The CHOICE project Strengthening Chinese Collaboration on ICT R&D with Europe Dr T J Owens Email: Coordinator of CHOICE Departmental Director Teaching and Learning Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Brunel University London United Kingdom Funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union CHOICE Project - outline ! FP7 Support Action Project – in order to Strengthening Chinese Collaboration on ICT R&D with Europe ! From 01 January 2014 for 2 years ! EU contribution of EUR 735,000 Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 The CHOICE Consortium Par$cipant no. Par$cipant organisa$on name Part. short name Country 1 -‐ Coordinator Brunel University BRUNEL UK 2 – Partner Sigma Orionis SIGMA France 3 – Partner Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação SPI Portugal 4 – Partner Torch High Technology Industry Development Centre TORCH China 5 – Partner China Academy of TelecommunicaRon Research CATR China 6 – Partner EU Project InnovaRon Centre EUPIC China Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 In CHOICE emphasis is placed on: 1) Identifying obstacles to reciprocity and encouraging a more balanced relationship with China based on reciprocity o especially supporting European nationals, companies and organisations willing to access Chinese research programmes; 2) Highlighting and showcasing both EU and Chinese excellence in ICT R&D; 3) Strengthening EU-China industrial ICT R&D cooperation o also with the view of preparing the ground for new upcoming rules governing EU-China ICT R&D cooperation under Horizon 2020 (H2020). Presentation title | Date – Location Name | Organisation 4 Key distinguishing features of CHOICE are that it 1): ! Positions itself as a strategic forum on EU China science and technology cooperation in ICT ! Engages with the Chinese within the framework they have adopted for managing their technological development o This framework plays careful attention to regulatory issues and ensures subsequent developments are policies driven. ! Focuses on cooperation in a context of policies driven research ! Focuses dialogues towards standardization and regulatory initiatives that have the potential for initiating economic sustainable cooperation with China outside of European funded research programmes Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 Achievements to date: ! D1.1 E-book “Roadmap towards strengthened EU-China ICT R&D cooperation” – preliminary version ! Contains: Roadmap and Action plan ! There are actions proposed for EU stakeholders in EUChina ICT R&D in be proactive in pursuing collaboration with China in ICT R&D and actions targeted at the EU (EC) ! The greater part of D1.1 is its seven appendices six of which are internal reports which are available on the CHOICE website: Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D1.1 Appendices ! CHOICE Internal report I-1 Examples of excellent EU China collaboration in EU funded ICT R&D projects and support actions ! CHOICE Internal report I-3 EU member state cooperation with China in ICT R&D&I: Bilateral cooperation in ICT R&D&I o This establishes the Chinese concerns over the quality of EU ICT R&D&I is with some EU funded projects not with European ICT R&D&I as such. ! CHOICE Internal report I-5 Clustering for Success: Cluster to establish EU-China collaborative ICT R&D&I o Provides the justification for the projects B2B match making activities o For 2014 the B2B match making activities are reported in D2.5 to be followed up in WP2 Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D1.1 Appendices (continued) ! CHOICE Internal report I-2 Chinese regional and local funding bodies for Scientific and Technical research ! CHOICE Internal report I-4 The current status of ICT R&D&I for Chinese Eco-Cities: The implications for EUChina collaboration in ICT R&D&I o After the 1st phase cooperation on EU-China Green Smart City cooperation supported by PDSF II Internal report I-4 was provided to a member of the project’s technical experts group, who is an active member of the CHOICE advisory board, ahead of the proposal for the 2nd phase cooperation with a view to informing the work of the proposal which was funded. ! CHOICE Internal report I-6 Support available for innovation in ICT R&D&I in China: Protecting IPR Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D1.2 Post workshops reports linked to roadmaps for sustaining EU -- China research cooperation beyond FP7 – Preliminary report ! CHOICE organised the 1st project thematic workshop on the IoT in London to discuss IoT research excellence and R&D collaboration mechanisms ! The intention being for proposals for collaboration mechanisms arising out of the workshop to be submitted to the 6th ICT dialogue meeting in 2015 in Europe ! This workshop led to the decision to organize the 1st CHOICE Event/Matchmaking Event “Fostering EU--China collaboration innovation in ICT” in Chengdu in October 2014 which took place 22-23 October 2014 and was focused on fostering EU-China Collaborative Innovation in ICT (Strengthening Chinese Collaboration on ICT R&D with Europe) and included a specific session on IoT. ! A report on the workshop is available from the project website. Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D2.1 Online mapping of Chinese and European ICT industrial associations – Progress report ! This provides an overview of Chinese ICT industrial associations that are a Chinese priority for collaboration with the EU. These priorities are described in D2.4. ! It lists all the other Chinese ICT industrial associations that the project is aware of. ! It lists all EU level ICT industrial associations the project is aware of. ! It lists the ICT ETPs and PPPs. ! It maps Chinese associations to EU associations and to ETPs and PPPs based on subject area match. Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D2.2 and D2.3 ! D2.2 Information package for European researchers – First end of year report – provides an analysis of relevant Chinese national agencies and programmes in ICT R&D. ! This includes a set of links and a database of what should be the best reference for European researchers. ! D2.3 Webinars on the ECs DAE, H2020 and future of EU-China ICT R&D cooperation: Webinars in English with Chinese subtitles illustrating key features of DAE, H2020 and future EU- China R&D cooperation available from the project website which also provides an ‘ask an expert’ facility. Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D2.4 Handbook for ICT Industrial Support Services ! Presents the current policy framework within which new Chinese regulations and standards for emerging ICT technologies are being developed. ! Financial support for such development is provided through the annual Electronic Development fund. ! With the move to a single Chinese funding body for ICT R&D&I the future of this funding is not yet clear. ! The China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) is the organization in charge of drafting the standards of the Chinese ICT industry. ! Chinese ICT industry associations have a role in making policy recommendations to the CCSA. Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D2.5 1st Annual Electronic Report on ICT Industrial and Research Cooperation ! Presents 10 cases of EU-China ICT Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I) collaboration that resulted from a European Trip 2014 partly supported by the CHOICE. ! The cooperation agreements involving Polish and Hungarian partners highlight the benefits of clustering them with Western European, in particular German partners, through the organisation of the trip. ! Reports that 52 potential cooperation agreements regarding the ICT sector have been reached between 28 EU enterprises/ clusters/ organisations and 27 Chinese enterprises/ clusters/ organisations as of 15 December 2014 as a result of the ICT related business to business (B2B) match making that took place at 9th Edition of the EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, in Chengdu, China, on 23rd October 2014, with support from the CHOICE project. Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 D3.1, D4.1 and D4.2 ! D3.1 Online database of China - EU MS/AC projects and relevant EU projects: Collects the ongoing and concluded China-EU member states and associated countries (EU MS/AC) projects and relevant EU projects which promote the cooperation between China and EU on ICT R&D, see http:// euchina- ! D4.1 Dissemination plan ! D4.2 First annual report on dissemination activities Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 Motivation for this 1st CHOICE workshop in China ! From both the Chinese and European perspectives ICT R&D excellence cannot exist in isolation from excellence in innovation o In this context this means innovation in design, processes and organisational models in manufacturing and services. ! This workshop seeks to identify opportunities to begin processes leading to innovation in ICT through EU-China collaboration: o It will promote the identification of such opportunities by highlighting through presentations examples of what potentially could be done o Immersive/Interactive Media – NEM ETP and Interactive Media Industry Alliance of China Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research Grant agreement #610578 谢谢 Thank you
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