing, 5(6), 2590-2616, doi: 10.3390/rs5062590, 2013 [37] Gardner A. S., Moholdt G., Cogley J. G., Wouters B., Arendt A. A., Wahr J., Berthier E, Hock R., Pfeffer T., Kaser G., Ligtenberg S. R. M., Bolch T., Sharp M., Hagen J. O., van den Broeke M. R., and Paul F. A Reconciled Estimate of Glacier Contributions to Sea Level Rise: 2003 to 2009, Science, 340, 852-857, 10.1126/science.1234532, 2013 [36] Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Guðmundsson S., Magnusson E., Aðalgeirsdóttir G., Jóhannesson T., Berthier E, Sigurðsson O. & Thorsteinsson T. Contribution of Icelandic ice caps to sea level rise: trends and variability since the Little Ice Age, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 1-5, doi: 10.1002/grl.50278, 2013 [35] Vincent C., Ramanathan A., Wagnon P., Dobhal D. P., Linda A., Berthier E, Sharma P., Arnaud Y., Azam M. F., Jose P. G., and Gardelle J. Balanced conditions or slight mass gain of glaciers in the Lahaul and Spiti region (northern India, Himalaya) during the nineties preceded recent mass loss, The Cryosphere, 7(2), 569-582, doi: 10.5194/tc-7-569-2013, 2013 [34] Paul F., Barrand N. E., Berthier E., Bolch T., Casey K., Frey H., Joshi S. P., Konovalov V., Le Bris R., Moelg N., Nuth C., Pope A., Racoviteanu A., Rastner P., Raup B., Scharrer K., Steffen S. & Winswold S. On the accuracy of glacier outlines derived from remote sensing data, Annals of Glaciology, 54(63), 171-182, doi: 10.3189/2013AoG63A296, 2013 [33] Johannesson T., Björnsson H., Magnússon E., Guðmundsson S., Pálsson F., Sigurdsson O., Thorsteinsson T. & Berthier E. Icevolume changes, bias-estimation of mass-balance measurements and changes in subglacial water bodies derived by LiDARmapping of the surface of Icelandic glaciers, Annals of Glaciology, 54(63), 63-74, doi: 10.3189/2013AoG63A422, 2013 2012 [32] Pálsson F., Guðmundsson S., Björnsson H., Berthier E., Magnússon E., Guðmundsson S. & Haraldsson H. Mass and volume changes of Langjökull ice cap, Iceland, ~1890 to 2009, deduced from old maps, satellite images and in situ mass balance measurements, Jökull, 62, 81-96, 2012 [31] Kääb A., Berthier E., Nuth C., Gardelle J. & Arnaud Y. Contrasting patterns of early 21st century glacier mass change in the Himalaya. Nature, 488(7412), 495-498, doi: 10.1038/nature11324, 2012 [30] Berthier E., Scambos T.A. & Shuman C.A. Mass loss of Larsen B tributary glaciers (Antarctic Peninsula) unabated since 2002. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L13501, doi:10.1029/2012GL051755, 2012 [29] Gardelle J., Berthier E. & Arnaud Y. Slight mass gain of Karakorum glaciers in the early 21st century. Nature Geoscience, 5(5), 322-325, doi: 10.1038/ngeo1450, 2012 [Highlighted among Top-10 papers for 2008-2012 by Nature Geoscience] [28] Berthier E. & Vincent C. Relative contribution of surface mass balance and ice flux changes to the accelerated thinning of the Mer de Glace (Alps) over 1979-2008. Journal of Glaciology, 58(209), 501-512. 2012 [27] Azam M.F., Wagnon P., Ramanathan A., Vincent C., Sharma P., Arnaud Y., Linda A., Pottakal J., Chevallier P., Singh V.B. & Berthier E. From balance to imbalance: a shift in the dynamic behaviour of Chhota Shigri Glacier (Western Himalaya, India). Journal of Glaciology. 58(208), 315-324, 2012 [26] Gardelle J., Berthier E. & Arnaud Y. Impact of resolution and radar penetration on glacier elevation changes computed from DEM differencing. Journal of Glaciology, 58(208), 419-422. 2012 2011 [25] Toutin T., Schmitt C., Berthier E. & Clavet D. DEM Generation over Ice Fields in Nunavut with Along-track SPOT5 HRS Stereo Data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 37(4), 429-438. 2011 CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 5 [24] Aðalgeirsdóttir G., Gudmundsson S., Bjornsson H., Palsson F., Johannesson T., Hannesdóttir H., Sigurdsson S. & Berthier E. Modelling the 20th and 21st century evolution of Hoffellsjökull glacier, SE-Vatnajökull, Iceland. The Cryosphere. 5(4), 961975, 2011 [23] Shuman C.A., Berthier E. & Scambos T.A. Glacier Elevation and Mass Loss, 2001-2009, in the Larsen A and B Embayments, Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Glaciology. 57(204), 737-754, 2011 [22] Scambos T.A., Berthier E. & Shuman C.A. The triggering of sub-glacial lake drainage during the rapid glacier drawdown: Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula. Annals of Glaciology. 52(59), 74–82, 2011 [21] Gudmundsson S., Björnsson H., Magnússon E., Berthier E., Pálsson F., Gudmundsson M.T., Högnadóttir T. & Dall J. Response of Eyjafjallajökull, Torfajökull and Tindfjallajökull ice caps in Iceland to regional warming, deduced by remote sensing. Polar Research. 30(7282), 2011 [20] Gardelle J., Arnaud Y. & Berthier E. Contrasted evolution of glacial lakes along the Hindu Kush Himalaya mountain range between 1990 and 2009. Global & Planetary Change. 75(1-2), 47-55, 2011 2010 [19] Berthier E. Volume loss from Bering Glacier (Alaska), 1972 – 2003: comment on Muskett and others (2009). Journal of Glaciology, 56(197), 555-557, 2010 [18] Berthier E., Schiefer E., Clarke G.K.C., Menounos B. & Remy F. Contribution of Alaskan glaciers to sea level rise derived from satellite imagery. Nature Geoscience, 3(2), 92-95, 2010 2009 [17] Memin A., Rogister Y., Hinderer J., Llubes M., Berthier E. & Boy J.-P. Ground deformation and gravity variations modelled from present-day ice-thinning in the vicinity of glaciers. Journal of Geodynamics, 48, 195-203, 2009 [16] Berthier E., Le Bris R., Mabileau L., Testut L., & Rémy F. Ice wastage on the Kerguelen Islands (49S, 69E) between 1963 and 2006. Journal of Geophysical Research. 114, F03005, 2009 [15] Clarke G. K. C., Berthier E., Schoof C. G. & Jarosch A. H., Neural networks applied to estimating subglacial topography and glacier volume, Journal of Climate, 22(9), 2146-2160, 2009 [14] Korona J., Berthier E., Bernard M., Rémy F. & Thouvenot E. SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 64, 204-212, 2009 [Selected paper of the year 2009 by ISPRS editors] [13] Cazenave A., DoMinh K., Guinehut S., Berthier E., Llovel W., Ramillien G., Ablain M. & Larnicol G. Sea level budget over 20032008: a reevaluation from GRACE space gravimetry, satellite altimetry and Argo. Global & Planetary Change. 