BOISDALE CONTENTS The Boisdale Legend ............................................... 5 The Cunning Concept ............................................. 6 Simply the Food ........................................................ 8 Whisky at Heart ...................................................... 13 All That Jazz ............................................................ 14 Hand Rolled Cigars ................................................ 19 The Restaurant Seen ............................................. 22 Five Bars Named Boisdale .................................. 25 Boisdale Abroad ...................................................... 26 Branding .................................................................... 28 Boisdale vs competitors ....................................... 30 Management and Staff .......................................... 33 Marketing and Media ............................................ 34 Special Relationships and Sponsorship .......... 40 The Know How ........................................................ 43 Boisdale History ..................................................... 44 THE BOISDALE LEGEND Boisdale captures the essence of centuries of proud tradition with its warmth, informality and end of empire atmosphere, reminiscent of a highland country house. today, ranald Macdonald, the eldest son of the 24th chief of clanranald hosts Boisdale’s restaurants and bars. Boisdale is named after the remote port on the beautiful isle of South uist in the outer hebrides, off the northwest coast of Scotland. Boisdale was home to the Macdonalds of Boisdale – the senior cadet branch of the Macdonalds of clanranald, the largest and most anciently royal of all the highland clans. there are more than three million Macdonald clansmen throughout the world – all of whom can lay claim to this magnificent heritage, which has been charted down the generations. the Boisdale emblem is derived from the family crest - a seal stamped into the molten glass of an 18th century claret bottle found in the vicinity of castle tioram, ancient 13th century home to the Macdonalds of clanranald. the seal depicts the crest, a hand holding a sword, representing clanranald’s legendary fighting strength. it indicates the vintage as 1780 and has the crest and the family motto in gaelic “dhandeon co heiragha” that translates as “he who dares wins”. it is now the regimental motto for the SaS, Britain’s elite military fighting unit. PiPe Major in one of Scotland’S MoSt faMouS regiMentS, the King’S own ScottiSh BordererS, willie cochrane PlayS outSide BoiSdale on BurnS night in january 2007. boisdale | 5 CUNNING THE CONCEPT Since 1989 an eclectic crowd of regulars and destination diners have come to Boisdale to enjoy the superb Scottish fare, the best of whatever you could possibly want to drink (including the finest selection of malt whisky), classic hot jazz and handmade cuban cigars. around this core of truly excellent produce, wonderful entertainment and relaxing atmosphere revolves the bustling social life of Boisdale customers and the Boisdale jazz & cigar club members. it is the customers who are the real stars of the show and it is their place. it is not possible to typecast the Boisdale customer in terms of age, background, dress or profession – the only clearly defining characteristic is a love for what Boisdale has to offer. the “story” that contributes to Boisdale’s Scottish heritage and concept is engrossing and unequalled, providing customers with a true sense of authenticity, originality and provenance. Boisdale is a unique and successful Scottish restaurant, bar and jazz & cigar club formula, combining distinctive food, drink and entertainment within a warm, welcoming environment. ‘‘ Boisdale fulfils the wildest Jacobite fantasies with its tartan extravaganza and celebration of Scottish food and whisky… it has a terrific atmosphere and different areas to eat, drink, smoke fine cigars and listen to live music in.” harpers & Queen Macdonald Bar, BoiSdale of Belgravia 6 | boisdale SIMPLY THE FOOD wherever possible, Boisdale ingredients are sourced directly from Scotland – one of the world’s most magnificent larders with an unrivalled reputation for the finest beef, lamb, game and seafood. the most famous Scottish export after whisky - smoked salmon - comes to Boisdale from award-winning, small family-owned farms and smokehouses. lochcarnan hot-smoked salmon from the isle of South uist, dunkeld oak-smoked and wild Scottish salmon have won many awards and form an integral part of the Boisdale menu. Boisdale is in discussion with these two exemplary producers for exclusive contracts of supply for various international markets. other fish specialities include the diver-gathered orkney King scallops (for example, the famous Boisdale classic dish of pan-fried scallops, rosemary infused mashed potato, roast haggis and crispy bacon), loch ryan native oysters, organic west Minch salmon from South uist, sweet dill-pickled herring from the Summer isles, as well as abundant varieties of other seafood. gourmets can also delight in arguably the best beef in the world: 28-40 day matured purebred dry aged aberdeenshire steak as well as other remarkable meat that includes highland Black-face lamb which has grazed on salt-licked pastures of wild grasses and herbs and heather. Sourcing the greatest grass-fed aberdeenshire beef is crucial to Boisdale but equally so is the attention to detail involved in the dry ageing and the actual cutting. in this day and age these skills are fast being lost and the vast majority of British beef is poorly butchered, vacuum-packed and not aged on the bone, which is essential to achieve the real beef flavour that lingers for minutes on the palate. the very finest