19 stu e te ,a m u e c y L eer lemmerm ds. Netherlan iattend a b 5 -1 3 1 d nts, age larly The stude l and were particu from hoo students lingual sc h it w p u find uddy keen to b ssons and le in e m a ti nd like to be is EGA, spe it t a h w on about oung pers out more y a d n a t EGA student a . in London living Newsletter Parent/Carer www.evelyngraceacademy.org tor 2015 ordinaApril Deo n C io l n a u U g xford e Bilin velop a d one, ia Blom th n lv u y S ro in een to de k e is lac it is v nd with us a ading the le ip h . ls rs a e n n fi ipart IN THISnISSUE smus lo ger term y bid for some Era cts ing, proje ollege sibly jointl n s C o in n p tw to e E rt s • Message from to suppo ch a nts. er exAcademy Evelyn Grace Debating Teams have had their nding r studeThe d oth u fu n o a f e o m Principal re e b th l ali best year of debating yet. a b rs ache with a glo group of te A . s it r • Enrichment is io SAT stunning success in the Cambridge Union v n Sterm's e Following chang r and se nded thelast e tt a l d o o h e are junio Opportunities Debating Competition, a ember an Shaquille Scott-Davis and Muna Nur nd intern om the sc Doffecstiff a fr l in a e n c fought competition from South London schools to qualify o n ti a re . for n onfe r poetsOxford u for the prestigious Union Debating Finals. o y National C • Careers b d e ss re p im ry e were v Competing against some of the top schools in the world, from • Gifted & Talent update th 1 nd ol inPage 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 1 20/03/2015 scho11:28 achers a2_Layout The Evelyn Grace News EGA Debating Success • VEGA update • The Year in Music e e B g n i l l e p KS both the UK and abroad in the revered Oxford Union Debating Chamber, our debaters took a stunning first place in round one, going on to narrowly miss out on a place in the semi-finals. The final table ranked EGA well ahead of schools such as Eton College and Winchester which is a reflection of theehigh ya in of our students. sancalibre • Library News Kunmi Od r andDebating u ted week at EGA and there are junior and senior debating clubs that meet N n a senevery s s takes repreplace r Ha 7 a r e a y e is Y h in T . • The Student titionEGA Ingram every week to prepare for national and international competitions. e Compe d Raynel n a r e k o pelling Be omi C r 8 and• TSport ak in Yea Football . ARK Spelling Bee Academy Cheerleadingrs in the spelle all theBoxing This term EGA competed in the annual ARK Spelling Bee ofGirls’ 6 l a n fi e Competition. This year Hassan Nur and Kunmi Odesanya in ng to th Basketball . ls Schoo Year 9, Bethanie Gbocho and Moncef Elmarzak in Year 8 and of all ARK Sports Week ool. • Key Dates • Science into Schools Tomi Coker and Raynel Ingram in Year 7 represented EGA at the competition at Burlington Danes Academy. Hassan Nur (pictured) was top speller getting to the final 6 of all the spellers in the competition. EGA did well and came 4th out of all ARK Schools. All who competed were a credit to the school. INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP On 25th March EGA hosted three teachers and 19 students from Haarlemmermeer Lyceum, a school in the Netherlands. The students, aged 13-15 attend a bilingual school and were particularly keen to buddy up with students from EGA, spend time in lessons and find out more about what it is like to be a student at EGA and a young person living in London. Sylvia Blom the Bilingual Coordinator leading the visit is keen to develop a longer term partnership with us and possibly jointly bid for some Erasmus funding to support projects with a global theme and other exchange visits. A group of teachers from the school attended the SSAT National Conference in December and were very impressed by our poets. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:28 Page 2 Dear Parents and Carers, Message from the Principal Welcome to this edition of The Evelyn Grace News. I trust that you will find it informative and useful as a way of keeping up to date with our fantastic range of activities and enrichment opportunities. We are very proud of the successes and achievements of all of our students and I hope you enjoy reading about them. This has been a short but extremely busy term at EGA and students have worked incredibly hard, particularly during our assessment weeks. Year 11 and Year 12 students, in particular, are working flat out to achieve their target grades in public examinations in the coming weeks and I am very grateful to parents for the support and encouragement that you are giving to students at home. I would like to draw your attention to our school website that now contains on-line revision materials for students revising for their GCSEs. These include videos produced by our own staff to coach students through specific examination skills and questions. I am very grateful to staff who continue to go the extra mile in providing excellent extra curricular activities for our students. In the past term we have had a number of trips and visits in this country and abroad including a very successful Languages trip to Madrid as well as a number of trips to universities. You will remember that we recently launched the EGA Student Passport and I hope that you are continuing to talk to your child about the EGA qualities and how they are able to develop these vital attributes for life at home as well as at school. If you are unsure about our passport initiative please take the time to read about it in this newsletter. I trust that you will take the time to read about our fantastic sporting successes in the past term at local and national level. Boys' and girls' sport continue to excel at EGA including football, basketball, netball, boxing and a whole host of other active pursuits that continue to instill resilience and team-building character in our students. At the time of writing, we are looking forward to our Sports Week, taking place