Dear Exhibitor: We are excited to announce the

Proudly Presents the
Dear Exhibitor:
We are excited to announce the 1st Annual All About Critters Animal Expo! This is a great
opportunity to see what is new and exciting in the world of animals from food and training, to
clubs and organizations; plus much more! Come and network with fellow industry professionals
from around the area while showcasing your business. This event is to include all animals from
horses to dogs, birds and cats…you name it! To participate with us your booth must consist of
85% animal related products or pertain to the animals in some way.
As part of the process for participating in the Expo the following forms and documents need to
be completed, signed, and submitted, as soon as possible, to ensure your place at this premier
• Waiver of Liability (included in registration packet)
• Exhibitor Registration Form
• Check/Money Orders or submit payment online at
• Logo – (when applicable. Must be 300dpi and a pdf or jpg file)
Eventive-Events and Promotions must approve all activities planned at your booth. Please
provide a detailed list of activities, as well as, any product(s) you plan to display or distribute.
Please provide at least two photos of product and set-up.
• Strategic marketing on various forms of media
• Social networking – To include *Facebook Loop Giveaway
• Interactive advertising
Premier Exhibitor Packages
We encourage exhibitors to make the most of their participation by becoming a Premier
Exhibitor; the following options available are listed below for you. Please let us know if you
choose to participate at this level so we can assure your logo is represented in all print
advertising. The Premier Exhibitor Packages deadline is July 10th, 2015 and you must have the
logo to us by that time along with full payment for your booth.
Gold Exhibitor- $750.00
• Booth space to highlight your company. (10x20)
• Company logo on all print advertising.
• Company name mentioned in radio advertising.
Silver Exhibitor - $500.00
• Booth space to highlight your company. (10x20)
• Company logo on all print advertising.
Bronze Exhibitor - $ 350.00
• Booth space to highlight your company – (10x10)
• Company logo on all print advertising
Deluxe & Jumbo Booth Spaces (NO additional advertising)
Basic – $225 10X10
Deluxe - $350 10x20
Jumbo - $550 10X30
Saturday, August 8th, 2015
10:00am – 4:00pm
Company Name:
(As it appears on event signage or marketing materials)
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
Website Address:
Facebook page:
Contact Person:
(During event if different from above)
(970) 209-8221 Leslie or (970) 275-6547 Tracy
Exhibitor Booth Options-
All Booths are 10’x10’ (Need larger space? Call for availability and price):
Gold Exhibitor: $750.00 (Deadline July10th)
Silver Exhibitor: $500.00 (Deadline July10th)
Bronze Exhibitor: $350.00 (Deadline July10th)
Basic Booth: $225.00 (10x10 space)
Deluxe Booth: $350.00 (10 x 20 space) $450.00 value
Jumbo Booth: $550.00 (10x30 space) $675 value
Banner Advertising: We hang your supplied banner $100.00
(Not eligible for early-bird discount, limited space available)
Early Bird Special: Subtract $25.00 off booth space:
(Deadline is 06/30/2015 to receive discount.)
Facebook Loop Advertising- FREE
(Please indicate if you want to be included and supply your Facebook page
address. More Information will follow based on interest.)
Non-Profits call for availability
Total amount enclosed:
Check/Money Order Included
Payment Submitted online
Please make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 3280 Montrose, CO. 81402
Or you can visit us on our web page and pay with a credit card at:
Money must accompany exhibitor registration form to retain a spot at the All About Critters,
Animal Expo by the date specified. Eventive-Events and Promotions reserve the right to refuse
space to any vendor, even if payment has been submitted through the website.
(970) 209-8221 Leslie or (970) 275-6547 Tracy
Exhibitor Registration Form Continued
Are you planning on selling goods or merchandise? Yes
Exhibitors are responsible for licensing and tax collection.
Are you planning on sampling food/beverage products at your booth? Yes
Cottage Laws and Retail Food Licensing may apply and are the full responsibility of the
exhibitor. Please include a copy of your licenses with registration.
If yes,
Detailed Description of all Booth activities:
Will the exhibit require electricity? Yes
If Yes,
100 V
220 V
# of Amps required
Please describe for what you will be utilizing the power:
Please describe any special needs:
If you would like to do a door prize, it will need to be held at your booth. We will be happy to
announce the winner(s) for you throughout or at the end of day. If yes, what will it be?
Each exhibitor is responsible for the transportation, set-up and take down of their exhibit(s)
materials (e.g. Banners; displays; etc.) ** NO TACKS, STAPLES, OR NAILS MAY BE USED) Only
command strips can be used to hang anything on the walls- NO EXECTPIONS. EXHIBITORS WILL
BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE IN THEIR AREA. Thank you for your attention to this
Set up will be Friday August 7th starting at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. Any booths not claimed by
9:00 am on August 8th, will be forfeit. We ask that exhibitors arrive at the Friendship Hall in
enough time to:
• Check-in
• Unload vehicle
• Park vehicle in the designated vendor parking area.
• Set-up booth.
All vendors must be set-up and ready to go by 9:45am on August 8th. The Expo will officially
open by 10:00 am sharp! Tear down of will begin at 4:01pm No Exceptions. Doing so will
prohibit exhibitor from attending all future events.
Waiver of Liability:
Neither Eventive-Events and Promotions, LLC, All About Critters Animal Expo, Montrose County,
it officers, directors, guests, agents, or employees shall have any liability to the Exhibitor, it’s
officers, guests, agents or employees or to any person in attendance at All About Critters
Animal Expo for any negligent act or omission deemed caused by the Exhibitor or the
Exhibitor’s agents, guest, officers or employees while transporting, setting up, displaying or
selling the Exhibitor’s merchandise. Furthermore, neither All About Critters, Animal Expo,
Eventive-Events and Promotions, LLC nor any of its employees, agents, officers and directors
shall be held responsible for any damage or theft to any Exhibitor’s merchandise or exhibit area
caused by natural elements or the act(s) or omissions(s) on any such parties that occurs at any
time prior to, during, or after All About Critters Animal Expo. By signing the Exhibitor
application, with this clause included on it, expressly releases and indemnifies such parties
from all claims for injury, theft or damage.
Right to Cancel:
Exhibitor has the right to cancel participation within three business days of signing this form as
per Colorado State Law. No refunds will be issued after the three day cancelation period.
By signing below I am stating that I own, or am an authorized agent for the above listed
company, and fully understand the above wavier, rules and right to cancel for the “All About
Critters Animal Expo.”
Printed Name:
Leslie Musselmann
(c) 970-209-8221
(f) 970-323-8762
Tracy Reule
(c) 970-275-6547
(f) 970-323-8762
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you August 8th 2015!