PAGE F.iGHT ADVANCE-NEWS SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1962 Mountaineers In Legion Supporting Adirondack Camp For War Veterans Mrs. Morgenthau Grants Interview In Her Charming Home In River dale, N.YJ BY LYLE F. CRAWFORD mander Charles E. Ramie has stated that this year "memPublicity Director By Katherine Harrington bership" in the legion a n d ' i n Minneapolis, everyone collies; Kudo, a cat of uncerSt. Lawrence County Albany Knickerbocker "membership" in the Mounllives near a skating rink." tain ancestry; a bird called American Legion News Women's Editor hundred taineers are his prime target she explained. i"Fitzey" after John FitzgerAlong twelve shore of objectives, and he has assertI • * * aid Kennedy, whose adminisRobert M. Morgenthau acres of the west Tupper Lake. N Y . stretches ed that there should be upMrs. Morgenthau has ' o n e tration is the same age as the stepped into the bright, white good woman" to do the bird named for him. the great Adirondack Moun-jwards of 500 members o r glare of the political arena tain establishment known as'more in t h e Mountaineers when he became Democratic housework and cooking. ,f "On Thursdays and Sun- Mrs. Morgenthau already the American Legion Moun-ifrom the St. Lawrence county candidate for governor of tain Camp, a place that has area in 1962-63. New York State. Like all can- days, her day off. I cook for has made a campaign swing virtually become a haven forj At the September meeting didates* wives. Martha Pat my family — by necessity," ( 0 r two with her husband and s n e sa convalescing, medically certi- o f t h e c o u n t y organization, tridge Morgenthau will share i°* i r a n c n«v«^. ^ lied New York State war vet- commander Ramie appointed erans. p e convalescent p e n - H a n ) l d j McCullough, OgWith the campaign still in 4, •* » • • • 5 o n e t m n ^ ~ "d o nt * e t c ^ u g h t : , h a u a r e Vltally i n t e r e s t e d m od to them is free, and help- d e n s D u r g a s c o u n t v Mountainits earlv stages, little has too far from home toward the \ ing to support the convales- e e r c h a i r m a n . Under C hairbeen seen of Mrs. Morgen- community life in Riverdale. end," she laughed, referring Mrs cent area of the camp in add;- m a n McCullough's leadership thau. A picture here and Morgenthau has been to her pregnancy. j lion to gifts from New \ o r k t h e c o u n t h o p e s t 0 there, showing a pleasant- president of the Parents Asso- She will make no policy : go over faced woman of average ciation at t h e Fieldston speeches but will "be happy' Legionnaires and Auxiliaries. t h e t Mountaineer height, average weight. A School r 4 I was proud of that." ;to say hello to anyone who : with mention that she was born in s h e sa id* a n ( * *s chairman of wants to be said hello to." Al- : i ^.900 ^ J 0 l New ^ n \ e e ^Yorkers ^ u . P _ 0 f called ^ m ! members in the year ahead. The Mountaineers", who Since 1923. more than 5.Minnesota. The news that s h e ! t h e Riverdale Red Cross ready the campaign has beeach give one dollar a y e a r veterans have spent 185.000 expects her fifth child in Jan- Chapter. ,gun to invade family life. , and proudly wear t h e P i n e free patient days of care and uary Jan. 7, to be exact I The candidate's wife look"The other day." Mrs Mor-' e d tree Mountaineer emblem on r e s t " as legion'gue'sts at The but will travel with her hussurprised when I asked genthau rc/:lled. "Bobby their lapel with their Legion c a m p T h e w o m e n * s infirmary band whenever possible. i n e r if she and her husband handed me lour cents. H e ! button On a rainy afternoon l a t e , ° * t e n visit -ed New York City had collected from a friend (was built in 1947 by the New ni last week. Mrs Morgenthauj ?ht clubs or posh restau- because he understood camThere are two convalescent York American Legion AuxI granted The Knickerbocker - ^ n t s . ,paigns were expensive." , hospitals and a mountain- iliary. •News her first fullscale inter"Only when we have guests Mrs. Morgenthau