ATCA CONFERENCE: 12 – 14 October 2015 REGISTRATION FORM & INVOICE/RECEIPT TCs: Partnerships in Treatment THE RENDEZVOUS HOTEL, AUCKLAND CENTRAL Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association ABN: 41 893 350 365 Name: _Email: Organisation: State/Country: Telephone: Mobile: Fax:_ Please ensure this is the email address of the delegate Conference Fees – Australia/New Zealand (Same $ Value) Early Bird by 1 September Registration Type (Please tick) Early Bird Non‐Early Bird Full Registration □ ATCA Member $ 390.00 $ 425.00 □ ATCA Member (Dinner & ATCA Awards) $ 80.00 $ 80.00 □ Non ATCA Member $ 425.00 $ 450.00 □ Non ATCA Member (Dinner & ATCA $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Awards) $ 80.00 per guest $ 80.00 per guest □ Additional Dinner Guests (Number) ………… Workshop fee – Thursday 15 October $ 65.00 $ 65.00 □ Dr Ken Robinson‐ One day workshop ‐ MRT, CBT & Antisocial Personality Disorder Total . Treatments Name of Cardholder:____________________________ □ Mastercard □ Bankcard □ Visa Expiry date: _____/ ______ Card No: ________________________________________________ TOTAL PAYMENT AUD/NZ $ __ Signature: _________________________________________ (New Zealand Credit Card holders may incur small offshore margins) Post registration with cheque to: ATCA Conference: PO Box 464 YASS, NSW 2582, Australia Scan and email Registration with Credit card details to: Direct deposits can be made to: ATCA Conference Account – BSB: 032 005 Account: 201166 Please email your remittance advice with registration to: For more details: Email: ATCA Website: SITE VISITS on October 12, 2015 This year we are offering the opportunity for delegates to visit a Treatment Drug Unit inside Spring Hill Prison or Higher Ground and Odyssey Adult, Young Adult and the Family Centre. You will depart from The Rendezvous Hotel in the morning to journey to the TC, where you will tour the TCs and hear about the program from staff and residents. Afternoon teas and lunch will be provided. Please indicate your preference for the tour □ Tour 1: Drug Treatment Unit Springhill Prison Spring Hill DTU ‐ is a 40 bed unit within Spring Hill Corrections Facility, about 70km south of Auckland. Operating as a Therapeutic Community modified to the correctional setting, Spring Hill is one of eight DTUs throughout the country operated by CareNZ. It opened its doors in 2008, and since then more than 260 prisoners have successfully graduated from the 6 month programme. The CareNZ team works closely with custodial staff to ensure an effective programme is delivered within an active and supportive TC environment. Note: There is a limit to the number of delegates visiting Springhill Prison – register your interest now! □ Tour 2: A combined tour of Higher Ground and Odyssey including the Family Centre in Auckland Higher Ground – Founded in 1984, and providing an 18 week Therapeutic Community programme. A strong Maori Whanau programme is provided in which most residents Maori and non‐Maori participate in and find helpful. There is an extensive family, education and therapy programme. It has a bed capacity for 52 adult residents. Lunch provided before you are driven to Odyssey in Avondale for the afternoon session. Odyssey Auckland ‐ Established since 1980 and comprising a number of programmes for a variety of age groups. The programme you will be visiting is the original programme in Avondale and caters for 38 males, 14 females and a purpose built Family Centre on the same site for parents 18 years plus with children 0‐12 years. Odyssey offers an aftercare/continuing care service and clients who complete the programme stay for up to 6 months in one of the re‐entry or transitional houses. You will be welcomed by the Odyssey Kapa Haka group and then meet staff and residents and have a tour of the 2 facilities. You will be able to participate in a drumming session which the residents attend on a weekly basis. Rendezvous Hotel Street Address: 71 Mayoral Drive Cnr Vincent St Auckland Phone (64 9 366 3000) Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association October 12 – 14 October Refer to website for further details The Conference organisers have negotiated a special rate for the Conference of $195.00 per night and invite you to register directly with the hotel to secure the best rates. Note, the block booking which will only be held for a period of time – and up to a month prior to the conference commencement – so book early! For Rendezvous Hotel reservations please email: When delegates are making reservations, either mention ATCA conference in October or confirmation number: 430420 to obtain the ATCA conference rate of $195.00 per night. We trust you are looking forward to attending our event and we look forward to welcoming you. The Rendezvous Hotel is now accepting hotel reservations for our upcoming event. Through this email address you can book, modify or cancel your hotel reservations at any time and receive updated information about the event. The following is a range of hotels within easy walking distance to the conference: Scenic Auckland, Amora, Crowne Plaza, Sky City, Best Western President, Heritage and City Life. For those delegates who want to spend more time in Auckland, please visit Auckland Official travel guide website where you will see what is available. Post Conference Workshop Thursday 15 October ‐ This one‐day, presentation will provide participants with an overview of MRT™, Cognitive Behavioural Treatment, and Antisocial Personality Disorders. It is a lecture and discussion that explores the dynamics and basic personality traits of clients who are antisocial or who have other personality disorders. Basic outcome research on the effectiveness of treating antisocial clients will be presented. The link between substance abuse and antisocial personality disorder will be discussed. In addition, the primary characteristics, evolution, and application of cognitive‐behavioural techniques will be explained and demonstrated. The cognitive‐behavioural method Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT™) will be reviewed and attendees will understand the theoretical base of the program. Attendees will be presented with the most recent outcome data. Information will be presented regarding implementation and results from the use of MRT® as a primary treatment modality as well as information on MRT™ being included in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidenced‐Based Programs and Practices. The Conference booking form is now available and can be accessed at:
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