PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE EWB-ORANGE COUNTY PROFESSIONAL CHAPTER April 2015 EWB-OC NEWSLETTER Announcements Project lead opening for El Salvador project Membership coordinator opening Need volunteers for Corazon upcoming trip in month of May PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Greetings and welcome to the Engineers Without Borders Orange County Professional Chapter newsletter! 2015 is proving to be an exciting year for our club as we continue to implement sustainable, wide-reaching water and sanitation programs in our partner communities around the world. In this newsletter we look forward to updating you on the status of our active programs in Kenya, Honduras and Mexico, and letting you know about other chapter events such as our inaugural local project in partnership with the San Diego Zoo. We are continuously receiving requests, both locally and internationally, for support in helping raise the quality of life for developing communities via the provision of sustainable infrastructure, and supporting STEM outreach and non-profit organizations right here in Orange County. Thus please continue to help spread the word of our great organizations. We are an engineeringcentered organization, but need many other skill sets within our team. To get such impactful projects off the ground, we welcome skilled project managers, linguists, and anyone with a passion for our objectives – we guarantee that we will put you to work ! Please contact me directly any time at with any Questions or ideas for your group. In This Issue President’s Column Sincerely, Angela Whiteside Project Updates: o o o o Kenya Honduras Corazon Upcoming Projects Members Spotlight [Type text] Fundraising and Events Join our Mailing List Engineers and non-engineers of all backrounds. Find out how you can get involved today. Check out our website at Kenya Project Update and Future Outlook By Servando Diaz The month of March marks one full year since our latest trip to Kenya. During this last trip we completed the roof-based Rainwater Catchment phase of our Water Project. The project left the community with the ability to store over 2000 gallons of usable rainwater. The unfinished phase of our Project, which included the drilling and development of a shallow Well, was halted due to incomplete permitting required to tap the aquifer. We are currently working with the local Water Resources Management Authority to resolve this issue at which time we will send a final team to complete this project. In the meantime, we have been contacted by another community in the eastern part of Kenya that is in desperate need of water supply solutions. Look out for more details on our open and future projects. Capped Water Well The Samburu Woman Pulling Stored Water Get GetInvolved InvolvedininKenya KenyaProject Project Project Team Meeting Date: Every last Monday of each month Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Location: RBF Consulting, 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618-2069 *detailed calendar see, For more information or question, please contact Servando Diaz @ Honduras Project Update and Future Outlook By Adaoha Changa-Ollivierre On October 2014, two engineers travelled to Olancho, Honduras to assess the work on the concrete tank. During this trip the engineers were able to collaborate with city officials and community leaders to discuss the status of the project and confirm the donation of materials for the distribution system. The engineers also provided structural guidance and oversight on the pouring of concrete for the elevated floor of the tank. Once the elevated floor was completed, a couple weeks later the walls were then poured and as of March this year, the final concrete was poured on the roof to complete the 20,000 gallon water storage tank. This is a huge milestone as it signifies the end of the first phase of the water project. We are now ready to set the wheels in motion for the second phase of the project. This phase entails installing the new well, the Completed Water Tank electrical pump, and pipelines and valves to connect to the 135 homes. We expect to accomplish these tasks during the next two trips, which are scheduled in May and July of this year. On behalf of the Honduras team we would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support and commitment throughout the project. OC EWB Volunteers and Community in Olancho, Honduras Get Get Involved Involved in in Honduras Honduras Project Project Project Team Meeting Date: Every other Wednesdays Time: 6:30pm – 7:00pm Location: Tetra Tech, 17885 Von Karman, Suite 500, Irvine, CA 92614 Conference Call: (866) 692-5721, Pass-code: 9878785 *detailed calendar see, For more information or question, please contact Steve Tedesco @ Corazon Project Update and Future Outlook Corazon Septic Tank Project, at Tecate, Mexico EWB-OC has been working closely with local non-profit organization Corazon and the Yorba Linda Rotary Club since December 2014to implement the first waste solution for Corazon's newly built houses in the underprivileged community of Tecate, Mexico. Under Sean Callan's leadership, a group of volunteers met regularly to refine a septic tank combined with leach field solution that fit the needs of the organization and community resources available. On March 7, 2015, the EWB-OC team completed the final connections to the first bathroom installation. Team member Modesto went over the operation of the toilet with home owners and they were delighted for their new house and bathroom. Corazon is also very pleased with the entire operation. EWB-OC is now investigating the next phase of the project partnership, and how more homes can be provided with an effective septic system. Septic Tank Final Connection on March 7, 2015 Community and Project Site Visit on Jan. 31, 2015 Septic Tank Installation on Feb. 21, 2015 Toilet Installation on March 7, 2015 For more information or question, please contact Sean Callan at Upcoming Projects Project Milagro, El Salvador We are preparing to restart our project El Milagro in El Salvador. It is located about 10 miles east of San Salvador. The communities are: Las Delicias, El Rosario, Las Animas. ENLACE, the local NGO, works with poor communities to develop sustainable solutions for clean water, sanitation, nutrition, health, education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Project Milagro is a grassroots