05/01/2015 1st call for proposals, June 2014 Selected Operations 1.Euro-Med Business Roadshows (in south ENI) TITLE LEADER PARTNERS Carrefour d’Affaires et de Technologies « CAT’2014 » www.catapi.tn Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation AGRIFOOD LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT ROADSHOW DATE PLACE CONTACT (Leader) Fondation EMDC (Italy), INTERTRADE CCIAA Salerno (Italy), Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie te de Services de Casablanca (Morocco), Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana October 16-18, 2014 S.c.p.A. (Italy) Tunisia Kamel Ouerfelli kamel.ouerfelli@api.com.tn CEEBA – Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations ASCAME (Spain), EMDC Foundation (Italy) Alexandria (Egypt) Alaa Ezz ezztips@link.net Agro-Med Biz Roadshow www.salon-agriculture.ma ACCIO - Agència de Suport a l’Empresa Catalana Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Casablanca (Morocco), UnionCamere April 23-28, 2015 del Veneto (Italy), Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana S.c.p.A (Italy) Siam, Meknes (Morocco) Alberto Ratti aratti@gencat.cat Criée des startups IRD Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation (Tunisia), Agence pour la Coopération Internationale et le développement local en Méditerranée (France) April 29-30, 2015 Hammamet (Tunisia) Régis Ferron regis.ferron@ird.fr AGROTECH in MED www.sipsa-dz.net Polish Chamber of Commerce CCI of Dahra (Algeria), Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie te de Services de Casablanca (Morocco), CEIPIEMONTE (Italy), CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE LA HONGRIE MKIK (Hungary) May 14-17, 2015 Alger (Algeria) AgnieszkA SALAMONCZYK asalamonczyk@kig.pl ROADSHOW EUROMED INVEST POLLUTEC ALGERIE 2015 www.siee-pollutec.com CCI DE REGION RHONECCI DE DAHRA (Algeria), AMEC (Spain) ALPES May 25-28, 2015 Oran (Algeria) Michel Beyet beyet@rhone-alpes.cci.fr EU-MED CONNECT TO BUSINESS www.pollutec-maroc.com CEIPIEMONTE PROMOFIRENZE (Italy), POLISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Poland), CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE D’INDUSTRIE ET DE SERVICES DE CASABLANCA (Morocco) October 15-18, 2015 Casablanca (Morocco) Anna lisa GAMBA annalisa.gamba@centroestero.org GREEN BATiMED www.sib.ma Polish Chamber of Commerce La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Lettonie (Latvia), CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE, D’INDUSTRIE DU DAHRA (Algeria), CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE, L’INDUSTRIE ET DE SERVICES DE CASABLANCA (Morocco) November 23-27, 2016 Casablanca (Morocco) AgnieszkA SALAMONCZYK asalamonczyk@kig.pl December 6-7, 2014 05/01/2015 1st call for proposals, June 2014 Selected Operations 2. EU Mediterranean Roadshows (in EU) TITLE LEADER PARTNERS DATE PLACE CONTACT (Leader) Tech Agrifood www.cibustec.it www.b2match.eu/techagrifood2014 CCIFM CEIPIEMONTE (Italy), CCIA-BML (Lebanon) October 29-30, 2014 Parme (Italy) Silvia BOZZUTO entreprises-agroalimentaire@ccif-marseille.com EUROMED SMART MOBILITY WORLD MATCHMAKING – ITN 2014 www.itnexpo.it www.smartmobilityworld.net CEIPIEMONTE UNIONCAMERE PIEMONTE (Italy), CCIFM (France), CCI of Dahra (Algeria) November 12-14, 2014 Turin (Italy) Anna lisa GAMBA annalisa.gamba@centroestero.org MED-FOODTECH: EU Mediterranean Roadshow HISPACK & BTA 2015 www.hispack.com Amec CCI of Dahra (Algeria), the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (Egypt), Izmir Development Agency (Turkey). April 22-23, 2015 Barcelona (Spain) Gala DE BASTIDA gbastida@amec.es MEDA-LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT ROADSHOW www.silbcn.com Ascame CCIABML (Lebanon), CEEBA (Egypt), Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona (Spain) June 9-11, 2015 Barcelona (Spain) Fearghus Roche froche@ascame.org Euro-Mediterranean Roadshow in Expo 2015 www.expo2015.org Federation of Egyptian Industries (Egypt) , Euro-Arab Business Council for SMEs (Egypt), Syrian Enterprise and Business Centre (Syria), EMDC Foundation September 2015 CCIABML (Lebanon), Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation (Tunisia) Milan (Italy) Sara Nanino sara.nanino@emdcfoundation.org EKOTECH in MED www.poleko.mtp.pl CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE LA HONGRIE MKIK Polish Chamber of (Hungary), CCI of Casablanca (Morocco), CCI of Dahra (Algeria), October 27-30, 2015 Commerce CEEBA (Egypt), Warsaw and Poznan (poland) AgnieszkA SALAMONCZYK asalamonczyk@kig.pl EUROMED INVEST Roadshow Pollutec 2016 www.pollutec.com ERAI Lyon (France) Anne Chaise anne.chaize@erai.org; Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation (Tunisia), CCI DE REGION RHONE-ALPES (France), CEIPIEMONTE (Italy) November 28-29, 2016 05/01/2015 1st call for proposals, June 2014 Selected Operations 3. Young Entrepreneurs Masterclass TITLE LEADER PARTNERS DATE PLACE CONTACT (Leader) Young Entrepreneurs' Masterclass in Algeria EBN INSME –International Network for Small and Medium Enterprises (Italy), Chambre de Commerce et d’Iindustrie du Dahra (Algeria) November 22-23, 2014 Mostaganem (Algeria) Ronan Breen Ronan.Breen@ebn.eu Med Exchange, Lebanon