in the last week of term. The PE department have put together an impressive range of activities and outside speakers that I know will encourage our students to pursue active and sporting lifestyles. I look forward to this being reported in the summer edition of our newsletter. It is important that we continue to be mindful of the importance of students being in school every day if they are to make good progress. Parents are, therefore, not permitted to take students abroad in term time. Permission can be granted by me only in special circumstances and only if the student has attendance of at least 94%. I would like to thank all parents and carers for your continued support this term. We are a school that is always looking at how to improve and with your continued support, I am confident that we will continue on our journey to becoming one of the best schools in the country. Mr Hanson Welcome to new Staff We would like to extend a warm welcome Ms R Bridges, PE teacher Ms K Sookdew, English Teacher to staff who started with us this term: Madrid Trip 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 3 A group of Year 11 languages students visited Madrid during February Half Term. This was an exciting opportunity for students to develop their language skills as well as an appreciation of the Spanish culture. During the trip students were able to engage in many activities such as language lessons, a visit to the Prado museum, trips to the famous bull ring and Plaza Mayor. Everyone also enjoyed opportunities to go shopping and to see a Real Madrid football match at the Bernabeu Stadium. Enrichment Opportunities All students and staff had a great time enjoying learning and experiencing the Spanish language and culture. The Languages Department is looking forward to its next visit - Barcelona in June for Year 9 students. Madrid Trip A group of Year 11 languages students visited Madrid during February Half Term. This was an exciting opportunity for students to develop their language skills as well as an appreciation of the Spanish culture. During the trip students were able to engage in many activities such as language lessons, a visit to the Prado museum, trips to the famous bull ring and Plaza Mayor. Everyone also enjoyed opportunities to go shopping and to see a Real Madrid football match at the Bernabeu Stadium. All students and staff had a great time enjoying learning and experiencing the Spanish language and culture. The Languages Department is looking forward to its next visit Barcelona in June for Year 9 students. Enrichment Opportun Madrid Trip A group of Year 11 languages students visited Madrid during February Half Term. This was an exciting opportunity for students to develop their language skills as well as Spanish culture. During the trip students were able to engage in many activities such as the Prado museum, trips to the famous bull ring and Plaza Mayor. Everyone also enjo ping and to see a Real Madrid football match at the Bernabeu Stadium. All students and staff had a great time enjoying learning and experiencing the Spanish l The Languages Department is looking forward to its next visit - Barcelona in June for Ye Careers 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 4 Health and Social Care areers re CareersCareers In January, Year 10 Health and Social Care Students visited London South Bank University trainee nursing facilities. The Student Ambassadors who took them around for the day were in their last year of ted London South Bank Unitheir degrees in Midwifery, Adult Nursing and Occupational Therapy. Health and Social Care d Social Care EGA studentsJanuary, had a crash course in Sign Language with a Special Needs Nurse and got to Year he day were inIntheir last year of 10 Health and Social Care Students visited see the 'mock' wardSouth as well as get as give themselves a quickfacilities. health check . Bank University trainee nursing and Social London Care Students visited London South Bank Unional Therapy. ties. The Student Ambassadors who took them around for the day were in their a Special Needs and got degrees to lastNurse year of their in Midwifery, Adult Nursing and Occupational Therapy. uick health check . Careers Fair who took them around for the day were in their last year of EGA students had a crash course in Sign Language with a Special Needs Adult Nursing Occupational Nurseand and got to see the 'mock' Therapy. ward as well as get as give themselves a In order to Celebrate National Careers Week, EGA ran our first Careers Fair on March 5th for Years 10, 11 and 12. quick health check . Highlights included: eers Fair ourse in Sign Language with a Special Needs Nurse and got to · Skills Partnership for budding helicopas asAviation giveFair themselves check ourget first Careers on March 5thaforquick Years health 10, 11 and 12. . Careers Fair ter pilots or plane pilots Transport for London (Celebrating 100 years of In order to Celebrate National Careers Week, Women in Transport) EGA ran our first Careers Fair on March 5th for · RaisingYears the profile of women in STEM (Science, 10, 11 and 12. Technology, Engineering and Maths education) Highlights included: ● Aviation Skills Partnership for budding · J P Morgan - Finance helicopter pilots or @ plane pilots · Adult Nursing and Midwifery LSBU ● Transport for London (Celebrating 100 years · All three Emergency andfirst the Army al Careers Week, EGAinServices ran our Careers Fair on March 5th for Years 10, 11 and 12. of Women Transport) · SKYTV● Raising the profile of women in STEM · News Academy and Young Journalists Acade(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths my education) ● J Pfrom Morgan · Engineers many- Finance different areas such as rship for budding helicop● Adult Nursing Midwifery @ LSBU Construction, Off-Shoreand Platforms, Chemical ● All three Emergency Services and the Army ots and Mineral Engineers A very positive letter