THE FEDERALIST ACADEMY A UEF Training Event at the College of Europe in Bruges 26-28 June 2015 | Bruges, Belgium First Edition OUTLINE When? 26-28. JUNE 2015 Where? Bruges, Belgium Participants: Maximum 25 leaders and future leaders of UEF sections Aims and outcomes: To enable members to develop: practical skills in political activism knowledge of current UEF policies membership numbers in their national sections As part of the UEF’s membership development plan, and as mandated by the UEF Federal Committee, the European Secretariat has developed a draft programme for the first edition of the Federalist Academy. The Academy, a three-day residential course, will be hosted in the Flemish city of Bruges and look to repeat the success of previous Debate and Training Weekends but with a greater focus on the practical elements of activism. The event will begin on Friday 26th June and finish on Sunday 28th of June and offer places to a maximum of 25 participants, selected from across the UEF’s national sections. Potential participants should be current or future leaders of UEF sections, looking to develop the theoretical and practical skills required to help spread Federalist ideas and grow the organisations’ membership. The Academy will include both optional theoretical and practical seminars alongside central taught elements covering both essential practical skills and essential knowledge of EU decision making and Federalist policy. Practical workshops will help activists identify the most important skills required for political action and then enable them to develop those skills, with a focus on: actions, communication, advocacy and membership. The course will include facilitator-led project groups where participants, divided into small teams, will be given a scenario and asked to design a response to the problem it presents. The weekend will empower participants to renew their effort as political actors and activists and enable them to apply newly developed knowledge and skills in an effective manner. DRAFT PROGRAMME FRIDAY 14:00 INTRODUCTION Welcome and getting to know each other, outline of the weekend’s activities, targets and desired outcomes. 15:00 WORKSHOPS: FEDERALIST ACTIVISTS’ ESSENTIAL SKILLS ACTIONS COMMUNICATION ADVOCACY MEMBERSHIP Workshops on the four skill groups: actions, communication, advocacy and membership. The groups run three times so participants must choose three from the four available and are invited to discuss the explore the essential skills of the federalist activist. 18:00 Break 18:15 ESSENTIAL SKILL SESSION: POLITICAL LOBBYING An expert guest on the essential skills required for effective political lobbying. 19:30 Dinner SATURDAY 09:00 LECTURE: EU INSTITUTIONS AND DECISION MAKING A 60min lecture followed by 30min feedback/Q&A. Lecture outlines the structure of the EU and the process of law and decision making. 10:30 Break 11:00 WORKSHOPS: GROUP SKILL DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS Participants visit one workshop per session to focus on specific skill-development 11:00 SESSION I CAMPAIGNS How to run a campaign that matters and makes a difference. 12:00 SESSION II EVENT MANAGMENT What to remember and what to forget, about hosting a great event. COMMUNICATION TOOLS DEBATING SKILLS RECRUITMENT Who’s your audience and which tools should you to use to reach them? “You talkin’ to me?” What (not) to say and how to say it. “Locate, engage, train, maintain” PRESS RELATIONS POLICY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING How to make your story and then make it sell papers. How to “think together” to turn ideals into ideas and policies. What do Federalist activists need to know and where and how do they learn it? How to grow membership. 13:00 Lunch 14:00 SESSION III PUBLIC ACTIONS How to engage citizens through public actions. ONLINE PRESENCE STRATEGY NETWORKING FINDING SPONSORS How to use internet and social media effectively. The enduring power of connections: Where to find them and how to maintain them. Where to find the funding you need and how to get it. 15:00 Break 15:15 WORKSHOPS: PRACTICAL PROJECT – PART I Participants split into four groups to develop a practical project based on spreading Federalist ideas and growing membership using existing and newly acquired skills. 16:15 Break 16:30 CRASH COURSE: FEDERALIST POLICIES A 20min intense introduction followed by 10min discussion on each of the 3 main current UEF policies (Economic and Monetary Union, Security and Defence, EU institutions) 18:00 Break 18:15 ESSENTIAL SKILL SESSION: PUBLIC SPEAKING An expert guest on the essential skills required in public speaking. 19:30 Close of session 20:00 Dinner SUNDAY 09:30 WORKSHOPS: PRACTICAL PROJECTS - PART II Participants continue their work on the assigned project in small groups. 11:00 Break 11:15 PRESENTATION OF PROJECTS Each group given 15min to present their work, judged based on pre-defined criteria: effectiveness, imagination, professionalism etc. 12:15 FEEDBACK AND EVALUATION 12:45 Departure HOW TO APPLY Applicants should apply for a place as soon as possible. The final deadline is Monday 18 May at 12:00 Brussels time. However, applicants meeting the ideal participant profile will be selected in advance of the deadline and the number of participants per national section will be limited, so applying sooner will increase your chances of securing a place. National sections are invited to recommend a number of members for the Academy; participants will be selected based on their statement of intent, which should include details of how they hope to implement the skills developed over the weekend in their local or national section. COSTS The UEF will cover all expenses over the weekend including meals, accommodation and learning resources. Travel costs will be covered by participants (or their section). Participants are asked to pay a deposit of €100 to guarantee their place and to provide their original travel documents and proof of purchase following the event. Selected participants will be contacted with payment instructions before Friday 22 May 2015. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact the UEF European Secretariat: Mana LIVARDJANI Director Anton LAZARUS Actions & Network Officer
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