Math & Science subject tutors: Chemistry, Biology, History, Geometry, Algebra I, II and Calculus PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID DON’T WAIT FOR A REPORT CARD. GET HELP NOW. AP Exam Prep PALMER, MA PERMIT #22 530 Bushy Hill Rd., Simsbury • 860-651-7376 PRESS AVON • BURLINGTON • CANTON • FARMINGTON • GRANBY • SIMSBURY In Sports Farmington snatches victory from Avon PAGE 21 High five for Unified Vol. 5, Edition 11 Thursday March 14, 2013 In The Press Town will spend $25K on chemical cleanup At the Feb. 25 Simsbury Board of Selectmen meeting, the board agreed to spend $25,000 to clean up chemicals and to secure an out building on the Dewey Farm property, which, according to Sawitzke, tested positive for hazardous chemicals. PAGE 13. New possible garage site chosen At a special meeting March 6, the Canton Board of Selectmen authorized Chief Administrative Officer Robert Skinner to sign a purchase and sale agreement for a 4.75-acre lot at 325 Commerce Drive, a new possible location for a highway garage. PAGE 13. Simsbury High School was the site of the CIAC High School Unified Sports basketball tournament March 6. Farmington/Avon, Lewis Mills and host Simsbury were among the seven high school teams that played on four courts in two gymnasiums. Pictured above, Ashley Godin gives a fellow Unified Sports player a high five. Read more on page 28. Photo by David Heuschkel This week A&E 5 Health 8 Kids 9 The Buzz 11 Town News 13 Editorial 16 Business 18 Sports 21 Calendar 20 Classifieds 30 Quotes of Note Where is it? News “Why couldn’t there be a berm on my property? I mean they’re digging out all that hillside. Right now I have the benefit of a slope and the buffers on top of that and when they excavate everything, that’ll be taken down.” -Kathleen Woolam in “Track and field project approved” on page 14 “I think the storm two years ago was a run through.” 6 Do you recognize what Valley landmark is partially pictured here? Send your guesses to Abigail at Those who guess correctly will be named in next week’s edition. Photo by Jennifer Senofonte MARCH IS HERE! IT’S TIME FOR MULCH! Premium Bark Hemlock Color Enhanced Mulch Natural Blends Screened Compost Premium Topsoil Playground Safety Fiber Cover Your Beds Early! Prevent Weeds! Supreme Forest Products is Connecticut’s Premiere Landscape Materials Manufacturer. • GREAT RATES from our 2 convenient locations ( When You Pick Up!) • On-Time Delivery • Blower Truck Services! 216 Bogue Rd., Harwinton, CT 06791 77 Milford St., Burlington, CT 06013 Serving Litchfield County & Farmington Valley for 30 Years! 1-800-394-BARK(2275) CALL 860-485-1636 2 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 -Avon Registrar Ann Clark in “Contingency plan approved” on page 15 NEWS & Notes CHS presents ‘Bye Bye Birdie’ Canton High School Musical Theater will present “Bye Bye Birdie,” the satire on American life set in 1958, March 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. and March 24 at 2 p.m. The story follows rock-star Conrad Birdie as he seeks “One Last Kiss” for lucky fan Kim MacAfee of Sweet Apple, Ohio, before he is drafted into the Army. It includes such well-known hits as “Put on a Happy Face,” “Rosie” and “Kids.” The production includes a large study cast, crew, a 15-musician pit orchestra, and the work of several adult directors and parent volunteers. Tickets are $12 for adults; $8 for students and seniors. To order, call 860-693-7707 or online at The show will be held at Canton High School's auditorium, 76 Simonds Ave., Canton. If they’re not sold out, tickets will be available at the door. Read a full story on the production in next week’s edition of The Valley Press. Avon Taxpayers Association to host public meeting with superintendent The Avon Taxpayers Association will host a public conversation with Gary Mala, Avon superintendent of schools, and other members of the school district’s central leadership team Thursday, March 28, 7 p.m., at the Avon Public Li- brary Community Room. Under discussion will be the proposed 2013-14 Avon education budget as well as future developments and costs of public education as we know it. The public is invited to become informed on issues related to the public schools and the impact of expected costs on property taxes. Residents’ concerns and questions are welcomed. Simsbury seeks volunteers for technology task force The town of Simsbury is seeking volunteers to serve on the Simsbury Technology Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to review and provide input on the town of Simsbury website, to determine potential uses of the town website and to review short- and long-term goals for the town’s technology plan. The task force will consist of up to eight people, including individuals with technology backgrounds and residents who use the town website. Persons interested in serving should contact the first selectman’s office no later than March 28. Information, including a description of why one is interested in serving on the Technology Task Force, can be sent to Mary A. Glassman at 933 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, 06070, or by e-mail to If one has questions, contact the first selectman’s office at 860-6583230. Emergency response: By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer It takes a village, or, in this case, a team. For EMS Division Capt. Gerry Holland, of the Canton Volunteer Fire and EMS Department, the concept of teamwork is like a mantra. When on the scene of an emergency with a patient in need of EMS care, he expects his crew to act cohesively, working together smoothly. “Work as a team, watch out for each other,” he said. On Friday, March 1 when a call came from the police dispatcher for a “simulated call,” Holland went right into action. e fact that the call was a simulation had no apparent effect on his response. Previously, Holland, as crew leader, had checked Car 10, the ambulance he was planning to use for any calls that came in that evening. All the necessary medication and equipment were in their proper place on board. e crew was set, too. Fire Division Capt. Ryan Kerr was set to drive the ambulance, and this reporter was set to assume the role of EMT 2 in any mock emergency that came in. When the call came in for a simulation of an 18-year-old who had fallen, the crew jumped into action. Kerr drove the bus out of the garage of the Collinsville fire station. He used lights as needed, but did not turn on the sirens, save for crossing intersections, or set off at a dangerously fast rate of speed. As they headed closer to the scene of the mock emergency, Holland tossed surgical gloves to EMT 2 and put on a pair himself. He also prepared for what things they would need to evaluate when they reached the scene. Observations that he said would need to be made in the first few min- utes included from what the patient had fallen. How far was the fall? Was the surface soft or hard? On which part of the body did the patient land? After these questions spun from his mouth, he went through a checklist of what he would likely need, things like a collar and board. Is the patient entangled in trees or brush? If so, what will he need to cut the patient free? “We’re thinking about lots of different layers,” he said later. “What do we have? What do we need?” He was thinking about roles, too. EMT 2 is support staff – the person who, if needed, talks to patients – assuring and calming them and taking orders from the team leader. At some point, Holland verified that EMT 2 was wearing the gloves he had given her, looking silently at her hands and making his observation without comment. “As scene leader, I’m concerned about your safety and [Kerr’s],” he later explained. Gloves are crucial because there could be bodily fluids or chemical substances on the scene, he said. As soon as the ambulance arrived, everyone jumped out, immediately assessing what the patient looked like and getting a general impression of the scene as a whole. e young man, who was later identified as Fire Cadet Lt. Zach Goeben acting as the injured party, was lying on the cold cement floor of a garage in a pool of fake blood. His pant legs were ripped open revealing the simulated broken bones of his left femur. ere was a step ladder on the floor beside him. e patient was conscious but disoriented, which was evidenced by his inability to recall how he had fallen or to answer some basic questions Holland posed – all of which, again, was simulated. He did, however, know his name. “Ryan,” he said weakly. A night on the job with Emergency Medical Services volunteers Staff Writer Sloan Brewster went on a simulated call with the Canton Volunteer Fire & EMS Department. She is pictured here with EMS Division Capt. Gerry Holland, Fire Division Capt. Ryan Kerr and Fire Cadet Lt. Zach Goeben who portrayed the victim in the simulation. Courtesy photo Holland immediately started to work on the leg, tossing a duffle bag to EMT 2 and commanding her to hook the patient to oxygen at 12 to 15 liters of flow per minute. Fumbling with the tank and unsure what she was doing, EMT 2 – lacking the 180 hours of training the other emergency responders on scene had – turned the nozzle and put the mask on the patient’s face, missing a key element. Kerr quickly recovered the situation, taking the mask for a moment and filling the bag attached to it with oxygen by covering the valve with his finger. He placed the mask back on the patient’s face and immediately his breathing was evident, the bag emptying and filling as the oxygen spilled into his lungs. Working together, the three EMTs strapped the patient’s leg to a board, lifted him onto a gurney and into the ambulance. On the way back to the station Holland and EMT 2 took the patient’s vitals and noted that he was less disoriented as the oxygen restored some of his vitality. Once back at the station, everyone, including the patient, jumped out of the ambulance, the simulation being over. It was a learning experience for the crew and the reporter. For the crew, it was a way to practice and hone skills. For the reporter, it showed the intricacies of a volunteer team on the scene of an emergency, and how each person’s work flows directly from the person next to him in a unified thread that encircles the patient with care. “If you think about what we do, we need to try to bring order to other people’s messes,” Holland later said. “We’re trained to think rather methodically.” Searching for mortgage answers? right this way. 'HSHQG RQ XV IRU \RXU mortgage needs: Fast turnaround time Competitive rates S DGYLVRUV ZKR NNQRZ NQRZ OLYH OLYH ([SHUW workk in your your o r community community munity and work ORFD DO VHUYLFH VHUYLFH s IURP IURP +DQGVRQ ORFDO appraisers to to attorneys att a ttorneys and nd appraisers everyone in between betw etween everyone Book early... Avoid the Mob! Come to an Italian Comedy Wedding Dinner Theater Performance Friday, April 5, 2013 7-10:30 pm Farmington Gardens, 999 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT Tickets $75 pp, includes dinner & entertainment Visit or call 860.676.8878 for tickets & information. Reserve early for this hilarious comedy! Proceeds benefit the Farmington Valley Visitors Association, a non-profit corporation whose mission is to promote the Farmington Valley by serving as a resource center for residents, relocators and visitors. Na Navigating avigating mort mortgage gage options can be overwhelming. overwhelming. W We e hearr you, you, and we’re we’re her here ere tto o help. help. Simsburyy Bank’ Bank’ss team team off mortgage mortgage advisors is FFRPPLWWHG RPPLWWHG WWR R XQGHUV XQGHUVWDQGLQJ WDQGLQJ \RXU \RXUU QHHGV DQG ƬQGLQJ WKH VROXWLRQ WKDW WKD DW ƬWV s IURP IURP Ƭ[HG Ƭ[HG H DQG YDULDEOH YDULDEOH UDWHV UDWHV WR WR KRPH KRP PH HTXLW\\ ORDQV ORDQV DQG OLQHV RI credit. credit. So before beffore we we make make any any recommendations, recommendations, endations, w wee lis listen. ten. 7KDWoVV WKH ZD\ ZD\ WR WR ƬQG ZKDWoV ZKDWoV ULJKW IRU IRU R \RX \RX R Visit ourr online ne Mortgage Mortgage Center Centerr at simsburybank.c es IRU IR RUU LQIRUPDWLRQ LQIIRUPDWLR R RQ DSSOLFDWLRQV DQG WR WR ƬQG D ORFDO ORFDO 6LPVEXU\\ %DQN mortgage mortgage advisor. advisor visorr. March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 3 Riding - Horsemanship - Fun & Educational Activities Give your child the equestrian experience of a lifetime this Summer at Well-A-Way farm, the premier riding facility in the Simsbury area. Our program teaches riding, horse care, and leadership with fun and educational activities. Summer Riding Fun Ages 5-16 M-F 9am-1pm Mini Mounters Ages 3-5 M, W, F 1:30pm-3:30pm Call or email for more information! (860) 651-7284 Oakendale Farm LLC 315 Shrub Rd., Bristol, CT 06010 860-314-9514 A full service equestrian facility offering: Summer Camps, Lessons, Leases, Training, Boarding United States Pony Club Riding Center camp g summer n frro ng tin om 4 exciiti ildre ch r f fo s m ade. am grra h gra p og pr 11tth ugh 11 ro th l ol oo h presch Each h program is unique, yet all share hare a commitment ommitment to excellence xcellence in curriculum, staff, f, and nd facilities, lities, and are based on the premise that learning earning ning and d fun n go hand d in hand! r summer placeprograms Summer Place K derplace Kinderplace Summer Place Leaders in T raining Training Li’l Place lace A photojournalist for the 2nd Marine Division, Simsbury native Cpl. Jeff Drew enlisted in 2009 and was deployed to Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. Earlier this month, he took time out to read to kids via Skype as part of Read Across America Day. Courtesy photo Photojournalist Marine takes time out to read to kids By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer A Marine from Simsbury, who is based in North Carolina, took advantage of Skype to read to youngsters from Texas. When Cpl. Jeff Drew, a combat correspondent with the 2nd Marine Division Public Affairs Office, heard about read Across America Day, which occurred March 1, he decided to take part. e sister of a fellow Marine on base at Camp Lejune in North Carolina is a librarian and she told her brother about the program, Drew said. e Marine, in turn, decided participating would be a great idea and told Drew. In a short video in which he spoke about the experience, Drew said he had a good time and was glad he had participated. He read “e Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Mark Lessmore” by William Joyce and said it was a good story with great illustrations. He picked the book he read from a list sent to the base, most of which were Dr. Seuss books, he said in a phone interview March 11. “Great book, great book,” Drew said in the video. “It seemed like they were having a great time. ey were oohing and aahing over all the pictures, and they seemed to really enjoy the stories.” One of the people who participated read to the children in Spanish, he said. “Ultimately, I think they had a really good time,” he said. According to an online press release, Read Across America Day is a nationwide observance that coincides with the birthday of an American legend in children’s books, Dr. Suess. His birthday is actually March 2, but since the date fell on a Saturday this year, the nationwide reading event began one day early. On Read Across America Day, many schools, daycares, libraries and community centers bring people together to read books and promote literacy. Drew read to kindergarten students at an elementary school in Austin, Texas, he said. He was last home in Simsbury at Christmas and keeps in touch with family and friends from town. He will be returning home in April, when he is discharged from the service. e things he misses most about home are the people and the sense of community, he said. “I miss the people a lot. I think there is, especially in Simsbury, a great community, and I miss being a part of that,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, the Marine Corps has its own sort of community, but I miss that.” A photojournalist for the 2nd Marine Division, Drew enlisted in 2009 and was deployed to Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012. “I’m happy that I don’t have to deal with the snow,” he said after he asked a few questions about the weather on the local front. Drew said he hopes to attend the University of Connecticut and study journalism and that he would be completing his application this week. Three two-week sessions ons are offered Session nI Session II n III Session July 1 – J u y 12 ul July July July 15 5–J uly 26 July July July 2 29 9–A August 9 July Bus service and extended hours urs rs options ons are available. 860.768.4 68.44 68 4432 32 4 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Introducing Dr. Sheri M. Sparks, now practicing Optometry at our location. Call us today to make an appointment with Dr. Sparks for a comprehensive eye examination. Read more about Dr. Sparks and the eye services she offers by visiting PRESSARTS&ENTERTAINMENT Music Together celebrates anniversary with local concert By Alison Jalbert Editorial Assistant e internationally recognized children’s music and movement program Music Together is celebrating its 25th anniversary, to be acknowledged locally with a participatory concert. Music Together of West Hartford and the Farmington Valley will be recognizing the program’s milestone by holding a concert Friday, March 22 from 5-6 p.m. at the Elmwood Community Center in West Hartford. Catherine Madrak, director of Music Together of West Hartford and the Farmington Valley, explained that the Music Together program consists of early childhood music and movement curriculum. It was started in 1987, developed by experts in the field of early childhood education. “[Music Together] pioneers the concept that a child’s parents or caregivers are their role models for developing musical ability,” Madrak said. Programs can be found in many communities across the country and around the globe. While there is a class offered for babies 8 months and younger, the quintessential Music Together class is for children of mixed ages, from birth through kindergarten along with their parents and caregivers. e classes are 45 minutes in length and meet once a week. Madrak said A photo taken during Music Together of West Hartford and the Farmington Valley class. Cheyney Barrieau Photography three 10-week semesters are offered throughout the year, as well as a sixweek summer session. Each semester focuses on a collection of nine songs that come from collections published by Music Together. “Families together learn a large repertoire of songs,” Madrak said. “A child could do Music Together for three years before repeating songs. … By the time they cycle back to the beginning, the children will play with music in a much different way.” e activities in a Music Together class are developmentally appropriate and include a variety of things, such as rhythmic chants, large movement activities or the use of an instrument or prop. Each class includes a play along and a free movement, which Madrak said is like a family dance party. Parents are ac- tively involved in Music Together classes. ere are also rituals, such as the hello and goodbye songs. “Children start to learn the flow and format of the class over time with experience,” Madrak said. “It allows them to transition with ease and comfort through the musical activities we’re doing.” Madrak thinks Music Together has remained popular for 25 years because the program and the class end up being an integral part of a family’s life. “It’s much more than an activity that you might choose to do with your child during the week. A lot of parents will say that they look forward to class as much as, if not more than, their children.” Music Together works toward the goal of making children lifelong music-makers. Madrak said an unfortunate trend in American culture is to farm out music making to those who can do it well. “Rather than participating in it freely or comfortably, we feel like we have to consume it. e whole concept of the program is to get people making music with their children so we dispel that myth and get back to where we used to be: singing nursery rhymes, popular songs, etc., with them.” e anniversary concert, Music Together Around the World Party, will be a celebration of favorite Music Together songs performed live. Local modern folk band e Auburn Mode will perform, as two of its members are parents in the program. A Music Together recording artist “Uncle” Gerry Dignan will also be perform- ing. Madrak said Dignan is on all Music Together’s CDs and that the children end up getting to know his voice well. “Everyone knows who Uncle Gerry is.” Several area Music Together teachers will be involved in the concert as well. “It’s going to be really fun for the general public as well,” Madrak said. “Families will enjoy it even without Music Together experience.” Advance tickets are $7 per person or $25 per family. Tickets at the door are $8 per person, or $30 per family. Children under 1 are free. To purchase tickets or for more information, contact Music Together of West Hartford and the Farmington Valley at 860-206-8962. OUR BUS IS YOUR BEST BET. $40 BONUS PACKAGE VALUE! 