quality does come with a price, but once tasted it is undeniably worth it. consider alone the cost of transporting and storing beef on the bone compared to “vac” packed slabs of meat, cut in the abattoir immediately after slaughter. great beef is very labour and capital intensive. there are also so many shortcuts in the beef industry and even “Scottish” could simply mean that the cattle was “finished” in Scotland for the last three months. all the beef supplied to Boisdale is from the very best certified beef suckler herds of aberdeenshire. Boisdale is wild about game and all manner of chase and fowl find their way to the tables, be it red grouse - the ultimate game bird uniquely indigenous to Scotland 8 | boisdale ‘‘ Aged steaks are repeatedly deemed ‘incredible’, though the more adventurous enjoy Scottish-sourced treats, including fine haggis and offal. An old-school classic for those who enjoy the good life and absolutely love their food.” Square Meal and northern england or highland venison, the regulars’ favourite served hot smoked with a black truffle dressing. wild fowl, hare, partridge – all can be enjoyed in the Boisdale restaurants when in season. haggis, the unevolved medieval sausage, is the legendary national dish of Scotland, immortalised by poet robert Burns in the 18th century. the dish is much loved all over the world and at Boisdale it is served traditionally with mash & bashed neeps and a noggin of Scottish whisky. Macsween of edinburgh haggis is always used - made according to a family recipe handed down from generation to generation and which finally came to market more than 120 years ago. to add more flavour and texture to the haggis, we roast it rather than boil it. at Boisdale we believe that there are textural and flavoursome delights to be experienced from eating various parts of the animal and our chefs embrace snout to tail eating with offal of the day featured permanently on the house Specialities Menu. great Britain’s favourite dish of sausages and mash has reached new heights at Boisdale where they are made on the premises.head chef colin wint’s recipe for organic pork, black truffle, parsley and garlic sausages won restaurant Magazine’s award as the Best Sausages and Mash in the uK 2006. the Scots have always had an affinity for home baking as well as a sweet tooth, therefore puddings at Boisdale are taken very seriously. amongst many traditional desserts, a toasted sultana & rasin bread with strawberries and cream or the more elaborate cranachan made with toasted oatmeal steeped in whisky and folded into whipped cream flavoured with fresh raspberries, regularly feature on the dessert menu. Scottish berries, in particular raspberries and strawberries, are exceptionally tasty and present, in the summer, a lighter option to a traditional pudding. Boisdale is a luxury destination restaurant concept with little passing trade; the pricing policy attracts an interesting cross-section of customers, drawn by one or more of the aspects of the Boisdale concept i.e. design and ambiance, Scottish cuisine, live jazz or the phenomenal range of cigars, whisky, quality spirits, wine and cocktails. Boisdale customers recognise that Scotland is one of the world’s finest larders and they are prepared to pay premiums for her produce. AWARDS • evening Standard Magazine Top Three Burns Night Hotspots 2011 • Financial Times Top Five Cigars’n’Bars 2011 • tatler Top Eight British Restaurants 2011 • Imbibe Top Seven Whisky Bars 2011 • evening Standard food Magazine London Top Five Burgers 2011 • GQ Magazine The Top Ten Political Restaurants 2009 • the restaurant Magazine Winner - UK’s Best Game Dish Award 2007 • GQ Magazine 10 Top London Dinner Restaurants 2007 • the times newspaper 10 British Top restaurants in the UK 2007 • The Restaurant Magazine Winner - UK’s Best Sausage Award 2006 • hotel & restaurant Magazine Winner - Fish Dish Awards 2005 • Harpers and Queen Premier Cru Awards • winner - independent restaurant of the year 1999 • Time Out Restaurant Guide Critics choice in the British Restaurant section 1994 and 1998 the fineSt, naturally reared aBerdeenShire Beef MaKeS uP the SuPerB BoiSdale SteaK cutS, which are dry aged and graSS-fed for excePtional flavour. ‘‘ the whiSKy Bar, BoiSdale of canary wharf 10 | boisdale The Boisdale’s Scottish theme really begins and ends with its whiskies - a mind boggling collection of special blends and Highlands & Islands malts” time out WHISKY HEART AT WHISKY FACTS* • The value of Scotch whisky exports surged by 22% in the first six months of 2011, with the equivalent of 570m bottles of whisky sold overseas after sales soared in Asia and South America. • Foreign shipments of blended and malt whisky were worth £1.8bn, compared with £1.47bn in the first half of 2010, despite the global economic downturn, the relative high cost of whisky and depressed overseas sales by other British exporters. • The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) said that the strongest sales increases were in Asia, rising by 33% to £423m, and in Central and South America, where the value of exports jumped by nearly 50% to £214m. Sales in the US hit £268m, up 14%, and in France rose by 13%, up to £220m. *Source: the Scottish government website September 2011 the BoiSdale liMited edition range of Malt whiSKieS: caol ila 1996, a Peaty iSlay Malt in a diStinctive atlantic green livery; the 1972 glen grant, a faMouSly rich SPeySide in “heather PurPle”; and clyneliSh 1992 – a coMPlex highland draM froM the north eaSt coaSt diStinguiShed By itS livery of BoiSdale red. Boisdale is arguably the greatest whisky bar on earth. with 1000 carefully selected whiskies on its list, Boisdale serves its customers nearly 49,000 glasses of fine malt whisky a year.this