i t - :V ■•rr- ... •- v _;1' j■- v.■:!•4■j 'P All the , ; Local News FO U R TEEN TH Y EA R . N Q . 212. A SB U R Y PARK, NEW' -JERSEY, W ED N E SD A Y , SEPTEM BER 5, 1900. YOU WON'T THINK . FOR SAL® v . ,, ^ .' A splendid property on Asbury Avenue, second block from oceain.; A decided bargain for somebody, ta ll and get particulars. Board of Assessors Add 90 Cents Over. Last Year. F O R M E R F R I E N D S 'E S T R A N G E D 208 Bond Street, A lth o u g h there w ere num erous m atters <> fU m pttPtance49H he^nflideratfe!r^£‘tfiet A s b u ry P a rk , J . Bradioy Bench council la s t night, ‘tlicro Wiia no .mooting of th a t body, for reasons best know n to M ayor A* T. Itogors. Thofcouhcllm on gathered an" u s u a l. nt tho place of .m eeting a n ti waited, in vain for tho appearance of Muyor Rogers, who AKBURY PARK nna OOBAN GXIOVB lives noxt d o o r to tho council cham ber. A t last C ouncilm an B urney dot'ormincd ... 1HotelBronswlak, to beard tho lion i n 'h i s don,. H is, effort o m o n <Kaliroad Depot and ■ w as unsuccessful, however, lie found •*> . '■ ;WM‘Bangs Avenue., Principal O l f l o e . A806 MAIN BTRKKT tho. chief executive com placently w ritinp. I n answ er to th e query a s to w hether ho Gooda BtormJ At reasonable rates, Telephone connection. intended to open th o m c e tln g tho m ayor Is t\ O, Box 607, - AflBumr P Ait it reported to have said tlia t be didn’t know of any business of im portance to coino up For otherw ise , I: could not ' help a n d th a t he w as busjr w ith hisow n'privute. your fulling oyealght w ith. speo- affairs. ^ , 'taclea or eyefilansea, But the pa , Mi:. Burnqy then nccusod him of pur tient, helpful nose la barbarously posely preventing tho m eeting to servo his treated, and the French name for own opds nnd le f t lasaefi. plnce-nnz (plnoh-npftfl) W hile a t one tim e ^Aiuyor Itogors was w as well selected. ‘ popular, tb u c c r ta in degree, th o coursoho Let me show you a new thin* in h as pursued seems to liavo estranged his friends an d there is now a decidedly ... E Y E G L A S S E S ... strong son tlm entj a g ain st him th a t will, which w as contrived 'for noae undoubtedly •bo folt a t the polls next comfort. When you wear a pair spring. ----•. ••-.'."1- . N O ^ F n,y ° ^ eKItt«ae8 your nose will T he councilliiqn o^ ttye borough claim IX \ J O E j bo o i lucky oa your eyea. th a t ho has made falso representations to tho sum m er residents concerning lits stand 011 certain borough m a tte rs and, m isrepre sented th eir a ttitu d e , 011 im p o rtan t ques tions affecting tho w elfare of the m unici pality. . ' . Jew elerarid Optician T he Charge is also m ade .tbnt lasfc n ig h t’s —645-Cooktiaan Ave.- m eeting was proven ted because tho m ayor did n ot desire th e license question brought iilannou, watchos anil jewelry repaired up. He is opposed to tho collection of de wltli i>romi>tm*<8 und skill. linquent licenses by su it lentil those re m aining unpaid from last year aro col lected. IF YOU HAVE , A t tho m ooting of tho council higjrwcok, whon soyoral sum nrbr residouts complained of tho streets, n c o m iu lttc o w as a p pointed to sob if there w;cre syillolent funds to m akothojieces.m ry im provem ents. T he assertio n -is m ade tlfat th is is a n ,LOOK AT TH E FOLLOWING o ther reason why lasb n ig h t’s m ooting was suppressed; th a t the w ork will not bo dono u n til next spring ou account of political .reasons. . ... * $5,000 atS per cent, on firstclass In d ig n atio n over the condition of the • hptel property-in-Asbury-Park. strM ts'o f'tlv o 'b y rq tig h T lh ^a n rin g b ' point $7,500 a t . 5 per centr on 50 am ong tran sien t a n d iHirnianeht residents, d unless som ething Is .done the m utter room hotel and 165 acres of land,, an WiliiJlkely-bo.. bi’oiight to,, th e atten tio n of mostly -under^ cultivation at Dela^1 tfio courts. S hould theTnatteir be brought ware Water Gap, to law It is hin ted th a t m uch inform ation $5,000 at 5 per cent, on finely of interest, to the taxpayers would bo se cured. r ,1 YOU ARE TO . HAVE A CLAUDE J. WISEMAN. TO INVEST Wanted on first bond and mortgage lpcated hotel property in Asbury Park. Others on application. W . H , B e e g l e 226 MAIN STREET, Asbury Park, N. J. Pointers for ]c Wearers ~) ■- I t In ju o t nit linportiiiit to Imvo tor l'oclly lltlinB framoa ;«3 corrootly — — ■'ground lonsos. I; lnnko miro tlio fram es lit tlio fuco [lorfi'otly. I t In DHSOUtliil. to gooil vIbIoii tlm t tho cuutroot tho kIubsos cpmo. oxnutly opposite; Iho pupils o t thu eyus, iiutl w ith Ul llttluB friimos this m ost Imp o rU u t efstmUiU m ay ba ftbtont. E y o s E x a m in e d F r o o Willard C . W iseman Asbury Park Optical Parlor, Ordered to Bemove G. A. B . B utton. ' Owen McBridnj a veteran of the civil w ar, w as filled to tho brim with’ intoxi cants last n ig h t an d creato l considerable trouble in the vicinity of Virst nnd 'Ocean avenues, ilo throw Ofltcor Nowmati olT his bicycle when he appeared on tiie'scone, but-w lth tho holp of Onicbi* l^aliuateor he w as finally lodged in P a rk hall. lie was decldudly meek a n d obliging w hen arndgiied.before Jubliiee^Borden this m orning. The justico, w ho is himself.nn old veteran, onlered tho prisoner to remove h is G. A. It. button, an d this he did Avith trem b lin g fin g ers., Ilo w as lined which h is friends paid an d ho w as released. W ater Carnival a t P leasure Buy. T onight tlio P leasure Bay A m use m en t com pany w ill endeavor to. im itate tho exam ple of A nbury P a r k an d Oeoaii' CJrove, a s displayed In th e W esley lake carnival, from w hich th e P leasure Bay peoplo lmvo evolved a sim ilar exhibition., More th a n 20(Jt boats arc entered fo r tho grout w a te r carnival a n d .a splendid d is play of aquatic firew orks has also been arra n g ed a s a sldo oxhibltion. I t "is ex pected th a t 10,000 people w ill visit P leas u re bay th is evening. V . , 41 U m brella A ntiie" Hi nglugv Hr unit. A nnie Ilo w o .o f the* W est S id e,b etter ' know n tinder h er alias of- “ U m brella 6 0 3 C o o k m a n A v o n u o . A nnio,” w as arrested la s t n ig h t by Ollicer Cor. Kmory Btroot. capital 550,000 ^ T«l. 1!) suK'„u,? ,r d $50,000 Chapm an. She Was in a glorious sta te of in to x icatio n -o n o of h e r “ singing d ru n k s,” as the tow nship pilicor^ call it. J uhHco I)odd imposed tho-roguiar lliio of w hich slie paid. ; <■»: • Asbury Park and Ocean Grove; H agam an-^lt|alkart. r W illiam ITnganian a n d Missr Addle I lu is h a r t o f Cassvlllo, N. J „ were united in m arriag o S u n d ay a t noon a t the parBonngo of the W est Grove M. E . church b y liov. ^ y /G . Moyor, pastor.. •C orner iln ttls o n A ve. .and M ain S t., 1 ASBURY PA R K , N. J. ^ Going Away T im e..• . You can’t trav el w ith o u t truiiks,satchels a n d dress su it ciises, F o r such ossontlals tr y th e S teinbach stores,' , . ^113 ^8 * Cdraer Main Avenue and PilgrrtmPathway OCEAN ClROVl!. HKNBY O. WINQOR, President, .• QEO, W.;;EVANS, Vlce-Prosidont/ KUMUND E. I)AYTOn I Cashier. JKSaETanNOT.ABsIstant Cashier. --------— ----- -DIRKOTORa: - —— —»----DH. il. k* w. nETIUCK, _ T ,_ K| U N FI A P P t.K P Y , „ : JO H N n q O B A R p , N . E , U tlcn A N O N , LBW 18 U A IN E A n, . tlV u. OMVTON,’ • S O ^ W ^ J S y jI K S t —O B O i^ y .- T n B A T , J. .* ,• i r K n a u s o N , f t '• - UENItV O. .• A lto s t il t o n , W1NBOR, i ‘ . A p c o u n te R e s p e c tfu lly S o lic ite d . S afQ L e p o s l t B o x e s ,to R e n t. . F irs t N ational llanlc , ' sto o k fo r bale—th lrte o h (18) flhoros. F or p articu lars apply’to F . A. Pawloy, ‘real oetato an d insurance, 72H M attison ave nue. . v SOHtf Crosblols..iiniiipn»o.sale .of ...trnnlvSt^iil sizes an d kinds, bags, toloseopos and dress su it cases w ill continue nex t w e c k -a t-la st yoar’s prlcys. 508 M ain streot. ;y 4 r—Soi,vadvorfcisumi5n t of Hotol N orm andie, Now Y ork city, in^His.lssuo, 106m t f T akoluunohcs for, Ross-Foriton F a rn i lit in j^rlak o n sta tlo n . : : - - :~ ~ i ;: 1 Wmtf A ll A lienim rst lo ts to be sold th is . W e is s u e F o re ig n D r a f ts a n d L e t- sutnm or. . te r e o f C re d it. , . Hennet-lnc b urej indigestion. % A b ou t #2C,OOO—D eal .F ig h ts a, lia ise . L ively 13ncounter B etw eon B oard and AaMCHBor of. Brattiey 'Bench. . .1 / Tho 28 assessor.'t/not a t F reehold yester-^ day topxam ino i>nd pass, upon tho vuluutions of tho different munioipaUtibs’ropreso 11feed arid dotqrmi’no the ra te o t—tho, county ta x an d tho sta te school taxJ T h o . form er -Was. placed a t $<).0JJ an d tho la tte r a t tho form er being somewhat higher th a n last year, tho la tte r somewhat loss.. 1 .. J I ’he taxes in qiiestion for th e past three years are as follows : ' ' • 3897. lSOaf,’ *ISSHli MX); County t a x . . . f: ^3:87^ tl.lIJ ! o.lU“ S tate school. . . . . . . 2.7U 2.77 .‘.>.70 S.tti Tho valuation of A sb u ry P a r k rem ains prtiotieajly unchanged, except, of eoursei tho increase for .new buildings an d im pryyem ents, which is loss th an Sioojooo. ' Iii th e tow nship tlip increase is about $LM,0 0 0 , m aking tho valuation! about *2,3iHMG5. :‘ j ' Tho m ising of tho valuation of. Deiil provoked quite a light. Tho exact ilg u res are n ot a t hand, b u t tho a m o u n t 1 w as placed Ht about $l,rAM),000. ! The valuation of B railley Beach was lowered u n til tlio taxable property .thore is valued a t $ 110,0 0 0 . A nothor lively en"countor w as 'oxporlcnced by Assossor Iiogors in having tin? #18,000 railroad valu ation removed from h is duplicate. I t soemed th a t his predecessor in olllco valued th*o strip of niilw ay in th e borough a t 8*10,0 0 0 , an d on th is am o u n t county an d school taxes wero paid to tho ox te n t of about $11-10. T h e. valuation w as ontiroly too high nnd th e A tla n tic Coast Haiiwny coinpany refused to pay ta x on it, Tho taxes paid by tho borough were thoroforo a total loss. Tho railroad Is now valued a t ^ , 0 0 0 ; • ’ 1 ■ , : •' . . SAID TO B E THIRD A T T E M P T A rrested on C harge of rcrsiHtcntly Annoy' ing Voung M nrrio^V oiiinn of Thin City; ' T hrough' FalKO StorJea He Tries tO In cluee H er to. T.eave Iie r llu»bum l aml ^ .Home. • •* , If you investigate the Al, lenhurst corner .residence ji [J.!:! properly, two, lots, keht- i i,;' :ing for $^50 thatij the ‘Milan iRoss Agenjrjr; are offering for sale at iii^OpOi a bargain, . ' ; ‘‘ • Chief Executive of Bradley jleach S T A T E S C H O O L L I T T L E LOW ER Swallows Dose of Carbolic Acid ' Council Session by BGt? Physicians by Hard-— Aabury Park’s Increase Ih. V aluation I-chh '. Work Save His Life. Non-Attendance.' , Than 19100,000 — N eptune Township C o u n cllm o n C la im T lm t S ta tem en t* M ado ’ b y M ayor llo g e r a t o S u m m e r K ealtfen ts M isr ep resen ts T h e ir A tt it u d e o i\ I m p o r ta n t. B o r o u g h . M a tte r s —T h o C burt’a AW M ay 7)e I n v o k e d . D i k : COVERT P R IC E O N E C E N T . ' YOU , ’ a WILL 1 -K N O W A r th u r IlpUlun ol Xoivnrk, self stylud ^fluHnpion^l)igli=<llvep^of^4h^f=-worhl-rfit—tem pted to com m it suicide last n ig h t I n a IT cellkin .P a rk hall, w here lie had been con fined for disorderly con d u ct.. >Holden; i t w ill bo roiiiembored, gained considem blonotorloty*.i n ^ h is . city, soine tiino ago by reason xof a ru mqred olopom ont w ith Mrs. Kdlth Gerner of S eventh • An d nYcnuo, and It >vas for annoying Mrs. Cor ner th a t Holdon was iirfested last n ig h t. . F o r four m onth s, i t is suid, he has, been, persecuting M rs. Q erner and Jior m other, Monmouth Building', A slury P ark, It. J . ]SIi*s. H arris, a t tholr homo on Seventh avenuo an d ,a t th e ir .store on St. Jo h n ’s island, S unset lake. He Jin’s *begged, im CAPITAL,.......$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 . plored an d demaiuleir Mrs. Corner to come o ut arid .spealc to hi ni and has oven th re a t SURPLUS,. . . . . . . . 2 5 , 0 0 0 . ened her lifo and^her m other’s, as well as his own. Kzecniea all trusts know n to the lsw . r<oans m oney on bond and £norfgage; ’*Yesterday he w as p articularly violent. ■Receives deposits subject to check and allows interest on d aily balances. ' . Ho cam e u p fron* Beliuar, Avhore'ho is Arts flfl T m ate^ Rgglntrar and T -Staying,"early in tlio atroriiuoii. . H e liad Pays coupons. JU D IT H H A T H A W A Y . Makes demand and tim e loans on approved been d rin k in g an d mado such dcspcrato collateral. , th re a ts an d created such an tiproar th a t M iss J u d ith Iln tlm v n y is 11 o lm n n liin y o m is ndrcsH w lio Is snhl to be a SafedepoaIt vaults. \ Mrs. H arris w as compelled to sum m on [com ing still'. Shu will p lay .Tosslea Kalconci- Iu “ Tin* C hoir In v isib le.” A. C. TW INING, Prealdent. Ollicer W illiam Bogors, who took him in G. B. M. HARVBY, Vice President. . custody. M r. Goriibr, It is_roported, .was H. A. T U 8TING, Secretary. LA D Y l i l t ANI> S liiO l! K A ISH D . ,7^ D. C. CORNB^I/, Treasurer so jncenscd a t tho intrusion th a t had it not DIRECTORS t been for tho quietin g in(lUeiico of his wife Strong Force of Boers Bonibarded Town o . H . Brown, R. A. T asting, ho w ould havoj takon a desperate rovongo ----and T h en.K ctired, • J. H. Buchanon, . Henry Mitchell, M, D, on ilbklon. ■*' 1. Cape Town; •Wednesday.—rltoberts -ro- D. C. Cornell, John P. O’Brien, . J. Harrison, Perry R. Sm ith,> S hortly after OiTlcor Itogors h ad placed ceived today from Ladybrand, in tho W. Col. G. B. M. Harvey,' 8. A, Patterson, his prisoner In P a rk halH i passerby heard Slate of New ,York Republicans O range Free State, ■word saying th a t the George B. Kroehl A. O. T w ining. M. D ., H . H .iVreelsnd. , groans from tho building, an d notifying Boors who had been besieging tho garrison Bruce 8. Keator, I O. D. W. Vroom, Goes Through. the w atchm an an investigation Was made. of . 150 m e n ’ for somoYlhyS, were retiring.I t w as fouinl th a t Holdon.. had attem p ted T H E P U B LIC LIBRARY O n Monday th e 2 ,0 0 0 .Boors who surroundod t bn tiiwn pt»ppi»n»d awny w ith 'th eir'n in e to sw allow' tho contents of a four-ounce W ork Delayed So T h at Completion ia Iin~ bottlo of carbolic acid an d J)r. J . F , A cker guns a ll day. The b om bardm ent w as roposaiblo^Bcforo October—S tate (if m an wras sum m oned. Assisted by anothor lluhtnee o f State T icket Chosen on Ono sultloss, how'ovcr. On Tuesday m orning fiepairing on Bods and Keels, tlio Iinprovem enta. .{ doctor ho w orked over tho prostrate body lliilk it—C andidate for Governor Mukea the Boers* renewed tlio a tta c k w ith sm all CIGARS (AND TOBA CCO Thero has been’considemblo delay in tho for some tlmoA I t was found impoKslble arm fire, b u t later the lire ceased .an d the B rief Speech of Aceoptance-r-ltooHevelt Imported Key.Weet and Domestie Cigars and all com pletion of the public lib ra ry a t Clrand te^uso a stom ach pum p, but a poworf ill Arrives In Tfme <t« Make Congrntuhw Boers retired presum ably in the face of the' Smokers1 Articles. f an d F irst avenues. I t wns th o u g h t a t first qmofcie wns a t last adm inistered a n d con_ The beat cigar that .5.oents .can_bay,____ _ -—torV-Speech-Before Body~Adj<»urn'a.-—-- a r rival) of reinforcem ents. __ tho^vo'rlrcouldbodoijeljy^Vifg717i)Ut.ifci¥ tinuod vom iting w as produced. H ad it A later despatch th an th e above from likely the repairs will not be completed be n o t been (or th e liquor ho liad d ru n k it is Saratoga, X. Y., 'Wednesday.—T he sec Cape Town says “ It is ollicial ly announced J . F . S E G E R , C o o k ln a n 'A v o n u e fore Oct. 1. • 1 : thoughytH o-attem pt a t suicide Would have ond day’s, session of tho Itopubllcan State th a t the siege of Lady b ran d Urns boon The division, o f th e ono big room into boon successful. .. V . convention was called to order a t iu.i7i raised .1 threo apartm onts has been dono an d a ll tho . T his inorning Ilbuieil 'ajipeai cd to bo all T he f ir s t. order- of business w as nomlipi* > .. HON. ABTMVit BE W A l t 1 )KA1>. irisklo niason w ork h as boon completed. rig h t, oxcopt th a t his m outh au<l th ro at tions for governor. F o rm er Gbvornoi‘ T h o stu g o h a s been onlargod and several w ero badly burned and also his loft check Black took the stan d nnd in a lengthy M aine Man W a s 'P ro m in en t In J fu tlon ul comfortable, dressing rooms b u ilt." Tho w here the acid escaped fro m his m outh. speech placed tho nam e of B enjam in Odoll- • ■ und S tate, f o llt lc a . auditorium Is now being wainscoted and Ho had purchased th e ’poison a t t h e . Sea in nom ination. The nom ination wujvsoeB ath, Maine, W ednesday.—Hon. A rth u r the new lloor w ill soon bo laid. ' • side pharm acy, Bclm ar, and it is suspccfc- om\ed by Seward :A. 'Sim oiids of BulTalo. Scwfill, w ho has been -p ro m in en t in na—j\Vork on the inagniflcent-now -ontraiico ed th a t his intchtion -w as-to 7:throw --it~ 0 r r'thero^vWere-np’-other-inai uinatlo ns^^fciotuM^ ti n 11al- a n d “StitfcirrJ.)t:inn v,rj 111e--i >u111ic s -fo r on F irs t av.onue w ill 1)6 com m enced In a a tte m p t to adm inister i t to M rs. Geriipr.' to r Uepewr placed W oodruff in nom i the last 15 years, uiul wiio w as stricken few days. This, it w ill bo romombored, is . Several tim es w ithin the p ast ifow yburs nation *for . lieu teiian ^ g o v ern o r., A fter w ith apoplexy Sunday, died here this Views of Asbury Park, 10c. tho gift of H enry Steinbach.^ ; Holdon is said to liavo attem p ted suicide. DopoVv finished S enator W hite of Tally Cards and Punches. th ico iTyleaping^trom a New- ^York forry- Onondaga seconded the nom ination of / -. '• HI a b a t M u t e r ” T o n l g l i t . Playing' Cards. Tho.full au d ito riu m chorus and ort;hoH- bottt in to the ieo ill led riv er an d ag ain WoodrufT. Thero being no oth er n o m in a tru will render. Rossini’s beautifu .w ork, w ith carbolic acid, lie w as arrested oneo tions W oodruir w as declared the nominee. 14kt Fountain Pen, $1.00. “S tubat M ator,” a t tho Ocean Gro r6 audl- before in tlris city iiy Ollietn* Rogers, Odell w as then escorted to the platform Card Board and Mounting Board toriunutonight;-': The ru sh of woi k when charged w ith stealing.bicyclo lum ps •from an d w ildly cheered. In a few .well chosen tho first production w as given a few weeks G. T. Sanford, for whlcii oilense ho spoilt words Odell aceepted the nom ination. 22x28. i ' " Henator K ru in o f Schoharie offered a reso ^ ago would n o t'p erm it m any persons to a t 0 0 days in jail. Picture Binding and Library Paste. M rs. Gornor says th a t i t w as H olden’s lution th a t the present state ticket bo tend who now have m ore loisure, n n d they w ill doubtless bo delighted th a t tin i oppor- falso stories that*lirst Induced h e r to leave nom inated on;one ballot. T he ‘resolution All Latest Magazines. tu n ity offers. -.Isalxil B o u to n ,alto ; Ju lia n h e r husband. *Shp charges th a t w hile siio carried an d the ticket w as nom inated. New York 'and Philadelphia Governor Roosevelt n riiv ed a t the hall W alker, basso, an d Alex. McGuirl^, tonor, w as aw ay Holden wrote to th e newspapers, Papers. '. ^ w ill sing in tlio solo an d q u a rte t parts, b u t letters purporting* to conio from h er and shortly aftern o o n and a fter a brief spoCeli tho soprano is unknow n. E va G ardner signed her. mime, While In reality she by him tho convention adjourned sine die. 5,000 Novels at 10c. thenii Since th en , sho Coleman, w ho sang before, is in Chicago. know nothing _______ EDICT’S I IKFlANT TONK " . MiKH“ CaTo!in^Slm ]lliord m ay 1jo“socurod7 -sjiysvhtrhasiicch-cbntinually dogglng-hcr A good soprano will sing, th a t is assured. about, sending letters, messages an d tele Iaaued From Tai-Vunn*l,ru August JiOt nnd Tht? same low adm ission w ill prevail to g ra m s 1 innum erable, saying ho had boon Signed by Dowager 1'hnpreaa. , night as*formeiiy. I. ■ . ' ’ seriously h u rt, w as b reathing his last and ►Shanghai, Wednesday.T-An Im perial edict, u tte rin g various other pluints, all in a dated Tai-Y uan-Fu, A ug.. JJO, sxiys the . Jilte d .B a rm a id Geta 44,000. v ain eTTort to again induce h er to lenvei court lied front: P ek in oil account of >tho L o n d o n ,, W ednesday.—A sontatlonal h e r husband. disturbances between the Boxers and. breach of~t»romisoriuiit case was|decided ~ ~ — '*■ i Christians and for fear th a t th e em peror -v. ■ A r .T l I U K S K W A L L . H o te l K e o p e r ’a rlim u o ln l T r o u b le s . horo today whon tlio co u rt aw ardod M rs would be killed. - Viceroys an*'exhorted to T he guests a t Bevoiiport In n , on .tho Caroline MaVcro. a hariiydd, X-1,000 as inorning.- •*!lis wife an d son W illiam were dam ages for h e r w o unded aiTeot ions. The ocean . front, wore seriousiy alarm ed this u n ite in order to avenge th e injuries suf lit his bedsides a t tho last. Sowall w as born defendant is a cousin of the Karl bf CraVon. m orning over the prospects of hav in g no fered a t the hands of the allies an d to raise a'. B ath in lS-'tri. He 'was estim ated to be • -J w r — — r" -:T ■ d in n er when Constable S am uel W hite,' ta xes a tu t enroll troops; Thp edict, is signed’ w orth Hevei-al 'm illions, b u t no exact esti TjOHt in Catacombs of Itomeiby tho Downgur Knipress an d worded in a ariTil^” Vvrt1rafl' execution; foi* a d eb t due m ate,of his w ealth has ever beenm ade. Probably not, but why run, the Rome, W ednesday; — Two A m erican • tho Steinbuoh-com pany, made his appeai’- defiant tone. ^tourists who w'ore lost in tho catacom bs risk of seriously injuring, your Eyes GKO BLEU TIR ED OF WAU. nnce. Tlio help about the hotel wej’e also ailU T A ltV OBJECT LESSON. for m ore' th an iii hours, wore; found th is by- the use of incorrectly fitted seripusly 1 ularm edr'as they th o u g h t tho N cg o lh ilin K W it h B r itis h fo r 'S u rren d er m orning In a n exhausted condition. glasses . when you qan have them proprietor, Mrs; ICrO.ljindsuy, lm d m ade EngliHh F o r ts D e fe a t 'N iival A tta c k ..B u t or H im s e lf an d TroopH. hor departure. .-She “soon returned,.how * " In v a d e r a ’lJ in d at. AiH»tbor P o in t. Visiting B u n k e r s lia d B a n q u e t. P relo rla, W ednesday. — C om m aiulant skillfully adjusted by - Dover, Kng., W ednesday.—In the com Grobler. wiio had beoi^ oja;ratin g w ith Six w ealthy bankers of Copenhagen, ever, w ith her counsel, S. A -^Patterson, headed by I']. Thulson, who are m aking a an d produced-a bill of sale for th e hotel, bined arm y and navy m anoeuvres held here Oliver, the lioev leader recently eapfcurcd to u r of tho country, had a b an q u et a t the property to hor sister, Mrs. D avis oC Bel- this m orning the idoaw ns to show’, w hat by the J iiitis h j Is N eg o tiatin g w ith the Coleman House yesterday. They express n'iar. I t is ^understood. th a t several o th er ghanco a foreign invasion would, have* B ritish w ith view of* surrendering. H e Philadelphia,Eye Specialists ed thomsolvos as doligiitcd ..with A sbury su its ag ain st Mrs. L iiu lsay . have been Tho forts ilo fen ted In the* m ain naval a t asks fqr equal tre a tm e n t for tlio few of his tack, b u t m eanw iiileinvaders la n d in g .a t followers who fought,* a fter tak in g the At 222 Main street, Asbury Park,, begun. c P a rk an d Its accom m odations;^ _. * an o th er point-seized tho London railw ay. oath of allegiance t<i the B ritish... r every. Friday. • L i^htnlii^ fitrikca Satnb M iurTwivu. Cleared OVei: iSlOO.* K a ise r W ilh e lm B ld a T r o o p s G od sp eed . Terenco K eenan of W est Grove, who Tlio Independence;. F ire com pany of Hours, 10 to 5. Free exam ination aud all T o W .eleoiiu* llerc» o f M afekinff. yrork. guaranteed. ■ Berlin, W ednesday.—The la s t eqiitfnBradley Beach cleared oyer $100 a t tholr w as stru ck by ligh tn in g som e tim e ago, Capo To.w'it, Wednesday.—Col. Badeneiitertaininont lield a t the beach pavilion in'jis struck, liy a diiTerent brand, b u t a l |?en tb f Gernuih troops intended for. .ser Powoll, t ho herd of .Mafeking, will arriv e recently. They were considerably disap m ost us‘ dangerous, liist n ig h t. Ho was vice iti C hina sailed from Bremorhuven .hero.tomorrow' aiid preparations are m ak pointed in some of th eir talen t. A good paralyzed an d Ollicer Stcolmuii, o u t of the ^otlay. K aiser W ilh elm w as present. in g fur an enthusiastic welcome lor him. kindness of his heart, tbok h lp i in charge. tiino, howevor, wiih onjoyod by all. G irl In B u n a w u y E sca p es' I n ju r y . No Xew I’lngiie Cases U t GhiHgow. T his m orning ho was “a, little sloppy op A n exciting ru n aw ay occurred a t noon ■Glnsgow, W ednesday.—-No now' cases of ■ ' ’ ‘ Koblnsoii-ireiideraon. : : tho upper deck,” as ho saia, b u t cheerfully . Ml^s Sadie Ilondorson an d W illiam J. paid: the : ^ flue lip posed by Jpstiuo Bodd. -today on Sprlngw ood a v e n u e .T h e r e was tlie .bubonic plague are reported hore OF A5B0RY PARK a little g irl in th e w a g o iu a n d m an j' vain today. llobl^Bon, b o th bf H am ilton, woro m a r . ______ ^ ~' * ..... ----— j#i,7r?fooo“ . — altem p ts W'ore niadp_§ ^ s to p th e liorso for ried S uhday ovoning a t tho pn-rsoriago of A S hirt W aist W edding. To loan in stuns from ^1,000 to $75,000 on- her sako^ A sudden Bworvo of the wagon, tlio W est P a r k Ml' 13; ch u rch by Rov. G. K. good bond aiid m o rtg a g e o r o th er firstl• . • ' however, threw h er o u t lu iin ju red beyond 1 Tho w edding of M orris Blum stCln and Hancock, pustor. ; , cluBSSoeurity. ' 1’* ' v • Between Poetoflloe and De{k>t a fow soratehos. ,'Tlu?, horso w as caught Miss A nnie Jacobs a t Camden*yesterday B. M„ Pmi.MPS & Co., V Over One H undred -Gueata Today. wys a shirt, wa^st. hffnlr, even tho bride near the Siind hills. . ‘ 1*111.E ast S tate S t., . M r. A . tt. P arsons^oT j h o B runsw ick dolling lier.bridal robes u n til tho evening O R G A N IZ E D PC D R U A R Y i a a t : T ren to n , N. J . »; said today:—-“ T liO 'B riinsw lek w ill keep Or B. M. P hillips, Second avenue,' BoVmar. . W e a r in g C lo tlie s F o r e v e r ' reception. R e v .' Dr." Levy, tho*ofllciatlng opon'.