I Fanciulli e la Corte di Olnano Dolceria Appettitosa Main Street Rabat Tel: (00356) 21 451042 This group was formed in 2002 in the Republic of San Marino. The original name was I Fanciulli di Olnano meaning the young children of Olnano, as the aim of the group was to explain history visually to children. Since then the group has developed into a historical re-enactment group with adults and children, including various thematic sections within its ranks specializing in Dance, Singing, Embroidery, Medieval kitchen and other artisan skills. Detailed armour of some of the members of the group highlights the military aspects of Medieval times. Anakron Living History This group of enthusiasts dedicate their time to the re-enactment of the Medieval way of life by authentically emulating the daily aspects of the period such as socialising, combat practice and playing of Medieval instruments. The Medieval Tavern was the main centre of recreational, entertainment, gambling and where hearty home cooked meal was always to be found. Fabio Zaganelli The show is called “Lost in the Middle Ages”. Here Fabio acts as Fabius the Court Jester and beloved fool of the people. A playful saltimbanco and histrionic character, he creates fun and involves onlookers of all ages, Fabio never fails to amaze his audiences with high level circus skills and comedy acts, improvised dialogue plays and rhymes, poetry and rigmaroles. Fabio is an able juggler, acrobat, fakir and the way he plays with fire makes him a real showman. Cafe’ Bistro Wine Bar 34, Triq santu wistin, Rabat RBT1111 Tel: 21 451 996 - 79 230 173 BIBITA Bibita the Maltese minstrel band made their public debut at last year’s Medieval Festival. Inspired by the Medieval and early Renaissance music, playing tunes and melodies like cantigas, saltarellos, estampies and following other traditions always playing authentic musical instruments from these periods. FEDERICUS REX MALTA FALCONERS Shop1, Sqaq il-Għoġla, Birkirkara By-pass, Malta St.Sophia Street, Mdina, Malta Tel: + 356 2790 7290 www.andolfimalta.webs.com andolfimalta@gmail.com Facebook: Andolfi Artisan Boutique Formed by dedicated falconers in 2008, the club was named after one of the most powerful Holy Roman Emperors, Frederick II. His book De Arte Venandi Cum Avibus meaning the art of hunting by birds is still considered by many falconers as the main point of reference. The club’s aim is to re-introduce the art of falconry in Malta to generate public interest and participation in this ancient art. Fire Dragon Performance Our mission is to bring happiness through the great energy and passion we bring to our amazing performances, with an added touch of warmth and sensuality...! Sean Briffa A group of artists who devise entertaining shows for all ages. Their puppets have featured in kids’ shows all over Malta and abroad as part of international children’s festivals. They have also played roles in adult shows and theatrical performances. They perform fire poi as part of concerts and festivals. Associazione Gruppo Tamburi Citta’ di Giarratana y g This is one of the few organisations of this type found in the region of Ragusa, Sicily. Founded in 2010, it has since taken part in various Medieval festivals all over Italy. The group was chosen as the opening number for the Palio Equestre at Calatabiano, Catania, in 2013, winning the admiration of all those present for this show. 1 Bastion Street T: 21454264 21450208 e-mail: fontanella@global.net.mt www.fontanellateagarden.com Il GATTOPARDO BISTRO Mediterranean and Greek Cuisine Medieval Wizardry Brian Role and Lourdes Palmer have performed as a duo in various events, both locally and abroad. Adapting their Magic act to a Medieval theme, they will undoubtedly enchant the audiences with their performance at the children’s area and on the main stage. 20 Villegaignon Street ,Mdina ,Malta Tel: (356) 21454 572 Mob: 99424949 Sbandieratori di Vignanello y g The group was founded in 1969. Since then the group has participated in various Medieval re-enactments with a colourful and playful flag throwing display that characterised most of the noble festivities in the past. The flag throwers are accompanied by the sound of trumpeters and drummers. The Sbandieratori di Vignanello are sure to entertain the crowds with their spectacular performance that will evoke the Medieval character of our City. Show of Arms y e g The aim of the Medieval Sword Fighting and Living History Club in Malta, is to highlight a particular period which Malta shared with the rest of Europe. The group focuses mainly on the Dark Ages, Renaissance as well as the Baroque phases through public lectures and displays. Qualified historians, master swordsmen and costume experts, all contribute to the enhancement of the Medieval way of life. Archery techniques, sword fighting, including authentic period weaponry and costumes, play an important part in this unique show of arms. VENUES 1. BASTION SQUARE 1. Show of Arms Medieval Camps Archery Armour Display 2. 