*Please Note that only ONE Representative per business will be allowed to exhibit. (Example - only one Avon Rep) These Exhibitors Can All Be Found on the Arena Floor, Holistic Fair, and Saturday Only - the Farmer's Market Company Name Website Product or Service Booth Number AA Super Klean no website Professional Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 116 All Through the House/Deb's Fudge no website Fudge 137 Angela Kirgan angiefengshui@yahoo.com Clairvoyant, psychic medium, and medical intuitive Arbonne - Kristin Harnes no website Health and Beauty Products 126 At Home America - Heidi Wilkinson www.athome.com/hwilkins Homewares 217 Audie Jean's Photography no website Photography 140 & 239 Aura Photography www.alternativechanges.com Capture the Image of Your Energy - Personal Interpretations Holistic Fair Aura Portraits www.lighttorchproductions.com Portrait Painting of Your Auora Holistic Fair Avon Beauty Products - Jennifer Gear www.youravon.com/jgear Beauty Products Babette Lacy www.themysticmoon.com Intuitive Astrology, Energy Clearing Basic's A School of Beauty no website Beauty School 430 Becker Real Estate - Janet Reinhart no website Real Estate Sales and Rentals 327 Best Buy www.bestbuy.com Electronics Big Country Rehabilitation www.northplattephysicaltherapy.com Women's Health Big Wyoming www.bigwyoming.com Auto Dealers, Car Display, and Hands-on Demonstrations Bio-Energy Therapy www.cheyenneholisticcommunity.com Clear, Charge, and Balance Your Chakras Biolife Plasma Services www.biolifeplasma.com Plasma Services Bionic Band and IV7 www.iv7sterilize.com Bionic Bands for Strength and Energy Holistic Fair Black Hills Spirit gemsbybarb@aol.com Gemstone Jewelry and Healing Holistic Fair Bmar's no website Beaded Watches Boysenberries no website Fresh Produce, Granola, Baked Goods Budget Blinds of Casper www.budgetblinds.com/casperwy Expert Sales and Service of Shutters, Blinds, and Draperies By Marcy www.marcymartin12.etsy.com Handmade Jewelry 119 & 121 Cabi Clothing no website Fashion for the Modern Woman 220 & 222 Casper College and UW/CC www.caspercollege.edu Education 231 & 233 Casper Humane Society www.chswyo.org Pet Adoptions and Humane Education 417 Casper Star-Tribune www.trib.com Cookbooks by Sally Ann 434 Chic and Unique Boutique www.hatsandflowers.com Fashion Hats and Accessories under $20 Coliseum Motors www.coliseummotors.com Auto Dealers, Car Display, and Hands-on Demonstrations Colorado Lights no website Decorative Themed Wine Bottle Lights 324 Compounding Specialists of Wyoming www.wyomingcompounding.com Hormones, Creams, and Capsules 318 Cost Plus Appliance and Design Center www.costplusappliance.com Kitchen, Cabinets, Counters, Appliances, Home Theatres Cowboys in Your Community no website Handyman, Home Help, Community Service, and More 415 Creative Memories - Ruth Crofut www.mysite.com/rcrofut Digital and Photo Solutions, Organization and Scrapbooking 224 Crispell Photography no website Photography 428 Page 1 of 5 Holistic Fair 226 Holistic Fair 312 & 314 431 408, 410, 412, & 414 Holistic Fair 335 322 Farmers Market 423 140 & 239 408, 410, 412, & 414 Cost Plus Kitchen *Please Note that only ONE Representative per business will be allowed to exhibit. (Example - only one Avon Rep) These Exhibitors Can All Be Found on the Arena Floor, Holistic Fair, and Saturday Only - the Farmer's Market Company Name Website Product or Service Booth Number C's Exterior Designs no website Siding, Windows, Roofing, and Doors Cupcake A Go-Go! no website Cupcake Bakery 313 & 315 Curves for Women Defining Moments Counseling and Holistic Wellness Center no website Women's Fitness 114 www.definingmomentsinc.net Counseling and Holistic Wellness 216 Dicky's Place no website Fresh Produce, Fruit, Harvest Discovery Toys www.discoverytoyslink.com/cookiewinter Educational Toys 218 Dove Chocolate Discovery - Hannah Huber www.dove-chocolate-discoveries.com/hannahamy Exclusive Chocolates 310 Dragonfly Beads www.dragonflybeads.biz 442 Dusty Road Soap Co no website Loose Beads, Custom Work, Beading Lessons Hand-Crafted Soap, Essential Oils, and Personalized Body Scans for Aromatherapy Earthly Creations aunttj@bresnan.net Unique and Exquisite Jewelry Holistic Fair Earth Magic Skin Balms no