water supply project that serves approximately 10,000 people or 2,000 families. This project has developed from a basic community need that has existed for decades. Waterborne illness and delivery is a long-standing problem those who cannot afford to buy water must labor several times a day to draw water from river, stream, and spring sources that are typically unsafe for potable water needs. EWB-OC is to provide both technical design support and periodic oversight during the major construction, installation, and operation activities. Currently, they need recommendations related to the interconnection of wells, pumps, and water tanks. Other piping work would include: confirming the design of main pipelines to tanks, evaluating pumping requirements, reviewing a pipe ravine crossover, and assisting with the distribution piping to the communities. Additionally they would like assistance with some structural work associated with the pumping stations. A foundational principle of ENLACE is that all projects be managed and done with “local mentality and capability” in mind. For more information or question, please contact Medesto Llanos at San Deigo Safari Park Bridge Project The project is intended to make four existing bridges within the park usable for people and vehicles, including ADA accessibility, by adding safety railings to each. The San Diego Zoo's Safari Park project is being pursued in cooperation with EWB-OC and has participation from ASCE and EWB members, Flatiron Constructors and Nossaman (a SoCal legal firm). Our next steps include finalizing a Memorandum of Understanding, establishing a cost estimate, developing a schedule and starting to determine the fund raising efforts necessary to meet the cost and schedule requirements. ASCEOC is providing design services and EWB-OC is providing Construction Management services - and fundraising efforts. For more information or question, please contact Greg Henk at MEMBERS SPOTLIGHT HONDURAS – BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY By Steve Tedesco Matt Lipa a structural engineer worked with the students at Cal State Long Beach to complete the structural design of the tank. He has served as the chief engineer on the project throughout the project’s construction. Every time the contractor got a section of the tank completed Matt received pictures and phone calls from Honduras to get his approval before the project moved forward. He has been involved with the tank since the very beginning and was instrumental in completing this critical portion of the Honduras Water Project. (picture to the right) Alex Quinonez also a structural engineer made two separate trips to Honduras to inspect the construction work on the tank. During his trips he coordinated with the local contractor do ensure that the tank construction met the design requirements of the project. He also meet with Olancho Aid the NGO and numerous community members. His excellent communication skills and command of the Spanish language were a tremendous help to our team. He sacrificed a considerable amount of his own personnel time to make two week long trips to Honduras. (picture to the left) In addition we would like to thank several other Honduras team members who have worked hard to move the project forward including: Adaoha Changa-Ollivierre and Ankit Patel who also traveled to Honduras to perform tank inspections; Ben Smith, Elias Sebhata, Joe Dietz, Tom Fehr, and Mark Donovan who provided design support; along with Gary Gilbert and Steve Tedesco who served as team leaders on the project. Thank you for all your great works! FUNDRAISING By Anand Helekar A fundraiser was held at Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour in Buena Park on Thursday, March 26th. Several members of Engineers Without Borders were able to attend the fundraiser, along with family and friends. Farrell’s has always been committed to participating in fundraisers for schools and other community causes. Farrell’s was extremely glad to host this fundraiser for Engineers Without Borders, and would like to host future fundraising events for us. Those that attended enjoyed the food and ice cream along with good company and Farrell’s friendly hospitality. Future social fundraising events will be scheduled, and we hope to see everyone there! For more information, question, any suggestion, please contact Anand Helekar @ UPCOMING EVENTS OC Science Fair Volunteer Date: April 22, 2015 Description: The OC Science Fair is still in great need for judges to help support this fastGrowing event. Please consider supporting STEM education and talent in our area! For more information: or contact Angela Whiteside Monthly OC EWB Board Meetings Date: April 28, 2015; May 26, 2015; June 23, 2015, July 28, 2015 *detailed calendar see, Corazon Project Volunteer Date: Late May/ Early June Description: The Corzaon project needs 10 volunteers traveling to Tecate, Mexico to conduct surveys and evaluate homes with a bathroom involved with Corazon for physical capability to be retrofitted with a septic tank system. Thank You A huge thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers, friends and sponsors, new and old. It is your hard work and support that sustains our tremendous impact in the communities in which we serve. There is still so much need in the developed world for infrastructural solutions to improve the basic quality of life, that we are always welcoming of new volunteers and sponsors alike to help us spread our reach. If you are interested in any aspect of our organization or would like to see how you can help, please email me directly at President, Angela Whiteside EWB-OC Board Executive Board: Angela Whiteside President Medesto Llanos Vice President Michelle Biery Secretary Roger Schlierkamp Treasurer Committee Chairs Anand Heleker Fundraising Coordinator/Corpor ate Sponsors/ Corp. Challenge Chair Susan Griesbach Web Coordinator/ IT Greg Henk ASCE Liaison Ashley Ciglar Student Chapter Liaison Ker Chia Chen PR/Events Coordinator/ Newsletter Editor Modesto Llanos Rotary Liaison Project Leads Servando Diaz Kenya Team Steve Tedesco Honduras Team Sean Callan Corazon Team STAY CONNECTED TO EWB-OC Engineers Without Borders Orange County Professionals Attn: EWB-OC P.O. Box 18134 Irvine, CA 92623 Website: Facebook: Engineers Without Borders Orange County Professionals Instagram: ewboc Twitter: @ewboc
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