- Parchment Exchange

 Paula Hamaty, Associate Registrar Penn State University Kaitlyn Roberts, Assistant Registrar Penn State University Joe Cornelius, Account Executive Parchment Parchment Users Conference, April 2015 Penn State —  Founded 1855 —  Public institution, state-­‐related —  24 campuses + World Campus —  Undergraduate, graduate, law and medical —  Fall 2014 enrollment: 95,973 —  160+ majors —  Almost 20,000 degrees conferred annually: Associate, Baccalaureate, Masters, Doctorate, Law, Medical Office of the University Registrar —  30 employees —  Reports to the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education —  Responsible for: —  Registration
—  Scheduling —  Transcripts —  Enrollment and degree verifications —  Grade reporting —  Academic record maintenance —  Graduation —  Degree audit —  Athletic Certification —  Classroom Scheduling Transcripts —  Department has four staff plus one manager —  Produce over 93,000 transcripts annually —  Five transcript types: —  Undergraduate —  Graduate —  Law —  Medical —  Non-­‐credit —  All transcript types offered via paper or electronic Transcripts —  Transcripts produced on paper and PDF: Electronic vs. Paper 100000 90000 # of Transcripts 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 Paper 30000 PDF 20000 10000 0 2013 2014 2015 Paper 48138 62094 16229 PDF 21683 31277 9709 Year Transi8on to Parchment — 
Started our implementation process with Avow From time contract signed to going live – 18 months Went live on April 2, 2013 Within two weeks of going live, Avow was bought and we transitioned to Parchment Penn State no longer accepting mailed or faxed orders. All orders need to go through Parchment ordering Custom Third-­‐Party ordering system created for Penn State —  3% of orders are Third Party = 3,000 transcripts Benefits of u8lizing Third-­‐Party System
No more data entry Duplicate system entry not required Reduce errors (caused by data entry) PSU is no longer responsible for Credit Card information —  PCI Compliance concern —  More secure – PII not being faxed or mailed Can lead to quicker processing time Benefits of u8lizing Third-­‐Party System
Electronic transcripts – minimum hands on needed Date # of Transcripts Fulfilled Closing Reason 11/24/2014 321 Thanksgiving 11/25/2014 293 Thanksgiving 11/26/2014 188 Thanksgiving 11/27/2014 56 Thanksgiving 11/28/2014 3/4/2015 115 308 Thanksgiving Weather Implementa8on — 
New transition equates to new challenges Browser compatibility issues —  Non-­‐technical staff had to become versed in resolving requestors technical challenges Blank PDFs (hundreds of phone calls) —  Resolved when DRM was turned off Response time on issues (east coast vs. west coast) —  Open support issues not being resolved timely System performance and load issues —  Peak time for K-­‐12 affected PSU orders Implementa8on (con8nued) — 
Penn State Customization —  Level Descriptions – students can request the specific level of transcripts (i.e. undergraduate, graduate, medical, law, and non-­‐credit) or a combination of levels —  Third Party Ordering System created —  3% of total orders are done by Third Parties Frustrations after implementation —  Penn State is a large institution with thousands of requests. Small issue can create hundreds of calls. —  System was not working as Penn State anticipated What Changed?? —  Early December of 2013, Kevin Martin assigned Joe Cornelius as Account Manager Why Joe? —  Experience working with larger schools —  Physically located in Scottsdale, AZ —  Can more readily move issues forward since he was located in AZ. Had resources available in office —  He was in charge of relationship management Steps to building a Partnership —  Weekly Meetings —  Discussed any issues from the week —  Constant communication —  Created working document to track issues, enhancements, notes, and action items —  Monitor support tickets —  Review communication from Parchment —  Review turn-­‐around time to resolution —  Look for trends —  In depth analysis of issues to be proactive Partnership (cont.) —  On site visits quarterly —  Face to face meetings make it easier to communicate and connect —  All parties understand the necessity of moving forward and building a solid working relationship to move Penn State concerns to a forefront —  Understanding of Penn State’s expectations —  Roadmap developed of how Parchment is moving forward to meet expectations —  Penn State understands Parchment’s future goals Joe=Advocate for Penn State —  In constant communication —  Strives to ensure expectations are met —  Understands true volume —  Small percentage of issues=large number of transcripts —  Introduced to other Parchment key contacts —  Andrew Potash – Support Representative —  Mike Cuthriell – Director of Support —  Jason Weaver – Sr. Product Manager Con8nuing the Partnership…. —  Takes work from all parties, especially Joe, to keep the partnership healthy and growing —  Joe is always open to Penn State being candid with issues —  Bring to Joe’s attention immediately —  Joe elevates issues to level needed —  Joe has earned Penn State’s respect because of his honesty and forthrightness —  Important take away – all parties involved must be “transparent” to make the partnership flourish What does the future hold? —  Penn State is implementing a new Student Information System – PeopleSoft —  Looking forward to more automation —  Expect more timely deliver of transcripts —  Optimistic about using the FERPA checkbox rather than reviewing consent signatures (this will be a huge time saver) —  Implement Student Support ~ Parchment support would be a level two support for technical issues regarding difficulties users are experiencing. Paula Hamaty
Kaitlyn Roberts
Joe Cornelius pkr101@psu.edu ksr178@psu.edu jcornelius@parchment.com