2. ST. PAUL SQUARE Main Stage Anakron Tavern Life Falconry and Birds of Prey Main Battle Area Food & Drink Stands 4. 5. Programme Highlights Saturday 3rd May • 10:00: Opening Ceremony – Opening of Vilhena Gate, Participants proceed to St. Paul Square which will be followed by a spectacular show. • 10:30: Onwards – Various skirmishes, parades, sbandieratori, illusionist, medieval music and re-enactments in various squares in the city. • 11:30: Battle in St. Paul Square – A representation of a battle • 12:00: Continuation of activities – Flights of birds of prey and a tavern scene in St.Paul Square, animation for children in Mesquita Square and Archery and armour display in Bastion Square. • 12:30: Battle in Archbishop Square. • 15:30: Battle in Archbishop Square. • 16:30: Battle in St. Paul Square starting at Vilhena Gate. • 18:00 – 20:00: Continuation of different events in various parts of the city. Including Fire Jugglers • 20:00: Closing 7, Holy Cross Str. Mdina Tel: 21454004 Mo SPECIAL OFFERS DURING MEDIEVAL MDINA 201 VENUES 3. ST. PUBLIUS SQUARE Information Stand Guided Tours Meeting Point Vilhena Gate guarded by Anakron 4. MESQUITA SQUARE 3. Children’s Animation Area Medieval Market Illusionist 5. GREEKS’ GATE Guarded by Show of Arms Programme Highlights Sunday 4th May • 10:00: Opening Ceremony – Opening of Vilhena Gate, Participants proceed to St. Paul Square which will be followed by a spectacular show. • 10:30: Onwards - Various skirmishes, parades, sbandieratori, illusionist, medieval music and re-enactments in various locations. • 10:45 Battle in Archbishop Square. • 12:00: Battle in St. Paul Square – A representation of a battle Mdina. MDN 1231 Malta 4 Mob: 79490748 • 12:30: Continuation of activities – Flights of birds of prey and a tavern scene in St.Paul Square, animation for children in Mesquita Square, archery and armour display in Bastion Square. • 15:30: Battle in Archbishop Square. • 16:30: Battle in St. Paul Square starting at Vilhena Gate. • 18:30: Final parade and display by all participants in St. Paul Square. MUSUEMS & ATTRACTIONS Name Cathedral Museum De Piro Culture Centre Mdina Experience Address Misrah l-Arcisqof Triq is-Sur Prices Adults €3.50 €5.50 Prices Children Free Misrah Mesquita Special offer for families Children under 12years accompanied by parents Free Mdina Gift Shop Medieval Times Triq San Pietru Triq Villegaignon Children under 12years accompanied by parents Free National Archives National Museum of Natural History Palazzo Falson Triq Villegaignon Misrah San Publiju Special offer for families Free €2 Triq Villegaignon 50% discount Children 6yrs - 12yrs Free. Tales of the Silent City Triq Villegaignon The Knights of Malta Triq l-Imhazen The Mdina Dungeons Misrah San Publiju €3 Special offer for families Adults €2 Children under 12 Free Children under 10 years Free Children under 12years accompanied by parents Free Children €1 PALAZZO FALSON HISTORIC HOUSE MUSEUM 2SHQIURPDPWLOOODWH GLVFRXQWRQHQWUDQFHWLFNHWV )5((HQWUDQFHIRUFKLOGUHQIURPWR\UV 5RRIWRSSDQRUDPLFYLHZ0XVHXP&DIH¶ -4 0D\ EXHIBITIONS Subject Engravings ‘The Passion of Jesus’ Mdina –Impression of the Silent City Bonzai Icons on Wood Place Palazzo De Piro Culture Centre, 3 Triq is-Sur Palazzo De Piro Culture Centre, 3, Triq is-Sur Kappella Sant Agatha, Triq Villegaigon Kappella San Pietru, Triq l-Imhazen By Various Artists Paintings by Louis Mifsud Bonzai Culture Group Daniel Scerri M COFFEE SHOPS / RESTAURANTS Name Bacchus MEDIEVAL MDINA 201 Details Hidden Gem – turning fresh produce into culinary delights Ciappetti Typical Maltese Food De Mondion Fine Dining Don Mesquita Wine Bar Special platters for the occasion Fontanella A selection of Medieval Food added to the usual menu Wine Bar, Pizzeria Grill, Rock ‘n Roll vintage Juke Boxes Jukes Wine & Dine Gattopardo Mediterranean & Greek Cuisine Il-Veduta Panoramic Dining Lemongrass Chinese Cuisine Mdina Cafe/Tales of the Silent City Nougat, Liqueur & Wine Tasting Mdina Experience Cafe Traditional Maltese ftira served in a Medieval setting Palazzo De Piro Xpresso Cafe An original and delicious Menu for Lunch and Dinner Palazzo Falson Cafe Coffee Shop Point De Vue Steak house - family atmosphere Ristorante Adelina Sicilian food Rosmarino Restaurant Mediterranean cuisine bistro Sharma Restaurant Ethnic cuisine, belly dancing, fire jugglers & live Arabian music Tat-Tarag Cafe' & Bar