AMIF & ISF 2014-2020 Financial Management • Control • Monitoring and Evaluation 18th – 19th May 2015, Berlin Brochure Seminar for Specialists in the field of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund & Internal Security Fund With experts from: • Ministry of Security and Justice (Responsible Authority), Management and Coordination Section, Directorate-General for Immigration, Senior Advisor, the Netherlands • Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), European Funds Department, Director, Malta • Ministry of Interior (Responsible Authority), European Funds Unit, Head of Section of Support and Monitoring, France • Ministry of Home Affairs (Responsible Authority), SG Home Affairs, Department for EU Funds Management, Programme Manager, Portugal With practical workshops on: • How to Implement an Effective Financial Management System • How to Optimally Make Use of On-the-Spot Controls • Evaluation of the Projects – Difficulties, Challenges and Choices 1 SEMINAR FOR SPECIALISTS IN THE FIELD OF ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION FUND & INTERNAL SECURITY FUND AMIF & ISF 2014-2020 Financial Management • Control • Monitoring and Evaluation The Management of Home and Security Funds (AMIF and ISF) is a Challenge for Responsible, Delegated and Audit Authorities Who is this European interactive seminar for? The new programming period has begun and the National Programmes are in the process This European Seminar is addressed to public officials and responsible staff dealing with EU Funding in the fields of: • Asylum • Migration • Integration • Internal Security of their submission and examination by the European Commission. With the new year comes the practical implementation of the rules and regulations for the two remaining Home Affairs Funds: the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF). The new programming period brings a number of changes for the authorities in charge of migration, asylum and internal security. It certainly brings more flexibility and new opportunities, on the one hand, but, on the other hand, also more responsibilities and problems, which will be hard to cope with. Some Member States are at the forefront of this implementation and can already report on experience gained from initial projects. Other member countries seem to be more hesitant to risk an early implementation. This seminar is intended to offer the participants the possibility to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues and peers from all Member States of the European Union and give answers to many still unanswered issues concerning • the financial management of the AMIF & ISF • the control system for the AMIF & ISF • the monitoring and evaluation system of the projects and beneficiaries In particular from the designated Responsible, Audit, Certifying & Delegated Authorities for the following EU Funds: • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) • Internal Security Fund (ISF) As well as: Police authorities such as: • Border Control Agencies • Border Police/Border Guards • National Police Forces Public authorities with responsibilities in the field of internal security, border control, migration and visa policy such as: • Immigration Agencies • Migration Offices • Migration Funding Units Potential Beneficiaries and Applicants of AMIF and ISF and Beneficiaries of the old EU Funds for Home Affairs (EIF, ERF, RF, EBF, ISEC, CIPS) “Well done, more should be done once AMIF is launched in all MS.” Peter Ilmolelian, Account Manager, EU Funding Team, Home Office, UK 2 What will you learn at this seminar? • What are the main challenges for the implementation of the new funds? • How to optimally select projects and rank them? • How to implement an effective financial management system? • How to use eligibility rules and simplified cost options in an optimal way? • How to implement the control system and carry out on-the-spot-controls? • How to make use of the monitoring and evaluation system? Your benefits • Lean how to effectively implement the legal framework of the new programming period • Secure and plan your migration and security projects and raise the amount funded by the EU • Receive first-hand information from national experts from Member States at the forefront of the implementation of AMIF & ISF • Develop networks and contacts with colleagues from various authorities from all over Europe • How to effectively collect data from projects? • How to generate and choose the right indicators for the evaluation of the projects? • What are the most effective ways to report to the European Commission? “Great experience. New for me. Interesting topics and speakers.” Bregtje van Drongelen, Financial Controller, Management Control & Finance Department, COA – Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers, the Netherlands “Useful exchange of knowledge between participants and experts from different countries” Petar Vladislavov Yanev, Financial Expert, International Projects Directorate, Ministry of Interior, Bulgaria 3 PROGRAMME DAY 1 AMIF & ISF 2014-2020 CHRISTOPHER MAGRI 8.30-9.00 Registration and Handout of Seminar Material Director, Funds and Programmes Division, ISF Responsible Authority, Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto, Malta 9.00-9.05 Opening Remarks from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law 9.05-9.30 Welcome Note from the Chair and Round of Introductions Christopher Magri, Director, Funds and Programmes Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta / Claudia Zammit, Projects Manager, European Funds Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta 9.30-10.15 Main Challenges for the Implementation in the New Programming Period •How to ensure transparency, legal certainty, accessibility of funding