from one of the presenters sums up ● SKY TV · IBM 100 years of (Celebrating the success of this event 'This was a very well organised ● News Academy and Young Journalists · Wide range of apprenticeship programmes event from start to finish, with a timeliness that ran with Academy · Careers Fair ● Engineers from many different areas such as acute precision. On commencement, I noticed how pupils women STEM (Science, readily interacted with various services providers and A veryin positive letter from oneOff-Shore of the presenters sums up the success Construction, Platforms, Chemical statutory organisations, who eagerly provided and Mineral this event 'This was a veryEngineers well organised event from start to finish, ingofand Maths educainformation on courses and job opportunities. This was ● IBM with a timeliness that ran with acute precision. On commence- ment, I further enhanced midway by presentations, which gave Wide rangeinteracted of apprenticeship programmes noticed how ●pupils readily with various services providers and the opportunity for students to listen, and ask questions p the success statutory organisations, who eagerly provided inforabout apprenticeships and future career pathways. start to fin- ish, mation on courses and job opportunities. This was further enhanced wiferyment, @ LSBU menceI midway by presentations, which gave the opportunity for students to Presentations were very informative, and professionally ces providers andthe Army Services and listen, and ask questions about apprenticeships and future career delivered to maintain attention span to the entire audience. pathways. Presentations were very informative, and professionally er enhanced delivered to maintain attention span to the entire audience. The beYoung Journalists Acadeor students to The behaviour by students was exemplary throughout, haviour by students was exemplary throughout, being courteous and being courteous and polite at all times, that was a credit ure career polite at all times, that was a credit to Evelyn Grace. Likewise, staff were friendly, helpful and available for assisto Evelyn Grace. Likewise, staff were friendly, helpful and ofessionally tance if required.' different areas such as available for assistance if required. nce. The bere Platforms, Chemical ourteous and sewise, staff were friendly, helpful and available for assis- nticeship programmes 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 5 Gifted & Talented Update The 2014-2015 academic year is the second in which Evelyn Grace Academy has run our 'Gifted' programme for our most able children. A handful of pupils from every year group were nominated before Christmas by their teachers for an exceptional display of endeavour and achievement. During this term they have met once a week to focus on their attainment and to look to the future and broaden their aspirations. The most exciting new initiative this year has been the links made with the enrichment programme overseen by Mr Dixon. The pupils were offered free reign in producing their own ideas for their own clubs. They can expect to indoor skydive, paintball, abseil, engineer and much more over the coming months. The morning meetings continue during form time from Tuesday through to Friday. They meet with staff regularly to monitor progress and to discuss trajectory. Year 8 pupils have had their introduction to the programme this half term. They have reflected on the 8 qualities of the gifted learner and set themselves personal targets to meet by the end of the year. They have now moved forward into an exploration of great speeches.Year 9 pupils have been given artistic and editorial licence to produce the accompanying newspaper for the enrichment activities that take place after school. The afternoons see them The and 2014-2photographing interviewing the many clubs that take place. Year 10 pupils have begun to think critically about the things 015 our most ab academic year is the secondagainst le chtesting they read.teacThey are the reasoning tests of law firms to challenge the very brightest university ildren. A hatheir logic in which Eve ndful of pu hers for an lyn Grace A pils from ev exceptiona cademyto er cus on 11 hassee l graduates.foYear pupils are receiving the necessary support them As and A*s in their coming exams. They di y splay of en year grou run ou their attain r 'Giftedachieve p were no deavour an ' programm ment and minated be d ac to e for their expectations. hi lo ev ok em have mentoring sessions each week toand extra tofoensure re Christmthey fulfil ent. Dursessions the fu ture anintervention ing th as The Gifted &Ta lented Upd ate by their is term they d broaden most excitin their aspira have met g new initiat Dixon. The once a wee tions. ive this year pupils wer k to has been e offered fre door skydiv the links m e reign in pr e, paintbal ade with th oducing th l, abseil, en e enrichmen eir own idea gineer and t programm s for their ow much mor The morni e over the n clubs. The e overseen by Mr ng meetin co ming mon y can expe gs continue to monitor ths. ct to induring form progress an time from d to discus term. They T ue s sd tra have refle ay through je ct or y. Y ct ear 8 pupi ed on the to Friday. the end of ls have ha 8 qualities They mee the year. T d their intro t with staff of the gifte hey have no given ar(virtual duction to regularly d learner anAcademy) tistic and ed learning VEGA Evelyn Grace w mat ov ed forward the progra d se itorial licen t th place after e mme this ha mselves pe into an expl ce to sc pr hoolgo or rs od lf on at continues to from strength the strength this year. uc io . al T e n he ta th of rg e afternoons great spee ets to mee 10 pupils ha accompany ches. Yea see them t by ing newsp ve gun r 9 pupils ha intervof ap toto Students videos their own teachers tests of lawarebeable thinkaccess er ie w fo in r cr g and phot the enrichm ve been itically abou firms to ch