65(1-2), 8388, 2009 [12] Tahayt A., Feigl K. L., Mourabit T., Rigo A., Reilinger R., McClusky S., Fadil A., Berthier E., Dorbath L., Serroukh M., Gomez F. & Ben Sari D. The Al Hoceima (Morocco) earthquake of 24 February 2004, analysis and interpretation of data from ENVISAT ASAR and SPOT5 validated by ground-based observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(2), 306-316, 2009 2008 [11] Berthier E. & Toutin T. SPOT5-HRS digital elevation models and the monitoring of glacier elevation changes in North-West Canada and South-East Alaska. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(5), 2443-2454, 2008 2007 [10] Wagnon P., Linda A., Arnaud Y., Rajesh K., Sharma P., Vincent C., Pottakal J., Berthier E., Ramanathan A., Hasnain S. I. & Chevallier P., Four years of mass balance on Chhota Shigri Glacier, Himachal Pradesh, India, a new benchmark glacier in the western Himalaya. Journal of Glaciology, 53(183), 603-611, 2007 [9] Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Kumar R., Ahmad S., Wagnon P. & Chevallier P. Remote sensing estimates of glacier mass balances in the Himachal Pradesh (Western Himalaya, India). Remote Sensing of Environment, 108(3), 327-338, 2007 [8] Delacourt C., Allemand P., Berthier E., Raucoules D., Casson B., Grandjean, P., Pambrun C. & Varel E. Remote-sensing techniques for landslides surface displacement analysis, Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 178(2), 89-100, 2007 2006 [7] Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Vincent C. & Rémy F. Biases of SRTM in high-mountain areas. Implications for the monitoring of glacier volume changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L08502, 2006 [6] Berthier E., Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Llubes M., Feigl K. L. & Rémy F. The level of the Grímsvötn subglacial lake, Vatnajökull, Iceland, monitored with SPOT5 images. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 243, 2006 CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 6 2005 [5] Berthier E., Vadon H., Baratoux D., Arnaud Y., Vincent C., Feigl K. L., Rémy F & Legrésy B. Surface motion of mountain glaciers derived from satellite optical imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 95(1), 2005 2004 [4] Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Baratoux D., Vincent C. & Rémy F. Recent rapid thinning of the ``Mer de Glace'' glacier derived from satellite optical images. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L17401, 2004 2003 [3] Berthier E., Raup B. & Scambos T., New velocity map and mass-balance estimate of Mertz Glacier, East Antarctica, derived from Landsat sequential imagery. Journal of Glaciology, 49(167), 2003 2002 [2] Wagnon P., Sicart J.-E., Berthier E. & Chazarin J.-P. Wintertime high altitude surface energy balance of a Bolivian glacier, Illimani, 6340 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D6), 2003 [1] Sicart J.-E., Ribstein P., Chazarin J.-P. & Berthier E. Solid precipitation on a tropical glacier in Bolivia measured with an ultrasonic depth gauge, Water Resources Research, 38(10), 2002 JOURNAUX A COMITE DE LECTURE (SOUMIS OU EN REVISION) Favier, V., Verfaillie, D., Berthier E., Menegoz, M., Jomelli, V., Kay, J., Ducret, L., Malbéteau, Y., Brunstein, D., Gallée, H. and Park, Y.H.: Drying as the main driver of dramatic glacier wastage in the sub-Antarctic region, soumis. Lacroix, P., Berthier E. and Taipe, E.: Seismic reactivation of landslides in the Colca valley, detected from Pleiades data, Remote Sensing of Environment, en révision. Papasodoro, C., Berthier E., Royer, A., Zdanowicz, C. and Langlois, A.: Area, elevation and mass changes of the two southernmost ice caps of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago between 1952 and 2014, The Cryosphere Discuss., 9(2), 1667–1704, doi:10.5194/tcd-9-1667-2015, 2015, soumis. Pitte, P., Berthier E., Masiokas, M., Cabot, V., Ruiz, L. and Ferri Hidalgo, L.: Geometric evolution of the Horcones Inferior Glacier (Mt. Aconcagua, Central Andes) during the 2002-2007 surge, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2015, soumis. Ruiz, L., Berthier E., Masiokas, M., Pitte, P. and Villalba, R.: First surface velocity maps for glaciers of Monte Tronador, North Patagonian Andes, derived from sequential Pleiades satellite images, Journal of Glaciology, en révision CHAPITRES DE LIVRE Berthier E. Un tiers de la montée des mers est dû à la fonte des glaciers. p50. in Encyclopedia Universalis, La Science au présent, édité par Y. Gautier Y., 2014 Cogley G.., Berthier E., Donoghue S.: Remote Sensing of Glaciers of the Subantarctic Islands, in: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, edited by: Kargel, J. S., Leonard, G. J., Bishop, M. P., Kääb, A., and Raup, B., Springer-Praxis, ISBN-13: 9783540798170, pp 759-777, 2014 Quincey D. et al.: Digital Terrain Modeling and Glacier Topographic Characterization, in: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, edited by: Kargel, J. S., Leonard, G. J., Bishop, M. P., Kääb, A., and Raup, B., Springer-Praxis, ISBN-13: 978-3540798170, pp 113-138, 2014 Racoviteanu A., Arnaud Y., Baghuna I. M., Bajracharya S., Berthier E., Bhambri R., Bishop M., Bolch T., Byrne M., Chaujar R., Furfaro R., KääbA., Kamp U., Kargel J., Kulkarni A. V., Leonard G., Mool P., Frauenfelder R., Shroder J. F., Sossna I.: Himalayan Glaciers (India, Bhutan, Nepal), in: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, edited by: Kargel, J. S., Leonard, G. J., Bishop, M. P., Kääb, A., and Raup, B., Springer-Praxis, ISBN-13: 978-3540798170, pp 549-577, 2014 Wheate R., Berthier E., Bolch T., Menounos B., Shea J., Clague J. J., and Schiefer E.: Remote Sensing of Glaciers in the Canadian Cordillera, Western Canada, in: Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, edited by: Kargel, J. S., Leonard, G. J., Bishop, M. P., Kääb, A., and Raup, B., Springer-Praxis, ISBN-13: 978-3540798170, pp 333-351, 2014 Vincent C., Six D., Berthier E. & Le Meur E. Comment coule ce fleuve? In Mer de glace, art & science (Ed. Esope). Dir : S. Nussbaumer, P. Deline, C. Vincent & H. J. Zumbühl, 2012 Berthier E. Comment fonctionne un glacier? In Cap sur les pôles (Ed. Omniscience). Dir : M.F. André, F. Lemarchand & F. Rémy, ISBN: 978-2-916097-25-1, 2011 Berthier E. Thinning of Glacier. In Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers by Singh, Vijay P.; Singh, Pratap; Haritashya Umesh Kumar (Eds.). 