20 $15 Meal/Retail Coupon Round Trip $ Bus Fare Two $10 Free Bets & One $5 Free Bet Why Drive? For Information Call: Ke Kelley elley Transit Transit 860 489 9243 or 860.489.9243 1.800.243.5106 Call for Select Dates Servicing: Torrington Torrington Winsted Wi t d Avon Food and Wine Tasting Sponsored By: Rotary Club of Avon-Canton Saturday, March 23, 2013 7:00 to 10:30 P.M. Bonus packages are issued to individuals 21 years of age or older. To receive a casino bonus package, passengers must have a Player’s Club card or be able to sign up for a Player’s Club card on day of travel. Proper identification required. Please visit the Bus Marketing Window for official rules. Offer subject to change without notice. (VIP Champagne Tasting 6:30 to 7:30 P.M.) Tower Ridge Country Club Nod Road, Simsbury 781 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury Ticket Price $50 VIP Ticket Price $75 860-651-1297 All profits go to charity w w w. m a p l e t r e e c a f e . c o m Featuring the COLBYs for your music and dancing entertainment For Tickets and information call 860-673-2225 For Sponsor Information E-Mail: Tickets can also be purchased on-line at: Entertainment: Every Wednesday 7:30: DJ Dynamic, all of your dance and disco favorites featuring $7.00 premium martinis all night! Saturday, March 16 & Sunday, March 17 Every Thursday: Karaoke 7:30 with Carroll Willis 16 ounce bud and bud lite green aluminum bottles! Live Music Fri and Sat: Friday, March 15: Eight to the Bar Saturday, March 16: McLovins St. Patrick’s Party Corn Beef and Cabbage Special Saturday, March 16 with the McLovins March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 5 PRESSARTS&ENTERTAINMENT Local photographer does project on ‘beards of the Valley’ By Jennifer Senofonte Staff Writer ey say there is a story behind every beard. Local photographer Matthew J. Wagner brought those stories to life through his latest personal project, “Beards of the Farmington Valley.” Wagner said it’s important to do personal projects for creative growth and to improve his craft, especially in these competitive times. Inspired by the historic portrait of Ernest Hemingway, he decided to do a focus on men with beards. “ey’re really unique. Everyone’s got a story and it seems to give guys more character. e stories behind the beards made it more interesting.” Martin Herman holds a photo of himself and his daughters, Aimee and Jessica, when he grew his first beard 33 years ago. Photo by Matthew J. Wagner He started soliciting locals in November 2012 and by the end of December had about 25 men come forward – a couple of whom were growing out their beards for their annual role-playing of Santa for the holidays. Wagner worked with the guys in his studio, 522 Hopmeadow St. in Simsbury, to take black and white style photos. “ere’s a certain lighting that makes them look very heroic in black and white,” Wagner said. He asked each subject to write about their beards, asking them questions like how long they had it, why they grew it out and “if your beard could talk, what would it say?” e first time Martin Herman grew a bread was 33 years ago when his youngest daughter, Aimee, was born and he didn’t shave for the two weeks he took off of work. “By the end of the two weeks I had a full beard and liked it. So did my wife and older daughter, Jessica,” so much so that he didn’t shave it upon returning to work, Herman wrote. When his boss fixed his gaze on him, Herman thought for sure he would be reprimanded. “I see Marty is wearing something new today … a blue shirt,” Herman quoted his boss. He then wrote, “So, the beard and I survived to see another day.” “e Beards of the Farmington Valley” gallery unveiling took place at Zinc Salon in Unionville Feb. 27. e portraits will remain on display there until next month and will be moved to the Hair Gallery at the Mill in Tariffville. FVAC seeks works for a Fisher Gallery April youth exhibit – ‘Aspiring Young Artist’ e Farmington Valley Arts Center, 25 Arts Center Lane in Avon Park North, Avon, will host a community exhibit of youth artworks from greater Hartford area schools representing ages/grades K-12 including drawings, paintings, photography, prints, mixed media and sculpture. Aspiring Young Artist, will be on display April 6-19, with an opening reception April 6, 3-6 p.m. FVAC invites all area students exploring their creativity with visual arts by offering an exhibit with an open call for entries to be delivered to the FVAC Fisher Gallery March 29 and 30. Details on acceptable works are indicated on the prospectus available at e exhibit offers one People’s Choice Award selected by patrons and visitors to the exhibit. e Pictured right is 2012 People’s Choice Award “Field of Dreams” oil by M. Parreira Courtesy photo cash award is announced at the close of the exhibit accumulating the most votes on each visitor’s favorite piece. For additional information, call 860-678-1867 or visit Say Hello to $100 in 3 Easy Steps. * STEP 1 - Open a FREE Checking account STEP 2 - Use your VISA® Debit Card 5 times STEP 3 *HW D ORDQ RU UHÀQDQFH D KLJKHU UDWH ORDQ We’ll put $100 in your pocket. It’s that easy. HURRY, LIMITED TIME OFFER! 2 Open & Apply online: 2 Call: 800.842.0145, ext. 5101 *Promotion valid for new personal Checking accounts opened and loan applications taken between March 8, 2013, and April 20, 2013. The member must not have an existing open Checking account with $PHULFDQ (DJOH )HGHUDO &UHGLW 8QLRQ7KH DFFRXQW KROGHU ZLOO UHFHLYH IRU RSHQLQJ WKH &KHFNLQJ DFFRXQW 7KH DFFRXQW KROGHU PXVW FRPSOHWH ÀYH GHELW FDUG WUDQVDFWLRQV RQ WKH QHZ &KHFNLQJ DFFRXQW ZLWKLQ IRUW\ÀYH GD\V RI WKH &KHFNLQJ DFFRXQW RSHQLQJ WR EH HOLJLEOH IRU WKH SD\PHQW7KH DFFRXQW KROGHU PXVW KDYH D ORDQ FORVH ZLWKLQ IRUW\ÀYH GD\V RI &KHFNLQJ DFFRXQW RSHQLQJ DQG FRPSOHWLRQ RI ÀYH GHELW FDUG WUDQVDFWLRQV WR EH HOLJLEOH IRU WKH SD\PHQW 5HÀQDQFLQJ RI DQ H[LVWLQJ $()&8 ORDQ LV QRW HOLJLEOH IRU WKLV SURPRWLRQ /LPLW RI RQH SD\PHQW SHU PHPEHU 3OHDVH DOORZ up to 60 days from your last debit card transaction and loan closing to receive deposit into your share Savings account. Payments may be deposited as accounts meet the requirements of the promotion. $PRXQW RI GHSRVLW ZLOO EH UHSRUWHG WR WKH ,56 DQG PHPEHU LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU DQ\ DSSOLFDEOH WD[HV &KHFNLQJ DFFRXQWV FORVHG ZLWKLQ GD\V RI RSHQLQJ ZLOO EH FKDUJHG D IHH RI 10/6 This offer can be withdrawn at any time without notice. Ask us for details. Equal Opportunity Lender 6 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Society presents ‘e Farmington Canal through Historic Avon’ e Avon Historical Society will explore traveling the Farmington Canal with a talk entitled “e Farmington Canal in the Farmington Valley” by Carl Walter, local leading expert on the 87-mile, hand-dug canal, to coincide with an exhibit about the waterway in the front exhibit case of the Marian Hunter History Room of the Avon Free Public Library, 281 Country Club Road, Avon. e event will take place Saturday, March 16 at 2 p.m. in the Community Room of the Library. Walter will share some background about the canal and why it was built and then focus on various canal sites between northern Farmington and West Suffield. He will describe topographical problems that were encountered during the building of the canal together with the engineering solutions that allowed the canal’s completion. e public is invited to attend and stay to view two companion exhibits an Open House at the History, with refreshments, from 3-5 p.m. e Farmington Canal was a hand-dug canal with horse-drawn canal boats that ran from New Haven to Northampton, Mass., from 1829-1847. In Avon Center it ran north and south behind houses on the east side of Old Farms Road, crossing the Albany Turnpike (currently Route 44/East Main Street) where daCapo’s Restaurant stands, through the grounds of the Avon Post Office and from there ran approximately along Route 10 and at times where the Rails-to-Trail is now. ere was a large canal warehouse in Avon Center as well as other buildings that served this important transportation route. Avon Center was busy with a church, post office, businesses, school, etc. Some of these buildings still exist today extending north/south/east/west at the intersection of Route 10 (Simsbury Road) and Route 44 (East and West Main Street). Last summer, to commemorate the crossing in Avon, the Avon Historical Society placed two identical bronze plaques on red sandstone markers- one at the entrance to daCapo’s Restaurant on the south side of Route 44 and one at the former Living Museum on the north side. e sandstone markers are the same material used in the Canal and many of the 19th century buildings in the area, including the old Climax Fuse Factory buildings, which are today’s Avon Town Hall complex. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at ‘Sundays at ree’ e Avon Public Library’s concert series, “Sundays at ree,” will present a festive St. Patrick Day’s celebration, marked not with pipes and pints, but with the percussive sound of steel drums. On March 17 at 3 p.m. at the library, 281 Country Club Road, Murray Mast, Chelsea Tinsler and James Waterman, known collectively as Steel Accent, will present a perfect end-of-winter antidote and hour-long paean to sunshine and balmy breezes. e trio of classically trained musicians will be warming hearts with a dozen selections from such composers as Bob Marley, Neil Diamond, George Gershwin, and Brian Wilson, a program that will please audiences of all ages and musical tastes. Refreshments will be served after the concert. 175 doctors. 75 advanced practitioners. 60 locations. 30 specialties. And a single focus: Our patients. We’re bringing together five of the area’s top physician groups— Hartford Medical Group, Hartford Specialists, Doctors of Central Hartt String Quartet debut in concert with cellist Lynn Harrell e Hartt School announces two special events: a cello and chamber music master class with world-renowned cellist and pedagogue Lynn Harrell, and the debut of the Hartt String Quartet in a chamber music concert, with Harrell as special guest. Music students from the Hartt School will perform in the master class Monday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m., in Wilde Auditorium at the University of Hartford. e master class is open to the public for observation. e chamber music concert, with a program of Beethoven’s Quartet Op. 18, No. 4 and Schubert’s Cello Quintet, is Tuesday, March 19, at 7:30 p.m., in Lincoln eater at the University of Hartford. e newly formed Hartt String Quartet is composed of Hartt faculty members Anton Miller and Katherine Winterstein, violins; Rita Porfiris, viola; and Mihai Tetel, cello. General admission to the concert is $25, admission for seniors is $20. For tickets, call the University of Hartford Box Office at 860-768-4228, or visit Both the master class and the chamber music concert are part of StringFest! 2013, which takes place at e Hartt School March 17-24. Connecticut, MidState Medical Group and Windham Family Medical Services—in a new, multi-specialty practice; Hartford HealthCare Medical Group. Although our name is changing, patients can still see the same doctors and advanced practitioners in the same locations, many of which now offer urgent care and extended hours. With 60 locations; 175 primary care and specialty physicians; 75 advanced practitioners; and 30 specialties; we’re confident we have the right clinician for you. To make an appointment, call us today at 877-707-4442. March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 7 PRESSHEALTH DentalstudentteacheslessonsasD.Kayinaward-winningPSA By Alison Jalbert Editorial Assistant A fourth-year dental student at the University of Connecticut Health Center created a public service announcement video that won the Connecticut Coalition for Oral Health’s first video award. Andrew Rosenstein’s “Frank D. Kay, Professional Cavity” is a humorous PSA illustrating the importance of proper oral hygiene. Rosenstein wrote, directed and starred in the video as the suitwearing Frank D. Kay, who visits various people throughout the two-minute video and inflicts them with cavities as they make poor oral health choices. CCOH’s contest was launched in August 2012, challenging various dental programs to create a video that captured the message, “A healthy body starts with a healthy mouth.” Rosenstein said he is known within the dental school for making videos, as some of his fake movie trailers have appeared in the dental school’s version of “e Gong Show.” “As soon as the contest came out, the professors e-mailed us, but one professor e-mailed me personally,” he said. “I started brainstorming and knew I wanted to make it funny, because that catches people’s attention.” Inspiration for the video came from an original episode of “e Twilight Zone,” “One for the Angels,” in which a man is visited by Death, which takes the form of a man in a suit. “I thought it was an interesting idea and thought it could be applied to dentistry,” Rosenstein explained. “I started writing and wanted to cover a few things that people did every day. I wanted to make it for all age groups and thought [the comedic element] made it memorable.” Pictured is a frame from fourth-year dental student Andrew Rosenstein’s public service announcement video that won the Connecticut Coalition for Oral Health’s first video award. Rosenstein is pictured, center, as “Frank D. Kay, Professional Cavity.” Courtesy photo Although Rosenstein has aspirations to become a pediatric dentist, acting has always been a passion of his, so it was an easy decision to play the main character in his PSA. “I started acting at a Why We Love The Village lage at at McLean McLean . . . i8F BS i8F BSFF OPUU TJNQMZ J M B DPN NNVOJUZZ XF XF BS BNJMZ DPNNVOJUZ BSFF B GB GBNJMZ SFT OP CFUUFSS QMBDF BOE UIFS UIFSFT UP CF C UIBO XJUI ZZPVS PVS GBN NJMZZ” GBNJMZ” young age; the first show I was in was ‘Fiddler on the Roof.’ Ever since then I acted in middle school and high school.” When the opportunity presented itself to allow Rosenstein to act again, he “jumped on it.” It was Rosenstein’s personal experience with patients that made him want to participate in the video contest. “Sitting there talking at them, [oral health] is not really a mind racing subject. I had the opportunity to make it humorous and relevant; to put it in layman’s terms.” He thought that by putting the message in a comedic context, people would respond to it better. “I plan on going into pediatric dentistry, where the underlying theme is prevention,” Rosenstein said. “I thought more of a preventative aspect came out a lot in the video.” February was the American Dental Association’s National Children’s Dental Health Month, and Rosenstein’s PSA was used as a promotional video. “I thought that was great. at was another reason why I jumped on participating,” he said. “at was my first big thing to do in the area of pediatric health care.” Next year, Rosenstein will be participating in a pediatric dentistry residency at the UConn School of Dental Medicine and the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, but there are plans to make more Frank D. Kay videos. e professor who personally sought out Rosenstein for the contest said that everyone at the dental school liked his video and that they want videos for other dental events, geared toward certain populations, ages and aspects of dental health. “I’m already starting to make a couple of things,” Rosenstein said. To see Rosenstein’s awardwinning video, go to .F . .FHBO FFHBO (JMM (JMM J %JS %JSFDUPS SFDUPS F PG DzF 7JMMBHF 7JMMB J BHF t-BSHF BSHF 7 7JMMBT JJMMBT JMMBT " "QBSUNFOUT QBSUNFOUT $PUUBHFT 3VSBM t #FBVUJGVM #FBVUJGVM 3 V VSBM 44FUUJOH FUUJOH 'MFYJCMF M ( PVSNFU %JOJOH %JOJOH 0 QUJPOT t 'MFYJCMF (PVSNFU 0QUJPOT 1BNQFSJOH "NFOJUJFT t 1BNQFSJOH VMUVSBM & EVDBUJPOBM t$ $VMUVSBM &EVDBUJPOBM 0QQPSUVOJUJFT 0QQPSUVOJUJFT 1PPM P 4QB 4QB ' JUOFTT $FOUFS t 1PPM 'JUOFTT XBS X E8 8JJOOJOH ) FBMUIDBSF t" "XBSE8JOOJOH )FBMUIDBSF A Family Atmosphere . . . And An nd SSo oM Much uch M More! ore! Only 6 Villas Villas Left – Call Karen Call Kar ren todayy to t toour! schedule a personal tour! 8860-658-3786. 860-658-378 86. w www w.Th .TheNewMcLean 75 G Great rea e tP Pond ond R Road oad 8 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Si Simsbury, msbur y, Co Connecticut nnecticut Chef/OwnerJoseph Furnari CT Culinary Institute Graduate Serving the best since 1996 It’s what’s inside that counts. Fly in For a Cocktail!! Over 100 Fine Beers • 10 Micro Brews on Tap • Full Wine and Spirits Late Night Menu Available SOUPS: New England Clam Chowder • Manhattan Clam Chowder • Cheddar Ale Soup Rhode Island Clam Chowder • Oven Roasted Beef Bone • French Onion Wood Grilled South Western Chili APPETIZERS: Joseph’s Landing Zone Crab Cakes • Escargot • Exotic Wild Mushrooms Mussels Meredith • Squid Red • Joseph’s Award Winning Wings -over ten hand-crafted and blended wing sauce varieties to choose from SALADS: Over 12 Composed, made to order salads including: Fresh Mozzarella Salad • Island Palm Grilled Artichoke Salad Mixed Green Salad • Calamari Salad • Sampson (Salmon) Salad Blackened Shrimp Mesclun Salad • Caesar Salads (chicken or shrimp) SANDWICHES, WRAPS & QUESADILLAS: Midnight Express Wrap: Grilled chicken, caramelized onions, plum tomatoes, olives, cheese & roasted peppers oven baked Burgers: Santa Fe, Chili, Bacon, Mushroom & Blackened * N E W * ELK BURGER & DANABLU BLUE CHEESE ANGUS BURGER Artichoke & Shrimp Quesadilla • World Famous Pastrami Grinder ENTREES: Wood-grilled NY Strip Steak Dinner: Cut to order, rubbed with fresh garlic and Joe’s flavorful mild Landing Zone rub. Joseph’s Northern Italian Bistro: Thinly sliced prosciutto, littleneck clams, mussels, squid tentacles & chicken sauteed with capers, kalamata olives, garlic, tomatoes & peppers, finished with white wine lemon & limes juice over pasta. Swamp Medley: spicy Southwestern Sauté of shrimp, alligator, crawfish tails, frog’s legs with shallot, garlic, onions, peppers, capers, tomatoes, ancho-chipotle & lemon juice served over rice. Northwest Salmon Filet: Topped with sauteed shrimp, garlic tomatoes and capers. Finished with white wine and juice of half lemon. Served with mesclun greens. Kentucky Bourbon Ribs: Our own soaked and smoked recipe ALL ENTREES MADE TO ORDER, NO FROZEN Litchfield County’s favorite lunch and dinner spot! Located at the Old Johnnycake Airport, Rte. 4, Burlington A Casual Place With Great Atmosphere & Great Food For the Whole Family. 860-485-2733 • Closed Mon. & Tues. • Open Wed. thru Sun. 11am-10 pm Always Accepting Applications • Search The LZ Grill on UTube PRESSKIDS Canton student takes top prize in InvestWrite competition By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer A Canton fifth-grader can talk about the stock market and write about it, too. Allison Ann Tessman, a student at Canton Intermediate School, was one of Connecticut’s first place winners in the SIFMA Foundation’s InvestWrite essay competition. Hundreds of thousands of students across the country participated in an annual Stock Market Game, at the end of which 20,000 fourth- through 12th-graders entered the writing competition. e challenge, according to a press release from the SIFMA Foundation, which sponsored the contest, was to analyze an investment scenario and write an essay offering investment advice. Students were to consider real-world economic events and trends, conduct research online, develop investment recommendations and, in the process, gain the skills to prepare for their own financial future. Allison, who claimed the top prize for the elementary school division in the fall 2012 competition, took on the Disney Corporation. She decided the company was a safe bet for investors. “After researching Walt Dis- “She really did put her time and effort into the competition, and I think she was just delighted that her effort was recognized.” -Elisa Genovese ney Company, I feel that this stock is a good long-term investment because it is usually making money even when the economy is poor,” Allison wrote. “It is very unlikely for Disney to fail because all of their parks and resorts over the last several years have done better than what they predicted for each quarter.” She researched the Disney brand and characters, and concluded it was these things that have made the company successful, even through bad times. “ere is no other company that is well-known and loved by all ages and people all over the world,” she wrote. “If someone wants to invest their money in a stock that is always stable even in bad times, then Walt Disney Company is right for them.” Elisa Genovese, Allison’s teacher in her talented and gifted class, said she was optimistic the essay might be a winner. “When I was submitting it, I did think it was a very well-done essay,” Genovese said. “But there’s a lot of competition; so who knows.” Genovese said Allison was surprised when she learned she had won. “She was just thrilled,” she said. “She was very excited about actually participating in the competiton, and she really did put her time and effort into the competition and I think she was just de- lighted that her effort was recognized.” Town administrators were also pleased. “Obviously, just from our perspective we’re both impressed and proud,” said Canton Intermediate School Principal Kevin Hanlon. Allison, for her part, learned a great deal. “I learned what stocks were all about. I learned that stocks go up and down when a company makes a new investment or cre- ates a new brand,” she wrote in the conclusion of her essay. “Now I can understand what my family and other people are saying when they talk about stock prices. … I feel that I can now join in on conversations when someone is talking about stocks, company sales and analysts,” Allison was presented with her awards and trophy Feb. 27 during a surprise reception with a representative from Investwrite at Canton Intermediate School. F R E E D E N TA L I M P L A N T L E C T U R E You can have the smile you want. Tuesday, March 26 6 - 7 p.m. Center for Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry, Main Building, UConn Health Center During this free lecture, learn about: Q Dental implant surgery – from simple to complex – to help you replace missing teeth Q The benefits of dental implants The program will include a presentation by Dr. Ajay Dhingra as well as time for questions and answers. To register, call 800-535-6232. Learn more at Center for Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 9 A portion of this story was inadvertently cut off in last week’s edition of the paper. The full article appears below. The Valley Press regrets the error. Raw food frenzy: healthy eating trend popular in all age groups By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer Like so many other foods, chocolate, too, is healthy when eaten in its raw form. Tia Battiston of West Hartford, who works at Whole Foods on Raymond Road, sometimes puts raw cacao in smoothies. Timothy Smulders, the manager at Garden of Light in Avon, said raw cacao is on the list of super foods, a list that also includes goji berries, goldenberries and maca – an ancient Peruvian root that, according to Navitas Naturals, was prized by Inca warriors. “People love to make smoothies with all their