ographing ent activities t the things allenge the supp the many ort to see that take and other students revision tipsthey and very br readexamination clubs that them achievoffering . ig T ht he es y t ar ta un interventio ke place. Y e testing th iversity grad e As and A n se ear *s in thei uates. guidance. We these even for students ssiohave ns to enmade Year 11 pu to eir logic against the r comineasier sure they g exams. T pils are rece re fu lfi he l th y iving the ne asoning eir expeon have access by putting links to all videos school website. m en ctatiothe toring sess cessary ns. ions each week and extra VEGA Update CALLING ALL PARENTS AND CARERS In addition to our current revision guides, there are now 'How to achieve A*' videos on the school website for most subjects. VEGA Upd ate Come and be part of Evelyn Grace Academy Parent Teacher Association (EGA PTA) V EGA (virtua There isl leno need for passwords or log in details as all arning at Evelyn G able to acce race Acadeschool website and can be ss videavailable videos are os my) contin of their ow via the have mad ues to fro n teachers e these ev m strength en easier foTablets,an d other studand go watched on Mobiles, Laptops Computers. the strength r students ents offerin to access this year. S g revision In addition by putting tudents are tips and ex to our curr links to all amination en t vi revision gu subjects. deos on th guidance. ides, there e school w We are now 'H ebsite ✔. You are vital to the success of the school ow to achi eve A*' vide There is no os on the sc need for pa hool websi✔ You will be part of a great network sswords or watched on te for most log in deta Mobiles, T ils as all vide ablets, Lapt os are avai ops and C ✔ Make a difference - we aim to establish a lable via th omputers. e school w ebsite and can be supportive and encouraging community for the entire school ✔ Your voice matters - your ideas and involvement can help improve the environment and education for all the children at our school ✔ By getting involved with our PTA, you will show your children that not only are they important to you but their education is as well. See dates of all PTA meetings on the Key Information and Dates page. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 6 Speakers included Martin Sheen, Richard Branson, Kweku Mandela and Princes Performers included Britain's Got Talent 2014 winners Bars and Melody, Years & School Council Trip Maynard headlined the event, much to everyone's excitement. Key messages were that this generation will be the most powerful of all genera powerment and collective action, young people can act as 'champions' of caus In March, 12 student council members attended We Day along with 600 other schools. The event was held at the SSE Arena Wembley and gave the students an opportunity to learn about local and world which exist. issues and realise their potential to affect change in their environment. Rasidatu Bisuga in together Year 8 summed up theyoung day bypeople saying "It was fun, interesting a The belief is that change can take place in bringing a generation and show that every person can make a difference. The event was truly inspiring. Speakers included Martin Sheen, Richard Branson, Kweku Mandela and Princess Beatrice. Performers included Britain's Got Talent 2014 winners Bars and Melody, Years & Years and Endz to Endz. Connor Maynard headlined the event, much to everyone's excitement. Key messages were that this generation will be the most powerful of all generations so far in history. Through empowerment and collective action, young people can act as 'champions' of causes and raise the profile of inequalities which exist. Rasidatu Bisuga in Year 8 summed up the day by saying "It was fun, interesting and inspiring." mances from Egzona Munishi, Keiandra Kelly, Daniel Richards, Kai Smith-Wallace, Deavion Edward rick and Emma Ryan to name but a few. The highlight of the evening was EGA's One Voice Choir, D Preston, with support from Mr Stewart. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 7 The Year in Music ity to work with Music Industry professionals on the en. Parents, Teachers, friends and students were supportive of our musical endeavors and we look fo with students from ARK Academies at this year's event. continues to go strength to in strength o RecordingSinging Studios, as well asfrom participating ses- at EGA and this academic year our SPARK Choir, Ignite Choir and Fusion Ensemble members have been selected by the ARK Music Team to perform in the nd Sway. prestigious ARK Gala performance to be held at the Barbican in June. ear's Christmas Concert. The evening saw perfor, Kai Smith-Wallace, Deavion Edwards, Shaqwarn Patening was EGA's One Voice Choir, Directed by Miss ur musical endeavors and we look forward to working Fusion Ensemble Daniel Richards Jayden Williams Mya-Marie Beckles Emma Ryan Deavion Edwards SPARK Choir Egzona Munishi Precious Coker Veronic Prendergast Agnes Frank Emily Abreu Angie Gutierrez Ignite Choir Bethany Gbocho Tioluwani Ajao This year our Year 10 Btec Musicians have had the opportunity to work with Music Industry professionals on the Aspirations Programme, led by Music Manager, Kwame Kwaten. Students attended field trips to the Ultimate Seminar and Soho Recording Studios, as well as participating in sessions from guest speakers Meridian Dan (Mr German Whip) and Sway. In December, students from Years 7 to 12 participated in the Year's Christmas Concert. The evening saw performances from Egzona Munishi, Keiandra Kelly, Daniel Richards, Kai Smith-Wallace, Deavion Edwards, Shaqwarn Patrick and Emma Ryan to name but a few. The highlight of the evening was EGA's One Voice Choir, Directed by Miss Preston, with support from Mr Stewart. Parents, Teachers, friends and students were supportive of our musical endeavors and we look forward to working with students from ARK Academies at this year's event. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 8 Library Ne Library News The library now has 14,692 books available for students including a The library now has 14,692 books available for students including an extensive Sixth Form section. Parents should have recently received a letter about Parents should have accessing the school library online. You can recently received a letter view our catalogue, and to seeabout whataccessing bookstheyour children are reading. Parents can contact the li school library online. egalibrary@evelyngraceacademy.org You can use questions via the following email address this service to view our Parents a letter about accessing the catalogue, and to see what books your should childrenhave are recently reading.received Parents can contact view our catalogue, to see what booksaddress your children are read the librarian with any questions via the and following email questions via the following email address egalibrary@evelyngracea egalibrary@evelyngraceacademy.org. Accelerated Reader Reader All students in KS3 are registered for the AcceleratedAccelerated Reader program (AR). AR is a computer pro teachers and librarians manage and monitor children's independent readingforpractice. Your child p All students in KS3 are registered the Accelerated Reader progr All students in KS3 are registered forand thelibrarians Accelerated Reader (AR). independen teachers manage andprogram monitor children's their own level and reads it at their own When finished, your child takes a short quiz on th AR is apace. computer program thatlevel helpsand teachers librarians manage their own reads it and at their own pace. When finished, you monitor children's independent reading practice. Your child picks (Passing the quiz is an indication thatand your child understood was read.) (Passing thewhat quiz is an indication that your child understood what w Accelerated Reader a book at their own level and reads it at their own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz teachers, on the computer. (Passing the based on the q AR gives children, and librarians feedback AR gives children, teachers, and librarians based on the results, which quiz is anfeedback indication that your child understood what the teacher then usesquiz to help yourwas childread.) set goals and direct ongoin Children using AR choose their own books to read, rather than hav the teacher then uses to help your child set goals and direct enjoyable ongoing reading practice. much more experience as they AR gives children, teachers, and librarians feedback based oncan thechoose quiz books that a Children using AR choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This Students are expected to read one book every weeks, please results, which the teacher then uses to help your child set goals two and your child reads for at least 20 minutes every day. direct ongoing reading practice. using AR choose their own much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books Children that are interesting to them. books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes Students are expected to read one book every two weeks, please help uscan tochoose improve this progra Stan Lee Excelsior reading a much more enjoyable experience as theyAward books your child reads for at least 20that minutes everytoday. are interesting them. The library is running the Stan Lee Excelsior Award to promote rea ers.help Students Students are expected to read one book every two weeks, please us toread and then r els.20The selection of books w improve this program by ensuring that your child reads for at least minutes tant readers and more able re every day. Stan Lee Excelsior Award July to announce the winners. The library is running the Stan Lee Excelsior Award to promote reading for pleasure amongst chil ers. Students read and then rate from a selection of 8 shortl els. The selection of books were chosen to appeal to boys a tant readers and more able readers. There will be an award July to announce the winners. Stan Lee Excelsior Award The library is running the Stan Lee Excelsior Award to promote reading for pleasure amongst children and teenagers. Students read and then rate from a selection of 8 shortlisted graphic novels. The selection of books were chosen to appeal to boys and girls, to reluctant readers and more able readers. There will be an award ceremony in June/ July to announce the winners. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 9 The EGA Student Our aim is to develop the EGA Qualities in all our students from Year 7-13 in lessons, in school and in the community. These qualities will equip our young people with the necessary tools to achieve academic excellence. ● Responsibility ● Resilience ● Integrity ● Curiosity ● Confidence ● Eloquence All students have been issued with an EGA Passport. Students will use this passport to demonstrate and evidence that they have achieved Gold, Silver or Bronze award in each of the qualities. Students will be rewarded at the end of each term for the level they achieve. tudent S A G E e Th ITY RESILIE R NC EG ITY C O NF IBIL I NS CURIOSITY E ENCE R ES OQU PO EL CE EN D ! IN T Passport Bronze To collect a Bronze award you must: ● Achieve 20 e-portal awards from your teachers for demonstrating the quality in lessons and around the school ● Complete 2 of the evidence sections of your passport, giving evidence to show how you have demonstrated the quality in school or out of school. Silver To collect a Sliver award you must: ● Achieve 40 e-portal awards from your teachers for demonstrating the quality in lessons and around the school ● Complete 4 of the evidence sections of your passport giving the evidence to show how you have demonstrated the quality in school or out of school. Gold To collect a Gold award you must: ● Achieve 75 e-portal awards from your teachers for demonstrating the quality in lessons and around the school ● Complete 6 of the evidence sections of your passport giving the evidence to show how you have demonstrated the quality in school or out of school. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 10 Sport Boys’ Football The 2014/15 season has developed into the strongest in the academy's history thanks to the excellent support of a number of colleagues who have given their time and effort to support the Physical Education department in boys football this season. I would therefore like to thank Mr Augustus, Mr Aliowe, Mr Anti, Mr Graham and Mr O'Flynn for their support in running fixtures and matches this season. It has also been the first season ever that every Year Group has entered the London Cup, the Inner London and South London Cup with many teams still in the later stages of the competitions at the time of writing. Year 7 The Year 7s have had a good first year at Evelyn Grace Academy with the team recording some emphatic results including an 11-0 victory over Oasis academy and a 5-1 victory over Forest Hill School. In the South London Cup the team is still progressing well into the semi-finals after a narrow 2-1 victory over London Nautical in the Quarter Final. The Player of the Season so far has been Adbul Abdulmalik. The small attacker has been in prolific form this season averaging two goals a match in Year 7 and is training with Brentford FC Academy. Other standout players have been Sean Mullings and Zubayar Boadi who have performed excellently for the team. Year 8 Year 8s have seen a big improvement since Year 7 at Evelyn Grace. After a difficult opener to the season when they lost 8-1 to London Nautical School, the team has galvanised themselves and have strung together an impressive set of results which includes a 6-0 victory over Elm Green, a 3-1 victory over city of London Academy and a 2-0 victory over Charter School leaving them in the Quarter-Finals of the South London Cup and a tie against Ernest Bevin on the horizon. Adbul Abdulmalik has also been top scorer in Year 8 with 9 goals. Player of the Season for far has been Emmanuel Sarpong who has been a strong presence in defence and a strong leader. Emmanuel is also training with Brentford FC Academy and impressing the coaches with his dominant displays. Year 9 Year 9s have had an exceptional season under Mr Aliowe's leadership which included a run to the 5th round of the National Competition, an excellent feat considering the standard of teams in that competition. After wins against Lamas School, Freemans College, and the Marlborough Science Academy the side eventually went out 2-1 against Goffs School in a tight affair. The side also beat Haggerston 3-0 in the Inner London Cup before being deprived of the chance to go any further by poor weather in the next round. The side lost to Robert Clack School of Science in the 4th round of the Central London Cup on penalties. The side also stand in the South London Cup after a 15-1 victory of Lilian Bayliss. The two standout Players of the Season so far are Reshawn Gray and Rahmel Linton. Rehsawn has been lethal in front of goal scoring over 20 goals during the season with Rahmel a strong influence at the back and midfield. As well as being signed by Southend FC the pair have also been playing up in higher year groups as a result of their exceptional ability. Year 10 Under the astute management of Mr Anti, the Year 10 team have been involved in some thrilling encounters with results including a 7-6 victory over Mossbourne Academy and a 3-2 victory over Barking Abbey as well as narrow defeats to Bishop Challinor (5-4) and Charter School 5-4. The side has made big strides this season and Player of the Season Donnell Trowers has been a strong influence on the rest of the performers. Year 11 Year 11 went out early in the National Cup competition by a single goal to Kemnal Technology Academy in October. Two home friendlies were won at ease with Adel Mohammed and Malachi Simpson showing strength in the middle and Joshua Bohui important in attack. In the South London Cup competition the side were knocked out the second year running by arch rivals Kingsdale in an epic 8-5 defeat. Player of the Season, Adel Mohammed, showed excellent development and a keen eye for goal. A special mention must also go to Joshua Bohui who claimed an International Cap for England U16's against Switzerland U16's recently after impressing for a number of years at Brentford FC Academy. After the strides the football programme has made in recent seasons we very much look forward to building on this in 2015/16 and adding some silverware to the Evelyn Grace Academy trophy cabinet. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 11 Sport Cheerleading Cheerleading was firstly introduced in year 7 and 8 PE lessons. After the huge success, we decided to start our own EGA cheerleading squad.The first session brought around 15 girls and they learnt an official EGA chant. As the weeks went by the numbers grew, more and more girls became interested in joining the squad. They have been learning complicated movements and soon will be learning some stunts to add on to their routine. Our aim is to piece together a whole routine that includes some gymnastics, stunts, chants and dance by the summer term. Watch out, EGA Girls are coming to a basketball match near you! Come along every Tuesday at 3.30 - 4.45pm in the dance studio. Girls' Boxing With a growing interest in girls fitness the PE department have decided to start up a girls only boxing session after schools on a Wednesday. Interest has been slowly growing with many girls attending and a few of them taking up the sport outside of school. Girls' Football This year the girls have been training with 2 Fulham FC coaches and Mr Graham.The hard work and commitment from the girls have been very high. Both our KS3 and KS4 girls played The Charter School on Wednesday 11th February and won 4-0 with goals