What is the Cure SMA Casino Night with Gray`s Gang? What is SMA

Dear Gray’s Gang Supporter,
Thank you for your interest in supporting the 2015 Cure SMA Casino Night with Gray’s Gang. It is because of
the generous efforts of sponsors, family and friends that we are making tremendous strides towards a world
where SMA is treatable and curable.
What is the Cure SMA Casino Night with Gray’s Gang?
We are excited to host the 2015 Cure SMA Casino Night on Saturday, April 25, 2015 in Charlotte, NC. This
year Gray’s Gang is changing it up with a great new event that appeals to the teen audience. Now that Gray
is in high school, the committee wanted to host an event that would be exciting and fun for young adults
today. The Casino Night is a safe and fun night where kids can socialize while raising awareness and funds
for SMA research and will consist of real chips, dealers and games such as roulette, black jack, poker and
We are honored to invite you to be part of an event that is full of memories, good times, and most
importantly, hope.
What is SMA?
SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) is a disease that robs people of strength by affecting the motor nerve cells in
the spinal cord, taking away the ability to walk, eat, or breathe. It is the number one genetic cause of death
for infants. There is no cure and no treatment – but we are asking you to help us change that.
Cure SMA
Cure SMA is dedicated to the treatment and cure of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)—the number one
genetic cause of death for infants. Since 1984, we’ve directed and invested in comprehensive research that
has shaped the scientific community’s understanding of SMA. We are currently on the verge of
breakthroughs in treatment that will strengthen our children’s bodies, extend life, and lead to a cure. We have
deep expertise in every aspect of SMA—from the day-to-day realities to the nuances of care options—and
until we have a cure, we’ll do everything we can to support children and families affected by the disease.
With your help, we will find a cure.
Gray’s Gang
Gray’s Gang was started when Gray was diagnosed with SMA at 10 months old. His family and friends
wanted to actively do something for his future. Raising funds for research was a perfect choice to help Gray
and other kids insure that a cure was coming. Gray’s Gang found Cure SMA, a group that does an amazing
job at researching the disease and giving families hope.
Thank you for supporting our hope!
Abbie Dougherty
Gray’s Gang Event Committee
Overview of Sponsorship Opportunities
Through the 2015 Cure SMA Casino Night with Gray’s Gang, we offer companies a partnership that will
enhance positive corporate image while contributing to the very worthy on-going search for a cure for SMA.
Everyone will benefit from helping to raise awareness and finding a cure for spinal muscular atrophy.
Our sponsorships and in-kind donations will generate a large portion of our event’s revenue. Please consider
the highest possible contribution from your organization. Sponsorship levels are as follows:
Platinum Sponsor $750
 Special recognition during opening remarks
 Company logo shown during event video
 Company sign or banner at venue (sign/banner provided by company)
 Top listing with logo on Cure SMA website (events.curesma.org/2015GraysGang)
Gold Sponsor $500
 Company logo on event t-shirt
 Company sign or banner at venue (sign/banner provided by company)
 Priority listing with logo on Cure SMA website (events.curesma.org/2015GraysGang)
Deadline for sponsorship is Friday, April 10, 2015.
Please send your company logo in vector format to Abbie Dougherty at
Sponsorship Enrollment Form
Primary Contact Name(s):_________________________________________________________________
Business Name (If applicable):_____________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________ State: _______________ Zip: _____________
Phone: ______________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________ Website: _____________________________________
Sponsorship Level
Platinum Sponsor ($750)
Gold Sponsor ($500)
Payment Method
Check Enclosed
American Express
Credit Card Number: __________________________________________
Expiration Date:__________________ Security Code:________________
Billing Address (if different from above):____________________________
Please make checks payable to: Cure SMA
(100% of net proceeds will benefit Cure SMA)
Sponsorship Commitment
I/we wish to be acknowledged as a corporate sponsor, and agree to pledge the total cash amount of
$_____________, by April 10, 2015.
I/we are want to help find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy, but do not wish to be a Corporate Sponsor.
Please accept this donation of $______________ on our company’s behalf.
I/we want to help find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy, but would prefer to make an in-kind donation.
Donated Item(s) Will Include: ______________________________________________________________
You and/or your organization will be acknowledged at the appropriate sponsorship recognition level listed
above, based on the stated value of the donated gift(s) - Total Value: $ ___________________
Gift Certificate(s) or item(s) are enclosed
I will deliver item(s) by ___/___/___ to (contact name): ____________________________________
Please mail form and payment information to:
Abbie Dougherty
3209 Sretaw Drive
Charlotte, NC 28210
Or, for more information, contact:
Abbie Dougherty: 704.553.8048
To register online:
Cure SMA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donor information is not shared or sold to any outside organizations. Federal ID# 36-3320440.
For more information about Cure SMA, please visit www.cureSMA.org.