has never lake lodge at the camp. There 1 A total summer staff at the r o m ou view of the campaign a* * ° ' town," s h e re- seen the Executive Mansion is also a vacation area at the camp runs close to 50 and is two-hour chat at the Morgen- P l i e d ^ "Our idea of a good in Albany. But s h e looked; camp, but for the present, the headed by William L. Feist, thau's nine-room white brick evening is dinner at a friend's around her living room a t ; St. Lawrence Countv Ameri- superintendent, who is exand clapboard house in the house and discussion of the pets, newspapers and chil- 1 can Legion Organization is pected to address the St. LawRiverdale section of New current project in Riverdale ,dren and announced: vitallv interested in the con- rence county organization a t York City," an unexpected — a n d R i v e r d a l e is full of I "We sure could use the ex valescent area. Countv Com- a meeting in Gouverneur on !oasis of " 'winding country .community projects." jtra room." : Oct. 18. lanes, trees and flagstone terThe camp h a s virtually What is Martha Pattridge r a c e s in the upper Bronx, completed 40 years of service minutes west of the Henry Morgenthau like as a woman? to disabled men and women ing tour Oct. 2 on which he met early mornNOW HEAR THIS — Robert M. MorgenWhat is her home like? , Hudson Parkwav. vets and Legion families and ing commuters to Manhatten. Morgenthau thau, a former Navy combat officer and now As her pictures show, she through the generous support won two Bronze Stars for heroism while Democratic candidate for governor cannot Mrs. Morgenthau- wearing is of average height and of the Mountaineers and Legserving as executive officer on three differresist putting a firm hand on the wheel of a blue sweater, black skirt w e i £ h t , with pale blue eyes The 24-hour fast of Yom ionnaires and Auxiliary mement destroyers in World War II. the Staten Island ferry during a handshakand low-heeled shoes an- and brown hair worn short Kippur will begin tonight a n d l D e r s a t l a r S e > 4 t w i l 1 continue swered the door when pho- and will mark the climax of the t 0 s e r v e recuperating vetercurlev. She wears little tosrapher Bob Palev and I m *keup — light lipstick High Holy Days of the Jews a n s f o r m a n > ' v e a r s ahead. rang. She gave us firm hand- o n l v o n t h e d a - v o f t h e i n t e r " Rochester— (UP) —A Norwe—ten days of penitence. Spe-' "~—' shakes and urged us inside vJJew _ a n d l l t t l e jewelry gian tanker came to the aid of cial services will be conduct4 t o have a cup of hot coffee." l h e r redding and engage- a disabled tup boat with four ed at Anshe Zophen SynaOver coffee, we learned ! m e n t r m ^ s - a w n s t watch». men aboard that was shipping gogue by Rabbi David Kozak She was brought up as awater in high seas on Lake On- Mrs. Ivan Putney was hosTO OGDENSBURG Martha Morgenthau answers as follows: Protestant (her father. James tario Friday, but a barge with t e s s a t her home for the Oc- Massena — The first meet- • were Capt. John Manley of Tonight. 7 o'clock. Kol questions slowly and directly, looking her questioner Pattridge. is Episcopal: her two men aboard still was re- tober meeting of the Point ings held by any American the Port of Chicago. Robert Nidre: Monday. 8. 9 and 11:30 straight in the eve. She is not l a t e m o t n e r w a s a Unitarian), iported in trouble iRockaway Sewing Group. Great Lake? port to promote, Smith, Port of Duluth, and St. | a m Yizkor; 7:10 p.m. end of and Coast guard cutters a glib nor easy talker and Her children a r e , being ., . , . ., , ,_ , A Eleven members and a guest. Seaway business were held in,Lawrence Seaway administra-;f as ^ ' New York City by the Toledo- tor. Joseph K. McCann. seemed a little surprised — brought up in theJewish punches bathed 15-foot waves M r s H o r a c e S c o t t w e r e I The congregation will faith, their father's. Lucas County Port Authority.' The Toledo port has t 0 r d t h e as well she might to find her~ break the fast with a supper