extraordinary selection of malt whisky is complemented by a wide range of single grain, premium blended, irish and american whiskies. the menu is comprehensively annotated with tasting notes and bottling details and also contains a guide to the Scotch whisky regions.worldwide consumers are looking for brand led quality, sophistication and authenticity, which Scottish whisky has in abundance and Boisdale is uniquely positioned to harness and exploit. royal warrant holders, Berry Bros. & rudd, Britain’s most prestigious wine and spirit merchant and one of the oldest in the world, has joined forces with Boisdale to launch the Boisdale limited edition range of Malt whiskies. ranald Macdonald of Boisdale and doug Mcivor of Berry Bros. combined their love of whisky and their many years of expertise to produce caol ila 1996, a peaty islay malt in a distinctive atlantic green livery; the 1972 glen grant, a famously rich Speyside in “heather purple”; and the final member of this trio of exclusive whiskies, clynelish 1992 – a complex highland dram from the north east coast distinguished by its livery of Boisdale red. the individual whisky casks were selected for their unique character and expression and each label indicates the distillery, the date the whisky went into cask, the bottling date, the cask number and the number of bottles produced. these vintage whiskies have not been subjected to chill-filtering (so there is more of the individual cask character). they are bottled at 42% vol. Boisdale whiskies are akin to a live recording as opposed to the mechanics of digital studio recording where a master blender of any particular distillery must blend all the casks available to him to create the “house” style. Boisdale has an unsurpassed whisky expertise and reputation. It is perfectly positioned to spread across all borders as the world’s most authentic Scottish whisky bar and restaurant. boisdale | 13 ALL JAZZ THAT Boisdale of canary wharf offers one of the most exciting live music line-ups in the capital. jools holland, the legendary piano maestro and ex-Squeeze musician is the Boisdale Patron of Music. with the ability to seat up to 220 guests, a world-class sound and stage system and jools holland’s music guardianship, Boisdale of canary wharf is set to become one of london’s most inspirational music venues to open in decades. the programme highlights have included performances by the likes of eight-time grammy award winner chucho valdes whilst regular nights feature Mojo Mondays and jazz fM’s discovery Show. Boisdale of Belgravia is home to the Boisdale Blue rhythm Band performing live jazz from the '30s, '40s and '50s each evening from Monday to Saturday between 10pm and midnight. importantly, there is not a “no talking policy” during performances at Boisdale and the music is amplified at a sound level that does not prohibit conversation. the Boisdale Blue rhythm Band is a traditional jam band which forms a quartet or quintet each evening from a portfolio of over 100 of Britain’s finest jazz exponents togetherwith regular guest stars from overseas. the music is always improvised as it traditionally used to be in the golden age of jazz. a quote from richard Pite, Boisdale Music director, best describes Boisdale jazz: "the line up and style changes nightly - i mix and match the players so that when they walk through the door they usually have no idea who they'll be working with (quite a few musicians have met for the first time at Boisdale). i like this set up - it keeps the music fresh and spontaneous and every night there's an infectious buzz on stage. customers at Boisdale don't come to the music with a reverential attitude, they talk, laugh and often dance - i like to think that the atmosphere in the club is similar to what you would have found on new york's 52nd Street in its heyday in the 30s and 40s." Boisdale digitally record live performances and have produced a range of cds which will soon be available to download from the internet. Boisdale is the most atmospheric improvised hot jazz venue in london with music that does not exclude anyone - all generations can enjoy it. conversation with friends or contemplative listening over a glass of whisky – this relaxed quality brings Boisdale far closer to the classic bars and clubs of old where the music was one of many great reasons to be out at night. BritiSh MuSic icon, Singer, coMPoSer and televiSion PreSenter joolS holland iS BoiSdale Patron of MuSic. ‘‘ One of the finest jazz clubs in the land” tatler Magazine giBSon guitarS on Stage at BoiSdale of canary wharf. ‘‘ BoiSdale of canary wharf PreSentS the BeSt in jazz, BlueS and Soul Six nightS a weeK. 16 | boisdale As if being the biggest restaurant in Canary Wharf wasn’t enough, this new drinking and dining establishment also boasts the world’s largest whisky bar and a music venue backed by Jools Holland which is willing to compete with Ronnie Scott’s.” harpers HAND CIGARS ROLLED Boisdale has probably the most comprehensive choice of handmade cuban cigars of any restaurant in the world. Boisdale has nurtured relationships with suppliers over the years that enable it now to offer old and rare cigars that simply cannot be found elsewhere. its collection includes over 110 different sizes and vintages from seventeen different brands and all stored in perfect condition. a 16 square metre walk-in humidor (with members’ cigar lockers) contains one of london’s finest selections supplied by hunters & frankau as well as one of the uK’s best collections of vintage cuban cigars provided by Mitch orchant of c.gars ltd. cigar shop customers are allowed to sample cigars indoors before making a purchase. ‘‘ cigar huMidor, BoiSdale of Belgravia It is Boisdale’s extras that transform a great meal into an