1169-1172, 2011 CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 7 Berthier E., Vincent C., Durand G. & Krinner G. Bilan de masse des glaciers et des calottes polaires. In Le climat à découvert. Outils et méthodes en recherche climatique. Dir : C. Jeandel et R. Mosseri, CNRS Editions, ISBN: 978-2-271-07198-9, 2011 Cazenave A. & Berthier E. La Terre se réchauffe et la mer monte. In L’Océan, le climat et nous : un équilibre fragile. Dir : E. Bard, Editions Le Pommier & Universcience, 978-2-7465-0531-5, 2011 AUTRES JOURNAUX AVEC COMITE DE LECTURE Gardner A.S., Cogley J.G., Berthier E., Kaser G. Take more care over glacier facts. Nature (editorial material), 504(7478), 33, doi: 10.1038/504033a, 2013 Berthier E., Recul des glaciers de montagne : que nous apprennent les satellites ? La Météorologie, 63, 2008. Leprince S., Berthier E., Ayoub F., Delacourt C. & Avouac J.-P., Monitoring Earth surface dynamics from optical imagery. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 89(1), 1-2, 2008. Berthier E., Dynamique et bilan de masse des glaciers de montagne (Alpes, Islande, Himalaya). Contribution de l'imagerie satellitaire. La Houille Blanche, 02, 116-121, 2007. ARTICLES DE VULGARISATION Rémy F. & Berthier E., Les glaces polaires fondent de plus en plus. La Recherche, Dossier Spécial : Les Pôles. Enjeu Planétaire, Octobre 2012. Berthier E., Mapping Polar Ice Masses/Cartographie des Glaces polaires. Spot Magazine, 49(17-19), 2010. Berthier E., Daupras F., Bernard M., Lasselin D., Thouvenot E., Rémy F. SPIRIT. Spaceborne mapping of polar ice masses during the fourth International Polar Year. Rapport COSPAR. 2010. Cazenave A. & Berthier E., La montée des océans. Jusqu’où ? Pour la Science, 388(20-27), 2010. Berthier E., Les satellites au chevet des glaciers de montagne. Spot Magazine, 43(11-14), 2008. Rémy F. & Berthier E., La télédétection des zones polaires. CNES Magazine, 33(38-40), 2007. CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 8 CONFÉRENCES (*INVITÉE) 2015 Ducasse E., Berthier E., Le Meur E., Gillet-Chaulet F., Durand G. & Blumstein D. Multi-temporal monitoring of Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adélie, Antarctica, MultiTemp 2015, Annecy, France, July 2015 Gascoin S., Guðmundsson S., Pálsson F., Aðalgeirsdóttir G., Berthier E., Fifty shades of gray: Evaluation of Modis albedo product over Vatnajökull and Langjökull ice caps (Iceland) and impact of the 2010 and 2011 eruptions (of Eyjafjallajökull and Grímsvötn) on albedo evolution, IUGG, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2015 Drolon V., Maisongrande P., Berthier E. & Volten E., Low and medium resolution optical remote sensing (SPOT/VGT and PROBAV) applied to the monitoring of seasonal glacier mass balance in the Alps., Sentinel-3 for Science Workshop, Venise-Italie. June 2015 Drolon V., Maisongrande P., Berthier E. & Volten E., Low resolution optical remote sensing applied to the monitoring of seasonal glacier mass balance, EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2015 Blumstein D., & al., AltiKa Waveforms Inversion and Ka backscatter analysis over Antarctica, EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2015 Lacroix P., Perfettini H., Berthier E., Guillier B. & Taipe E., Reactivation of slow-moving landslides by earthquakes, kinematics measurements and mechanical implications, EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2015 Azam F. & al. Mass balances of Chhota Shigri Glacier (Western Himalaya), India. IGS International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia. Kathmandu. March 2015 Vincent C., Wagnon P., Arnaud Y. & Berthier E., Surface mass balance in the debris-covered area of Changri Nup Glacier. IGS International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia. Kathmandu. March 2015 Brun F. & al. Seasonal changes in surface albedo of Himalayan glaciers from MODIS data and links with the annual mass balance. IGS International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia. Kathmandu. March 2015 Berthier E. & al. 2004-2014 geodetic mass balances of western Himalaya glaciers derived from SPOT5 and Pléiades stereo images. IGS International Symposium on Glaciology in High Mountain Asia. Kathmandu. March 2015 Papasodoro C., Royer A., Langlois A. & Berthier E., Stéréo radargrammétrie RADARSAT-2 et stéréo optique Pléiades pour le suivi de la fonte de glaciers de l’Île de Baffin (Nunavut, Canada). Colloque du Centre d’Études Nordique. Quebec Feb. 2015 2014 Blumstein D., Nino F., Berthier E., Rémy F., Steunou N. & Picot N. Altimetry waveforms inversion over Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Sup., 2014. Maisongrande P., Drolon V., Berthier E., Swinnen E., Verbeiren S., Debruyn W. & Arsen A. Low resolution optical remote sensing applied to the monitoring of glacier mass balance. Eos Trans. AGU, 95, Fall Meet. Sup., 2014. Johannesson T. et al., Geodetic mass balance of Hofsjökull 2008–2013 measured with repeat lidar surveying, NIGS meeting, Höpn, Oct 2014 Pitte P., Berthier E., Masiokas M., Cabot V., Ruiz L. Ferri Hidalgo L., Geometric evolution of the Horcones Inferior Glacier (Mt Aconcagua, Central Andes) during the 2002-2007 surge. IAI CRN 2047 documenting, understanding and projecting changes in the hydrological cycle in the America Cordillera: final science meeting. Los Reyunos, Argentina, Oct 2014 Ruiz L., Berthier E., Masiokas M., Pitte P., Villalba R. First surface velocity maps for Monte Tronador glaciers, North Patagonian Andes, derived from sequential Pleiades satellite images. IAI Meeting, San Rafael, Oct 2014 Lacroix P., Taipe E., Zerathe S., Berthier E., Guillier B. & Fidel L. Monitoreo GPS et satelital del deslizamiento de Maca (Colca). Congreso de Geologia Peruanos. May 2014 Shuman C., Berthier E. & Scambos T. Measuring Changes in the Vicinity of the Seal Nunataks Ice Shelf Remnant from Imagery and Altimetry. IGS International Symposium on Observations, Modelling and Prediction of the Cryospheric Contribution to Sea Level Change. Chamonix. May 2014 Berthier E., Korona J., Bernard M., Rémy F., Flament T., Hosford S. & Scambos T. A new Spot5-HRS snapshot of polar ice: the SPIRIT2 project. IGS International Symposium on Observations, Modelling and Prediction of the Cryospheric Contribution to Sea Level Change. Chamonix. May 2014 Blumstein D., Nino F., Berthier E. & Rémy F. Altimetry waveforms inversion over Antarctica. IGS