and equal treatment of potential beneficiaries? •How to effectively assist beneficiaries in complying with new eligibility and management rules? •How to effectively assist beneficiaries in complying with their obligations (particularly in terms of adequate audit trail and monitoring) and Union Law? Maria Guerrero, Head of Section of Support and Monitoring, European Funds Unit, Ministry of Interior (Responsible Authority), France 10.15-10.30 Discussion Round 10.30-11.00 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity Christopher Magri works as Director (Funds) within the Funds and Programmes Division where his Directorate’s role includes the tasks of the Responsible Authority for the Internal Security Fund, the National Authority for the Lifelong Learning and Youth in Action Programmes, the Competent Authority for the Agricultural Funds and the Managing Authority for the European Fisheries Fund. Christopher Magri joined the public service of Malta in 1986, and has gained experience in various areas including the management of EU Funds as well as intelligence, corporate governance, internal control, risk management, business, strategic and financial analysis. Financial Management Workshop 11.00-12.45 How to Implement an Effective Financial Management System In this workshop the participants will have the possibility to discuss the main challenges when implementing a financial management system for AMIF & ISF and find solutions for them. How to effectively select and rank projects Lessons learned with multi-annual programming and simplified cost options during the last Dutch ESF period How to implement an effective financial management system for AMIF & ISF • Introduction to the workshop • Interactive group work on selected practical exercises • Presentation of group work results • Discussion of group work results “Well organised, balanced and informative.” Hierlei Edwards, Project Account Officer, EU Funding Team, Home Office, UK 4 Jasper Sijbrandij, Senior Advisor, DirectorateGeneral for Immigration, Management and Coordination Section, Ministry of Security and Justice, Responsible Authority, the Netherlands 12.45-14.15 Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity Control System Workshop 14.15-16.00 How to Optimally Make Use of On-the-Spot Controls In this workshop the participants will learn how to effectively make use of on-the-spot-controls in the new programming period. Main challenges for on-the-spot controls Planing and preparing for on-the-spot controls Components of on-the-spot controls •Introduction to the workshop •Interactive group work on selected practical exercises •Presentation of group work results •Discussion of group work results Christopher Magri, Director, Funds and Programmes Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta / Claudia Zammit, Projects Manager, European Funds Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta 16.00-16.30 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity 16.30-17.15 Current Challenges for the Implementation of the Control System •How to prepare for audits from a Responsible Authority’s point of view • Controls by the European Commission • Controls by the European Court of Auditors Christopher Magri, Director, Funds and Programmes Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta / Claudia Zammit, Projects Manager, European Funds Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta 17.15-17.30 Discussion Round 17.30 End of Day One MARIA GUERRERO Head of Section of Support and Monitoring, European Funds Unit, Ministry of Interior (Responsible Authority), France As Head of the section in charge of support and monitoring within the AMIF and ISF Responsible Authority in France, Maria Guerrero is in charge of support activities in the audit trail (support for management, for controls, reporting, monitoring, communication). Previously, she has been working in the area of Structural Funds (ERDF and ESF) as Administrative Officer in several Management Authorities of regional operational programmes and European territorial territorial cooperation programmes (INTERREG programme) and as Project Manager in the area of sustainable urban development. JASPER SIJBRANDIJ Senior Advisor, DirectorateGeneral for Immigration, Management and Coordination Section, Ministry of Security and Justice (Responsible Authority), the Netherlands Jasper Sijbrandij works for the Responsible Authority in the Netherlands. His main task is the development and implementation of the Dutch AMIF and ISF National Programme. He specialises in the connection between financial management and policy issues. In the past, he used to work for the Dutch Managing Authority of the European Social Funds. Before joining the government he worked at KPMG and other advisory bureaus, specialised in the fields of organisation, finance and subsidy. CLAUDIA ZAMMIT Projects Manager, European Funds Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta Claudia Zammit works as a Projects Manager within the Financial Control Unit for the General Programme Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows Unit within the Funds and Programmes Division. She joined the Maltese Public Service in 2011 whereby her role consists of carrying out second-level verifications control checks on the payment claims under the SOLID Funds as well as administrative and physical on-the-spot checks. Previously, she worked within a financial institution as a Client Executive where she was involved in the accounting and financial functions. 