\m tll- Oot. 1 If only tw o guests Re ■ Is m an ’s lot. -We are inon’B pufcflttors clergjMnaiL, w’as the only p erso n 'p resen t W o hiivo compietert o u r fu ll Bummer and can show* you the ilricst assouthient of wiio wroro a coat. m ain.”"’ Tho hotel is en tertain in g moro OFFICERS: i ready m ade clothes oil tho coast. „ lino of. ladles’ sh lrf w aists; no size so th an 1 0 0 today.^ ‘ GKORGtB P. KROKHL.'Froeldent TlIK STKlN'IlACIt COMPA'NV. ' sm all qr largo b u t wo have It. Np m aterial Asbury' P ark Lots for Snle. O. H. BROWN, lat'Vlco PresIdent ‘,Tako'Kbnnot:lne for Indigestion. ~ t hv ~' o r stylo th a t’s, down to'?latb b u t - it ’s heror* — 13veFe-lotft-^uro—1oca to d-on—streets—one- -MrDrIiAMMAN,-2 na Vloe-PreBldontr — la o j• C ootc’ s -B e e -H i v k . hundred 'febt *iii w idth,' w itli ga^, ’sower —.— --- -- —Featival-B oatpoi^d. - 1 . — A-vory.desl hible O -rooin-do^-no wi J*-pa and^rvvntcr—3iiain sr-,~Priccs-i'range—frpm—------- M. H. BCOTT.CasliIer.Subsorlbo for ou r wcokly edition, Tin:- pered; a t 518 C ookm an avenue.' Apply to $1,000 upw iinb W hore p arties build no . T he Catholic fostlval, In aid of tho x’lO-l- money required an d in addition a buildchurch of the Holy Spirit* w hich w as to SnoitE PitKSS. A 1(1 tho local nows of in M ilan Ross ag e n c y ;.. .ing 16an w ill bo. made. In q u ire a t P a rk P a tro n s* v a lu a b l e k r a if t i v a l i la )1 t a r . takii .pluuo ou Hopt, 0 _a|id_l, h a i hoim post- terest for only $1 a year.—Adv. ; i -l ft j emt f -k e e p in g f r e e o f c h a r a e . — poiicu u n til W ednesday an d T hursnayl — ------ ---^ T ak e-R o n n Qtj-lncfor-in(ilgostion.:-" in i:T ' hull. “ — Sept; ill and' 14;' . , ,'211-13 F o re ig n e x o h a n n e b o u g h t a n d s o l d . A ll A llonhu r s t lots to bo soi l t,hls Take Inunehes for Ross-Fontoii F arm a t ■All lots to*be sold a t A llohhiirst. suinm eiv . C o lle c tio n s p r o m p t l y a c k n o w l e d g e d Intbrlakon station. -----^lH lm tf A ll -A llo n h u rst-lo ts - to —be^ so ld - th is , -, i. • ' ■ sum m er. \ " ■ '. /••• : ' A * 0 onnc\t-lne tor indlgostlon. tin T ake launches for Ross-Fonton F arm a t A ll A llo n h u rst lots, to bo sold tl.ls In terlak en station. ;i9-hntf ’ Ronnoti-lno for indigestion. ,.tm Btinimjr. j T ako launches for Itoss'F enton F arm lit Y O U H B U S IN E S S ^ A ^ b R S ‘ fa B S P B Q T P U L L Y 8 0 X .IC IT B D , . I u t jrluken BtutlQn. • ltMmtf T ako Ronuot lno for indigestion. R onaotJno for indigestion, A ll lot 3 to bo Bold a t A llonhurst. . Trnst Safe Deposit Company High-Grade Fishing M F WE HAVE IT Everything in the STATIONERY Line HARRY A. BORDEN S ta tio n e r ^ N e w s d e a l e r Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Aye. STILES & CO. Mattison Avenue and Bond Street ASBUltY PARK DAILY PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1900, Dowager Empress Appoints New Commissioners. SAND ARTIST A MAJ.9EITY ABE 1HXIF0EBI&S, Mr. Taylor Has Been Modeling at A«> bury Park tor Eight Years. D a n g e r o f a n V p r ia ln g I n Sou tl^ erb C h in a — G r o w ln n F c c liu f f A g a lm t A ll F o r c iff n e r a - G e r m a n j' to; L a u d . T r o o p s a t 'S h a n g h a i. . . Shanghai, Sept. 5.—I t is officially an nounced th a t Germ any is about to land 450 tVoops hero to co-operate in the pro tection of th e city. Li H u n g Chung, Yung Lu, H su Tung and Prince Ching, whom an imperial edict l i a s . appointed peace commission* crsr~ constitute r a ~ radical ly j'a n t if oreigncommission. I I bu Tung, guardian of tlio, heir apparent, is especially obnoxious. T hree of the commissioners are Mantchoos; T he Am erican association, whose m em bership includes all the foremost business men at Shanghai, m et yesterday and adopted a protest against the evacua tion of Peking, until a .liitnl settlem ent h as been readied; •The meeting also re'solved' to urge President McKinley to insist upon tile-appointm ent of satisfac tory 'commissioners, nnd the recognition' We have just laid in, the finest l‘ne & cut g^ass> china, bric-a-; '-brae and statuary procurable. A CHALLENGE / ■( One Hundred n o th in ' have been placed with the Asbury B ick Board of T rade to be given to tiiu w inner-in a-Sand modeling contest who van excel ‘Mr. Taylor. This challunpe is to all tho Hand n rtls ta o l m erit itiilie world. . —I t t l i e abovo nlwllBiliro la aeceittod-hy-any European nrtlBt, null ha dlipiilil »>rims in be a winner, Jiu will," in . addition lo.UmJfOQ, receive free second cnbiu passage o u t und return. • JUDBEB, BECAUSE We have the newest ancTmost artistic styles, * We a re , reliableif-and t we gives, a discount mt- r a h t ' ' i . V !! . . ; Assemblyman Sam uel Kfrkbrido, A sbiuy Park. ■ ' •• i Hal Allaire, Allaire. F rank M. Huyior, fjo rg Branch Ite3or& IJUILDJNq ^ v ... ■ • •iI t is. the last week the wonder£uI painting-Niagara, will be , on exhibition." . BElCAUSE N ew -Y ork State D ulldliig, 1’nn-Am erican E xposition, lluffiilo, N . Y., 1001. iiues-due't 6 tile disorder; but th tsreg u larENGLAND MUST PAV. system of government business is being carried bn the same as ever* 'Phis is so as to the Chinese legation here, which is In d e m n ity - A ivitrd F o r Seltsnrq ol « (ic riiin n M e rc h a n t S h ip s. Haiti to have suffered no .inconvenience by x reason of the upheaval. Berlin, Sept. o.—T |ie .decision of the A n. oflieia 1 comm union tion received here Anglo-Gerumu commission respecting the through diplomatic channels m a k e s the indem nities to be paid to the owners rath er surprising statem ent th at Li Hung. o f Germ an vessels seized by B ritish w ar Chang is a t present* using,all his efiWis ships in South A frican waters* %s as fol to have one or.m ore of'the-pow ers dissent lows: . . *. . • • froin R ussia's proposition, believing th a t F o r the detention of the Bundesrnth,the rupture of th e allies will be of greater the G eneral a n d , the Herzog th e E a st REPORT FRdM CHAFFEE, advantage to China, than any agreem ent, A frican line receives £20,000, and £5,000 S h e d s S o m e ^ A d d U io n a l L ig:h t o n t h e even on the fuj:6 rable basis-put forward- will be paid to the ow ners of th e goods. S i t u a t i o n I n C h in a . by llussia. T he owners of the bark H an s W ag W ashington, Sept. 5.—:A very inter ner will receive £4,437.and .the ow ners of Chlim'H W a r .'Prcp'urn^iontt. esting dispirvch has been received nt the the. bark if a rie £ 1 2 0 . . • v' w nr departm ent, from Gttnerab-Chaffee.- . F u rth e r evidence th a t Oh 1na w as pre* B oth governm ents agree to accept the I t described the military^ situation as paring for a w ar that must follow the’ex decision. ■ . r em jnently satisfactory and wotild have pulsion of foreigners has reached the w»u * been of g reater vulrte but for the omis depart m ent'• in. a letter from. Captain ■ F iK h t ln s In th e lij-d en b erg: I lilla . Crocodile Kiver Valley, ‘ TransvaaU sion common to all of-th o other oiiiciai Uiehai'U Paddock, commanding Troop K, Uisjnvtches from China—nam ely,4hc date Sixth cavalry, guarding the g reat Tich- Sept. o.—(General B uller yesterday recoith-ttvr—x^t^r-scittr-irr hoitered the Boer position in the piouiF line. However, tnkiijg into consideration the Colonel C arter, assistant ad ju tan t gen ttijns overlooking LydenbOrg. General fact th at a cablegram w as received by eral, aud made rem arkably q u id ; time B otha and 2,000 burghers had previous the state^departm ent dated five'days ago across .the Pacific, having left Ticn-tsin ly joined the forces holding th e pass. from Mr. Conger, the conclusion was on Aug. 7 and arriviul here iMonday., Its T he Boers opened w ith three “ Long reached th a t Genera 1 ChaffeeV dispatclf d a te -is nearly three weeks; later than Tom s” and fired continuously all day also w as .sent from > eking about Aug» th a t of any mail th a t has i'eached the long. T he B ritish had few casualties; 20 or 30. . G eneral Chaffee asks a very war. or navy departm ent from north D entli o f G e n e r a l D e la r e y R e p o rte d . im portant question a s to (.be w ithdraw al China. C aptain Tsftldock w rites: “T his is a curious place. I have been P retoria, Sept. 5.-^It is reported th a t of .the American troops. T he answ er tc th n t question, it is said, might' have been here at„th e arsenal with my troops for General D elarey, the Boer commander, four days. . T here are thousands of arms died of wounds received a t E land’s river found i in the state- departm ent's answ er to the llussian evacuation proposition. o f.a 11 makes* and. millions of ammunition, B u t th a t answ er,, or rath er n synopsis of uniforms -and equipm ents 7 of every tie-VERMON S VOTE, it, was not cabled to G eneral'C haffee.un Acr.iption. I could easily equip a m u til the 30th wit., and it is assumed tliat, seum, but situated a s we are can take H e ^ tib llc n n G o v e r n o r E le c t e d by allowing foi* the siune tim e in transm ittal nothing of any size. I find in th e iibriiry A b o u t 2 7 ,0 0 0 P l n r a iit y . zus-wasr-eoiw nm ed^^M -fcm TnrH diairce’s ■miv-^own—or-dinn'tee—re p o i^ —and ’..inanyJ. dispatch received yestertlay, tiie syin>psis English and American works on arms,, lias ju st reached him. W hen the Am er ammunition, etc. Ail sho\V signs of nse(. ican answ er to the llussian proposal was having“ slips and m arks in m any places.7' T his is regarded a^ rath er conclusive made public, it w as stated hero th a t Gen eral Chaffee had been instructed some th at. China w as m aking ready for the conflict which her 'autiforeign generals tiny* before by telegraph ju st w hat course to pursue-in-the^m atter of ret iring'from : ^knew-w’ould'-be-inj'vitable- if- they-hoped Peking in th e event of the emergency to rem ain in powi’1* and indicates th at the th a t afterw artl arose. T his being so, this Boxer m ovem ent w a s som ewhat fortu* Hpnlication for instructions might bo'rt*-. nato for foreigners in forcing tMiinq's gnrdt'd a s 'a n indication tlfat he hnd not hand before .the dom inating intluences received th e original instructions'w hen surrouiidiiig the einpress dowagCr were fully prepared for invasion by the allies. he sent his message. T he speedy transmission of C aptain Padf N ot O rd ered to I;e a v e P e k in u . ^ I t is, stated th a t no order, has lieen sent dockV letter-en co u rag es’th e ollicials to to General Chaffee, to leave.Peking as the expect- fu rth er reports from Cfeneral* result oX iiny recent development. In fact, Chaffco. by the midljlc of next wepk. it would seem tliat tlie, war- departm ent "iS"'n‘Ul*iflUtr'r(r 1 u^tiiret:iiinr'tnr)rorspeciii ch DUAI.- CAM PA1GN OPENING. illi.v on this point*until’tin* dt*cision bf tlie powers relative to gtnieral. eA*acuation is ^ la ry ln m l in id W e.it V ir g in ia Jo ix 1^now 11. I t w as stated, a t .the w ar depart1» F i r i n g T lie ir - F ir n t C un, ..inent th a t our. position- wirs unchanged. Cuinnorhind; Md;, Sept. 5.—T he open I f Russia w ithdraw s her troupsv then ing of the.D em ocratic cam paigu for the GeHeial Chaffee will.tlo tho.sanie. M e a n stages of M aryland aiul W est Virginia while it is gathered th at couditir»ns are a t tliis place last night -w a s rendered still disordered nnd'foreign life and.prop memorable by the appearance on tho erty Jjtre still unsafe. sam e platform of the Dem ocratic na " T he dispatch .received from Minister tional standard- bearer, H on. W illiam .1; Conger w as gratifying to ofticials in that Bryau» and U nited S tates Senator it contained the date of Peking, Aug. 30, George L. W ellington, who w as elected as. an integral part of. the messagt* and as a R epublican.,. \ * th is .part cipher. ..Aside from bringing S enator W ellington’s speech m arked the in forma tio n - jip -to a .re c e n t day it his: formal renunciation of p arty ties on sntistietV the ollieihls tliat'tlie.m in ister at account of the-issues growing out of the last hnd received the instructions to in w ar, with Si»ain.. IIo had for this reason clude th e place and da£e -of each mes prepared his, speech w ith care, anti he sage as an integral pat't -of- it.' This itiarj it from typew ritten inanuscriptl promises to do- a\vay,_with-the-great t'onJ l r r }h*yan _struke-withoutr-iH»tt;s;-‘-tind ftision caused th u s fa r in dateless iues- he appeared a t the meeting alm ost imme sages. ' . ’ ’ diately after, the arrival o f the special T he tex t of the Conger dispatch was train: which had brought hini across tho nr/t ma'de public, but it w as authoritii- sta te of West .Virginia and thus fa r into .tively stated; th a t it. did not change the the sta te of M aryland. * The journey had sit na t.ioji and wa s •devoted sonic w-lui t to been an arduous out*,, covering, including expresKions-tjf: (ipiiiion. I t w as authori the trip from Chicago, about iM h o u rs‘ot tatively stated in this connection that rail.rciad riding,^- Still Mr.*4tryan appear M in ister Cringer will rem ain a t his post ed in e.\«-ellent. form, jiftd. he siioke \yitb until fu rth er orders. P p to this tim e he his customary .vint and vigor.____1_. >• has expressed no wish to be relieved, rn»e journey tif the presidential candi-. and tin* st a t e-departm ent holds flirt t since date across the -’s tnto was. not devoid of he has passed’ through the perilous or lalior for liim. for wiiilo lie left the train deal o f the siege lie is not likel.v to der. -but-once on the journey Jie made a UuTnsire a' relief imdor the present more fa* her of brief addresses from the real; phitvorablf^ conditions .*-1 .form of the.hindmost car. It 11hh!n N ot V et iA V U b 'd raw ii. In . view of the statem ent of Count BASEBALL SCORES, Lausdors, Itussiau m inister of foreign a f fairs, in the Official Mi*ssengt?r that or H cN tilts o f Y esterilny'f* (in m e s Iii th e ders already had jiecn lssu»*tl .to M. tit: D iffe r e n t 1.o»kiii*h. i (tiers nml to the aniiy to leave Peking • . NATIONAL IXAliUli, ‘J* , th e.sta te m e n t was made a t the state de At lirtmUlyii— . , R. II..E. p artm ent that, no-sueh determination had lln.>r.ilil>n .«. .. 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -I— 7 1*J * C. been ctnn.nniniJ'tiit'd'.t'/i W ashington. P rob . . i -0 I ‘- 1 0 -1 0. 0 0~ 8 15 2 Jt.utr'ii'-’s—IIowcll and McGuire; Garvin -utui ably nothing short of nn'ofliriul statem ent ShnpTiiily n n d t h e D o m in ic a n s . ,.. ' ' from Peking ’to the effect that the Rus Uunoinic. Itav an n , Sept.. 5.—M anuel Sanguily, At Nf\v York— —, R, H. E president o f th e U niversity of H avana, sians have niove'il woiild -be regnrded liy 1 8 . fl our government as sutlit-ient. basis for New York... 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1’ 0 0 0 2 •! 0 0 0 0— 55 7 2 recently refused to allow th e Dom inican such, im portant action as the w ithdrawal Cincinnati... . ltatierie»—liiiwley and Urady; KcotLan<^K,ilioo. ' monks to enter their portion of th e uni of our troops.;, . , . . Second Bume— ' .It,. ir.-E.. versity buildings. T his step, caused a In dipl<»rnati«r q uarters R ussia's motive S ew V o rk ... I 2 2 J , t 0 n J5 Ii •great sensation. Governor G eneral Wobd continues tf> lie a fruitful theme. Tlie. L 'iiicin n a ti.1 - 0 0 0 4 0 .0 .0 0— 3 '9 “S' on his return orderd th a t the m onks .be theory advanced .by M. Blowitz in' tho „ li.ittnm'S—Tuyior and Ooxvcrman; -Phillips and’ reinstalled pending an investigation of ' . '' JiOiidon Timos th a t it w a s ,a u ,offset to linhn. ’■ th eir rights.. T he ’monks have-been domi R. II. E.< F ran ce fo r fRussi.a's supposed nomina -At l’liiladclphla— ciled in the university buildings for. a cention of Count Walderscc. is regarded a? I'hiladoljiiila. ■2 0 1 2 3 4 1. 0 *—lit. 10^ 5 tu ry and a- half. — ^ Lmiis.. .. B..-0 0 - 1 0 ft 2 0 2— S 1 2 I purely fanciful. A niueh sim pler nnd- se.IJitU i.’rii;&—Doii'ahuti' and Mcl'urlandi Powell, and nion.v.rcasoiinbh* explanation is advanced, I{ol»ihMinv -; ' -■ by one of 'th e dipiom'aiic tdlicijils wlio has PR E SS CALENDAR At jJoalon— ; ..... ,:ti I . *R. It. E. taken a 11 "h'etive' part in the hegott'ations;; llost~.ii........... 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0— 0 ' G T He..says, th a t Russia recognizes the ob Pittsburg..-.. 0 0 .0 1 0 0 .0, 4 1— 0 12 .1 C o n d e n s e d L is t [of C o m ( n « ” E v e n t s llatti’rics—NiL-hols and Clarke! Chesbro and f o r Q u ic k R e f e r e n c e . : vious .fact th at it is to .her advantage to . . * • . ,* have ii w eak neighbor-instead of having Ol^finnor. Second gatne— R, il, E. WodneHiiay, Bopt. n—Rcpotltloa of "S tab at a partition of C h.ina,w hich wtiuid range Mator’Vin Ocean Grove auditorium . w u . ........ 1 0 1 0 2 0 1— 5 ,13 « a num ber-of-the powers alongside of Rtis- Boat tittsfmrg............ . 2 I 1 0 0 0 2— 0 0 ? Tuesday, Sopt.. 11—W estm inster I'rosbysin. F o r this reason, it is sfiitl, R ussia's nattcrifs—Uinren and Clarke.;- TaniichiU and -. torittu Hunday scliool piciiic to liukochief aim . is to m aintain the. present ter- Zimmer. wnod. • ' rito rial ebiiditbms. . / * /.. . . •- v STAXmXU OF, TIIK CL01I.S. ., Tuesday, Sept. H—Baptist picnic to-LakoT he re p o rt,th a t tlie ■Chinese minister wood. ; • ■ W -* u e .r . . • / 1 w .; l . p . c . at i>t. Petersburg, Mf. Yang. Yin was Ilronklvn... 01- 40 , .015 J lost on... . . . 52 55 Wedrissdiiv and Thursday, Bopt. 12 and 13— obi igtid-to-gi.vti. 11|L.his.;pxtla tiiil: resilience. IMtt^nirg... 0tb IS .500 Clm innatl.. 50 5^ jrtfPl . -... Meotlng-ElremoiiV.KtatO- Association of' ------Ntnv t!aTiti(r(:'ity..... ........ inek of rem ittances front -P ek ing Ls dis- Clnciif'o..;. .33 .55 1101 Ni;vv Vork..< -11.‘02 . .415 Wcdiwsday rtnd TlmrHilay, H'Siit.JII mid I t, AMKlitcAN~iXAt{IrK7) ; posed of by-M r. Si, one of th e Chinese •• ].Ystlvlirforbonotll Church of the Holy . * Bplrlt. .,■ ollicials -who •hasJieeently. 'arriv ed here • At Cl)Irflljil'--i'll-I*, lk’tKMt, I.At.. Iliiltj»l(»-*iHun’aJo,‘ 10; Minneapolis, 5. ■ from S t Petersburg. l ie says th a t Mr. Friday! Sopt. If.—Kiuinlon F irst Now Jer> S tM .‘ffiid KUiiH *-~rlhi(Tidn^.H;.Mliinca|ioli^,' 2. ....... ' soy brigade, veterans civil war,' u t A/>: X a jis Yu gave up his house bccattse. the —^ tTtj}»vi»lamU—t-k‘vi-liiiulr-4 ;—Milwntikfe^e.-• “ -b u ry Parlt; - — ---- *-— -----lenKc l^ad expired, and be" expected tcThe" , Sreoiid Kiiinp--Clr?v('lantlt- 1; Mihvatikoe, -1 Saturday, Bopt. 22.—Adjourned salcr'of lots recalled. T his was ■before th e ."present At indlanatKj'lis—Indiiuiii;ioli!i, :j; Kansas City, 0. . a t Bradley Park. . . . trouble 'a n d w a s in no way due to any . ’ KASTKltN LKAUUK. . , "■Wednesday, Sept. a<V-Civll service oxarsii. Jack of rem ittances. As a m a tte r of fact • At I tart ford—Hartford, i:(; ‘iSprliiKftoId, 7. nation for clerk and carrier in postof* th e inform ation peaching here shows th a t At Torolity—Tonmtii, 7; MonU'cal, 2, ’ ' flee service, • • . • the Chinese governinent is now .carrying • Serond BJiii»‘^*-Ttiv<tntl>, 4 ; Montreal, 1.. Syrams<», 2. on* its .various governmental functions. . At Itot-lMislur—Hocliryttir, Hennet-ine for indigestion* At Worcestur*-Worcester,* 3;- providcpee, 4, .r^l’h e r e h a s ;bpen ju.dwicDasA in JLho ro\'iiT he Hjissian forces in M anchuria are now m oving:, on • Ivirip, an im portant stratcgic[il. position, w here there is a large arsenal. AVlicn K irju has been captured, they will occupy Mukden, cap ital of the province of Leuo-tbug. \ Hongkong dispatches report persistent rum ors of an approaching’autiforeign ris* ing, and there is much uneasiness there.*. BECAUSE Y e llo w In iVnvnnn. H avana. Sept.' 5.—T he yellow fever outbreak in H avana, although serious, is confined to a.la rg e extent to Ihe Spanish colony. T he b est'q u arte rs of tlie city arc affect oil,' the low er .portions heiiig almost .exempt; 'Tlie. a nf hor i ties; contend; clean liness is. of no effect in preventing contn*. gum ami local conditions seems to sub sta n tiate this. Kighty-flve cases were un* der observrt.ion yesterday. O pen u n t il 9 P . M. 'JHvo G irin D ro^V ned.. • Carmel, N. Y;, Sept. o.-^Miss M uriel Agnp. dauglitnr o f form er School Com m issioner -.^rillard -F ^ A g o r, and Miss P earl Hadden,, dau g h ter of George O. ■1 Ljulden,'U'ere drmvnoil 'in K irk lake near the sum m er report of Lake M ahopae yes: To Protect Themselves tei’day. T hey were in b a th ii^ .w ith Mis? Tlio monarchs may -have to wear suits of Alice Cole, who a h u e of ^he three could armor to ward off tho attempts of assassins1’. Wo protect yoii from dissatisfaction by our swim. ‘ * guni*antco of your money back if not satisfied. ;:oton inrt.’nn U n o f iJend. P ress announces the ‘death of Chrc!' Cljarger a t liif< home near tiie Cheyenne agency. "C harger w as oiie of th e party which helped to rescue w hite captives from .the hostilcs a fter the New JQlm m assacre. ‘ T h e surviving m em bers of tliat party are S w ift Bird, Little_No* heart,-,#F o u r ‘ B ear and W hite . Sfwaii.. T hree of them '.attended the funeral; ■ , T o ilristM F rom JU L IA N pla ce; 140 T H IR D ST E L IZ A B E T H . PmeTailorins7ReaByMadErClotttag7 Mats, Caps ana Furnishing E L IZ A B E T H P ’T C . W, P A T T E R S O N . ! 622 T H E LEADER COOKM AN ONE PRICE. 15 G M A IN ST. 17 F R O N T ST. RA H W A Y . RED BANK. AVENUE MONEY BACK. C h in n . Niagarn F alls, Sept. u.—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ilolstrom of Peking,- D r.' O. W . Andrews ,o f .H ongkong nnd^ attach ed ' to II. M. S. Ja m e s of the royal navy and Mrs. A ndrew s, also M r. Drummon^l H ay nf..Slnmghai.-cdittu:-jiL-the-^ii>r.th-Cb,pn. H erald, compose a p arty of tourists who have, reached here. Our learning lq so long In getting and so. very Im perfect tlm t the greatest clerk kndws not the thousandth p a rt of w haC bcTis lenornnt.—Jereiiiy. Taylo r / ~ Bonnet-ino for indigestion. tm XOOKM AN-i ASBURY PARK, B E D BANK, PER CENT. We-havei the above sum to place in arge or small am ounts on first m ortgage 78 S -B R ID Q E S T toanB“ on~A sbuiy-P arlc 7~Loch~A rbcurr MAD 1 8 0 N—AVE; ( Bemocratlic State Convention. AUenhurst and Deal busineBS o r dwelTho Domocratlq voters of Ingw Jersey airo S O M E R V IL L E P L A IN F IE L D . re<iuested to n le o t’a t sucsh tlmas and places ing property. 1 as may bo designated by thoir local com m ittees to elect delegates to tho sta to con vention to bo held a t Taylor’s Opera Houso, Mixed OaU . » . . . . , 7:1c per hag Oat Fred .............................................. . per 10| in tlio city of Trpnton on;, Nixed C lip s... ........................... .?5j nor bag Cotton Heed M eal............................................. ..81.40 per .lojj J . W . Hetrick & Son1 6 2 6 'Mattison Avontidi 7 a t 1 2 o’clock, noon, for th e purpose of se lecting presidential electors. . K e a t o r B lo c k . The basis of reptesontatlon will be one delegate for each two hundred Democratic votes cast a t tho gubernatorial election of 180S and one for each fm otion of the same over one bund red,:b u t each election procinct shall bo entitled to a t least ono dele gate. Tho respective counties aro ontitlod to the number of delegates herein sot forth:' A t l a n t i c . . . .28 M cnm outh............. 57 Bergen....... ...63 Morris. ....................43 Burlington.......... . .42 Oceau.............. .. .23 Camdon . . . . . . . . . x. .82 Passaic..................C3 Sails from foot of First avenue, C apo M a y ............. 10 S a l e m . . . . ..... ....... ......... C um berland...........33 Som erset................. 24 Asbury Park, for the Fishing E s s e x .................. 17U S u s s e x .;............2 1 Gloucostor. . . . . t . f ^ 2 0 U n lo n rr.. . . . . . . . . . . 67 Banks at 8 a. m. Bait and Hudson... . . . . . , . . 1 7 2 W arren .............. .‘.27 Hunterdon . . . ; ...,2J» • — line included in fare, 1089 Mercer.................... 57 T o ta l. M id a le so x ,.....,...4 5 ■ , F A S .R | l . o o , . Necessary to a choice, j Newark, A u g u s t11, 1000. Ocean sailing^ excursions only W ILLIAM B. GOURLEY, at 2 p. m. . Chairman Democratic BU te Committee.' .William K. DJiVEUKUX, Secretary. F A H I S 5 0 'C E N T S . . TKc y^cKt 2.Whlto Oftt^Mvi vs;v:v* per bag -Oil -Meal... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..^LW per J(X| Itegnlar CHpe,................................ ....,.*770 perbiig ElnvAtor.ll. Rcn'entDKa-..'.,.....> ..' .. 70o per ll)w X. B. C l i p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...7Kf iw rb n e Onr Poultry F o o d . . . f l 'JOj)er Yellow C ora........................................... .»5o per 100 Barley (lMUt>s)...................................;$h'2«porbag Cracked C o r n .....* .................. . . . . . t 1.00 per 100 W h ea t.... ....................................... . . . ‘. f l . JOper 100 I V j a r a e M m U ..,......,^ ...,..