event... Anyone would think they want you to have a good time” financial times BoiSdale of canary wharf BoaStS the largeSt walK-in huMidor in euroPe and a ShoP in which to taSte the fineSt hand rolled havanaS. ‘‘ The world’s most individualistic style bar and restaurant.” hot tickets 20 | boisdale the terrace at BoiSdale of canary wharf overlooKing the fountainS of caBot SQuare offerS Stunning viewS to the thaMeS and the city of london SKyline whilSt the tartan uPholStered arMchairS and SofaS Provide a coMfortaBle environMent in which to enjoy a lunch, dinner or SiMPly SMoKe a cigar or SiP a cocKtail. THE RESTAURANT SEEN the distinctive design of deep reds and greens and rich mahogany panelling with the famous collection of classical and modern artwork and the offbeat memorabilia (for example, amongst the 18th and 19th century rifles and swords hangs a Kalashnikov rifle presented by general Kalashnikov in person to ranald Macdonald at Boisdale in 2004), embellished with a dash of Macdonald tartan, make Boisdale restaurants feel homely and welcoming. when candles and cigars glow and the music swings hypnotically there is a definite fin de siecle feel in the air. here, generations span and people meet for companionship and conversation. from suited captains of industry, corporates and politicians to young cognoscenti in jeans and destination tourists, Boisdale genuinely offers something for everyone. ‘‘ 22 | boisdale The English should plunder the Scot’s treasures available in this early 19th century townhouse (Boisdale) whose dark rooms evoke the air of a Scottish castle” the financial times the jacoBite rooM, BoiSdale of Belgravia FIVE BARS BOISDALE NAMED whereas they are often described as reminiscent of “a gentlemen’s club”, the bars at Boisdale are never perceived as austere, stuffy, conservative or elitist. friendly and comfortable, they are a welcoming and safe environment in which to have a convivial drink for men and women alike. the bartenders know all the regulars and a degree of networking takes place with many a deal and marriage started at Boisdale. a careful low-key door policy is enforced to ensure an appropriate conduct by all guests. the styles of Bar, whilst all instantly recognisable as “Boisdale”, range from white marble-topped oyster bar, to zinc cocktail bar and the traditional British pub. Boisdale bars are famous for their whiskies and attract serious whisky connoisseurs. nevertheless, lovers of beers, cask-conditioned ales, exceptional wine, traditional cocktails or specialist spirits from aged rums to fine cognac or designer vodkas will not be disappointed. the Boisdale wine list features over 200 wines. from ripe, rich and round to crisp, flowery and fruity, it offers some outstanding wines many of which are rarely seen in the uK, made by independent growers too small to supply retail chains or supermarkets. the wine list is ever-evolving, changed and updated at least twice a week. each wine is individually tasted, selected and appreciated by ranald Macdonald and the Boisdale staff and the tasting notes are mostly written in-house. we ship directly from Burgundy, Bordeaux, champagne, rhône, the loire and Southern france and also have an extensive selection of wines from the new world. the oySter & chaMPagne Bar, BoiSdale of BiShoPSgate additionally 20 grande Marques champagne houses are listed including laurent Perrier, Bollinger, veuve clicquot, Besserat de Bellefon, louis roederer and Pol roger. Boisdale nv was registered in champagne as a Marque in 1987 and is made by georges gardet in chigny-les-roses. it is a blend in equal proportions of chardonnay, Pinot noir and Pinot Meunier from 98% Premier cru rated vineyardsand aged for a minimum of six years. ‘‘ If you feel faintly intimidated by the moneyed clientele monogrammed cufflinks and club ties - you won’t be for long; this is a laid-back place that’s designed for relaxation. Highly recommended” time out Pubs & Bars boisdale | 25 BOISDALE ABROAD THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY founded in 1989, Boisdale has evolved slowly and matured gradually in a much loved restaurant and bar group with a worldwide reputation for quality, congeniality and service. it is irrefutably original and authentic and stands out among most other restaurants and bars because of its refusal to follow standard formulas and fashion. Boisdale brings together eclectic core elements that are stirred by dedicated staff and civilised clientele: Scotland, cigars, jazz with fine food, whisky and wine; by pure coincidence the principal loves of proprietor and founder, ranald Macdonald. like many Scots before, Boisdale is now seeking new horizons. Business partners and operators who are enthusiastic about Boisdale values and promise and who can be as passionate in delivery as the home base will have the opportunity to develop the first Boisdale restaurant and Bar in a number of selected international markets and cities. through these partnerships Boisdale has the potential to develop into a new international brand in the principal Scottish whisky markets of the world within major worldwide cities, faithfully recreated and skillfully managed at local level. in a modern world, Boisdale offers the very finest from ages past. ‘‘ It’s hard to find a better venue in London for food, drink, service... and all that jazz.” hot tickets 26 | boisdale the BacK Bar, BoiSdale of Belgravia BRANDING JAZZ & CIGAR CLUB FOOD MEMBERSHIP, EVENTS, BRAND LOYALTY, QUIRKINESS, MERCHANDISE SCOTLAND, THE WORLD’S FINEST LARDER WHISKY FRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL, RELAXED EXTENSIVE SELECTION, “THE AMBER WALL” THE WORLD’S LEADING SCOTTISH RESTAURANT WHISKY BAR AND JAZZ & CIGAR CLUB STAFF, SERVICE, HOSPITALITY END OF EMPIRE AND HIGHLAND COUNTRY CUBA, LUXURY PRODUCT THE MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD CIGARS THE BEST FROM THE WORLD’S CELLAR BeSPoKe crocKery with the BoiSdale logo Made By french Porcelain Manufacturer Pillivuyt WINE DISTINCTIVE DESIGN AMBIENCE, TIMELESS APPEAL THE LEGEND & HISTORY ‘30s, ‘40s & ‘50s HOT JAZZ BoiSdale Brand eleMentS 28 | boisdale boisdale | 29 BOISDALE COMPETITORS VS MarKet estimates are not available for steak sales in the restaurant sector. however, according to research conducted on behalf of Knorr Bouillon in summer 2011 steak restaurants are top choice for diners and steaks are one of the top five dishes eaten out of home. furthermore, consumers are happy to pay more for a steak in a restaurant or hotel than in a pub, with almost half prepared to spend up to £17. 