ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Healthcare Test Data Overview 4/7/2015 ExactData™ generates artificial patient records with absolutely no confidentiality or privacy risks. Our patented Dynamic Data Generator™ technology doesn’t require any access to production data or live records. This makes it ideal for testing current Healthcare applications and processes, as well as future systems development and testing. We manufacture customized data using a sophisticated rules engine designed for the specifics of your system’s requirements for realism, complexity, and scale. Our fully engineered data includes the unique features of longitudinal consistency, internal consistency, consistency across disparate data sets, and perfectly known ground truth. This enables comprehensive system performance measurement, scoring, and algorithm testing. ExactData reduces your cost and time to develop, test, deploy, and maintain complex data processing systems. Precision built test data sets from ExactData are an ideal replacement for problematic Extract/Transform data in existing test management applications. 1 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Characteristics of the Data Set This document describes the characteristics of an ExactData Healthcare test data set generated by our current Dynamic Data Generator™ Healthcare Data Model. Allocations and distributions are adjustable. If features are required that are not on this list, ExactData can extend its core data generation model accordingly. A Military-specific version of the data model is also available. 1. If desired, multiple afflictions per condition family, for example: 60% population has ≥ 1 vascular condition 20% population have ≥ 2 vascular conditions 20% population with at least one of the following o Asthma o Low Back Pain o Depression o Cancer (Breast, Lung, Colon, Cervical, etc.) o GERD 2. Large Data Set, for example: 100k – 1M patients 100% population observed in both administrative and clinical DB’s 3. Encounter types Primary care physician visit Emergency Room visit Specialist visit Lab visit Pharmacy visit Out of Network In Patient 4. Provider types Cardiologist Oncologist Emergency Medicine Orthopedist Endocrinologist Otorhinolaryngologist Gastroenterologist Pharmacist Generalist Physical Therapist Hematologist Psychiatrist Internal Medicine Psychologist Lab Technician Pulmonary Disease Nephrologist Rheumatologist Neurologist Surgeon OB/GYN 5. N patients per physician practice. Recurring, consistent set of physicians per practice. N different provider organizations Controlled distributions and allocations, example: o 30% physicians observed in administrative DB only o 30% physicians observed in clinical DB only o 40% physicians observed in both administrative and clinical DB’s o Provider flat file contains 100% of physicians 6. We can generate unstructured data to create realistic physician SOAP notes based on underlying state of the patient, reason for visiting the provider, etc. Our rules-based grammar allows for a high degree of relevance and variation. See Appendix #1 for a sample of artificial free text SOAP notes. 2 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Conditions Available The ExactData Healthcare DDG can create detailed artificial episodes of care for patients with a wide variety of conditions. For each condition, the episode of care includes appropriate encounters with a variety of relevant healthcare providers, as appropriate, including primary/generalists, specialists, surgeons, lab technicians, pharmacists, and therapists. Within each encounter, the data is condition specific, relevant, and consistent for the given patient. All encounters for a given patient maintain longitudinal consistency. The ExactData Healthcare DDG currently supports these conditions Hematological Disorders Anemia Aortic Aneurysm Buergers Disease Clotting Deep Venous Thrombosis Hemolytic Anemia Leukemia Lymphedema Peripheral Artery Disease Renal Artery Disease Sickle Cell Anemia Varicose Veins Body Aches Fibromyalgia Joint Pain Low Back Pain Lyme Disease Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer Skin Cancer Small Bowel Cancer Stomach Cancer Paranoia Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Schizophrenia Otolaryngology Disorders Cataracts Dizziness Dyslexia Glaucoma Hearing Loss Migraine Headaches Retinitis Pigmentosa Heart Disorders Angina Bradycardia Chronic Congestive Heart Failure Embolic Stroke Heart Murmur Hemorrhagic Stroke High Blood Cholesterol Hypertension Mitral Valve Prolapse Myocardial Infarction Tachycardia Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer Lung Cancer Ovarian Cancer Cognitive Disorders Anxiety Bipolar Depression Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes 3 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Influenza-like illnesses Cold H1N1 Influenza Kidney Disorders Acute Renal Failure Chronic Renal Failure Kidney Stones Pyelonephritis Liver Disorders Cirrhosis Hepatitis B Hepatitis A Hepatitis C Numbness Paralysis Seizures Pneumonia Shortness of Breath Tuberculosis Nausea Severe Indigestion Ulcers Neurological Disorders Epilepsy Lumbosacral Radiculopathy Multiple Sclerosis Respiratory Disorders Asthma Bronchitis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Stomach Disorders Abdominal