^ ./....41.01 |>cr. 100 No^l Gr«in M i x t u r e ^ . 1 27 ]nir 100 Ground F e o d ,..; ...................... ........$1.00 i»er UK) Cut H a y . . . . . . . . ...................■ ........ . JITkj per 10<l Hran............................................................ar»} jxir 100 No. 1 Timothy H u y ...................$ 1 .0 0 per 100 M iddlings,............OSc per 100 Htiavlnirs.. . . ..................................... ........................ ............. . .:i2cper bale G l u t e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................rririlW iKjriW Motfs........................... . . ... . |1 .4J 0perIw lo The obove prices arc ior ispot cash at our stores. I! delivered add ac cording to quantity as follows: 6 bags or o v e r . . . . . . . . Y . . . . ............ ........................ ........... ............................................................. 5c per bng Less than 5 baj^a.......................... ... ....................... *...................................... *.......... . lOo per bag For a (food and Cheap Bedding Buy Shavings, 32c per Bale THE FAUX T. NORTON COMPANY. E lil.b eth E lli.b eth p o rt R ahw .j' Red Bank A .bury Park Plalnllcld Somervlll. A sb n ry P a r k B r a n c h , 8 ia C o o k m a n a v e n u e . _ F. D . W IK O F F , Manager Asbury Park and Red Bank Stores S outh end of S h a r k R iv e r B r id g e A o u o m m o d a t i o n s f o r S u m m o r 1,G u e s t s Mrnls a la Carte. In accordance w ith tlio above call tlio Rcfrefltiineiite, etc — Boats for Ulre by Iho tiny, eeok.or season, Capt. F rank I’oarco. Clam Bi>ke DiunorH to order. Democratic voters o f tho several town- Capt. L. Nowman. BhooUug Oailery and BtmffleHoHrdn.___ jQood CrabMugand Wyhtogsbipa-in-tho-county o r Mbimioulh aro -ro(lueatccl to m eet iit the places tiurelnaftpr T a k e B te c tr ic C ^ r C o o k n ia n A v e n u e a n d M a in S tr e e t desigiiatec! on II You are Not Already SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 8 , 1900, Using Our" a t 4 o’clock [S.1 in., for tho purpose of elect ing delegates to tlie_sali3 stato convention. Tlio folloWing table shows the places desig nated 'fori holding th e prim ary meetings, and tlie nunibor o f dologutes 'ciieii tow n For Hotels, Restaurants tijid Boarding O n I l e a l Luke, Aa bury P a rk ship Is eatitlud'to under th e calli Special Blend Java and flocha Coffees ^ N o . o f .* Delogfi^tw. Atlantic ......H o to r .',.........C o lta N o c k ...... 1 Ejitonto^oi...Garrigan’H....... O ccanport...... 2 Freehold,......Kiehardson's.. .F reeh old ........ 5 Hetnidol.. . . . .Hotel............... Holmdol. . . . . . . . 1 Howell . . . . . . . Htrnugh’sHoflFarm iiiR dalo..; 2 Mnnnlapnn. ...Fleming’s ........EngliHhtown... 2 Marlboro.......H otel......... ..Marllioro.............. . 2 M atawan...... Aberdeen Inn.,Mata^wan. . . . . . . 2 Middletown ..Nnvesink'Hull N aveainlc..;.... 5 Millstofto. . . ..Patterson’s ,.. ..Carr’s Tavern.. 1 Neptune....... Park Hall .;...A sb u rvP ork ... 1, Ocean . . . . . . . . Town H all........Long Branch.. . 9 Raritan.......K eough’bHnll. K o y p o r t . . . 8 Shrow«biiry..CfJobo Hotel V Bed R in k .. . . . . . 6 Up. Freehold.Honctrickson’a.Imlnystown . . . . 8 W a l l , . H o t e l ................ Bailoy’sCorner. 0. Houses you should try some. Only 25 Cents per Pound, A Good J a v a a n d M a rlp a b o f o r 2 0 o p e r ib t A G ood C o ffe e f o r lBo, 40 years’ experience eHables aa to orfer !o our customers an artlole th at will give sat isfaction. ;; ••••H o w •► J ► A s tr ic tly flrsto laas fa m ily reso rt, it • 1 . • • •' ' ►T o lo p /io n o 1 2 0 n «» . • • , . O p e n ... ■ ’ *......... , .' E v e ry th in g n e w Bince laflt season, ; '■ ' . . , ■■ : • ‘ . ' v1 • Launches Connect at Interfaktn Station, with all Trolleys Direct 11 to Farm. ^ ; '■/ B y th o Committee, R U I.IEP P. SMOCK, Chairman. E .'P. LoNObTiiEET, Bdcrotary. D ated August 8 8 ,1000. Tako Konn'ot-ino for ludlgsstion. $m 626 COOKMAN AVB. FRESH PAmT T e l e p h o n e c a l l 6 7 a, .....— -will Improvo tho appearance o f_. AND your house a . bundred fold. . * L et uh tell you how little wo will charge you to put on tw o « • ctonts of honest paint,\ tlio kind 1 Shipments a SpaoSalty —- L ,.lh a t. wlll ,.last. -W e also do Paper H anging. . | " 7 7 2 2 l y ia t tl a o n A v e n u o .... Branch offlcn, Orango Streot, Newark . ' 3B. J . S T K O U D ' ,• P .O . Box 96? P ainter. , , Tclophono connection. * ics and chairs furniahod for ocijuaionn. ., all W EST W AN AM ASSA ■DEALER IN ALL THE BEST BRANDS OF WINES AMD llGU&RS ' C O T T A G K T R A D E H O L I C H 'E D I P o s t o f f ic e B ox 905 ASBURY PARK, f$. J \» A S B U » Y - H iA ltK [1> A I m i ! FLORIDA BAL MASQUE B E S S ;:W 113) N K S l- H Y ,: S E P T E M B E R '?>, ,1900. GRAI^.D: TEjyiPLE SESSION S V; .<i • , . . ••..» .'‘ <>1<1Vh 1Ciixiv o f Ne w JorHey1 I t eluting to Noticeable CharucterH.^. . 1 . v-Vi? Drrtor. ASBURY PARK Thu'Gram tTo'inplo of Now Jersey, Laillos A bill m asque w as glveu a t the Plorliln oil M onday tivoning in w hich tiio follow- of tho Qolden I'jORle, hclii th e ir slxtH a n __ ' . W E S t E N lk . jliiR porHqns participated: The blisses n u al spswlon In Troilton Monday an d £ 03 ^. Xew Y ork—W. II. Chelton and wife.W . A lexander; Miss G artlan, liugono and itirdny. The sosslon was largely utteifdod J . Sovia an d wife, L. K. Wolff, llobt. .Tames -II. G artlan, th e Misses Goiislnr, an d proved to bo tlie Tnost olithuBiastic ono WollT, J . Laffey, Oscar B row ning aiul Miss Grace P ark er, A shton P a rk e r, Miss over held. M uch buslnoss of v ital import* wife, Jos. II. H um and wife, G. K. Coley F arrell, Miss Grace Loskom, George anee to tho order th ro u g h o u t the stiite wan and wife, M.. J-. Shevlin an d wife, Geo, Iloeh and wife, Geo. IT. W oodm an, S. 'L. \ Comlns, Miss IL . K. Coinins, Mrs. ‘.Sey transacted. ’ Townsend. K. S. lOllis, O.. O. Howard] M. Tho oilieerjS elecfcetl for th e en suing year T. Kelly, K. P . Jones and Svlfe, Hoy. Janes, m ore, F ra n k lin G. Manley, Miss Itebecoa JonoR, George Russell, Mrs. It. 11. Tilley, a re r P a s t g ran d tem plar, Miss L ena *Stcol- Mrs. K; Stevens, II. II. llerfcf / .f. O. L ink, J . F. F arrell, J . L ehm an, M. S. Loub, J. Miss Mahol Kogcrs, Klcluird 'I’llley, Miss. 111a n 0 f o)lieraP oint; grand t e m p in t- 1r .^T reniley an d wife, Goo. 11; Crecgaii, Allco y . Me Cor Jnick, Miss Jennie Mitchell, JO^lni j;©\, j ^ ^ j j j l j v P o i n t Pleiw ant; g ran d T Miss Ki M ein tyro/ PeteF'II. MoArdle, Gtm, r j Goorge"Gartlan, Miss Mario JSarry, IQdwin p r l ( ^ t ^ t| j,|Mrs; i sfai^r - D avis,:'Trfcnton,;. IE.'Howe, L. C. P iero t, C. G.-M agee/H.. g ra W ^ H rs lu ii» o f icnjrenionios, L illie W illiam s and wife, Miss D o ra Ihichwold, Tilley, Miss M .'A ^ e s Kplly. M. F alk , J . 11. Gross and wife, Tlios. M any in v ita l guests also appeared in Yo\ing,- Camclen; g ran d guardIan 0 f rcC- H u m e and fam ily, Hobt..M ayberry, A, ft, m asks, l)anclng com m enced a t il.and o r i t s ; / i i f e V l e • -Taylor,• A sbury P a r k ; .Clinton, J 6 s.;A . D illon, j ; S. S m ith , J . II. ;M v^r^Applega'^.'7 ’'feyocir?‘TOfr^h«ionts' gi*aiuj ’g[ui^<Wftn ;•of exchequer/M tes: Mary Ford, II: A. Gross aiul fam ily, 1?Y A . ^ o b l i ^ |^ e ^ &nmfrvYlck; grand guaidiail Ijaskey an d wife, Jo s. 'H . ScliUltz an d thro u g h o u t the ovonlng. .' p arty of ten, Jos. W . M ann, M rs/ W arren Tho cosfcitmcs wero artistic an d ufiigrio. o fn in sjq / Mri(.[Fani|ie; I )unn ItigK, C am den; Kvans, W . P . .('reaver. Leo P h illip s. J . G. The m ost noticeable wero L a y el lie, Car g ran d ' gUardlHn of1 tlie i 11uor portai, Mrs. Peiirsf’, S. W . Groot, W m . J . V an Vlecck, ■;'!*«••. . men, Dervish’ dancer, Udxor, tho, three alary S m ith; T ro 11to n ; grand guardian of Jo h n D avis’. ■ ; . Jersey City—J , B. Salinger, - W in. D un il {!; ! I.'SBY1!'* •' ii i' H;-!-] vtritbhosof M acbeth, friar, buttorH y, To^> t;lie oi^ter / ' porfcal^: Mrs. K m m a Qreoii, can; A. Xeale Ritiisom; A lb ert J>oty, A. sy, village belle, P ierrot, Ijygia, Kuiiice, C ram er-H lU j' granfl.. trustees, Sirs. Jennie D P/W oodiiiir and-fam ily. Alliany—iMargitret C arrlgan, J . D. M ur Petronius, N ell G\Vynne, F rench peasant, H a r tough,' 3**e w B ru nnw ick; x Jlrs. 'Kin hia . etude, several dominos, imp,: sportsm an, Dolomater, Canule^j.'M rs. C atherine Bls- ray, .X. A. Me Hea. X ow ark—H enry Sam uel, A . J ; Gaw ,J^lbrow, South'Am bOy. golf ileifd and Venetian, danseuso..* _ w ard.T. Purdy,.,!.- V ;.P u rd y , J . C. Khlers, P a s t Suprem o Chief W illiam C.<ITunt-er C larence S aekett. ' *' *j ■ H a r d e r to 'say No T h a n V<e«. , v installed tho ofHeors, asststpd by th e Senior Boston—J . A schor, Ben j. S trauss. ■, P h ila.—H. W . ,Bell, Hiehard Gilpin, TV •) l i e with a tn o st w o rth y , young m an, p ast g ran d terhxdar, Mrs; A n n ie Crowel of A. Laskev and wife., A . H. Bell. ^ \4 t 1i=rt=£o n d n o s a -fo i*^<lIbgu bb11 o e Io- At.liinlH; C iiy ;, riml'T~ir,i :;Tl l.’tiio l Ar!.hUi~ H. 'i'ren tb n ^ i^ : li. iiiau eh aru , J . 7 Sidney logical anil nlornl questions, nnd once .Hope of AsbUry P ark . lle rsh . : s ta rte d on Ills hobby lie coiridvscarcely" Colum bus, OIi Iot—F . Shannon. The popularity of Miss Lizzie Taylor, Xew B runsw ick—W . II;-Price, b e 'h e a d e d 'In an y o th e r d lru e ilin ; H e tho grand |*uiirdiiin of records, w as well Mt. Carmel, XJa.—l) r. 13. J.-M illiard and h ad been q u lto devoted In Ills a tte n tio n shown, Inasm uch’a j it wns th e unaniinotis wife.* , to one y o u n g w om an fo r a s m uch as j-otco-ot.tho g ran d tuiiiplc. th a t an.iuldlBayonne—W m . DUnc’a n . , i _ ' W ashington—\V' L. Pushaw . Isis m onths, b u t sh e Jmcl beciV u n a b le to tlonal f 2 0 0 he added to hor siilary, In order .Shelton, Conn.—Jo h n Jacobs an d wife.b rin g liiin to h|g. senses, th o u g h she to retain hor services in th a t capacity. Los Angeles, Cal.—M orris Cohn. |lw ns w illing: to confess t h a t sh e had On Monday ovoning Liu; delegates wero . Xew Haven, Conn.—F ra n k Sargenti 'trie d repeatedly^ to dp so. Of course finely entertaln o d by both G ran d Chief Troy, X. Y,—Koht. B; W aters. . W arron, Ohio—II. G. D are. ' -: 'she h a d d o n e - it.ln 'tiiC’deltento Ways Hope an d G rand Guardian of ltecprds MAGNULIA. ' w om en h a v ejrlii th o se m a tte rs, ’.b u t Taylor, ’w ho' had' ’tho pleasure of ox< S c o o o o o o Q o c y > o o o o o o o o o o c 5 0 o o a o o o o o o o o o o c 'e o o o c o e 6 o o b o o c t jw lia t he necde<l w a s a club. Xew;York—L. A. Bo\yer and wife, Mr. tending th eir hospitality to a b o u t T.'i nicmand wife, JClIa K h rh art, V ictor ■ N o t a greiit w lilla ago he w a s calling horfe o f ' th e stiprenie castle, g ran d tem ple Khrharfc M. Benedikt, .Mrs. Benj. MaCMuhon, J . a s u sual, an d a s usual- lie w a s neglect an d grand castii). I). Lobb, jr., F . M .. Jo rd an ,' W a lte r'F . , . li. J . Trabifrt; Geo. E. Stout. ing se n tim e n t fo r so m e th in g t h a t only U'hc ,ni!xt gran d session w ill be hold in Copeland, Xowark—Jtldwin J . Neill, G..C, McEuen. m nde a g irl ■tire d . ' 'J^ilsi.tlnic lie w as IJlOmlngton tho first .Monday in Septem' ^ . Ocean A venue, b etw een F irs t tind Second . W ashington, I). C.—U. *A. Pearson. m oralizing on th o tftniiitatlons' o f life bor, 1SKI1. 1 ' —-Brooklyn—Mrs. li. B u tler, jr., II. S. , New nltMta prtvlnrfvl Iiy tlm aid of mirrors." New diinrrsi antTclTtictfl. an d th e p ro n en ess o f people to yield 1 ' Tho stato tom ple was organized sbc yonrs B uller. Admission, IS.ccnts. Children, 10cent*. G erm antow n, P a;—F ra n k X ew iin and w ith o u t m ak in g th e p rq p er . effort ago and althou g h the order'started in Now son.. ‘ ‘ - * a g a in s t th em In w h a te v e r form tliey ■TOrSov h u t eig h t yonrs niro then; inn; 25 -jmlght-ftpiH* Jfetoiuples ill th e stato anil a ll in a'h ealth y I “ H ow ever," he sa id In conclusion, OCEAN GROVE an d th riv in g condition. D uring tiio past (displaying a coinm endnblo s p irit o t t,Ocean A venue, n e x t to fly rla tl Dances year the ladles* branch of tlm Kagles lias QUREN. E ntlrocluiinootpM K rum ihisw eeit. • Erenlngrt, 7.S0 tq 10..10 iclm rity fo r th e w eak, " It is n v ery diffi Increased 800 m em bers. c u lt th in g fo r an y one to sa y ‘No.’ ” ... Xow York-r-K. W .‘ Bovden an d wife, A dm ission , 13 ce n ts.' C hildren, 10 c c n ts , * Mrs. R osa-W iri h„ Miss - it. -AVirtli, Wm. H ero w n s nil u nexpected clinnce fo r —— To'Spciul. Sixty I>ayS nt F reehold. B errlan and \vife; A. Mussi‘h, R .A .Ilirder. her. , ~ ~ ' A rth u rt C. S m ith of Ocean Grovo. Was Brooklyn—G. K. Goniuu*, Geo. B. F o r “A nd conversely,” sho responded arrested^yesterday for holng d ru n k an d rest)*!’ and wife, S. Cook an d wife.Pliila.—W alter F. Ballinger, J . A . ’Calslow ly so he could g e t th e full force o f disorderly. l i e w as ih a tow ering iiasSion A . W. CORNELIUS It, “ It should be v ery ensy fo r one to a n d throw the fu rn itu re wildly^iiboilt am i W olLJ. F. Clem ent. '•'' ‘ AND Klizabelh—'W . F . Gilroy and fam ily. sny ‘i'e s .’ ■__ thrcateried'the life of his wife. Constable H a rtfo rd —H. P 101!lots. ...JE W E L E R Hn-lookoii lier s tr a ig h t in th o eyes n t iram nloU took h im in custody. H o was Pittshurg*T-.l. B. H art au(l wife. . AlbniiVrMtobt, Geer''and. wily,.. la st, an d a .husli'foll upon th e scene. giyeir a h earin g ltkis_mt ini Ing an d sen Xevv Kooliello—I lettle L. Downes. . “ Uin-er-'uni,” 'ho h e sita te d , "M iss tenced to*W days in the county jai I. 1 le is ‘ ALASKA.E U C H R E P R IZ E S A S P E C IA L T Y . ] , K ate, am I a chum p?” 'in tho h ab it of g ettin g d ru n k a n d iudulgNow.-York—M. H. M iller, A. W . Toinp“ I t is very d h ilcu lt fo r ono to Shy ing in riotous outbreaks th a t terro ri/o the kins, (). L.-Onrdinur. A. WVSnodokorl W snld- w itli u p rrtty -rltttle- neighborhood. I' . AfoClolluml nml wife, Mrs M .J.J'nrkcr, G r a d u a te O p tic a h 624 Cookman Ave;, Asbury ParH sm ile, nnd la te r she found It q u ite easy L iulso Pucker, <Viln IJickorstnr, Bortfm Kulinc. ■ to sa y “ Y es."—W ash in g to n S ta r. . To M anage a 1‘ltilurielphlu H otel. ' i'lust Om ngo—Mrs. O. W . Cluuso nnd Mrs. A . L . Guy, iiroprietor of the S taf children, Mrs. JI. ,T. W illson, Miss LaugsI lln G c n ln l n c n c p t lo n . ford, is a visitor in Philadelphia for a trn th , T . W . Liwigst.roth'm id wife. O enernI S ta rr, n g n lla n t old soldier, webk or ten days. She is m ak in g arra n g e W hitosvlllo—Jus. D .illolm uu an d wifejjo s k . h ad an iri'eprosslble d islik e fo r young m ents' to inan ag e ;a lidtol iii' tlie Quaker _ Urooklyn—Miss... liico,... . 0 . wick, jr. lleiiten n n ts fresh from W est P oint. In City d u rin g th e w inter. She has been in Plainfield—W . C. Whibvll. 173, M a in S t,, A s b u r y P a r k ' 1871 G en eral S tn rr w ns In co in m n n d 'n t poor hejilth d u rin g the p ast sum m er, b u t Yonkers—F ra n k iioyco. JiliUa^J.-.s_Mourii_iuid_\vife^AjidriiWL. -E o rt-rtlle y ,_ n n d _ o n c —d n y_nn-orderly_ has somewliatfil*eovem L . . - • • - * Couhnin. cam e to id s q u a rte rs w ith tho m essngo Klizalwth City, X: O .-C . « . Hinder. t h a t I.lo u te n tin t M orrison, Ju st from CftHght IIlH:j;*/«fc'Shc‘.eii8liGiitl Chester, I ’a .—II. O. liirU, 1’. Carey. W est P oint, h' m a t th e p o st read y to Freoliold—A. C. Yard. ' E . McCormicl^: and'K lvin C. D u rtis weiit p a y his resp ec ts and r e p o rt fo r duty. on a flslilng excursion to B arnegat,C ity Rcaily»Allxed Paints C on vertin g; th u e’liliin n ia n . In response to tills m essage th e old S aturday. Thoy returned Monday even W h ite Lead W hen-^v- llrs t 'm e t him th e Grer-lt g en eral w n s .s ta rtin g fo r h is office, ing. M r. McCorniick w as fo rtu n ate Pure; L inseed Oil w hen lils wlfo, n m otherly, old soul, enough to land a IrJK-pound sliptipshoad-^- 'nrclilinaflili'lte had been 40 y e a rs In V arnishes and B ru sh es plucked him by tho sleeve nnd snld, iv m ost u n u su a l .cateli—tlio largest fish of P eking, and hiiil niiyur linen an yw horo "No\v.~geinjrhl,‘“p ra iiils o 'm e “ t l i n t y o u tts kind over.clui}^Ttrthore"it:is paid.. ’ ‘"‘ eisp. ex cep t for. t'v o carav n n -jo u rn o y jy to n u ssla. l i e w its a n eld erly gentle‘w on’t ho rough w ith t h a t y o ung m an .” Tho L argm ! Stqoic of ' ; • .fifUKur lii.tliu -llsik stan SyA ioin, innii, w ith ri sinllb like Itp n ja m m . “ U ough?’’ said th e, old iiinu, sm iling Su"gaf“is' Ti“sur>s( a nee .th a t itlssoiy.es M 'n iiklin’S, n n d 'w a s ' fam ed a t tile .Chi nm inbly upon Ills m atrlm o n in i ComThis. Group has the finest easily an d in conshlerable (lu an tity In nese. cap ital for keeping th e b e s t w in es , along tho coast n t bottom prices. pnnion. “W hy, I ’ll be penelies anil lie w as n cream u nless tho you n g dog riles m e." w ater. W hen in so lution It easily p ass anil tlie b est tobacco. bathing ground along the es th ro u g h a n im al's m em b ran e by, bachelor, an d today I recall him w hen B eaching id s otlice, th o -general w a s A Full Line of Fishing Tackle confronted w ith n d n p p er little fellow osmosis,, a n d so th e q u estio n of i t s 1 I try to fancy K plcurus In th e body, Atlantic Shore. A t out prices, to rodurio stock. ns spick nnd spnn ns th o u g h lie had iibsorptlon seem ed , sim ple: enough. l i e "ivoro th e C hinese plgtn ll arid T he d isease d iab etes . show ed, how clothes to m atch, nnd people said lie Still Sell T h a t B est G rade Bicycle T ire j u s t coino from th e h an d s of-Ills b a rb e r ever, tlia t su g a r m ig h t e x is t ■very, could give C hinese m a n d a rin s p o in ts an d tailor, w hile he imd tlie h a lf su p e r for $1.48. F ew ilo re Left SUNDAY BATHING FROM 6 cilious a ir th a t seem s In sep arab le from plbntlfiiliy in the blood an d y e t th e n u oil etiq u ette. l i e g av e me, n t least, tritio n of a n in d iv id u al su ffer very m any h a p p y hours, fo r he ta lk e d w ith th o first sta g e s of m ilita ry education. A. M. TO 12 NOON. K ora fi!W Wflokli, wlilln thn fitooli-lafltnr-wll] ■ L ooking th e y o ung lie u te n a u t over m uch 'f o r th e ' lack o f it. S om ething ii fran k n e ss and fa c ility ra re ly u n ited - boU tiio liouvy weight, fo r h n lf n m om ent, tb e old gencrnl said else, besides i ts m ere ,p re se n c e In tlie hi a ltu ssian , le a s t o f all a n arclil-1. BATHING MASTERS: i ' '. "" w ith g ro a t dignity:. “ IIo w do you do, system .was n ecessary to secu re its m an d rite . E dw ard W h ite , H ow ard P a tte n 2-Ply Ta r Paper at $1 de r Roll O ne dny, fo r Instance, I ask ed liim M r. M orrison. I am p leased to see consum ption by, tlte tissu es. . ^ ... | , . !*■* -you;” Tl)cn-ns n tlu sh -g rn d u allj' m o u n t ~ lie iu ia n i-ilio u g h t-th a t- th e - liv e r - w a s b lu n tly hog 1 m any co n v erts lie lind TeaflquarrorS firr ed over Ills w e a th e r b e a te n fe a tu re s he a c tiv e In tlie consum ption of s u g a r and m ade. l i e niisw oreil tlin t h e th o u g h t M ASON F R U IT JA R S ad d ed ; “ I am alw ay s g lad to seo you th a t disease of th is o rg an caused d ia lie lin'd m a d e one, b u t lie dill n o t w ish Pint?, qu arts nnd hnlf (rnllmi3 . AIfo‘ young, m en from th e M llltn ry academ y. betes, lit* therefore;^ secu red som e of to bo ta k e n a s s ta tin g th is positively. IddH TR N lN Q JA H Sj.l’HERKltV/Nn JA 08 th e blood going to th e liv er of a living W hen. I re tu rn e d to. C litiin .a fte r a n In Imd I’OTrt n t rodncwl prlcw. ,1AH HUH- Yon—you—(here th e g en eral ended w ith lllCRR iloziill. JELLYTUMIM.KUH 2ilc. n roiir> you th in k y m n se lf s o hanged an im al an d som e of th e b lood t h a t w as te r v a l o f 2 1 .veins, all m y in q u iries led dirzeii. s m a rt!”—K a n s a s C ity Jo u rn a l. » ju s t leav in g it. To lils su rp rise, tho me ti/i'e sp c e t dm h o n esty of th is Itu s____ ______ blood leav in g th e liv er co n tain ed m ore sia n . H e said , fu rth e rm o re : "I h av e been, hero 41) y ears, nnd per . J u s t rocolved 11 full lino ot s u g a r th a u th a t e n te riiig .it. "Chinese riS' C o o lis. A f te r'a s s u rin g h im self tlia t h is oh- h ap s I have co n v erted ono C h in am an . Second on1vr to th e Fronoli a m ».«-* Bewmts^oadefl-siieiisrcaritlggesrife Ciiinese w hen It com es to c u lin a ry skill; so rv atio n s w ere correet^-lie tr k ’il m s When m issionaries loll you ilia c .th e y . Equipped With All Modern IMe:Lso oxaiujiie our bargain counter. . an d w ith .sim ple m a te ria ls th e y will ex p erim en ts in 1d iire re n t w ays. lie h av e dime m ore th a n th a t, do n o t b e ,.i\- ------ -—---- -------- ----^co n triv e to p u t to g eth er a m eal w hich found that, even in th e blood leaving lieve th e m .”-- r o u llu o y B igelow in '• Improvements w ould sham e nil o rd in ary A m erican th e lly er of .a n an lin n l t h a t had been N o rth Amork-nii Ito rlp v . For the Comfort of Bathers. cook. In ' p etisa u t fam ilies th e w ife or fed only on subsfiipces X 'ontaining no A C iru n s H o r se I n H a ttie . d a u g h te r does tho cooking, b u t In all s u g a r r S u g n r could bo dem o n strated ; Colonel Cliiif'los M arsh all, w ho w as Inrge e stab lish m en ts' th e cooks a ro In E v en In a la s tin g a n im a l tlie liv er it se lf am i th e blood leav in g it show ed aiil-de-erimj) to G en eral I to b e r t 1 B. ■Open weekdays, 7 a. m. .to S v ariab ly 'm en . . Lee. and' w h o w en t th r o u g h 'th e b a ttle s tlie presence o f a form o f sugar. p. m. ’ -. j. .. T he. only possible, conclusion from o f-th e w a r w i t h h is chief, told th e fol ■ In n u m e ra b le aro th e Illusions nnd low ing am u sin g sto ry o f his ex p erien ce Sundays from 6 a. m. to 10 legerdem nln tric k s of custom , b u t o f all tills,w a s th a t th e liv er w a s.c a p a b le of w ith a new ho rse: I l ls old h o rse hud m a n u fa c tu rin g th is fo rm of su g a r out th e se p eriiap s tiio c le v e re st Is her lieon sh o t from u n d er him In th e lig h t Hi m . -~i • .*>Uv-■» k n a c k o f persund.Ing us t h a t th e m ira c o f nonsugtir co n tain in g m aterial,’ or* of tlie previous day , nnd ho had ta k e n even'.from the* I>Iooilt ot* a fa stin g aniP- 0. SNEDRKER ulous by slm p h u e p e tltlo n ceases to bo possession of an n n in in l-th a t seem ed m iraculous.—Carlylo. 1 - m al,~ patlj^lici W oriti .1 ... Superintendent. to stilt th e w ork. Iu the, b n ttlo a few *r*?« .IlClCb, h o u rs litter lie w a s'rld fn g acro ss a.llelil rto V cra o r UavlH’ M n jitrltr. I t Is n fa c t of com pnrnllvoly recen t In w hich tliero'W ere. n u m ero u s stu m p s. S/ TRADE ^-'TRADEMARK L ittle Itoek, Sept. r,.—R eturns from *lt) Suddenly th e pLM'fofmiiifcS- bpeiied.' Ilie 7.1 'counties of the sta te give Jeff discovery 111 chem ical m etnU iirgy tlm t What ilfi more attractive of Davis, the Democratic candidate for'gov m e ta ls lose th e ir v ita lity fuom rep eti Tho g u n s roared- arid th e a ir w n s filled iban a handsofne foot ? SOR- ernor, 30,000jnnjorlty over Itemmei, He- tions" of shocks an d s tr a in s an d m ay be w ith sm oke a n d noise. B efore Colonel T he . Itcpul'iicaii lenders con snld. ..ns tlie expression Is, to suffer M arsh all k n ew w jm t wns- h ap p en in g OSIS will make yours so, no pulilican. cede tlint Dnvis’ innjority w ill.ultim ately fro m , fa tig u e —th a t i s , . t h e y m ay bo tiio horse hud h is foiir fe e t on 'one .ot in; 40,000. Thus fa r Itenum-l lia s not car w orked till th e ir m olecules fa il to hold th e stu m p s And w n s guyly d an cin g in wear. ried a single county, tmt two nre believed to g eth er. ’.ja circle; In th e jiie n n tim e th e tirin g to ho reasonably, siife Tor liim. Dem ocrat -■ Trunks of all kinds at lowest As Is fnm ilinrly know n, b a rs of tin, w as. increasin g , lin d tlie situ a tio n w as POR SALC-^[XC^USIVI:I.Y AT Till! ic loaders .claim D avjs’ m ajority will be rods of b rass mill w ires of an y m etal possibife-priccs. An immense a n y th in g b u t . co m fo rtab le, lin t tho BO,000.'. • . .. • w ill se p a rn te 'ow ing-to fa tig u e If ben t iirirse k ep t on flk If lie w ere enjo y in g it. stock to choose from. back w ard an d fo n y n rd continuously. “ I t w ns n o t.u n til n fto n v n rd ," siihl V n n lu lied In II C iitiK -onil,... ..■ Pojrcli rockt;fs:at cqst'. We B u t b y 'c a r e f u r ex p erim en ts, how ever, Colonel M nrshull, “ th a t I found tho Itopio, Sept. f>.—A num ber o f foreign 'Ste lribac h C o m p a n y students who. lire nttendliig 'tlie Intehia- tlm f a c t Is m ade to n p p en r tlm t n rem horse .Imd belonged to n (i-Wcns.iii'ml laid are' closmg out"this lot, and ■ Hiil Catholic-coiiKress' visited tho i-ata- edy e x is ts for tills cbn.dltion o f m etals been tra in e d to d o 'tills (ic t'n m ld tile are willing, io' sell at cost. eduibs of Doinltillu. W hile .pussliig if th e o v e rstra in does n o t b o rd er on tiring of can n o n .” .'! A ll ltirids o f !.second hand through' the ' underground passage two ru p tu re , a n d tills rem edy Is v ery m uch T h e-T raolc Fj»rv,nnn. young Americans who- cniiie, from the like th a t w hich is applied In tlie case goods bought , and. sold.' -In University, of Kichstadt, Ciorniany, vnn- of- an . overw o rk ed " h u m an fram e— T h e tra c k fiireinnn ae.t'iially nceounts fact if you want to buy or sejl Islied. A sen roll was nmile f<jr liieui, hot nam ely, rest. ■ *. ■* . , ,___ fo r a g re a te r ' p ro p o rtio n o f . th e rail(s n o w f l a k e :) th ey w ere-not^fouad.'