5 PROGRAMME DAY 2 AMIF & ISF 2014-2020 MARIA GUERRERO 9.00-9.15 Head of Section of Support and Monitoring, European Funds Unit, Ministry of Interior (Responsible Authority), France Welcome Note from the Chair Christopher Magri, Director, Funds and Programmes Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta / Claudia Zammit, Projects Manager, European Funds Department, Office of the Prime Minister (Responsible Authority), Malta Monitoring and Evaluation 9.15-10.00 Main Challenges for Monitoring at Project and Programme Levels •How to effectively collect data from projects? •Monitoring and evaluation – what are the differences? •Preparing and drawing up annual implementation reports •How to effectively monitor projects with a view to annual balance and implementation reports? •Ensuring correct preparation of annual accounts and request for payment Maria Guerrero, Head of Section of Support and Monitoring, European Funds Unit, Ministry of Interior (Responsible Authority), France 10.00-10.15 Discussion Round 10.15-10.45 Coffee Break and Networking Opportunity Workshop 10.45-12.30 Evaluation of the Projects – Difficulties, Challenges and Choices In this workshop the participants will have to possibility to exchange ideas on how to effectively evaluate projects for AMIF & ISF. How to navigate between the beneficiaries’ perspective (reality) and the control perspective (formal) • Introduction to the workshop • Interactive group work on selected practical exercises • Presentation of group work results • Discussion of group work results Luís Evangelista, Programme Manager, Department for EU Funds Management, SG Home Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs (Responsible Authority), Portugal 6 As Head of the section in charge of support and monitoring within the AMIF and ISF Responsible Authority in France, Maria Guerrero is in charge of support activities in the audit trail (support for management, for controls, reporting, monitoring, communication). Previously, she has been working in the area of Structural Funds (ERDF and ESF) as Administrative Officer in several Management Authorities of regional operational programmes and European territorial territorial cooperation programmes (INTERREG programme) and as Project Manager in the area of sustainable urban development. LUÍS EVANGELISTA Programme Manager, Department for EU Funds Management, SG Home Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, Portugal Luís Evangelista presently works as Programme and Projects manager at the Department for EU Funds Management within the Ministry of Home Affairs, which is the Responsible Authority for the implementation of the SOLID funds, and is also responsible for the External Borders Fund and European Return Fund. He has closely followed the negotiations on the legal acts of the new Home Affairs Funds (the Horizontal Regulation, the Regulation establishing the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the two regulations establishing the Internal Security Fund and the implementation acts) and has participated in the ad hoc Expert Group (Commission) and in the first meeting of the AMIF-ISF Committee. He is a member of the interministerial working group (Portugal), responsible for the preparation and conduction of the policy dialogue and for the preparation of the AMIF and ISF National Programmes. In this context, he is deeply involved in the development and implementation of all aspects of these new funds. 12.30-12.45 Recap from the Chair 12.45-14.15 Lunch Break and Networking Opportunity 14.15 End of Seminar and Handout of Certificates ORGANISATIONAL MATTERS AMIF & ISF 2014-2020 Date of Event 18th –19th May 2015 Booking Number S-1016 Event Language The event language will be English. Event Price Early booking contingent until the 20th of March 2015: 989,- Euro excl. German VAT (19%) Normal price from the 21st of March 2015: 1.289,- Euro excl. German VAT (19%) The above price covers the following: • Admission to the seminar • Hand-out documents • Seminar certificate, if seminar fully attended • Soft drinks and coffee/tea on both event days • Lunch on both event days Upon request you can receive a digital version of the seminar documents after the event for 60,- Euro excl. German VAT (19%) in addition to the seminar. BOOKING E-mail: Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 250 For online booking please visit our website: Contact European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law at Potsdamer Platz, Entrance Leipziger Platz 9 10117 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 250 E-mail: Internet: Your contact persons for the programme: Regina Lüning, M. Sc. econ. Head of Marketing and Sales Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 246 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259 E-mail: Dr. rer. pol. Nikolaus Siemaszko Conference Manager Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 239 Fax: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259 E-mail: (Programme is subject to alterations) Event Location InterCityHotel Berlin Hauptbahnhof Katharina-Paulus-Straße 5 10557 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0)30 28 87 55 0 Fax: +49 (0)30 28 87 55 900 Internet: Please contact the hotel directly and refer to the “European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law” if you wish to benefit from a limited room availability-contingent. Of course you can always look for an alternative hotel accommodation. 