20% of those surveyed said they would be comfortable paying up to £21 for a great steak dish. consumer eating out habits have changed over the past 18 months with diners being more price conscious than ever therefore less likely to take risks with food when eating out and opting for favourites such as steak which is a top choice. coMPetition this trend has been reflected in recent months which have seen a string of new london openings of popular steak-focussed restaurants, including hawksmoor covent garden, jamie oliver’s Barbecoa at one new change, high timber near St Paul’s, russian-owned goodman, wolfgang Puck’s cut at 45 Park lane and 34 grosvenor Square (opening in november 2011). the newly open restaurants compete for business with well-established 30 | boisdale steakhouses such as Smiths of Smithfields, Big easy and Sophie’s Steakhouse and traditional establishments - the wolseley or the ritz. there are several factors that contribute to Boisdale success and set us apart from competitors in the tough london market: • good reputation established over 23 years • Super quality beef which does not come cheap but still is affordable • Provenance - Scottish beef is perceived as superior to american or argentine beef • the full Boisdale offering and unique selling points; in addition to great beef we serve fantastic shellfish, lamb, pork, fish, whiskies, cuban cigars and offer live music which adds to the great ambiance • Boisdale has a unique appeal and is not perceived as a chain despite having three london outlets ‘‘ 10 best steak restaurants in london as listed by Square Meal (november 2011) Big easy, Boisdale of Belgravia, Buen air, gaucho Piccadilly, goodman, hawsksmoore Spitalfields, Maze grill, rivington grill, Smiths of Smithfields, Sophie’s Steakhouse. BoiSdale of BiShoPSgate head chef neil churchill Carnivore’s dream” evening Standard boisdale | 31 MANAGEMENT AND Boisdale Plc is a group that currently encompasses the following companies: Boisdale of Belgravia, Boisdale of Bishopsgate, Boisdale canary wharf, Boisdale gastro inns ltd, Boisdale international ltd and havana holdings guernsey ltd.* Boisdale Plc has a successful track record in joint ventures and co-branded business partnerships. with terence conran and the conran group, the company developed floridita which launched in london’s west end in 2004 and in Spain with Sol Meliã in 2007. the Board of directors is fully supported by operational heads of departments in charge of over 200 employees. Boisdale has a policy of developing staff loyalty through a process of management and paying above the industry average which results in a very low turnover of staff and a relaxed rapport between staff and customers. the employee training encompasses many areas with a special focus on team work, providing customers with an outstanding experience as well as product knowledge, especially when it comes to food provenance, whisky and cigars. * for the corporate structure diagram please refer to the appendix. guy Monard, the longeSt Serving MeMBer of Staff with caMille laville, waitreSS at BoiSdale of Belgravia the Boisdale international Management team includes: Dag Palmer, Chairman: Boisdale Plc shareholder and active investor for private family interests. track record for backing successful early stage and growth invesments. Background in corporate finance, tax and management consultancy with KPMg, volvo and visa card. Ranald Macdonald, Managing Director: he established Boisdale as a wine merchant in 1985. Boisdale evolved into the restaurant business which started with six staff in 1989. Boisdale today employs around 120 people and serves approximately 120,000 meals per annum. ranald and his wife Kate currently own 51% of Boisdale. Damian Riley-Smith, Director: damian joined Schroder ventures, the uK’s first global venture capital business in 1987, before moving to Britain’s largest private magazine company, haymarket Publishing, where he ran various divisions from 1990 to 1997. in 1998 he established his own business, Paragraph Publishing, which publishes and manages awards, events, magazines, books, customer magazines and web sites in the drinks, travel and food sectors. leading publications and web sites are whisky Magazine and, Scotland Magazine and and the business also hosts the world’s largest series of drinks shows, whisky live, now held in more than 20 cities worldwide. STAFF Andrew Macdonald, Director: ceo of havana holdings ltd. after a few years in management consultancy with alexander Proudfoot inc, he spent the last ten years overseas, initially based in eastern europe followed by living throughout South america and most recently the uSa. he spent a number of years working as a Project director for Knox d’arcy assisting the chilean government in the diversification of the economy, later was appointed latin american director for MaSt a consultancy company. he then became the americas ceo for a canadian information technology