superfoods,” Smulders said. Battiston, “a big believer in a plant-based diet” who said she is not always “100 percent vegan,” certainly does. She makes a green smoothie for breakfast, and on Friday, March 1, she made a double batch – one for the morning and one for later in the day. e recipe included four to six cups of baby spinach leaves, water, two bananas, frozen strawberries, two to three tablespoons of hemp seeds, a “teenie bit of maca root powder” and chia seeds, which, according to Navitas Naturals, are high in protein, antioxidants and fiber and were a key part of the diet and medicine of ancient Central American cultures. Battiston tries to give her body the foods it needs, so her smoothie recipes vary from day to day. “I change it up. Some days I put ginger, some days turmeric, some days raw cacao,” she said. “I change up the greens, I change up the fruit.” Raw food is one of the current trends in healthy eating, according to several sources from health food stores in the Farmington Valley and West Hartford. According to Lori Love, owner of Granby Village Health, the trend right now is going toward back to Who Makes the Best Hearing Aids, and How Much Do They Cost? Get the Consumer’s Guide to Learn This and Much More! What is the best brand for you? How much do hearing aids cost? What should you expect from new hearing aids? Compares 23 Major Hearing Aid Brands For a free copy call: For a free copyOffered call: as a community service by 555-555-5555 309 North Main St., West Hartford (near Bishops Corner) • 860-236-0770 Sample Hearing Aid Center 340 Broad St., Suite 102, Windsor, 06095 • Town, 860-688-8887 1234 Sample Road, Suite 1CT in Sample State Advanced Hearing Healthcare Offered as a community service by basics and raw foods. Raw food, specifically, is one of the forms of nutrition on which she educates her customers most. Food is considered “raw” as long as it has been heated to no more than 119 degrees, she said. “Living food means living bodies, processed food means dead food bodies mostly,” Love said. At many health food stores, there is a section devoted entirely to raw food. Love has one at her store, and there is one at Garden of Light and Whole Foods as well. Food that has not been heated has the benefit of providing enzymes and probiotics, Smulders said. “e movement is to get those whole foods,” he said. Another big thing at Garden of Light is unpasteurized, fermented foods such as Kimchi, a Korean dish made of seasoned vegetables. “We’re seeing a huge movement toward raw and raw fermented and unpasteurized,” Smulders said. “I see young people coming in for raw food; I see old people, I see middle-aged.” Another fermented item at Garden of Light is a beverage called Kombucha, and it’s available on tap at the store. According to Smulders, it is also high in enzymes and probiotics. On Friday, March 1, Jim Lussier of Pleasant Valley purchased a bottle of Kombucha from the tap. It’s for a cleansing diet he is doing as part of a program with the Collinsville Yoga Center. Excluded from the diet are wheat, dairy and nightshade vegetables. e diet gives participants a 12hour window to digest and cleanse the toxins from their bodies. Kombucha is a big seller at Garden of Light, Smulders said. Mothers give it to their children instead of soda. “You’re going to feel like wonder woman,” he said when this reporter said she would stop by to taste it. “Your liver is going to love you tomorrow.” He also admitted that it would take “a little getting used to.” It does. e ginger-flavored Kombucha from the tap actually tasted pretty good, similar to fermented apple cider, but a few hours later, the four women in e Valley Press office who had tried it had slightly upset stomachs. Trending toward ‘free’ foods Besides raw and fermented foods, another current trend is specialty items for vegans and allergy diets such as gluten-, dairy-, egg- or soy-free diets. In 1995, when Love first opened her store, the trend was low carbohydrate diets, such as Atkin’s. Gluten-free offerings were just beginning to emerge, she said. Now she estimates that about 85 percent of her customers are looking for foods to support allergy issues. “[Allergy-free food] wasn’t on the radar at all. It really is now because people are understanding more and more that it really is what you put in your body is how your body’s going to be,” Love said, “so, that’s been a big shift. … Over the course of years, we’ve had an evolution.” Smulders is also seeing a trend toward gluten-free foods and Garden of Light has a “huge gluten-free clientele.” e store’s parent company, Bakery on Main in East Hartford, makes gluten-free products including bars and granolas. Another trend is foods that are free of genetically modified organisms [GMOs], but according to Smulders that can be a challenge because they are not easy to find. “ere are not enough of them,” Smulders said. One way to assure foods are GMO free is to get them from the source, he said. “Go to the farm,” Smulders said. “We stock farm eggs, we stock farm raw cheese.” Love also works with farms at her store, which is important not only because the food is organic and better, but for other reasons, too. “It’s working with local farms, building a sense of community,” she said. Many people avoid the whole organic health food craze because they believe it costs more to eat that way, but Kristin Arslan, the marketing team leader at Whole Foods on Raymond Road in West Hartford, said that is a myth. She is participating in Rick Esselstyn’s Engine 2, a 28-day diet challenge. “It’s a pretty strict diet; I’m trying,” she said. “As my co-worker throws cookies on my desk ... I am not eating those cookies.” e detoxifying vegan diet excludes dairy products, oils and refined sugars. On ursday, Feb. 28, she went shopping and purchased about a week’s worth of food for only $50, she said. It’s a plant-based diet – you’re mainly eating plants, you’re eating vegetables,” Arslan said. “ey’re actually less expensive than if you eat the preprocessed food.” e types of food she is eating on the diet include vegetables such as peas, sweet potatoes and kale and grains such as quinoa, a grain that can be cooked in water or vegetable stock. A plant-based diet high in leafy vegetables such as collard greens and kale increases energy, but it also trains the body to want different food, Battiston said. “A lot of times we’re such a green light society, and we just go, go, go,” she said. “Stop and think before you eat. … You don’t think about what you’re eating.” Celebrate Easter Join us Sunday, March 31st and bring the whole family. Special Easter Menu & Children’s Menu Available Cugino’s Of Farmington Reservations Recommended 1053 Farmington Ave., Farmington • 860-678-9366 Visit us at 10 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Pasta Supper to benefit fuel banks For the second year, Memorial United Methodist Church, 867 West Avon Road in Avon, will host a Pasta Supper to benefit the local fuel banks of Avon and Farmington March 22, 5 to 7 p.m., in Fellowship Hall at the church. Admission is by free will donation. e dinner includes pasta, bread, salad and desserts home made by church members. e fuel banks of Avon and Farmington are available to residents who have exhausted their benefits through the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. According to Farmington Town Social Services, so far this heating season, 2,546 gallons of heating fuel have been provided to 72 households. In addition, help was given toward electric costs for those with electric heat. e town of Avon reports its fuel bank assisting approximately 35 families per year at a cost of $12,500. Alan Rosenberg, director of Avon Social Services, noted an increase in need this year due to unemployment and the economy. Pam Fleming, co-chair of the church’s mission/outreach committee, said, “Last year’s dinner made $2,200, which we split between the two fuel banks. We hope this year we can make at least that much because the need has increased from 2012.” For more information, contact the church office at 860-6732111. Tying the knot Not all Organics are Equal Organic Lawn, Tree & Shrub Care • No Bridge Products • No Biosolids • No Organic BASED products Organic since 1987 (860) 243-8733 FREE Soil Test and Consultation* with an Annual Program a $79 value when you sign up for one of our annual organic land care programs. Expires 5/31/13. Sarah Wolfe to marry Damien Balazs Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wolfe of Simsbury announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarah Alecia Wolfe, to Damien Denes Balazs, son of Dr. and Mrs. Denes Balazs of Farmington. e bride-to-be graduated from Simsbury High School in 2002 and went on to earn a B.A. in creative writing from the University of Hartford. She is currently completing her M.S. in industrial and organizational psychology at Springfield College and is a senior marketing communications specialist in individual retirement at ING. e future groom earned a B.A. in anthropology at Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y. He then completed his M.B.A. at the University of Connecticut. Currently, he is an assistant director in group benefits at e Hartford. e couple will marry in August 2013 at the Simsbury Inn. in the historic Collins Axe Factory 10 Depot Street (at Rte. 179) Collinsville, CT 06022 • (860) 693-0615 Over 70 Dealers • 2 Floors Furniture • Art • Pottery • China • Glass • Jewelry Vintage Clothing • Books • Sports Items, etc. OPEN DAILY 10-5 • Air Conditioned - Delivery & Shipment Available from I-84 or W. Exit 19/Rte. 4 W to Rte. 179 N to Collinsville Village From US44/202 W to Rte. 179 to Collinsville Village DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE All invited to Homeland Security presentation e Simsbury Republican Women’s Club invites all to a presentation on counter terrorism today and situational awareness, presented by James L. Trifiro, CAS. is program will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 23 at the Simsbury Library Program Room, 725 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury. For more information contact Mary Turner at 860-6587794 or Trifiro brings his extensive credentials to this presentation, including: certified antiterrorism specialist; international law enforcement educator and trainer ILEETA; International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors; senior advanced instructor trainer Monadnock Defensive Tactics System; Israeli Hostage Rescue Level 1 instructor; National Tactical Officers Association; advanced tactical marksman, observer, instructor; Suicide Bomber Immediate Interdiction instructor; EOD devices instructor and several others. Torrington Main 129 Main Street (860) 496-2152 Torrington North 635 Main Street (860) 482-5421 Torringford 235 Dibble Street (860) 482-2664 Burlington 260 Spielman Hwy., Route 4 (860) 675-2601 * A $1,000 minimum required to open all accounts and earn the stated Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Penalty for early CD withdrawal will be imposed. APY is accurate as of March 1, 2013. Rates subject to change. Limited to our deposit area. See or contact a Customer Service Representative at (860) 496-2152 for more information. Goshen 55 Sharon Turnpike, Route 4 (860) 491-2122 Falls Village Routes 7 & 126 (860) 824-3000 New Hartford 518 Main Street (860) 738-0200 March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 11 where freshness is a must! 45 We’ll Supply The Fixins’! USDA Choice Certified Angus Beef FREE Lb. Bag Bag 55 Lb. Eastern Eastern Potatoes Potatoes $ 97 99 Corned Beef Brisket 2 1/2 Lb. Pkg. FREE FREE 1 Lb. Bag 1Crisp Lb. Bag Crisp Carrots Carrots Lb. FREE Head Heat & Serve Fitzgerald’s Own Chef Prepared Corned Beef Dinner 5 $59799 Tender Corned Beef, Carrots, Potatoes & Green Cabbage Irish Soda Bread 710 Hopmeadow St. • Drake Hill Mall Simsbury, CT Phone: 860-658-2271 Fax: 860.658.2273 Pizza: 860-658-1210 12 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Fitzgerald’s Fresh Store Baked 4 Green Head Cabbage Green 97 $ 99 3 GIFT CARDS ALWAYS AVAILABLE loaf Loaf FREE Cabbage Get All 3 FREE with A Purchase of A 2.5 Lb.Get Corned All 3 Beef FREEor More Get all three free with the purchase of 2.1/2 lbs or more corned beef. - Asst. 5 oz. Can In Water 48free oz. Crtn. One of each per customer please. StarKist 7 Assorted Varieties 9Offer good T through k Hill March 17, 2013. While supplies last. ain or ndry gent Var. with A Purchase of A 2.5 Lb. Corned Beef or More Double Manufacturer’s Coupons - See Store For Details. Mastercard. Visa. Discover. American Express. Store Hours: OPEN 8 A.M.-9 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK PRESSNews Town will spend $25K on chemical cleanup New possible highway garage site chosen By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer Company will be hired for work on Dewey Farm tion. As of press time, the budgets were to be presented to the Town Council for consideration March 12. “Next year’s tax rate will have to increase by at least 1.71 mills to make up for the grand list decline, plus it will have to increase to fund any proposed increase in the budget and for any non-tax CANTON – Canton officials have a new possible location for a highway garage. At a special meeting March 6, the Board of Selectmen authorized Chief Administrative Officer Robert Skinner to sign a purchase and sale agreement for a 4.75-acre lot at 325 Commerce Drive. e estimated prize for the lot is $225,000, Skinner said. Site work would cost about $1.3 million compared with the $3 million it was estimated it would cost on the Cherry Brook Road site that voters denied purchasing in 2010. Commerce Road has hookups for natural gas and water, as well as a sewer line, Skinner said. He also said the layout of the lot had benefits. “What’s nice is that there’s a slight slope, which will screen the garage,” he said. Preliminary plans for the garage were drafted by Weston & Sampson of Foxborough, Mass., but Skinner said they could change. “ese are preliminary plans that were developed to indicate the feasibility of the site,” he wrote in a memo. “e final plans may vary based on a number of considerations, including citizen comments, land use regulatory process and the design/build See GRAND LIST on page 26 See GARAGE on page 26 By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer SIMSBURY – e town of Simsbury will spend $25,000 to clean up a farm it owns. When Carleton Dewey of Dewey Farm on Terry’s Plain Road passed away last year, the town took over his farm. Dewey sold the farm to the town about 12 to 14 years ago under an agreement that gave him tenancy of the place for the rest of his life, said Rich Sawitzke, town engineer and director of capital projects. At the Feb. 25 Board of Selectmen meeting, the board agreed to spend $25,000 to clean up chemicals and to secure an outbuilding on the property, which, according to Sawitzke, tested positive for hazardous chemicals. He asked for the funds to hire a company to perform the cleanup. “At this point we do not feel the staff should do it,” he said, adding that the funds for the project were not included in last year’s operating budget because officials did not realize the town would take ownership of the property. Selectmen agreed to the expense. In 2010, at age 74, Dewey and his wife, Charlene Dewey, spoke to e Valley Press about See CLEANUP on page 26 Checkmate On Saturday, March 2 at the Simsbury Public Library, 81 Chess and six Go players between the ages of 5 and 18 competed at the second Simsbury Open Scholastic Chess and Go Championship. The Simsbury 2013 chess champion was Leo Stolov (above, left). Second place went to Jonathan Aiyathurai (above, right) of Simsbury, and third place went to Eric Hilhorst (above, center) of Simsbury. In the elementary school section, Ruthvik Ayyagari of Rocky Hill took first place. Local children Gautham Rajeshkumar of Farmington and Jade Logan of Avon placed ninth and 13th, respectively. Simsbury resident Nicholas Beckius of Simsbury is the 2013 Go Champion. Aresh Pourkavoos of Avon also placed in the Go tournament. Courtesy photo Farmington officials ‘pleasantly surprised’ with smaller grand list decline than projected By Jennifer Senofonte Staff Writer FARMINGTON – With completion of Farmington’s most recent revaluation, residential property values declined by 10.2 percent, contributing to the overall decrease in the grand list by $271.6 million. Total real estate declined by 8.04 percent including residential, commercial – which went down 1.7 percent – personal property and motor vehicle. e tax rate would need to increase by 7.8 percent, or 1.71 mills, to fund the current year’s budget. In order to limit the overall increase, the Town Council set a budget target for the 2013-14 fiscal year of a spending increase between 2 and 3 percent for the town manager and the Board of Educa- March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 13 After a presentation and public hearing March 6, the Zoning Commission passed the application by Cheshire’s Milone & MacBroom to put an artificial turf field and new track at the school. File photo Track and field project approved By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer High quality roofing systems at a great price! All roofs installed by company, no3rd rate subcontractors. • roofing • siding • windows 24 years in the business Fully Licensed & Insured Lic#626550 860-670-0330 D By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer SIMSBURY – e Simsbury Fish & Game Club will continue its tradition of stewardship of Stoddard Reservoir. At the Feb. 25 Board of Select- %% /, -(3 (+ &(+ "'(+&-"('D . I . I . l B@:T@A>T>=<= 6 Bridgewater Road . T l .T (+!((%I(& The Goddard Schools® are operated by independent franchisees under a license agreement with Goddard Systems, Inc. Programs and ages may vary. Goddard Systems, Inc. program is AdvancED accredited. © Goddard Systems Inc. 2013 The Valley Press flattened and the field would be raised, making it easier for her to see and hear. “Why couldn’t there be a berm on my property? I mean, they’re digging out all that hillside,” she said. “Right now, I have the benefit of a slope and the buffers on top of that and when they excavate everything, that’ll be taken down.” Tom Daly of Milone & MacBroom said that, while it was feasible to put in a berm, to do so would require taking out even more vegetation. Steve Bemis said he lives 30 feet from where the field will See TRACK on page 27 Town extends license agreement for Stoddard Reservoir with Fish & Game Club ! (+ !((% ® ", -! ,-,- +(1"' )+"0- )+,!((% "' -! (/'-+3J ' 1M0 +/%%3 ,%- +&"' -(' (+ (/+ '1,- ,!((%I 14 CANTON – e Canton Zoning Commission has approved the track and field at the high school. After a presentation and public hearing March 6, the commission passed the application by Cheshire’s Milone & MacBroom to put an artificial turf field and new track at the school. In November 2012, voters agreed to spend $3.6 million on the project. After a lengthy presentation by Milone & MacBroom, a handful of residents spoke on the proposal. Kathleen Woolam, who lives next door to the school on property where she has resided her en- tire life and which her family has owned for 150 years, has opposed the project from its inception. “For me, this field is a disaster,” she said. “ere is only a single line of trees as a buffer and from my experience trees do nothing.” Woolam remonstrated that, visually, trees are a benefit, “but for lights and noise they do nothing.” Lighting was not included in the application, but the plan includes putting in foundations and conduits so it could be added in the future, assuming it is approved at that time. Woolam was also concerned that the slope, which she said currently acts as a barrier between her property and the school, would be March 14, 2013 men meeting, the board extended the town’s license agreement with the club for another four years. e license gives the club the right to use the pond at the base of Onion Mountain and help with its upkeep. “ey’ve been wonderful part- ners and great stewards of that property,” said Gerald Toner, director of Culture, Parks & Recreation, at the meeting. “It’s certainly afforded our residents the opportunity to fish in a beautiful, pristine area.” e club keeps the area clean, stocks fish in the pond and sells a limited number of fishing permits, Toner said. It also holds a youth fishing derby every year. Fish & Game Club former President Ned Kendall said the club, which was established in 1938, has a history with a few local properties. e club used to stock pheasants and hunt behind Iron Horse Boulevard on what he referred to as the old Baker property. When it went up for sale, the members were split on whether to buy it or not and it went to the town instead. e club also did a lot of See STODDARD on page 27 Selectmen approve 3.9% increase budget By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer CANTON – e Canton Board of Selectmen has approved a budget to pass on to the Board of Finance. After making some tweaks to Chief Administrative Officer Robert Skinner’s proposal, selectmen agreed on a $9.6 million budget for the next fiscal year, a 3.9 percent increase over last year. Among the changes selectmen made was an increase to the capital budget, bringing the total to $965,831 from Skinner’s proposed $929,500. As he made a motion to add the additional funds to the capital budget, First Selectman Richard Barlow said the amount was more than they had hoped to spend, but was necessary. “Any further discussion, parting words, moments of sorrow?” he asked before the vote. Selectman Lowell Humphrey said the board was taking a different approach to spending in this budget than it had last year, but also agreed it was necessary. “It’s important to show that we are trying to address some shortcomings in our operation,” Humphrey said. “Unfortunately, it takes money.” Stephen Roberto agreed. “A lot of things have happened in the last year, decisions that were made in referendum that I disagreed with,” he said. “But a lot of residents have been telling us that they want things and they’re aware of the price tag.” During a budget workshop before approving the budget, selectmen mulled over what to cut and prepared to face the question of further reductions from the board of finance. “e other thing we’ve got to face is that, with the new charter, the Board of Finance has the option to tell us where the cuts are going to come from, whether it’s going to be in operating or CIP,” Barlow said, adding that last year the finance board asked him, at the spur of the moment, to prioritize. “I want to have a consensus from you guys.” Roberto suggested cutting new expenses that had been made to the budget, including a The plan for Avon outlines steps for the moderators and poll workers to take in an emergency event. File photo Council approves election contingency plan By Jennifer Senofonte Staff Writer AVON – e Avon Town Council approved an emergency contingency plan for elections created by Registrar Ann Clark and staff. e secretary of the state mandated for all municipalities to create an emergency contingency plan that aligned with the a specific plan for towns and cities in the wake of recent weather-related issues during the last couple of elections. “Because of what we’ve gone through in the last two years when we’ve had these 100-year storms, they decided that the registrars See BUDGET on page 27 better have an emergency contingency plan,” Clark said at the March 7 council meeting. She noted that some of what was required has been done in town in the past and that the tabulators have backup battery power for up to 16 hours already. Additionally, elections are held at the high school and Firehouse Company 1, which both have generators. “e first storm we had we had to move our polling place,” Clark said, noting that they had a backup plan in place already for this circumstance. e official plan for Avon outlines steps for the moderators and !" !"