Pain GERD Irritable Bowel 4 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Acute Conditions As well as these general and chronic afflictions, the ExactData Medical DDG also creates detailed artificial episodes of care for patients with acute conditions, including Pregnancy, Traumatic Injury, and treatment and ongoing care of Amputations. Obstetrics Normal First Pregnancy Normal Subsequent Pregnancy Traumatic Injury - Concussion Concussion (with loss of consciousness from 31 to 59 minutes) Concussion (with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less) Concussion (with no loss of consciousness) Traumatic Injury - Blunt Crushing injury of left ankle Crushing injury of left elbow Crushing injury of left index finger Crushing injury of left knee Crushing injury of left wrist Crushing injury of right big toe Crushing injury of right hip Crushing injury of right shoulder Traumatic Injury - Burns Burn of left ankle Burn of left elbow Burn of left foot Burn of left index finger Burn of left knee Burn of right forearm Burn of right hand Burn of right hip Burn of right lower leg Burn of right shoulder Burn of left wrist Burn of right big toe Burn of right thumb Traumatic Injury - Penetrating Open wound of left elbow Open wound of left foot Open wound of left index finger Open wound of left knee Open wound of left wrist Open wound of right big toe Open wound of right forearm Open wound of right hand Open wound of right hip Open wound of right shoulder Amputation Care Disarticulation of left ankle Disarticulation of left elbow Disarticulation of left knee Disarticulation of left wrist Disarticulation of right hip Disarticulation of right shoulder Left foot amputation Left index finger amputation Lower right leg amputation Right big toe amputation Right forearm amputation Right hand amputation Right thumb amputation Traumatic amputation at right elbow Traumatic amputation at right knee Traumatic amputation of left forearm Traumatic amputation of left pinky toe Traumatic amputation of left thumb Traumatic amputation of lower left leg Traumatic amputation of right foot Traumatic amputation of right ring finger 5 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview CDA Documents The ExactData Healthcare DDG creates a wide variety of detailed artificial episodes of care for patients, each episode of care includes appropriate encounters with a variety of relevant healthcare providers, and each encounter is relevant and longitudinally consistent. For every encounter between a Patient and a Healthcare Provider, a CDA document is created that summarizes the given encounter. For each Patient, a CDA document is created that summarizes all of the encounters created for that patient across the whole data set. The DDG currently supports the HITSP/C32 v2.5 and HITSP/C83 v2.0 document standards, and the documents are validated using the published XSD and Schematron files. Other CDA document types can be added as requested (e.g., Unstructured Documents). Supported sections include: Medical Documents Specification ( PCC TF 2: Coded Vital Signs PCC TF 2: Encounter Histories PCC TF 2: Pregnancy History PCC TF 2: Language Communication PCC TF 2: Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies PCC TF 2: Patient Contacts PCC TF 2: Allergies and Other Adverse Reactions PCC TF 2: Medications PCC TF 2: Immunizations PCC TF 2: Vital Signs PCC TF 2: Coded Results PCC TF 2: Care Plan PCC TF 2: Advance Directives PCC TF 2: Coded Advance Directives PCC CDA Supplement 2: Procedure Entry PCC CDA Supplement 2: Encounters PCC TF 2: Concern Entry PCC TF 2: Allergies and Intolerances PCC TF 2: Active Problems PCC TF 2: Problem Status Observation PCC TF 2: Immunizations PCC TF 2: Medications PCC TF 2: Simple Observation Patient encounter summaries are enabled in valid CCDA format including: Allergies Medications Immunizations Problems Results data Procedures Advanced directives Family history Out of network encounters Plan of care Vital signs Social history 6 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Administrative Database (Payer / Data warehouse feed) The ExactData Healthcare DDG creates a wide variety of detailed artificial episodes of care for patients, each episode of care includes appropriate encounters with a variety of relevant healthcare providers, and each encounter is relevant and longitudinally consistent. The data is available in a variety of richly interconnected files and formats. The outputs include Administrative DB views, extracts, and reports in CSV formats derived from HDMS schemas. These files represent different ways of seeing the data, and they can be joined to expose and exploit additional relationships and properties. If the data being created includes the representation of multiple Payer organizations, then a separate set of the appropriate files will be created for each Payer. Administrative DB files available 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. admission.csv allergy.csv appointment.csv death.csv encounter.csv encounter_dx.csv encounter_outpatient enrollment.csv immunization.csv lab_orders.csv lab_results.csv medication_fulfillment.csv medication_history.csv medication_orders.csv problem.csv provider.csv registration.csv therapy_actions.csv therapy_orders.csv vital_sign.csv 7 