company, jobshark inc. Jackie Elliot, Brand Director of Boisdale International: formerly Marketing director of rolex worldwide and prior to joining rolex, an executive vice President of Manning Selvage & lee, the global public relations firms within the Publicis group. also, a chairman of the uK’s Public relations consultants association (Prca) she now heads the corporate and marketing communications company, cathcart consulting, with clients including tottenham hotspur and the gala coral group. Barbara Widera, Marketing Director: over 10 years marketing restaurants, hotels and private members clubs including the conran group (opening of Mezzo and Bluebird, london), hilton hotels (launch of aquasia complex at the conrad international in chelsea harbour) and Soho house plc (opening of Soho house, electric house, and Soho house new york amongst others). boisdale | 33 MARKETING MEDIA AND advertiSing and Pr Boisdale receives a substantial amount of press coverage because it provides diverse Pr angles for bar, restaurant, lifestyle, food, drink, travel and design media. we have a good relationship with the local, national and some international press and Boisdale jazz & cigar club has a long list of members many of whom are journalists and enthusiastic ambassadors. relationships are developed with a small number of key media calculated to reach customers of fine dining as well as jazz or cigar enthusiasts. in the uK Boisdale uses advertising tactically to draw attention to specific events or seasonal activity. Public and media relations play an important part and would be expected to provide the same useful exposure in other markets through reaching out to press, magazine and broadcast commentators via a host of different activities across a variety of different subjects such as whisky expertise, restaurant reviews, wine tastings, events and listings and so on. MarKeting toolS the Boisdale jazz & cigar club and events: the Boisdale jazz & cigar club is a hub around which revolve social lives of its members. the club’s events - often three or four a month - introduce new, potentially high profile individuals to Boisdale and provide an additional source of income at quieter trading times (e.g. Monday nights). the Boisdale jazz & cigar club and events build and encourage loyalty and provide sponsorship and partnership opportunities for high profile drinks, food and lifestyle brands. Boisdale events create an opportunity for press coverage and through them Boisdale also reaches the membership bases of its other marketing partners: Quintessentially (350,000 members), innerplace (3,000 members) and the renaissance club (10,000 members). 34 | boisdale exaMPleS of BoiSdale eventS: Annual Events • england vs Scotland rugby calcutta cup • the grand national • the Boisdale derby • the grouse dinner • Boisdale Boules doubles open • valentine’s day • havana cigar festival jaunt • Burns night / week • the great Scot award Special Events • Polo days • golf days • Sabrage parties • charity auctions Regular Events • celebrity jazz guest Star evenings • wine, Sherry, Port, champagne and cognac dinners hosted by winemaker / producer • whisky tastings hosted by master distiller • fine chocolate tastings • cigar dinners and tastings BoiSdale ShoP – MerchandiSe the current range of Boisdale merchandise includes: Boisdale labelled whisky and champagne * cds of live Boisdale jazz recordings * Polo shirts and umbrellas * cigar cases and humidors * china * Silver and glassware * wine * cigars Since its inception in june 1999, the Macdonald Bar at Boisdale of Belgravia has been home to some of london’s finest hot jazz performances recorded live for posterity on Boisdale branded cds. the cds and other merchandise, including branded whisky and champagne, proved to be an invaluable marketing tool as they increased the Boisdale brand exposure, enhanced our image and led to opening of new markets. Boisdale cds were also an effective tool in attracting sponsorship for several special events including the annual jazz festival in august. Boisdale clothing like caps, polo shirts and club ties help to foster a sense of belonging amongst the Boisdale jazz & cigar club members and provide an additional source of revenue; most of the sales take place online requiring little administration, time and effort on part of the staff. BoiSdale liMited edition highland Malt whiSKy waS featured in aPril 2007 iSSue of wallPaPer* Magazine weBSite & eMailS the Boisdale website is a carefully constructed and targeted advertisement designed to attract potential new customers as well as build awareness and provide information and support for the existing clientele with up-to-date menus, wine lists, current events, etc. (in-house managed). the website receives an average of 21,000 hits and 41,000 visits per month. visually appealing, fun, informative and easy to navigate it acts as a genuine brand enhancement. the website has a sign-up facility which is an excellent way of attracting new, mostly younger, clientele to the company and provides valuable database and statistics on how people hear about us. the website is a good direct sales tool offering a shopping facility for purchasing Boisdale food, whisky and merchandise. the event emails and online version of the Boisdale telegraph (the club newsletter) reach over 18,000 people on the Boisdale database and 363,000 per year on affiliated databases. the online newsletter is an effective reminder as well as an excellent sales tool. for many years Boisdale explored the opportunities of third party marketing which resulted in establishing good working relationships with various companies from top table, Square Meal and last Minute through credit card partners including american express and centurion to