!# " $ % % %&'(% 0 1 % 2 Central School Days MWF T TH T TH F Age 3’s 3’s 3’s Times 8:55 – 11:25 am 8:55 – 11:25 am 8:55 – 11:25 am Tuition $2217 $1500 $2217 M - TH 4’s 11:55 – 2:25 pm $3024 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 8:45 – 11:15 am 8:45 – 11:15 am 8:45 – 11:15 am 8:45 – 11:15 am $1500 $2230 $2975 $3718 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 8:45 am – 12:45 pm 8:45 am – 12:45 pm 8:45 am – 12:45 pm 8:45 am – 12:45 pm $2186 $3278 $4371 $5464 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 3’s & 4’s 8:45 am – 2:45 pm 8:45 am – 2:45 pm 8:45 am – 2:45 pm 8:45 am – 2:45 pm $3278 $4918 $6557 $8196 % 3 % * ,% 4 , poll workers to take in an emergency event like evacuation. It also states that if a polling place is unavailable, the Avon Senior/Community Room can be used as an alternate and, like two years ago, the public will be notified as such through the website, radio, Everbridge emergency system and signage. “I think the storm two years ago was a run-through,” Clark said. She added that Avon is fortunate to have a Public Works Department that transfers all the election equipment. The plan must be submitted to the secretary of the state by April 1. ) *)+, -. / #"$ % , Squadron Line School formerly located at Tootin’ Hills School Days 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week Times 8:15 – 10:45 am 8:15 – 10:45 am 8:15 – 10:45 am 8:15 – 10:45 am Tuition $1500 $2230 $2975 $3718 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week 8:15 – 11:15 am 8:15 – 11:15 am 8:15 – 11:15 am 8:15 – 11:15 am $1640 $2460 $3280 $4099 2 days/week 3 days/week 4 days/week 5 days/week 8:15 am – 2:15 pm 8:15 am – 2:15 pm 8:15 am – 2:15 pm 8:15 am – 2:15 pm $3278 $4918 $6557 $8196 All classes are for 3- and 4-year olds! March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 15 PRESSOPINION EDITORIAL Salute our senior citizen volunteers Take time out and consider nominating an outstanding senior volunteer. Especially as spring approaches, many organizations recognize excellent students for their volunteer efforts. Adults are often honored during their careers for various achievements and dedication to the community. It is also important to recognize senior citizens who volunteer their time to various causes for all the work they do. Nominations of Connecticut residents as outstanding senior volunteers are currently open as part of the Salute to Senior Service program. e program, sponsored by Home Instead, Inc., honors the contributions of adults 65 and older who give at least 15 hours a month of volunteer service. Nominations will be accepted until March 31 and state winners will then be selected by popular vote at between April 15 and 30, according to a press release. From those winners, a panel of senior care experts will pick the national Salute to Senior Service honoree. Each of the state winners will receive $500 for their favorite nonprofit organization and their story will be posted on the Salute to Senior Service Wall of Fame. e volunteer efforts of our local senior citizens benefit the community in so many ways. Most groups include participants that range in age, but senior citizen members are often some of the most dedicated members. ey help to raise funds for charity via church groups and other organizations. ey keep our towns beautiful as part of various groups, such as the Old Drake Hill Flower Bridge Committee in Simsbury. ey work to support our libraries and plan community events. ey serve on committees for local museums, food banks and other non-profit organizations. Volunteerism often starts at a young age, is prevalent through one’s aging and continues well into one’s so-called “golden years.” It is important to recognize the lifelong efforts of our local senior citizens. If you know someone who has provided excellent service to the community, take a moment and salute a senior. To complete and submit a nomination form online and to view the contest’s official rules, visit Completed nomination forms also can be mailed to Salute to Senior Service, P.O. Box 285, Bellevue, Neb., 68005. 16 The Valley Press 540 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury, CT 06070 Phone 860-651-4700 Fax 860-606-9599 Letter to the editor Another white elephant To the editor: Four weeks ago, the Collinsville Renewable Energy Promotion Act, known locally as the Collinsville White Elephant Act, was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives almost unnoticed and without any comment, which really is too bad since it deserves a much closer look. e bill was sponsored by Connecticut’s 5th District freshman representative Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty and has been long championed by Canton’s First Selectman Richard Barlow. It would enable the town of Canton to assume a dormant license to operate a long defunct hydroelectric power generating facility on the Farmington River. On the surface, this legislation and idea seems noble and good. However, there are some serious issues with the entire concept. We, in the state of Connecticut, pay the second highest all sectors price for electricity in the nation, according to a recent study conducted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. is is just another sad metric on a growing list of woes for the state of Connecticut. A Collinsville hydroelectric facility does nothing at all to help the residents and businesses in the state pay less. In fact, it actually adds to our burden through a scheme called Virtual Net Metering and through the potential use of renewable energy credits, known in the electricity underworld by several innocent acronyms such as IRECs CRECs and ZRECs. ese little beauties are subsidies plain as day and you as the ratepayer fund them all through a collection mechanism called your electric bill. Of course, there will be by necessity the use of a now ubiquitous tool called a government grant. Grants, for the uninitiated, are free money handed out by various government agencies to entities hither and yon without any expectation of repayment. Here is how all this works. e town operates the dam and generates electricity. e excess amount of power it is not able to use in certain town buildings would be sold back to the grid. Fair enough, right? Here’s the rub. e price Canton would get for the excess power sold to the grid would be at the full boat retail price you pay on your bill for generation, not the wholesale cost that any other private beaver who owns a dam would get for the power they make. You, the ratepayer, pick up the tab on the difference via your electric bill and those little charges on the back page that no one reads. e worst part about all this is that the extra cash the dam might generate goes directly to the Canton General Fund for Mr. Barlow to spend or misspend as the case may be. It’s not over yet. We need to cover those actually not-so-little renewable energy credits. If you ran a business that made donuts, wouldn’t you love to get paid by your customers for your donuts and then again by someone else just because you make nice low calorie donuts? is is the concept behind renewable energy credits; the producer gets paid twice. Guess who picks up the bill on both payments? Right, the Connecticut electricity ratepayer. Here again, people throughout the Farmington River Valley are sending cash to the town of Canton simply because it makes a certain class of low calorie donut, which is already overpriced. is project can not stand on its own economic merits without a complex subsidy scheme, which may help us become numero uno in the electricity cost top 50. How all this helps the already overburdened ratepayer or the state of Connecticut as a whole create new jobs is a mystery. Chris Budnick Canton resident Letters to the editor should be 400 words or less in length. Guest columns will be published at the discretion of the editor and should be no more than 650 words in length. No unsigned or anonymous opinions will be published. We require that the person submitting the opinion also include his or her town of residence and phone number. We authenticate authorship prior to publication. We reserve the right to edit or withold any submissions deemed to be libelous, unsubstantiated allegations, personal attacks or defamation of character. Send opinions to: or 540 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, 06070. Deadline for submissions is Friday at noon for the following week’s edition. Call the office, 860651-4700, with questions. LETTERS POLICY March 14, 2013 The Valley Press is a publication of Valley Press Publishing Inc. Delivered to homes in Avon, Burlington, Canton, Farmington, Granby and Simsbury Abigail Albair Editor David Heuschkel Sports Editor Melissa Friedman Advertising Director 860-978-1345 Chris Melnyk Advertising representative Barbara Ouellette Classified Sales FOLLOW US ON THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde PRESSOPINION Beyond the desk of the editor Mermaid for a day: my experience swimming with dolphins By Abigail Albair Editor Doesn’t every little girl at one time or another imagine herself as a mermaid, swimming with the dolphins? CLUES ACROSS 1. Something curved in shape 4. Tattoo (slang) 7. Therapeutic resort 10. His ark 12. Organized crime heads 14. Actor Connery 15. Free from danger 16. Honey badger 17. Part of a deck 18. Cause to run off the tracks 20. Classical music form 22. Defensive nuclear weapon 23. Volt-ampere 24. "Socrate" composer Erik 26. Keep up 29. Foot raced 30. The 44th President 35. Aboriginal (abbr.) 36. Wedding vow 37. 21st Hebrew letter 38. "Little Man Tate" director 44. Teletype (Computers) 45. Discovered alternating current 46. Tears down (alt. sp.) 48. Resinlike substance in shellac Maybe not, but then I suppose my confession of the day is that I did imagine myself as such. As a young child, I fancied myself a future marine biologist until I realized I was more of a Walt Whitman than a Jacques 49. Military mailbox 50. Smoothed wood 53. Old Testament book 56. Japanese lake with marimo 57. Card, dining or coffee 59. Checks 61. Telephone exchange (abbr.) 62. Greek covered walks or colonnades 63. Pigmented eye membrane 64. No. French river 65. Airborne (abbr.) 66. Shock therapy CLUES DOWN 1. Autonomic nervous system 2. Highway 3. Eating house 4. Afrikaans 5. Likely 6. Foot digits 7. Place to sit 8. For in Spanish 9. Also or including 11. N W Afghan city 12. Black Sea peninsula 13. Language of Slovakia 14. Divine Egyptian beetle See answers on page 30 19. What a baby wears to eat 21. River of NE Ecuador & N Peru 24. European wooden shoe 25. Positive pole 27. Hereditary social class (Hindu) 28. Utters 29. British rule over India 31. ___ de Janeiro 32. Promotional materials 33. Narrow collapsible bed 34. Whatsoever 39. Land surrounded by water 40. Ardor 41. Aspects 42. Removes writing 43. __ Nui, Easter Island 47. Conductor Sir Georg 50. Landscaped road (abbr.) 51. Research workplaces 52. Organized factual information 53. A scheme or program 54. Female horse or zebra 55. Invests in little enterprises 56. Signing 58. Robert's nickname 60. Very fast airplane Cousteau. My grades in English far surpassed those in any of the sciences, but I did have an undying love for certain creatures of the sea. For years I hung onto the dream of one day swimming with the dolphins. Given the fact that I cannot breathe under water and thus stay submerged for long periods of time while I flip my nonexistent fins, once I finally had the chance at this swimming with flipper experience, it wasn’t quite the gliding underwater with one hand gripping the dolphin’s dorsal fin that I had pictured. But it was magical. To begin with, I had imagined that dolphins would feel like rubber to the touch. eir dark, gray skin seems as though it must be so sturdy, but in reality, dolphins feel more delicate that human adults. As part of my swimming with the dolphins experience on Blue Lagoon Island in the Bahamas, one of the two adult female dolphins my group swam with passed in front of us as we floated in a line donning life jackets and allowed us to gently rub our hand along first its back and then it’s belly. Its body was as soft as a baby’s and gave to slight pressure as a down comforter or pillow does. e dolphins were playful. Each time they accomplished a task their trainer commanded them to, they jumped in the air – one reaching 25 feet in height – and clicked and whistled at one another. Each of the dolphins had a baby that swam in the same cove as us, though as these young ones were not fully trained, we were not permitted to interact with them. However, they would occasionally almost tease us by swimming near us and brushing against us. On more than one occasion, one of the babies – either feeling neglected or simply bored – used its nose to toss a ball at the trainers who were working with us and our adult dolphin partners. At one point, the ball caught a trainer off guard and bounced off her shoulder. She laughed. “Not right now, we’re working,” she said to the baby. After we became acquainted with our dolphin friends, we first were able to hug them. Two at a time we came forward and DawnFamily Cooley, D.M.D. Dentistry 36 Main Street, Rte 4 • Unionville, CT • 06085 • 860-673-9770 • Convenient early morning & Saturday hours available • Family dentistry • State-of-the-art equipment • Tooth whitening procedures • Most insurances accepted Dr. Dawn Cooley was born and raised in a small town in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. After completing her undergraduate degree at Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY, she relocated to Connecticut to attend the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. She performed her General Practice Residency at Hartford Hospital and has been in practice in the Greater Hartford Area for 10 years. Dr. Cooley has attended a multitude of continuing education courses throughout the years including extensive Cosmetic Dentistry courses. She is currently accepting new patients and is looking forward to serving the community. NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS stretched out our arms toward them. Suddenly, they dove down and then popped out of the water, resting their heads on our shoulders. As I wrapped my arms around my dolphin, I was startled by its size as it floated vertically against me in the water. It’s tail extended below my toes and I reveled for a moment in the full body hug. Next, the dolphins retrieved a small fish from their trainer and brought it to us. We were meant to hold it up in the air and they would jump to take it from us. A bird dove at my husband and snatched the fish from him, much to his dolphin partner’s dismay. “Did he let your fish get stolen?” the trainer said to the dolphin. “Tell him to get it together.” e dolphin eagerly turned and began spitting water at Mike and clicking at him. We then had the chance to dance with the dolphins. As we tapped our hands on the water’s surface, they popped up and allowed as to grab their fins as they rapidly moved their tails, bopping back and forth and occasionally doing a full spin. e dolphins kissed us on the cheek and “giggled” at us and let us touch their teeth. It was amazing, but nothing was as thrilling as the grand finale. Each one of us was sent out into the middle of the cove where we floated on our stomach with our arms stretched out in front of us and our feet behind us, toes pointing toward the ocean floor. Suddenly, both dolphins in perfect synchronization each placed their nose on the bottom of one of my feet and began to push me forward. For several yards I traveled this way, the top half of my body curved up out of the water as the dolphins carried me away. I wasn’t quite a mermaid, but I felt like King Triton in his chariot pulled by dolphins. It was a feeling unlike anything I’ve ever had before. e intelligence and emotion of the dolphins that I experienced in a mere 45 minutes was overwhelming and incredible: something I hope I have the chance to encounter again. Your hometown newspaper is now available online. March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 17 PRESSBUSINESS HomeGoods opens in Simsbury By Sloan Brewster Senior Staff Writer On a Monday afternoon, one week following the grand opening of HomeGoods in Simsbury, people were piling into the store e 25,000-square-foot store, which opened for the first time bright and early Sunday, March 3, occupies the building in Simsbury Commons that, until 2011, held Borders Books. According to company spokesman Phil Tracey, there was a line of customers around the store on opening day. “ere’s a lot of home enthusiasts in the area. e turnout was wonderful,” Tracey said. “ere’s literally something for everyone.” e pattern continued Monday, March 11 when many customers wandered the store on the hunt for treasure. Many of the shoppers were new to the store. at was the case for Barbara Hopkins of West Simsbury, who was loading a couple of bags into her car after her visit to the new store. She said she had never been to a HomeGoods before, but went there in search of inspira- The new world of estate planning: Should you bypass your bypass trust? As we entered 2013, Congress passed new legislation as a result of the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. Although the outcome was a tax increase for many people, Congress John W. Eckel displayed its sense of humor by naming it “the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.” Good news HomeGoods has opened in Simsbury Commons. tion for colors and ideas for redoing a bathroom in her home. She bought some towels and a wicker basket. “I think it’s going to be great for the area, and I think we needed it for the area,” she said. Items for pets are one of HomeGoods specialties, Tracey said, who added that many of the products in the store can be found in New York boutiques. Except at HomeGoods, they are less pricey, he said. HomeGoods, according to a press release, offers an exciting, ever-changing selection of highquality home fashions at prices 20 Photo by Sloan Brewster percent to 60 percent less than department and specialty store regular prices, every day. HomeGoods provides consumers with extraordinary values on brand name and designer merchandise and unique finds for every room and in countless styles. HomeGoods merchandise offerings include furniture, rugs, lamps, kitchen and dining, bedding and bath, kids décor, toys, pet, storage and much more. “We literally sell items for everyone with a house,” Tracey said. In addition, according to the press release, HomeGoods will support the Simsbury community by hiring store management and associates from the local area. e Simsbury store is expected to fill approximately 60 full- and parttime positions. HomeGoods operates more than 400 stores across the country and is a division of e TJX Companies, Inc. e TJX Companies, Inc. is the leading off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions in the U.S. and worldwide. One of the few good things coming out of the legislation is Congress made the individual $5.25 million federal estate tax exemption amount permanent (or as permanent as anything is in Washington) rather than subjecting it to a future sunset provision. e exemption amount is indexed for future inflation, and a surviving spouse can also use their deceased spouse’s unused exemption in addition to their own exemption. is is sometimes referred to as portability and is a key reason why marital bypass trusts, also known as credit shelter trusts, have been used. Portability Portability removes the possibility that a spouse’s estate tax exemption may not be fully utilized (which would result in higher estate taxes for the surviving spouse) and also removes some of the advantages of a bypass trust. Individuals with estates under $5.25 million and couples with estates under $10.5 million will now not be subject to federal estate taxes. ose with estates above the exemption amount face a 40 percent tax. However, families with estates less than the federal exemption amount may still be subject to estate taxes in the state of their residence. Many states do not have estate taxes, but some, especially in the Northeast and Midwest, do. “Would you like to join us?” ENGAGING PEEOPLE OPLE. COMFORTABL OMFORTABLE E LIVING. CULTUR ULTURE E OF SE ERVICE RVICE. SummerWood is CT’s premier SummerWood premier senior living community that offers of fers fine kosher dining and a wealth of other amenities. For more more information call Valerie Valerie at 860-523-3808 or visit the website at www.hof www .hoffmansummerwood.or .hof fmansummerwood.or g. 160 Simsbur Simsburyy Road, W West est Hartford A member of the Hebrew Health Care family. family. 