—^mmwmwmmwmmmmmm I Page 2 m <• LEGAL RECORDS WISHING WELL. The Almanac el K d. Tonowando NEWS i NIAGARA CO. CLERKS OFFICE February 9, 1SS7 DEED City of North Tonawand* to Lilia C. D'Anfelo, North Tonawanda. Registered TJ. S. Patent Office. My United Press International - Today is Thursday, Feb. 23, the 54th day of 1967 with 311 to follow. The moon Is in its first 7 2 A 6 O 8 C 3 4 7 "5 2 ft 2 4 3 ft J I N H B S T m 2 4 6 3 7 5 S" W 4 3E Y T I C O C O F T X O•""" V7 RIJ N2""O4 L £ U' S E mE 5 IE Mft K5 A4 O3 R2 L4 I BR 7 B ft I 2 """3 "i" 3 "" 2 ft ft ' 7 4 T A U S Y ' D Y M S p xr7 ft ~T 8 5 H. N " 2 8 I R ""3 2 H 2 W 8 A 6 Y 2 E 4 7 8 E '4 R M * A 3 R 2 L . 5 A S A O 4 2 Q T 1 5 U S A c E The morning star is Mars. The evening stars are Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. Those bom today are under A t sign of Pisces. German composer Frederic Handel was born on this day in 1685. On this day in history: In 1847. General Zachary and his American defeated General Santa in the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico. In 1965, movie comedian Stan Laurel of Laurel and Hardy famed died at the age of 74. ft E 8 "3" V 4 R D 4 4 R ft I ft "T S H 2 S H E JUDGMENT Marine Midland Trust Company of Western N. Y. va Carol Berradi, Sll Bryant St., North Tonawanda, $663.28. DEED Robert B. and Frances J. Hall to George H. and Roberta A. McCoy, North Tonawanda. Thursday, February 23, 1967 Lockport Linoleum A Appliance NIAGARA CO. CLERK'S OFFICE j Co. vs Don Colts, 5960 Oliver St., Feb. 10, 1SS7 North Tonawanda, $84.89. JUDGMENTS MORTGAGE John Marinello vs Jacob Eschenbach, 83 Main St., North TonawanRobert W. Warren and J*net F. da and Bonnie Askey a-k-a Bonnie Eschenbach, 83 Main St., North Warren, 59 Sunset Drive, N o r t h Tonawanda, to Manufacturers and Tonawanda. $65.38. Marine Midland Trust Company Traders Trust Company, $9,800. of Western New York vs Brian DEEDS Ewald, 89 Barnard St., Tonawanda. Henry L. Gombert to Frank J. fSftt. Kar Service Centers Inc. vs Lou- and Josephine B. Tamburlin, North is Duval and Raymond Duval. Tonawanda. Walter H. Sprenger to William d-b»a "A Better Cab Service" a-k-a "ABC" 73-9th Ave., North Tonawan- and Phllomena DeMonte, N o r t h Tonawanda. da. $103.55. Shop Tonight and Friday Until 9 p.m. Nelson Says CIA Actions, [CENTURA! I w^(^eewfc Centura Tableware Like the ancient statue of yenuS, Centura* tableware is made to last. It is guaranteed for three * years against \ breaking in normal household use. If anything happens to it, just bring it back and we'll replace it free. RAMBLER T Get t h e BEST! www 1967 handcrafted GIANT S C R E E N PORTABLE TV 212 Sq. In. P i c t u r e Fire piece place setting starts as loir as Sixteen piece starter set costs as little as Once-a-Year Special! Save Now on Authentic Fenton Handmade Glass Smith-Corona Fiqurematic Adding Machine Only once each year can we offer you special reduced prices on beautiful Fenton handmade glass. Here's your opportunity to buy for Mother's Day, Easter gifts, birthdays, brides . . . and add to your own Fenton collection. Each piece is beautifully handmade in the proud Fenton tradition. Regularly $86.50 Specially Priced $ 69.50 GIFTS — MAIN ST.. TONAWANDA Adds up to 7 columns, totals 8 columns. Features exclusive quick change ribbon cartridge, digit indicator combined with clear key and oversize twirling knot. Weighs only 8 pounds. Power 110-115 volts, AC80 cycle. Underwood-Olivetti Typewriter $ Now at Jenss Low, Low Price ^ ^ " ^ ^ S^B^BM S M SSS? S S ^ I ^ ^ W W SV JBJP SSSJ BOULEVARD 2407 Niagara Falls Blvd. « 4 NUGARA FAUS BLVD. Full size keyboard, 43 keys, 85 characters, 2 color ribbon and stencil position. All metal construction, key unjammer and margin set. Smart carrying case included. STATIONERY • Com pie te Antenna Service • One Year Service On Ail Zenith Products, Parts and Labor MAW ST., TONAWANDA ®&nm>wim>Q*$- Corduroy Chair Pad Corduroy Rocker Set Corduroy Leisure Pillow Bring Results few • $ 2.00 *4.