Newsletter April 2015 - European Burns Association (EBA)

Newsletter EBA
European Burns
April 2015
From the President
Election new EBA Executive Committee (EC)
During the upcoming EBA Congress in Hannover,
16th - 19th September, the General Assembly of EBA has
to elect the new Executive Committee (EC)
There are vacancies in the Executive Committee (EC) and
that's why we are calling all those members which might
be interested to work in the EC to send the electronic
application (enclosed) and CV to the e-mail address of the present secretary
Istvan Juhasz,
The applications will be presented during the EBA General Assembly prior to
voting on 17th September 2015.
EBA office
P.O. Box 440
5201 AK
the Netherlands
+31(0)73 690 1415
+31(0)73 690 1417
Nomination forms (enclosed) should be completed and returned by
September 1st, 2015.
After this deadline no applications will be accepted.
One nomination requires 4 signatures (one from applicant, one from the
proposing person and two more from EBA members as endorsers). These can
be collected on one nomination form, or submitted on separate nomination
forms (PDF file or files). All copies should be filled out adequately for
identification and signed before being scanned.
Please also supply us a short professional CV and photograph attached to
your application.
Executive Committee
P. Vogt (Germany)
N. Moiemen (UK)
Secretary General I. Juhasz (Hungary)
M. Guggenheim (Switzerland)
PAM chair
Mrs. A. Pittermann (Austria)
J. Barret (Spain)
D.Enescu (Romania)
L. Klein (Czech Republic)
L. Kamolz (Austria) A. Rodrigues (Portugal) C. v.d. Vlies (the Netherlands)
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Accreditation Committee
L. Kamolz (Austria)
Disaster Committee
B. Hartmann (Germany)
The PAM committee is seeking to recruit new
Voting will take place at the PAM Business Meeting, at the EBA congress in
Hannover (Germany) on September 18th, 2015. Members of the committee
will be elected to encourage a broad representation of European countries
and professions.
EBA Congress Committee
P. Vogt (Germany)
EBI-founding Committee
G. Beerthuizen (Netherlands)
Education Committee
R. Breederveld (Netherlands)
Guidelines Committee
P. Vogt (Germany)
PAM Committee
Anna Pittermann (Austria)
Prevention Committee
Carolyn Cripps (UK)
16th September, 2015
We are really looking for a broad representation of countries and
professions, especially physiotherapists, ergotherapists but other
professions as well.
We are looking for new members for our newly
formed PREVENTION committee:
17th September, 2015
If you are passionately fond of burn care, have time for 2 meetings a
year (travel and 1 night expenses are funded by EBA) and some work at
If you know English and are interested in matching different
experiences, exchanging information from other countries…
+ If you are willing to assist in the progression and representation of
non medical burn issues within Europe, including the development of
European PAM Guidelines...
If you want to make new contacts in European Burn World…
If you can help in preparing the PAM sessions for the next congress …
THEN apply for membership of the EBA PAM committee.
If you are passionately fond of prevention of burns, have time for 2
meetings a year (travel and 1 night expenses are funded by EBA) and
some work at home…
If you know English and are interested in matching different
experiences, exchanging information from other countries…
+ If you are willing to assist in the progression and representation of
burn prevention within Europe,
If you can help in preparing the prevention session for the next congress
THEN apply for membership of the EBA Prevention committee.
For applicants of the PAM and PREVENTION committee:
Nomination forms must be sent electronically to a before 14th of June 2015
During the PAM business Meeting (18.9.2015 8:30-10:30), you'll shortly (2')
present yourself, your career and points of interest by speech, pictures,
folder. After vote, you may become one of our members. It's strongly
recommended that you are present on the meeting.
Nomination forms and information available at: Anna Pittermann, PAM
Chairperson, email:
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Application for fellowship
Dr. Giwa Hadiza Marliyya, M.B; B.S(A.B.U), F.W.A.C.S. has just completed
his plastic surgery/burns residency training program at a centre in Lagos
(Nigeria) and he is applying for a fellowship in Europe.