International Symposium on Observations, Modelling and Prediction of the Cryospheric Contribution to Sea Level Change. Chamonix. May 2014 Blumstein D., Nino F., Berthier E., Rémy F., Fleury S., Steunou N., Pico N. Altimetry waveforms inversion over Antarctica. SARAL International Science and Applications Meeting. Ahmedabad. April 2014 Cazenave A., Dieng H., Meyssignac B., von Schuckmann K., Decharme B., Berthier E. and 9 others, How fast is sea level rising?, EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2014 Lacroix P., Berthier E., Taipe E., Validation of Pleiades products for landslide studies: Application to the Maca landslide, Peru. Pléiades Days. Toulouse. April 2014 Berthier E., Ruiz L., Wagnon P., Magnússon E., Vincent C., Le Meur E., Masiokas M., Pitte P., Arnaud Y., Pálsson F., Gunnlaugsson Á. Þ., On the use of Pleaides high resolution imagery in glaciology: DEM generation and velocity mapping. Pléiades Days. Toulouse. April 2014 CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 9 Berthier E.*, Les satellites au chevêt des glaciers. Séminaire au sein du Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de Toulouse. 24 février 2014 Scambos T.A., Berthier E. and 9 others, Evolving toward the next Antarctic ice shelf disintegration. Recent ice velocity, climate and ocean observations of the Larsen B Ice shelf remnant at Scar Inlet, AAAS 2014 annual meeting. Chicago. February 2014 2013 Scambos T.A., Berthier E. and 9 others, Evolving toward the next Antarctic ice shelf disintegration. Recent ice velocity, climate and ocean observations of the Larsen B Ice shelf remnant at Scar Inlet, Eos Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Sup., 2013. Nield, G. A., V. R. Barletta, A. Bordoni, M. A. King, P. L. Whitehouse, P. J. Clarke, E. W. Domack, T. A. Scambos, and E. Berthier, Rapid bedrock uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula explained by viscoelastic response to recent ice unloading, Eos Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Sup., 2013. Kääb A., Berthier E., Nuth C., Gardelle J. & Arnaud Y., Glacier mass change 2000-2011 in the Pamir - Hindu Kush - Karakoram Himalaya, Eos Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Sup., 2013. Nussbaumer S., Masiokas M., Pitte P., Berthier E., Guerrido C., Luckman B., Villalba R., Historical Glacier Variations in Southern South America since the Little Ice Age: Examples from Lago Viedma (Southern Patagonia) and Mendoza (Central Andes), Argentina, Eos Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Sup., 2013. Magnússon E., Nagler T. Hetzenecker M., Palsson F., Scharrer K., Floricioiu D., Berthier E., Retrieving 3D Velocity Fields of Glaciers from X-band SAR Data and Comparison with GPS Observations, Argentina, Eos Trans. AGU, 94, Fall Meet. Sup., 2013. Berthier E. et al., Pleiades DEM in glaciology: very first assessments, TR4D PNTS workshop, Paris, 2013. Shuman C., Berthier E. & Scambos T. Measuring Changes to the Seal Nunataks Ice Shelf Remnant from Imagery and Altimetry. West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop. September 2013. Dewez T. & Z-Earth consortium. Global dynamic topography : the next frontier for geosciences. ESA Living Planet Symposium. Edinburgh. September 2013. Vincent C., Harter M., Gilbert A., Berthier E. & Six D. Future Mer de Glace glacier (France) fluctuations assessed from a parameterized model and data relative to the past thickness changes and the bedrock topography. IGS symposia, BejingChina. August 2013. Wagnon P., Vincent C., Arnaud Y., Berthier E. & Vuillermoz E. Seasonal and annual mass balances of Mera and Pokalde glaciers (Nepal Himalaya) since 2007. IGS symposia, Bejing-China. August 2013. Magnússon E. et al. Retrieving 3D velocity fields of glaciers from X-band SAR data and comparison with GPS observations. IGS symposia, Bejing-China. August 2013. Bolch T. et al. Variable glacier mass changes in High Mountain Asia 1975 - 2010. IGS symposia, Bejing-China. August 2013. Kääb A., Berthier E., Nuth C., Gardelle J. & Arnaud Y. Glacier mass change 2003-2009 in the Hindu Kush - Karakoram - Himalaya. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly. July 2013. Scambos T., Berthier E., Shuman C., Haran T. M., Cook I., Bohlander J. Mass Balance of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula and its Response to Ice Shelf Loss, Warming, and Ocean-driven Melting. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly. July 2013. Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Gudmundsson S., Magnusson E., Adalgeirsdottir G., Jóhannesson T., Sigurdsson O., Thorsteinsson T., Berthier E. Contribution of Icelandic ice caps to sea level rise. Trends and variability since the Little Ice Age. Ice2sea North / South glaciers workshop, Copenhagen, January 2013. Scambos T., Berthier E., Shuman C., Haran T. M., Cook I., Bohlander J. Altimetry-determined Mass Balance of the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Ice2sea North / South glaciers workshop, Copenhagen, January 2013. 2012 Scambos T., Berthier E., Haran T. M., Shuman C., Cook I., Bohlander J. Mass Balance of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula and its Ongoing Response to Ice Shelf Loss. Eos Trans. AGU, 93, Fall Meet. Sup., 2012. *Berthier E. DEM differencing: A tool to monitor region-wide glacier elevation changes. AAAG workshop on Geomatics in Earth Science. Tucuman-Argentina. November 2012. *Berthier E. Banquise, Calottes, Glaciers : Indicateurs Climatiques et Rôle Hydrologique. Association X-Environnement (J.-M. Jancivoci). Juin 2012. Flament T., Rémy F. & Berthier E. Antarctic elevation changes and variability from Envisat and ICESat altimeters. EGU, ViennaAustria. April 2012. Gardelle J., Berthier E. & Arnaud Y. Impact of resolution and radar penetration on glacier elevation changes computed from DEM differencing. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2012. Gardelle J., Berthier E. & Arnaud Y. Karakoram glaciers slightly gained mass in the early 21st century. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2012. Lacroix et al. Landslides triggered by the Pisco earthquake (Peru, Mw8.0, 2007): automatic detection of landslides in SPOT5 panchromatic images, and analysis of the distribution patterns. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2012. Guðmundsson, S., Magnússon E., Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Jóhannesson T., Berthier E. Mass balance and volume changes of Eyjafjallajökull ice cap, from 1984 to 2010, deduced from multi-temporal elevation maps, Icelandic geological society, Reykjavik, April 2012. CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 10 *Berthier E., Rémy F. Gardelle J., Flament T. & Arnaud Y. Topographie et bilan de masse des glaces continentales. Colloque de restitution du TOSCA. Mars 2012. 2011 *Berthier E. & Vincent C. 1979-2008 rapid thinning of the Mer de Glace mainly driven by diminishing ice fluxes. Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. Berthier E., Shuman C. & Scambos T. Continuing mass losses of Larsen B tributary glaciers (Antarctic Peninsula) during 20062011. Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. Björnsson H., Gudmundsson S., Pálsson F., Magnusson E., Sigurdsson O., Jóhannesson T., Thorsteinsson T., Berthier E. Contribution of Iceland"s Ice Caps to Sea Level Change. Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. *Clarke G.K.C., Anslow F. S., Jarosch A. H., Radic V., Menounos B., Bolch T. & Berthier E.. Can we estimate the mass balance of the Gulf of Alaska glaciers from satellite altimetry? Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. Gardelle J., Arnaud Y. & Berthier E. Contrasted evolution of glacial lakes along the Hindu Kush Himalaya mountain range between 1990 and 2009. Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. *Kohler J., Berthier E. Reijmer C. & Nuth C. Daily and seasonal glacier velocity change on Kronebreen, Svalbard, as measured using FORMOSAT-2 imagery and in situ continuous GPS. Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. Maisongrande P., Adalbert A., Cailleaud E., Berthier E., Cretaux J. F., Lobo A. Interannual variability of the Himalayan snow coverage and its relatinship with glaciers mass balance since 1998. Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. Moholdt G., Berthier E., Arendt A.A., Larsen C.F., Fricker H.A. Can we estimate the mass balance of the Gulf of Alaska glaciers from satellite altimetry? Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Sup., 2011. *Kohler J., Berthier E. Reijmer C. & Nuth C. Glacier velocity on Kronebreen-Holtedahlfonna measured using FORMOSAT-2 imagery and in situ GPS. Nordic Branch IGS meeting, Oslo (Norway), November 2011. Adalgeirsdóttir, G., Gudmundsson S., Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Jóhannesson T., Hannesdottir H., Berthier E. Modeling of the 20th and 21st century evolution of Hoffellsjökull, a southeast outlet glacier of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. EGU, Vienna-Austria. May 2011. Shuman C., Berthier E., Scambos T. Tributary Glacier Elevation and Mass Loss in the Larsen A and B Ice Shelf Embayments, 2001-2010. EGU, Vienna-Austria. May 2011. *Berthier E. Mountain glaciers and their contribution to Sea level rise. A view from space. European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Grenoble, 2011. 2010 Scambos T., Shuman C., Berthier E. Tributary Glacier Elevation and Mass Loss in the Larsen A and B Ice Shelf Embayments. Eos Trans. AGU, 91, Fall Meet. Sup., 2010. Maisongrande P., Jelinski V., Berthier E., Lobo A. & Duchemin B. Interannual variability of snow coverage in the Himalayan mountains. Eos Trans. AGU, 91, Fall Meet. Sup., 2010. O’Sadnick M., Kohler J., Langley K., Kehrl L.M., Berthier E. Basal topography of Kronebreen, NW Svalbard. Eos Trans. AGU, 91, Fall Meet. Sup., 2010. Gardelle J., Berthier E., Arnaud Y. Evolution récente des glaciers du Karakorum à partir d’images satellites. Topographie et déformations multi-échelles, reflets d'une Terre dynamique. Colloque CNFGG. Le Mans. Novembre 2010. Berthier E., Scambos T.A., Shuman C. Amincissement des glaciers de la Péninsule Antarctique en réponse au démantèlement des plateformes Larsen A&B. Topographie et déformations multi-échelles, reflets d'une Terre dynamique. Colloque CNFGG. Le Mans. Novembre 2010. Gardelle J., Arnaud Y., Berthier E., Evolution of glacial lakes along the Hindu Kush Himalaya mountain range between 1990 and 2009. International symposium on Benefiting from Earth Observation: Bridging the Data Gap for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region, Kathmandu-Nepal, October 2010. Scambos T., Berthier E., Shuman C. The triggering of sub-glacial lake drainage during rapid glacier drawdown: Crane Glacier, Antarctica. IGS International Symposium on Earth's Disappearing Ice: Drivers, Responses and Impacts, Ohio State UniversityUSA, August 2010. Shuman C., Berthier E., Scambos T. Multi-sensor Assessment of Larsen B Tributary Glacier Elevations 2001-2009, Antarctica. IGS International Symposium on Earth's Disappearing Ice: Drivers, Responses and Impacts, Ohio State University-USA, August 2010. Gardelle J., Arnaud Y., Berthier E., Distribution and evolution of glacial lakes along the Hindu Kush Himalaya mountain range between 1990 and 2009. IGS International Symposium on Earth's Disappearing Ice: Drivers, Responses and Impacts, Ohio State University-USA, August 2010. Chapuis A., Rolstad C., Berthier E. Calving processes of Kronebreen, Svalbard: calving rate variations and their possible controls. IPY Science conference, Oslo (Norway), June 2010. Schmitt C, Toutin T & Berthier E., DEM generation with SPOT-HRS data over ice-covered northern Canada. 31th meeting of the Canadian Remote Sensing Society Regina-Canada. June 2010. Menounos B., and 8 others, Validation of a regional glaciation model through remote sensing, western Canada. CGU-CMOS, Ottawa-Canada. June 2010. CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 11 Berthier E., Schiefer E., Clarke G.K.C, Menounos B., Rémy F., Ice loss and Sea Level Rise contribution from Alaskan glaciers derived from satellite imagery. EGU, Vienna-Austria. May 2010. Magnússon E., Björnsson H., Rott H., Gudmundsson S., Pálsson F., Berthier E., Jóhannesson T., The evolution in the glacier mass balance of Hofsjökull ice cap, central Iceland, in 1986-2008, revealed by multi-source remote sensing data. EGU, ViennaAustria. May 2010. Pálsson F., Gudmundsson S., Björnsson H., Berthier E., Haraldsson H., Mass balance of Langjökull ice cap in Iceland during different climate settings; deduced from multi-temporal DEMs from 1936 to 2008, and in situ mass balance measurements 1997-2009. EGU, Vienna-Austria. May 2010. Schmitt C, Toutin T & Berthier E., DEM generation with SPOT-HRS data over ice-covered northern Canada. SPIRIT workshop, Toulouse. April 2010. Berthier E., Schiefer E., Clarke G.K.C, Menounos B., Rémy F., Improved Sea level rise contribution of Alaskan glaciers from map, SPOT5 and ASTER DEM. SPIRIT workshop, Toulouse. April 2010. Scambos T., Shuman C., Berthier E., A Sudden Outburst Flood Event Beneath Crane Glacier: Evidence, Causes, and Ice Dynamic Effects, Antarctica. AGU Chapman Conference on Exploration and Study of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments, Baltimore-USA, March 2010. 