- T heir mimes are anything visit Crosblt:.. ,Ev;en Featlior edged 'tools recover tlielr vl- ■road’s o x p e iiiiltiir e s tlu n r n n y o tlio rin n 1 Tiiit~kn'uwii....... , '• ..........-.......-c; T.~r~7r ta llty b e tte r th a n an y o th er. Of course ployee, because th e g re a te s t cost of old Gol f . Balls, highest ^rlce ' Ilns moved Its m ain aifflco from 813 Cooltrn U i'o ifllln g -Is-ln -th e-ro ad b ed ;-an d -lts <nan avonuo.to eai Mftttlson avenuo—kontor • W lH o f O ie H e v .D i'. M cfilyrin . .-. th e le n g tlro f tim e req u ired fo r th is re st will be paid for' them. ’ . • m fw lm rg, N. Y „„Sept. 5 —T he will of v a r ie s .w ith dllTererit. m etals rind th e equipuierit an d th e expense o f ninlnWoolf. '....• /. - . the-ltov.vi>t. E dw ard McOiynn. Inte roc. am o u n t o f striilui to .w hich th ey have ta in ln g li."' T he tra c k fo re m a n -Is in tor of St. M ar.v's eliurch, Nowbnrg, wus been subjected . fa c t a n Im p o rtan t em ployee, tm t about ' • . P a tr o n a g e S o lic ite d . ailiiiitted to prolinte yostorday. «T he will H ard nietnls, sueh,vns Iron anil steel, tlie only tim e a -im ss e n g e r liver sees wns drawn Fob. !!0, ISSil. T he testator u se up one hnil tw o y e a rs ’ tim e In th e Ills su n b u rn ed ,fn eo is w hile lie is being • E l e c t r i c O a s L la h tln K . K lo o tr lc B ollo a n d A n n u n c i a t o r s . leaves nil his property to his dear friend, w lilsik eil'b j; belw eeii sta tio n s n t tiO B u m la r A la rm s , p tp . , ’ Mleluiel Clarke, sta e ta r.v of the Anti- process. ,Oh tb e o th e r hand, so ft'in efpoverty society. M r. Clarke is <u>miuated als; lilio lend, uetalii th e ir cohesivc m iles a n h o u r.—New York Sun. Xnlnphnnn 8 Sb> W A LLA C E M. BURR foi'cejonger, nnd also req u ire less rest. us executor without liouds. ------------; 6 3 2 dO O K W A N A V E N U E. -ltomiot ine to r indigestion. {m Itonuot-ine for inilfgealion. Jni Tako Rbnuutl-no for lndlfjOstion.-— JT u ^ Take l!ouriet-Inn forlii jlgeatlori. }iu N o w ^ e d lo r W o o k ..■ •?. . >. > • " ' LISTEN TO TH IS IT SP E A K S FQiR, IfTERNOOPI,: 3 ‘0 0 TO 5 , EVENING, 2.30 TO 11 1 O uchU A t t ir e d *' in • IJnifjue >un<l ♦A r tl« tlc CoHtumeH Mulco AI«rry In t lie U uilce. of ^ P rices from A ug. 3 0 t^ S ep t. 6 Jf $J. j. P A R K E R ! * TBTJS P O P U L A R G R O C E R , * * * * Goods * ¥ * ¥ Our stock of fine goods, such as Olives,'Sauces and Sa|ad -f- ¥J Dressings ate hs^good as can be obtained. - A dinner'with T * r HEW MYRIAD DANCES DIAMONDS WATCHES ASBURY PARK AVINUE’ W INDOW GLASS I;-;::: - ¥ : :: Celery I lc liH h ................................. O liv e s fit CROSBIES : i » IMIHSTREET - M a m m o th E L E C T R IC L IG H T W IR IN G PI0D1PT SEQf1GE -y . . io c tiottle ^ . . . . . . . . .'. . ¥ StufTcd X y Baity Olives' . . . . . . . . io c b o ttle HK y 'Worcestershire Sauce . .. . . -.;, . . , xoc b o ttle ^ ^ Sand-wicli Mustarrt . . . . J Catsup Large Itottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . x o c b o t t l e •• ^ mustard Salad Jlrcssins: . .. ¥ Condensed Milk- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... J Cream Custard y 4 large p k gs. Oatl Menl lor ' .- . . . . ^ . . x o c b o t t i e '/ ^ C y "3 bot. H ood’s R oot neer for . . . . . 15 8 c 'c a n . io c p a c k a g e ■> ^ • 350 c b o ttle . . . .. . * 0 6 ^ Jf Jj y .V . 'a j j l i y Jf Jf 5 enltpii nunlter City Soan lor ■ . ■ ^ 3 cak es Fairbanks’ Rest Laifndry Soap J f w -V — | • • )L Wo guarantoo ovorytliing wo sell to givosatlsfaotion or your tnonoy refunded, w Our spnclnta are noli! for CASH ONLY‘and will not bo charged at thraa pi-lcea. . I7 C * ¥ I J. J. ¥ T H E POPULAR G ROCER. ¥ ¥ t ir 60-4, 606, 608 Cookman Avenue Cor. Main S tre o t and Lake Avenue, L , Othor Rtorw ’*yK, - - —-Mo&ftsq1ian ^ T el. 69 ASBURY PAKK * A 5hoe That Fits Is one of the greatest comforts you can indulge in. We can fit you and the whole family with shoes;that are dressy, stylish and serviceable at less than you can buy them elsewhere. - . ,' . Special Reductions in M en’s and W om en ’s Oxford T ies ' $2.no Women’s Mannish $1.00 and $1.25 Women’s lilack . or Russet Oxfords at Oxfords, • v $ 1 .5 0 $2,50 and ^.oo-.IMn’s V ic i. $2.50 and $3.00 Women’s Welt Oxfords, Calf or. Kid Oxfords, lllaclc or Kid, Black, or Ihissef, Itusset, Hull 1)0!>- Toe, ii ins in O F A L L 1 K IN D S W e W a n t to C le a r T h e m O u t a s Q u ick ly a s P o s s ib le ASBURY PARK BATHHOUSES ■■■■■& ■ these accessories tastes ever so much better. • AT EMPIRE GARDEN * anfl s i Coiany W . M . L E IG H & S O N ' The Princeton University Outfitters HIGH GLASS NOVELTIES IN MEN’ S FURNISHING 600DS Hviorchant 'Tailors ISicycfc Suits ontl Ciolf HoBe a Spcclaltyrf, 1023 Kingsley Street* Asbury Park CHOICE- A GOOD *.V TEH ROBIN HOUSE • Located Near North Asbury Park Depot ' . - R. A. & E N. RALSTON, . ‘ 612 Cookraau Avpnue. Opposite Postofflce,. G reen h o u ses, Asbury Pafk.; , . A U cn h u rst TELHPHONd DOUBLE SPW-BUE ppiSSIOti E L E C T R IC A L C A S IN O \ Party, purchasing this house can sccure a desirable lot in Northwest Asfclury Park and thus secure a good investment. For full particulars apply to T. F^A N K APPLEBY’; Cor. Main St. •and Mattison Ave. ---- ASBURY TARJC,-.N;-Jr------- Exiia BtMioas T^is wees: fir s . Ada L ouise Paley. ' M b s May C as^a^.^ ____ , M iss C ailieriuc” i'e ' nieii DAILY PRESS SPECIAL ADS. In select so n g s, duets,ontl.opuratic"5 clectlolis. ADMISSION, - ^ 10 CENTS The Kolntcchnoacopc U nnw oh t ho toDth conRtjeutivo utouth lu F. b \ Proolor’HU^o tue*»ifra, : B R IN G IM M E D IA T E R E S U L T S -'-V ASBtJRY PARK, D A TLY^RtiSS, XyEjbyESDAYLSJCPTEMBER15, 1900. ^ S E P T E M BER V ISITORS Tho W est; P a rk lire d e p a rtm e n t’w as ';C*‘v' / l.-V called o u t yesterday afternoon *to' ex tin Jilrs. C. M. \Vobb of N ew ark is a 'lat'o T here w ill bo no m eeting of coUiiciliin- guish blazing ru b b ish dangerously n ear a houso on Garfield avonue, iNo-damago was arriv al a t the Plaza. til n ex t M onday n ight? '' J . Ii. KINMONTH, . W . L. P usliaw is a p ro m in e n t W ash in g A sbury P a r k hotels and bonrding houses done. ; KDITOH AND. PROPRlMTOa. Team of Squadron A Defeats the ton rostnuratour now a t th e W est lin d . _ are n o t ompty—not -by a long shot. Tako Rennot-ine for indigestion, - rl[htTitisses M cCarthy of N ew Y ork havo ' P a rk e r weighed 2,258 persons on L ab o r PUBLICATION OFFICER Essex Troopers. joined the B runsw ick S eptem ber guests. day a t tho A sb u ry avenuo pavilion. 607 M attison A venue, Aabury Park, N . J, S p tc ia i.^ a v tfiise stiM fs . Dr. Joseph A. DlUon of Now Y o rk w ill There wore tw ice as m any bothers in tho TKLKPHONE O k J d M l pass a few Septem ber days a t tin! W est ocoan today as on tho sam e day la s t yoar. •A dvertisem ents co n ta in in g n o t m ore tnnn Keeping up the Shirt standard. Best ma 50a S E A GIRT S C O R ES IMPROVE Editorial Rooms tw en ty-five w ords inserted und er th is h ea d in g End i 60b Tho re n ta l o f.p riv a te bathhousos still for BubIqom Offlo* ..................... tw enty-flvo c e n ts first insertion and fifteen terial, best-fashioning,, best making. If we Law yer F ra n k P , M cD erm ott qJ^Ftco** continues arid is far ahead of a n y other cen ts e a c h 's u b se q u e n t Insertion. N o m on ey r e Marksmen Uo B e tte r W ork uh Details of hold is being entertained a t th e Colem an season. funded und er any conditions. E rrors w ill bo T E R M S O F S U B S C R IP T IO N : • ; sold nothing but . shirts we wouldn't do it m ade good b y additional insertions. Range Become More F am iliar—F o u rth 'V ' E v e n i n g E d it io n * , House. Tho rem ains of tho Into Josopli Scliotior Nflw; je rse y Men C apturp Columbia better, because nothing but the best,can find , *3.00 O ne y e a r (str ic tly ia a d v a n c e ). . . . . . . . Colei _ of tills city wore Interred a t II.JK) th is I*QST* . • .00 n Trophy and W in State N ational Guard O ne w eek broker, is regisTored nt the Colem an m orning: in*Evorgroon cem etery d t Newroom sa our shelves—that’s >;he reason we A p n iro f oybglassgs in case,*betweon. P art . .01 Single 9oples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mulch—-Tho Scores. : . "" ’ House. ridge & Itieliardson’s and LoMui.Htro’s, Howard a rk . . , M orning Eilltlon (Juno^to Septem ber), if returned to E. E. Hill, 0201Coolaimn avenuo. do it so well. I M issltico of JBrooklyn is a charm ing con A wom an fell’fro m a trolley car a t tho The'shoyflng a t ,Sea G irfc was oven bet • 212 * Ten w eeks. ......... *................................... fl.WJ Qoe w eek * .................. .................... - .12 te r . th a n usual yesterday. The several versationalist now staying a t tlio A laska, corner of Cookipau avenue ; am i M ain R A N T E D . Single copies .02 team s have got down to hard w ork, an d Ocean Grove. . "*■*' . street yesterday. $ho w as m ore m ad th an Experienced entry jclorlc;: m ust write- gocd , 1W eekly Eilltlon (The SJiore Proas) M r/a n d Mrs. W illiam P . C. C ollins of- h u rt.. ■; _ . :'* liand, bay in g m astered tlio details of th e longi and 1bo apcurato at ilgures. Apply by f -.v.$1.00 range, are doing th o irb u s t to roll u p lilg h Spiiyfcn DiiyvUV rY r, - are reglstorcd”a t ■ ^V r l l r P rin o p fr Baldwinsvftle,;:"NrY;r lottor only.—Steinor& Son, Asbury-Park.- "‘One y e a r.. 7 . " iV.V.'. . . . . f.V .no Six months............................................. ' 212-18-14 the Columbia. late proprietor of .the Hollywood, w ho left • ' Single copy............................ itTT.. .02 scores.' * * The soft body shirt ,in Cheviot and Madras, I)r. F . J . F itzgerald of .Brooklyn, a so' suddenly, owes a N ew ark firm $75 Cor T he contest between Squadron A: and /,* I LOST, . * ' A dvertising R ates on A pplication. ■ •• ■' tlie Essex troop of N ew ark w as a m ost ex prom inent physician/ is si)onding h is vaca linen. ' which is so very popular, is meeting with Lady’s gold wateli and Ilotir-de-lis pin;intion a t the P laza. The usual m id w eek inform al hops w ill itials “E. M, B," Liboral ro\vaiil if returned to WEDNESDAY ■- S E P T im B E R 5, 1900 citing oi)e an d resulted in a victory for tlio 212-14* untisual success. We have them in all colojB. George A. Kowq,-a w ell know n Brook tako place a t the (Brunswick, P laza, Mon 511 Sixth avenuo. New Y ork team 1>y a narrow .''m argin. Five m en each shot five tim es nf; tho '200 lyn politician, is am ong the Septem ber a r m outh,.C olum bia, W est Iim l'arid Cq!eMtuT .OX BLOOD is the real thing in color this FOUND. i . NOTICE. an d . WH) yards ranged •• W hen L ieut; rivals a t the W est E nd. • . House to n ig h t. ■ ■: ' At D^al Beach;a piece of jewelry. The owner summer. Purple,- Blue, White and Pink . H o t e l news, including, arrivals; person B ry a n t of the N ew ark team Stopped Joseph It. C raig of K schienian & C raig, R ic h a rd 'J o h n s o n of Borden tow n, w ho can havo same by proving property. Call a t No. 7 Biitli avenue, Ocean Grove. -212* also, SOc and upwards,; a ls a n d social happenings,* \VJ11*he printed jto tho range lie w as booked to mako sh irt ipanufacturors, P hiladelphia, is a ha« beon v lsitin g i;olativ^s In thirf city,.rei s turricd to lils homo yesterday after, a very yiANO INSTRUCTION. ‘in th e P ress if se n t to the oiliee by m ail 20 for th e • Jersoym cn or lose the guest a t th e Ocean hotel. . 1 m atch. B ryant, although ho has freJan ies F . R yan,.one of D etro it’s actlvo lileasant sojourn.' V ^Prof.-.T. Ol Grapel-will bo a t studio, Room' or messenger. ‘.Copy should reach us as Postonico building, on Thursdays, pupils' iiudn‘tbM;cored^7^it-tJit»lsho£tjJ!iUigja_wa£L Jjusinosa^mo n. -is. cn j oyin g _ th e -jn o n tlilo ll ^coneertFduringTvinter^easoTtr—----early in th e day as possible. hardly equal to th e emergency, lie Septem bor a t tho B runsw ick. *■» ' , an d the regularAyeeklyi 6uchro toniorrow Georgo L. Motze, w ith F airchild B rothers .night are certain evidences of Septem ber missed tho first.shot an d lpst pojnts in the F O R SA LE. 1 T H A T SE A It R IG H T It R ID G E . second and third. H is total score w as -15) & Foster, m an u factu rin g chem ists,, is a prosperity a t th is p opular hostelry. Some with; White S. K, collars and others A Mnson & Hamlin,’organ; cheap. Call 04 - 212-1U^ K sther C. M iller oC;515 F irs t avenue, th is Embury avenuo, Oceaii Grove.. | Several of th e 'B bartl ;of Chosen Free- and tho Now Y ork team won o u t by a to bite arrival a t th e GWind A venuo hotel. with collars to match the. tie. Price, 80c, BOY WANTED. . holders feci that:they .have, bceiuniisrepre? tal score of 231 as ag ain st 21? for tiie J e r 1 D r. li\ L. Tooley Is a woll know n NOw city, has lp tt for.Nowtou, N. J ,, wlioro shb sey inon!'’‘ ' y " j^rork piiysl ciaii w l;o ls n o w on joy 1ii g Sep; opened yesterday th e ,I; itidergartoii d e p a rt Str/mg,-willing, boy wonted*;, nil year po sqnted w ith regard to th eir a ttitu d e to sition. Apply a t once. Wetlel’Hvariety store, Tlio Second battalion of tho D istrict of tetnber en tertain m en t a t th e ’Coinnibia. m en t of the public school of th a t place. Cookman avenuo. 212-liir w ard th e proposed n e w bridge a t Sea C olum bia w oiuthe inter-state regim ental W alter TI. C ram p of the g reat ship Tho atloiulanco a t tho young people's S IT U A T IO N W A N T E D . B rig h t an d the now- fam ous **Kemp’.’|han- team niatch S v lth .n ’ score .’of*&i0. The building firm a t P hiladelphia, is a recent m eeting.at 9 a . m . daily in the Oceaii Protestant woman wants position a s eook. • quet. . )• *. ■* \ : honor tennis wore th e F irs t regim ent of p rom inent a rriv a l a t th e Coioman House,- Grovo tem plo continues large, show ing lnundnwH or. housework in private family. Will Which is the only th in g for knock about 1 leiiry A . Gross, g eneral eas'tern ag e n t th a t in terest is m a in ta in e d in L ead er Y at- go to the city W ashington, Sixth battalion team ,F ourth in fall if desired.« Address box T he S eabright'X ew s in its last issue de •17, Prtiss ofllce. ' of th e Chicago an d N orthw estern railroad, lu a n ’s SL'rvlco. of Now Jersey au d B attery B of Boston. and general wear,, can be found, here in all voted nearly, tw o colum ns explaining the T he F o u rth of New Jersey w on the is registered w ith his fam ily a t the- W est Misses Km m n an d Luelhi W o rth , d au g h the popular shades. 50c to $2.00. 1 WANTED. * m atter. W e do n o t Lbelieve there is ir C olum bia trophy a n d . tho New Jersey K n d .; ters of M r. an d M rs. lUniben W o rth of oi l Hinnll house or part; unfuhiisliod; for year , C ount do Vi)llevordo is so pleased w ith P rospect avenue*, W est P a rk , have gone to* round. . freeh o ld erp n th e board..tha£ - Would sell S tate N ational G uard m atchos, Address G., P. O. box 674. • 212' Sergdant.D avid McBalley of th e A rm y th e Coleman. House th a t his sta y thore Lakewood to visit,th o lr g randparents, Mr. him self f o r a square m eal o r be blinded by Medical corps of New S outh W ales, dis will bo extended tin til .the close bf tho and Mrs. N oah V an p elt, for tlircyj o r fo u r WANTED. such ilim sy attem p ts to curry his favor. tinguished him self in the individual seasoli. • V A furnished eottngo withUuriKlorn nnprove' . ‘ .. ., ’ ‘ l weeks, centndly ionated, from 0 <;toV>nr 1st to W e do th in k , however,, th a t th e sooner m atches. T he sergeant wore the B ritish Two Septeiubor beauties from tlie sunnyA. W f N orris, for some timo connected meats, April int. Terms reasonable. Address box 40, 212-lH* th is custom is given up of the citizens giv uniform nnd contested twice d u rln g \th e south w’ero added to the galaxy-now a'ttlie w ith' tlio clothing dep artm en t of a proini- Press otlleo. lmnaa,— t.hrt plni-.e ing a b anquet to th e board before the* job rtnyr -fc O S T * -------------— — 'Exclusive H atters and M en’s Furnisher* v ' . m ade v acan t a t Stein bach com pany’s Georgo Schlfcht is high m ail on the Ger O rlean s.' * is undertakOn an d the bridge builder p u t Wednesday morning, Septembor 5, on Main Ja m es Moore aiid wife of P hiladelphia Ocean Palaco by th e resignation of K. 1C. streot, m an rin g target. I lls to tal is 230 o u t of a botween Anbury Park and Belmar, a tin g u p for a handsomo.vlayout a fter the posslble'2fi0. H a rry W . Pope of H artford are guests a t th e A^laska, Oceaii Grove. Ilib ler. flexible oar trumpet tube. Suitable reward if 8 0 5 M a t t is o n A v e n u e returned to house corner Washington nnd con tract is completed, tlie b etter it will be is high m an on tiie standard A m erican Mr. Moore is a proniinent business m a n in Miss Nellie M. T reat, a fter spending tho Second livchues, Spring Lake. 212* » m onth of A u g u st In tho W hite m ou n tain s, . for Jill concerned. T he freeholders are not target. H is score is PJJJ out of a possible the, Q uaker c ity ;T Next to Postoffice TRUNK WANTED. C rlttendoh Ayres, a w ell know n football has re tu rn e d homo, accompanied by Miss *. ■to be blam ed for enjoying a good dinner, 210 . Trunk wanted a t once. Apply^lO SummerIn tlie m ilitary revolver niatch J . Dietz, player an d form erly, mbiivbor of th e Dolores E m ery, w ho will spend tho m o n th ' -212*,i.blit th e tim e lias come to call a h a lt upon jr. of New Y ork leads w ith a, total of. 287. Princeton! team , is visiting II. B /B an n ard , 61 Septem ber hore. Miss- Winery is a field avenue. th is ban q u etin g habit. I t m ay be all A nderton of B oston scored 282 yesterday jr., a t th e G rand A venue. • EDWIN F. BENNETT charm ing H arlem society girl. Successor to W. D. F1(hxI, earpufc weaver, M. W . K. M aurer; assista n t au d ito r for in a high wind. ; Progressive w h ist will be played a t-th o rig h t b u t it looks bad. coimty road, between Avon und Hamilton. N. Six representatives of Troop A , B alti th e P ennsylvania K ail road com pany a t Coleman IIouso tom orrow iw om ing from .T. P. O. address^ Avon. Work done at. short more, . arrived yesterday, jriie y 1 w ill also L ong lira n ch , is w ith his fam ily a t th e 10 to 12, for th o benefit of th e M onm outh notice and siitisfactlon gunraritewl. Rags cnlled for and carpets,delivered. 212-50* A L L MILK LOW S T AN D A R D G rand Avoinie. for a brief Jesfc., tak e part. in.the revolver Contests. * M em orial hospital. *M ilitary ouohro will* W . F . Gilroy cam odow n from Klfzaboth be played a t tlio sam e place tom orrow eve LOST. The follow ing are to ta l scores of inter; Tents Recently Made n t T renton'Show ed On Labor Day, between Fifth avenue and sta te and state contests ainl th e big scores to rem ain over S unday am i I^ibor day in ning for tho bonofit ofLtho same in stitu -N^rraiTiranU'Iiy(le~lMi^i‘tvaliveriu™ ~~ Emory Btreot-nnd-tr.olloy brklgo, over Deal Ocean Grove w itli his fam ily} tHoVueuibers tion, a t w hich 25 cents w ill bo charged. in th e other events: lake, or .on trolley bo tweon Dttal and. Pleasure Asbury P ark Samples. Bay, a child’s gray jacket, B. Altman mako. IXTKltSTATK JtF.iilMEXTAL TKAM MATCH. of whom are visitors a t tho Q uihju. S tate D airy Com m issioner George W . PleaNO return to Winddetlon, Fifth avenuo nnd P O P U E A R M USIC F R E E . Miss C. C. O’B rien an d her p retty Sister Emory street, Asbury Park. Reward. 212-111* M aguire an d S tate C hem ist Shippeji W al Second battiilion, W ashington _____ _ fKM) A gnos^aro m uch adm ired a t thu P laza. F irs t regim ent, W ashington . . . . . . . . . . 811 More PIA NO S , Better PIANOS, A nother Novelty Offered by th e G reat lace are; busily engaged a t th eir olllces in S ixth battalion, W ashington'.'...............770 Tho Misses O’Brien* aro Now Y ork girls WANTED. riiila d e lp ltla Sunday Press. the state house a t T renton testing sampies F o u rth regim ent, Now J e r s e y __ . . . . . 7JM a n d am ong th e Septem ber arrivals. A white girl for general housework. Apply and Bigger Savings on E vcry -read cro f-th o -P h iln d o lp h la-P ress 500.Anbury avenue..____ __________ -o fJ m ilk s e c n r o d o n ^ itu r d a y r f r iin r in illc B attery I ir F irs t reg im en tr Boston. , .:_;tr72L " R r P r i C l l i o tt ^ ’ico-iiresldont of tho A u s F irs t i*egiment, New Jersey . . . . . . . 708 dealers a t A sbury P ark . T wen ty sum pies Klevonth infantry, U. S. A ....................707 tin O rgan com pany, finds th e Queen a ^iext" S unday (Sopt, 0 ) w ill receive* free a ’ More M a k e s b f " .' F o k WENT. in a ll were secured an d tested, a n d when Second regim ent. New J e rs e y ....... ’. . . . (585 congenial place to rest w hile a t Ocoan pietie of sheet intw ic w hich can n o t be purF or winter, furnished cottage, six rooms, cliasciLat-aiiy-musc-Store-for_lcss-Uian-5Q- with-ga8H>rico4125,~Addres8Box-87r Presa of PIANO S Than_, :_ -ask ed-the-festil ts^IrH N ^igitinrsJiidr---— - -Fifth~l)attalionT-W ashington-^........^__ 070- ‘Grove. H e resides in H artford, Conn. ’ • 210-12^ cerits. I t is en titled ‘‘A t an Olo V irg in ia fice. • * ‘‘W e have not>quite com pleted th e tests, Kift.h regim ent, M a ry lan d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018 Georgo 15,r Stouty a m em ber of.the, firm W edding,” a n d is certain to becomo ono T hirtl regim ent, New J e rs e y .............. ‘ 571 Ever Beb u t have; progressed far enough to show ' Font r e n t . Now Jersey N ational G uard M atch.— of O benriatin, JIiller»& Co.', cloth im port, of the m ost p opular selections of th e year. th a t there is no form aldehyde preparations F o u rth - regim ent, 70:i; .Second rHgiment, Partly furnished five-rooai lioime^vith stable^ ers, New York.^is a guosb a t tlio M agnolia .Tho only w ay to got it is w ith n ex t S u n ?.i per month. Apply 01 South Muni street. 10-12* : f o rt.; V. contained in th e sam ples taken. W e are IJM7; F irs t regim ent, 1510;. T hird, regim ent, ... • : ' . , • • • ■ w hile'ttiking a respite from business cares. day’s- P hilad elp h ia Prossi riiul' you should now testin g to find o u t th e ratio, of solid 501. . */■*■ W e n o t only sell tho WJ5UER, I VERS FOR RENT* J . JJ. W arn er of th e B runsw ick h as en bia Trophy M atch.—F o u rth regi order a cdpy from y o u r newsdwiler a t once. sulistance in th e m ilk. T he legal standard m Colum Boarding house for ren t; all improvements; ent, 7-1:1; Second regim ent, 710; F irs t joyed the hospitality of th is house since & POND, K M i: R SO N. MC PH AIL, nicely furnish**! tliroimllout; pleasantly lo i£ 12 pet* cent., an d I have m y donbtefas to regim ent, 0-10 ; T hird regim ent,.500. Ju n o 25, arid thoro;is.not a drive around M ust Take a .Y iC c a tlo n ;; ..; cated; moderato rent. Apply at the Leon, cor Carbine Team ’M ateh. -^S quadron A, w hether two of the sam ples; will come Up TUSTING a n d W IIEELOCK, b u t wo Cookman avenuo aiid Heck street, or fll A sb u ry P a rk th a t his blue ribbon turnoutT he co ncert a t th g ’Qcean Groyo auditor- ner - t oi t <- — _j_ _ _ — New York, 25-1; Essex troop, N ew ark, N, South Main street. • 21W2* :J.72:i7."; . V ~ — -T— lilis iiotvisired™ “ “ h a v e - a —fevv - each~of -dozen s~of-other— ilT i if tonigh tw ill b e " tli&~ fi n a l ^ n te r Uli li~ \ “ M ilk th is season has somehow been Milit^iry Revolver .C hanrnlonship. ~ .T. -G eorgcB .-F orrestcraiulA vife.arc-guests inen t conducted th is y ear by-D irector-Tali V ery lo W iiiso lid siib stiin ce s7 7''coiitinued D ie tz rjr.,"New Y o rk ,■287? ThOiiias Anderm akes. M^o pan siiit every taste a n d BOILER FOR SALE. tim , Boston,- 282; Corporal H ale, Boston, a t tlie Queen; Ocean Grove. M r, F orrester Eson M organ tit th a t placo. I t w as P ro f. M r. M aguire; “ in fact, so low tlia t Mr. ' a ll sizes of popketbooks. is a Brooklyn banker, b u t lie an d h is wife M organ's intention to give ' sovoml m ore Anticipating nil enlargement of our plant we W allace is considerably puzzled to account, Keentry Revolver M atch.—J . A,. Dietz, favor Ocean Grove w ith th e ir presence concerts, b u t th e sta te of his eyes an d ol\Vr for H ide a firstclass 10 hoi-se-jsiwer ls)il(!r for it. T he pastu rage t his year has seemed jr., Now York, “UK); T hom as ’A nderton, and 8 horsepower engine attached; may b*» ab o u t three-fourths of the year. . ’ to be p retty good, b u t for some reason or JHS; .1. B< .C rabti^e, Springfield, Mass., . F ra n k Nowlin an d his son F ra n k , the general overworked condition im perative s»«Jii working a t our Second avenuo garden. ly require him to tak en , vacation for~Test W m J. Cooper & Son. . . 