website Natural Skin Balms Holistic Fair Edward Jones Financial www.edwardjones.com Financial Services 136 Elk Country Oil Change www.elkcountryoilchange.com Mobil Oil Change 223 Emrich Enterprises - Shaklee Products www.emrichenterprises.com Vivix Anti-Aging Formula 418 Enlightened Essentials www.enlightenedessentials.com Organic Personal Body Products and Candles 228 & 230 F.L.A.W. Outfitting www.flawoutfitting.com Flyfishing 419 & 421 Gentle Touch Imaging www.gentletouchimaging.com 3D/4D Elective Prenatal Ultrasounds 336 & 338 Gold Canyon Candles www.mygc.com/lacizcandlesngifts Candles, Natural Cleaning Products & Skincare Grant Family Farms CSA no website Fresh Produce, Fruit, Harvest Farmers Market Grant Street Grocery no website Organic Foods Farmers Market H & R Block no website Tax and Bookkeeping Services 238 HCG Lifestyle no website All Natural HCG Weight Loss Products and More 235 Healing Crystals no website Healing Crystals, Stones, Ameythst, and Angels Holistic Fair Healing Touch www.healingtouchprogram.com Energy-Based Approach to Health and Healing Holistic Fair Health & Wellness no website Holistic Fair Vendor Holistic Fair Herbadashery www.herbadashery.com Pine Ridge BBQ & Dipping Sauces 438 Heritage Makers - Karen Wilkinson www.karensheritagestudio.com Digital Scrapbooking 217 Home Depot www.homedepot.com Hands-on Demonstrations and Fall Decorations Home Grown & Healthy no website Organic Beef, Soups, Spices Hopeology www.infusionofhope.com Seminar and MP3/Cd Recordings The Indians no website Native American Products Holistic Fair Inspirations no website Inspired Jewelry Holistic Fair The Inward Journey www.VickiesSight.com Readings, Essential oils, Healing rods, Water Filters Holistic Fair It Works! Global www.itworks.net/suncity Natural Approach to Skin Care Holistic Fair Page 2 of 5 420 Farmers Market 320 134 Section N Farmers Market 229 *Please Note that only ONE Representative per business will be allowed to exhibit. (Example - only one Avon Rep) These Exhibitors Can All Be Found on the Arena Floor, Holistic Fair, and Saturday Only - the Farmer's Market Company Name Website Product or Service Booth Number Jeffrey Family Fruit no website Organic Produce and Fruit Farmers Market Jen's Homemade Baklava no website Homede Baklava, Baked Goods Farmers Market Jewels by Park Lane - Debbie Olney no website Fine Fashion Jewelry 125 JK - Jewel Kade - Melissa Keith www.jewelkade.com/melissakeith Jewelry 330 JLouise Handbags www.jlouise.net Handbags 316 Johnny Midnite/Wahoo Toppings www.wahootoppings.com Steak Sauces, Syrups, and Jelly 323 Readings by Judy Lekic www.alternativechanges.com Tarot, Angel Readings, Medium, Medical Intuitive Just Jewelry www.itsjustjewerly.com/wyoming Jewelry, Scarves, and Sunglasses 211 League of Women Voters - Casper no website Voter Education 424 Lummis for Wyoming www.lummisforwyoming.com Campaign for US House 113 Luxury Property Cleaners www.luxurypropertycleaners.com Interior-Exterior, Residential, Special Occasion Cleaning 311 Marcelli Hair Design no website Hair and Hair Products Mary Kay Cosmetics - Letty Stutheit www.marykay.com/lstutheit1 Beauty Products 432 Merle Norman Cosmetics no website Skin Care, Cosmetics, and Ladies Accessories 221 Miche Bags - April Weakland no website Handbags 325 Mobalitas www.potentialincrease.com Business Coaching 433 Naninara Healing Arts www.naninara.com Natural Healing Bath and Spa Products National Alliance on Mental Illness - Casper no website Education, Support, Advocacy and Information Nerdy Girls www.nerdygirls.com Jewelry and Scrapbooking Norwex and Beads to Bling no website Norwex Enviro Products, Seatbelt Purses and Scarves 209 One Fine Day www.onefinedayevents.biz Event and Party Planning 212 Organo Gold www.hurst.organogold.com Gourmet Coffee 133 Pampered Chef no website Kitchen Tools 440 Passion Parties - Tosca Jones www.personalpleasures4you.com Sensual Products 227 Peace, Love, & Reiki peaceloveandreiki@yahoo.com Reiki Sessions Pepsi/Wyoming Beverage www.pepsi.com Samples Petuniaz Jewelry Petuniaz Jewelry on Facebook.com Handmade Jewelry 426 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains www.pprm.org Women's Health 437 Ponthro, LLC www.ponthro.com Fleece Ponchos 138 Pottery by