jRnttn oT.T* ? ] ent for the dinner which preUnder the direction of its veloped a 15-minute sound served by the Ladies Air, filn ^ £ self telling the story of her Mrs. Morgenthau's casualiRusseJl 20. a tug enroute from c e d e d h m e e t i 4 i\e* i ork City to an unknown , , j , % chairman, W. W. Knight, jr.. and color film stressing the lowing the final service. taste in clothes ("I like 0 n T life — and of her husband's and vnn riMiinaiiATi o^stination. T TL h e K^r-«« barge, w hui c hu planned £, . , »served , >- bv " nM -o rs. the Ohio port set up the two benefits of using the Seaway. look at clothes but o u and children's lives — to peoBur- trade meetings in New York,! Officials of the Toledo port At that time, also, a fare: hmw* a -uo,. ff.— . .g. Jd .U, F. Putney and Mrs. Newell Bi r 0 m *kD .U p f e * s h e ^ d m e r o i U y ' ^ f w » S ? ^ » y ^ ^ ^ ^ " i S Ti n g^ a s ^ e v e r e s t o r m ^w a s' s l r a n d rows. the first at the Savoy-Hilton j are planning a visit to Eur- well reception will be held in ' minutes before. She is not afashion") is reflected in the eed ooff honor of Dr. Herman B. f f BBraddock's raddock s p omt. but M r s Marion Duffv presid- Hotel, and the second at the'ope Oct. 12 to try and lure n o w n i s W l f e a n d fidgeter nor a fusser. Be- comfortable but casual fur- *h e 5 1 g a r d ' Dow-mown Athletic Club. .more world trade through t h e | ^ family ,; " J " « P ^ s e d no e d a l t h e b u s i n e S s meeting. 4ween questions, she ^R l:t S. nishings in her home. Dr. Snow has been a trustee 1 3 1 f an dan er Attending these meetings Seaway. A brook flows through t h e ^ ^ ! / ^ <> >' »: - v .„ . , . 'quietly, waiting for the next of Congregation Anshe ZoN egian an r Fo ur ullt t o s h a v e t e e n Morganthau's front yard and ^J °? / * 5 . ^ P ^ hpro f 4 T B l a t z b e r g w a s re rt quer>". i >wu phen. " their house P° ^d to be purchased for t h e sewing escortin t h A native of Minneapolis von -ovpr aaPPfoacb whitP fnnt h r i H w T h « K * Russell 20 t o w o r k a n d f o u r q u i l t s were iand daughter of the publisher o v e r , a ^ w h l t e f ° u l u r i u D u k Island 0 front onens tt a wide J S P Bay 5? a i nnear ° Rochester.° f f S o d u s ,t i e d a t t h e m e e t i n ^ I of a iflour milling trade trade magmag- f™? f™?11 ddoor^ v0 00 ,°Pens into into J* opens i U U . milling a11 wnic l e a d s t 0t h e l i v m azine, she is 42 vears old. Her " !? g ' The barge and the tug separ-' Mrs. Bessie Yalois celebratparents both came from Bur- r o o m a t t n e r e a r o f t n e h o u s e - a ted at about 2:30 a.m. during ed her birthday. Mrs. Putney op a terrace. terrace ja •lington, Vt., and when it was opening , ! l m n £ on .on a - _ ja heavy heavy wind wind and and rain rain storm storm. ,,is obsening her birthday Oct. The living room walls are The 180-foot Cutter "White 26, and Mrs. Marion Duffy • Sterling Forest, N. Y. —'the top of Tiger Hill adjoining ( time to go away to school, r ipale green: the rug is beige. Lupine" was enroute to the Oct29. ; (Special) — All the brilliant the Gardens. Here one of the New York — F. W . WoolIn "she chose Smith College at The fireplace mantel stars scene from Ogdensburg. N. Y worth companv said it will j colors of Autumn are sweeptwo double chair lifts that wih r s MMaud a Mrs. Wagner will be ing through the 30 square carry skiers up the slopes; id one of its Woolco dis' t h m ^ a t ^ s h e ' met through "sculpture" executed by the and a 36-foot "launch and other u W - a u d ^" Dul children a t sch o1 a November miles of Ramapos hills here•,during the winter is now op-j count department stores near Mutual clay craft were dispatched from hostess for the mutual friends tnenas Trom irom Minne Minne h o r s e . w o o d e n °w h a l~ {.,Rochester ™~*,„« „. *h M, e s Pain t meeting, with Miss Estell Cle- that surround the 325-acre'erating during week-ends. JDenver 'apolis. Bob Morgenthau, who ments and Mrs. George Cle- Sterling Forest Gardens. A 110.000-square-foot unit ings by friends are