A Free Community Event for the Whole Family! DATE: Sunday May 3rd, 2015 TIME: Registration opens at 11:00 am Walk: Group Start ~ NOON BBQ & Party ~ after the walk IN SUPPORT OF: Presents: Supporting Life and Living (Formerly Hospice Thornhill and Evergreen Hospice of Markham-Stouffville) PLACE: Charlton House, 220 Charlton Ave. We help people of all ages who are touched by a life-threatening illness or the death of a loved one. REGISTRATION: A minimum of $25 in donations raised is required for Hike participation. All walkers receive a free T-shirt We receive a small portion of our funding from government sources, the rest is raised through events like this and other fundraising activities. (The Garden Party is free) Please sign up online www.evgcares.org or by phone through our office 416 499-2185 to help us know how many people to expect. TEL: 416 499-2185 FAX: 905 472-4128 www.evgcares.org ~ info@evgcares.org Charitable Organization No. 12802 61430RR0002 Day #1: Start by sponsoring yourself for $25 Day #2: Ask three family members to sponsor you for $25 Day #3: Ask five friends to donate $15 Walk in memory of someone who was special to you! A Free Community Event for the Whole Family! What’s Happening? MANY THANKS Residents of Thornhill, Markham and Stouffville will walk to honour the memory of someone special to them and to support Evergreen Hospice. to this year’s Sponsors!: Why Walk? HOW TO RAISE $500 IN A WEEK Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 In Support of Evergreen 220 Charlton Ave. Hope Sponsor: Day #4: Ask five co-workers to sponsor you for $10 Day #5: Email 15 people and ask for a $10 donation Day #6: Ask your company for a $75 contribution Day #7: Ask two businesses you frequent for $25 To honour the memory of someone special. Because 80% of Canadians say they want quality hospice care at the end of life, yet less than 15% have access to it. Because hospice care is currently under funded and under recognized. What to Expect: Sponsorships Available Please contact Rebecca Simkin 416 499-2185 ex 109 rsimkin@evgcares.org A short walk around the area BBQ and refreshments provided Memorial planting in the garden Jumpy Castle and other games for kids Music and entertainment Walk With Us And Remember! *1 sup port 00% of t hos pice he fund s palli ative donate care d will in yo go to ur c omm unit y. Please bring this pledge form and your pledges to the CHECK-IN DESK on Hike day at 11:00am. Make Cheques payable to: Evergreen Hospice DATE OF WALK: Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 (please check one if applicable) Participant’s Name PLEDGES IN MEMORY OF: PLEDGES IN HONOR OF: Street Address City Province Postal Code Telephone Email Registration Fee: Waived! 0 Sponsor Name Street Address City Province Postal Code Pledge Amount$ PAID Tax Receipt Required? Y/N
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