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.29 • *f* the Perfect Accent Cushions Anywhere in Your Home Classified Ads Plump, soft, light-as-a-cloud . . . stuffed right to the very edges with 100'* brand new shredded polyurethane . . . and boasting all the new features wise homemakers everywhere insist upon: Machine washable, mildew proof, odorless, non-aHergenic. What an economical way to flood a room with comfort and color. Replace-a-Covers f This Week I Regular $2.00 Sale Priced • California Twin City ALL TYPES Gal. DRY WINE 4 e f If *1.9u California OW Vineyard SWEET WINE Pert, Tawny Port. Muscatel. Cream Sherry, • Danish Decor Replace-a-Covers 85-= Regular $5.00 Sale Priced »^fcj ww DExrvia PLENTY OP 99c For stack cushions and bench cushions, recovers all standard size, popular cushions. Mix or match 4 decorator colors. Easy to care for vinyl Jet Black, Mandarin Orange, Avocado or Turquoise. SWEET WINE $ 7 7 0 I s H jWhal • Easy Terms Arranged 49.95 Corduroy Bench Pad mm SALES and SERVICE 26.40 CRINA — MAIN ST., TONAWANDA NAMED TO POST ALBANY (UPI) - Dr. Benjamin Pasamanick, associate director for research in the Illinois State Mental Health Department, has been named associate commissioner for research in the New York. State Department of of Mental Hygiene. The PLAZA . X2212L Tfm Award Series fig-screen portable TV in a compact metal cabinet Metallic Tan color. Top carry handle. Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. Dipole Antenna. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Famous Fenton Hobnail TJERE Is a pleasant little game that will give you a message 1 * every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters hi your lint name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is leu than 6, add 3. The result is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. ! WASHINGTON (UPD-^en. of the National Student AssociaG ay lord Nelson charged today tion and other private groups; * bfl 15! • that secret CIA subsidies, government wiretapping and wiretapping by the government eavesdropping; the U.S. Inforand the widespread use of mation Agency's subsidizing detective agencies show a drift book publishing and writing, toward "police-state tactics" in and the use of private detective America's free society. agencies by corporations and Such practices are "un- *>me government units. American," the Wisconsin Dem- Fear Police State N.V. STATE'S LARGEST ocrat said, and their worst "I think we have reason to be feature is that "the victims are gravely concerned as to whethour own citizens and in many er the United States, perhaps - . - _ _ - ~-ST « f * M l f | M M cases they are completely unwillingly and unwittingly, is innocent of any wrongdoing." veering away from its traditionn Afl Week Days He called for a full congresal role as a free society and A.M. to It P.M. sional investigation of "this drifting toward a passive whole sordid business." acceptance of the repulsive In his prepared Senate t a ^ s ot a P01"* » tate '" h e speech, Nelson called attention s a i d to these practices: The Central Nelson deplored the use of 3900 SHERIDAN OR. Tf 9-3950 Intelligence Agency's financing private detectives by General Motors in investigating auto critic Ralph Nader, the spying prevalent in industrial competition, and Florida Gov. Claude R. Kirk's use of a private detective agency to investigate crime and corruption. That agency is the George Wackenhut Corp., which has offices nationwide. Nelson noted that the agency has a $23 miUion-a-year business, including a $3 rnillion-ayear Atomic Energy Commission contract. "This gigantic organization, with its tentacles in politics and other affairs over much of the globe, presumably will have access to all maimer of official documents, police files, FBI files and other material generalIn the Tonawondas & Kenmore ly avallabe only to responsible Distributed by Tondisco, Inc. public officials," Nelson lamented. Committee Hires Detectives It was disclosed Wednesday that the Wackenhut firm was also engaged by a House committee investigating the affairs of Rep. - elect Adam ft Clayton Powell. It was also confirmed that a trade union received secret CIA funds that apparently were used to help organize labor strikes in British Guiana in 1962 and 1963 when Marxist Dr. Cheddi Jagan was premier. Robert Hastings, executive assistant to the president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes, told UPI that up to $60,000 a year in CIA funds was channeled to the union through features new "Flush-Front" Styling! the Gotham Foundation from 1959 to 1964. For some of that period, the union's leaders at the time knew the source of the money and decided to use it anyway, he said. The exposure of numerous such CIA "cover" foundations, meantime, caused a House panel to decide to re-open its investigation of the nation's foundations. I 2342 NIAGARA FALLS BLVD. . PARKVIEW K A ! TONAWANDA. N. Y 2.99 For chairs, love seats and sofas, one set covers any standard Danish-style chair. Mix or match 4 decorator colors. Jet Black. Mandarin Orange, Avacado or Turquoise. PARKING JESELLAS LIQUOR STORE NOTIONS — MAIN ST, TONAWANDA 784 OLIVER ST. at lSth AYE. N. TONA. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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