lifestyle management companies like 10uK and Quintessentially. the tailor-made events, promotions and offers resulted in reaching new audiences and providing additional revenue streams for Boisdale. BoiSdale telegraPh the Boisdale telegraph is a quirky bi-monthly vintage-looking newspaper containing news, events information and articles on various subjects relating to food, drink and entertainment. the newspaper fulfils several functions: • it is the Boisdale jazz & cigar club newsletter • it is a valuable sponsorship raising tool (the print & design costs have been fully sponsored in the past years, six issues per year) • it acts as a press release, enhances the company’s exposure and acts as an advertisement • the Boisdale telegraph serves as a members’ forum and effectively promotes the club events and Boisdale merchandise whiSKy Boisdale serves its customers nearly 25,000 fine whiskies a year and the restaurants and bars are where aficionados of fine whiskies gather. Scotch whisky, along with champagne, is the ultimate aspirational and celebratory drink in the world and Boisdale offers a perfect environment in which to enjoy it. whisky has great marketing potential due to its universal appeal and sophisticated image and it offers a perfect link into corporate activity through tastings and events. it is increasingly appealing to new and younger markets including women, mainly through being used in cocktails. as a spirit, it has a peerless reputation for purity (malt Scotch whisky in particular) and its production standards set a benchmark by which all others are measured. for example, malt whisky can only be made from three natural ingredients - malted barley, yeast and pure water and no distillery on Speyside (Scotland’s whisky region) takes the water for distillation directly from the river Spey; it is sourced only from springs and burns (streams) to guarantee the highest product quality. Boisdale has close relationships with the whisky Magazine and the whisky live show both of which have a worldwide audience and appeal as well as strong working relationships with the most prestigious whisky brands, such as Macallan, highland Park and glenrothes. the BoiSdale jazz and cigar cluB MeMBerS on their way to the ePSoM derBy 2006 boisdale | 37 ‘‘ the johnnie walKer Blue laBel great Scot award 2011 at BoiSdale of canary wharf. annie lennox oBe accePted the great Scot award for charity. lifetiMe achieveMent award went to Songwriter Bill Martin (right). the event waS co-hoSted By the inaugural winner racing legend Sir jacKie Stewart (left). Boisdale brings together eclectic core elements that are stirred by dedicated staff and civilised clientele: Scotland cigars, jazz with fine food, whisky and wine” the aBSolute BoiSdale Bloody Mary coMPetiton 2005 SPECIAL RELATIONSHIPS AND SPONSORSHIP Boisdale has special relationships with many food, drink and lifestyle luxury brands. these brands have provided sponsorship and support in the past in the uK and we would expect these relationships to continue and evolve in international markets. Most of the associate brands (listed below) see Boisdale as the perfect environment in which to experience their product and provide a direct one-on-one interaction with customers. associate brands: ASSOCIATES: PARTNERS: MARTELL XO PERRIER-JOUET BERRY BROS. & RUDD THE MACALLAN HIGHLAND PARK JOHNNIE WALKER KETEL ONE THE FAMOUS GROUSE VEUVE CLICQUOT CHARLES HEIDSIECK 40 | boisdale POL ROGER RUSSIAN STANDARD ABSOLUT FINLANDIA YOUNGS BREWERY DUNKELD SMOKED SALMON HUNTERS AND FRANKAU TAYLOR’S PORT MAISON SICHEL LOUIS LATOUR ARDBEG BAILIE NICOL GLENMORANGIE GLENFIDDICH CHIVAS REGAL DALMORE JURA WHYTE & MACKAY BOWMORE LAURENT-PERRIER PERRIER JOUET SCHWEPPES HAVANA CLUB QUINTA DE LA ROSA PORT PLYMOUTH GIN REMY MARTIN COINTREAU SCOTTISH COURAGE BREWERY WEST MINCH ORGANIC SALMON SALA HOT SMOKED SALMON MCSWEEN HAGGIS KEZIE HIGHLAND GAME KALLIN FISHERIES SUMMER ISLES FOODS ROSSMORE OYSTERS HABANOS the BoiSdale encloSure at the ePSoM derBy 2007 KNOW HOW SUPPORT FOR THE NEW BOISDALE PARTNERS our experienced and knowledgeable team will devote the necessary time and provide the required support for the partner to set up the Boisdale concept abroad. the assistance will be given in the following areas: Brand rights operational brand manuals Menu development, design and sourcing of the principal Scottish ingredients whisky and wine list development, design, content and sourcing restaurant / bar design layout Sourcing original artwork Sourcing antique fixtures and fittings e.g. panelling, chandeliers, stags heads, etc. training launch team and long term staff selection jazz musicians cigar or cuban cigar selection (in the uS after the embargo is lifted) existing merchandise and merchandise development Boisdale branded crockery, silverware, china and glassware launch and ongoing marketing and Pr expertise Pre-launch marketing and Pr activities are planned as follows: • recruit members of the Boisdale jazz & cigar club – a number of founder members with lifelong membership who will form the nucleus of the club and members with an annual renewable membership, distribute welcome letters, packs and membership cards • Build awareness amongst the corporate clientele (third party promotions and companies direct) and local businesses and community through a series of sumptuous Scottish banquets, dinners, lunches and tastings focused on food, whisky, cigars, wine and when appropriate, jazz (sponsored by the Boisdale associate brands e.g. Macallan, veuve clicquot, habanos, etc.) • introduce event organisers to Boisdale • Prepare press releases and media packs • include Boisdale in the main bar and restaurant guides: speak to editors and reviewers and submit information on the venues. • target