201-13 . . o th e r a t present u nknow n th e solid sub- 1HH; L. P. Pinrcey, Jersey City, 1I15; liieutiniant llo lt, W ashington, 1). C., 12<»; T. form er a bookkeeper in the P ennsylvania an d recuperation. The sig h t of his rig h ti -I stau ee has been low. . IT. K eller, New 'Y ork, 12JI; Corporal Cow- railroad ollice a t Philadelphia, aro enjoy oye is gono entirely a t present, b u t i t is *‘\Ve’recently m ade tests of m ilk sup perthw ait, Now* Y ork, 118. FOR SALE. in g a Septem ber vacation a t the M agnolia, hoped re st will restore it. H is .affa irs in plied b y 'd e a le rs to T renton, b u t found Ono sorrel horse,good speed; ono black mare,' on F o u rth avenuo. Thoy reside in Gor New Y ork, a m l a t o th er places w ill sh o rtly ono rubber tiro runal>ou£, ono two-’seatwl fam no th in g w rong w ith it. ..Its standard was m an tow n, <Pa. . , • S T A T E C A S T LE K. G. E. absorb all his atte n tio n a n d tiin e .' Tho ily carriage, onedo^ cart; will bo sold cheap. low, b u t, as I have already sajij,. the stan: 20T-12*m M anager F h rh a rt o f B ria r Cliff D airy la tte r p a rt of th is m o n th ho w ill rem ove Cull 221Fourth avenue. dard a ll over the sta te th is su m m er has Chief Ollieer of Organization is an Asbury farm , Ntfw Y ork, a n d h is pleasant Avife w ith his fam ily to Bloomfield, N. J ., in m e d i c a l e l e c t r i c i a n . been low, so we wore n o t niuc.h surprised. P ark M a n -O th e r Oflteelrs Elected an d charm ing daughter, Miss E lla Khr- order to bo nearer hiV b u sin ess an d moro lira. II. A. Phelps, 23 Surf avenue, Ocean “ In one sense Tfoul sorry for, the milkto R ule Rody. liart, are foi^-tho second tiino tliis sum m er centrally located. •H is p lan of w ork a t Grove. EU.'ctrical massage and . treatment. Hot air and steam baths. Terms reasoiiablo. ....nieu.w ho_ship_their./inilk..ito ...tlie . shorei ~ T w o hundred an d fifty delegates.attend enjoyirig iv stay a t tlie p opular M agnolia, Ocean Grove durin g th e fall a n d w in ter ........ ■.... ...... 188-212*10 They are obliged to send th eir iftilk for ed the sevonleeifth a n n u al session of the on F o u rth avenue. • m onths has riot y e t been fully decided. fifty m iles in m ost .instances on ‘ordinary , THE NEW YORK, K nights of the Golden Kagle of • New 'Jer B eau tifu l Septem ber w eath er a n d the Tho choir atul orch estra .last n ig h t pre cars. T h e'railro ad com panies should pro 011 Sixth avenuo. Kolect/ cottage board. sey held Monday a t T renton. Ollicers absence of a g re a t crow d have induced It. sented P rof. M organ w ith £<55 in gold as a Largo rooms, choice table, fine bods, bath and vide refrigerator cars, as'is done in N orth A gotnl fair piano in a U a r rim a n in hoautiflll. niftbogatiy wore elected as follows: A . P earson, actin g chief of the govern m a rk of esteem an d urged h im . to rise it-. all conveniences. Beasonablo rates. Mrs. H.* Brewster p retty .case. Used loss > Jersey .*' ________ " FI a lO tlla n case; used onlv a year,, . . r.200-W* P a s t grand chief, Jacob S. K ents of P a t m e n t ag ricu ltu ral dep artm en t an d dairy fo r a vacation rest.. A . II. D oIIaven pre A, Green. One of this celebrated m ako’s m ost th a n JI' m onths. O ur price o m n ' Mlstiioitniry in stitu te AiuiiVfcrsiiry. erson; grand chief, A rth u r IT. Hope, As .Inspector, to spend h is vacation in th is sented the gift. Tho recip ien t responded WANTED. ; - expeiiHlve in stru m en ts; worth now-* is o n l y . .............. .. . Tii e a nn iVorsary occasion of the Union bury P a rk ; g ran d vice chief, Jo h n C. city-'at the M agnolia. #500. Could n o t tell It lmd ^ o o c ' * A-strong young man to.HR-siHt porter and do w ith hearty th an k s to th e donors. T .in f.n n *n dark'^mahogany. This been used. \O n ly ....................JpocO general work. Apply between 8 and 0 o.’cloek' I USling piano nmtle espeelally M issionary T rain in g , in stitu te' of Brook* Kiselev, A tlnntlcJC ity; grand high priest, : L . A. Bower a n d wife of New. Y ork lilvo nt/lheDeal Country Club, Deal Beach '20Smctf for our'eliniate;.lm s Imen liBotl less Funny Lornl P ioturc u t Casino. -—j^yrr'grea1tly--interesu?d: the 1,500 oi* more J . B. \V aihright, M a n asiiu an ; grand th eir accom niodatioris so w ell a t th e M ag i i .* ’ u s e d ono smnniet»;a a o i c than four 'm onths. I t is a lino One of the best -pictunis on th e splendid TO LOAN. people th a t attorn led th e exercises in the keeper -of. exchequer, G eorge-P. S utton,' nolia aiid tholr beautiful surro u n d in g s in f l a l il c S g re a t barg ain . O nly piano arid - •will w ear1 like <£29Q $2,300,92,000, Sl,.r*00, S t,000, $7fi0,1000, $500 a t .r> Ocean Grove., tem p le Mortday 'evening. Cainden; grand m aster of records, A! L. A sbury P a rk , th a t they a re stay in g a t program a t Pqley’s E lectrical casino th is cont, on llrst b o n tljm ii m o rtg a g e . .G eorgo Self playing orMrs. W . B. Osborn Is a t the head of ihe C lark, T renton; grand sit* herald, Thom as th eir favorite hotel for.t)ie th ird tim o tills week is a local scene taken on th e b anks per w . TMttenpur, Uooni-14, A p p leb y b u ild in g; A sbu ry . a'm L a a U F in e condition;* lin o ; Symphony. -gall. T h is m ost D in stitu te.- Her* assistan t, ’ M iss\A lw ay, B. .Seals, A m odale; grand first guards sum m er. Mr. Bower is president) of the of S u n set .lake last T h u rsd ay . A young Vark. N . J. bramoacn sman sizod a 0R c wolhilbrfnl of a u to mu tie .instrup ia n o ................................. 4>tOO couple discover a bench In a shady, se to\d where tin? so m issionaries sent, o u t by m an, H enry W . Thornley, T renton; grand D ianiond Stiito Stool com pany. . n io n ts w ith .a variety of tone-voioin'g . THE CROWN, 1 ‘ th a t is surpassed by no o th er In- " cluded spot alolYg th e biink of tho lake. th e in stitu te are stationed: Mr. Brityere,. >econd guardsm an, H obert S. T tirtin , New 115 Main aven u e. O cean "'Grove.- O pen a ll th e Good second h a n d striim en t; good a s now; W ’orth(t»icn year. Tho^m oBt hoijiollke .boarding h ou ce in Uemarest upright; d a r k A .o c T heir arm s steal ab o u t b n o -an o th er a n d AlUKka Open All Year; home'oii -furlough from India, sung in the B ru n sw ick ; trustoes, J a n ie s . K. 11ighley, willHell fo r....... ..5pl0U, O cein Grj»ve, S team b e a t, bat^is and nil imcuse. O nly.......... ...V .? l3 p ‘ H1ndo<istanc language and talked briefly* Philadelphia'; T. A. B urbn, P hiladelphia, ' Tlie A laska, re b u ilt a n d refurnished, th eir lips nicet in oiio long, lin g erin g kiss,' provem euts Term s reaHonable. ' 18Qtf' Mrs. Osborn, Dr. ,Thom as O’ll^inlon and and* A'. L . Bloom ,*Trenton; supreino rep* situ ate on P itm a n avenue,tiujar th e ocean w hen a mischievous la d sneaks u p from GLOVE CLEANER. Rev. C. IL Y atm an also gave short ad rosentjvtlvo, Jacrtb Si .K ents,'Paterson, . , front, Ocean Grove, is open' all th e year. tho re a r tipd topples thc_ bepch aiid occu SeAd us postal asking for complete list. You can buy any • ' L ad les, clean y o u r bid j?lovos w ith L a B elle dresses. . Kev. W . Ii, Oydiorn presided. ; ;F|um ingtoii-\yas chosen as th e place .of P ro p rieto r N, .it. •K ilm er’s hostelry has p an ts overboard. F o rtu n a te ly tho w ater Glove' Cleaner, J I t ia n ot a liquid L e a v e s n o Eiano ip, our store on easy payments. In many cases~aJ first pay • . '•? . : 'sunjgirlors, l>ath, artesian w ater,' .steam is not deep and tliey hayc no difiiculty ill odor and can be imed w h ile th e g lo v e is 6 n th e ; Am aikkt—-Smith srtnfjf several. tiiites and t.hejjiext; nieet ingl band. For sa le o n \y at C hndw lck’s ph arm acy, ?.sp6 ke, aiid lfiVrry' Loper aiid V ife *aiig : 1Ms't ( Jra ml t?Ti i.iif •‘K ont s was . present ed li\T&^tml" n il m odern im provem ents an d g ettin g oufc.^Tho yo ung huiy is Miss I I fil4 CooVman avenuo. m e n t^ TEN DOLLARS, and future jnbnthly payments of $6, twice. Dr. Lawrence of New Y ork ihade w ith a liamlsonu; gold badge an d all the npjdianees necessiiry to provide com fort A . If or n by of New V ork, a guest a t 't h o FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. .*a few rem ark s an d Dr. Levy pronounoed delcgah'S were ]>reSehted w ith lapel for his-guests. T he A laska is now full. E b b itt House, an d h e r p a rtn e r In *hapi)i$8 o f $10 , according to. price, will, be sufficient. “ Nino build liig lo ts , 50x200 fe e t, a d join in g ‘ th e benediction. O v e r was raised to buttons. Ju st.-lfo .p erso n s took dinner, tliei'o last noss an d m isfortune is F red Gnus, also of Ocean Grovo Hejfchta.. P rice se v cg ty -flv e dollars each; a1SO'proi>^rty-Malu str e e t, i r a d ie y Beach. ach. New .York. ' • * • aUl th e w o rk .o fIh e'in stitu te. * evening. T here w ere a few departures 14tf Apply to 506 F ifth a v e n u e , A sbu ry T a r t F ine.C oncert a t Bradley Reach. yesterday r b u ttlie r e w e r o a ls o 2 1 a rr iv a l8 , W reck Damage Jftl 00,000. —Tho concert given M onday n ig h t a t tho • SpeiiicerK iiml Singers at Misninn. soAie.to sUiy two week's, some three, sonic WATT. APPLEGATE| Tin? dam age to tho ro llin g stock of the L ast nighfc>Goorge'A.-Simmons, supikrin Bradley Beach beach sunpitrlor for the Id rigor. A -gentlem an w as a rra n g in g for Painter and .Deoorator, •'Estimates T ay lo r^ Jisst!ng EuJlilfng, ^ T U S tlflg C ontrol Railroad coinpany caused by the rCtontracting 1 to n d en t of th e - N ew ark h Kescuo Home, benefit of the now M^*ihodist K. cliiirch-nit r. ; promtatly given. h i s , fam ily..to stiiy th ere w hile th e PJtKSS M attison A venue P .O . m ix 10<U. W tf ^iii'Ule a n address a t the S outh Main street t hat placL*, w as successful finanei7dly-and reporter dropped .in for a few m inutes. T he accijlent a t Branch p o rt yesterday, is placed t : an d Bond S tre e t Aabui^r, P ark ,.N , J. m ission, tills city.,: Mp.t a iid ' Mrs. H arry m usically. • M m (!..'klizabeth jVrrtljhi, so- A lask a a n d its gonial proprietor aro popu iiy representatives of th e com pany _ CLAKENCE D, W IL S O N ‘ ■ ______ . j'L o p ario f Camden, Vho“fiave assisted a t t.Jie pfaiio soloist of tlie I la rlom ( .V. Y .) 'Prt^s- la r 12 m onths in tho_; year. Qiiite a n u m $100,000.' Architect .OOOOCXXffiOQOeOOQeOQOQOQOQOe o p O Q C p a Q O p QQQQQObOQGOOQQQO bytifrian church, sang a h alf dozen times, Reimet-ino cu<es Indii/eation. Oct a n Grove meetings* just, ended,' also , 8 8 B roadw ay t-G N O B R A N C H ber of guests are already booked fo r tho s n iii sovortil selections. C hristian w orkers cOu ntl n'g several enci ires. M iss 101ea nor fall an d w in ter. ................ •............ Will alw ays f1lid a w arm welcome a t tho. Lanco, violiniste, w as also* compelled to FO R S A L E . . ■ m ission fro n t S u p t. f iuyer ;imd his wife. respond to several dem ands foe encore T rotter^s tFouruey E u d s a t J a il . L a st wet'k ten persons- professed conver num ber's.; “The A ngel's Serenade” by A t a ,B a rg ain . B e st L ocated AH th e Ja m e s T rotter^ a driver fo r' A ^ros’ ex sion.. S unday n ig h t th ere'W ere three Mine. A rrighi, w ith violin obligato by Miss press, w'^is se n t to Ociuiii G rove yestorday Y ear H o tet In A sb u ry P n rk . Lance,“is spokoii of a s having been prob converts, y , _* . for sonio baggage an d w ound up a t BolO w in g *t.o o th e r b u s in e s s in te r e s ts I w i l l s o il ably the best n u m b er on the prograni. tlie H o te l V e n d o m o on e a s y te r m s a n d c o r r e c t Viar too d ru n k to ktuiw exactly whore he ftrimsiViek's IluKy Sewing Clriilo. p r i c e . ,I m m e d ia te itOHHesslon. A p p ly t o o w n er Miss Alice W a lte r B ates of Nqw York, the. .AT BELMAR, NEW JERSEY w as. . Ho finally g ot liack w ith .tho w agon o n p reniines. M ain s tr e e t an d -B an gs a v e n u o . ■ Tho B runsw ick Busy “ B ,, Sew ing circle acooinpllslied solo pianisto a t th e Ocean tliojnirptiKtj'of c l o s i n g un tho affairs erf* tlio 18S-2l4*m , EDW ARD B , PALK N. ‘ is still busy a t th e ir work. • Thoyuswariu Grove auditorium , played tho accompani-, wrecked and attem pted* to tak e possession For Ocotm B<;acli Association, the subscribpr will o rtm h iriim o r 1 Id w as latter accom m odated offer a t public Halo tho following properties: , liore a n d tliere ^n t h e ‘balcony.an'd have m e n t Afor tins above soloists. w ith .a .bed in th o Jo w h sh iirjail. ' v. Tlie-d<isirabh>-]»roport.y known-as -Buhlor’s —- tu rn ed !o u tco m e line articles th is sutnnv;r. -KestaumntrTentli and-Bailroad avenues, . rnze The four-deck Ocean Steamer *»f-lot-114x-I-15-feet*— t-H—Nos,—1537^—1 5JS1, — T h e -g ro n pr .now .^ o nsistK -of i^ d itr '... U'ivr ETtelTre n t liTirml Avenue. ' ; 1G1J7,10:58; IfKWand 2302, 2S05; 2808,2815, 2810,; alsb •>, E e d u c e d .R a te H to K lc h m o n d f. j^^I()rgiilj,JN tr.^yid)e?T^M rs. P . W . Craw W ar euchre for the beiieflt of tlm Won-, -..F or t.ho inoetlng of. thii SovereiginQ m nd the-gravel.-nit ndjoining Allen’s farm,, near Now Bcidford, about one aero more or li5ss. ford, M rs. H. Cra^vford, JMrs. P arsons; m oiitli M emorial hospital,* given by Mrs, U N D E liT A K E R j^ ^ lodge, I. O. O. F., to be held a t Richmond, Tlio sale will be iwwitivo, and, witliout^reM rs. Sayre, M rs. jJotro anti M rs. Bahitock. Sill a t tho*Grarid A venue hotel- lafjt night, Va., September 17 23, the. Pennsylvania servo, and will ho held at tho olllco of .the AsJoe Kii-seli is cham pion bead stringer, resulted a^.fojlows: French m irror, Mrs, Railroad company wilt sellexoursfon tickets H<K;iatioiii Nitrth and Railroad .avenues,' opr will leave the' Long Branch w hile the ed ito r o f th o ‘'Gossip'.’ sits 11o nj*y Wood r S t. L o u,isj Bohem ian glass to Riclimoivd, frmn all stations on its line, positO tho H. R. st4ition on a t the rare of on e'taro for. the round t.^lp; Iron'Pier every day ^ i.rjiin d g ath erin g th in g s of interest...... y ase,‘ Mrsr--Androws of C ainden; b u rn t Tickets will ho sold and tfodd going Sep SATUFBA , SEPTEMBER 8 tem ber 14,15 ;ind H*„ atid wilt bo good to leather inclnoraiulurii book, ♦William-A. A t 11 o'clock a. in. i ’ T h e W t'a tiie r . , iS^Main Street, Asiury Park.' S iew art; .gold stick pip, Mrs. A . Bollenj return until Septem ber 25, inclusive. F or particulars in r e ta rd to* stop.off a t Phllft* Term s .mado known on day of* sale. kW aShlngtoiiy Weclnestlay.*—F a ir.to n ig h t New Y ork. T here were .1,25 tabled. Tho delpliln, Baltimore" and \Va*ihlug^»it, bohTlio ilncft ami best ftqulppofl funoral par Cor. Cookman and Kingsley an d T h u rsd ay ; fresh an d northeast to - " OCEAN BH KCli ASSOCIATION. toiaH m ni realized was $11.50. . su lt n earest tlbket iigent. F are, One W a y , - . SO C ents > lors In tUo stato. , " e a s t wlniis. JOHN M. Ar.LEJr.’/j ucUonper. ,■ .. R ouud T rip , ’5 « ■ ' ■ A s t i t u f e i P i r t t ; ; ' i f < i s . Secratai'j Branch Offices—Belmar, Sp rin t Lake. R ennet-ine fpr indigestion. Itennot-ine for indigestion; ;m Jm, 3 L 0 CAL^fl A P P t N I N G S i l Sfoel Hat TUSTING PIANOS PRICED SO YOU W ILl SEE ENOUGH SAVING TO WANT THEM P U B L IC S A L E Hof aridVCbli I AMES H. SEXTON Sea Water Baths NOW OPEN “COLUM BIA" Faneial Director art fll 12.30 P. pi. and 6.30 P. (II. •i v'- ASBURY PARK BATLY PRESS^I WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,, 19p0 POOR FOLKS IN CHINA. Their Earnings Very Small and Their Industry Unremitting. SOTHING WASTED IN THE,EMPIBE. j’EVeji Graft* a n d 'W h eat H ootfl Atts * 1 'ie d F o r F u e l—U n d e r w e a r U nk i i o n n , a n d F i v e I S r t la n W ill C lo th e M ai. a n d W ife D e p e n lly , H o w ’C c fto n Th Mu liu fn c u irrc. A. rich C hinam nn w e a rss ilU , a poor one cotton. Since th e - p r o p o r tio n . o f rich to. poor is alioutxjiic. to a ilsoismsBil, • It follow s tlia t tiie g i w . t l i n n d in n h u-' lnctni'(rof"cotton' m'c of prlm o: n ecessi ty, i t in 'th o u g h t- co tto n cultUro w ns icgrin In th p Ihlp leen tli ccntui-}y>.tUo alniit com ing fro m Inilin, w h e re it lias seen known toie 2,000 y e a rs. Iii. sp ite of h er uliuqualed a g ric u ltu re C hina floes n o t rnl.so co tto n fo r e x p o rt nor, lu fact, e n o u g h -fo r; h e r ow n lio o ils/eu y g tiie Now l'o r k Sun, In tlio g ro w th an d m an u factu re o f , it„ a s In ev ery th in g , else, tlie ilim is not, a s iu tlie U nited S tates, to nave h an d tttiiof, b u t to usie n o t —1MiH^powil>h '.— T horn a ro no pow er gin s fo r ta k in g o u t th e seed. . In ste a d th e C hinese u se little h a n d gin s yery lilto th o se still to bo found in , th e 'hom espun reg io n s of, th e A p p ala ch ian chain. T h e g in Is n o th in g m ore tliitii- a couple o f sm all w ooden ro lle rs m ad e f a s t i n ; u p rig h ts niiixed to a bench. T hey a re tu rn e d by a w ooden cru n k ; re.vAlr.e- 011c a g a in s t''th e o th e r an d free the’ co tto n of seed by d ra w in g ithp -iiyt th ro u g h tiie n a rro w space' be tw een. Tlit; l in t. Is fed to th e m by h an d , n nd It ta k e s n long arid, ste a d y d a y 's w o rk -to gin five p ounds o f Hnt, w h ich m e a n s 2 0 po u n d s o f cotton in tho seed. T h e co tto n is c a rd ed sim u ltan eo u sly w ith th e g in n in g . A second m a n s ta n d s . n t tiie end o f , th e b ench b e a tin g tho . clean co tto n W ith tlld tee-k u n g, or e a rth bow , in to big, flaky b a ts . T hese. Jin ts th e w om en sp in in v ario u s w ay s. Som etim es th e y use th o old fash io n ed spin n in g , w heel. M uch o ften o r it Is so m e th in g a p p ro x im a tin g th e a n c ie n t d istaff. T h e sp in n e r tw irls i t ste ad ily , w a lk in g a ro u n d an d a ro u n d a s sh e tw irls , th u s w in d in g tho len g th en in g th re a d Into: v ery long h an k s. I f it is sp u n an d ru n into broaches o r quills, - 1 th ey a re o ften reeled w ith a h a n d reel.'C h in ese In d u stry Indeed is a s Invet e ra te a s C hinese economy. W om en u su a lly w o rk a t su ch reelin g w h ile th e y sta n d a t gossip in th e alley w ay s b etw een th e ir houses, I f th e re Is no reel hiindy, th e y w ill be stitc h in g , upon n shoe sole, ‘‘a lw a y s ii sa lab le article. Itirjj^ feet are un k n o w n in C h in n ., E ven JClMjg^gir w e a rs shoes! tliimgb.hc'.lnajp. lm ve ito o tn e r eiotm iig xi'.an tn e •noan. liowl, w h ic h 's e rv e s b o th a s a h a t.n n d . to hold o u t w hen th e re Is a ch an ce o f nlm s. x ' ‘N o th in g Is w asted In C hina. E ven g ra ss an d w h e a t roots pro. p ulled up, w ash ed , d rled .au d used fo r ftipl. S craps o f .paper nnd clo th nro p a s te d to g eth er to ninke th e Insoles of shoes. B its of wood a re glued to b uild u p . e ith e r a b o ard -o r a post. W om en sp in n e rs an d s tf a w p la lte rs earn 2 cen ts n day. T h e sp inning, though, Is m ost-com m only, like t h e w eaving at. th e h an d looms, on ly a p a r t o f un p aid household labor. M achine m a d e clolh a n d th re a d h av e o f la te coino to b e a r h eav ily upon tho co tto n w orkers, b u t th a t fa c t Is In a de gree o f fs e t by th e g row ing im p o rts of raw, .cotton. StUl som e a f tlie lig h t yel low }' h an d m ad e .fa b ric ; ’ know n th e w orld o v er iis nan k een , from th e City 7 ) f^ W o ^ ti^ n n k in p is 'f ( d il^ e d ~ a b r 6 a d r I t Is m ad o .fro m a p ecu liar yellow s ta ple co tto n ; hence n o t dyed. T h e sam e yellow sta p le cotton is grow n an d m an u fa c tu re d by A cw llans in L ouisiana, b u t th e fa b ric is so co arse th a t it-does n o t com pete w ith th e 'C h lu c se article. .F iv e d o llars a yea }• w ill clollie a Chi nese h u sb a n d an d w ife so m e th in g ipore than, decently. U n d erw ear is unknow n. So is fittin g . a g a rm en t, l l i e only m easu res ta k e n a re from th e hip to th e ground a n d from tlni m iddle o f th e b re a st to tho ilnger_t!ps. lVnsliions do n o t .change. W in te r g a rm e n ts a n d bed d in g are w ad d ed w i th cotton, Once a y e a r th e y m u st be ripped-- a p a r t an d Wfls?ien, p a a a in g a n a au . H ow n eed fu l Is econom y m ay lie ju d g ed from a fe w figures. U nskilled la b o re rs receive upon a n av e ra g e 7 c e n ts ii day. M asons, c a rp e n te rs an d sto n e c u tte rs ,. -hero ns elsew here th e aristo cracy of. labor, g ot from 25 to 30 ce n ts ‘ft d ay . W ork beg in s a t su n rise an d keep s up u n til "dark. . S trik e s aro v irtu a lly unknow n, and' th e C hinese la b o re r is tiie h a p p ie st aud m o st con te n te d in a ll th e w orld. V . ’ SeVvlcciir C lergym an—I'a t, th e re 's a hole in tlio roof of the church, and I a m try in g to <joUiict—inummL-saiUidoiit. to ronnir it. Come, now, w h a t w ill you co n trib u te ? F a t —Me servlet's,,sor.' C lerg y m an —W hat do you m ean, P a t? You a re no estrpenfer. I ’a t—No, b u t if It ra in s n e x t Sunday, 01*11 s it o v er tliu h o le —r e a r s o n ’s. WHITE RATS GF tAMerica . A cto r n -W lio W ill I'Ju h t ainnujKcrx. . T h e W hitt; lin ts ' o f A m erica Is th e n a m e o f a society o f' vau d ev ille per fo rm ers w h ich lm s been org an ized to oppose tlio o rg an izatio n o r tlie pro p rie to rs of tho YJiudovllle an d continuous p erfo rm an ce th e a te rs th ro u g h o u t th e co u n try . Tlio a c to rs Jn tho now society, acco rd in g to th e Now YoVk Sun, de c la r e 'th a t th e p ro p rieto rs h a v e com bin e d fo r th e purpose of red u cin g th e ir sa laries, an d th e ir aim Is to offset th is, b u t in j u s t w liu t w a y th e y w ill go aljo u t it th e y h a v e n o t y e t announced. T hey are to h av e n b en elit perfo rm an ce n t th e N ew Y ork th e a te r on Sept. 2. T ho n ew society, its o rg an izers sny, Is m ade up e n tirely oil “ h e a d lln e rs " 'tlia t Is, o f ‘ac to rs w hose perform ances, a r e 'a t sS eh liiiporthiiee a s to be m en tio n ed In b ig le tte rs on th o p o ste rs an d pro g ram m es of tlio th e a te r s n t w hich th e y a re 'p la y in g . P rim a rily it Is a so c ial o rd e r form ed on tlie sa m p lilies ns th e W a te r H a ts of L ondon, j Tlie W h ite Ifiits propose to give a se ries o f p erfo rm an ces th ro u g h o u t th e com ltry.'' ,. ■’ . . S h ir t W a is t: » a n c e , . A s h ir t w a is t dance w a s g iven th e o th e r ev en in g a t ; t h e • rilm h lm m o n , O coana 6 lty<.,Afd.I»nua-i'„Eli^tou,-j!a:.hiL-ii w a s p a rtic ip a te d 111 by. m any whose, w ays a re pronounced correct. No gen tle m a n w a s allow ed on tho tloor unless he w a s coatless. S everal .Who w ere in atte n d a n c e nttenVpted to p a rtic ip a te .h| tho d an ces w ltli th e ir co ats on, but w ore p ro m p tly ejected from ik e floor. V; n o re * o . ~.tu. Shm illH K From lH cil . 'flilK Y e a r T r.:o u t;'li K iillrc X o rth iv ciit. . T h e o pening o f tin; sh o o tin g season In M innesota nnd tlie IJukotas prom ises m oro sp o rt th a n lias been kn o w n for m any y ears, sa y s tlie St. P a u l co rre sp o n d e n t o f th e N ew Y ork Sun, T h e p ra irie s a r e teem in g w ith ch ick en s an d quail.. T h e d ry sp rin g en ab led the Chickens to h atch ' w ith o u t loss, a n d iii m an y p a r ts o f th e country tw o broods a ro f o u n d .. All o v er 'M innesota w here c h ick en s aye to b e found como rep o rts o f th o u sa n d s o f b ird s to lie fo u n d n ear th o w lieatfleld s in th e long p ra irie grasd.' - 12 Ceots E x c e lle n t P rairie chickens arc more th an half grown,, nnd a "better crop'ot the feath ered tribe lias not been raised in tliu northw est for m any years. Instead of d y in g o u t, as w as lir(i(i‘cled wltliTlho settlem ent of the coimtry;--tfre prairie fowl seema to -have adijpted Itself to. the agricultural districts and to have begun au Increase tliat promises to overshadow the Conner tim es when they w ere forced to subsist 011 the,wild berrp.s.and rice. •Grain Is much mpre to tlieir liking, and they A e now to be found w herever wlieat aud corn are raised and la the winter m onths In the tim bers ad jacent to the lioids. U h e S r e a i b u tt le S to r e ■ T ffa tiis o n J f v e , .......... ................ ... ...... ,-.-690 4 Screen- Doors Oil Stoves . i ....................... 75 <r , A ^3 Oil or Gasolene Stove Oven for $r .75 •A“$ 3 ' Carpet Swedper,very best;make, $ 2.25 5 i6 I' 30 . M O O N ' S P H A S E ’S . , n 2:50 I Third -i j- . 3:57 A a. in. I i i Quarter xO p. in, IXafless tilrfc. horseless carriages, -k First coat loss .men. W hat next?. I.ess seems, V Quarter according (o Ihe KWo 'I’lmes, to be get ting. more. 9 ©lou« 23' 2:07 p. £U* 25 c L E A D IN G The: Prince of Luxuries M erchant DAYS T a il o r 317 BOND S T R E E T 0 PLACES PITMAN AVE ■ ! Ocob GroVe T lie ^ e a r e H t T o w n In t h e W o r ld , 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 . . . . . S hooting w ill be excellent, an d ai- and thousa n d s ._____ 17 18 19 20 21 22 •99c 4eiray-tUu7'spurLsniaii Is gefflngTratff 7 .9 10 fit 12 13 14' 15 •* * i . 6 9 o The Big Kitchen Furnishers 1 4 8 0 Everything, at Less Than Cost—Corrie Early—A Great Chance Sa. 3 '• J Water Coolers . . .. ik . .'(v . *,• — Clothes B ask ets........................ Clothes Horses ,. . . . . , — 1900 SEPTEMBER 1900 Mo. ' 2 ,0 0 0 yards b est quality Table O il C loth, per yard1 0 0 dozens R ogers S ilv e r Tea Spoons, pier s e t •••*• fo r Ills, a n n u a l' raid 011 th e feeding g ro u n d s. T h e railro ad s are now a d v e r tis in g - th e chick en shooting o p p o rtu n i tie s o f th e n p rth w e st as an inducem ent fo r .sportsm en to trav el o ver th e ir lines, b u t it m ay ,b o said, tru ly tiia t th is ycili h u n te rs w lli-ftttd good shoo tin g ev ery w here.'" T h e seaso n opens in M innesota ‘ IIIn A d v ic e . . " Is It h a rd to propose to a g irl?” ask on S ept. 1, In S outh 'Dakota 011 Aiigi Iii a n d in N oi'th D a k o ta an d W isconsin 011 ed th e novice In affa irs of tho heart. “ Som etim es it’s a good d eal -harder S ept. l : P lo v e r a n d ,s n ip e shooting, w h ic h 'b y n o t to propose,” retuVned th e m an of w orldly experience th o u g h tfu lly . “ I t’s m a n y Is re g a rd e d a s the finest sp o rt of all th b w ild fo w l hunting, 1b alread y alw ay s w ell to be on y o u - g u a rd .” u n d e r w ay , a n d m an y b ird s h av e found th e ir w a y to m a rk et. Tho E n g lish c u r lew , th e ja c k sn ip e and th e 1 rcedblrd a re to bo .found on the p ra irie s In the n eighborhood o f sw am ps o r ponds, aiiil Fr. Su. We. Th. Tu. th e fo rm e r a re m uch soiight-lnUim itewU-i o w in g to th e ir sc arc ity and to ti;c fact t h a t th e y on ly go in p airs o r singly. D uck h u n tin g prom ises u n u su a l spori th is fall; a s th e d ry season w ill concen 2 6 B tr a t e th e b ird s n e a r the w ild ric e beds, w h e re th e y m a y b e found b y h undreds A T r u e I'k ’tu r e . C ritic—I m u s t c o n g ra tu la te you on tho v illain o f y o u r piny. l i e leaves the im pression o f hav in g been d ra w n from the life. ' • V A u th o r—He, w as. I m ay sa y to you th a t he is «n ex act p o rtra it of m yself a s.m y w i f d e p i c t s »;trnpklyii Life. P R A i R t E G H I C K E N S iN P L E N T Y A n. O rK nn lxfltlon o? V a o ile T ltle B rook, In H o llan d , is f a r fam ed as tho “n e a te s t to w n li) the w orld.” .Tills to w n Is so fa stid io u s th at u n til a few y e a rs, ag o h o rses w ere n o t allow ed In its s tr e e ts -1 fo r' reaso n s o t cleanliness, a n d th e e n tire to w n is a s scrupulously k ep t a s a m an-of-w ar. I t is a v illage of 2,700 in h a b ita n ts, th e m ain in d u stry of w h ich is tlie ;iialclng of E d au i cheeses. --B o sto n T ra n s c rip t. ^ Tako K ciniet-hle for indigcBtlon. {in New Shuffleboard, Billiard land Pool Parlor aow open’ ;; [ COOPER HALL, Cor. Asbury and Cookman Ayes, 6""Shufflebpards, .17 Pool and Billiard Tables and 2 Cue. Bowling Alleys, Something new MR. LA- ’ ■ VEIGENE will give special attention to teaching ladies how to play Billiards and Shuffleboard, Tables reserved lj; for ladies. Without exception this is the finest amusement hall along the coast. Open day and evenings. = . ( i I ; ; Opposite^ Auditorium a ASBURY AVE M. M. LAVEIGENE. | Asbury Park L A T E S T Above Bradley’s Pavilion L S T Y L E 5 G o lf Hats IN FELT See Electric Signs T rim m e d S tra w H a ts U n trim m e d S tra w H a ts From From ^ 2 . 0 0 "Up FO R T H E W E E K ONLY MRS. E. DIL.TS M IL L IN E R Y 7 0 0 jC ,Q Q k :riig u 3 u X v ;e.-. GIFFOMJO S'QJV Plain, and Ornamental Plasterer® Bricklaying, Setting of Mantels, Banges an Heaters, Also Boiler Setting and Foundations Laid. Tile Setting. SsTiHATaa F u b n is h e d f o b A b o t b , w it h B efk ee n o eh These Lots Range from One Thousand to Five Thousand Dollars 1 - •- - -: . • •• . . . . . . . In defiance of Trusts, Combinations and Advancing M arkets generally, m any ot these nro far below tho lowest of last sea son's prices for sim ilar or inferior goods. An advantage possessed !>y no other Seashore Resort on' the Jersey Coast. pi spaces as Asbury Park. _ . . , ’ ' 1 ] -\ ' ' ’ 1 .... • . “ | W h ere purchasers erect buildings the whole am ount of purchase m oney m a y rem ain on m ortgage. tim e ta m e s JULY SALE PRICES T i2 Burner $6.90, worth $9.50 3 Burner— 8.90, w orth 12.00 The Streets Anbury Park are ONE HUNREb FEET BROAD "I On a n d a fter J u n e 80,1900, TRAfNa LHAVK A8BURV PARK—WKKK DAYS. F o r N ew Y o r k and Newurtc, <>35 (M ondays o n fy ), 7 20, 7 4 3 ,8 20.. fr CO■a m , 120, 2 85,-3 35, 5 35 and U120p ra. — We Quarantce Every Stove For K iizabeth, 7 4 3 ,0 2 0 a m , 1 2 0 , 2 8 5 ,3 3 5 5 8 5 and 9 20 p m . For lta h w a y , 9 20 a m,' 20. 5 35 and 9 20 p m . F or M ataw an, UL’O n m . 1 2 0 ,2 85, 535 and 9 20 p m. 1, v . . . ■' ' F or LongHrancluOBO, 0 35 {M ondays o n ly ),7 20^ „ 7 4'.\,« 20, 9 20. ‘ 102:1, lf l65. Ml 45 Ca| m , 120, i 2 0 ,2 ifc, 3 155. -107,5 21,.5 3 5 ,5 42, 0 l(i, G2d, 7 10. ^0i'(8atiirdaysoDlv) andiiyppro. * ’ % ................. 1 ............. A good reM g erato r saves le a r lt«! Ijs.nk, 7 W, 7 i t , 8 S0*k m, t 20, 2 35, 385, saves food—and saves-m oney. A F o>r 5 35 and 9 20 p an . few of tho high grade • hart! wood For Pliilfidt^lphia, Broad 8 t . anCTTrefiton, 6 25, R efrigerators remain to be sold a t 7 25, 7 52,9.07 a m , 12 4 8 ,3 57 antfB'22 p m , • “Ju ly Sale" Special Prlcos. F or C am den, vlu Trenton und Bordentow n, 725, 9 07 a m , 1 2 4 8 and 3 57 p m . We offer Refrigerators for $3.^8 and u p w ard ,' , j F or Cam den and Philadelphia; v ia T om s E lver, 1552 a nd 1113 a m , 2 2 5 ,5 15 p„m. F or T om s K iver, iHland H eig h ts and Interm ediate station s,0 oL^and 11 1 3 a m ,2 2 5 5 1 5 and 0 02 p m . For P oint P leasan t an(T'tOterraediate station s. 0 00, 0 52. 10 50,11 13 a m , 2.25, 258 (S atu rd ays only), 4 22.1 5 0 .5 10, 5 15, 0 02, 0 45 and 9 00 p m . For run sw ick, via Monmouth* Ju n ction , ' W e iiave tho X X th Century, tlie 0 2 5N,7ew52 Band 9 07 a in,;i2<48,8,57 and 5 22 p m , W hite Mountain, th e Arctic, the ■ TRAINS LKAVK ^BW YORK FOR ASBURY PARK. Blizzard find the Gom; b u t the ice Gn Mm W. I . PAWLEY GO. IN Q T J IR B . O P C . , “ C H IN A H A L L ” - Stoyes arid Housefurnlstflng Goods. No. 162-164 Hlain Street ASBQRY PARK D m s tn a ^ e rs JAJTES A. BRADLEY, Owner DRESS MAKING BtylUh and perfectly flttinR ooahiinefl4—~~ r- tim e ta b le s CENTRAL R. R.JJF NEWJERSEM SKferatlts Coal Dsed Excinslrely, tasnr._ Ing Cleanliness and Comfort Tim e ta b le In e ffect 12.C noon, J u n e 3 0 .1900,| For N ew Y ork v ia Sandv H ook rou te, 6 4 7 ,7 0 7 50, 930, 10 «*)0a in , 12 02, 1 52, 2 6 2 , 5 1 4 p m . Sundays from Interlaken 8tatIon , 9 65 a m “7 1 0 8 ,5 1 2 ,7 55 p m . v TRAINS LKAVK ASBURY PARK* F or N ew York^ N ew ark and Ellr.abeth v ia all rail route, (0 10 M ondays on ly ), 0 17,7U0, (7 28 N ew Y ork o n ly ), (7 33 e x c e p t N «w Y o rk ) 8 00, 10 50 a m , 1202, 2 10, 4 00, 7 05 p i n . S u n d a y s from Interlaken s ta tio n , 7 87 a m ,4 1 9 ,8 05 p m«----- ■— F or P hilad elphia and T renton via K lliabetliiH )rt, 6 17, (7 00 e x c e p t T renton) 8 00,10 60 a m , 12 02, 2 10;, 4 00 p m . Su n d ays from In terla k en s ta tion, 7 87 a m , 418 p m . P or B altim ore and W ashington , 7 00, 8 0 0 .1 0 5 0 a m , 12 02, 4 00 p m . SundayB from In ter la k i t . station , 7 87 a m { 4 IB p m . F or E aston , B eth leh em . A llen tow * and M aueh •Chunk, 6 17, 8 00, (10 50 to E a s to n ), a m , 12 02, 2 10,(4 00 to E a s t o n ) ,p m . .S u n d a y s from In* terlaken station , 4 18 p m . . FdrW llkeabarre and Scranton, 8 00 a m.-12 02 p m i F or B uffalo an d C hicago via D ., L . A W . B . B ., 8 00,10 50 a m , 400 p m . J. H. OLHAUBENr Gen’l Supt. H , V B a l d w in . Q en. P ass A g t “ Gom” Is tlio gem . t t freezes equal to th& best and takes less ice to do it, ' ^ . rom W e st Tw enty-third S treet S tation; 8 55 aim , 12 10,110(Satu rd ays o n ly ), 2 25j2 5 5 ,3 2 5 , 4 10, 4 55 and 055 p m . Sun days, 7 55 and 9 25 a m , apd4 5 5 p ift. • "* * . it., $ I , 8 S >3 qt„ $2.15 4 q t., $2.50 From D esb rosses S treet Station at,330, 9 00 a m , 12 20,1.10 (Saturdays o n ly ), 230, 3 10,3 40, 4 20, 6 q t. $3.25 5 10 and 700 p m , B undays, 8 1 5 ,9 45 a m and ■/ , ■ __5-35-piii,„_____ _____ 1 .............. •_ From C ortlandt Stroet S tation , a t 3 30. 9 09 a m , 12 2 0 ,1 2 0 (Satu rd ays o n ly). 2 8 0 .3 10,8 40<4 20. 5 10 und 7 CO p m . Sun days 8 15, 9 45 a m . and 0 15 p m , Ou Sun day w ill stop a t Interlaken No. S.Oval Tlii.Wiijiii BoIlerS)... .-40c and Avon In plac« of N orth A sbu ry P ark and Asbury Park to le t off passengers. , 3 qt. Enameled Tea P o t s . j . . . .Iflu TRAINS LKAVK PHILADELPHIA (BrOOd Bt) 70R 8 qt Coffee P o ts.!....life .- ‘ “ W ash Bowls....... Ilk; ASDURY PARK« » . • “ S o u eeP an s,.__ S5o A t 4 05, 05^.~8^22 j l 44 a m , 2 42,3 30 and 4 08 p m , “ Tea Kettles., ,,l,25o w e e k -d a y s,-5 00 p in (S atu rd ays o n ly ). Sun d a y s, stop , a i Interlaken fo r A sbu ry P ark,’4 05 It Wll! Certainly Pay You to Know Our Store J a n d 8 30*a m . M arket S treet W harf, via C am den and T renton, 6 10, 7 10,10 30 a m , 2 30 and 3 30 p m w eek -d ays. 4 30 (S a tu rd a y s-o n ly ). L eave M arket S treet W harf, via Jam eebu rg, - 710 a ia . 4 00 d m w eek-days. ! , . ; P o s t a f f io e B o z 4 8 , B r a d le y B eaoJi, j? , j . OlllllBWVMlBSS sMtlOiiialiO PENNSYLVANIA^RAILROAD on stove is a woirnei T h e S ta n d a r d R a ilro a d o f A m o rlc a . . . . ‘T ’HERE will never be another seaside town in ,Monmoutb CSunty * that will compare with the broad streets -and open space's, such as ; shown on the map of Asbury Park. This assertion Is based on the fact that all the ocean’front lands -between Seabright and Barnegat are already laid out. with streets averaging FIFTY PER CENT. LESS in width than those laid out in Asbury Park, without such open . M r s . m . h , J.OKDATM , Parldrs 603 Mattison Avenue Next Door to Postoffice. Tailor made suits; golf Suita; accordion aitomtlons made; BKlrta relKiund, etc, 80 Cents PATTEN Lir e A ND TH E BtMlcGoast Electric B. l Co Via PLEASURE BAY TIME TABLE, AUd. 27 (Subject to change).. LEAVE PLSABURE BAY W eek d ay s:. ,.7.20, 8.1(1 a. m.j 3.10, 4.10 p.m RETURNING LEAVE N EW VO ItK Foot W est 13th E ta n o . * n .0 0 a.m . 2.40 p.m. B attery P ark 9.80, *11.80 a. m„ .3.10 p. m. •O a Satnndays only 11.00 o'clock boat leaves W est'ISth st. 15.45 aud B attery FarSc l.lS j), m. instead of 11.80 a, m. S U N D A Y S,:.;; W A S H IN G T O N A N B T H E SO U T H . LKAYK BROAD STRKBT, PHILADKLPHIA. E or B altim ore an d W ashington , 3 50,7 20,8 32.912, 10 ft). 11 2:?, l l 33 a m . 1230 lim ited (D inin g C ar), 1.13 (D in in g C ar), 3 13, 4 41 (525 C ongressional lim lted.(D ining Car),0 0 20,0 55 (D in in g C ar), 781 (D inin g Car) p m . and 1220 n ig h t w eek d ays. Sun days, 3 50.7 20. 9.12. 11.23, U nB . a - m , 113 (D in in g Car),. 3 13,.J 41 (5 20 C ongressional L im ited, D lniug C ar), 0 05. 0 55 (D inin g C ar), I m v n PleaspM Bay, 4.80, '4,45. —J^ l-tD in ln g^ 3ar)-p m H »n d 42^ ah iR h t. — —.... ... Tlm o ta b le s o f all oth^r train s of th e sy ste m 0.00. 10.40 a. ns. m ay be obtain ed a t tlie tic k e to fllc e s or station s.. le a v e B attery K irk ,- 8 ,SO, 9.10, 1 J . It. WOOD, G e n .P a ss. A g t ,' a. m. , -• J . B . H U TC H IN SO N , G en. M anager. . ■ John N. Bum s-..... UNDERTAKER 708 Afattlson Avenue Coffins and Biirlftl CasScets on ttanO, or vroished to order. 5.00 p. in, 9 .8 d ^ ll.l5 .' Ou I.uljtM Day, Monday, BtiiHoir., ' r 3f boatil iv lil run en sam e Hciil;dult) aa Sm itlav.Houtonilioi: -______ .' ■ . ' - Take car which laare, Aiimry Va»k not tator than (1.110a. m. for 7.20 , . m. boat. Jflor atternoon boats, t£&4 car not later thas UO for 12.10 boss; 3,10 for ■.1J boat; 4,10 ■t 540 boat. Uufidayf 8.80,3.40,4.00 p. tn, Batgag, oarrlod tree with pam e a t t t ■ /T - ASBURY PARK DAILY PRESS,’WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER' f>,; 1900. . . • .............------------------------------------ *—_. T>Vp.Sppc1a 11y^tn~tii6~rity o f•'N’ew-Y6 r kr*iin-ortfnn; . 1 Too L arnu, • Ized cuiispii'aey to «b*fe«t .the pnrpoHo of the elec ■Charles Mitckiiy oueo told tliln .s to r j tion laws and to carry the eleethms h.v fraudu lent practices’. TUe fraudulent. operations of'the j i i (xjim uetloh w itli u IU iins iuom orlnl; IVmoeraHe orgmifzution, repealed year after, yeari American Guns Thunder a W ei j?'' T h e N a u ir litF D e a r CnbB. S in ck ay ;liiul prihnlHed to collect- sh il New York Republicans In Con compelled the enactpient of ii- special law k«Vi My b ro th e r B illy is!) a cook f o r a lin g s fiU- som e m o n u m eiit to .tlie liouot eriiing elections in the metropolitan district, 'ilie come at Bar Harbor. vention at Saratoga. .. Democrats characterised this law ns a "fore® hill’' lu in b erm au ’s cam p . I t is a lonely spot, o f IturuR, n nd ho ap p lied w ith eonfl. h.way l a th e h e a r t of tiio pi no w oods, donee fo r ft su b scrip tio n to a n E ngimd- wlilf thtrcry of “ homo rule” sought .‘to dis credit the .act ^aml to hold themselves immune r f iE DEOLAEATION OF PBINOIPLES against riiiitalimelit for electoral erjmes. jDiit the1 A B0BNB NOT ON T H E PB0BEAMMB b u t B illy lias a ta m e b e a r t h a t com es Ilslinm n ^vho had ro p reseiitcd in p arliato sco h im ' p v ery d a y a n d Is b e tte r in en t fo r riiany y e a rs a c e rta in ;Scotlaw abrogates no. rif^Iils'ot the citir.cn arid-Hv no~ c o m p a n y ,th a u v lo ts of people—so Billy tisii boi-ougli. • . .. t v i,. v •"* . >■ -.^-*■'S • ..j>> j 1 'liitfo rm IndnriicN I’roN ldent SlcK ln* •way interferes with local’aUiuhdstnttion. It is Tlie B o e r P lrig i U nineil b y a ^Vev* designed solely for the detection atxi punishment “ No,” said M r. Fortose.Bo Hat-rlsots.. •7 V ' " ; le y n n d IU n A d m in iM trntlon n n tl of crimWand for the protection of honest VGtcrs CnimoH a D eehleil Commo- saT3fa* F o u r t h A V esu e. a n d 'K i n g s l e y S t r e e t h is b e a r^ w h o s e n am e Is Jlu n le , .is “ I ffli\ no lo n g er' ln pai-lliuiiijiit, an al I O e v q te s SIuoli S p ace <o S ta te .I k? against rogues, i t lo n —It W uh F i n a lly . C ut D rtw a ya g re a t p e t w ith a ll ,the cam p ers.. She h a v e now nniyh p leaH u re/ta refu sin g Tho Republican legislature has enacted the • t h e lio e n l A u th o r itie s . . hucm—l*rnncIiiN c T u x L nty F u v o re d , b rings h e r cu b s alih o st to th e cabin, to Biibaerlbii th e ■siilIlSrtg„^fPlt!eli: In. franchise tax law, which is now for the first time S aratoga, Sept. 5.—Tlu» Republican being-put hi operation. Its results, cannot yet be B a r H arbor, -Me,* Sept. 5.—French* th e n leaves th em an d com es, s tr a ig h t fo rm er (la s s 1 sh o u ld lm ve ‘been stated.. The taxation of corporations enjoying the ■ I sta te convention w as called .to order, by m an’s bay resounded w ith the booming to th e k itch en , f o r sh e k n o w s th a t Billy obllgeil to ^ive.- A V hat.Ilhqve siiCfered' Cl i:it m um Odell o f. the sta te committee, use of public property(will continue to be, as it of caiinon yesterday morning, tind lis’the %IU ffl.ve l’i ^ enough'^ food fo r h erself th ro u g h IJUrjls-Vilieavoii' ' alo n e who nnnoun.ecd th e selection of Tim othy has' been in.the past^ a policy of the Repub echoes rolled, along the m ountains an d a n d her ch ild ren , ' I* tell!- F irs t, 1 )irt(l' t 9 ': pi-nise liim; In ' tiie ' ' L., ‘W oodniff as tem porary 'chairm an, licans.*, • The Republican party is not opposed' to. tho nat the heavy snioke drifted aw ay spectators. %.The little \cu b s -arptorntlier sh y an d u iost. fOfBOhi^V m an u eri AVltlibtit llavlnfi . TlW...nithrfiincoment w as greeted witli ural and legitimate combination of productive . could see inside thi* b reak w ater,. uau££ .BCjldom le a v e ’.th e ^ iio f AVhere she places rooil liis; w;ofl!s. ■Xlfea -I- h a d (o-learn.' uliciivs which lasted several minutes. ••• forces, whether of capital necessary for the con the 7 lee of Bald - Porcupine* and .Gi'eeU; t o i-eclte- tp b rtlo n s; o f / fiifl . poem s > b y ‘ q u ite a * An ' en th u siastic K ings county. dole- ducting of largo enterprises or of labor looking mountain, tlie •Knglish, scpiadi'on which iticm y ^3 ito ;|feeem s th e b est of ■heni-fe iiiiil .la'/rto in B 'BO to glvd -tlie i?a10 shm ited, 4,’J'hre*o cheers—for T lm -' to tho profitable development of. resources ami to had jiist ilryived. Ijeyond B a r island,; ^00 ;iind:«enj8 ilflQfino(t h e r f ------- . - i n S B ''l e a d i n g -I e o t e l i n ; E V E R Y ' r e s p e c t u 1 " ■ oH1y n; ."\\r<rO(]ruffl'.’--and thesu;w urogi veiT iecurlng:.roT:inilu^iry_it3_due:j?hure”gfl*t!ie'"fe\vafds •yards.u p ' the coast in th e larger'ha>;X the ;childroti ^ o rrjetim es fo rg etr v e rs e s ' as" aiu cli -a? Iposslhlo- w ith h - ■ j ’ -.'■■> J 'I -■ •.'M'-VV! .......... Is;'.', earned by it«;chyn efforts,,but it is opposed to. all white w arships of the United S tates.'h ll ■ (One '.d a y "J iiiu ie caine in;- n nd w ith ; Bebtdh . accentj I llay e h a d to w a lk : most heartily. combi nations seeking to control prices aud to fire*' Reference to th e Republican position, Jlutteriug w ith lings, w ith bands playing vent competition, -and it specifically denounces, and sm all guns coughing smoky salutes, g re a t d ig n ity w a lk e d u p ~ to th e ta b le w ltiio u t: my. lia t a n d w ith tiio ra in rth the money quest ion,-, tlie independence •criminal.-eonspiracies a n d b eg an to e a t th e sc rap s t h a t had, p o u rin g v d o iy n '.u p o n m y . u p p ro tected between public officials and »f Cuba and th e Philippine policy was corporations by - whk*h suet) corporations design were paying a tr ib u te 'o f honor to the jriven h earty applause, U n it'th e climax or are enabled through the favor and protection newly arrived sea fighters of G reat B rit been sa v ed fo r lier. S u d d en ly she h e a d n s lead er o f n pro cessio n In, h on fame!wheiK-J !vJ Woodruff said, “ Out of of- ojHrials to exact'unjust tribute from t hi} peo aiu. It seemed like;a .sea fightv for botli hpard a noise,;and,. Iboklng th ro u g h th e o r o f B u rn s, h u d '.u n d e r tlieso eireurijElectric - tigh ts, f . : ]. ;Baths. tlu*ii* liitfer /oxpcfienees the people be ple. squadrons wore belching flame,and-smoke open door; s h ^ s i w th e tw o cu b s a b o u t s ta n c e s I refilso: w ith g en n ln e d elig h t Elevator, ; '- '^ * p ^ ^ n o , ; { !i. .. • A ‘ We believe ;.that- in the1 Interest of the health, at each other. Along shore crbwds w a t 9^ to e n te r, i t p iijs t h a ^ . liccn ./^ g aiu st to siy o a . sh illin g o r an y . sm a lle r, su m lieve in th e rescue of New York City from ‘ ' ,;V ' E V E N IN G • DINNER S \ ' tlie elutches-o.f tlie organisation which ex?. nnd eoniiort'-of citizens the people of the munipi-. .(id witli interest the opening form alities h e r o r d e r s r ‘fb r sh e in sta n tly r a n to to tlie o b je c t JoUj h a v e lu v iew .’* ' ' Ists only 'to. b arter every public priyiltyje, l>{diUe<* filionld own and1 oj/crate their water sup . between . th e squadrons of th e-tw o : na th em a n d boxed, th e ir e a rs so u ndly an d . — —-V-——-----the Republican party .will favor legislaf and blackmail'.every Rrhratle. right.” l\oI* plies,-and 'T l ie L n r l e s t M a n . . J',vi Telephone 80a p u sh e d a n d - s la p p ’ed a n d drove fh em tion to enable every municipal ItyV the just rights tions.' & a time the. delegates and audience gave ‘of all. N,‘ing conserved, to enter upon and' take T he scene ;had a delightful setting. back to th e ir "stoppi ng place, grow ling T h e ' la z ie s t m a n In N o rth A m erica, noisy approvnh T here w a s:no more w ind tliau would .give under the condemnation laws tlie watersheds nfec* W E N A L L . T U K Y i i A S ..,, T he declnrntiou th a t the Republican ■ssafr to sechre for their inhabitants an adequate the tiniest rippl^ to the w ater. T h e stiii au d scolding a s she w en t. I t w as; a discovered h im se lf th p otliOr "eve.ulng -Tiftvty i ini'pDM'd a poHcy^vhirlr~ ‘Hjrlrti=,fri«!i', t'he-ihills,,,sti,uel?,:,i% hthi^=toTf fu n n y ^ s .lfihtr T h e—PQM^-Uttl<^ c »ba: ,liLttL(L»av.-.ellj,!aQlis;lfli tn a rlm c a ta ^ n o L , \yijj,^Harmitee^ J‘tliat.<mr represent:!tives aud taftrail w ith brilliance, picked out, w hined a n d looked v ery fo rlo rn , w h ile f a r fro iii' L a fa y e tte s q u a r e . w h ero h e ' P r a iie lilH e T iix L n w -In(l«|rnci1. • lin'd. pe.o(Ae \viil be. jirnte'cted as recent ly ' the long: double line <»f English m arines M adam J ln n le looked ..Severe an d liv e s, l ie w ns-lyiiiK on a couch in his The Republican party lias comm itted itself iii'C h in a ” crilled forth' .ri liurfct' of; ir p - ‘ without leserve to civil.’ service -reform and , . '* . lo unglni;.room , siiwikiug a clg ar, w h en with their red coats and w hite helm ets sta te ly . pjins'ed' an. a ct w-iiich it is effectively enforcing pfa use. as did, M r. W oodruff’s !d ra m a tic . aud polished guns and-crept tow ard the M 1 R L B O K O U G H A fte r sho h a d , d riv en tiiomV b a c k to th e c ig ar w e p t o u t—th a t is t o say, nsM-rtinn. *‘\Ve. Tvill .not haul down the and which' it intends to .enforce hi \ he sp irit, of_ Aniavivaii-~tlglitei5s^st ill-linVtluv mov4\ing- th e ir pi a c c s h e : relufned* ‘t 0 “ tl r e c a b in ' tlic-ni-a'-at-tlie enil "(if tlie c ig a r 'd a p a rtthe ronstitutiiiiiaf anfemlment wlioreby merit anti American flag.” shadows.- ’T h e . purple m ountains in tlm an d i s ta i d ' tli^ re all aftern d b n . I t ed. The. m ini l-alsetl h im se lf o n oiie fitness^ ' pjoved- b.v competent exa'niination, are O o rn o r G ra n d n n d As M r.■-Wjoo'^rufT closed 'a slumt' burst made the test for entrance into the public.service distance, the' fa r stretching w ater of tho really seem ed a s if sh e h ad . m ad e lip n rn i w ith g re n t effort, a n d sn a p p ed tho • M n n ro e A v o n u o s ' from every section of the hall, and tlu«. and for the* future promotion therein. bay, tbe towu gn^' w ith national colors, h e r m ind to te a c h them a lesson 'o f m essen g er 1*11 th a t w h s in stalled ,o ver ' *' _ v, tipplause • w as continued u n til. th** band all m ade a pretty picture. T he English Th** proper poliey to be pursued 'with respect ^ b c h s h e . left, sho to 0 k tlie c o u tC ;; 3’in>!i lie i-eelined a n d w a it liegau to Yda.v. •, * to the canals of tho state7 la a subject of grave squadron slipped in quietly to anchor. pbctlience. A s h y i l ¥ P A K K , n ., a . ... l.ientcnd^rt (1 overnor Wooden II.. then * concern to the people. , Thirty years', ago, when A s the cables rattled dpwir.witb, splashes •\Vith h er.som e.,fo o d fo r tlie prior little ed,; A fte r.n b h u t te n iH lnutes U iero 'w aa took up the gavel and first recognized ’ the capacity o f the canals was less than it is to the American, flag WJ'nt up a t the m ast cubs, a n d t^ey' a te it in a Very, tim id a k iib e lt'a t'.th o door, i n d a m essen g er day, there was Imoved over them , twice as great a head of the flagship Crescent. Then tm» • m a n n e r ant1a,s! though, th ey w ere so rry b o y'pnform l. " • tonnage. - h i proporlion ■as their capacity has baml played 1“ T he S ta r -Spangled Ban“ D ’Jo u .rin g , sir? ” n sked th e boy. for b ciii^ . su c i^ /iia u g h t^ ch ild ren an d A . Af. Increased nnd as thoiam m mt of possible business “ Ves, HOUy’ snld tlie la z ie s t m a a In has lirmvn and developed their use has’decreased. ;ner,” and as th e notes Went) through the ^ ’ould. “n o v e r Silo it. a g ain.”. ^ In 1MHS th e 'la k e receipts of flour amounted to' still air to 'th e'th ro n g s on shore cheer a f t th e w e ste rn h em isp h ere, “J u s t glm m o BJlly sald it made- him th in k o f th e er cheer w ent tip. ' *:: .; . ,v . • barrel.-*,; but only were shipped , H as-A ll M odern Im provem ent* Handsomely Furnished w ay g ra n d m a used to pu n ish him w h en a m a tc h off tlia t'ta b le tliertr, w ill y o u ?” New Houao through the canals; the lake receipts of grain were F a r q u l in r GreetH He<lfori3, T h e b oy h a n d e d t h e ; m a u .o n th e bushels, b u t'« n ly 23,2iW,000 were .ship Im m ediately .everything became busy. ho w a s a-d ittlc boy,\ an d lie k n ew ju s t couch a m atch n a d -waited. T h e m ail REM AINS O P E N U N T IL NOVEM BER 1* ped through the canids’; the dumber mdvetnent Boats were, lowered and sent aw ay "withr how th o se cuba fe lt.—C hicago Record. at Tonawaiida dniounted to 409,177,440 feet, but re lig h te d h is cig a r an d sm o k ed on. th e canal shipments were, only IS I, "OD,740. The tars pulling lustily on th e sweeiVs.. A s a A \ ro n n ir .afarlfsm an . D ’lo u w a n t m e to go som ew here; ••-.cat. gathevingLof,.sma il - c i-afu g rw v —u p . n e r e is a .p ic tu r e o t B a n d sm an H j’ifle sir?” ask ed th e hoy, fidgeting. York W a s <Ki,7i-l;0S3'tons, b u t-th e ca’nal tonnage about th e Crescent the barge of Admiral “No; t h a t ’s nil,” sa id -th e m an . “T ak e was only per cent of the railroad tonnage, al F arq u h ar cam e alongside.’ Vice Adm iral o f R ugby school, th e sm a llest an d p ro b though tjie_ nailrojid charge for freight per ton Bedford w«>i-waiting to greet him a t the ab ly th e y o u n g est boy w ho ev er sh o t t h a t h a lf d o lla r on th o ta b le .” Third Avenue and Kingsley Street per m ile was; nearly .twice as great as the canal head of. the gangway. A dm iral FarciuT h e n th o boy w e n t out, g rin n in g . charge. The last Hepublican legislature appro h a r w as accompanied by F lag Lieutojmnt T h a t m a n o u g h t to h e o n som a gov priated-the sum o f '$100.000 to be, expended in /a Benson ami Aid .M arshall. T here w as a tliorouir)i nnd-seientitie J m l.stig a tio n of the causee rn m e n t “com m ission” to in v e stig a te of this dri-line in canal traffic and of the charac- brief exchange of conipliinents,' and; the so m e th in g som ew here. —W ash in g to n Americancommanding oflic(*r returned to trr and expense of all the numerous projects that S ta r have been proposed for the.betterm ent of the ca his barge, w hich waited w ith tossed oars nals and to bring about their greater use. It is while tlie Crescent, lired the adm iral’s sa I t M ay He I’n sli o r t f M iiy'Bo F a l l . tlie poliey of the Republican p a rty ,'if any further lute. W lthiii tbe half hour Vice Admiral P o litic ia n —Sly boy, th o d o o r to ev ery expenditure Of-public money is*to be made upon Bedford, accompanied- by F la g L ieuten A rtesian water,- clcctric light, gas, electric bells.