SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATION BETWEEN LITHUANIAN SOCIETY OF YOUNG RESEARCHERS (LSYR) AND OTHER EURODOC MEMBERS Julija Baniukevic 2015 04 27, Cluj Napoca Who are we? Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers (LSYR) – a dynamic knowledge-based autonomous non-political and non-profit nation-wide organisation, open to young researchers, scientists and students from various science and research fields 2002 02 20 2003 05 12 208 members Our Vision Lithuanian scientists – world-class scientific elite Our mission To encourage young people to become world-class scientists by establishing interdisciplinary scientific community, promoting science and by facilitating improvements in the system of science and education Our values Competence Creativity Responsibility Cooperation Openness Initiative What are we doing? Creation of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional community of researchers in Lithuania Establishment of science development – friendly and open environment that orients to global environment Science popularization 2002 02 20 2003 05 12 208 members Effective collaboration = Good communication How and where can we communicate? Direct contact/face-2-face personal invitations to events, discussions, face-2face meetings International conferences 2011 04 01-02 “New generation in science: towards a new fashion ERA?” 2012 01 26-27 “Interdisciplinarity: How to make it work?” 2013 11 15-16 “Invest in researchers” How and where can we communicate? Direct contact/face-2-face personal invitations to events, discussions, face-2face meetings Eurodoc working groups, e.g. Interdisciplinarity, Mobility Organisational level international projects INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS REALIZED 2010 - 2014 m. “Researchers Night 2010”, “Researchers Night 2011”, “Researchers Night 2012” 2009-2011 Grundtvig Learning Partnership project “Let’s mix up creativity and innovation in ault education” (EC) Partners: Austria, Italy, Poland and Spain INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS REALIZED 2010 - 2014 m. 2013-2014 Subproject “Strengthening institutional capacities of Lithuanian Society of Young Scientists. The project supported by the Fund of the Lithuanian Republic and the Swiss Confederation Collaboration Programme Partner: ActionUni (Switzerland) LSYR collaborated with Odillo Huber CONTEST “BEST PhD THESIS” 2011 05 12 2008 04 24 2010 04 08 2009 04 21 The best thesis, from those, defended last year, are elected during this contest. The purpose of this contest is to stimulate doctoral candidates to prepare high level thesis, increase motivation of young Lithuanian researchers in performing scientific activity of highest quality and significance to society. 2014 04 23 Event “Smithy of Ideas” Smithy of ideas is a camp that stimulates communication and collaboration of scientists from different fields and countries. Smithy of Ideas benefited from cooperation with Eurodoc members by attracting participants from different countries (Poland, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Latvia, Estonia, Russia) INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS IN ACTION, 2015 year Project "FACILITATE OPEN SCIENCE TRAINING FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH". This project has received funding from the EU FP7 programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612425. The aim of these 4 trainings is to increase young researchers’ competence on open science and to develop practical skills on open access publishing and research data management. Participants: Kaunas technological university, Research Council of Lithuania, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, LSYR. INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS IN ACTION, 2015 year Application for Erasmus+ project on Interdisciplinarity and transferable skills topic Participants: LSYR (Lithuania), ADCB (Bulgaria) and MLAZ (Croatia) What have we learned? find out the strenghts of our organizations identify potential directions for further improvements share the knowledge about third party organizations, e.g. Vitae learn from ADCB that LSYR can provide certificates that have greater value. 4P’s of effective collaboration Purpose People Effective partnership Place Process CONCLUSION EURODOC is a good platform where you can meet young researchers, discuss about European scientific-political environment and work on future collaboration. This knowledge can be successfully used as well in the discussions with national stakeholders. Feel the moment Thank you for your attention! If you’re interested to collaborate with us or just ask sth so you’re more than welcome: E-mail: Website:
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