2015 Expo for Seniors VENDOR CONTRACT Expo booth(s) have been reserved with this vendor contract submitted prior to the early bird deadline and with receipt of full payment. The Expo is scheduled for Saturday, August 15, 2015 at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud with vending from 8:00 to 11:30 am. *Note: Your Business Listing will appear in the St. Cloud Times Event Directory exactly as it appears below: Company: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ State: _______ Zipcode: _________________ Contact Person: _____________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Email: ________________________________Website: ______________________________________ Booth Package Selection: (select one) Package A (Single) Package B (Double) 8x10 booth 8x20 booth 2 folding chairs 4 folding chairs 1–8’ skirted table 2–8’ skirted tables *Early Bird Pricing – BEFORE 5/29/15 - must receive to be included in the St. Cloud Times Directory □ $300.00 □ $600.00 Late Pricing – AFTER 6/1/15 – will NOT be included in the St. Cloud Times Directory □ $350.00 □ $650.00 Extra Items □ $50.00 Electricity Add-On □ I need Wi-Fi (you will be provided a voucher on event day) Will you be providing free health screenings? □ Yes □ No If yes, please explain type: ______________________________________________________________ Vendor assumes all liability for any loss, damage, or destruction to the property of Vendor or that of the Event location. Expo for Seniors provides no insurance on account of, or for the benefit of, Vendors or their exhibits. Vendors shall hold harmless the Expo for Seniors Committee, location and any official contractors against any loss, or damages for injury to person or property sustained. This contract binds the Vendor to the event dates, deadlines and payment in full of space rent. Vendor agrees to comply with all state and local laws, as well as Expo for Seniors TERMS and CONDITIONS. Expo for Seniors reserves the right to refuse any vendor. All cancellations prior to 60 days of the show will be subject to a $50 handling charge. No refunds will be granted for cancellations within 60 days of the Expo, unless their Vendor space is able to be successfully filled by another Vendor. Payment Options: □ Check payment enclosed Check # ____________________ Amount $ _____________ □ I would like to pay by Credit Card. Please mail in this form or if you prefer, email to jodispeicher@goodshepherdcampus.org. (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover accepted) _______________________________________ (Credit Card Number) _______________ (Expiration Date) _____________ (CVC Number) □ I would like to pay by e-Check. Please mail in this form or if you prefer, email to jodispeicher@goodshepherdcampus.org. ______________________________ ____________________________ _____________ (Account Number) (Check Number) (Bank Routing Number) ____________________________________ Vendor Signature __________________________ Cell Phone Number _________________ Date Mail completed contract (with check) to: Expo for Seniors Event, Attn: Jodi Speicher, 1115 4th Avenue North, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 If you have any questions, please call 320-258-9364. Expo for Seniors TERMS and CONDITIONS Please keep a copy for your records and provide to all staff and volunteers that will be involved in planning, set-up and staffing of your Expo vendor booth. 1. USE OF SPACE a. AISLES – Aisles, passageways and overhead spaces remain strictly under the control of Expo for Seniors. All vendors and personnel must remain within the confines of their own rented booth space. Vendor will not be permitted to erect signs or display products in such a manner as to obstruct the view or negatively affect the display of other Vendors. Interference with the light, noise or space of another Vendor will not be permitted. b. SPACE – The space contracted is to be used solely for the Vendor whose name appears on the Contract, and it is agreed that Vendor will not sublet or assign any portion of same without written consent of Expo for Seniors. In the event Vendor fails to occupy or use the space, or to have their vendor booth completed and in place one half-hour prior to the opening of the Expo, they shall forfeit their right to the space and all prepaid fees. At that point, Expo for Seniors may reassign the booth space. c. VENDOR PRODUCT SALES – Any Vendor making taxable sales at the Expo for Seniors must be registered with a Minnesota Tax ID and follow all applicable rules. d. FOOD ITEMS – No cooking and/or cooking equipment is allowed to be used in the vending hall. Vendors may give out individually wrapped candy, cookies or snack items. NO open food items or fruit may be given out. Vendors may NOT give away bottled water in containers of six ounces or less UNLESS bottled water is part of their product line. Other vendors who wish to give away bottled water are subject to the $50 facility fee. Vendors who wish to hand out free open samples of food must provide proof of required City licensure and liability insurance naming the River’s Edge Convention Center as an additional insured. e. BALLOONS – Helium balloons may be used. Latex balloons are strictly prohibited due to the potential for severe allergic reactions. f. RESTRICTIONS – Expo for Seniors reserves the right to restrict or remove Vendors, without refund, that may have been falsely entered or may be deemed by the Expo for Seniors unsuitable or objectionable. This restriction applies to noise, PA systems, persons, animals, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that might be objectionable to the event or Expo for Seniors. g. OFFENDERS – May be asked to leave the area if any of the above is violated; and as a Vendor, a refund will NOT be given. 2. RULES FOR VENDORS a. ALL BOOTHS and decorations must concur with the facility regulations, city ordinances, and local fire codes. Any violations may result in the removal of any materials found to be in violation. Materials for booth decorations and construction must be fire retardant. Contact Expo for Seniors if at all in doubt. b. RIGHTS of MANAGEMENT IN EVENT EXPO IS NOT HELD – Expo for Seniors shall not be liable for any damages or expenses incurred by Vendors in the event that the show is delayed, interrupted, or not held as scheduled. If for any reason beyond the control of Expo for Seniors, the Expo is not held, Expo for Seniors may retain the amounts paid Vendors as is necessary to defray expenses already incurred by the Expo. c. TERMS AND CONDITIONS – This contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed on by the parties hereto, and no other agreements, oral or otherwise regarding the subject matter of this contract, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. d. AMENDMENTS – Vendor agrees to abide by decision of Expo for Seniors concerning all matters pertaining to the administration and success of the event. e. ATTORNEY FEES – In the event suit or action is brought by Expo for Seniors under this agreement to enforce any of its terms, it is agreed that as the prevailing party, the Expo for Seniors shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees to be fixed by the trial and appellate courts. f. STORAGE – There will be NO storage of booth items either before or after the event. Set up and take down must occur during the posted times of the Event. g. EARLY TEAR DOWN – Tearing down your booth space before the event is over is NOT allowed and you will not be allowed to be a Vendor in future events. 3. SECURITY – We wish to provide the tightest security possible for the protection of your Vendor properties. However, the Expo for Seniors, facility management, or our insurance company are NOT financially liable for losses or mysterious disappearances of any kind. We recommend that all vendors contact their insurance agents to confirm proper coverage of vendor materials, please read carefully the coverage provided by decorators and shipping companies to determine if additional coverage is necessary. The facility will be secured between set-up and the Event.
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