- Select patronage. su c cessfu l b u sin ess IB lab eled “ P u sh .’® the .canals except for .maintenance, to place be- an t Strcit field and F la g Secretary Byron, T h o u g h tfu l Y o uth—in n ’t y o u r b u si 'fore tbe people the assured fiicfs,*'together with steam ed oyer* to the New York, where estim ates the accuracy of which can be relied n e ss a su c cessfu l one, sir? sim ilar form alities took place. A double ..... .i ' up(.u. • P o litic ia n —W ell, y es; I fla tte r m y se lf linet of m arines and the .officers o f the Service and cuisine firstclass. E v e ry th in g up-to date. C redit is giveif the Hepublican party fleet were w aiting to greet the distin t h a t It la v ery su ccessfu l. W h y do you for the enactm ent of labor law s which guished English visitors; • * a s k th a t? . ________ M. N. MYERS, Prop. ■ extend protection to the wm'kingnian-and- —T he."public-reccption-ta incut the tw rr T h o iig h tfu l—y o u th —B ecause; si?; T to women and children employed.in mer adm irals lasted two hours. I t took place see y o u r do o r Is lab eled “P u ll.”,—D e cantile establishm ents. T he increased a t St. Sauveur,.one of the* leading hotels F A M IL Y M O T E M t r o it F re e T ress. prosperity enjoyed by the farm ers of the here. T he InKge m usic room w as draped sta te of Now York Vngjttged in m arketing w ith the flags t.fj,England a ml the United • • B E N JA M IN J*.:O D ELL. \ Grand and Sowal! A venues O E T T Y S llim G , I-lIltA Y , W A SH IN G T O N •fileorgc W . Aldrich of M o n rot*,, who of-; an im portant product is referred to thus: S tates. At least 1,500 persons came to OPEN ALL TIIBi ':?HAR. ' The legislature has encouraged- b y reasonable pay th eir respects/ to A dm iral Bedford ferod a resolution th at ltciihen L. Fox, Personally Coiiittictort T our v ia P ennsylB team heat 'E lectric llgkll. aml=ArlmiraH,'aTqnliTn'r— Php* t wmotll cevjf *John S). K enyon, Colonel K nxtei\.T rimes Ttppropriatiotr^hc^cfitaldiBhment-Tvf-tlKnsug-.ir^bi'ttt^ vnnitk Itailrond. industry, with the result that thousands o f neres All modem Improvnj S. W hipple, K. 11. Gleason and C. A.. are already devoted to the growth of the sugar stood side by side before an immense, Over tiio biittleflolil of G ettysburg, Bun parlor. BeasonalJla prloea cluster of union jacks m iugled with* the Ball be appointed as secretaries of tho* beet, and hundreds of thousands af eupltal have through th e picturesque Biile mouutninH, L'onvehtion; and this w as adopted w ithout been invested in plants for the production of sta rs and stripes. T he reception .jvas 1:>/ via Hiigorstown siiid Antletnm , and down under th e auspices of the board of tya.de. beet sugar. . 1 , ' ; . opposition. tlm lionnttfnl and historic Shenandoah v al ‘‘EAXBSitfej’’ AT Tnu'lii^OE. Resolutions were then offered for the ley to tho unlq t><! Cav -.-ns o t I.uray; thnnce A ttention is culled to the repeal of the F irst Select m an Charles Wood int roduc ed the visitors, and they eaine frn q rev ^ o v er th e f a m o i^ 'r if le ia n g e a t Blsloy, across .tho rolling lillls of N orthern Vir appointm ent by the tem porary chairm an H orton law,, to the care of the interests ' ( %*‘J / E n g la n d . l i e R tahds only 4 f e e t niid Is ginia to W ashington, is th e .ro u te of thle . ;if the usual com m ittees/perm anent o r of the unfortunate classes, to th"e appro erywhere. C orner l-'ifth A ycnue!and Iteck S treet. ' Open. All th e Y ear.,' T he reception w as n trem endous•site* 15 y e a rs old; Y e t lie m ad e a b ig score, tour—a peotion ot tho country intensely inganization, credentials and resolutions, priations fo r scientific purposes,; to the* O pposite Sunset .Lake Special accom m odations for bicycles. Usresting from botli iililstorlo and a'sconlc und -.My. W oodruff announced L .‘~ E. .iilatiu.mviiur^hip--uf-{iinl)er—bitidK -intliC ' cess, and A dm iral Bed ford- "sa id a fte r 0;! points, u t U00 a n d 000 y ard s, lu tiio standpoint. ~’77Qti ev\r "Yn*i•1c a s’T l ia inn on o.FTiie; Adiniudacks aiid linishes with, this para ward tii'ut it 'w as one of . th e heartiest '•••. . r. ' 1" . For term s address J l MRS. A, I . G U Y , Tiifi w u r wiil leavo We# "york 7.55 a. m., pxiblio Bchbols cbiupetltlD u recently. receptions .he had ever, had. :' . -;t»iuimjttei» o n . pernuinent organization, graph:: . '• and Philadelphia 13.SU p .-m „ Saturday, ■ ■■ ■ L ast night Adm iral F a rq u h a r gave a Af. ,TM )ady . of K ings chnirnuui of th e ’ t'overlng the whole period of the seven years of 9ept. 15, iii eliargo of one of th e aompany’n . A 2 v Itiil E m p e r o r . form al. tdi 1 1 tier r;nhoard* the ‘New York. j'nnuuittee on’ credentials . ami John its-cuiitrul o f-th e st a t t government, the itepuhto u rist agents, and w ill'co v er a peri.od/ol D u rin g n fo u r In o titlis' v isit In B erlin live days. An experienced chaperon, whose . Raines; of O ntario chairm an of the com lic-an party points ‘to a-record during which -the It w as entirely':a naval affair. l i e wel mittee on resolutions-, w ith■-a. member charge of inaladministration Cannot be- brought comed Adm iral Bedford*, th e captains Inst w in ter, s a y s a w ell k n o w n tr a v especial charge will tie unescorted-ladies, Now O pen' 3 0 2 F ifth A venue, A sb u rs P a rk , N. J. from 6 ach a^seinbly district! on., each succc.sjifully ugiiinst any of its ollicial s. It i3 »a and commanding' officers' . o f the- two eler, I noticed num<!rouft sa n d piles s u r will accompany the trip throughout. Hound T w o block* m a il tlia ueenn. One or th e llnent view s of th e P a rk anil ocean record of progress and good government, of prom; squadrons, C aptain Ilbiu. Stanley C. .7.* rounded.!)}- h ap p y ch ild ren 6£ all ages, trip tickets, covering transportation, car, . i*oiumittt!e. I drives, und hotel accommodations, to b e 'h a d i N e ar Sunset L ak e ,‘boating am i b a th in g ground^. Firstciars hotel ises kept, not of pledge* broken, lielylng upon Colville, C. B „ of th e'C rescen tj .Cftptnin and, w ondering \fliy th e y w e re allow ed riago T he convention then took a recess, will 1» sold at, tho extrem ely low rate of C E O , W . W A T E fiS O R Y . ■■"Upon reassembling Mr. Daily; chair-, this, it asks-thc support of ull tiio voters;for the Robert S. Rolleston o f the Tribune, Cap tlie privilege of s c a tte rin g th e sa n d In i-i'i from New York, *24 from Treitton, *22 In every respect, candidates nominated by this convention. tain Francis' R. IVlly of th e Psyche/Cnp* mail of the. committee on credentials, an from Philadelphia, and pronortoinate rates tills o th erw ise v e ry tid y city , I m ad e tain F rederick L.; .Campbell of the In nounced th a t “ there were ,no contests in : from o th er points, iForHi0tij ni* Jam JAmes;. tyornpr fjookmati <vuuriuimj «*»■' >t t i n a i rForm erlr Rt, es). Corner I t o o s e v / l t ’N W e s i e r r t I t in e r a r y * I MB1 1/ \1T1Z1 ^* II ..... caa» Ariun duo «nd W>l.k Wehb ul utreot. Open oil all tlm tho vnnr yoar. flntn Com defatigable. L ieutenant Com mander E d Inquiries nnd le a rn e d t h a t b efo re tho Hor Itineraries and fuH inform atlon apply # the entire sta te ,’* which w as greeted'w ith mandinK full view of tho sea. Hroad porches Saratoga, Sept. 5.—-.Governor Itoose- mund II. Rymer, of the Quail, C aptain old K m peror W illiam d ied lie ordered to ticket agents, to u rist agent, 1i!H> Broad applause. large, airy, comfortable room*. Bteainjieated throuKhout. Bervico and cuhdne way, New Y orfe 78B liroad street, Newark, velt, a fte r his speech in the Republican A. S. Snow of the New York, C aptain F. larg e piles of sa n d to b e p laced a t inT he committee on perm anent organiza tion reported the' name of Nevada N. sta te convention. this afternoon, will de W . D ickius of the .Indiana, C aptain M. te ry a is in U n ter d on L in d en nnd’ also N. J .; or address George W . Boyd, assist ant, general passenger agent, Broad Street Stranahim for perm anent chairm an, and p a rt on his western speeehmaking tour S. Maclvemde of the T exas, C aptain N. In a ll tiio larg e p a rk s th ro u g h o u t th e station, Philadelphia. A •A ' *• _ w v j • Open all the year, Knlarged and 1m* he w as escurted to the chair by Congress as outlined by himself and the m anagers C. T rajn of the M assachusetts,.C aptain city fo r th e benefit o f th e p o o r children. e c k k man Screno JO. P ayne and Senator.H enry of the Kepublican national committee, W . M. Kolger of tbe K earsarge, C aptain T h e pleasure p ro v e d to he so g re a t (lovernor Roosevelt's itinerary is as fol C.'M . C hester of the K entucky and Lieu White, l i e spoke clearly ami forcibly. t • 1 SOI Fourth av**ime Near the beach; ocean view The, sentitheat of the conventiim found lows: D etroit. Sept. (j; (Jrund Rapids,- tenant Comm ander-'N. S argeant of tlie th a t th e children oil .'all classes, rich I H p | f * 1 / | f | f t " I l j ) f T l nil modorn Improvement*; tt*rms reaflonahlo. expression .in the. most prolunged dein- Sept. 7; South Beiul, Ind., Sept. .8 : La Scorpion: *also Adm iral U pshur, D r. Rob* and poor, m ingled to g eth er, nil arm ed 1 llw U U V / I \ l H ^ I i a i I A x n e ORLANDO, cor. timrnl aiid Mtiuroe ave_Ui;ijsse, -Wis,, Sept. 10;— Y 4 inlaou»_Sapt^. evt-A inor-y-am U D iv-J^Iadison—r^vy-hir.— -With-—spoons,—p ad d les,—b u c k e ts—an d ■nnstvTvtmir-o UTr*tb\y*Aviie n—M rrf St va n tv-— “tiuea. OpenaUtlKryeflr. NewTiouSernewfifrnittirtiflrttodarniniprovenientsr-YMHHrOKOrMrPEY— Sept. 12; Aber liau declared th a t the span of life would 11 v Rrookiugs, S. pans. In V ictoria p arlt.-w h ieli Is s i t u U o er Flan: MuUe* T ro n b le , ►w-ig m .J » !' Corner First aven»i« and Kmory street. All modern ImproveraentM. never see the day when the people fWo\ild. deen, S. D .f S eptV l^JT argo, S. D., Si?pt. Ju s t a fte r th e -B ritis h ships’ dropped ated, in th e -p o o r” d istric t, th e re is ono 0IWU M th e year. Special terms foj*_Uie v relinquish one single inch of the territory 11; IJisninrck; S6 pt. 15; H elena, JNIon., J. 8. ADIUAN. aoiid acre of IHte w h ite sniid, w h ere on a nchor nn incident of more than ordinary Sept. 1 T-;— lin t te,f-M on.,-S ept.-18;r I-oca' securedvat the' saerifice-of-the "blood andr tel in, Ida.. Sept. 1!); Ogden, TJtalu Sept. Interest occurred near the shore path. n'fliiu (lay iMiniTrcds’o f bhlidron d ig a n d •life of;citizens of this peerless republic. j g ' • w ir •* • One block fi*om ocoan; miporlor nccomrnndatldnB; -H: S alt Lake f ’ity. Sept. 21; E vanston, E dw ard V an. Ness of Ni>w York swung p lay ,.en jo y in g th e k in d n ess o f th e old Tin* I*lntforln» A<1o p ted . ,p . to the breeze'from a staff 011 his'law n a h0&t Addiem A, J..110R1AIN, r T he platform as prepared by'.the, eom- Wy., Sept. 22; Clieyenne, W y., S e p t/2 4 ; large Boer flag and. addressed .his friends- em peror. T h is Im p ressed m e a s th e ,S!ttl Sccond Avtmuo. miMi-e on resolnlions w as<•then n?ail by Denver, Sept. 2r>;. Mi'CJook, Neb., .Oct., 1; in 'denunciation'of .the B ritish. T h e flaji g r e a te s t k indness I ev e r w itn essed . ' Lincoln,. Neb. fstfternonn), Oct. 2; Platt.-<Chairm an I'ain cs and- tulop.ted w{lij.out raising* m ade the people' angry, nnd a mouth, N«di.: lovening h . Oct. 2 : .Dein|A . lilt t i e Y e l l o w U l r d , —ilitisentO cean R p te i$ iTdVX*n7vol un 1trered~to"<Tut "tHe 'pcd(“ Utiwa On the horrlors o f a wood, . ,y . 'I'll iL .p l a f f o r m r e v i e w s a t c o n s id e r a b lo \vu«d.JS,_ D„ Oet.-^i; Om aha, Oct. 4; W a without fu rth er ceremony. R e ar Admiral Snnil 01-ltriinn nv«nim,-l ttmllO MbCllntqok street. Tills holifl Is tertow n, la ., Oct. Jt; aud Chicago, Oct. U . ’ h i n suxtiy neiglihorliond, _ , 1 /' ; i e in ith . t li e p o lic y _ a n d a c h i e v e m e n t s _ U pshur, retired, was particularly vexed. . r r * i ± n e oiwn nil ttio yoar. Kuttpariors ami wnil lieuteii rooms for 1 lit)« .Id ...----- Lived .a littlo^vellOw hiril, ~— —• -V.'-' ’■ t h e K<‘p u b lic a n p a r t y i n ’ H ie h a t ib n a n d 1 11 P i Iiionttti Tiio Ofily hotel In Ocean firoyowijipltod witli soil water Cliarles IT. Wood,; chairm an of the • Where Its was'pften hoard, ■ l l v * Imtlin. The location is tiio" bust, too fe«t fr«>» boardwalk ami M oveiiientH o f , W u r s lilp s . ' says: - . ; ;• _• board of seh*ctmcn', called on Mr. Van'. Bomethiiiir lik e tO Bce-wee-see, „ , , |.losu,to aiidltorilinijnmjjiQHtplllw. N. H. KliiM Bit, Proprietor. \y,. . indorse tin? admiip1?!ration / *cd President AVaslpngton, Sept. H'.-—T he Kentucky, Ness and politely requested tlint the flagSee-s<;e, wee-aee, scc-sec-weel '-T i. *' ■ Mi Kinhfy aud ur^e ■his. re-election as;'th e surr;, K earsarge, Indiana, M assachusetts and be taken down, b u t’M r. Van N ess refus •-1 Here it lived,Vos - glad and frc© •' Other Resorts plt*due of.. Imir m ore 'yKari of d e v e lo p m e n t. and T exas’ lmve arrived a t lia r H arbor, The 7 ; ed to g ran t th e request. , • ■/' pr*if-|>(;rity tit'■■-home and of- honorable in ih u w o As a little bird emfiil he, •; . Cliairnian Wnml, together w ith D r. J, ■und ieiinwit abrend. *We comrratulate t'l'm people P rairie has sailed from P ortland on her T ill one very dreadful dny '* j / r ess '.upon the nominulinn for vice, president of ^Jov* cruise. T he B ancroft is a t Sag H arbor. M adison .Taylor, representing' the hoard Came a naughty hoy tlm t w ay, -.. ‘. eriinr- Itoijsiivelt, wltoso high pla<;e in the admi T he M ayflower.arrived a t San Ju an Mon o f trade, and-tw o police officers then r.e And lie spied th e )??llow bird, * ration siud tonUdcitee of his. countrymeiu ucldev- day. T he W ilmington has sailed from turned to ^he.Vim tNess cottage antV re - Whore thiH.leafy branches Btirred, •Vf. 1‘d'by lung jmblio. service and'c^jtec.-lally. by .his Montevideo on a cruise. T he training newed the request to have the flag reSiaj;iiijr sw eetly, Seu-wee-flee, (Evening Edition) R e m o d e l l e d ,a n d R e f u r n i s h e d v ./.valor and success On the Hold of baitb', has been sjiip Buffalo h as.sailed from Singapore m o v e d . g a i n the owner of tlie flag re , . Bec-seei wee-nee, Bee-see-weol ’M distinctly advanced by Ids splendid rccord as the for Colombo; DURHAn, QREEN CO U N TY , N. Y . CATSKILL MOUNTAINS fused" and delied tjle officers' to remove ‘Tlmt’ii d pretty bird,,’* said-he; • gowrnor nf Now York, it. Mr. Wood thereupon applied the - Daily itmii, tuiecrnph, imtliinir, lAhlnit. .Btage moroloR nnd enwing from Cairo railroad alation.-. “ Just the i-ort of bfrd for »nelM I J I t then takes up sta te .issue's and says: F l o u r 4)iitjiut o f M in n e a p o lis ., BowlliiUjtofiii'Hicroiiiiet.svviiiKB, tlulifftitfti| drives, willed lind runiblon. Table one o f the Heat. Kn^U knife to the haiyards, and tlie B oer stand 1 H earing wlilchj. I t flew awny 'ckh* itIIi* a id 'Mir«ial)hin ti<>m oh ner’Hfarm . I'ttroAvawrand hunlthful mountain air. N o malarin, Thu Itepublican party has been In control of . 'Minneapolis, Sept*v8 .—T he official fig- ard floated to earth am id, th e cheers of • • <Iloys don't alw ays have thdlr way)i’ ItA T I^ 15 A. WEEK Tor Soptember, Outobor and Nov<«nibor. Anbury J'arlc r e ftT e n c ^ M r H . I rin- the. state'..for-. tld \ last .-even, years.. During that Aires pom piled by T he N orthw estern Mii- those usseiubleil. When lie elim bed up to its nest . — , ’ • ,* • bmnway, Johri W. Crowell, W. Ifnrvey Joiioh, Howard Hullck. * S , ;M. I 'X U O ir , t rop r. tim e the statu, lias, increased -greatly -ill'■-popu'la• ier show ^hat. the flour output of tiieM in(I cannot hear to tell tho rcrt); • " .' ■ M r. Van Ness is a- New Y orker and tinri; tlieri-by causing a i*<ii:tt iyu annual inrr.-ase in -neapbl is-m i11s_t ho_pa s t-y ea r_was-15, Dut now t,ho lit tle yellow bird, T -was_lone^of_the_committce_to..rcceive the, ; exp<-tii.Hlure lor. iuany: puldic ,piirf»isi-s. irliis is V . Robbed of Its jie s t, l& iiever heard 100 b arrels.; T he output in IHOS^was B oer commissioners when they visited 11illuslruled /in the iiici easl'd . juairoprilit inns for the On the borders of that wood. common schools, whUih in: ten'j'ciua have grown 13,818.415 barrels, ’ Foreign shipm ents th is country. H e has Jieeji requested to Perliaps'it’s gone where boys are godd ' ± increased 341,400 barrels. resign-from, the Gentleman’s chib. from ^I,0uti,WKi to [ Anti aoiiiewhere dijga it^sce-w ee-sec, W I R E STATE POLITICS BRITISH SHIPS ARRIVE FarMottfs Remains Open until 0 c to b e r i- D ir e c tly o n ttie B e a c ti ALL THROUGH SEPTEMBER- The Most Delightfui Season of the : year ^EP|fa|ER RltFES^PER DAY, $3.00 MORGAN PARSONS HOTBL HO T E L 6 LIFTO N D IR E C T L Y ON T H E 3 EAC H SPECIAL SEPTEMBER RATES NOW SEi’TEMBHK -RATES, PER M Y , |2 .0 0 the Stafford Hotel Clarendon G ra n d A v e n u e n o te l' YotT “8nilirp r»r: 1 116 A d r i a n V lf ll TO i l OII SC flteani Ueducedrat,‘«f,’i'f»un.n'l^^,r:T 0c«an Grove fioids House properly withoutfreading Other Resorts P : Within th«. pt-rifid of Itepnblii-uu rnntrol, mofe. over, tthe. state,hai? assumed, the expense of caring , for th e indlsent\,an(i btsane. That, item 1 of ex*. . pensc V seven y^.os ago, w h e n the maintenance id charitable i'nbtitutions was principally, a charge ‘ iipon. Uig:.countii sr.:iinouiite(| us iiiroilist, thi* stale to only' about / TJit? great .reforms! in* "a uglira feil? t»y~sta te control, wl ii (ii1'HaVir'd o iii*”so • much for."the improvement of the- condition of tlie h e lp le s s ’and UnfortuiiiUr, compelled an. A p a r t o f th e cu rio u s lis t o f L n d y L it tle to n ’s -wedding o u ttlt 200 y e a rs ago is a s follow a: “A black p ad d y sw ay gbw n a n d coot, a p in k tin w a te re d p n b b y .su te pf elbaths, a ffolcl stuff-sute-of-cloaths,a w h ite •worked w ith enonl su te of cloatlis.M •'• , pexid'Hore In ■■lStm ot nearly *»,pijjY,lHW. t Notwithtatiding thesf*-great and iueieasini; burdens, lie•O n ly -T u rk ish fldgs a re allow ed ill publican .'legislation- sind adininistration'. have • .. *' . brought about n ‘gradual lowering of the tax ra,te C o n s ta n tinople. until this year, it has reached -the amazingly low •I F o w 'h T his? point of 1 WMOU nilllS"on the dollar of the eijual* We offor Ono Hundred Dollars RowarTI iteil vid.ugtlori of real and personal property. .• The Ibilncs lluu'or tax law is also n HepubHeart for any ease of Catarrh th a t c a n n o t be •meiisure,— 1 1 :4 u is.-b u e n ^ l^ p W a d tm iE b ^ e .a itd. -i p l cu redby-H alPsG atarrliC n re. F. JrUHKN EY & CO.. Props., Toledo,-0. clu t} in g .J|rtF y e{ ir The Dem ocrats have opWe, the undersigned, have known F. J.' -»wi»il it In pvfV v'D em prrntic st/>to platform si ■Cheuoy for tho last iii yeaiu and-bBiteveltR.i‘na«.tmciit lind liavb tlireatt*nt>d it<i repeal. Tina liim perfectly^ honorable lu all buHluesa llaw hii^ briiu»:ht-lni»-tho-lowi>,-rity- nhd-stuto trcastirlrTW^ijyv York stuti* tltfrlnft tin* 11yo y >'ard transactions and financially able to caiTy of iu opiirationflie gnat muiii of $*JU,7$S,S5«. Otiu- out any obligations made by their firm.' W est TnuAi* Wholcsalo Druggists, • tlilnl ot tills Bum,* has been applUd > to Htntc^purpoM-s, whilo (he hffIajiuc,-4^0,B*i,U04, Toledo, Ohio, W aldino , K tnnan & MAnyiN.WlioIesale _hus hy bo Hindfvrrducod Jocal .taxation0 on real Druggists, TolOdb, Ohio. ; ^ and pi-rsoind property, • " * * * -^ •■H airs C atarrh Cure Is taken internally __ Hvrry reform whicii haa been 'accoro^flBhcd In acting dlrectly upon the blood_andTnucous tin; state of New- York to spcurc the lawful voter the right to east his ballot freely, to have i t surfaces of thesysteirt. Price 7f>conts pereoiiuted as cast and- lo keej) out of the hallot liottle. Sold by all druggist. Testimonials boxe?i illegal «ud finudtihuit votca is of Republic* freo.--^' Hall s Family Pills are the b e s t.^ an ovlaiu, UVeUarKe uwm , Um Usmocvatlo'oar* . l'"iitnl F lirlit W W i l*»llco. Shnmokin, P a., • Sept. 5.—W hile attem pting to .arrest Daniel Wooley and his housekeeper, , Miss E dith Bittenbend*H\ last night, for being drunk and disorderIy -ia^the.res iden c c J i^ L h c f onner^X’ql ico nic 11^Thoni as Paine aiid E lias G ottschalk jywo* shot* a t byv the couple,- who wel’e armed witli' revolvers. A ffer •I’aihe w as shot in the right leg tlie policemen re turned" the lire.- Wooley, a fte r 18 shots had been' exchanged , 1 fell with a bullet oyer lus heart, whereupon* Miss Bitten,ben d er’ surrendered anti w as 'lo.cked up. W'ooley cannot 1^ # .. ....; in o uh—Tli u riiU g h b r^ d -D e a d . — Lexiiigtbn, K j v 'S ept.Trj.—Fotiso, a fa* jnnns-thgroughbrcd fitallion, 23. years nf npa, a Dorby winner nnd tho Biro of M cM eelciapPimt-M atG-and other'-good-rnce ra , is d e a d . , • ■ ■+ . • 'M ill D a in n B c il b y P l r e i Bee-sec, wee-see, gee-flcc-weel —Elizabeth A. Davis in Golden Pays, I t In W i f s l l,. I t Ss w ell to ca re fu lly c u ltiv a te ta s te s . R u sk in sa y s: ‘T ell m e v l i a t y o u lik e, n n d I wIU tell y o u 'w iia t y o u a re .” I t is w ell to stu d y h u m a n c h a ra c te r. B o d e n ste d t says:- “ I n t h e f a c e o f e v e ry h u m an being h is h isto ry s ta n d s p lain ly w ritte n , h is In n erm o st n a tu r e ste p s fo rth to tho llgjfti y e t tiiey a re th e few e s t w ho can re a d n n d un<]orstnnd.” ” I t is w ell to “ b ru sh u p a g a in s t th e worl,d.’* G o etiic, g a y a j “ T a le n t f orm a Itse lf In sveret; c h a r a c te r la th e g r e a t c u rre n t of th e w orld.' i t is w ell to be n o v e r -c a s t- d o \v n E liza b eth B a rr e tt .B ro w n In g -s a y s r — T^ct no,one till hla,dcat)i Re railed unhappy. Jfcasure not.th‘a work Until the day’s out nnd the labor done. . t.: he _Piirn 6 0 n-woolT h e Unl‘ted S ta te s n e v c r coined gold on m ill'in Moliuwk h as been dam aged by fire to_ the exten t of $30,000. M any pieces o f a h ig h e r den'om ln atro n th a n Jjands \vlir b e 'id le until the machinery $20. S o ra e y c a r^ ago a je w e le r a t S a n la repaired. E’ranclsco stru c k gold p ieces o t th e v alu e o f 9 0 0 , b u t t h a t iv a s o n p riv a te W e n t l i e r F o r ecn& t. account. v . ‘ . . *» /Fair and wnrin. ’ , SH/\DY GLEN ;; with its most complete local newsf its Publishers !! Press telegraph [service, and its important daily business announcements, Thousands of families I in Monmouth County Havo iiio rereal Blioo 11f o u n d are'.Buror, safer j ’litont Jjeathbf Blibsis than any other you can fli'id. Tl IKY A HE MAD 15 HY M p N A ltC tl’PitOOEBS PATENT amii'eunrnriteod. tlm t lt w on't iiraak through n a t ural service during reasonaMo trial." MEN’S MONARCH PATS to House without ii- Why should you? . Left on ypur dooiv step cach evening for 6 cents a week. ’ ! Lace o r B u tto n S izes 5 to 9, The Patent Leather Shoe That _W ont.Break Thro' A t i m i s t ^ W $ 4 ,0 0 o e h r & • r . 