scored by Katie Ramos, Cristiana Alfonso, Sharnice Gray. They were ecstatic with the win! They played a very good match showing very impressive football skills on the pitch! They have been booked in to play a tournament and few friendlies in the summer term. Keep up the good work girls! Sport ulham FC d commitment from nd KS4 girls played u- ary and won 4-0 c with the win! y ime been ndlys in the and 8 PE lessons. After the huge success, we decided to start our own rought around 15 girls and they learnt an official EGA chant. As the more girls became interested in joining the squad. They have been will be learning some stunts to add on to their routine. Our aim is to Sport 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 12 Boys' Basketball Sport Basketball Results 11/3/15 - U15 V Haggerston - Win - 38-37 3/3/15 - U15 v BTG - Win - 30-21 24/2/15 - U15 v Elm Green - Win - 25 - 9 11/2/15 - Under 13 v Norwood - Win - 25-24 10/2/15 Under 13 v Platanos - Win - 40-30 Boys' Basketball Basketball Results So far this year the following teams have achieved the following Accolades 11/3/15 U15 V Haggerston - Win - 38-37 Under 16 - Lambeth Champions and Ark Champions 3/3/15 - U15 v BTG - Win - 30-21 Under 14 - Ark Champions 24/2/15 - U15 v Elm Green - Win - 25 - 9 Under 13's Final Four in Junior NBA League 11/2/15 - Under 13 v Norwood - Win - 25-24 Under 15 and Under 17 are Currently competing in the DENG League. 10/2/15 - Under 13 v Platanos - Win - 40-30 Stand out players: Under 17 - Ellis Thomas Under 16 - Isaiah Springer Under 14/15 - Leon Neziri Under 13 - Mikaeel Muhammed So far this year the following teams have achieved the following accolades: Under 16 - Lambeth Champions and Ark Champions Under 14 - Ark Champions Under 13's Final Four in Junior NBA League Under 15 and Under 17 are currently competing in the DENG League. This year has seen the rise of the Deng Academy and Basketball at Evelyn Grace Academy. Teams have been competing regularly against other schools and the school as Stand a whole areplayers: on a massive winning streak. The hard work, out early mornings and late nights are proving to be meaningful in terms of Thomas developing excellence within our students. Under 17 - Ellis Under 16 - Isaiah Springer Under 14/15 - Leon Neziri Sports Week Under 13 - Mikaeel Muhammed Sports Week is looking to be the biggest event Evelyn Grace Academy has ever seen. With guest speakers, profes- sional coaches, published authors and current professional athletes coming in to work with our students in a varie- ty This year has seen the rise of the Deng Academy and Basketball at Evelyn Grace Academy. Teams have of different settings. been competing regularly against other schools and the school as a whole are on a massive winning streak. The hard work, early mornings and late nights are proving to be meaningful in terms of The weekdeveloping will be culminating in an evening some star names such as Alastair Campbell, James Kerr and excellence within ourfeaturing students. Paul McVeigh giving their insights into how to become great in sport and life in general. Books written by Alastair Campbell and James Kerr can be purchased on the evening for a considerably discounted fee. Sports Week Sports Week is looking to be the biggest event Evelyn Grace Academy has ever seen. With guest speakers, professional coaches, published authors and current professional athletes coming in to work with our students in a variety of different settings The week will be culminating in an evening featuring some star names such as Alastair Campbell, James Kerr and Paul McVeigh giving their insights into how to become great in sport and life in general. Books written by Alastair Campbell and James Kerr can be purchased on the evening for a considerably discounted fee. Karollyne Silva takes the catwalk 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 13 Key Information and Dates ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY At Evelyn Grace Academy we place great importance on attendance and punctuality and understand that both you and your child play a big part in this. By ensuring your child attends on time every day you are teaching your child a valuable life skill which will stand them in good stead throughout their lives. School Attendance There are 2 sessions in each school day: morning and afternoon and students may be absent from school for 1 or 2 sessions each day. Please note that the decision to authorise an absence will always rest with the school. We will consider authorising absences for the following reasons: • Genuine illness (not a minor ailment) but please provide proof where possible • Short term emergency • Bereavement • Emergency dental or doctor’s appointment (please try and make appointments outside of school hours and always provide evidence of appointment) • Hospital treatment (again always provide evidence of this to school) • Certain days for religious observation The following types of absence will not be authorised: • Shopping (which includes shopping for uniform and shoes) • Hair cuts • Truancy • Birthday treats, days out, airports visits or trips • Looking after siblings or family member • Illness at the start or end of a term (unless proof is provided) • Non-urgent medical or dental appointments • Oversleeping or “not realising” school was open • Minor Ailments (including headlice, hay fever, sniffles etc) • Please remember school starts at 8.30am and the register closes shortly after this time. If your child arrives after the register closes they will be recorded as unauthorised absence from the morning register. Please note that all unauthorised absences are investigated and passed to the School Attendance Officer. Where there are excessive unauthorised absences, the school may decide to issue a Penalty Notice. Please note that the Education Act 1996 states that 'If any child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his/her parent is guilty of an offence." Important changes to holidays in term time Parents do not have an automatic right to take children out of school for holidays and this is discouraged. Since September 2013 schools are not allowed to authorise any holidays taken by families in term time unless there are exceptional reasons for doing so and proof is provided of these circumstances. Any holidays taken will be subject to follow up by the School Attendance Officer and Lambeth Council and the possibility of Penalty Notices being issued to each parent/carer. What you need to do You must always notify the school before 8.30am if your child is absent by calling the Academy number 020 7737 9520 and selecting Option 1 for Attendance. If you leave a message please speak clearly stating your child’s full name,Year Group and the reason for the absence. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Ms Morris, our attendance officer who will be able to clarify any points. Key Dates Term Ends Friday 27 March 2015 at 12.30pm Easter Break - Starts Monday 30 March Academy Inset Day Monday 13 April 2015 Students Return Tuesday 14 April 2015 PTA Meetings ● Wednesday 18th March 2015 ● Wednesday 6th May 2015 ● Wednesday 24th June 2015 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 14 Who are we? Kids Company was founded by Camila Batmanghelidjh in 1996. We provide practical, emotional and educational support to vulnerable inner-city children, young people and their families. supporting vulnerable children Teams of our staff and volunteers work to support children in over 40 schools and operate a number of multidisciplinary children's centres across London. Our services currently reach over 14000 children across the capital, including the most deprived and at risk, whose parents are unable to care for them due to their own practical and emotional challenges. In 2007 Kids Company was awarded the Liberty and JUSTICE Human Rights Award. In 2010 we were selected as a 'Child Poverty Champion' by the End Child Poverty project for our success in enabling children to achieve their full potential. The Team Our team at Evelyn Grace is developing, so new faces are arriving all the time! Team members in the school wear a white and pink Kids Company badge, so we are very easy to spot! Our office is on the third floor (room 3.38) and you are welcome to pop by and say hello (we can usually offer you a chocolate biscuit too!). The team is currently made up of a Team Leader, who manages the service, a Social Worker, a Keyworker, a Speech and language therapist, a range of art therapists and psychotherapists (10 in total) and other mentors, coaches and volunteers who support young people through providing extra curricular activities, befriending and pastoral support. We also work closely with a wider Kids Company team, which includes skilled artists, nutritionists, lawyers, counsellors, occupational therapists and specialists on areas such as child protection, gangs, housing, immigration, drugs and alcohol to name but a few. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 15 Hicham Jabrane is the Team Leader at EGA. He can usually be found in school and can be contacted via tele- phone and email at all other times: hicham.jabrane@kidsco.org.uk or 07961265932. One to One One to One therapeutic support (short or long term), small group therapy and workshops to address behavioural difficulties, help forming friendships and developing self confidence, Occupational Therapy to overcome the effects of physical and psychiatric disabilities, mentoring (in & out of school) to build confidence and self esteem, Legal advice and Advocacy for families on topics such as immigration, housing and criminal justice, practical and emotional support for parents and carers, youth work and out of school provision through The Arches (our children centre). Through kids Company's Colour a Child's life and Poverty Busting programmes, we can also offer support with home refurbishment and help providing essential items such as furniture, bedding and clothing. For staff: Confidential 1:1 therapeutic and practical support, specialist training opportunities on neurodevelopment and behaviour management, Complementary health therapies including massage and reflexology. How can you access our services? We work closely with Miss Rodrigues and her team to identify the children in need and suitable interventions we can offer. All referrals will be discussed in the weekly inclusion panel meeting and they can come through: Self referral or from staff and teachers. Feel free to contact Hicham, the Team Leader. He will be able to explore ways in which we can support you with a specific student or issue.You can contact Hicham by email or phone (details above) when he is not at school, or get a message to him through any of the other Kids Company team members. 021132 Evelyn Grace newsletter 2_Layout 1 20/03/2015 11:29 Page 16 EGA has joined the Waste buster PROGRAMME! By taking part we'll be protecting the environment, and collecting points to buy Science equipment for our school. We are going to hold a collection day for old clothes & shoes. These will be weighed and we will be given science points to spend. We hope you'll help us out by having a declutter and donating your unwanted items for recycling. Please fill and bring your bags to reception over the next few weeks, collection from Wastebuster will be on 17 April 2015. Wasterbuster's are able to recycle all clean, dry clothes including bed linen, towels, and curtains. We can also collect trainers, boots, sandals and shoes if they are in pairs. Unfortunately, they cannot collect pillows, duvets, sleeping bags, slippers or single shoes. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 77379520 or visit the Science into Schools recycling rewards website at www.wastebuster.co.uk.
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