Wine Bar The Medina Restaurant Fine Dining Theos Restaurant Maltese Traditional Food, Greek, Turkish and Calabrian Cuisine Trattoria AD 1530 - Xara Palace A’ la Carte & a Medieval Menu Vinum Wine Bar A selection of Medieval wines Park and Ride Service Saturday 3rd May & Sunday 4th May From 10:00 till 22:00 Parking along Triq l-Infetti Pick up Points at: Triq l-Infetti and Greeks’ Gate Organised by Mdina Local Council T i L Description Museum 3rd & 4th May at 10.30am Legends from the Middle ages – A story-telling event for children Audio-Visual Spectacular & Museum Demonstration of handmade Glass works and local food tasting Historical Scenes from the Gothic Past Tours around the archives and National Portrait exhibition Ticket includes entrance to Domus Romana Historic House Museum Walk through the history of Mdina An extraordinary spectacle about the Knights of Malta Authentic Medieval Dungeon Chambers CHILDREN’S AREA Entertainment for children including face painting, hair braiding, magician and more fun Misrah Mesquita 10:00 – 18:00 MEDIEVAL MARKET Misrah Mesquita: Various market stalls including, Tarot Reading, Olive Oil, Natural Soap, Antique Musical Instruments, Macrame`, Brass & Copper works and Candles. DIDACTIC PROGRAMMES FOR PRIMARY & SECONDARY STUDENTS 0HGLWHUUDQHR0DULQH3DUNKDVODXQFKHGVSHFLˉF educational programmes based on four animal areas: Reptiles, Parrots, Sea Lions and Dolphins. OTHER STALLS Various locations: Food and Beverages stalls, jewellery and others. TEAM BUILDING DAYS Ideal for Corporate Companies/Organisations wishing to have their personnel teams indulge on a relaxing and fun outing. Tours around Mdina One tour every hour starting at 10:30 to 17:30. Meeting point in front of Vilhena Palace by information desk. For enquires please email your requests on: info@mediterraneopark.com or reservations@mediterraneopark.com LECTURES AT PALAZZO SANTA SOPHIA Day 03 May 03 May 03 May 03 May 04 May Time 11:00 12.00 15.30 17.00 11:00 04 May 12.00 CITTA NOTABILE Lecturer Vincent Zammit Stephen Spiteri Vincent Zammit Vincent Zammit Comm Salvator Mousu’ Charlene Vella Subject The Sieges of Mdina Medieval Fortification remains at Mdina Mdina –Splendour of a Nobile City Medieval Mdina Notabile legendaria – and Facts The Medieval artistic & architectural profile of Mdina Mdina Local Council Corte Capitanale, Misrah il-Kunsill, Mdina. Tel: 2145 0707 | E-mail mdina.lc@gov.mt Medieval Mdina website: www.medievalmdina.eu Bahar ic-Caghaq, Malta +356 2137 2218 +356 2137 6519 info@mediterraneopark.com www.mediterraneopark.com y, The Old Priory, n, Triq il-Villegaignon, Mdina naa Lunch ~ 12:00 till 16:00 00 Dinner ~ 18:30 till 24:00 00 19, Casa Magazzini, Triq l-ImħaŻen, Mdina Mon~Sun 18:00 till 24:00 Sat~Sun 12:00 till 16:00 For bookings call: 2145 3817 or 9999 6315 Perfect Ambience & Delicious Food! 2145 0978 or 7999 6315 Come and enjoy yourself... tel: +356 2145 4117 7, Saqqajja Square – Rabat www.pointdevue-mdina.com Medieval Mdina The medieval city of Mdina still offers a glimpse of its past history. The city offers its visitors a chance to walk the narrow streets, winding around the various city palaces of the ancient noble families, the small churches, and the medieval architecture. It is the city of the Cathedral, the imposing 17th century building, erected to the designs of the Maltese architect Lorenzo Gafa`and other baroque buildings that were erected after the devastating earthquake of 1693. The walls of the city have witnessed sieges from the Arabs against the Byzantines, the Normans against the Arabs, the piratical attacks, the sieges of 1429 and 1551, and the attacks by the Maltese against the French in 1798. The streets and palaces have welcomed various visitors – the countryside people visiting the city for their administrative needs; the clergy to assist at the cathedral; monarchy who were also welcomed within the walls of the palaces; the Knights who controlled Malta for 268 years; the Grand Masters with all their pageantry and tourists who visit Mdina and are in awe of the unique atmosphere that is Mdina. The city offers an architectural feast, as there are still standing humble buildings tucked into the small and narrow streets, the medieval buildings, some of which still retaining the highly interesting bi-floral windows and the decorative elements on the facades, and the churches with their baroque architecture. Mdina, the noble city, still attracts visitors to its myriad of attractions. Vincent Zammit MA (Baroque Studies) Design & PrinƟng by aƟon communic 0/ 2 304 s | 999 Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Government. 1092 27 43
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