13 m id 15 S i M a in S t r e e t O p p a n J t o O v o n n G t o v o G h 1 o n -, ^ H E PRESS has later telegraphic n ew s than; th e evening editions of the N ew York p a p ersr,w h ^ rt^ch' Asbury; Park* . A S b I tR ^ PA R K D A IL Y PRESS, W E D N E SD A Y , SEPTEM BER 5, lpOO. D E V O T E D TO T H E IN T E R E S T S OF j WOMAN’S WORLD. W om an M A R Q H E R IT A O F IT A L Y 13 A - RECKj j L E S S S P E N D T H R IF T . Who does her own cooking should readily appreciate the comfort-to be :derived ftbm Q u e e n H e le n No* P o p u la r —W o m e n . n n d t h e V o te H o s ^ Y o n n s W o m e n , -of Culm —A N u r s e r y T a b le —A jn e r l! c a n F a ih lo n a .; the use of a.gas stove. _ . ' .1...' In the isumnier when the weather is hot the heat that comes from the coal range makcSj the kitchen a place of/horror. • ... . • The GAS RANGE, is always ready, a match being the only fuel needed to fire it—no dust—no exertion. You can afways be neat and trim and yet-be able,to prepare your meals' with comparatively rio labor. . When, you finish you can dispense with the heat and have' na M argherlta, widow of K ing H um bert, Is the moBt Interesting woman In Italy. She lias been b o .for m any years. She la Intellectual; diplom atic aud ence -was beautiful. The assassination: of the king brings her Into prominence proba bly for the la st tim e until her death nnd. makes: h e r and, all directly con cerning h e r of im portance n t tho -mo: 'ment. ■ - ■' ■* ’ ■, Tho Intellectual ability of th e queen haB. enabled her to produce several vol um es of essays and 'atprles th a t havo m u ih more th an a’ local reputation, and It Is affirmed by those who knpw th a t each sentence In these w ritings Is the queen’s own personal worlr, inn unusual quality in the literary efforts of roynl- difficulty about ashes. Yot, in spite of her m ajesty's raro judgm ent and brilliant mind, she has been guilty of several Indiscretions th a t alm ost th rea te n e d the throno she has. graced for u q u a rte r of i i century.. And.' each Indiscretion has been based on her reckless extravagance, the effect of w hich w aa-only offset In the eyes of th e Italian public by tho bourgeois economy o f the king, i The latest folly of w hich she - has Seen guilty w as called forth by her de sire to. qm ulate nnd excel tho lato E nv prcBB E lizabeth in the building of a sum m er, palace. Elizabeth selected a Greek Isle aa her ideal of location, but M argherlta chose the charm ing Alpine ham let of Grcssoney, whero sho has cloths, se v en lln e n 'tib li t l ’tvols, a 'g lass soap d ish a n d - a poll iif w a ste w a te r p rovide for, th e m ost rigid cleanllut'fin. A g la ss fo r m easu rin g p u t d ifferen t q u n fitltles o f m ilk and a q u a r t p itch er In g lass also com plete th is In v alu ab le n u rse ry ta b le fo r th e w elfare o f In-' fa n ts. A m e r ic a n F a t ih Iona. A m a n u fa c tu re r of. w o m en 's cloaks least pro m in en t o r bow s she1 tics. H e r clothing Is alw ay s d a in ty nnd is fre q u en tly adorned w ith tho needlew ork o f lifr pwtrtlngerH.T i i o r gow u m ay ue n o th in g to look n t tw ic e , b u t-h e r linen is soinetlhlng ex q u isite, niiijl no o th e r people riv a l th em I n ' cleanliness. In m any w a y s tho C uban w om an of today prom ises m uch fo r tlie .fu tu re , b u t th ere a re now stro n g ly m ark ed lim itatio n s. I-’o r instance,- sh e never before th o u g h t m uch n bout physical cu ltu re, a n d those people w ho a r e blessed- w i th g ra y h a ir a re stro n g ly rem inded o f tlio A'iuorican w om en of yore, w ith wliom .lt w a s th e proper th in g to fa in t, and. n w a is t t h a t measure*) oyer' IS 'h fclies w a s a s s o r t'o f continual m ortification. T h a t Is ju s t a b o u t w hore th ese d w ellers of tho tro p ica a re now In tlio scale o f p h y sic al per fection. T h o lr m uscles a re flabby, th e ir elicsts thli^, an d th e splendid se t up of; th e A nic'rlcan girl is n ev er seen. T h ey do n ot s ta n d s tra ig h t. I t is n o t possible w hen thoy lace a s th e y do nnd w e a r such th in shoes. In fact, th e y do n o t w e a r shoes a s a ru le,-b u t a s o r t of a little house .slipper th a t Is only in ten d ed fo r T u rk is h ru g w ear. . O ne o f tho first th in g s th e y noticcd w n s-th e w alk in g shoe of th e A m erican' g irl. T h ey sh u d d ered a t th o th ic k n e ss ojfi th e sole anil exchanged confidejiccs a s to th e lr.b e ln g tiie u g liest th in g s tlia t th e y ever ^ a w , b u t d a y s of w a lk in g h av e c h a n g e d -a ll th is,-a n d th e C uban girl w ho h a s n 't n p a ir of th ick soled shoes w ill h ave them befo re sh e goes home. ' ' ]t . I t Is no w o n d er th a t Culian.’S'aro ns; frail ns th ey are, for 110 w om an w a ils upon liersetr it sh e can Help IE E v eil tiie te a c h e r w ith th e sm a lle st sa la ry lms som e one wlio goos to nm i-ket for' h e r und does .everything th n t can lie done. G cn cn ftlo n s of being w n lted up on linve m ade Indolence cxcusnble. . ' ' . ) . ' Professional FASHION .MOTES, Som e IH h I m C o n c c rn tn i? tlie D R S. BR YAN & BURT G nil- dren'tt Batiste, India mudm. lawn and pique are most employed for little* <r!iil«Iron’s drosses, aiid t lies e j n a t e r in 1s •may I;o used even ini the Iwintety us a flannel underdross insurer! sufficient warmth. . Ail deli* Steinbaclv Coinpany natur cate colors are appropriate, but whit'e i \ a 1ways .*limv''pre 11 ios t and .' is ren Uy the, ;tlly“insures-with all the iiisurmost practical as well, for it rolls no "more easily than ljsht tliUs; and' tii ere is‘ no danger that it will fade from the -awn Ihey had a lire rricay, June or from tlie repeated laundering essential S. Ask them who paid- their to children's nttire. r e tu rn e d from tlio P aris exposition Is ■quoted ’as-sn p ln g -lli,'at h a -ru tiilx c d -n q hlntH w h a te v e r o f value from Hie c lo th ing ex h ib ited th e re . Tlie gow ns w ere for tlie m o st p a rt designs en tirely too e x tra v a g a n t fo r tlie use of th e av erag e , Siirnli, faille, fraAcoisc and embroidered w om an, gnd th ese av erag e w om en are muslin are -adm issible for children's best tho m o st pro fitab le custom ers of those •droves, b u t eimpH'cit y of m ake and^maw ho m ako w om en's dresses. A ccord ing to him , th e costly clo thing m a d e b y th e fam o u s d ressm ak ers of I ’n rls is no longer th e m odels o f fem inine sty les. I t Is Im possible fo r it to be Im itated chpnply u n icss In taw d ry : stu ff th a t w ill n o t w e a r w e ll,a n d ,th a t Is toff o b viously an Im itation. It Is th is th a t Is responsible fp r the- g rad u al b reak in g aw a y o f A m erican women from th e -P arls-sty les__Jhfcge la tte r are m ndilled so m uch by Hip A m erican d re ssm a k e rs tlia t th e y are practically A m erican, w ith b u t few tra c e s nf th e ir foreign .origin. T h is Is noticed b y -e v e ry wo m an jVbo h a s been- abroad recen tly . T h o A m erican s tyles ii re d ifferen t In m any esse n tia l, details, aiid ehletly Iii respects t h a t colni:/cml th em selv es as com mon sense. Wlillu In elab o rate bail o r d in n er ro stn in es Home,..women m ay cling, to -P a ris ia n Ideals, In. w a lk ing o r s tr e e t d resses th e notions o f th e m a jo rity o f Amer ican w om en are - fol low ed.. Ill fact, th ere Is a ten d en cy to-' w ard sim plicity In '.w alk in g co stu m es ■dne-td-HioHdesire-tiMiv-oid-nttwie! tn g .at,. tontlon th a t m altes;th e av erag e w om an In a m easu re set tU p;style fo r h e r iiio;-e fashlonlilile sh-ters.., T h e teiiileiic-y—liono to be com m ended, and It m ay be th a t tlie tim e will com e w hen A m eri can sty le s will lie follow ed ab ro ad . It so u n d s no m ore nn reasonable' Hint I2u rope should get fash io n s from A uterlcs .(.Jinil It once did th a t th e new w or’i. should, fu rn ish cap ital fn r'ln v e stiiie iit; In th e old.—C'lileago T)-|bi:ift‘.- loss first. They will tell you GIFFARD. W e write insur ance—best companies, lowest rates, and settle lasses at once. PHY8IUIA&S^VNI> H U U G E0N 8 v t \ Aubnry iVHiiuj, Ahlun'y P a r k ,N .J . O fllc e h o u r a fl i o .U ft. in,, ii to 3 p. ni., 5 to 0 p. in. Phon e B ^ , , L . E. H ETRIC K , M . D. PH Y SIC IA N AND ftU lttfliO N . 531 Oooknmtk avmiUH. O ^lce hours: 8 a . in. to 10 a . m .. ~ j>. m . to Z p. in ., 7 p in. to B p . m.' Sutidayu, 8.30 to lu.IJO a. in. Hpecial a tte n tio n to e y e , ear and surgery. T el. N o. MU D rZ m A R Q A rI t Q . CURRIE ^ 1 2 5 Main a ven u e, O cean Orove.^N.^ J. Qfllpq DR. ELLA P R EN T IS S .U P H A M ! 305 Tiurd avei.ue,>AHlmry P ark, N . J. Offloo unuratint 1110 a. m ., i 3 to 2 p . m M 0 to 7.30 p .m . luiephonfLcaU lm J X. " l i . S . K IN M O N T H , M . 710 fjrond avenuo and a t Kin m onth & Co ’a l>nig S tore, 721 Cookm an aven u e, A B buryPiirk, N,. j . i G. F . W ILB UR, M . D . P H Y S IC IA N AND 8UHGEON, SouthweKt cor.litjr Ciran-J nm l u r y a v e n u es., . lira n o lr, N o rth ea H t c o rn e r T liird avenii« a n d K ln ^ atey H tiee t T e l* p h o n e -1 a . A . . 222 M a in S tre e t ASBURY PARK LAU R A M . W R IG H T, M . D. 101, H tek avenue, Ocean (h ove, N. J .- (Second house from S. K. cnr. of New J^fdey and Main -Hxcauua^— iiours^-U atil—lO-a^inrT—1—to-iJr-C-to8 p, ni, B U RTON .BROTHERS Awnings, “ DENTISTS, 020 Cookman avenue, Aabury Park, Baudouine building, S. W. Cor; Broadway and 28th street, N ew York. New. York office closed from May until October. : y DR. H . S. TAYLO R TEfJrs, B u rg ees Canvas Covers made of beat .material an d workn) anshl p a t l o w , ; eat p rices. CANOPIES to_ Hire.. C A N V A S R O O V 1 JSG a s p E O iA V ir r . Flag Poles Falqted aud Halgams Utlacpo E le v a to r a n d D um b W a lte r R igging, S p lic in g , &c. H B M M E N X V A Y ’S 617 Cookman, 618 Mattison Aves. ASBURf PARK. DHNT1ST. (dr^ dtm te o f Univerwltv o fP e n n a y l-1 v a n ia ), corner Cookm an av en u e and E m ory str e e t, over LeMaitttre’s , o p p osite p o s t ofllce; en tia n o e on JSinory Htreet, Anbury Park. O fllce hours from 0 a . m . to 5 p . m . Teluphond 93 L Q EO . L . D. T O M P K IN S D. 0 . S. - DKKTIST. I{oom s 5, 3 and 4, Pofltofflce buildAsh dry Park: T « e ili'o i triujtiio p ain lessly wi tiio u t rendering tiie putlent unconscious. G os ad* ininlHt«red. ^)01ce hotirsr n a . ra. to 5 p. m . • R . F . B 0 R A N , D .D .S .: “ ■ PFNTIHT. SuecoBHor to th e (ioston Dentists. 71P AiatUnon avenue, 'WInckler Building. : C LAUD E V . BUSRIN LAW OFF1CICS. I ronsncte Kenoral lekal bnslueea, , Aoknowloti^inentH taken for all states Rooms tMO Appleby Building. ” W ILLIA M C. BYRAW AOTOBNEY AT LA.W. MASTEH IN CHANOEUY, , 23 Appleby Building, ARbury Park, N. J. W M , C. C OTTRELL | A h r re ssi'iH , A certain belief a s to. clot lies w as re cen tly som ew hat K.HaUen by th e rev eal ing^ of som e >\cw York c a s t side IgUor*' w ho w ere airiti^ a ^riovaiiee. I t .lias boen cne of tin* estab lish ed te n e ts df .w om an 's crt»t»tl as to th e w drk of inen ta ilo rs tlm t th<\v w tuir iiiiapproaelm ble hi th e m a tte r of p r e s s in g It Is one of th e eommonpia^o?. ■ of co n v ersatio n Tjfmo!is_wouieirp.*i.t?ons tlia t it is Im pos sible fo r a w om an w o rk er t o 't u r n out u s w ell pressed g a rm e n ts a s <lo even e h r a p m e n tailo rs. H o w .much th is l}as been a imitteV of assertio n r a th e r th an fa c t w as s hown by U ie c o m pi a In i n g e a s t sitlers referred io i AUhou^Ii th e season has. been a good one to th em , a iai’Re sized srpnt on th e suij; o f “theli pro sp erity h as been ‘Ihe rath er- e x te n sive empl<;ymetit .by m a n u fa e tu re rs of youncr ne.^ro frlrls a s p.ressers. A nother vnnishe*! illusion!—P itts b u rg P ress. : ..AUCHITWOT, Plum ttnt Rpeciflcatlons fornished at sltorc notice. Koi/ei work a specialty 415 Lake avenue. ’ S akukl A. B uousk GIIIL’S COAT, • EaNKST A. A rjcnq BROUSE & A R EN D tcrlal is the hallm ark of refinement Archlt«ctH. 031 (JhHrttnut Street, Philadelphia. where little people are concerned, and ForHtBiehHy Bui I«IIng, Tr*>ntOD,NJ .„ A p p ie b y _ n o t hi ng ■isrpr e 111ar tlim r iiu e Mun*s'veilinir Tluilding, Aubury Park, N. J. o r cashm ere—white, pink, blue or red L et the m aterial, w hatever it is, be ihe ' ' T JR . V . B. H EIG H T , ' 1 best of , its kind, blit of an iiurpre^entious VETEICINAP.Y HUltGKON Tre»ia nil anlkind. 'V” ; r “ ... ' mnls, Ofllce 508 Sewall avenue. TeiephonoNo. 6. Aabury Park, N; J. C hildren^ dresses nre r a th e r .short ami are varied chiefljr by th e ir .. trimm in vs DR. H . C. M IL L A R _ _ _ Z Z . Some' Ipive a deep 11ounce aroinul tU‘ NEAR KINQSLEY STREET VETBUINAB1AN, 705 Anbury avenue. Tele sk irt; others are plaited leaglhwisi* .wltl. phone No BO f. Doga ft sueciaity. . alternate bands (pf insertion and a proke., T he - shoes ^and™sl»io!du^Xi4trt»~ustiall*i black or m atch th e costume, althoiig'« Newly furnished from-top to bottom, ^ a n b e purchased cheap and with tau_j_Ih>es, .ta n snri;s o r BtoeUiugs are"often, woffi, . * — ”on easy termsrT”'“.'T‘.’v"*"7’ T he picture p veil toil ay shov,*a‘a k ^}*cont of silver Kray ■inohair. I t is plai: Let us giv6 you particulars. and straig h t, th e : etl^es bordered w itl lines of black-nioliair braid. T he {sleeve* O u r New England Bread ! are gathered hi to cuffs. T here is a wide . A N nr.sery T a b le , -*•' , 1 cv.llar of wiiite b atiste and guipure. Tin One o f th e la te s t c o n triv an ces fo r tlio ia acknowledged to 'be M iss'H o se KllKi'.be.th C leveland, sistoi swaw tuTt is tiimmeil wiih .roses. ^ ' ROOMS i a - 1 3 . ^ new ly a rriv e d baby Is n “ n u rse ry t a ot’ e x -I're sld e n t C leveland, .and Mis# •11*DIC C llO LI.ET . the nearest to the old b le /’ -it m ost Ingenious Invention, d a in Allies, d a u g h te r o f ex-G overunr A nn's M O N M O U T H B U IL D IN G t y ’und attractive- in every p a rt. In th is o f S Inssach u setts. linve bo u g h t ail old • fashioned home m’ade - S tic MfltifK D y n a m ite . eq u ip m en t nre M7 articles, s ta rtin g w ith hom estead ou Seven H u n d red Aeiif Is “ I t is nil odd b u sin ess lo r a wonioii N o rth w e s t C o rn e r M a ttiso n A v e n u e bread y o u always a w h ite enam el ta b le tw o feet sq u a re , laud. .Maine, which, th e y a re to luive to b e lli," snid .Mrs. 1ty run A lford; “ but a n d B ond S t r e e t w ith g lass top of th e saihe.dim ensions. reniodelcd Into a tine /Biininier resi 1' k n o w -n o .re a so n w h y n w om an wh praised] s o highly A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J. T h is ta b le lias a d raw er, a folding le a f dence. .uuderstuiidn It en n n n t m an ag e it a. mi th e left, a s lid in g tr a y a p d ^ a low X . X X X w ell as a 11111:1." . M rs. A lford h as beer slieif 011 "the rig h t, ou w hich s ta n d s a stu d y in g explosives since ISS:.,' w het a iE x r i-'oit t i h .r s d a y , p o rta b le w lilte einim eled re frig e ra to r h e r h u sb n h d , th ro u g h th e rev erses of » iiiul p an fo r catcliln g d rip p in g w a te r. friend lie aided tiiianclally. fvim d himT lie | feeding, / t n t llt Is u n iq u e—onoj 7 / 7 T U X .T T I S O N A VIS, -seliim-lia+ikri.'pt wltli.onl.V- one asset, n ilozeii ’four ouuc& lU nt g lass cylliuli-lcal secret: fo rn iu la ^ fo r m ilking jttviiamite~ A S n U J tV P A R K Talpnt is Hint wlm*K Is in a nmn’s powor; b o ttles nnd six b o ttle s o f th e sam e ^rniun ia that hi whost* power a man is.To renll/.e on th e l'.iriiiula be bega'i its bOWfll, ^ ;■ < glass m easu rin g e ig h t ounces an d : m i niam ifaetm -e. • F o r a t|iino lie1■ purchased alum inium Wire tr a y for holding h o t IJUIvAKVa ST. th o iiU roglycyrln n eeessa ry -to use. but Pearlies nnd Crpnm. . . tic s to th e n u m b er of 12. T h e re Is n when Ills httslnesa grdw lie b u ilt a fac ^ . Crcnmetl trcwltls»i in Potato Dortler. sinall g la s s howl, in w hich tw o nipples Omeltti^ Onrn£‘*'',i!,!t^Ilonoy MnnimlmlL*. tory and 'm an u factu red his ow n n itro FrciR'li iriii ha. Ci'ull*;rd. in-e ready fo r use. A glnss scoop to g ly c e rin .’ • . CutTue. m easu re b h t .m llk, 'siig rir a n d 'a glass .Mr. A lford -died a y e a r ago, but had LUNCHKON’. v ^ Dayton Orient .Cleveland j a r w ith alum inium top to r holding tho lieeti iii'poor h e a lth fo r a long tim e, 'and Potato Sahitl a la_Sponccr,' - I sugar. T w o white- ja r s are innrkecj ' r.rcntJctl Clii.‘k.>n, Cram S;mee. ( Yale' Spalding -Whitr fo r s ix 'y e a r s .Mrs. A lford lias m anaged Sllccd Pinranpli.'I’rt'stTVPrt. \ "B o rax ’J an d “ ljl-t'n r. S oda." A q u a r t th e b u sin ess. • • l e t d T e a ,. . Barnes , Eagle Crawford bo ttle is m a r k e d "I.im e w a te r” an d nnoix \i;n . Tribune Quaker Sterllnr 'o th e r “A lcohol.” ^ A fu n n el an d a long, : ' Co!*! ( oaBonimi*;. ' • ^ narro w d ip p er to plunge Into m ilk bgtSwci'll).rc:i<ls v.itli>A»para(pis Sjicka. Miss [rt*ne Ashliy. socialist, of LonThese nre tsnmu ot tho w: nuts 1 tuu xolllnti l_StowedUnioiiH.. •hlipml Tmnn\ijcs^ -tics-nnd-tnko_up-the-.top-cream _aro.inthis yean~” ""~~,Ar'---• I . ■- ■ . -don~is-rs tnd.vi n ir~t;lTe~s Imn s~ofX ' h ien^nr ; Creiuned Corn...J!id*IedJJe11s. theiB nm e w h lte n ie tn l.ru n d so ^ Is^ th e■ * Aiifilc l’itv A m e ric a n C liecse, yiu* Is touring-” '.nieriua to becom e ae: H AVE A FU LL L IN E O f S U N D R IES . (,'afii X u i r .. ’ . V teaspm m a n d ta b le sp o o n -a n d -a -d d u b le qpnU^^Hi^ w ith - 1h**-4n>u4i44^m,^if—Uioholler. 7A n Tilctlhol lniuji u sjw eB ns a { ... V W .V ro S.1I.A I1 A ' I.A S l’K N C K it.- P r c - « • poor In ithis e ^ iitr y ^ a u il will benefit, W H EELS EXCHAWOED AT FAIR V A L U E . B iuiseii b u rn e r, Tiii n sb c stu s m n t niid a 7t nar« ont* phndl "nipfuP oni'li of <'h»»pt»t‘tl onth e Isondou pporq w ith h er A m erican Mr. IT:ad. Vimflorveor Is.ln ulmrge of iny Avjons, ratiislii*!», imr’l hnilcd <*ggs nii-l rohl « box of sa fe ty m atches' In su re su rety Zc cooki’ti'pt>ta*o«'a. .‘Mix- With l'Voncli observation*, V, repair shop. ThlB lnauriw prom pt re 7 liable repalrhiR. ■: . - ■■ - , : n n d • speed In p r e p a r in g . tiie ' 1 In fa n t's, jv nml pnrni.«li w itji’nnlishos cut iu tiin form nf <v -;-:Iiy -a-rec.ctil-ritlln g o f' tho courts-,an 'food n lg h ro r-d a y .-O n o -d o i'.e n nnd one AGENT FOR KELSEY" FURNACES U i i o m Q l v e n a n d W h c . l i lo K R i o t t a g l hoih'd.-i’fiiis m t infi» ri:u;s. To .main* tnt\ uipplcs nre In a box n en r n t hnnd, nnd « * fu H isias scori* .tin* «Uiim ..nf t u r n ip vttdisln's;?? Amerleiiti^girl w ho im Uuies.a forelgper . Boat and Moet EoonoratOttl Pnrnae«w’Made ?> w it Ii i a tom rp k ld fo in - i in ?. »*1isiim> o f ' r r tl « beciim cs a cltinen_o.t_tli«J.. o tn n 'try to so are tw o llaniiel, cosies, a plnl^ a n d a i l n o p als.— 1till sc., ii iut tisrii th e m h a r k n n d t r i m W which h e r h u sb a n d ow es all.-giauee. b lu e one, to cover b a b y ’s - b o ttle While ?>« tlio flesh b elo w t o rpp>‘inlilt* t h e d o u iilc « w h ile .c o i-o lla .: Pl.;i«*e o j i - i r o u n til ri*qnirotl. feeding, th n t it m ay n o t,b o 'c h ille d . A C .n tf.l Hail ASBURY PARR, If. J. Tivko Honnot-lno for Indigestion, Jm ca se p f sterilized \\_cotton^ six w n^h N E W E NGLAND BREAD Monmoutli Realty Co. T. J. WINCKLER only rational.thing tliat la le ft.fp f liei\ to do is, to join a Auffrnge association tin d Insist '.on having the rig h t t'q ex press her interestdn. politics by'casting a-v 6\e.’i=.W omnn’s. Journal.------Yonnar W o m e n o f C o lin . There Is nn liuinto cotiuetry about a Cuban woman, sa y s tlip Boston T ran script* tlijvt sho.vp.'itself ev.cn .Iu th» 8 ': A SB U R Y PARK D A IL Y PRESS, W ED N ESD AY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1908. D Of Mid-Summer Traffic It is difficult to speak' through advertisements of all the good things our various,'1 depart; ments offer. Many things now must of necessity, be ’closed out quickly .- '• t . I " . * Shirt Waists Experienced o p erato rs/to Hake Night Shirt _ IP ' ; Another week or two— then autumn. This means new | | | | stock in. eveiy department. When new goods, come in we must -have.:rooin for a proper display. L earn ers a lso tak en . Good, ste a d y worjji a ll tlie year? Good w a g es can be earn ed . For instance will from now Tjrr^have a * “ CLOSING ’ •; ■ * , ‘j V '« - O U T ” price on each which will be of interest to all. ■ .'V. Golf SRirts p f Tailor lade Suits A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J. M ust’ go" to make room for. early autumn purchases, and prices are pruned-to cost. ; By every express and 'in order to gain room the . .' ; T R A D IN G STA M PS : /• G IV E N You will find ori second floor to fit all sizes a’nd suit all minds. This is one of our specialties, and we allow no one to undersell us. OF THE SEA SO N AT There are SPECIAL VALUES to . . x .' * . ... To hasten the going, prices have been still* further reduced )1 on the hangers on. T ■’ • ' ugtaj : ■x L e M A I S T R E ’S be had from now on. ASBURY PARK, N. J. . Cookman Ave. and Emory St. These are Special Bargains thina ^ leB’siarnisliiQii Deiiartinent: /. ry S K IR T S Navy Jill io Duck with W hite Dots, n hip: bargain, *1.1!) ,iml f-1.39. —A!ei>, W hite Pique aud Colored Skirt-1, from $ 1.00 to f!>.75. W e havo ju st received a larso Invoice of HUSH POINT (SHAMS, IHJIIHAU SC;AHI'’S und DOYLIES: which we will Poll a t special.,prices. during this sale1. J J Tlio celebrated HUDNUT’S PERFUM ERIES and TOILET ARTICLES sold a t regular city prices, j ___ I _________ . And see how cheaply and completely you Fean be fitted out.! P rev a ilJ n .« 1 Lot W aists a t 30c, worth SOtj and 75c. —1— ani l $ 1 UQC. 1 L ot Watnt» a t 75o, worth $1:00 and $1.25. • 1 I W a i s t s a t $1.(10, w orth $1.00 and $1.75. A Hue assortm ent or \yiilto W aists from $1.00 up to $1.75. -Suppose—you look jhrpngh—o u j l - T R A D IN G STAM PS j® ® • So there is “ something doing" for bargain hunters while jjP| the depleted stock tarries. v \:• G IV E N In .the meantime come in and look our new Fall Goods . Has just been.! placed in stock, anticipating our heavy sales for these Indlspensables. Nothing for the traveler in the way of Trunk, Bag, Grip or.Straps but we have it. Bought right and selling to Interest you. (xxjoooooonooooobooooocjooooopobbooooopoococjoooooocxroo D aily P r e s s ' • •”© r B r i n g Q u i c k R e s u l t s 1 cxxx5000c)00cxxxxxx)0000€xx>00 QOO©OCXXXKXSObQOOOOOOOCXXJOO A Unique—IiiiTod'Octioits------- 7 One d a y w hen callin g upon Gambet-i salad, a s w ere also Ids b u rsts. Kvlta I found lilm v a s t ly am u sed o v er a d e n tly it w a s p a rtly m eat am i pnrtl.v visit w hich lie liad received a few vegetable, b u t tliu flavor w as new , d is •iilimli"’ nrevloii-l.v from tlio la te (7eu? tin c t and u n d eterm in ab le. T liis w as so ____ wlio ___ ____________ I'ntl .■ >tt :litli Rend, for a n u m b er f a in t tlia t'o n e sile n t fU'clared "It's, not o f - - - - ^ i s ^ l T n i i w l ^ tat'es--C‘nvoy .-a t -UvUipJe a t a ll. only-n-Kmoll.-'------- — — — A t-le n g th s o m e o n e su g g e sted tlm t J .'.i tjfi,iefal, vrlio u n til th a t tim e tlie clief be a s k e d -fo r th e reelin’, lilioli hud been a. norfi-ct ntn u u 'o r ' to tlui w liieh tlie h o st remaVked: My m a n g reaU ju lislik o s be Ing asked gr.'nt F re n c h , isiaU'snlun, had entered the. h itte r's presence, O m yln g in liis foi: recipes. Oil Ib is occasion, how ever. hand a volum e entitled “.Men .ut t h i M ds v a n ity m ny Overcome him if wo Time," or some work o f Ihe kind. This tell how g re a tly wo h a v e en joyed the he xipenedrwlt hout-suylug-u-wordi-nnd- 4 llm ieiv -am L 4 h^—m ln tL in p a rtic u la r. I laId' 011 (iauibcttu’s .desk before at-' At an y ra te , w e'll see;" 'The l-’renetiiuan boon ap p eared , tit'td ienipllnj;' tiv greet' him or to .explain the -wasvisiblyaffe cted ,-n o t to-sa.V-tdated, inii'pose of his rail. ' • . • rThenj palm ing io a - ‘c olumn which by th e com plim ents. "B e t g if ine gre.t p la ls lr." lie said, coutiilneil a very eulogistic biograpliii;::i notice, of himself, lie exclaimolj, ?Fo ti'll how 1 iiiak.’Kc sal-lm l. Iuet ver* "K indly read .'that,” and when Uum- sceniplc. I'.liaf ze la ltu e 'ra n g e ready.: betta, who read ,1'htglish with tlie ut un I luif BUMiicat chop v e r’ line an most facility. h u d . i n compliance w ith dry j ze celcrl I h a f chop v e r’ fine; m r l tlio request, cast his eye ovtjr the page hat' ze pam iiie de te rre , ze p a ta te , an 111 . (|iic.stion. (Jeiierat Iiead rose from s ta a a luetic an d ry ; zcn I m ix zem Ida chair, and wiih a bow to Gambettu up. k en I m nk’ zo d r c s s e y ig m ay o n pointed' to himself, exclaiming in tones naise; niadam e, sh e kno w , I h a f all uf pardonable pride, “U'est moi.” |. v er’ col’ re a d y as ze fecsli ces serf. .. ’r iiell. and mil: until then, dht ho. ex Zen ns ze silb h ld 'eo s to se rf, I ta li’ u n e tend .his liaiid tu the g reat tribune, te te d ’ail, p ard o n n ez' inol, one lee who, having meanwhile risen from his clo af of ze g arleek a n lieeb le lilin hi z ? chair, expressed his pleasure a t mak m outh, so, an b re a th e g en tle, v er' ing the, aeijuainlance of so distinguish^. geutle, on ze sal-lad. Z a t g if e e t ze j;d an ollicer, who had rendered such flavour del'eat.."—W h a t to I?at. valuable services to tjie l.nU i’d SHites. :_('iam betui- Inform ed m e th a t In tlio ^ W lm l SlicJD ocm. Wlfule of h is'lo n g experience o f. public F ir s t L a d y , C le rk -^ l'h e re goes thu ■I4l'e-he;had never know n a-m rtii to in tro m eanest w om an In t o w n . ......... ..... duce him self In so d elig h tfu lly original . S econd.L ady ( 'lerk--AVho' Is s h e ? , a.- milliner.-—Critic. F irs t L ady C lerk—-1 d oli’t know , butslie Is alw a y s ci.edn.tTiiTIi^re nTitl-wantv “ Ee F la v c H f D e rc ttt.” ' A t one of Ills fam ous little d in n ers Ing som ething we h n v en ’t g e t.- Chieii go Record. a prom ’.'ieHt profejvicm ri. in an .o f Vi'ush-' U H discover while the assortment is complete the pricing favors the 1 purchaser eveiy time. i i . I 'i MODERN MERCHANDISE SELLERS “ Everything for the Home .and the Wardrobe” m. OCEAN PALACE (SuJM ' Cookman and Mala T W H” AR J Ilvf-il THE MAMMOTH I Cookman and Emory. A S B U R Y P A R K , N. J. BRADLEV BEACH -------- B ranch S tation ol th e Aabury Park . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS W E A R E N O W P R E P W E D T O G IV E A S T O N IS H IN G L Y L O W E S T IM A T E S DAILY PR E SS THE SHORE P R E S S ON ALL For tiib convenience of our patrons' a branch Gallon has b«*n established a t 'tlw lJk A D U iY BEACH NOTION STORE, Uftin street, bfetween W 00DW 0RTH & H a T l / I W O IJK F O R / / E W B U I L D I N G S B B R G A H N , Tl/ISMITHS. 7 1 2 COOKMAN A V E McCabe arid~Co6i r avenuear Papers reguiarly-'on aale and aupplled to i»«wh boys a t ofllce rate. T h e P ress c o n t a in s a ll t h e n e w s 'All Jirolla^irotl, cm'bod; fully improved and locatod most clcsirablyr"'~ Will lie- Sold at ‘special-prices;-easy payments;-low rate-of-interestj-and- house built if desired: YOUR FlllST AND LAST 01LAN0E TO BUY SO FAVORABLY. . Allenkurst has fine ocean and lake frontage also ocean 7 ; Casino, Svvm iuiingT oo.]/ B atliiiig Pavilion, etc. .... ' “ ..... . F or n e w B o o k let, g iv in g f a ll p a rticu la rs, call'-or .address, s " '' ......'' ~~ y ^ ............ ........... ...... - > l t ■ILS s ■I : ^ * Edwin P. Benjamin, President, AHenhurst, N. J. OFFICES: O F F . A IX E N H U R S T IN N A N D O F F . A L L E N H U R ST R . B . S T A T IO N ,' A:
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