Event Details

Living Labs: Creating Innovative Ideas through
Collaborative Learning
Seminar 13 May 2015, Hong Kong, 12:00-14:00
@ The Garage Society, 19/F, 299 Queen's Road Central
Living labs are a form of experimental learning, where participants create a social space for designing and
experiencing their own future. Living labs are also used by policy makers and users/citizens for designing,
exploring, experiencing and refining new policies and regulations in real-life scenarios for evaluating their
potential impacts before their implementations.
User-driven innovation and co-creation are the buzz words of innovation activities today. Both businesses as
well as public sector need fasten the development of their products, services and concepts. Thus, living labs
as real life innovation environments are seen the tools to bring the users into the focus of development
The seminar discusses the concept of living lab and the experiences gained and possibilities for collaboration
between Europe and Asia. How can living labs help to address societal issues in Hong Kong?
Dr. Lauri Tuomi, Vice President, is responsible for the research, development and
innovation operations at HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences in Finland.
He has over 15 years’ experience on educational management, business
development and consultancy as well as R&D&I operations both domestically and
internationally. His current research is made the following topics: user-driven innovation, the development of
innovation environments (e.g. Living Labs), regional/urban strategies, strategic management and
competence management. During the past few years he has actively being involved in EU Commission
University-Business forum. He acts as a council representative (treasurer) in European Network of Living
Labs (ENoLL) representing the Finnish Network Living Labs for Universities of Applied Sciences.
Ms. Sakariina Heikkanen is a Senior Lecturer and Research, development & Innovation (RDI)
Specialist in Haaga-Helia. The past ten years she has worked for various RDI projects in close
collaboration with company partners representing a wide spectrum of sectors. Ms. Heikkanen
coordinates the Finnish Network of Living Labs. Haaga-Helia has a great experience in
managing both domestic and international projects in a professional manner.
This event is an open event, everyone is welcome.
Cost: 200 HKD, payable cash or by cheque to “EWMD Asia-Pacific”
Event Organiser: EWMD Asia Pacific www.ewmd.org
European Women's Management Development International Network
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