CCIABML Greater Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (France) April 22-23, 2015 Lebanon Aline Farajian devprojects@ccib.org.lb Young Entrepreneurs' Masterclass in Jordan EABC EMDC (Italy) April 2015 Amman (Jordan) Muhamad Shabarek mshabarek@sebcsyria.com Tourclass Maroc, Master class tourisme CCI Malaga Agence de l'Oriental (Morocco) TBD Morocco Esther MARTINEZ REYES esther.martinez@camaramalaga.com Young Entrepreneurs' Masterclass in Egypt EBN INSME – International Network for Small and Medium Enterprises, TBD (Italy) GACIC- German Arab Chamber of Industry & Commerce (Egypt) Cairo or Alexandria (Egypt) Ronan Breen Ronan.Breen@ebn.eu Young Entrepreneurs' Masterclass in Palestine EBN INSME – International Network for Small and Medium Enterprises (Italy), Palestinian Federation of Industries (Palestine) Ramalah (Palestine) Ronan Breen Ronan.Breen@ebn.eu TBD 05/01/2015 1st call for proposals, June 2014 Selected Operations 5. BSO Co-operation and Mentoring Programme TITLE LEADER PARTNERS DATE PLACE CONTACT (Leader) Programme de coopération et de mentorat ERAI/APII ERAI, Entreprises RhôneAlpes International Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation (Tunisia) December 2-5, 2014 Lyon, France Anne Chaise anne.chaize@erai.org; EuroMediation Lebanese Mediation Center Centre de Mediation et d’Arbitrage de Paris (CMAP) at CCI Paris IleFebruary 4-6, 2015 (LMC) at CCIA-BML de-France (France) Beirut (Lebanon) Marina Sabbagh mchoucair@ccib.org.lb EXPORTING AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTS TO THE EUROPEAN UNION, Palestine Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland Palestinian Federation of Industries (Palestine) February 9-13, 2015 Ramallah (Palestine) Luc VAN LOOVEREN (but other locations can be Luc.Vanlooveren@voka.be added) EXPORTING AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTS TO THE EUROPEAN UNION, Tunisia Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation (Tunisia) February 23-27, 2015 Tunis (Tunisia) Luc VAN LOOVEREN (but other locations can be Luc.Vanlooveren@voka.be added) EXPORTING AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTS TO THE EUROPEAN UNION, Algeria Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland CCI DAHRA - Mostaganem (Algeria) March 10-15, 2015 Mostaganem (Algeria) Luc VAN LOOVEREN Luc.Vanlooveren@voka.be Développement de services d’appui aux entreprises dans la région de Dahra Sequa gGmbH CCI DAHRA - Mostaganem (Algeria) March 2015 Mostaganem ( Algeria) Veronique Chavane veronique.chavane@sequa.de EXPORTING AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTS TO THE EUROPEAN UNION, Egypt Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland CEEBA (Egypt) March 30- April 3, 2015 Cairo or Alexandria (Egypt) Luc VAN LOOVEREN Luc.Vanlooveren@voka.be BSO Co-Operation & Mentoring Programme with Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Zahle and Bekaa BECI – Brussels Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture of Zahleh & Bekaa (Lebanon) 2015 Zahle and Bekaa (Lebanon) Sabine SOETENS sso@beci.be EXPORTING AGRO-FOOD PRODUCTS TO THE EUROPEAN UNION, Lebanon Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon (Lebanon) 2015 Lebanon Luc VAN LOOVEREN Luc.Vanlooveren@voka.be 05/01/2015 1st call for proposals, June 2014 Selected Operations 6. EUROMED Invest Academy TITLE LEADER PARTNERS DATE PLACE CONTACT (Leader) EUROMED Academy Women entrepreneurship www.euromed-investthessaloniki2014.blogspot.gr/ Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry AFAEMME (Spain), CEEBA (Egypt) November 12-14, 2014 Thessaloniki (Greece) Michael KATHARAKIS katharak@katartisi.gr 3rd Euro-Arab Conference to Support SMEs and EuroMed Roadshow Euro-Arab Business Council for SMEs (EABC) EMDC Foundation (Italy) April 2015 Amman (Jordan) Muhamad Shabarek mshabarek@sebcsyria.com EUROMED Invest Academy Serbia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia May - June 2015 Belgrade (Serbia) Vera VELJANOVSKI vera.veljanovski@pks.rs EUROMED Invest Academy Brussels BECI – Brussels Chamber of Sequa gGMBH (Germany), Confederation of Egyptian European Commerce & Business Business Associations CEEBA (Egypt) Federation May 2015 Brussels (Belgium) Sabine SOETENS sso@beci.be Milan (Italy) Sara Nanino sara.nanino@emdcfoundation.org Barcelona (Spain) Isabel ESTANY iestany@cambrabcn.org EUROMED Academy EXPO 2015 www.expo2015.org BCN EURO MED INVEST 2015 www.medaeconomicweek.org Federation of Egyptian Industries FEI (Egypt), Euro-Arab Business Council for SMEs EABC (Egypt), Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation API (Tunisia), Association of the Mediterranean EMDC Foundation September 2015 Chambers of Commerce and Industry ASCAME (Spain), Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Beirut and Mount Lebanon CCIBML ASCAME – Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, AFAEMME – Association of Organisations CCB- BARCELONA November 26-28, of Mediterranean Businesswomen, Alexandria Chamber of CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2015 Commerce, GACIC - German Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce
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