8th INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION APICOLA "THE BEE AND ITS ENVIRONMENT" CONTEST PARTICIPANTS: any natural or legal person from any country can participate in this competition. THEME: The theme will develop beekeeping in all its aspects: biology, flora, products, beehives and apiaries, customs, trade, promotion, art and the human aspect of beekeeping pictures. Photographs must be original and unpublished. TECHNIQUE: Digital Photography must be submitted in colour. SECTIONS: The following categories were established: Single photography. Report: For all, three to five photographs per theme. PRESENTATION: Photographs may be submitted as next: In computer support, floppy disk, CD, DVD, etc. With a minimum resolution of 300 ppi (pixels / inch) Width: 2200 pixels and height 1800 pixels. JPG format By email. The maximum number of photos per author will be five, may constitute a report or independent pictures. Each photograph or report, under separate cover (if it is send by email, attach a Word file) , must be accompanied by the following information: - Title of the work - First and last name of the author - Identification number - Author address and phone number - Small curriculum of the author and comment of the Photography (5 to 10 lines maximum) - E- mail if available. - Date and place where the decision was made and camera used. - Mention of the section in which you want to participate, single photo or photo essay will be done. SHIPPING: will be sent free of charge to: 8th International Bee Photography Contest Secretariat of Production, Ecology and Environment of the Municipality of Maciá Centennial Park ( CP 3177 ) Maciá - Entre Ríos - Argentina - Tel / fax: 0054 - 3445 - 461397/363 / 240 The photos will be sent by Email to: expomacia@gmail.com With copy to: hmonti@arnet.com.ar DEADLINE: The dead line for submission will be the publication of the bases until Friday 20 of March 2015 inclusive. For operational and issues that everyone can participate, it is recommended to submit jobs a week before to the development of the event that will be from 20th to 22nd of March 2015, because internet and servers could be collapsed, several participants could be out of competition for sending the works at the last minute and could not enter the Post with files on time. JURY: The jury will be composed of professionals and appropriate that the Commission Organizing Expo 2015Macia design to swear in this area, their judgment is final. The items that will be judging: the style, expression and narrative, placing particular emphasis on the following compositional elements: creativity (understood as the ability to present images with or without assembly or novel or innovative point of view), focus (understood as the right location of the main subject, either by using the rule of thirds, or any other visual resource that contributes to the viewer's gaze falls on the main element of the image), balance (is the proper placement of image elements in order to achieve a balance between them, either static or dynamic) and definition of quality of the photograph submitted. PRIZES: The following prizes will be awarded: For individual photos: First prize: $ 1.000,00 (one thousand pesos) and diploma. Second prize: $ 700.00 (seven hundred Pesos) and diploma. Third prize: $ 500.00 (five hundred Pesos) and diploma. For report: Single Award $ 700.00 (seven hundred pesos) and diploma. The amount of the awards will net. All costs and paper work demanding remove Awards from Secretariat of Production, Ecology and Environment of the Municipality of Governor Maciá, run by account of the winners and participants thereof. RULING: The jury will be announced on Sunday 22 of March, 2015, through media press, magazines, Internet, etc. and reporting directly to the winners. All photographs will be exhibited during the development of the 2015 Expo Maciá and photographs awardees will become property of the Organising Committee, who may requires ending original slides or computer disks thereof. Also photos submitted to the contest will file expressly stating Organization authoring and displaying on Web and can be used to promote the event. The detailed account of the competition and final results will be published in the official website Maciá Expo 2015: www.macia.gob.ar DIPLOMA: Participants will receive a diploma of participation if required. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of the conditions of these rules. Reports: Secretariat of Production, Ecology and Environment of the Municipality of Maciá Website: www.macia.gob.ar e- mail: expomacia@gmail.com Fax: 0054 - ( 03445 ) - 461397/363 / 240 - Centennial Park S / N - CP 3177 - Maciá - Entre Ríos Argentina . Contact: Téc. Agr . Hector Monti - Coordinator of International Bee Photography Contest E - mail: hmonti@arnet.com.ar
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