7 BOOKING E-mail: Fax: +49 (0)30 802080-250 Phone: +49 (0)30 802080-230 For online booking please visit our website: European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law at Potsdamer Platz Entrance: Leipziger Platz 9 10117 Berlin / Germany BOOKING BOOKING NUMBER: S-1016 (DMW) 18th – 19th MAY 2015, BERLIN Herewith we register the following persons for the Seminar for Specialists in the field of Asylum, Migration, Integration & Security Fund: “AMIF & ISF 2014-2020“. Delegate 1 Ms. Mr. First name Last name Your organisation Department Unit Job position Street Postcode / City Country Delegate 2 Ms. Ms. I hereby order the digital version of the seminar documents (fee required) in addition to the seminar. Phone Fax E-mail I hereby order the digital version of the seminar documents (fee required) in addition to the seminar. Mr. First name Last name Your organisation Department Unit Job position Street Postcode / City Country Invoice Organisation Phone Fax E-mail Mr. First name Last name Your organisation Department Unit Job position Street Postcode / City Country Delegate 3 Ms. Phone Fax E-mail I hereby order the digital version of the seminar documents (fee required) in addition to the seminar. Mr. First name Your Organisation Department Unit Job Position Last name Street Postcode / City Country Phone Fax E-mail With my signature I confirm my registration and accept the General Terms and Conditions as legally binding. I herewith agree to receive further information from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law In case of registration of more than one delegate do you prefer: single invoice? collective invoice? NOTE Only Valid with Signature and Stamp. 8Place, Date Authorised Signature and Stamp European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law Brauner Klingenberg GmbH | Leipziger Platz 9 | 10117 Berlin | Phone +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230 | Fax +49 (0)30 80 20 80 259 Terms & Conditions for Conferences, Seminars and other Training Courses 1. Area of Application The following terms and conditions settle the contractual relationship between conference participants and the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law Brauner Klingenberg GmbH [referred to as “European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law” in the following]. Differing terms and conditions, as well as, other settlements and/or regulations have no validity. 2. Registration / Confirmation of Application A registration can be made via internet, mail, fax, or email. The registration is considered granted and legally binding if not rejected by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law in writing within seven (7) days after receipt of registration. The registration will be supplemented by a booking confirmation via email. Partial bookings are only valid for seminars designed in modules. 3. Service The course fee covers the fee per participant and course in € net, subject to current German VAT. It includes training course documents as per course description, a lunch meal/ snack and refreshments during breaks, as well as, a participation certificate. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law has the right to change speakers/instructors and to modify the course program if and where necessary while maintaining the overall nature of the course. All registered participants will be notified in case of a course cancellation due to force majeure, due to speakers’ preventions, due to troubles at the chosen location or due to a low registration rate. Course cancellation notification due to a low registration rate is issued no later than two (2) weeks before the course date. Course fees are reimbursed in the cases listed above; however, reimbursement for travel expenses or work absenteeism is only granted in cases of intention or gross negligence by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. Any reimbursement of travel expenses are to be considered as an exceptional goodwill gesture and form no future general obligation. In case of disturbances and/or interruptions, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law commits itself to solve or limit any problems that might occur in order to maintain and continue the course as planned. 4. Payment Date and Payment, Default of Payment Payment of the course fee is payable immediately upon receipt of invoice. Where payment is not received or lacking clear assignment to a participant prior to commencement of the course, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law may refuse the relevant participant’s participation in that course. The course fee, however, is still due immediately and can be claimed as part of a dunning procedure or legal action. In accordance with BGB §247 (1), in case of default of payment within the stipulated time period, default interest on arrears of at least 5% above the ECB base rate is due and payable. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law can claim higher damage for delay if and where proven. Equally, the participant may prove that a damage has not occurred or has had less effect than estimated by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. Payment shall be made by cashless bank transfer; cash or cheques will not be accepted. 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Cancellation by the participant will be subject to cancellation charges as follows: • 30 days or more prior to commencement of the course: service charge of 80,00 € net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately, course fee will be reimbursed, • two (2) weeks to 30 days prior to commencement of the course: 50% of course fee net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately, • non-attendance or cancellation less than two (2) weeks prior to commencement of the course: 100% of course fee net, subject to current Germany VAT, payable immediately The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law gladly accepts without additional costs a substitute participant nominated in case of a cancellation if the substitute participant is registered at least three (3) days prior to the commencement of the course. Neither cancellation of a specific module/part of the course or substitution per module/per day is possible. 6. 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