18 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 e state of Connecticut actually lowered the exemption amount in 2011 from $3.5 million to $2 million with a top rate of 12 percent. Unfortunately, the Connecticut estate tax exemption does not provide for portability of the unused exemption to the surviving spouse. Disadvantages of bypass trusts Bypass trusts have disadvantages that should be considered when reviewing your estate plan: - Assets in a bypass trust do not receive a second “step-up in basis” upon the death of the second spouse, while the second step-up in basis would be available outside a bypass trust. is could result in a higher capital gain tax for your ultimate heirs. - Undistributed income in a bypass trust is subject to trust income tax brackets, making higher taxes a very real possibility, including possibly being subject to the new 3.8 percent health care tax on dividends and capital gains. - Bypass trusts have administrative costs. Situations where bypass trusts are advantageous In spite of these disadvantages, bypass trusts still retain advantages in certain situations: - Couples who live in a state with no state estate tax whose estate value is close to or above $10 million. e investments in the bypass trust from the death of the first spouse would not be subject to future estate tax even if their value grew to more than the $5.25 million exemption. - Couples who live in a state with a state estate tax and whose estate value is in excess of their state’s exemption (e.g., $2 million in Connecticut and $1 million in Massachusetts) - Where asset protection from creditors or others is especially important - A need for control of spendthrifts - When privacy, avoiding probate and expediting distribution of the estate is particularly important. is may be a good time to see your estate planning attorney e net result is that Congress has changed the rules and these rules are considered permanent by the standards of Washington. If you have a bypass trust, this is a good time to discuss it with your estate planning attorney to see if it remains the best approach for you. John W. Eckel, CFP, CFA John W. Eckel, CFP, CFA is president of Pinnacle Investment Management Inc. of Simsbury. He has been included in’s list of the Most Experienced Independent Financial Advisors, has been named four times to Worth Magazine’s list of Top Financial Advisors, included twice in Medical Economics list of Top Financial Advisors for Doctors and named twice in JK Lasers list of Top Professional Advisors for Baby Boomers. John Eckel can be reached in Simsbury at 860-651-1716 or at for comments or questions. For additional information about Pinnacle Investment Management Inc., you can visit our website at PRESSEDUCATION The of the home! Time to make it yours! 5IF (MBEF t 4JNTCVSZ t We’ve longway way since inviting you to the walk the Weʼve come come aa long since inviting you to walk propproperty and view the for plans this stunning work erty and view the plans thisfor stunning work of art by of art Maglieri Development . . . This warmwarm & inviting eat-in kitchen by Maglieri Development . . . This & inviting eat-in with Viking + granite +island & counters out kitchen withappliances Viking appliances granite island &round counters the mainout floor. cherryfloor. cabinet study shares a see-thru fire-a rounds theA main A huge living room shares place with the living room. And thereʼs LOTS more. see-thru fireplace with the study. An there’s LOTS more. Decorative chairs created by three Upper School students for The Master’s School upcoming gala and auction event Courtesy photo Students put ‘The Master’s Touch’ on gala event By Abigail Albair Editor Children from The Master’s School have put their own touches on the school’s upcoming gala and auction event, which will in turn highlight the impact “The Master’s Touch” has on the school’s students. The annual event, which will be held at The Riverview in Simsbury, is the school’s largest fundraiser, scheduled for Friday, March 22 this year. Event Co-Chair Elissa O’Connor has said that the theme of the event is “The Master’s Touch” because the school wanted to exemplify how students are touched by their experience there, but the students have also left their mark on the gala by creating pieces for the auction. Approximately 50 3- and 4year-old students in the early childcare program did splatter painting, each choosing a color to splash against a large canvas. The highest bidder will receive the canvas, a certificate for framing and a framed picture of their child in their smock with paint. Students in the lower grades and early kindergarten created a fingerprint bench. Grade five students made a fingerprint piece to decoupage onto the small, decorative bench. Students selected the color for their fingerprint and used markers to turn their prints into HOD 0000962 images of butterflies, turtles, bats and others. “We selected Isaiah 64:8 [to put] on the center of the piece,” explained O’Connor. The verse reads: “We are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Three Upper School students created works of art using chairs that were donated to the senior class tag sale last October. Michaela Todd, Hannah Dunn and Morgan Sharp, all of whom O’Connor said are “very active in the arts,” took the chairs home to transform them into decorated pieces. In addition, a first-grade class made its own chair artwork with the Lower School art teacher Sylvia Wallis. Students also created special touches for the gala event in other ways. Lower School students created watercolor butterflies to adorn printed stationary cards as guest favors. Six hundred truffles were handmade by Upper School students, also as favors for the event. The National Honor Society offered complimentary in-house babysitting during the gala for those in attendance as well. “This event by far has ‘The Master’s Touch’ and is seen from our very youngest students all the way to the senior class adults,” O’Connor said. “It’s personalized and personal in so many ways.” S1-0300612 Brian Meek, headmaster of The Master’s School, commented, “Lives are touched and the world is impacted at The Master’s School. Delivering a comprehensive Christian education one life at a time intentionally prepares each student for the world, which awaits them in all of their fullness. The Master’s Touch refers directly to transformation that occurs as students are educated in an environment where they are well-known and welltaught.” The evening will include dinner, a live and silent auction, speakers and live music and dancing featuring the Valley Swing Shift Orchestra. Event sponsors are Rockland Bank Foundation, Ruark Consulting LLC and The Valley Press. “The generosity and investment of those who have donated to this event and who are supporting this event in The Master’s School will have impact that is lasting and visible for years to come,” Meek said. The Master’s School is a private, co-educational, Christian day school in West Simsbury, serving students from a wide geographic area. Parents, alumni and students comprise a school community of over 1,000 people. Call me for your own personal tour. You’re gonna Old Farms Road north to Wyngate to The Glade © An independently operated member of BRER Affiliates, Inc. Equal Housing Opportunity. it! Erica K. Maglieri 860.324.6842 TRUST expertise RELATIONSHIPS Robert S. Hensley*, President Joseph F. Shiman, III*,Vice President Margaret H. Jakubowski, Vice President Jill Brandon, CLU, ChFC*, Financial Advisor Robert B. Loomis, CLTC, Long-Term Care Advisor 10 Avon Meadow Lane | Avon, CT 06001 | Ph: (860) 678-1090 | (800) 875-1090 | Fax: (860) 678-0544 | *Securities and Investment Advisory Services are offered through Registered Representatives and Financial Advisors of Tower Square Securities, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. Robert Hensley & Associates, LLC is not a broker/dealer or registered investment advisor, and is not an affiliate of Tower Square Securities, Inc. L0213308205[exp0315][CT] Cell: 860-558-5948 Office: 860-728-5431 Fax: 860-528-4321 We are there when you need us. Automatic Delivery. Competitive Prices. We are a full service heating oil company. Michael J. Deitch, 40 Woodland Street (Rear), Hartford, Ct 06105 Retail Fuel Distributor • HVAC Sales & Service March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 19 To submit an event for the calendar, e-mail Sally at Avon calendar The Avon Senior Center, 635 West Avon Road, 860-675-4355: • SNAP presentation Thursday, March 14, 12:30 p.m., with Sherry Suber from End Hunger CT, sign up • Cooking with Nicole Wednesday, March 20, noon, $5, sign up • Taking Charge Thursday, March 21, 12:30 p.m., providing tips and tools for looking out for oneself Senior Citizens Organization of Avon, 635 West Avon Road, Monday, March 18, lunch at noon, program at 12:30 p.m. with Jay Kaplan of Roaring Brook Nature Center on Snakes Alive! including live snakes Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 23, beginning at 9 a.m., at Avon Health Center, 652 West Avon Road, register online at Talcott Mountain Science Center presents Dr. Henry Lee, forensic scientist, Thursday, April 4, 7-9 p.m., $8/$10, 860-677-8571 AVFD annual Citizens’ Fire Academy course Thursdays beginning April 4-May 23, 6:30-9 p.m., to request application, call 860677-2644, application deadline March 21 Burlington Congregational Church of Burlington tag sale Saturday, March 16, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at Town Hall Park and Rec’s Eggstravaganza Saturday, March 23, 10 a.m., Town Hall auditorium, preregister by March 14 – magic show, refreshments, outdoor egg hunt Parks & Rec spring programs: Kickbox Combo Session II, March 25-June 12, 6:307:30 p.m., $66 one class, $100 two classes per week; Junior Golf Camp Session II, April 3, 10 and 17, 4-6 p.m., register by March 29; Get Golf Ready Wednesdays, April 3, 10 and 27, 67:45 p.m., register by March 29 Canton calendar Canton Historical Museum lecture of Feb. 10, “The Roots of John B rown: His Canton Connection,” cancelled because of the snowstorm rescheduled for Sunday, March 17 at 2 p.m. at the Canton Library/Community Center, 40 Dyer Ave., Collinsville (rear entrance, lower level) At Gallery on the Green thru Sunday, March 17: Members show “Dreams” in the Main Gallery; Upstairs Gallery: “A Wild and Scenic River,” waterscapes of Tom Cameron; Spotlight Gallery: “In the Mind’s Eye,” work of Diane Wright; gallery hours Fridays-Sundays, 1-5 p.m. at the library Avon Public Library 281 Country Club Road, 860-673-9712, • Thursday Matinee Movies, 1:30 p.m.: March 14, “The Quiet Man” and March 21, “Vertigo” • Candy Pixel Art Thursday, March 14, 3:15-4:15 p.m., grades 7-12, sign up • Nutmeg Book Discussion Thursday, March 14, 4-5 p.m., “The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg,” grades 4-6 • Teen DrawSomething Friday, March 15, 3-4 p.m., drop in • St. Patrick’s Day program Friday, March 15, 44:45 p.m., grades K-2, wear green • Daddy and Me Storytime Saturday, March 16, 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Bookmates Reading Club Saturday, March 16, 4-5 p.m., grades 1-3, “The Dragon in the Sock Drawer” by Kate Klimo • Morning Book Group Wednesday, March 20, 10 a.m.-noon, “Emily Alone” by Stewart O’Nan Burlington Public Library 1 Library Lane, 860-673-3331, • TAC meeting Thursday, March 14, 6:30 p.m. 20 The Valley Press Canton High School’s “Bye Bye Birdie” spring musical March 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. and March 24 at 2 p.m., tickets $8/$12 at or at 860-693-7707 tickets door to door for $5 for duck race (May 5) and collecting non-perishable food items, six prizes; also selling tickets and collecting food at Stop & Shop March 16, 24 and 30 Ukrainian Egg Decorating Workshops presented by Canton Senior/Social Services Monday, March 18, 1-3 p.m.; Thursday March 28, 3-5 p.m.; Tuesday, April 16, 1:30-3:30 p.m., in the multipurpose room of the Canton Community & Senior Center, registration and payment due two days prior to each session, call 860-693-5811 Pysanky (egg decorating) workshop Tuesday, March 19, 6:30-9:30 p.m., at Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center, 31 Colton St., $25 offering, advance registration at 860677-8519 Farmington calendar Author Amy Bloom to speak about her writing experiences Thursday, March 14, 7 p.m., in Founder’s Hall at Tunxis Community College, free, book signing At the UConn Health Center, 263 Farmington Ave.: • Free workshop: “Spiritual Conclave: Mind, Matter and Consciousness” Friday, March 15, Conference Room EG-013 ( • Free talk: “How Your Heart Works When You Have Heart Disease” Tuesday, March 19, 1:30-3 p.m., HR training room, 16 Munson Road, register, 860-679-3633 East Farmington Volunteer Fire Department 40th annual Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 17, 7 a.m.-noon, at the fire station, 94 South Road, tickets available at the door – all-you-can-eat blueberry, chocolate chip or regular pancakes, sausage, orange juice and choice of coffee, tea or milk, Persona Poems: The Truth Behind the Mask, a writing workshop with Jim Kelleher Sunday, March 17, 1:30-5 p.m., at the Hill-Stead Museum, 35 Mountain Road, $30/$35, contact Sarah Wadsworth at 860-677-4787, ext. 134 to register – study famous persona poems by Browning, Hughes, Machan, Shakespeare, Yeats; use workshop writing prompts to build a character and story; create a unique persona poem Farmington, 1652 Wellness Program, Caring for Body, Mind and Spirit, Session 4, Embodying Holiness: A Scriptural View of Body, Mind and Spirit Wednesday, March 20, 7-8:30 p.m., in Porter Memorial Hall, 75 Main St., 860-677-2601, no registration, free will offering, all welcome. “Diverse Collections in Retrospect,” a collection of oil paintings, drawings and handcolored photographs of landscapes and still lifes by Laurie Tavino, thru April 4 in the Wallace Barnes and Barbara Hackman Franklin Art Gallery at Tunxis Community College Granby/East Granby calendar Barn Fun at Maple View Farm, 192 Salmon Brook St., Saturdays, March 16 and April 13, 3-5 p.m., $15 per child, limited to 10 per session, 860-655-2036 – grooming horses, stall cleaning, feeding animals and learning about seasonal activities on the farm Copper Hill United Methodist Church corned beef dinner Saturday, March 16, one seating at 5:30 p.m., 27 Copper Hill Road, East Granby, $12/$6, menu: corned beef, cabbage, potato, carrots, rolls and butter, hot and cold beverages, homemade cakes and ice cream, call Susan at 860-668-1031 for reservations Granby Education Foundation’s Gran-Bee trivia night fundraiser Friday, March 22, 6:30 p.m., Simsbury calendar At Village Gate, 88 Scott Swamp Road, R.S.V.P. 860-676-8626: • Nutrition Tips for Seniors Thursday, March 14, 2 p.m. • Lucky Leprechaun Card Party Sunday, March 17, 2 p.m. – set back, bridge, rummy or any other variety Simsbury Free Library, 749 Hopmeadow St., hosting hosting the Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame “We Fight for Roses, Too” exhibit Thursday, March 14, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., with a special event at 3 p.m., a speech entitled “Powerful Voices: Connecticut Women Changing Democracy” with Mickey Orkin Farmington Police Department hosting Women’s Personal Safety Program Thursdays, March 14 and 21, 6-9 p.m. for females over age 16, to reserve a seat contact Detective Susan DiVenere at 860-675-2462 Meditation for Modern Life Thursday, March 14, 7:30-8:30 p.m. at Valley Yoga, 730 Hopmeadow St., register at, 860-268-7251 Ducks for Crew – Food for the Pantry, Farmington High School crew team canvassing the town Saturday, March 16 selling raffle Senior Center at Eno Memorial Hall, 860658-3273: • Introduction to Meditation Thursday, • Musical Movies Friday, March 15, 1 p.m., “Brigadoon” • Play Wii on the big screen Tuesday, March 19, 4:30 p.m., grades 2 and up, register • Spring Story Times, ages 2-3 with caregivers, Wednesdays, March 20-May 15, 10:30 a.m., register • Lego Lit Story Time Thursdays, March 21May 16, 1 p.m., for 4-6 year olds, register • Cuddles & Smiles Baby Group Thursdays, March 21-May 15, 10:30 a.m., register • Rhythm & Rhyme Story Time Mondays, March 18-May 13, 10:30 a.m., ages 9 months35 months with caregivers, register • T(w)een Craft Group Thursday, March 21, 6 p.m., decoupaged flower pots, register Canton Public Library 40 Dyer Ave., 860-693-5800, • Pajama Story Time: “Get Dressed” Thursday, March 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m., ages 3 and up, register • Winter Music Series, Kaleidos, the duo of Yovianna Garcia on guitar and vocals and Sayun Chang on percussion and vocals Sunday, March 17, 2 p.m., registration requested • Movies on the Big Screen Wednesday, March 20, 2 p.m., “Wreck-It Ralph,” ages 6 and up, free popcorn March 14, 2013 Farmington Library 6 Monteith Drive, 860-673-6791, • Afternoon at the Bijou Thursdays, 2-4 p.m.: March 14, “Action in the North Atlantic” (World War II – 1943); March 21, “Father Is a Bachelor” • Investment Group with Hal Brent Saturday, March 16, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., register • Director’s College event: author talk and book signing with former U.S. Congressman Bob Steele, author of “The Curse: Big-Time Gambling’s Seduction of a Small New England Town,” Wednesday, March 20, 10:30-11:30 a.m., register • Bound by Distance: Italian Migration Across Time Wednesday, March 20, 7:30-9 p.m., by Joshua King, Ph.D., student at Trinity College, register • Free workshop, Creativity in the Community, Thursday, March 21, 9 a.m., presented by Marilyn Price, educator, author, puppeteer, storyteller, learning opportunity for librarians Granby Library 15 North Granby Road, 860-844-5275 • 2 programs at Cossitt Library, 388 North Granby Road, 860-653-8958, Sunday, March 17: From Stuttgart to Springfield: The German Immigrant at 1:30 p.m. and A Mason’s Toolchest check it out March 14, 1-2 p.m., free • Friday Lunch Café March 15, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., minestrone soup, seafood salad or chicken salad sandwich, $2 per sandwich, $2 per soup, call in order • Massages Wednesday, March 20, appts. starting at 10 a.m., sign up • Lunch at Eno Wednesday, March 20, noon, pineapple glazed ham, reservations by noon on Friday the week before • Wii bowling Thursday, March 21, 10 a.m., with members of Bloomfield Senior Center, free, sign up • Bereavement Support Group Thursday, March 21, 2:30-4 p.m., call to register • Cribbage every Tuesday, 1-3 p.m., drop in Mah Jong Thursdays, 10 a.m.-noon, drop in • Duplicate bridge Fridays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., $2 per week/per player, register at 860-6519663 Simsbury Lions Club and Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast Sunday, March 17, 7:30-11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Center, 946 Hopmeadow St., adults $6, children under 3 $3, family of 4 $15 Simsbury Community Band March concert, “Let Me Tell You a Story,” Sunday, March 17, 3 p.m., at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 124 Old Farms Road, free – music of John Williams, Rodgers and Hammerstein, The Beatles and more Simsbury Garden Club meeting and program, “Naturescape Your Yard,” Monday, March 18, 11:30 a.m., at the Apple Barn, 60 Old Farms Road, speaker: Karen Bussolini, garden photographer, speaker, writer, NOFAaccredited organic land care professional and eco-friendly garden coach Senior Wisdom Series at the Village at McLean Monday, March 18, 1-2:30 p.m., in Burkholder Community Center, 100 Sarah Lane, R.S.V.P. to 860-658-3906, Financial Planning When You Are Retired Mondays with the Rabbi weekly discussion based on Jewish texts March 18, 1:30-2:30 p.m., at the Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation, 55 Bushy Hill Road Caregiver lecture presented by The Atwater at McLean, 75 Great Pond Road, Wednesday, March 20, 5 p.m., “How to Engage Your Loved One with Dementia in Important Conversations” presented by Sheri Morris, LCSW, care consultant Simsbury Land Trust’s “Green Scenes” Documentary Film and Discussion Series Thursday, March 21, 6:30 p.m. at the Simsbury Farms Apple Barn, “Queen of the Sun” about the disappearance of bees and the mysterious world of the beehive, admission $5/$10, call 860-651-8773 to register on stonework at 3 p.m. Simsbury Library 725 Hopmeadow St., 860-658-7663, • Adult Book Discussion Group Thursday, March 14, 7-8:30 p.m., “The Earth” by Emile Zola • Free ACT/SAT Combo Practice Test Saturday, March 16, 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m., pre-register • Business programs, pre-register: Microsoft Excel for Business-New Excel Data Table Feature March 18, 6:30-8 p.m.; Facebook for BusinessGetting Started March 19, 6-8 p.m.; Investor’s Program: Using Investor’s Business Daily to Maximize Your Profits Tuesday, 19, 7-8:30 p.m. • Free Business Assistance & Mentoring with a SCORE counselor Thursday, March 21, 10 a.m.2 p.m., Barnes Room, registration required • Preventing and Reacting to a Home Invasion Thursday, March 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Children’s/teen programs • Crafty Kids: St. Patrick’s Day Thursday, March 14, 1:30 p.m., ages 3 and up, register • Make Green Pretzels Thursday, March 14, 45:15 p.m., grades 3-6, register • Lego Mania Saturday, March 16, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., ages 5 and up, drop in • Mittens Visits the Library Saturday, March 16, 10:30 a.m., ages 3 and up, drop in Coming Attractions At Bridge Street Live, 41 Bridge St., Collinsville, 860-693-9763: March 14, 9 p.m., Charlie Musselwhite; March 15, 9 p.m., John Mulroony & Chris Roach, comedy; March 16, 9 p.m., Mike Doughty.; March 21, 9 p.m., Johnny A. At e Mark Twain House & Museum, 351 Farmington Ave., Hartford, 860-2470998, • “e Guilded Age of Hartford” opening Friday, March 15 – explores major cultural, social and economic trends of the era and Hartford’s role in those trends • “Celtic Echoes: Myths & Stories from Ancient Ireland” Sunday, March 