displayed j The Eastern United States' was attending Amherst ColHILARIOUS COMEDY ments in charge of food. Toys is slated to open early next on the walls — watercolors S h o w e r H e l d F o r Within tbe Gardens fall lis one of only two or three lege a few miles away. i will be made at this meeting. spring in Westminster, a Denes- T « ~ ir> • ± coloration is adding 1o the'areas in the world where fail ver suburb, Lester T guess you'd sav we start- eofi ,Henry . ^ ,Morgenthau's , _ Davis, ate m grandeur of massed chysanthe- coloration may be seen. This Woolco division general manled going around together. a s f , ^ t c h e s s County: an Jacqueline Fnot j 8 mums. Autumn crocus, roses lis because three specific con- ager said. they called it in o u r day," ° 1 f t ' p s y c h i a t r i s t who is a Kites Today fam ly f r ierid and many other flowering' ditions must exist to produce Woolworth opened its first Mrs Morgenthau explained -i c n a For Mrs. Lunderman, 71 Mr. and BY MRS. LESLIE SHORT plants. Dogwood and sweetjthe extravaganza: bright clear , '-After college. Bob went' * e w s P a P * " Madrid — Miss Jacqueline Hill — Funeral rites p u m trees have turned red.; sunshine, cool weather and Woolco store June 6 in CoTime: 8:30 PM into the N a w and I took a >Mrs. Morgenthau read at Fnot. daughter of Mr and forBrier lumbus, O. The second unit Mrs. Frank O/eona) P a l m - : t u ] i p t r e e s ^ e a t e patches of; trees that lose their leaves. .at least four State iV V U i a d aa yj - — a a ri ec piled!Mr?. llc r5 UGlenn Jenn i Friot, r101 fclate job in Washington, as a secre-: a-~V. °" ~~ *' "!™ ' ' St.. er Lunderman, 71, who died bright vellow. vibernums are Cool weather stops the pro- | opened Aug. 15 in Windsor. is dee Geo. Hall Auditorium tarv in the British Ministrv ^ V P »n a magazine rack Madrid w « the guest of h on- Thursday, Oct. 4 at her home heaviiv* clothed in bronze fo- duction of chlorophyll which | Ont. Woolworth plans to open we d t 0 g e t 3 ldal oweT Satur of *SuPPVv. We were marriedi' "wV?"*.. °/ ^ " Then another in Columbus; O.. one General Admission 2.10 Dec. 30. "1943. during one of through them, i ,day evening, given by Miss here, will be held this after- l i a | J e ^ r e d berries, and the makes leaves jgreen. noon at 2 p.m. at the Eustis burning bush vividiv illuschemicals already present in in Richmond, Va., and units in Bob's leaves from the Navy."!, ^ n old upright piano ("no- Shirley Spicer fit the Fnot Reserved Seats 3.20 J funeral home in Hammond. t r a t e ; : j ^ n a m e . * jthe leaves begin to show their Sudbury. Hamilton and Brant. . . body plays it now ) occupies home. ford, all in Ontario, this vear. The Rev. Dr. W. H. Campbell | j n t h e ^ills that rise on aV true colors: Anthocyanins preoom: a_ ,So , T h e Morgenthaus h a v e o n e c o r n e r o f t h e r room: ™ 3 ° ***** a 1 t e n d e d OTTAWA CLASSIFIED of Ogdensburg, retired Pres| T w o t h e Gardens the vel- dominate in red leaves; xant! one a wedding bytenan_ minister, will offici-!Fl6es of Jtept house in New Haven gate-leg table is " s p r e a d c a k e a<****• ^ ^ y white birch hophill in yellow and carotin n d t h e otner a )(m% a n d jlwhile Mr. Morgenthau got Eagle" between the windows cake, were the chief birthday features ate. Burial will be in Ingham have turned yellow as have in the pale yellow to orange The table is colorful with ijiis law degree at Yale>: in an j t n e w n i t e and chestnut oaks, j leaves. Through pure chemiscopies of The New Yorker. of the refreshment table Miss cemetery here. •apartment in New York Citv's;J . r w n?d TV I ^ '-Friof* and elms. Pin and red oaks'try nature produces pictures birthday was Saturimc and in a P e t e r Cooper Village and { £ % « ' *>* dav alf also. ,who was taken ill at his work'are showing varying shad*** ' (that are beyond the reaches have been in Riverdale n ' ^ « ^„**.-,.-, ^ Friot. , ^arne. . . an . authographed ., _, * i ^ k . - beautician. i$ : a week ago and adnv.tted to red but the stars of nature's of either artist or film. , vears. 