2009 Le Meur E, Berthier E., Blankenship D., Drouet A., Durand G., de Fleurian B., Gagliardini O., Garambois S., Gim Y., Holt J. W., Kirchner D., Legresy B., Mouginot J., Safaeinili A., Siegert M. J., Rignot E., Young D., Towards a comprehensive geophysical coverage of a test Glacier; example from various surveys during field campaigns over the Astrolabe outlet Glacier, East Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Sup., 2009. Scambos T., Shuman C., Berthier E., Hulbe C., & Domack E. W., Multi-sensor Assessment of Crane Glacier Drawdown 2002-2009, Larsen B Embayment, Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Sup., 2009. Berthier E., Schiefer E., Clarke G.K.C, Menounos B., Rémy F. & Cazenave A., Ice loss and Sea Level Rise contribution from Alaskan glaciers. Eos Trans. AGU, 90, Fall Meet. Sup., 2009. Drocourt J., Berthier E., Ayoub F., Velocity field of an arctic glacier (Kronebreen, Svalbard) derived from Formosat2 satellite images. Comparison of different orthorectification tools. Cryospheric Science Workshop - UKPN, Sheffield (UK), November 2009. Lebris R., Berthier E., Mabileau L., Testut L & Rémy F., Ice wastage on the Kerguelen Islands (49°S, 69°E) between 1963 and 2006. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Neuchatel (Suisse), November 2009. Berthier E., Schiefer E., Clarke G.K.C., Menounos B. & Rémy F. Low contribution of Alaskan glaciers to sea level rise derived from satellite imagery, Nordic Branch IGS meeting, Höpn (Iceland), October 2009. Guðmundsson, S., Björnsson H., Magnússon E., Pálsson F., Berthier E., Jóhannesson T., Guðmundsson M. T., Dall J., Sigurðsson O. & Þorsteinsson Þ. Volume changes of ice caps in Iceland, deduced from elevation data and in-situ mass balance observations, Nordic Branch IGS meeting, Höpn (Iceland), October 2009. Guðmundsson, S., Björnsson H., Magnússon E., Berthier E., Pálsson F., Guðmundsson M. T., Högnadóttir TH. & Dall J. Volume changes of ice caps in Iceland, deduced from elevation data and in-situ mass balance observations, Nordic Branch IGS meeting, Höpn (Iceland), October 2009. Berthier E., Schiefer E., Clarke G.K.C., Menounos B. & Rémy F., Satellite Derived Contribution of Sea Level Rise from Alaskan Glaciers. North West Glaciology meeting, Vancouver (Canada), October 2009. Berthier E., Lebris R., Mabileau L., Testut L & Rémy F., La fonte du plus gros glacier français : la calotte Cook (îles Kerguelen). Journées CNFRAA. Paris, Octobre 2009. Scambos T., Shuman C., Fricker H., Berthier E., Active sub-glacial lakes beneath two more Antarctic outlet glaciers appear to cause rapid speed and elevation changes, WAIS/FRISP Workshop, September 2009. Chevallier P., Wagnon P., Arnaud Y. & Berthier E., Recession of the cryosphere and its impact on water resources in the Himalaya. IAHS meeting, Hyderabad (India); September 2009. Gudmundsson S., Björnsson H., Magnússon E., Berthier E., Pálsson F., Gudmundsson M.T., Dall J., Sigurðsson O. & Þ. Þorsteinsson, Volume changes of ice caps in Iceland deduced from elevation data and in-situ mass balance observations. Nuuk, Greelnland, 25-27 August 2009. Berthier E., Korona J., Bernard M., Rémy F., & Thouvenot E. SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009). IGS meeting, Newcastle (UK), July 2009. Berthier E., Lebris R., Mabileau L., Testut L & Rémy F., Ice wastage on the Kerguelen Islands (49°S, 69°E) between 1963 and 2006. IGS meeting, Newcastle (UK), July 2009. Chapuis A., Rolstad C., Berthier E. Calving processes of Kronebreen, Svalbard: calving rate variations and their possible controls. IGS meeting, Newcastle (UK), July 2009. Le Meur E. et al., Better understanding of the specific dynamics of coastal outlet glaciers in east Antarctica from field data and numerical modelling: the DACOTA project, IGS meeting, Newcastle (UK), July 2009. Scambos T. et al. Climate Change and Ice Sheet Response in the Antarctic Peninsula during IPY: The Past, The Present, and LARISSA (The Future), IGS meeting, Newcastle (UK), July 2009. CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 12 Berthier E., Lebris R., Mabileau L., Testut L & Rémy F., Ice wastage on the Kerguelen Islands (49°S, 69°E) between 1963 and 2006. IAMAS IAPSO IACS Joint Assembly, Montréal (Canada), July 2009. *Berthier E., Polar ice caps & sea level rise: an insight from Spot5 and Formosat2 satellite data. Planet Action conference, Toulouse, June 2009. *Berthier E., Ayoub F., Drocourt Y., Hagolle O. Cartographie de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des glaciers par corrélation d'images optiques. Journée CNES Déplacements et interférométrie radar, Toulouse, Juillet 2009. Gardelle J., Arnaud Y., Berthier E., Détection des lacs glaciaires par télédétection en Hindu-Kush Himalaya et analyse de leur évolution temporelle au cours des dernières décennies. Journée télédétection de l’Observatoire de Grenoble, Juin 2009. Gudmundsson S., Björnsson H., Magnússon E., Berthier E., Pálsson F., Gudmundsson M.T. & Dall J., Response of glacier mass balance to regional warming, deduced by remote sensing on three glaciers in S-Iceland. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2009. *Berthier E., Topographie et dynamique des glaces polaires : de nouvelles mesures satellitaire pendant la 4ème Année Polaire Internationale. Assemblée Générale CNFGG, Mars 2009. *Berthier E., Observation satellitaire des glaciers de montagne. Une synthèse. SHF (Nivologie-Glaciologie), Grenoble, Mars 2009. Chapuis A., Rolstad C., Berthier E. Calving rate variations of Kronebreen. IACS conference, Calgary 16-19 Feb 2009. 