17, 2 p.m., reservations • “Henry Ward Beecher: Seizing Liberty,” free conversation and book signing Wednesday, March 20, 7-8:30 p.m., with Debby Applegate, author of “e Most Famous Man in America: e Biography of Henry Ward Beecher” Farmington Valley Stage Company’s “e Price” by Arthur Miller Fridays and Saturdays, March 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. at 4 Market St., Collinsville, tickets $25/$22 at, cast includes Eric Litsky of Simsbury and Ginny Wolf of Avon At Hartt School, 200 Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford: Evening with Guitar ursday, March 14, 8 p.m., Berkman Recital Hall; “On the Twentieth Century” musical comedy March 14-16, 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, March 17, 3 p.m., Millard Auditorium; Faculty Recital Series featuring Robert Black, double bass Sunday, March 17, 2 p.m., Berkman Recital Hall; Chamber Choir Concert Sunday, March 17, 3 p.m., St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church, 285 Church St., Hartford; Foot in the Door Wednesday, March 20, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln eater At Infinity Hall, Rte. 44, Norfolk, toll free 1-866-666-6306: March 14, 8 p.m., Jefferson Starship; March 15, 8 p.m., New Riders of the Purple Sage; March 16, 8 p.m., Kenny Vance and the Planotones; March 17, 7:30 p.m., Shemekia Copeland; March 20, 7 p.m., Open Mic Night; March 21, 8 p.m., Paul orn and Band At Maple Tree Tavern, 781 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury, 860-651-1297, 8:30 p.m.: March 15, Eight to the Bar; March 16, e McLovins (ages 18 and older only) Singer-fiddler-songwriter Joyce Andersen at Roaring Brook Nature Center, 70 Gracey Road, Canton, Saturday, March 16, 7:30 p.m., $18/$20 e Pipes and Drums of the Black Watch at the Warner eatre, 68 Main St., Torrington, Saturday, March 16, 8 p.m., call 860-489-7180 for tickets Mick & e Kippster at the Sounding Board Coffeehouse Saturday, March 16, 8 p.m., at the Universalist Church of West Hartford, 433 Fern St., West Hartford, or 860-635-7685 Artist reception for Mary CottleSmeallie of West Hartford and her master’s exhibit of recent paintings Sunday, March 17, 1-4 p.m., at the Stanley-Whitman House, 37 High St., Farmington, running thru the month of March (860-677-9222) “Play It Again, Sam” at Playhouse on Park, 244 Park Road, West Hartford, thru Sunday, March 24, tickets $22.50-$32.50,, PRESSSports That’s entertainment! Matters Farmington snatches victory from Avon in triple OT thriller By David Heuschkel Sports Editor After his team went 9-11 in the regular season, Farmington basketball coach Duane Witter told his players they didn’t deserve to play a home game in the Class L state tournament, but playing its firstround game in the next town over was the next best thing. “e bus ride was nice,” Witter said. Compared to the 3 and a half-mile trip to Avon, the game was a marathon. e third matchup between the Falcons and Indians this season was historic. According to Witter, it was the first time the teams met in the state tournament. e participants made it one to remember. Farmington emerged victorious in triple overtime, 5756 on March 5 at a packed gymnasium at Avon High. “Speechless,” said Farmington junior Colin Cheesman, who scored a game-high 22 points. Avon coach Chris Vozzolo used the same word in his post-game comments. Six nights earlier, his team beat Enfield in triple overtime in the NCCC tournament semifinals. e following night, the Falcons cruised to a 36point victory over Granby in the championship. “We had a roller coaster week,” Vozzolo said. “I’m very proud of our guys. I thought we did a lot of good things during that week. I’m proud of what they did in the conference tournament. I’m proud of the way we came back and we started a new season. Knowing we had to Colin Cheesman, right, celebrates with teammate Vasil Borisevich after go into Class L, we practiced the final horn sounded in Farmington’s 57-56 win in triple overtime hard for three straight days.” against Avon in the first round of the Class L state tournament on Witter said the atmosMarch 5. Photo by David Heuschkel phere made it feel like a state tournament semifinal. e prises in this game. Just a lot of biggest play in the closing secteams played twice in the regu- kids making great plays on onds, grabbing an offensive lar season and split. both sides,” Witter said. “ere really were no surCheesman made the See FARMINGTON on page 24 Boys hockey: Simsbury wins tournament opener By David Heuschkel Sports Editor Simsbury’s top line of Ryan Carpenter, Connor Rice and David Olechna accounted for the majority of goals scored by the Trojans this season. Once again, that was the case in a 3-0 win over Notre Dame of Fairfield in the first round of the Division I state tournament at the International Skating Center last week. Carpenter scored the first goal and Rice got the second one. But the third goal, which shifted the momentum back in Simsbury’s favor, was scored by a player who is usually more focused on shutting down the opposing team’s top line. ere was a scrum in front of the Notre Dame net when junior Nolan ompson knocked a loose puck past goalie Stone Denbok just 32 seconds into the third period, giving the Trojans and goalie John Ryan a three-goal cushion. “I was really happy for Nolan ompson,” Simsbury coach Tom Cross said. “He’s played really well all season but hasn’t scored. at was his first goal. What a time to get it.” ompson’s goal and Ryan’s goaltending (32 saves) helped Simsbury win its first state tournament game in five years. But the Trojans would not advance past the quarterfinals, losing 6-1 to Notre Dame of West Haven on March 9 at Yale’s Ingalls Rinks. As a sophomore last season, ompson scored a handful of goals but said he’s been “pretty much snake-bitten” this year. Skating on the third line, By Scott Gray It is official. Hopefully, this ends our chronicling of the death of the old Big East. On ursday, Mike Aresco, who is not likely to retain the office of commissioner of the Big East, announced that an agreement had been worked out with the league's seven non-football playing Catholic schools to break away from the existing conference on July 1. ose seven schools will then add Creighton and Butler and begin play next season as, at least, a nine institution league. ere are talks reportedly ongoing with Dayton that could make it a 10-team league in the fall, with its greatest focus on basketball. e new league already has a lucrative basketball television contract with the new FS1 cable sports arm of the FOX network. Under the terms of the agreement, the new league will keep the name Big East and the rights to Madison Square Garden for its annual basketball tournament. In return, the remnants of the old Big East will keep the majority of a $110 million television revenue pool, the departing Catholic schools taking about $10 million, $100 million to be divided up by the holdover Big East schools, the majority of that going to the three Big East football schools committed to staying in place beyond next season, UConn, Cincinnati and South Florida expected to receive between $25 and $30 million apiece. With the new Big East announcing that a search is already under way for a commissioner, Aresco is likely to stay on as commissioner of a new league made up of the Big East remnants, UConn, Cincinnati, South Florida and Temple, with the additions of SMU, Houston, Tulane, Memphis, East Carolina and Central Florida. Navy had been committed to join the Big East in 2015. e new league will work to not only retain that commitment, but hopes to expedite Navy's arrival to 2014, while negotiating with Tulsa to become the 12th member. Reportedly, this league, to begin play after Louisville and Rutgers play out their old Big East commitments next season, will be known as the America 12. While UConn and Memphis bring basketball credibility to the new league, the America 12 has little of the sizzle of a league that features programs that have spent the last 34 years among the most overexposed in the nation. Houston hasn't been a nationally recognized basketball power since the days of Hakeem See SIMSBURY on page 24 See GRAY MATTERS on page 23 Your pets are our passion Now’s the Time for New Comfort Equipment 5IJOLPG5PXFS&OFSHZGPSBMMZPVSIPNF IFBUJOHPJMQSPQBOFXBUFSIFBUJOHBOEBJS DPOEJUJPOJOHTFSWJDFT Guaranteed delivery FNFSHFODZBOETBNFEBZ EFMJWFSZBWBJMBCMF $POWFSUUPQSPQBOFBOETBWF $BMMGPSB'3&&FTUJNBUFPOIPXQSPQBOFDBO SFEVDFZPVSFOFSHZDPTUT 4FSWJDFBHSFFNFOUTGPSPJMQSPQBOF BOEOBUVSBMHBTIFBUJOHTZTUFNT 8FBDDFQUBMMNBKPSDSFEJUDBSET Follow us on HOD: 0000605 s CT Lic. #: S-0395747 SAVE 5¢ per gallon Any Oil Tank Fill-up* *Tank fill discount for minimum 150 gallons, must request fill-up, with coupon only. Restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Please call for details. Expires 4/30/13. FV5D413T and Price Protection Plans Now Available! Visit our website for more specials 1-64 0SEFS0OMJOF 7JFX5PEBZµT1SJDF .POFZ4BWJOH5JQT 860-677-7347 Senior Citizens’ and Veterans’ Discount Save 5¢ per gallon. inimum 100 gallons. Minimum Restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Please call for details. Expires 4/30/13. FVSV413T • In-home pet sitting for all types of pets • Weekday dog walks while you’re at work • Doggie daycare, boarding w/groomer on call • Monthly rates for walks, daycare • Pet Taxi SAVE On New Equipment! Rebates up to $500 when you convert to propane! Special pre-season pricing on A/C installations. Please call for details. Some restrictions may apply. Expires 4/30/13. FVPNE413T Bonded, insured, professional walkers/sitters w/references Serving the Farmington Valley for 7+ years 860-651-7773 March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 21 Farmington girls headed to Mohegan By Gregory A. Scibelli Correspondent A balanced attack was more effective than one large contribution as the Farmington High School girls basketball team defeated RHAM, 62-51, in the semifinals of the Class L state tournament Saturday night at Bulkeley High School in Hartford. Farmington had four players score in double figures. Jamie Bartucca and Bridget Kelly each had 11 points. Courtney Hofer and Sophie Borg scored 10 apiece. Sarah Veilleux led RHAM with 27 points. e Indians, the No. 10 seed in the tournament, play top seed and defending L champion Bacon Academy in the final at Mohegan Sun Arena this weekend. (e time and day were not announced as of press time.) It is Farmington’s first appearance in a final since losing to Bulkeley in 2006. Farmington coach Russ Crist said they were aware of what RHAM brought to the table and were ready. “We were excited to play RHAM,” said Crist. “We knew they had one of the best players in the state. Sarah showed that tonight.” Farmington did a good job containing Veilleux, holding her to eight points the first three quarters. She scored 19 in the fourth, but the Indians were able to hang on and sealed the win at the free throw line in the closing minutes. Farmington led 43-25 after three quarters before RHAM began to make a push at a comeback. But first, Cally Lombardi would sink a three-pointer to start the fourth for Farmington. Cameron Rishell would match that trey for RHAM. Veilleux would then score a threepoint play after being fouled on a shot. Rishell would score another three and Veilleux made two free throws to close the gap to 46-39 with 4:34 remaining in the game. Finally, Alyssa Hansen would make a layup to cut the deficit to five points. A three-pointer by freshman Cheray Saunders pushed Farmington’s lead to 49-41. Later, Kelly made a layup and was fouled. She made the free throw. “I emphasized to them that we needed to keep playing,” said Crist. “We had to finish the game.” With their hopes fleeting, RHAM resorted to sending Farm- Driving to the basket for a layup, Bridget Kelly and the Farmington girls basketball team have their eyes on a state championship after beating RHAM in the Class L semifinals, 61-52, on March 9. The No. 10 seed Indians play top seed Bacon Academy, the defending L champion, on either March 15 or 16 at Mohegan Sun Arena. Photo by Gregory A. Scibelli ington to the line in the final two minutes. Bartucca helped out Farmington with four made free throws. Borg and Brittany Belisle also contributed free throws during the final two minutes and Farmington kept their nine-point lead to the buzzer. “I was really proud of how they responded to Sarah and how they finished this game,” said Crist. “We scored the free throws when we needed them.” Kelly said the team knew they could defeat RHAM and the early lead helped. Farmington lost to RHAM by a point in the season opener. “We have played them before and we knew we needed to get up in the game early,” Kelly said. Farmington got some clutch shooting from the outside with five three-pointers in the game. Two of them came from Lombardi off the bench in the second half. Crist said the team’s depth really helped against a team like RHAM and being able to rotate eight different players helped keep everyone in the lineup fresh. Farmington led 8-1 nearing the end of the first quarter and RHAM came back within two. Farmington would play better in the second quarter and led 33-15 at halftime. Boys basketball: Upsetting ending for Simsbury By David Heuschkel Sports Editor ere wasn’t much that Greg Stillman could say to his team following its first-round exit in the Class LL state tournament last week. ere weren’t any words the Simsbury boys basketball coach could use to ease the pain following a heartbreaking loss to Cheshire, 59-58, that abruptly ended a great season on March 4. “It wasn’t like I was planning to have that speech,” Stillman said. “I basically said I was proud of them. We’ll have a banquet to celebrate the success of the season. At that point, they’re not hearing much of what I’m saying. ey just hear that I was proud of them. at’s all they need to hear tonight.” Simsbury, the No. 7 seed in the 29-team tournament, wasn’t able to close out No. 26 Cheshire the same way the Trojans closed out victories over New Britain, Northwest, Southington and Farmington, the last two weeks of the regular season to win the CCC West championship. Cheshire wasn’t able to stop Simsbury’s E.J. Crawford, who had 34 points, until the closing seconds when the Rams bottled him up on the perimeter, forcing him to take a three-point shot with the clock winding down. Avon Driving School • Start Classes Anytime • Take Classes in Any Order • DMV Testing On Site • Free Drop Off and Pick Up From Home, School or Job 22 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Bring this ad and Save $25 on Classroom Training Register Now! Or Call Us at: 860.408.9098 141 West St., Simsbury Pat Abrahamsen, who was fouled going for the rebound, failed to convert the front end of a 1-and1 at the line with less than a second remaining. As the ball bounced high off the rim and the horn sounded, Abrahamson dropped to the floor as the Cheshire players celebrated. Moments earlier, Abrahamson had fallen to the floor in pain after hurting his left knee under the Cheshire basket with 1:24 left. After a few minutes, he rose to his feet, limped to the bench and took a seat, but not for long. “He came off and said, ‘One play and I’m going back in, coach,’” Stillman said. “He’s a warrior. He’s the heart and soul of our team. I don’t think anybody wanted to end that game with Pat sitting on the bench.” Simsbury’s biggest lead was See UPSETTING on page 23 MAGLIERI construction & paving inc. QUALITY & SERVICE Since 1975 Commercial & Residential For Call E FR aEtes Estim DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS ROADWAYS • CURBING EXCAVATION • GRADING DRAINAGE • MILLING SEALCOATING RECLAIMATION 860-242-0298 Licensed & Fully Insured LIC # 523704 39 West Dudley Town Road, Bloomfield UPSETTING from page 22 eight points after Crawford fed Karon Beckford for a basket as he was fouled. Beckford, one of six seniors, made the free throw to make it 36-38 with 5:58 left in the third quarter. Cheshire roared back, though, as junior guard Collin Jordan used his quickness to spark the Rams, who outscored Simsbury 21-8 the rest of the quarter. Jordan scored eight points and upped the tempo. He dribbled through defenders and around them. He went around the back and penetrated the lane. “We’ve had to come back from a lot of deficits this year and we’re able to play at a pretty quick speed,” Cheshire coach Dan Lee said. “We get up and down the floor pretty quick.” “Collin Jordan kind of raised his game to another level. For that GRAY MATTERS from page 21 Alojuwon and the other schools do nothing to excite college basketball fans nationally. From a football perspective, the new league will proceed without Syracuse, Louisville, Rutgers, Pittsburgh and West Virginia, whose departure had already relegated the league to also-ran status with the Bowl Championship Series, forced back into a pool with four other leagues competing to get one team into one BCS bowl game. It didn't take long for the old Big East to become recognized as the nation's top basketball conference, but that league was made up of recognized power teams whose only reason for giving up their independent status was an edict from the NCAA that future NCAA tournament eligibility would re- third quarter, it seemed like he was dominating,” Stillman said. “en we made some adjustments. E.J. actually stepped up and said he’ll take him in the fourth quarter. at slowed him down a little bit. E.J. kind of took over himself.” Crawford scored Simsbury’s last 22 points. He had 14 in the fourth quarter, helping the Trojans erase an early five-point deficit. ere were six lead changes in the final 6:03. “All year we’ve been in Simsbury sophomore E.J. Crawford was the these tight games and the focal point of the Trojans’ offense, espefourth quarter is kind of cially in the second half when he scored 22 when we start pulling away of his game-high 34 points in a 59-58 loss and make a couple baskets, to Cheshire in the Class LL first round last make a couple stops and week. Photo by David Heuschkel then hit our free throws at the end,” Stillman said. “We were Cheshire didn’t go away. We couldsetting up for that again today. n’t get that key stop.” quire league membership. At the time the league was formed, Georgetown, Syracuse, St. John's, Villanova and Providence were at the top of their basketball games. UConn was the weak sister. UConn's new league comes with no recognized powers established over decades, not just years. UConn will now be the only basketball school in the new league that has that distinction. When UConn was trying to catch up with everyone else in the league, it was easy for the Big East to establish itself. With everyone else trying to catch up with UConn, it could be years before this league earns any respect, if ever. e ACC is likely to lose two or more members in the near future, with the Big Ten courting North Carolina and the SEC casting envious glances at Florida State. While UConn has a landing place for now, it comes without a major spotlight and their best hope for retaining a profile on the national sports stage is to make itself attractive to the ACC when the next opening comes. at means acknowledging the one thing the Big East refused to acknowledge, effectively committing conference- wide suicide. e University of Connecticut should take that $30 million from the Big East buyout and put it to work expanding the seating capacity at Rentschler field, then increase the annual football recruiting budget. Football has to become king in Storrs right now and UConn officials have to make sure everyone in the ACC is aware of it. Blue Fox Men’s Club Looking for New Members • Weekly tournaments Saturday & Sunday • Handicaps • Pro Shop Credit Prizes • Grand Prize: Golf membership • Team Travel Events • Preferred Tee Times Meet new playing partners All Levels of Players. Call for details - 860-678-1679 65 Nod Rd, Avon Boys basketball: Crawford takes charge By David Heuschkel Sports Editor Unable to stop E.J. Crawford the entire game, Cheshire coach Dan Lee was not going to let the Simsbury sophomore beat his team in the closing seconds of a Class LL tournament first-round game last week. “It’s the ultimate compliment to him that we had to try so many things,” Lee said. “As a player, it’s tough to have all those things thrown at you. But I guess it’s a compliment to try a lot of different things. To his credit he defeated it.” Lee asked Andrew Yamin, a 5foot-10-inch guard, to stick with Crawford (6-feet-4-inches) and give him little space to move. When that didn’t work, Lee put a bigger player on Crawford, but 6-foot-2-inch forward Erik Pettit didn’t fare any better. It didn’t matter what defense the Rams deployed to stop Crawford. “I’m sure he was close to 20. How may did he have tonight?” Lee asked. Crawford scored 22 points – just in the second half – and finished with 34. He had 14 in the fourth quarter and scored the last 22 points by Simsbury. Crawford made outside jumpers and scored on drives to the basket. He hit pull-ups in the paint and floaters in the lane. He grabbed his own miss and scored on a putback. He was perfect from the line, going 10-for-10. “He was feeling it and we felt he had good matchups and was able to get to the hole,” Simsbury coach Greg Stillman said. “We were just riding the hot hand at that point.” When Simsbury called a timeout with 19.3 seconds left and down by one, Stillman wanted the ball in Crawford’s hands. When Crawford wasn’t able to drive to the basket with the clock winding down, Stillman called another timeout with 9 seconds left and drew up a play to get Crawford a shot. Crawford launched a threepointer just to the left of the key. e shot clanged off the rim and Simsbury wound up losing 59-58 in the first-round of the Class LL state tournament. “No, it was good D [by Cheshire],” Stillman said. “We were trying to get E.J. the ball and get him going to the hole. ey were double teaming him and he wasn’t able to turn the corner and get into the lane like he wanted to. He felt the clock running down and just shot the three.” TIP OF THE WEEK Seven Ways for Homeowners to Save While economists and investors can debate whether buying a home is still part of the American dream, it’s