1 ri v i K A president a ] 9 6 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^f t n € M a d . Massena Memorial Hospital.!finale are the swamp and sugar; From New York City. WestTheir four children a r e fS«u £n A a C i n E a rid - Waddington Central was removed to the Canton 1 maples with their brilliant .Chester and Connecticut the DIIII6 ROOM AID COCKTAIL L0UI6E OTp V jjennw 17: Anne. 15: Eleanor. * , A P r e s i d e n t s ^iU' School. She will be married Hospital by the Madrid Res-1 scarlet leaves that make you'most colorful route to Sterling "On* of th* Mott Dirttnputshed MeitavrwnU <m 1 1 : and Bobby. 5. Jenny a n d , ? U address. Monday. It was forget that this is summer's j Forest Gardens is via the ! t 0 Martin Schneider of Water- cue Squad Eastern Canada" George Washington Bridge, nese nave n€ r u n 1 S o b b y attend *Fi el dson" t h e ' ^ P ^ * °^ town in the near future. j reported that Mr. Pierce -was swan song. along the Tslisade Interstate t 1€ o r e r t h a u T h m tutttratlr Cbiotm PooOa »i» prtptnd br EJS h i c a l culture school about * ^ ? b o u s e — Hir- Merrill Pierce, an employee suffering from severe chestj Mile upon mile of the Au Parkway to New York ThruCkioene Chef* . . American aa£ Caa»dl*a 1 a m a r d tfive minutes driving time Han^ab, black border of the Massena ALCOA plant, pa:n&. 'tumn vista may be seen fm- way Interchanffe 13, continulube* prrpvfi by authentic Chtttt. A »pecl«l lt%Ibnibi ttnr • : La FalatEnt Is BUI J?»vmn. Can*d»l Tmmom Ifrom their home. « 7" I ~~. '. " , ing to Eixt 15 a t Suffern. B::rG orffani«t at tb* Tlinmirafl Orf«xi CwMoto ban i j Last week. Anne was enT pjn to i:0S a-m. then north on Route 17 t o trclled in a boarding school t / Route 210 and Sterling Forest 1st Concord. Mass. i Gardens. • **Jenny and Anne are so & * close in age that 1 found Yr.u can une packaged fine Sriends mistaking one for the dr>- bread crumbs, corn meal ; ror t m n i i l m Call Ottawa C X-Cati |c»ther in t h e s t r e e t " Mrs or fine crack«~r crumbs as a' B i t e s St. »t F«1MB — Opes "80 «,JT to 2 00 aak iMoreenthan explained. **I coating for fried clams. f 9uaOmy U a^n. M 11 P A . thought it was wise to help Mr. Jack TTmrrrt. Anne build an identity of ner afeaibcf America* Ccpraai Credit Card Flaa own." " , Eleanor, t h e 11-year-old OTTAWA CLASSIFIED OTTAWA daughter. » mentally retarded and attends the Lochland CONTROL SYSTEMS School at Geneva, X.Y. f Your Vkit to Otta wa Caa be More tawOkaf.. m ^The Morgenthaus do not and EQUIPMENT brood over this." an associate toW os " I rather think * I^TMIS to deepen their enjoyment of their other cbxkiretL*" Sales aaa • • • . — INSPECTIONS — Before Mr. Morgenthaii's domination for governor, the famihr bred a life typical of t h e Xew York O t y suburbs 3!TT Morgenthau was busy %Tth car pools and n e e t i n p ; : FOB VOXE Bfr M^rrenthau eomnuted t o BTSINTSS • TVDTSTaTT bis office m oovDtovn Maa- U.S. Cutter Rushes To The Rescue Point Rockaway Sewing Group 31eets At Putneys' Fast Of Yom Kipper Begins Tonight Seaway Port Promotion Held In New York City COMING TUESDAY OCTOBER 16 Fall Beauty In Ramapos Woolworth Plans Hills Vivid Spectacle Discount Store Near Denver SYLVIA SIDNEY THORNTON WILDER'S m At Madrid Home HiTCEllAm FtRE Extinguishers HARNESS RACING ^ 1 1 Fire Alarms fcattan <1& minutes a w a y . ( Jn their leisure time, t h e famihr B a c t » e w sports U t e •mother prominest Democratx famfly They gwmL s k i . ' I ^ J V tessi< aad ice hockey a 9 d t h e e u i i do fircre-slcat- ST. U U n K S C * CXJCXTT r faa>- That last is a a zcfhaeBce caHes. horn Sunday, rarwf m -^e bar*: of Eoe** O n * of f r o m M r another's Acncd^t^ TO Or. J . D. ca girlhood. a birth • prracdelivered tbem. t i e posKbC^tr of I CHAS.ELUS CONNAUGHT TO»AT. AT S PJL txa::y • i»iavjl»* The aw*Aer of tfce ojcads s l - r w - « M Paricdaie AJUL a ,et^ne>ed Ho-lsaesrx porchaaed frons Fred of Hularc*— Qae. FTS4878 M.T. 1 ETOT STXBAT rmmxmrMU. PARK
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