Supporting Roma - Adviser Guide

Since European Union enlargement in 2004 and 2007, a number of local Roma
communi!es have been formed in West Yorkshire. In Bradford, 800 Roma have used
the Na!onal Careers Service (2011-12) though a range of specific issues related to
this group have been iden!fied as limi!ng progression. A service tailored to the
specific needs of Roma clients is currently either not provided, or is very limited,
o#en because advisers lack awareness and/or prac!cal knowledge. The Enabling
Roma project aims to equip Na!onal Careers Service advisers in Yorkshire and
Humber area with a wider knowledge of specific Roma needs and issues, so that
they can help and encourage the increasing number of job seekers from this specific
target group to integrate into work, cultural and social contexts. It also aims to
encourage Roma clients to access the Na!onal Careers Service for guidance, prac!cal
informa!on and help finding employment.
This resource has been put together to support Na!onal Careers Service advisers
who may receive enquiries from this client group. It will cover:
Research - who are the Roma,
ma consulta!on their views
arriers faced by Roma jobseekers
iori•es iden!fied by Roma to
t enable them to support their job seeking
ggested support
pport agencies – Yorkshire and
a the Humber
rther support - na!onal and european
Barriers faced by Roma jobseekers
Racism and prejudice
This is a par!cularly important issue that needs to be addressed if Roma are to
access the Na!onal Careers Service successfully. Our research (from interviews with
Na!onal Careers Service advisers) revealed that Roma who a&end the Na!onal
Careers Service o'en deny that they are in fact Roma for fear of discrimina!on.
Roma par!cipants told us that they had experienced discrimina!on from other
migrant groups in the UK, such as white Polish migrants. They believe they have
been refused work contracts by Polish recruitment agents solely on the basis that
they are Roma.
Since the spoken word is powerful in the Roma community we decided that one
of the best ways to encourage Roma to use the Na!onal Careers Service was to
use posi!ve role models from their own community explaining how the Na!onal
Careers Service can help and support them. The film that we have produced during
the project - ‘Suppor!ng Roma’ will be on YouTube, local websites and distributed
to community groups working with Roma and also throughout the Na!onal Careers
Service network of advisers na!onally.
The barriers the Roma community iden!fied during our project were:
English Language level – this was common and key to all par!cipants this
hinders integra!on, as lessons can be too expensive or far away.
Everyday life in the UK - high price of food and accommoda!on, ge"ng used
to a different currency and health system, personal safety and expensive
Lack of available informa!on on jobs eg, pay, skills, job sectors, employment
law – this informa!on be difficult to find and understand.
No prac!cal help or advice from their country of origin.
Lack of prac!cal help with paperwork.
Lack of educa!on and qualifica!ons.
Low self-esteem/aspira!ons - if they could do anything in the world, no
ma&er what their qualifica!ons and experience were, many said their ideal
job would be a cleaner.
Lack of ICT skills.
Priori!es iden!fied by Roma to enable them to
support their job seeking
English Language
• Ideally free ESOL classes in their local area
• More opportunity to prac!ce language skills
• Help finding and accessing training courses.
• Help with applica!on forms, paperwork and phone calls
• Skills courses such as mechanics, police, interpreter, cooking
• Courses on job seeking, CV wri!ng etc.
• Courses would be be#er 2 days a week, during the day
Telephone Helpline
• All the Polish and Slovakian par!cipants agreed that if there was a
telephone helpline in their language they would use it (a helpline is
currently available in Polish through Na!onal Careers Service)
• However, the Czech par!cipants said they would not use a telephone
helpline, they would prefer face to face support from a trained adviser . Suggested support
Suggested Support
Ideally free ESOL courses in
the local area
No guarantee of free ESOL courses – need to
check local area provision.
Check out courses and learning on the Na•onal
Careers Service
website: h!ps://na"
Try a ‘Google’ search for local area
look at local college provision online or paper
More opportunity to
prac•ce language skills
Suggest joining a local support group for Roma
– see support services sec•on
Check out volunteer opportuni•es at
h!p://!ovolunteer (if
the client is confident to try this op•on)
Help finding and accessing
training courses. Skills
courses such as mechanics,
IT, interpreter, cooking.
Check out course and learning on the Na•onal
Careers Service
website: h!ps://na"
Try a ‘Google’ search for local area
look at local college provision online or paper
Help with applica•on forms,
paperwork and making
phone calls
Courses on job seeking, CV
wri•ng etc.
Face to face appointment with Na•onal Careers
Service adviser – 0800 100 900 and ask for
advisers in the local area (Polish helpline 0800
093 1114 – Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm)
Use the Na•onal Career Service website CV/job
search sec•on
Local Work Clubs specifically for Roma see
support services sec•on.
Support Agencies
The Laco Eastern European Migrants Project
The Thornbury Centre, Leeds Old Rd, Bradford, BD3 8JX
Tel: 01274 666649
Roma Matrix Project (Migra!on Yorkshire)
Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, 2nd Floor East, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 1UR
Tel: 0113 395 2448
Yorkshire and Humber Roma Matrix enquries
Email: john.donegan@migra!
Website: www.migra!
Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Service
6th Floor West, Merrion House, 110, Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8DT
Tel: 0113 395 2826
Halifax Central Ini!a!ve ( Roma Support Project)
Queen’s Road, Neighbourhood Centre, Halifax, HX1 4NE
Tel: 01422 365948
Website: h"p://
St Augus!ne’s, Family Centre
Hanson Lane, Halifax, HX1 5PG
Main centre:Tel: 01422 352492
Support cemtre: Tel: 01422 342719
Website: h"p://staugus!
Educa!on Service for New Communi!es and Travellers, Bradford
Children's Services, Future House, Bolling Road, Bradford BD4 7EB
Tel: 01274 385558
Email: newcommuni!
Website: h"p://
Further support
The Roma Support Group is a Roma-led registered charity working with east european Roma refugees
and migrants. Since 1998, they have been working with thousands of Roma families, offering them
a variety of services; engaging the Roma community in all aspects of running and managing the
organisa•on and promo•ng an understanding of Roma culture in the UK.
Their main aim is to improve the quality of life and combat the social exclusion of eastern european
Roma refugees and migrants. Their Art Development Project raises public awareness about Roma
culture, arts, history and contemporary issues through organising cultural workshops, music/dance
events, and art exhibi•ons.
website: h!p://
Roma Support Group
P.O. Box 23610
E7 0XB
Tel: General enquiries
0794 908 9778
020 7511 8245
Website: h!p://
ERGO Network for european Roma
ERGO campaigns for change for Roma by running posi•ve projects. With their partners, they run
groundbreaking campaigns for a posi•ve Roma iden•ty, reaching out to non-Roma, addressing
discrimina•on and advoca•ng suppor•ve policies for change. With the campaigns, they are
building networks, leadership, coopera•on and knowledge that strengthen Roma to become equal
stakeholders in society
Website: h!p://
REACT – Make Europe an Equal Place for Roma” is an interna•onal campaign that aims to change
nega•ve a!tudes and raise awareness on Roma exclusion and an•-gypsyism.
website: h!p://