undeniable that the tax code remains highly favorable to people who own instead of rent. Here are seven important tax tips for homeowners to ease the process: • Mortgage interest is your best friend: Taxpayers collectively get roughly $100 billion annually in mortgage interest breaks. If you just bought a home or refinanced in the last few years, the savings are even more significant, since more than half your monthly payment goes towards interest. • Mortgage insurance is still deductible: There were fears that the deduction for personal mortgage insurance would fall victim to fiscal fights in Washington. However, Congress thankfully left it in place. • Taxes are tax deductible: It sounds odd and is frequently overlooked, but homeowners can deduct their local and state property taxes on federal tax returns. There also may be special property tax benefits for lower-income homeowners based on your state or municipality of residence, so look into further breaks specific to your community. • Qualified renovations count: Fixing a leaky faucet or putting crown molding in the living room is not tax deductible. But there are a number of items in the tax code that allow for tax breaks and credits. A host of items covered under residential energy efficiency can provide tax relief, including new solar panels or certain hot water heaters. There are also deductions that can be made for home office improvements, as well as for medically necessary changes, such as an entry ramp or a handicap-accessible bathtub. • Unqualified renovations can count later: While that new addition might not be “necessary,” the expense could be an important part of reducing your tax burden when you sell. This is especially noteworthy in hot real estate markets or for homeowners sitting on big property appreciation. The IRS allows you only $250,000 of profit when you sell a primary residence, but you can deduct any renovations that boosted your home’s value from any total profit to get under that threshold. Find those receipts if you’re sitting on a big profit and planning to sell. • Claim selling costs: If you sold a home in the past year, costs including title insurance, advertising and real estate broker fees can also be claimed on your return. You can claim certain repairs to reduce your capital gains on the sale, presuming they were made within 90 days of the sale and clearly for the intent of marketing the property. • Don’t forget moving expenses: If you bought a home in 2012, there’s a chance that you did so because of a job-related move. If this is the case, you may be able to deduct some expenses, provided you have the receipts. You must have moved 50 miles or more, and the reasons for your move can’t be personal. For more information: Legowski & Associates, LTD. Accounting - Bookkeeping - Taxes - Payroll - Consulting 7 Melrose Drive (Across from Devonwood), Farmington, CT 06032 (860) 676-1040 • March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 23 SIMSBURY from page 21 his primary focus was to keep the puck out of the net. “Coach usually threw me out against their top line to play good defense,” ompson said. Carpenter gave Simsbury a 1-0 lead when he slid a rebound past Denbok (26 saves) with 2:24 left in the first period. Curt Eustis assisted on the goal. Seconds later, Notre Dame nearly tied it when a shot by Christian Lacroix clanked off the post. Less than two minutes into the second period, Carpenter set up Rice on a 2-on-1 to give the Trojans a 2-0 lead. Midway through the second with Simsbury on the power player, Ryan stopped Jonathan Suporn on a breakaway. After the penalty expired, the Lancers continued to pressure but couldn’t score. “If they score one, the momentum swings their way,” Ryan said. “We score one and the momentum goes our way.” Notre Dame pulled its goalie with 2:30 left, but the Lancers weren’t able to get one past Ryan. “John Ryan played really, really well,” Cross said. “ere’s an old saying, all he needs to do is make the saves he’s supposed to and make three or four he has Even though Simsbury goalie John Ryan stopped the puck from going in the net, teammates no business making. I thought that’s what he did P.J. Sullivan (20) and Jeff Lowndes (21) had his back during the second period of a state tournament game against Notre Dame of Fairfield last week. Photo by David Heuschkel tonight.” FARMINGTON from page 21 rebound and scoring as he was fouled to tie it with 2.3 seconds on the clock. He proceeded to make the biggest shot, sinking the free throw. Avon junior Patrick McKearney scored a team-high 18 points, driving to the basket three times in the opening minutes of the third quarter to tie it at 34. e score was tied seven times in the second half. Avon junior Sean Hermann had 15 points and senior Brandon Feinberg added 12. Feinberg’s last field goal gave the Falcons a 51-47 lead with 3:50 left in the fourth quarter. e Indians tied it on baskets by Cheeesman and Richie Freckleton, who made a scoop shot on the baseline with 1:20 left. Avon had a chance to win it, but Ryan Marioni’s shot in the lane bounced Math & Science Tutoring All Levels including SAT/ACT Test Prep 860-833-6252 • 395 West Avon Road, Avon, CT To schedule your appointment, please call 860-675-EYES (3937) or visit our new facility Look Cool in the Sunshine! 18 West Avon Road, Avon throws. On the ensuing possession, off the rim. Neither team scored in the Farmington senior Vasil Borisevich first two overtimes. Both had missed a long jumper and chances to take the lead in the clos- Cheesman swooped in for the rebound and ing seconds scored the winbut couldn’t ning points. convert. Farmington’s season ended Cheesman In the third overtime, March 9 with a 67-62 loss to RHAM i m m e d i a t e ly and M c K e a r n e y in the second round of the Class L turned headed up scored in the boys basketball tournament. Farmington led 36-28 at half- court as Mariopening seconds and made time, but RHAM erased the deficit oni’s half-court two free by outscoring the Indians 24-13 in heave went off throws to give the third quarter. Colin Cheesman the backboard the Falcons a led Farmington with 25 points. e as time expired. Fa r m i n g t o n 55-51 lead with Indians finished 10-12 overall. players cele2:12 left. He also drew the fifth foul on Obi brated and its fans rushed onto the Momah (13 points), forcing the court. “I’m proud of the way we came Farmington junior to watch the out in the second half, started final 2:53 from the bench. Cheesman stepped up, scoring doing what we needed to do to put six points in the final 1:37. He made ourselves in position to win that a free throw with 1:37 left and hit a game. Unfortunately, Farmington short baseline jumper, making it came up on top,” Vozzolo said. 55-54 with 30 seconds left. With 11 “ere were a couple plays that seconds on the clock, Feinberg could have gone either way, and the made the second of two free last one ended up going their way.” FHS boys eliminated Congratulations Simsbury High School Basketball Team Great Season! Old Town Barber Shop 730 Hopmeadow St., Simsbury • 860-651-7726 Hours: Tues.-Thur. 10am - 6pm; Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 8am-3 pm Silhouette™ • Persol ™• RayBan™ • Prada™• RALPH™ ANDERSON TURF IRRIGATION, INC. Protect your grass and landscaping investment! Have an efficient automatic irrigation system installed or alter your existing system to be more water conservative. • Comprehensive Eye Exams and Complex Contact Lens Fitting • Residency Trained in Ocular Disease and Low Vision Optometry • Full Service Optical with Dedicated Children’s Section • Competitive Pricing on Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses Get your eyes checked yearly! Convenient hours Monday-Saturday, with Extended Hours on Thursday until 7 pm. After hours exams and service available upon request. 24 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 INSTALLATION AND SERVICE (860)747-9911 FREE ESTIMATES CT LIC# PLM0208739 SERVING THE FARMINGTON VALLEY FOR OVER 30 YEARS Boys basketball: Cheesy does it By David Heuschkel Sports Editor AVON – Farmington basketball coach Duane Witter wasn’t brimming with confidence as Colin Cheesman stepped to the line with a first-round state tournament game against Avon on the line. It didn’t matter to Witter that Cheesman is a 75 percent free-throw shooter who wears a poker face 100 percent of the time. Nor did it matter that Cheesman is the picture of calm, never showing emotion and always exhibiting a cool demeanor regardless of the circumstance or environment. Or that the 6foot-1-inch junior forward has a history of putting the ball in the net in the big game against Avon, doing so twice last fall to lead the Indians over the Falcons in a state championship soccer game. With 2.3 seconds remaining in the third overtime period, Witter didn’t assume Cheesman would knock down the free throw that would sink Avon. “No, because he was exhausted,” Witter said. “I mean, anybody can miss a free throw after playing that many minutes.” Farmington guard Vasil Borisevich, another soccer player, was slightly more confident than his coach. Just to be certain, though, the senior captain had a request for his teammate. “I came up to him and said, ‘Can you make the shot for me?’” Borisevich said. “He nodded and said ‘Yes.’ And then he made the shot.” Seconds earlier, after Borisevich missed a jumper, Cheesman grabbed the rebound and scored the tying basket as he was fouled. He then made the free throw, giving the Indians a 57-56 win over Avon. Cheesman led the Indians with 22 points, his highest total of the season and more than double his average (9.7 ppg). He scored all of his team’s six points in the third OT, including a baseline jumper with 30 seconds left. “You always try to give it your all. But with a rivalry you always want to give it your all, especially in the playoffs,” Cheesman said. In his last five games, including the win over Avon, Cheesman averaged 18.2 points. “e kid plays his heart out. He plays every second as hard as he can. at’s why some times I got to get him a little rest in the game,” Witter said. “I don’t like taking him out of a game, but he plays so hard he’s got to rest once in a while.” Athletes of the Week John Ryan Hockey Simsbury High School Simsbury goalie John Ryan made 32 saves as the Trojans shut out Notre Dame of Fairfield, 3-0, in a first round game of the Division I state tournament. John Ryan Hockey Good showing for Granby cheerleaders Nickname: J.R. e key to success: “My team.” Other sports: Lacrosse, badminton Favorite pizza topping: Bacon Favorite pro team: Boston Bruins Last book read: “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Best hockey movie: “Miracle” Dream vacation: African safari Dream job: NHL player Jamie Bartucca The Granby Memorial cheerleading squad finished second in the NCCC Cheerleading Championships on March 2 at Ellington High School. Bottom row, L to R: Gabby Gilhooly, Sabrina Smith, Aubrey Tigno, Renee Loreau, Megan Lira, Ricky Chamrene; Middle row: Liz Needham, Amanda Zyzdorf, Samantha Dunham, Natalie Muller, Lindsay Hurlbert, Kendall Vujs, Nicole Patrick; Top row: Coach Shannon Lira, Kat Champagne, Samantha Hampson, Olivia Papa, Carly Perron, Cassia Shoas. Missing: Chloe Shoas Courtesy photo Basketball Farmington High School Farmington senior guard Jamie Bartucca scored 11 points to help the Indians beat RHAM 61-52 in a Class L semifinal March 9. Boys basketball: Granby to the semis By David Heuschkel Sports Editor It was the final time the six seniors on Granby played a high school basketball game in the high school’s gymnasium. So it was fitting that one of them, Jacob Yankauskas, stepped to the free throw line in the closing seconds and made two free throws, putting the finishing touch on a 58-45 win over Old Saybrook that sent the Bears to the Class S semifinals. According to Granby coach Wally Hansen, it is the first time in school history that a basketball team – boys or girls – has made it that far in the state tournament. So no, he wasn’t planning to shave his week-old beard until the season was over. “My wife and my brother-inlaw, they love hockey,” Hansen said, explaining the hair on his face, best known as a “playoff beard” and grown by hockey players during their postseason. It had the feel of a hockey game, as both teams engaged in a low-scoring defensive battle in the first half. Midway through the second quarter, there was some afterthe-whistle jawing when one player shoved another. No technical fouls were called. Sophomore Tanner Gibson led the Bears with 15 points. Seniors Mike Noyes and Brett Buser each had 14. Granby was 17 of 23 from the free throw line, Old Saybrook 10 of 18. “You got to play like it’s the last game you’ll ever play in your life,” Buser said. In the second round of the tournament, Buser had the game of his life in a 77-72 win over No. East Hampton. He scored a careerhigh 38 points, eclipsing his previous mark of 37 against Ellington in January. “My shots were falling. I was driving to the basket. Everything was going in for me,” Buser said. “It was just a good day.” Old Saybrook advanced to the quarterfinals by beating two higher-seeded teams – No. 6 Coventry and No. 11 Westbrook – in close games. And with a trip to the semifinals at stake, facing No. 27 was a potential “trap game” for No. 3 Granby. “It was a concern and we talked about it,” Hansen said. “But we’re the home team and this is the quarterfinals of the state tournament. Really, the opponent doesn’t matter. We focused on the game, doing what we do. We played with emotion, intensity. We’re playing hard. I think we guarded well tonight.” Both teams played tight de- fense in the first half. Granby led 19-15 at the break, but Old Saybrook tied it at 22 early in the third quarter. e Bears answered with a 9-2 spurt, triggered Gibson by making consecutive baskets. Early in the fourth quarter, Granby took its first double-digit lead when David Eke grabbed an offensive rebound and scored as he was fouled. He sunk the free throw to make it 42-30. Old Saybrook cut the deficit to seven with 5:00 left, but Granby answered. Noyes made a behindthe-back pass to Buser on a 2-on-1 to make it 44-35. After a threepoint play by Old Saybrook, the Bears pushed the lead back to double digits. Gibson scored on a feed from Buser. On Old Saybrook’s ensuring possession, Noyes stole the ball and Gibson made two free throws, pushing the lead to 48-38 with 2:45 left. Granby made 10 of 14 free throws down the stretch to secure the win. Need a tow? We’re available 24 hours a day. Jamie Bartucca Basketball e key to my success: “Practice” Words to live by: “Go hard or go home." Favorite pre-game snack: Fruit and Gatorade chews Song that pumps me up for a game: “Started from the Bottom” by Drake Favorite TV show: “Pretty Little Liars” Favorite pro team: New York Yankees Dream vacation: Bora Bora Dream job: Physical therapist My three dinner guests: President Obama, Tom Brady and Mia Hamm OM RO ABLE D E L 2 B AVAI & 1 ITS UN Whispering Pines II OF AVON Active Adults 62+ - 1 & 2 bedroom affordable apartments for rent. Income restrictions apply. Boulder Ridge The Village at Hunter’s Ridge OF CANTON OF UNIONVILLE Active Adults 55+ Active Adults 62+ 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for rent. Units are both affordable with income restrictions and market rate. 1 & 2 bedroom affordable apartments for rent. Income restrictions apply. Peachtree Village The Village at Yorkshire Edward Motor Service, Inc. General Repairs • Body Work • Painting • Frame Straightening 24 Hour Wrecker Service • Complete Auto/Truck Repairs Phone (860) 673-2631 or (860) 673-2446 Cell 860-883-9269 16 New Britain Avenue, Unionville • Family Tradition Since 1948 OF AVON OF FARMINGTON Active Adults 62+ Active Adults 62+1 & 2 bedroom apartments for rent. Units are both affordable with income restrictions and market rate. 1 & 2 bedroom single-level apartment homes. Fully appl’d kit., gas heat, c. air, washer/dryer. Units both income restricted & market rate. For more information call 860-674-5639 Professionally Managed Financed by CHFA,DECD March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 25 CLEANUP from page 13 their experience during that summer’s difficult weather conditions. A three-month-long drought was parching their flowers and vegetables, while giving weeds the chance to wreak havoc on the 13-acre farm. ey spoke of the flowers and vegetables that were surviving the lack of rain, those that were thriving and those that were doing poorly. “Asters are drying up on the field looking at me,” Carleton Dewey said. ey also boasted about their recipe for old-fashioned relish, which a customer stopped by to purchase and which was a draw for many of his customers. “He’s got a big steel safe for the recipes,” the customer, who did not give his name, quipped. Now the old house where the Deweys sat selling flowers, veggies and secret recipes is vacant and the town is considering how to utilize it and the property once the cleanup is done. At the March 11 selectmen meeting, resident Joan Coe brought up the farm again, stating that barrels containing toxic chemicals were found on the property. GRAND LIST from page 13 revenue losses that may occur,” Farmington Finance Director Joe Swetcky said. For residential taxpayers, there will not be a shift in tax burden as normally occurs when there is a revaluation, he said. “It also means that any property whose value declined by 7.8 percent or greater will actually experience a tax decrease based on The rendering of the southeast view of the possible highway garage that is part of the preliminary plans for locating the highway garage at 325 Commerce Drive. Preliminary plans were developed to indicate the feasibility of the site. According to Chief Administrative Officer Robert Skinner, the final plans will vary based on a number of considerations, including citizen comments, land use regulatory process and the design/build competitive selecCourtesy image tion process. competitive selection process.” e purchase and sale agreement is only the first step in the process, Skinner said. Selectmen must approve the actual purchase, then it must go to the Board of Fi- nance and, ultimately, voters must agree when the proposal goes to a townwide referendum. Since the February 2010 Town Meeting when residents said no to a referendum question that the town buy the nine-acre lot on Cherry Brook Road for $900,000, officials have been looking for properties on which to locate a new garage. From poor working conditions, tight quarters and improper lighting to a lack of space to park expensive equipment and leaving trucks outside exposed to the elements 24 hours a day, officials have long argued the need for a new garage. Among other details, the preliminary plans indicate the new garage would have an approximately 11,000-square-foot vehicle and equipment storage area with 14 bays. the current budget. In general, about 60 percent of residential property owners would have a tax decrease and the majority of commercial property owners would have a tax increase.” e decline was not unexpected, as it had been talked about in past Town Council meetings since the town undertook the revaluation last year. “We expected to see a decline in the grand list, however, we were pleasantly surprised that it was not as large a decline as we had originally projected,” Swetcky said. “Property values, especially commercial property values, in Farmington held up pretty well over the past five years.” As stated in a press release from the town, Town Council Chairman Jeff Hogan was pleased that the commercial tax base remained strong and had less of a decrease in comparison to the res- idential property. “In light of the uncertainty of revaluation, the Town Council directed the town manager to limit the spending increase in next year’s budget with the interest of reducing the tax impact on Farmington property owners,” Hogan said in the release. e top 10 taxpayers remained the same from the previous year including Westfarms Mall Associates, which continues to be the largest taxpayer with an assessed property value of $122.8 million. e total Westfarms complex includes Westfarms Mall Associates, other anchor stores and smaller stores that have an assessed value of $170.7 million, representing 4.91 percent of the grand list. e second highest taxpayer is United Technologies and the third is Dunn-Sager Affiliates followed by CL&P. GARAGE from page 13 Reasons why I swim here: Reason #17: The cleanest, clearest water you can find. Visit our extensive fabric showroom upholstery, slipcover & drapery fabric Reupholstering & Antique Restoration Custom Made Furniture Cane & Rush Weaving Furniture Repair Foam Replacement Aquatic fitness, recreation and instruction at its best. 55 Buena Vista Rd. West Hartford, CT 06107 995 Hopmeadow St. Simsbury, CT 06070 860-521-3242 26 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 860-408-3021 Since 1932 41 Prescott St • West Hartford, CT M-F 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm 860-232-2277 TRACK from page 14 be and that, while he is not opposed, he does have some concerns. “My biggest concern is the potential of lights in the future,” he said. He asked that the neighbors be brought into the discussion when that happens. Ann Bonini rose and pointed out that most of the sports would be over before dark or by early evening. “So, I don’t know if lights are a huge issue,” she said. e track and field project will also include an expanded and redesigned parking lot with 26 additional parking spaces. “It’s much more efficient,” Daly said. “It really just became a reconfiguration and more efficient use.” e approval was contingent upon certain conditions, including that local emergency services be included in planning the emergency entrance. BUDGET from page 15 teen librarian that Library Director Robert Simon has requested for several years. “I’m been trying to make this librarian work for years,” Roberto said. “I can’t see any more coming from CIP, the operational. We shaked it down as much as we can shake it.” Humphrey thought it would be best to hold back on buying a new dispatch communications console for the police department, which Skinner, in his proposal, had opted