event flyer

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Galveston Bay Section Monthly Meeting
Joint with GBS Societies
March 26th (Thursday) Luncheon Meeting
“ PV + EVs = Great!
New and Improved – 2 EVs with PV on the Garage
Dave Hanson
NASA/JSC, Houston
PRESENTATION: Did you know that the second generation of plug-in cars starts coming
out this fall? And solar panels now have a lower cost than ever before? Electric Vehicles and
Photovoltaics are fascinating areas of rapid development. Dave Hanson and family now have
two plug-in cars and solar electricity to charge them with (well, it averages out since they
charge at night but generate solar electricity during the day). Dave has new information on
where developments are now and where they may be going.
SPEAKER: Dave Hanson and family have followed EVs and PV for a long time. They have
taken the plunge, but it hasn’t changed their lifestyle one bit. Dave is an engineer at the
NASA Johnson Space Center. He has worked in Safety and Mission Assurance, worked in the
Space Shuttle Program Office, was Deputy Director of Operations in Star City for NASA for two
years, worked Shuttle/Mir, and started working in the Mission Operations Directorate
performing Payload Integration and Operations. He studied at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign and had a one year studium at the Technische Universität München. And
he is a member of IEEE, AIAA, Houston Electric Auto Association, HREG-Houston Renewable
Energy Group, and is a life member of ASES-American Solar Energy Society.
Gilruth Recreation Center NASA-JSC
Free parking. No security processing required. Easy drive in off Space Center Blvd. See website below for
Interested non-IEEE engineers, technicians, scientists, IEEE Members and guests alike are
11:30 AM - Light Lunch with reservation ($10.00 donation ), or B.Y.O. (brown-bag)
(Please indicate in your email while making reservation)
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM - Program and Q&A
Reservations for lunch or to attend this meeting should be made by email to:
©2006 IEEE Inc. Galveston Bay Section. Copying permitted, altering forbidden. All other
rights reserved.
Please check IEEE GBS website: http://ewh.ieee.org/r5/galveston_bay/events/events.html for map and
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Galveston Bay Section Monthly Meeting
Joint with GBS Societies
Please RSVP (See below, include lunch preference: Yes/No) Before Noon on
Thursday, 03/19/2015
Number of lunches are limited. Please reserve early
Reservations for lunch or to attend this meeting should be made by email to:
©2006 IEEE Inc. Galveston Bay Section. Copying permitted, altering forbidden. All other
rights reserved.
Please check IEEE GBS website: http://ewh.ieee.org/r5/galveston_bay/events/events.html for map and