Bite Size Workshops

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3-hour practical workshops for busy professionals
From Idea to Market Success
3 reasons to go bite sized!
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who need to
transform their ideas into market value and
 Invest less
You will learn:
 How to successfully bring an idea to the
 Apply key frameworks to bring ideas to
the market
 How to balance management needs with
consumers and stakeholders’
 How to identify your target audience
 Design thinking in new product
 Real-life examples that can be
applied instantly
You will take away:
The capability of using your ideas to create
market value.
Trainer: Luis Filipe Lages
Date/Time: 29 April 2015, 08:45 – 12:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Interactive Learning!
 Mini cases
 Short videos
 Class exercises
 Open Discussions
 Minimal time away from the
Innovation in Services - Breakthrough
Marketing Experiences
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who would like
to create value in services while cutting cost
and simultaneously developing a competitive
You will learn:
 Value creation framework in new service
 Value innovation and ‘Blue Ocean’
strategy in Services
You will take away:
Useful techniques, technological evolution
and breakthrough managerial practices that
can generate innovation in your services
Trainer: Luís Filipe Lages
Date/Time: 29 April 2015, 12:45 – 16:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Contact us at 22462246 or
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‘Start-up You!’ How to create value for
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who would like to
reinvent themselves and their careers.
You will learn:
 How to find the right job
 Tools to make a proper diagnostic about
 How to convert your weaknesses into
 Ways to have a clear positioning in the job
You will take away:
Self-diagnostic tools that will allow you to find
more about your Learning Style and Unique
Selling Points (USP), both in the job-market and
inside your company.
Trainer: Luís Filipe Lages
Date/Time: 30 April 2015, 08:45 – 12:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
‘You’: From a Product in the Dark to a
Unique Market Experience
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who would like to
develop a marketing plan for themselves as well
as a personal business model.
You will learn:
 Well-established marketing and business
model frameworks to create value for
 How to align your vision with the vision of a
 How to reposition yourself inside your
You will take away:
Innovative tools that will allow you to transform
yourself into a ‘higher-value product’.
Trainer: Luís Filipe Lages
Date/Time: 30 April 2015, 12:45 – 16:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Relationship Selling
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who want to increase
their confidence in selling through developing
relationships with their customers.
You will learn:
 Old sales vs new sales
 Voice, tone and body language
 How to uncover real needs
 Listening and asking the right questions
 Features, benefits and closing techniques
You will take away:
The ability to present tailored made solutions for
your customers that will ultimately gain their longterm commitment.
Trainer: Natalie Reed
Date/Time: 7 May 2015, 08:45 – 12:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who want to enhance
their negotiation abilities.
You will learn:
 The truth about negotiation
 Perceived value
 Alignment and Economics
 Proof and value propositions
 Return on Investment (RoI)
 Get-to-give negotiation and win-win results
You will take away:
The ability to estimate and convey the value of a
product or service as well as use the value to gain a
mutually beneficial negotiated outcome.
Trainer: Natalie Reed
Date/Time: 7 May 2015, 12:45 – 16:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Contact us at 22462246 or
Learn Something New Today!
Devote just three training hours
and then go by your daily schedule!
Feedback – A tool for development
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who need to
cultivate a culture of continuous development
through the useful tool of feedback.
Design and Deliver a Presentation
Aimed at:
People and Executive teas, who would like to know
how to design and deliver a presentation.
You will learn:
 The importance of feedback with regards to
personal development
 How to give constructive feedback
 How to invite and receive feedback
 The golden rules of feedback
You will learn:
 How to define the objectives of the presentation
 How to outline the content
 How to design the presentation
 How to deliver the presentation
You will take away:
An action plan on how to give feedback and
useful tips on giving and receiving feedback.
You will take away:
A schematic outline of the process to be followed to
design a presentation and a list of tips for delivering
Trainer: Vassos Lappa
Date/Time: 25 May 2015, 08:45 – 12:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Change is inevitable - should we resist or
Trainer: Vassos Lappa
Date/Time: 27 May 2015, 08:45 – 12:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Make Decisions Easier
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who operate in a
demanding and rapidly changing environment.
Aimed at:
People and Executive teams, who operate in a
demanding environment, which requires quick
decisions with the best possible results.
You will learn:
 What is change and how does it affect us
 Why do we resist change
 The benefits of adapting
 How do we adapt
You will learn:
 How to make decisions following a laid down
 How to successfully implement each step of the
You will take away:
Useful tips on how to adapt and remain
competitive in a rapidly changing world.
You will take away:
A list of the steps required to take, in order to make
quick and correct decisions and tips you can use to
effectively implement the process.
Trainer: Vassos Lappa
Date/Time: 25 May 2015, 12:45 – 16:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Trainer: Vassos Lappa
Date/Time: 27 May 2015, 12:45 – 16:15
Venue: CIIM Nicosia
Contact us at 22462246 or
Learn Something New Today!
Fees & Registration
The individual cost for all Bite Size training
workshops is €45.
Discounts are given for multiple bookings:
Vassos Lappa
Vassos has 25 years experience in aviation, including a
number of years in training and development as an
Instructor for pilots and cabin crew on Safety and
Emergency Procedures and Crew Resource
Management which deals with the human factors and
the, so called, “Soft Skills”.
Vassos’s experience combined with his academic
qualifications, being a holder of a master’s degree in
“Continuous Education and Lifelong Learning”, has
enabled him to become a very competent and capable
Instructor/Facilitator using a variety of methods and
techniques to make each training course an enjoyable
learning experience.
Vassos’s approach towards training is based on the
philosophy and theories of adult training and
education, as stated by the greatest researchers of
the specific field. He is a firm believer of continuous
personal development.
Natalie Reed
Natalie Reed is an international expert in business
communication, customer service and people
development. Natalie teaches a variety of business
communication, sales, marketing and customer
service topics in various business schools as well as
offering 'in house' bespoke training to a wide variety
of businesses throughout Europe.
She has held several high-profile successful sales and
customer service roles and has over 18 years of
experience in the training and development of people.
Natalie's training style is very interactive with a 'hands
on' approach offering practical solutions to 'real time'
challenges for many of her participants. She has
extensive experience of working with medium to large
size companies throughout various departments in
the areas of communication and internal customer
Two Workshops: €80
Three Workshops: €110
Four and over: €35 per workshop
Click here to register!
or visit
Luís Filipe Lages
Luis Filipe Lages is Professor (Catedrático) at Nova
SBE, Portugal. He conducted Doctoral Research at
Warwick University (UK) and Post-Doctoral Research
at MIT (USA) and Stanford University (USA). In recent
years, he was a Visiting Scholar at London Business
School, Korea University Business School, MIT
Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation, and
MIT Sloan School of Management.
He has spent more than 20 years studying the
practices and drawbacks of hundreds of projects in
the fields of Marketing, International Business and
Innovation. During this time he has developed and
assembled a set of methodologies that were tested
across a wide range of scenarios, from award winning
start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, from leading
consultancy firms to worldwide exporters, from labprojects to incubation cities, from governments to
not-for-profit organizations. This work has been
frequently discussed in both the national and
international media.
His seminars, practical presentations, and consulting
advice has been presented to corporate, business,
governmental and university audiences in several
countries across the globe, including Armenia, Austria,
Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Portugal,
Russia, Slovenia, Spain, U.K., South Korea and the
Contact us at 22462246 or