local, regional and national bar, restaurant, lifestyle, food, drink, travel and design media: newspapers, magazines, online publications, radio, television for lifestyle features, reviews and profiles on Boisdale • design and launch the local website • Produce any relevant collateral • design and launch an online newsletter • Put together an annual calendar of sponsored events e.g. Burns night, St. andrews day, halloween • Plan a timeline of activities and sponsored club events e.g. tastings, dinners, jazz concerts, etc. Staghead, BoiSdale of BiShoPSgate 42 | boisdale boisdale | 43 BOISDALE HISTORY legend has it that an early King of dalriada in the 7th century from whom the clanranald’s directly descend created a contest between his two sons to decide which would succeed him to lead his war - torn kingdom. they were taken to the banks of a sea loch (lake) and each given a coracle (a small hide and timber boat) and a simple paddle. the first to reach a sacred island in the middle of the loch was to be his heir. the old king favoured his younger son and had sought with the race to find a way of diverting the succession from his eldest son and natural successor. it was a still, solemn and perfect day and on a shouted order the two young men began to furiously make their way towards the island. as they approached the final distance to the island’s rocky shore the eldest son began taking a lead and was clearly about to win. at this point the youngest son took his dirk (short sword) from its scabbard and in one swift movement hacked his hand off at the wrist and then taking his severed hand in his one remaining hand hurled his dismembered hand at the island to win the contest as the first to touch the island. Since that time the clanranald crest holds a particular poignancy to those who are aware of the history. there are two family mottos – gaelic and english. the english motto, “My hope is constant in thee” was said by robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, to angus og lord of the isles, ancestor of the Macdonald’s of clanranald at the battle of Bannockburn on 22nd june 1322. robert the Bruce supposedly shouted these words in the heat of Scotland’s most famous battle. angus og had promised his support to the Scottish King; he arrived late in the nick of time at the head of his force of over 1000 men from the isles saving the day and ensuring Scotland’s greatest victory over the english. it is tempting to imagine that the sentence uttered, which was to became the family motto, might have been said after the battle in the comfort of victory and that in the midst of the fighting with fortune seemingly turning against him the Scottish King on seeing angus og may well have said something more to the effect of, “where the …. have you been.” from that time the clanranald’s always fought in the position of highest honour to the right of the King. 44 | boisdale the clanranald family played an important leading role in the most romantic, but ultimately tragic, chapter in Scotland’s history: the jacobite rebellion in 1745, which culminated in the routing of the highland army at the battle of culloden in 1746. it was the younger of clanranald who was one of the first to offer support, with 700 fighting men, for the young pretender Prince charles edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince charlie), whose father james iii had ennobled clanranald as lord clanranald, Premier Baron of the jacobite court. the Standard for the jacobite army was raised at glenfinnan in the heart of clanranald territory. clanranald’s daughter, flora Macdonald, became a national heroine when she, with phenomenal courage, helped the young Prince escape the english hanoverian army during a series of daring escapades, during the process of which she supposedly won his heart. a bounty of £5000 had been placed on his head and execution was the penalty for anyone discovered to have assisted him. Bonnie Prince charlie eventually made it to italy and though he was the rightful King of england, Scotland and wales he was never crowned charles iii. Sadly, although his adventures spawned hundreds of melancholic laments, he did not produce an heir. as a result, no more claims were made against the hanovarian succession of 1715 and their descendents, the current royal family, now speak english rather than german as their mother tongue. the vast clanranald territories were sold by reginald george Macdonald, the sixth Baron clanranald and 20th chief and captain of clanranald, for £240,000 in 1837 to pay gambling debts incurred whilst a Member of Parliament living in london. ranald Macdonald younger of clanranald, eldest son of ranald Macdonald the 24th chief and captain of clanranald, in 1988 conquered a small territory in london (a few minutes walk from Buckingham Palace) without force of arms. wielding great Scottish culinary produce and stunning malt whiskies as the weapons of war to the sound of classic jazz (instead of the bagpipes) Boisdale is now established as the embassy for Scotland within the capital of the united Kingdom of Scotland, england, wales and northern ireland. ranald Macdonald and BaroneSS thatcher APPENDIX Oyster Bar menu Menu - reverse A La Carte menu THE DISTINCTIVE DESIGN MERCHANDISE - THE BOISDALE ONLINE SHOP BOISDALE OF BELGRAVIA 15 eccleston Street, Belgravia london Sw1w 9lx tel: 020 7730 6922 fax: 020 7730 0548 BOISDALE OF BISHOPSGATE Swedeland court, 202, Bishopsgate london ec2M 4nr tel: 020 7283 1763 fax: 020 7283 1664 BOISDALE OF CANARY WHARF cabot Place, canary wharf london, e14 4Qt tel: 020 7715 5818 fax: 0844 871 8283 W W W.BOISDALE.CO.UK LAMB AT HINDON the lamb inn, hindon wiltshire SP3 6dP tel: 01747 820 573 fax: 01747 820 605
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