Europe in Action 2015 ‘Families and Self-Advocacy’ 21 - 22 May 2015 Rome, Italy Inclusion Europe and ANFFAS are organising the Europe in Action conference. The conference will talk about self-advocacy and families. Self-advocates are people with disabilities who speak up for themselves. The conference will also talk about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In short, this is the UN CRPD. The UN CRPD is very important for the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. The conference will talk about the personal and political side of self-advocacy. The conference will deal with many different topics. Some of the topics are legal capacity, education, health, community living, political participation and accessibility. Europe in Action Programme Thursday, 21 May 2015 9.00Registration 10.30 Opening Plenary Session - Rooms Smeraldo & Zaffiro Welcome Roberto Speziale - Anffas Onlus Italy Maureen Piggot - Inclusion Europe I do it my way! The personal dimension of self-advocacy Senada Halilčević- European Platform of Self-Advocates Self-Advocacy - Past and future paths in Italy towards self-determination and empowerment Laura Mazzone - Anffas Onlus, Italy The political dimensions of self-advocacy Maureen Piggot - Inclusion Europe European support for self-advocates and families Annelisa Cotone - European Commission Support for self-advocates and families in Italy Raffaele Ciambrone - Ministry of Education, Italy 12.30 Lunch break Europe in Action Programme Thursday, 21 May 2015 14.00 The basics of self-advocacy - Parallel Sessions Self-advocacy and decision-making at personal level (English/Italian) - Room Smeraldo How to be an active self-advocate Jean-Baptiste Briol - Nous Aussi, France Project “Trepuntozero”: from services to activities for people Marco Zanisi - Legnano Anffas Onlus, Italy Self-advocacy in sports Marco Borzacchini - CIP/FISDIR, Italy Supporting self-advocates (English/Italian) - Room Zaffiro The accessibility to information on consumers’ rights Mostaccio Alessandro - Movimento Consumatori, Italy Support, not protection Elisabeta Moldovan - ”Ceva de Spus” Association, Romania Experts by experience: building new paths to inclusive community Slavenka Martinović - Centre for Adult Education Validus, Croatia Europe in Action Programme Thursday, 21 May 2015 Families and self-advocacy (Italian only) - Room Acquamarina Sisters: Our history Debora Enderle, Giulia Enderle - Trentino Anffas Onlus, Italy Families and self-advocacy: The educational perspective Luigi Pati - Catholic Univ. of the Sacred Heart, Brescia, Italy How families can promote self-advocacy from early age Franco Nardocci - SINPIA, Italy Participation in politics (English only) - Room Cristallo What should we focus on? Making the best out of limited resources Oliver Linz - Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe e.V., Germany What it takes to be a community councillor Sara Pickard - Mencap, United Kingdom What participation in political life for person with disabilities in the European Union? Giampiero Griffo - Disabled Peoples’ International and European Disability Forum Europe in Action Programme Thursday, 21 May 2015 15.30 Sustainable self-advocacy in our organisations Parallel Sessions How to organise self-advocacy groups at local level (English/Italian) - Room Smeraldo Towards self-advocacy for persons with intellectual disabilities in Epernay Jean Caron - Papillons Blancs Epernay, France Self-representation processes of people with intellectual disabilities in the Region of Madrid Jesus Fuentes Bajo - Fundacion ADEMO\FEAPS Madrid, Spain Advocacy and self-advocacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina Haris Memisevic - Union Sumero, Bosnia and Herzegovina Roundtable: Challenges in supporting self-advocacy at local, European and International level (English/Italian) - Room Zaffiro Local level: the case of Italy Roberto Speziale - Anffas Onlus, Italy Pietro Cirrincione - Autism Europe, Gruppo Asperger, Italy Challenges for self-advocacy in Europe Harry Roche - Mencap, EPSA Sandra Marques - Inclusion Europe Challenges for self-advocacy in at an international level Mark Mapemba - PODCAM/Inclusion International Connie Laurin-Bowie - Inclusion International Europe in Action Programme Thursday, 21 May 2015 First experiences of self-advocacy in Italy (Italian only) - Room Acquamarina The importance of self-help groups for self-advocacy Gabriella Di Giovanni and Cristiana Tacconella-Pescara, Anffas Onlus, Italy You did not expect it, did you? Maria Cristina Schiratti, Francesca Stella - Udine Anffas Onlus, Italy To work for or to work with? Valentina Paulon - Centro Girasole- Mestre Anffas Onlus, Italy The necessary support for self-advocacy (English only) - Room Cristallo Steering FEAPS in the right direction