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Schemas for the Administrative DB files Admission Schema Provider_Org Appointment_ID Encounter_ID Episode_ID Member_ID Provider_ID Facility_Name Clinic Appointment_Type Status Appointment_Reason Estimated_DurationMinutes Scheduled_DateTime Creation_DateTime CheckIn_DateTime CheckOut_DateTime Cancel_DateTime Allergies Schema Member_ID Allergen Drug_Code Drug_Vocab Allergy_Type Onset_Date Reaction Severity_Description Issuing_OID Information_Source Comment Death Schema Member_ID DOD Appointment Schema Appointment_ID Encounter_ID Episode_ID Member_ID Provider_ID Facility_Name Clinic Appointment_Type Status Appointment_Reason Estimated_DurationMinutes Scheduled_DateTime Creation_DateTime CheckIn_DateTime CheckOut_DateTime Cancel_DateTime 8 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Schemas for the Administrative DB files (continued) Encounter Schema Enounter_ID Member_ID Provider_ID Clinic_ID Encounter_DateTime Encounter_Description CC Episode_ID Patient_DOB Patient_Gender Provider_Organization Provider_Name Specialty Clinic_Type lab_orders_count lab_results_count medication_orders_count medication_fulfillment_count vital_signs_count therapy_orders_count therapy_actions_count immunization_count Has_Appt SOAP_Note consult_ordered disposition Encounter_DX Schema code vocab Description Severity Encounter_ID Enrollment Schema Member_ID Member_SSN Name_First MI Name_Last Mother_Maiden_Name Title DOB Gender Race Ethnicity Marital_Status Rank Grade Category Relationship Family_Prefix DEERS Job Address_Line_1 Address_Line_2 City State Zip_Code Home_Phone Work_Phone Emergency_Phone Emergency_Contact Econtact_Relationship Advance_Directive Issuing_OID UIC Organ_Donor Other_Health_Ins HasAllergy Blood_Type Encounter Outpatient Schema Provider_Org Encounter_ID Member_ID Provider_ID Clinic_ID Encounter_DateTime Encounter_Description CC Episode_ID Patient_DOB Patient_Gender Facility_Name Provider_Name Specialty Clinic_Type lab_orders_count lab_results_count medication_orders_count medication_fulfillment_count vital_sign_count therapy_orders_count therapy_actions_count immunization_count Has_Appt SOAP_Note consult_ordered Disposition 9 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Schemas for the Administrative DB files (continued) Immunization Schema Member_ID Vaccine_Name Vaccine_CVX Vaccination_Date Series Manufacturer Lot_Number Dose Units Site Route Provider_ID Provider_Name Issuing_OID Encounter_ID Medication Fulfillment Schema Order_ID Member_ID Prescription Pharmacist_ID Pharmacy_Name Dispense_Date Drug_Name Drug_NDC Sig Dispense_Qty Fill_No Fill_Status Medication_History Schema Member_ID Last_Filled_Date Drug_Name Sig Refills Days_Of_Supply Order_ID Lab Order Schema Order_ID Order_Provider_ID Order_Provider_Name Order_Date Patient_ID Clinic_Code Collection_Method Collection_Priority Processing_Priority Comment Test_LOINC Test_Name Encounter_ID Medication Order Schema Member_ID Last_Filled_Date Drug_Name Drug_NDC Status Sig Route Dose Units Order_ID Order_Date Qty_Ordered Refills Order_Provider_ID Order_Provider_Name Issuing_OID Medication_Type Encounter_ID Lab Result Schema Member_ID Date_Collected Test_ID Specialty Panel Test_LOINC Test_Name Date_Resulted Specimen Result_LOINC Result_Name Result_Status Result_Description Numeric_Result Units Abnormal_Value Reference_Range Order_ID Issuing_OID Provider_ID Encounter_ID 10 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Schemas for the Administrative DB files (continued) Problem Schema Member_ID Problem_Description Problem_Code Problem_Type Onset_Date Resolution_Date Provider_ID Issuing_OID Medcin_ID Encounter_ID Provider Schema Provider_ID NPI Facility_Name Specialty Name Class Location DOB Sex Supervisor_Required Person_ID Primary_Clinic_Location Therapy Actions Schema Member_ID Code Name Order_ID Result Target_Area Vocabulary Encounter_ID Therapy Orders Schema Member_ID Code Name Order_ID Target_Area Vocabulary Encounter_ID Registration Schema Provider_Org Member_SSN MRN Name Address_Line_1 Address_Line_2 City State Zip_Code Home_Phone Organ_Donor Vital Schema Member_ID Encounter_Date Height Height_Units Weight Weight_Units SystolicBP DystolicBP Pulse Respiration Temperature Temperature_Units Encounter_ID 11 ExactData Healthcare Test Data Overview Appendix #1 – Unstructured Data (Free Text) in SOAP Notes This is an example of a physician’s SOAP notes generated by the Healthcare Data Model for a pregnancy visit. S: white female beauty therapist aged 24 yrs presents for follow-up on IUP. patient presents for exam. patient denies any issues. O: Height 60 in, Weight 111 lbs, Temperature 98.1 F, Pulse 89, SystolicBP 105, DiastolicBP 64, Respiration 15, GEN: NAD, HEENT: PERRL, NECK: Supple, CV: RRR, no murmur, PULM: CTA Bil, no increased resp effort, NEURO: A&O x 3, PYSCH: NL Mood/Affect, GU: NL ext exam, EXT: w/o edema, equal strength, GI: Soft, NT/ND, BS WNL. A: 24 year old female G2P1 with IUP approximately 7 weeks pregnant P: ordered Pap Smear, Urinalysis Complete, hCG, CBC, TIBC and Iron, Transferrin, CMP, Phosphate, Lipase, Amylase, TSH, Free T4, Free T3, PTH, Estradiol, Progesterone, Prolactin, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Testosterone, Rubella Virus Ab IgM. Recheck in 3 weeks. 12
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