not to fund. Police asked for $145,000 for the console, which has not been upgraded since 2001, but still works, Skinner wrote in the draft budget. Humphrey said that since the console works, the board could hold off on funding the new one and use money from savings if it breaks down. “Fund balance exists for emergencies,” he said. Skinner thought it would be better to ax a new generator and put it in next year. “Even if [the generator] goes down, we still have some alternatives,” he said, adding they would not be so fortunate if the dispatch console were to break. In the end, they slashed amounts allocated to some items and reduced the requests for the generator and dispatch console. Capture the Moments! Canton March 3 Nicole Chase, 22, of 50 East Hill Road, Apt. 3B, was arrested for disorderly conduct. Farmington March 1 Christopher Lonardo, 26, of 27 South Ridge Road was arrested for third degree assault, second degree breach of peace and interfering with 911. Skylar Grant, 22, of 64 Mansfield St., Hartford, was arrested for criminal impersonation and interfering with an officer. March 2 James Bonilla, 22, of 12 Bragg St., East Hartford, was arrested for operation while under the influence. Nicholas Climan, 25, of 17 Bridgehampton Crossing, Unionville, was arrested for operation while under the influence. March 4 Grzegorz Kuzniar, 31, of 63 Caesar Drive, Bristol, was arrested for operation while under the influence. Simsbury Feb. 17 Abigail Fontana, 24, of 6 Morgan St., Granby, was arrested for operation while under the influence. March 2 Ashley Foy, 23, of 12 Meadow Crossing was arrested for operation while under the influence. PRESSOBITUARIES Barbara Franklin, 85 Barbara “Bobbie” Franklin, 85, of Avon, and wife of the late Martin Franklin, passed away Feb. 18, 2013. She was born on July 8, 1927 in Denver, Colo. Before residing in Avon, she lived in Simsbury, East Dorset, Vt., and Darien. Bobbie was an accomplished equestrian. As a child, she won numerous riding championships in her home state of Colorado. Later in life, she enjoyed passing on her love of horses and riding expertise to the children of East Dorset, Vt. One of her most cherished memories was a week-long riding excursion through the countryside of Ireland, which she undertook while in her late 60s. Bobbie was a proud mother of three sons and a great supporter of their activities. From Darien High School hockey games and tennis matches to sailing regattas all over Long Island Sound, she was always there and always leading the cheers. While her horses and her sons were a huge part of her life, her marriage with Marty was remarkable and remained strong for the 40 years of their life together. ey did not hide their af- fection for each other and everyone who saw them knew they had something special. Fifteen years after Marty’s death, Bobbie found love again with her friend Rich Rooney. ey cared deeply for each other and were constant companions over her last seven years. Bobbie's personality was responsible for her widespread popularity with all those fortunate enough to come in contact with her. She genuinely cared about others more than herself and made people feel better about themselves through their engagement with her. She leaves three sons, Philip Franklin and his wife, Melissa, of Lake Forest, Ill., Lindley Franklin and his wife, Daryl, of Darien, Steven Franklin and his wife, Claudia, of West Simsbury; and seven grandchildren, Andrew, Matthew, Whitney, Ryan, Sydney, Kevin and Amy. Besides her husband and parents, she was predeceased by two sisters, Gigi Dunklee and Margo Robinson. Memorial donations, in Bobbie’s memory, may be made to Second Chance Animal Shelter, Second Chance Animal Center, P.O Box 620, Shaftsbury, Vt. 05262. For online condolences, visit Make Your Marble Shine Again! Marble Floor Polishing • Honing • Grinding • Cleaning • Sealing Marble Limestone Granite Terrazzo Tile Repair & Installation from page 14 fishing in a pond off Great Pond Road, which is now gone. Another spot was a brook behind the high school. e club has fished in Stoddard Reservoir for about 40 years, since it was owned by the Village Water Company and supplied water to the town. When it was sold to the town between 1998 and 2000, the club signed the license agreement and has been stocking and overseeing the care of the pond since then, Kendall said. Four times a year, club members stock the pond with between 300 and 400 rainbow, brook and brown trout, which they get from the hatchery at Rowledge Pond in Sandy Hook. e number of fish they put in is based on how much money the club has at the time. Most of the fish are between12 and 14 inches, Kendall said, though the club tosses in four or five bigger ones per year, too. “We’re looking for members,” Kendall said. “e more members we’ve got, the more fish we can put in.” “I’d rather see the kids out there fishing than sitting in front of the TV. My grandkids even say to me, ‘Grandpa, when are you taking us to your pond?’” -Fish & Game Club former President Ned Kendall Individuals with permits are allowed four fish per day and up to 12 per week. For Kendall, joining the club was all about children. “I’d rather see the kids out there fishing than sitting in front of the TV,” he said. “My grandkids even say to me, ‘Grandpa, when are you taking us to your pond?’” e derby is free and is open to children 14 and under. It is for members and their children, grandchildren and their guests. Prizes, including fishing poles, reels, tackle boxes and tackle, are awarded based on the measurements of fish caught. “Everybody gets a prize,” Kendall said. Bleeding gums? Bad breath? You may have gum disease. Laser Dentistry Been told you need to have gum surgery? The LANAP procedure replaces the cutting, stitches and pain normally associated with gum surgery. • Regrouting • Sealing • Mexican Tile Refinishing STONE &TILE SERVICES ZIGGY OSKWAREK STODDARD PRESSPOLICE NEWS 860-913-4473 P.O. BOX 433, AVON, CT 06001 EMAIL: ZIG@ACNINC.NET Visit us at NOW ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS • Cosmetic Dentistry • Laser Dentistry (no drilling, no shots) • Single Visit Porcelain Crowns • Invisalign Orthodontics Michael Ungerleider D.M.D., M.A.G.D. Master of the Academy of General Dentistry Susan DePatie, D.M.D. 41 Hartford Avenue, Granby • 860-653-3220 March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 27 Budget proposals under 3% increase target By Jennifer Senofonte Staff Writer GRANBY – Granby Town Manager Bill Smith presented the proposed 2013-14 town budget at last week’s Board of Selectmen meeting at a 2.96 percent increase over the current year. Superintendent Alan Addley also presented his proposed school budget to the Board of Education last week, which represents a 2.07 percent increase. Both budgets fall under the guidelines set forth by the Board of Finance to stay under a 3 percent spending increase. e school board and selectmen will hold a series of budget workshops and then present finalized proposals to the finance board March 25. Proposed town budget Smith said the new budget is intended to provide municipal service, mainly those services that are already in place. e net increase is a 2.8 percent increase, which includes the town operations, debt service and capital budget decrease of 16.2 percent and anticipated revenues. “It’s a rather steady comparison of services over the past 10 years,” he said at the March 4 selectmen’s meeting. “We were seriously reduced back in the 2011 budget and again in the 2013 budget.” After revenue offsets are applied, his proposed budget is $271,000 over the current years. Some highlights include an $84,000 increase in insurance costs with health plans and pensions, a $52,000 increase in contingency and anticipated contractual settlements, $120,000 increase in the police department and a $29,000 increase in the library services category. e additions in the police department include $45,000 for overtime coverage and $75,000 for an additional officer for investigative/youth services. “e library services took a big hit in the reductions that were made in 2011,” Smith said. e $29,000 will kick start participation in the Connecticut library consortium, which he said will pay for itself over the next few years. Proposed school budget Addley said the proposed increase is 2.07 percent, however, with an expected $100,000 in reimbursement revenue anticipated, the budget increase is 1.7 percent to the taxpayer. Some increases include $111,000 in benefits, $95,000 in salaries, $30,000 for the gifted and talented program, and $111,000 for unfunded state mandates like teacher and administrator evaluation plans, implementation of the new Common Core State Standards and Secondary School Reform. “I don’t think any of these [unfunded mandates] are bad. ey’re actually good for education in many ways,” Addley said, however, they are difficult to do on deadlines that are imposed by the state. Some savings examples are $30,000 in utilities, $38,000 in books and $288,000 from the special education review, which resulted in the reduction of 12.5 full-time equivalent positions that were allocated elsewhere. “It allows us to do some positive things with our highest qualified people with our neediest students,” he said of the special education review that was completed last year. e Quality and Diversity Fund, a separate account that holds Open Choice program revenues, is slated to fund magnet school tuition, transportation and full-day kindergarten for $297,000. Addley also presented $600,000 in small capital expenditures for items like technology, building maintenance, furniture and equipment purchases, and a new school bus. e proposed school budget for fiscal year 2013-14 is for $29 million. As of press time, the school board held a budget workshop on March 13 and will vote on the budget at its next regular meeting, March 20. With the charter revision, there will be a public hearing on the budget April 8 at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. e referendum vote will take place April 22 in the Town Hall meeting room. First Selectman John Adams said it is a simple majority vote and to pass the budget, you need one more than half. Medical Services Cherry Brook’s team of nurses certified nursing assistants therapists and physicians enable us to provide a wide variety of quality onesite patientfocused medical services • hour Medical Care • Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy • Cardiac Recovery • IV Therapy Our caring team knows there’s no place like home • Orthopedic Rehabilitation Your • Stroke and The rehabilitation professionals at Cherry Brook Neurological Recovery are committed to helping you achieve your highest Resource for level of function in order to return home in the • Medically Complex Recovery shortest time frame possible • Wound Management Short Term Rehab Fast Referral Process - Flexible Scheduling Highly-Trained & Experienced Therapists — State-Of-The-Art-Equipment We accept Medicare & most major insurances Office (860) 693-7777 Fax (860) 693-7755 102 Dyer Ave Canton, CT 06019 28 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 Alyssa Marchetti of Lewis Mills shoots the ball. Photos by David Heuschkel Evan Jiantoni of Farmington High School shoots. SHS hosts Unified Sports basketball tournament Simsbury High School was the site of the CIAC High School Unified Sports Basketball tournament March 6. Farmington/Avon, Lewis Mills and host Simsbury were among the seven high school teams that played on four courts in two gymnasiums. Brooke Bulmer, one of the Simsbury coaches, says the team practices once a week, learning basic skills and playing games. Unified Sports partners studentathletes with special needs and peer mentors in competitive games. “We love the kids, and the experience for the athletes is invaluable, so rewarding and gratifying,” Bulmer said. Presenting sponsors of the event were Bob’s Stores, Campus Customs, ConnectiCare, Hoffman Auto Group and Team ESPN. PRESSSENIORS Senior Signals By Stephen Allaire Never too late to save When faced with the sudden crisis of a loved one needing a nursing home or substantial care at home, a logical worry is what will happen to your home and other assets. e fear of losing everything can be overwhelming. While it is far better to have done pre-planning before a crisis, it is never too late to save some of your assets. Here is why. ere are rules set forth in federal and state law relating to Medicaid (Title 19), which are intended to prevent a healthy spouse from losing the home and certain other assets. e idea is that the spouse should not be impoverished, as in some cases it may even be possible to save everything for the healthy spouse. at takes detailed knowledge of the rules for Medicaid eligibility and speedy action. For example, the rule allowing the home to be saved may not work if the home is partially or wholly in the sick spouse’s name. But there is nothing to prevent putting that home in the healthy one’s name, even at the last minute. e fiveyear look-back rule does not apply to transfers between spouses. Another example is using unprotected funds to pay down debt. If your funds exceed the amount you are allowed to keep, and you have a home mortgage or a car loan, you could use the excess funds to pay down the debt. at also can be done at the last minute. One expense we all have someday is funeral expense. Pre-payment of funeral expenses is allowed at any time, whether a single person or a married couple, as long as the Medicaid rules are followed in the pre-payment contract. An extremely beneficial rule allows a healthy spouse to purchase an annuity with IRA funds so that the funds will no longer count as an asset. is can be done even if the sick spouse is already in a nursing home. But the rules have a catch in them, because the state must be named as the primary beneficiary. Even so, it is better to keep the IRA than lose it to nursing home payments. As of last fall, an even more beneficial federal court case ruled that a healthy spouse could purchase a special annuity with nonIRA money, at the last minute, and protect the assets, as long as certain very stringent requirements were met. is can be a lifesaver for someone who has done no pre- planning, as it can be done at the 11th hour. It only works for a married couple, and the requirements are complicated and strict, but if set up properly can allow the healthy spouse to avoid becoming impoverished. ere are numerous other possibilities for crisis protection of assets that an experienced elder law practitioner can advise you to use, and those depend on the particular family situation, the size and type of assets, and the family income. It is undoubtedly frightening to be faced with the prospect of needing care and losing assets. If your appendix bursts, you would go to the nearest hospital and have a surgeon solve the problem. If you are faced with expensive long-term care, get to an experienced elder law attorney to stop the financial bleeding. Attorney Stephen O. Allaire is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and Executive Committee member and past officer of the Connecticut Bar Assn. Elder Law Section, with offices at 271 Farmington Ave. Bristol, 860-5842384), or on the web at If you have a question, send a written note to Attorney Allaire at Allaire Elder Law, LLC, 271 Farmington Ave., Bristol, 06010, and he may use your question in a future column. ‘It’s Good to Get Out’ Members of the “It’s Good to Get Out” group were at the Farmington Senior Center for a pizza party and planning session for their upcoming spring trips. Pictured is the group of volunteers and participants, which is coordinated by Marcie Shepard. The group is part of the Friendly Visiting Program of Services for the Elderly and established last year by Shepard, who sponsors all the entertaining field trips to interesting places in the area. It’s Good to Get Out is looking for additional members – anyone 65 and older who is looking for companionship, enjoys getting out of the house to have fun is welcome to join this merry group. Call Services for the Elderly at 860-673-1441 to sign up. Courtesy photo Rep. Hampton says he is focused on helping seniors State Rep. John K. Hampton (D- Simsbury) has proposed a number of bills that promote the safety and health of seniors and disabled persons in Connecticut. In the Aging Committee, Hampton proposed H. B. No. 5453, “an act concerning streamlining approval for nursing homes to shelter vulnerable residents,” which hopes to ensure that nursing homes can play a role in helping to provide shelter and care to vulnerable elderly and ill residents in a declared state of emergency. Hampton, drafted this legislation in response to the major weatherrelated emergencies that have occurred in the state over the last couple of years. Proposed H.B. No. 5546, “an act concerning violations of handicapped parking laws,” is designed to eliminate the discretion of police to give a warning rather than a citation to violators of laws that are intended to reserve parking spaces for those with disabilities. Also put forward by Hampton is proposed H.B. No. 5979, "an act establishing a task force on Alzheimer's disease." A Connecticut state government Alzheimer’s disease plan would create the infrastructure and accountability necessary to build dementia-capable programs in response to the growing number of people with the disease. “I feel very passionately that seniors and persons with disabilities should be cared for in our society and that our laws should reflect that,” Hampton said in a press release. Quality Service You Can Stand On Ceramic & Porcelain Tile Vinyl Flooring Hardwood & Laminate Flooring Hardwood Floor Refinishing Carpets & Area Rugs Free Estimates • Guaranteed Installation • Complete Warranty Call for a FREE estimate! $150 Off $100 Off Elite Flooring Specialists “A Cut Above The Rest” 304 Murphy Road Hartford, CT 06114 860-727-0717 your total purchase of $1,000 or more ELITE FLOORING SPECIALISTS refinishing your hardwood floors (Min. 500 sq. ft.) ELITE FLOORING SPECIALISTS 930 Meriden-Waterbury Tpke. Southington, CT 06479 860-426-9774 March 14, 2013 The Valley Press 29 Classifieds Serving buyers and sellers Call today for your free market analysis. Mark DiChiara Licensed Realtor and valley resident 36 LaSalle Rd, West Hartford, CT 06107 Phone (860) 989-8556 email: At Your Service ELECTRICAL BRANNACK ELECTRIC, INC. Providing fast, reliable service 24/7. Call today for your FREE consultation & estimate. 860-242-6486. 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Call 860-538-4885 HOUSE CLEANING HOME & OFFICE CLEANING serving the Valley for 15 years Second Cleaning 1/2 Price Quality work at affordable prices For free estimates call 860-676-2729 HOUSE CLEANING HOUSE CLEANING AVAILABLE Insured & Bonded Since 1995 Give the Gift of Time $15 off First Time Clients. Call Sandy at 860-651-4601 At Your Service HOME SAFETY EVALUATIONS Home Safety Evaluations are now available. Falls are one the leading causes of injury among seniors. We can help you prevent falls and enhance the safety of your loved ones. Call Lisa today at Accessible Home in West Hartford at 860 726 9600 for more information or to book an appointment . Neighbor to Neighbor, your local resident welcoming service, has openings for a C o m m u n i t y R e p r e s e n t a t i v e . Welcome your new neighbors into your community. Sales positions also available. FOR SALE - $6,750 1991 Nissan 300 ZX 109,000 miles. Fun Fast Ride. Very Cool Rare Car. Excellent motor. 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Drug free environment. Drug test required. Fax resume to 860-666-7876. Administrative Assistant Part time for a small beverage company located in Newington. Computer knowledge a must. Good customer services skills phone and collections. Flexible daytime hours. Fax resume to 860666-7876. REGISTERED PHYSICAL THERAPIST Homecare Position Available – Per Diem The Farmington Valley VNA is seeking a registered physical therapist with 2-3 years clinical experience for per diem visits to clients throughout the Farmington Valley. Homecare experience is a plus. This position offers competitive per-visit rates and a flexible schedule. Please contact Dyanne Hanelius, OTR/L at 860-651-3539 or send resume to Farmington Valley VNA 8 Old Mill Lane, Simsbury, CT 06070 EOE INTERESTED IN REACHING POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS IN WEST HARTFORD? 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Green Energy Saver, LLC 860-693-8289 Recognized as a “GREEN and INNOVATIVE” Contractor. Proudly Serving the New England Region over 35 years! HOME IMPROVEMENT Nieves Home Improvements LLC Quality Above The Rest Carpentry • Roofing • Decks Siding • Porches • Windows • Masonry All Forms of Home Repairs • Snow Plowing Available We Get The Job Done! Lic #619073 Free Estimates! 860-379-4594 • 860-307-5592 Fully Insured HOME IMPROVEMENT BERKSHIRE WOODSMITHS, LLC COMPLETE MAINTENANCE & REPAIR A+ Rating • Siding • Bathrooms • Decks • Remodeling • Kitchens • Improvements SMALL OR LARGE • WE DO IT ALL! Licensed & Insured Lic. # HIC0625936 March 14, 2013 860.738.4931 or 203.232.9114 The Valley Press 31 $ A directory of professional home improvement contractors Who Does It? 29 -1 week HOME IMPROVEMENT $ 150 -6 weeks HOME IMPROVEMENT $ 300 -13weeks HOME IMPROVEMENT Add W est Hartford Press for 1/2 Price! HOME IMPROVEMENT BARRETT ENTERPRISES LLC Home Improvement Contractor So Many Amateurs . . . 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LICENSE NO. 536406 COMPLETE INSURANCE ROOFING ANDY’S PAINTING & REMODELING SERVICE Commercial - Residential Interior - Exterior Painting Water & Fire Damage Venetian Plaster & Faux Finish Wallpaper and Renovations Floor Epoxy • Powerwashing SIDING VINYL SIDING SPECIAL SAVE 30% OFF regular prices. Ranches/Capes, $7000. Colonials, $8000. Free estimates. Absolute lowest prices possible! Deal direct with owner. REPAIRS/ROOFING Ct Lic. #547581. Fully licensed & Insured. AVAILABLE FOR STORM REPAIRS AND GARAGES. Hann’s On Home Improvement 860-563-2001 32 The Valley Press March 14, 2013 ROOFING • SIDING • WINDOWS •& more... Call now. Roofing & Siding Sale! 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