2008 Korona J., Berthier E., Bernard M., Rémy F., & Thouvenot E. SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007-2009). Eos Trans. AGU, 89, Fall Meet. Sup., 2008. Berthier E., Lebris R., Mabileau L., Testut L & Rémy F., Rapid Ice Loss on Kerguelen Islands (Indian Ocean, 49S). Eos Trans. AGU, 89, Fall Meet. Sup., 2008. Cazenave A., DoMinh K., Guinehut S., Berthier E., Llovel W., Ramillien G., Ablain M., & Larnicol G. Sea level budget over 20032008: a reevaluation from GRACE space gravimetry, satellite altimetry and Argo. Eos Trans. AGU, 89, Fall Meet. Sup., 2008. *Berthier E., Évolution récente des glaces terrestres. Que nous apprennent les satellites (optiques)? Colloque CNFG2, November 2008. Cazenave A., DoMinh K., Guinehut S., Berthier E., Llovel W., Ramillien G., Ablain M., & Larnicol G. Sea level budget over 20032008: a reevaluation from GRACE space gravimetry, satellite altimetry and Argo. Colloque CNFG2, November 2008. Memin A., Hinderer J., Rogister Y., Llubes M., Boy J.-P. & Berthier E., Déformation du Sol et Variation de Gravité dues à la Fonte Actuelle des Glaces. Colloque CNFG2, November 2008. Rémy F., Legresy B. & Berthier E., Topographie des calottes et des glaciers polaires par satellite. Conference du Comité National Français des Recherches Arctique et Antarctique. 23 & 24 Octobre 2008. Memin A., Hinderer J., Rogister Y., Llubes M., Boy J.-P. & Berthier E., On the potential use of tiltmeters in glaciology. ETS Meeting, Jena-Germany, September 2008. Magnússon E., Rott H, Björnsson H., Roberts M. J., Berthier E., Palsson F., Geirsson H., Sturkell E. & Bennett R., Temporal variations of glacier sliding deduced by InSAR and in situe GPS, IGS meeting, Limerick UK, 2008 Korona J., Berthier E., Bernard M. & Rémy F., Topography of glaciers and ice caps with Spot5-HRS devices. ISPRS Beijing, July 2008. Memin A., Hinderer J., Rogister Y., Llubes M. & Berthier E., Ground tilt due to present-day ice melting. SCAR Meeting, St Petersburg, July 2008. Berthier E., Korona J., Bernard M. & Rémy F., SPIRIT: Spot5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and Topographies during international polar year 2007-2009. SCAR Meeting, St Petersburg, July 2008. Gudmundsson S., Pálsson F., Björnsson H., Berthier E., Gudmundsson M.T. &. Högnadóttir Th., Volume changes of Langjökull and Mýrdalsjökull deduced from elevation data. Vorráðstefna Jarðfræðifélags Íslands. April 2008. Guðmundsson S., Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Berthier E. & Sigurdsson S. Þ. Rapid evolution of Breiðamerkurjökull and Jökulsárlón, studied with long term ground observations, remote sensing and iceflow modeling. Vorráðstefna Jarðfræðifélags Íslands, Apríl 2008. Gudmundsson S., Pálsson F., Björnsson H., Berthier E., Gudmundsson M.T. & Högnadóttir Th., Mass balance- and volume changes of two ice caps in Iceland, deduced from SPOT5 derived DEM and field elevation data. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2008. Le Bris R., Berthier E., Testut L. & Rémy F., Surface and volume evolution of the Cook Ice Cap on Kerguelen Island since 40 years. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2008. Berthier E., Le Bris R., Testut L. & Rémy F., Retreat and thinning of the Cook Ice Cap (Kerguelen Island) since 1965. Alpine Glaciology Meeting, Chamonix-France. Mars 2008. Wagnon P., Linda A., Arnaud Y., Rajesh K., Sharma P., Vincent C., Pottakal, J., Berthier E., Ramanathan A., Hasnain S. I. & Chevallier P., Four years of mass balance on Chhota Shigri Glacier, Himachal Pradesh, India, a new benchmark glacier in the western Himalaya. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2008. Korona J., Berthier E., Bernard M. & Rémy F., Topography of glaciers and ice caps with Spot5-HRS devices. EARSeL Berne, February 2008. 2007 Leprince S., Berthier E., Ayoub F., Delacourt C. & Avouac J.-P., Monitoring Earth surface dynamics from optical imagery. AGU, 88, CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 13 Fall Meet. Sup., 2007. Guðmundsson S., Björnsson H., Berthier E., Pálsson F. & Magnússon E. Mapping Icelandic glaciers with SPOT5 images. IGS Nordic Branch Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, 25 - 27 October 2007. Berthier E., Toutin T. & Bernard M. SPOT5-HRS digital elevation models and their application to the monitoring of glacier elevation changes. A case study in North-West Canada and Alaska. IPY Geonorth, Yellowknife, Canada, August 2007. Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Wagnon P., Kumar R. & Chevallier P. Regional negative glacier mass balances since 2000 in the Himachal Pradesh of India (Western Himalaya). IUGG meeting, Perugia-Italy, July 2007. Berthier E., Toutin T. & Bernard M. SPOT5-HRS digital elevation models and their application to the monitoring of glacier elevation changes. A case study in North-West Canada and Alaska. IUGG meeting, Perugia-Italy, July 2007. Berthier E., Vincent C. Thinning of the Mer de Glace (Alps) during the last 25 years: relative contribution of changes in surface ablation and glacier dynamics. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2007. Guðmundsson S., Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Berthier E. & Sigurdsson S. Þ. Rapid evolution of a proglacial coastal lake in Iceland, studied with long term ground observations, remote sensing data and iceflow modeling. EGU, Vienna-Austria. April 2007. 2006 Magnússon E., Rott, H., Björnsson H., Roberts M. J., Berthier E. & Pálsson F., Geirsson H, Gudmundsson S., Bennett R., Sturkell E. Unsteady Glacier Flow Revealed by Multi-Source Satellite Data. Eos Trans. AGU, 87, Fall Meet. Sup., 2006 Berthier E. Contribution of glacier dynamics to the recent thinning of the Mer de Glace (Alps). North-West Glaciology meeting. Fairbanks, Alaska, Septembre 2006. Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Vincent C. & Rémy F. Biases of SRTM in high-mountain areas. Implications for the monitoring of glacier volume changes. IGS meeting, Cambridge, UK, August 2006. Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Kumar R., Ahmad S., Wagnon P. & Chevallier P. Recent glacier thinning in the Spiti/Lahaul region of Indian Himalaya obtained by comparing SRTM and SPOT 5 DEM. IGS meeting, Cambridge, UK, August 2006. Berthier E., Björnsson H., Pálsson F., Llubes M., Feigl K. L. & Rémy F. Vertical displacements of the Grímsvötn ice shelf (Vatnajökull, Iceland) measured by correlating SPOT5 images. IGS Meeting, Reykjavik-Iceland, mai 2006. Clarke G.K.C., Berthier E., Schoof C.G. and Frappé T-P. Toward a glacier-resolving model of the regional glaciation of the Canadian Cordillera. GAC-MAC meeting, Montreal, mai 2006. Berthier E., Rémy F., Arnaud Y. and Clarke G.K.C. Satellite optical images: a powerful tool to monitor mountain glacier dynamics and response to climate change. Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada, Montreal, mai 2006. Magnússon E., Rott, H., Björnsson H., Berthier E. & Pálsson F. Satellite-based analysis of mass fluxes on glaciers with non-steady flow behaviour. EGU-Vienne. 2006 2005 Magnússon E., Rott, H., Björnsson H., Roberts M. J., Berthier E. & Pálsson F. The effect of basal water beneath Vatnajökull, Iceland, on glacier sliding observed from SAR interferometry. Fringes 2005, Rome. December 2005. Magnússon E., Rott, H., Björnsson H., Roberts M. J., Berthier E. & Pálsson F. Sliding due to lubrication of basal water beneath Vatnajökull Iceland, observed from SAR interferometry. Extended abstracts of IGS Nordic Branch Meeting. 3-5 November 2005. Rémy F. & Berthier E. Satellite optical images bring a new insight into mountain glacier dynamics and response to climate change. IAMAS conference. Pékin, 2-11 août 2005. Björnsson H., Gudmundsson S., Palsson F. & Berthier E. Rapid evolution of a proglacial coastal lake. 20th century changes in Jökulsárlón at Breiðamerkursandur, Vatnajökull, Iceland. Second International Costal Symposium in Iceland. Höfn, 5-8 juin 2005. Tahayt A., Fadil A., Berthier E., Feigl K. L., Mourabit T., McClusky S., Reilinger R., Serroukh M., Gomez F. & Ben Sari D. Estimation of the source parameters of Al-Hoceima earthquake of February 24th, 2004 from field observations and data of geodetic satellite systems: ENVISAT, GPS, and SPOT5. Séisme d’Al Hoceima : bilan et perspectives. 2005. 2004 Berthier E., Vadon H., Baratoux D., Arnaud Y., Vincent C., Björnsson H., Palsonn F., Feigl K. L., Rémy F. & Legrésy B. Velocity field of mountain glaciers measured by correlating SPOT5 images. Eos Trans. AGU, 85, Fall Meet. Sup., 2004. Arnaud Y., Berthier E., Baratoux D., Vincent C. & Rémy F. Rapid thinning of Mont Blanc glaciers (Alps) derived from satellite images. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2004. Vadon H. & Berthier E. Measurement of glacier velocity fields using very precise multitemporal correlation on high resolution SPOT5 images. ISPRS meeting, Istanbul, 2004. *Berthier E., Arnaud Y., Baratoux D., Vincent C. & Rémy F. Measuring thickness change of glaciers from satellite data: a case study in the French Alps. Invited oral presentation. EGU-Nice. 6 (00704) 2004. 2003 CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 14 Bauer R., Bohlander J., Scambos T., Berthier E., Raup B. & Scharfen G. Antarctic Glaciological Data at NSIDC: field data, temperature, and ice velocity. Eos. Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2003. Bohlander J., Bauer R., Scambos T., Berthier E., Raup B. & Scharfen G. Antarctic Glaciological Data at NSIDC: field data, temperature, and ice velocity. Symposiun on Antarctic Glaciology, Milano, 2003. Soruco A., Rabatel A., Mendoza J., Berthier E., Sicart J.-E., Wagnon P., Gallaire R., Francou B. Ribstein P. Valdivieso H., Quispe F. & Fuertes R. Mass balance evolution on the Zongo Glacier (Bolivia, 16°S) during the 1991-2002 period. Symposium on Mass Balance of Andean Glaciers, Valdivia, Chili, 12-14 mars 2003. Wagnon P., Sicart J.-E., Berthier E. & Chazarin J.-P. Wintertime high altitude surface energy balance of a Bolivian glacier, Illimani, 6340 m.a.s.l., EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, 2003. 2002 Legrésy B., Berthier E., Vincent C., Gay M., Arnaud Y. & Rémy F. Satellite imagery for investigation of small alpine glacier. International Glaciological Society Meeting, Chamonix, 2002. Wagnon P., Sicart J.-E., Berthier E. & Chazarin J.-P. Wintertime high altitude surface energy balance of a Bolivian glacier, Illimani, 6340 m.a.s.l. EOS Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2002. 2001 Wagnon P., Vimeux F., Bonnaveira H., Berthier E., de Angelis M. & Petit J.-R. Influence of snow surface sublimation on stable isotope and chemical records and on surface energy balance over a Bolivian glacier. EOS Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2001. 2000 Berthier E., Hoffmann G. & Ribstein P. Meso-scale Modelling Over South America with the REgional MOdel, REMO, EOS Trans. AGU, 81 (48), Fall Meet. Suppl., 2000. 1999 Pouyaud B., Ribstein P., Gallaire R., Chevallier P., Caballero Y. & Berthier E. Régimes hydrologiques des hauts bassins nivoglaciaires boliviens et variabilité pluviométrique des vallées andines en conditions El Niño et La Niña. Hydrological and geochimical Processes in Large Scale River Basins, Manaus'99, 1999. RAPPORTS Berthier, E., Dynamique et bilan de masse des glaciers de montagne (Alpes, Islande, Himalaya). Contribution de l'imagerie satellitaire. PhD thesis, 250p, 2005. Available at Rabatel, A., E. Berthier, A. Soruco, J.P. Chazarin, R. Gallaire, R. Fuertes, P. Ribstein, P. Wagnon, B. Francou & H. Baldivieso. 2002. Mesures météorologiques, hydrologiques et glaciologiques sur le Glacier Zongo, Cordillère Royale, BOLIVIE. Année hydrologique 2000-2001. Rapport N° 1, IRD, 62p. Berthier, E., R. Gallaire, R. Fuertes, J.-P. Chazarin, P. Wagnon, J.-E. Sicart, B. Francou, P. Ribstein & H. Baldivieso. Mesures météorologiques, hydrologiques et glaciologiques sur le glacier Zongo, année hydrologique 1999-2000. IRD-Bolivie, Rapport n°3, 94p, 2001. Berthier, E., J.-E. Sicart, P. Wagnon, R. Gallaire, J.-P. Chazarin, P. Ribstein, B. Pouyaud, B. Francou & H. Baldivieso. Mesures météorologiques, hydrologiques et glaciologiques sur le glacier Zongo, année hydrologique 1998-99. IRD-Bolivie, Rapport n°1, 95p, 2001. Berthier, E. Modélisation méso-échelle du climat des Andes, validation d’un zoom avec le modèle REMO. Rapport de stage de DEA, LSCE-Saclay, 39p, 2000. Berthier, E. Reconstitution des débits de 3 bassins glaciaires des Andes boliviennes. Rapport de Maîtrise à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, ORSTOM-Bolivie, 44p, 1998. Berthier, E. Etude cristallographique de la glace et détermination de la texture d’un échantillon de carotte de Vostok. Rapport de Licence à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, LGGE-Grenoble, 40p, 1997. CV – Etienne BERTHIER mise à jour : 18/05/2015 15
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