He has completed his surgical residency and he plans to practice clinical
medicine, research as well. He is interested in a career that allows him to
have a clinical practice, teach medical students, residents and other
healthcare personnel, as well as carry out research in especially Burns,
Congenital and facial reconstructions. With the experience and knowledge
he hopes to acquire from this fellowship, he hopes to return to West Africa
and other developing countries where the incidence of palate defects, burns,
and other plastic surgery problems are prevalent, and where the need for
specialist expertise is greatly required.
If you are interested in offering him a fellowship please contact him by or
More information about dr. Hadiza at
Journal Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters
"Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters" is the official journal of the EuroMediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters (MBC), the European
Burns Association (EBA), and the Société Française de Brûlologie (SFB).
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters (ABFD) publishes 4 issues per year in
March, June, September, and December.
Full Journal's contents including accepted manuscripts posted ahead of print
are freely accessible at the official MBC website:
EBA Meetings
16th September, 2015
17th European Burns Association Congress
6 – 9 September 2017
Barcelona • Spain
17th September, 2015
18th European Burns Association Congress
September 2019
Helsinki • Finland
Deadlines 16th EBA Congress 16-19 September 2015 in Hannover
Abstract Submission:
15 April 2015
Early Bird Registration:
30th June 2015
Congress management:
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International Meetings and Courses
European Club for Pediatric Burns
24-26 June 2015
Lyon • France
19th MBC Meeting
April 26-28, 2016
Beirut • Lebanon
17th ISBI Congress
29 August-1 September 2016
Miami • Florida
MSc/PGCert Burn Care Course
Course outline:
Web-based, distance-learning, part-time programmes with regular
online and clinical immersion sessions.
Specifically designed to provide a core curriculum for established and
aspiring burn care professionals/surgical trainees, who wish to work in
the field of plastic surgery following completion of specialist training.
The courses start in October of each year with most students managing
to complete their studies while in full-time employment.
Students are awarded an MSc or PGCert in Burn Care from the
University of London upon successful course completion.
Course duration:
Two years for MSc and one year for PG Cert.
PGCert students can carry over module credits if they wish to upgrade to an
MSc degree.
Change of membership
Please let us know by
sending a mail to:
Course provider:
Centre for Cutaneous Research, The Blizard Institute, Barts and The London
School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London.
For more information:
Dr. Louise Russell, Course Administrator
Centre for Cutaneous Research
4 Newark Street
London E1 2AT
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 2336
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EBA Master Class Course series
The executive committee of the EBA has agreed to re-establish the Master
Class Course series in burns from 2016. These courses will run twice a year
and gather world leaders in burn care to discuss recent advances. The target
audience will be 200-300 multidisciplinary delegates from Europe and beyond.
The program aims to compliment the educational program of the ISBI. The
first of these courses will be held in Birmingham in September 2016.
EBA Burn Care Guidelines and Accreditation
The EBA practice guidelines and care standards have been published on the
EBA website. Currently, burn centre accreditation has become mandatory in
certain European countries including Germany, England, Wales and
Switzerland. The EBA has formulated a peer review accreditation process that
is starting this year in 3 centres in Switzerland.
European Burn Research Network
Do you want to be
involved in the PAM or
Prevention committee?
Join them now!
18th September 2015
Early Bird Registration
16th EBA congress:
30th June 2015
A group of European burn centre directors met in Birmingham on 29 January
2015 and discussed the prospect of establishing a European burn network for
burns research collaboration. The group included several directors of the burn
centres across Europe who are interested in Burns research and Attended by
the Healing Foundation CEO. The outcome of that meeting was to form a
consortium for joint applications for European Union research grants. The
next meeting will be held in Hannover on 15 September 2015.
The Mediterranean Burn Club (MBC) and the Italian
Burns Association Congress
was held in Turin in October 2014. Naiem Moiemen and Peter Vogt attended
the congress, which helped to strengthen relations between the northern, the
southern and the Mediterranean countries. Plans for establishing a
multilingual burns educational course for non-burn professionals were
proposed as a joint project between the EBA and the MBC.
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Nomination form for membership of the Executive
Committee of the European Burns Association
I confirm that, if elected, I will accept the appointment as a member of the Executive
Committee of the EBA
Proposed by:
1. Name
Institution ____________________________________________________
Signed ________________________
Supported by two (2) other members of the EBA:
1. Name
Institution ____________________________________________________
2. Name
Signed ________________________
Institution ____________________________________________________
Signed ________________________
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