You! www.potterybyyou.biz/ Paint Your Own Pottery Studio 214 Pretty Brainy www.prettybrainy.com Printed Tees for Tweens 219 Private Quarters - Erin Beckman www.privatequarters.net/Dianes/ Linens and Bedding Specialties 309 Readings by Barbara no website Holistic Fair Vendor Holistic Fair Readings by Elizabeth no website Tarot Readings Holistic Fair Page 3 of 5 Holistic Fair 319 & 321 Holistic Fair 332 419 & 421 Holistic Fair 326, 328, 425, & 427 *Please Note that only ONE Representative per business will be allowed to exhibit. (Example - only one Avon Rep) These Exhibitors Can All Be Found on the Arena Floor, Holistic Fair, and Saturday Only - the Farmer's Market Company Name Website Product or Service Booth Number Rising Lotus Wellness Clinic www.painreliefmiracle.com Wellness and Allergy Clinic Robison Chiropractic Clinic Rocky Mountain Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorder Assocation no website Ideal Protein Weight Loss System 115 www.rockymountainhemophilia.org Support and Educational Information 123 Rocky Mountain Oncology www.rockymountainoncology.com Comprehensive Cancer Services 120 Rocky Mountain School of Dance www.rmsd.org Dance School 139 Salt City Scents - Jennifer Berg no website Candles 325 Sam's Club www.samsclub.com Memberships and Merchandise/Clothing 237 Sassy Sugar and Spice www.sassysugarandspice.com Jewelry 337 Scentsy - Bonnie Jensen www.bonniej.scentsy.us Wickless Candle Warmers and Scents 117 Schroeder Stables no website 132 SeneGence International www.senegence.com/CJs4everlips Horsemanship Classes Long Lasting Lipcolor and Cosmetics and Anti-Aging Skincare Serenity Within no website Clairvoyant, Psychic Readings Silpada Jewelry no website Jewlery Skin Care Specialties www.skincarespecialties.com Professional Skin Care 210 Spa Girl Gourmet no website Make-Up and Spa Products 317 Stephanie Aune Designs www.facebook.com/stephanieaunedesigns Handmade Gemstone Jewelry 436 Stone Passion no website Concrete Countertops, Galvanic Spa Treatment 435 Styria Bakery www.styriabakerybread.com Fresh Bread Suntan USA and Nikki's Fashions no website Tanning, Tanning Products, Clothing, and Accessories T. Franco Designs www.tfrancodesigns.com Jewelry and Accessories 340 & 439 Tastefully Simple no website Easy Pre-Packaged Food 225 The Galilean no website Christian Gifts and Books 127 & 129 The Herbal Remedies Store, Inc no website Health Food/Natural Products 213 & 215 The Wyoming Woman Magazine www.thewyomingwoman.com Thirty-One Gifts www.mythirtyone.com/carriesturgill Woman's Magazine Personalized gifts, purses, totes, baby items, and home décor Three Crowns Golf Club www.threecrownsgolfclub.com In-House Events 128 & 130 Tomboy Tools no website Tools for Women 319 & 321 Townsquare Media multiple websites Tupperware - Deb Schlenker www.my.tupperware.com/bootscootinsales Sieze the Deal Opportunities Kitchen Gadgets, Food Storage, Cookware, and Kids Products US Small Business Administration www.sba.gov/wy Women in Business/Business Loans 124 Usborne Books and More - Melissa Falber www.myubam.com/j3126 Books for Children 429 Vachere www.vachere.com Woman's Rhinestone Accessories & Apparel Vantel Pearls - Tosca Jones www.vantelpearls.com/toscaljones Pearls and Pearl Jewelry Wyoming Medical Center www.wmcnet.org SANE Program Page 4 of 5 110 & 112 329 Holistic Fair 220 & 222 Farmers Market 131 135 118 416 319 & 321 340 & 439 227 232, 234, 331, & 333 *Please Note that only ONE Representative per business will be allowed to exhibit. (Example - only one Avon Rep) These Exhibitors Can All Be Found on the Arena Floor, Holistic Fair, and Saturday Only - the Farmer's Market Company Name Website Product or Service Booth Number Wyoming PBS www.wyomingpbs.org Daytime and Key Prime Time PBS Programs 422 Wyoming Photo Booths no website Fun Photo Booths 122 Wyoming Remodeling LLC - Re-Bath www.rebath.com Bathroom Remodeling Wyoming SBIR/STTR Initiative www.uwyo.edu/sbir Young Living Essential Oils http://sherma.younglivingworld.com Small Business Assistance Essential Oils, Chemical-Free Health Care and Cleaning Products Zhira Natural Healing no website Natural Healing Energy Work Page 5 of 5 409, 411, & 413 236 334 Holistic Fair
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