Horacio Pelaez - Asociación Juan María/FEAPS, Spain Here I am! Self-advocacy for people with Down syndrome Monica Berarducci - AIPD, Italy Peer support in developing self-advocacy Luminita Caldaras - Pentru Voi, Romania 18.00 Theater performance hosted by Anffas Onlus Rome at Theatre Ghione Europe in Action Programme Friday, 22 May 2015 9.30 Power of self-advocacy to make change happen Plenary Session - Room Smeraldo and Zaffiro How to make participation possible Henriëtte Sandvoort - Ieder(in), The Netherlands The European experience Donata Vivanti - European Disability Forum I live the life I love and I love the life I live Ellen Goodey - United Kingdom 11.00 Self-advocates and family members fighting together for the implementation of the CRPD - Parallel Sessions Legal capacity (English and Italian) - Room Smeraldo Improving access to justice: when self-advocates train lawyers in their rights Jordà Vives Rodríguez - FEAPS, Spain Inés de Araoz Sánchez-Dopico - FEAPS, Spain Making own choices and getting support Magdi Birtha - Inclusion Europe Legal capacity in Italy Francesco Marcellino - Anffas Onlus, Italy Europe in Action Programme Friday, 22 May 2015 Living in the community (English/Italian) - Room Zaffiro Smart Angel Project: cloud platform mobile support Filippo Costa - Softjam, Italy A true masterpiece! Supporting hope, realization of personal talents and the right to work Anna Zampino, Piergiorgio Zampino - Patti Anffas Onlus, Italy Living an included and self-determined life in the community Joachim Busch - Bundesvereinigung Lebenshilfe, Germany Accessibility (Italian only) - Room Acquamarina SafeSurfing: online data protection for people with intellectual disabilities Roberta Speziale, Daniela Cannistraci - Anffas Onlus, Italy Information for all - Easy-to-read language Aurora Quarantelli and Matteo Grillo - Fondazione Comunità la Torre, Italy A laboratory for teaching human rights Gabriella Fredduselli - Coop. soc. “Genova Integrazione” a marchio Anffas, Italy Europe in Action Programme Friday, 22 May 2015 11.00 General meeting of the European Platform of Self-Advocates - Room Cristallo (continued 14:00 - 16:00) 12.30 Lunch break 14.00 Towards Conclusions - Parallel sessions: What can self-advocates do? (English/Italian) - Room Smeraldo Present and future role of self-advocacy Corinne Clermont - Nous Aussi, France GORATU Project: Learning with people with disAbilities Diana Cabezas, Conhi Basabe - GORABIDE, Spain Inclusion depends on me Sonia Passalacqua, Serena Amato - Ragusa Anffas Onlus, Italy Challenges for self-advocacy in organisations (English/Italian) - Room Zaffiro Legal issues related to self-advocacy in Italy Gianfranco de Robertis - Anffas Onlus, Italy Supporting self-advocacy in Ireland Adrian Noonan - Inclusion Ireland, Ireland When I listen Fadya Farah - Inclusion International Europe in Action Programme Friday, 22 May 2015 What can family members do? (Italian only) - Room Acquamarina UN CRPD: Anffas Onlus and Rotary International synergies for dissemination in the Mediterranean area Antonio Prestipino - Catania Anffas Onlus, Italy Alliance for rights. Families for inclusion in school through the UN CRPD Lorenzo Fronte - Varese Anffas Onlus, Italy The family supporting self-advocacy Franco Masciullo - Toscana Anffas Onlus, Italy 16.00 Closing plenary session - Rooms Smeraldo and Zaffiro Summary of the conference Rome Declaration on “Promoting and Sustaining Self-Advocacy in Europe” Debate Policy Conclusions Roberto Speziale - Anffas Onlus, Italy Maureen Piggot - Inclusion Europe Hear our Voices 2015 - “My life, my decision” European Self-Advocates Conference 2 – 4 October 2015, Madrid, Spain Europe in Action Programme Friday, 22 May 2015 Europe in Action 2016 26 - 28 May 2016, Cascais, Portugal Inclusion International General Assembly and International Forum 27 – 29 October 2016, Orlando, United States Farewells 20.00 Conference dinner offered by Anffas Onlus in NH Midas Hotel Related events Wednesday, 20 May 2015 9.30-16.30 Round table on the implementation of the UN CRPD (English only) - Room Zaffiro 14.00-16.30 Preparation meeting for self-advocates (English) - Room Acquamarina (Italian) - Room Cristallo Related events Saturday, 23 May 2015 9.00-15.30 Annual General Assembly of Inclusion Europe Room Zaffiro 9.00-19.00 National Assembly of Anffas Onlus (only for Anffas members) - Rooms Smeraldo, Topazio Sunday, 24 May 2015 9.00-13.00 National Assembly of Anffas Onlus (only for Anffas members) - Rooms Smeraldo, Topazio Practical Information The conference will take place at NH Midas Hotel, Via Aurelia, 800, 00165 Rome Contacts: Anffas Onlus Nazionale email: Telephone: +39 335 144 53 73 (number only available from Wednesday, 20 May, onwards) NH Midas Hotel:
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