R th DNA - Roth Staffing Companies, LP

Making us
Who We Are
R th DNA
Roth DNA
You already know that we are a unique company with an amazing story – it’s the reason you decided
to become part of our company. There are many processes, many programs, and many systems we’ve
created in order to make life better for the people we serve. It’s a lot! But that’s what it takes to be the
very best. So, where do you start? What’s the most important? What should you focus on first?
The Roth DNA encompasses all the philosophies that create the fabric of our Company. Together, the
5 points of the Roth DNA are the essence, or soul, of our organization and define what it means to have
a philosophically driven approach to our business. It makes us “who we are” and our coworkers are
charged with championing the DNA of our Company every minute, every day.
Every coworker should understand the Roth DNA. This document will provide you with an introduction
to the 5 key components of our DNA, as well as an overview of our Company History, Brand Statement,
and Key Terminology. Know it. Understand it. Commit to it. Believe in it. Use it every day. It will position
you for success and help you to appreciate the meaning and opportunities our industry and Company
afford us each day.
Visit Roth U for an interactive version
R th DNA
M VV & Gu idin g P rinciples
Purpose & P romise
The Very Best Place to Work for Our Coworkers
4 Circ le s of Exc e llence
Su c c e ss Path
Company Brand
Our Brand Statement serves as a
standard response/answer for all
coworkers in our Company — which
in itself helps to define our brand. It
ensures that we will be perceived in the
way we want to be seen.
[Business Line] is part of the Roth
Staffing family of Companies, which
is one of the largest privately-held
staffing companies in the country.
We are proud to be the only staffing
company recognized with all the
industry’s top awards for…(short
• The Best Staffing Firm to Work For;
• The Best Staffing Firm to Temp For;
• The Best in Client Service.
It’s a great company. We get to make
life better for people and create
remarkable experiences every day.
We are just a new and different kind
of staffing company!
After this initial statement, you have a
platform for taking the conversation in
different directions…
MVV & Guiding Principles
Our DNA starts with our MVV and Guiding Principles. Each coworker is responsible for enlivening our
MVV and Guiding Principles and holding themselves and their teams fully accountable for championing
these philosophies at all times.
• Mission: It’s about being a creative and best-in-class Company while recognizing and emphasizing
that we have three distinct parties that we serve and seek to engage on a daily basis.
• Vision: Nothing else matters if we don’t deliver a quality service that engages the parties we serve —
it is critical to the health and sustainability of our business.
• Values: Our Values create the spirit and foundation of our Company — something that is special, that
we can believe in, and that we can all be proud to be a part of. If you were not aligned with the Values
of the Company, you would not be here. We must hold ourselves and one another fully accountable
for championing the Values of our Company.
• Guiding Principles: The Guiding Principles are the “science” behind our MVV — the “how” we
enliven the spirit of the MVV on a daily basis across the Company. All coworkers are responsible
and accountable for always championing and building our culture and leading through the Guiding
Principles of our Company.
See “Who We Are” MVV green card.
Purpose & Promise
• Purpose: It sounds simple. And, it is. Our industry affords us awesome opportunities to positively
impact people’s lives. Our coworkers consistently have expressed that they were most passionate
about listening, doing good things and the right thing for people, and cherishing the moments of
gratitude. From this came the Roth Purpose, “To make life better for the people we serve.”
• Promise: Think of every moment of interaction with a candidate, Customer, Ambassador, or
Coworker—how can you make that person more emotionally connected with you and our Company?
We want people raving about the experience that we have created for them (see Remarkable
Experiences sidebar to the right). That is your/our charge. It is what we are the best in the world at!
See “Who We Are” MVV green card.
and Opportunities
Our Promise charges us with creating
Remarkable Experiences. We should
be looking at every opportunity we
have to provide friendly, caring,
knowledgeable, and trusting work-life
experiences. It is our responsibility
to do so — with each candidate who
walks into our office, during the sales
process, in our interactions with our
coworkers, etc., etc., etc. We must
celebrate the experiences that we
create and look at the key touchpoints
we have with our Ambassadors,
Customers, and Coworkers to
maximize the emotional experiences
that we create for each individual…
every person, every time. Remember,
it’s the small things that often create
the most Remarkable Experiences.
Share Yours!
remarkable@rothstaffing.com or
Remarkable Opportunities via Roth U
Commit our MVV, Purpose, and
Promise to Memory: If you don’t have
them memorized, you don’t know them
well enough. Our Guiding Principles
do not need to be memorized, but you
should know them well enough to speak
to them and should enliven them daily.
The Very Best Place to Work for Our Coworkers
Our Company starts with you, our Coworker. Our best branches and Corporate Departments have our best, most engaged
teams. Our business happens at the local level, so it is imperative that we have passionate, engaged coworkers who are
enlivening our Purpose and Promise.
Making our Company the very Best Place to Work for our Coworkers is so important for two reasons:
1. It’s the right thing to do.
2. Our Coworkers should create the experiences that lead to the engagement of our Ambassadors
and Customers.
While our From The Heart program is designed to address many of the key drivers of our coworkers’ engagement, we all
know that we each (as peers, managers, friends, etc.) play a key role in our personal engagement as well as that of our teams.
It is each of our responsibility to champion our culture, values, and the spirit of the R6 so that we can continue to build a
Company that is a great place to work.
See Awards on www.rothstaffing.com/company/awards.php or “From The Heart 3.0” recorded webinar and overview document
Four Circles of Excellence
After our MVV, Guiding Principles, Purpose, and Promise, the 4 Circles of Excellence is our most important philosophy. In
our business, Net Income is the key financial driver. However, when we look at the most critical measure for how healthy
our Company is, we have not one, but four measurements. These measurements are a leading indicator of success and
We look at each circle independently so that we can analyze our strengths and opportunities within each circle.
Additionally, we look at a comprehensive Power of Excellence score that equally weighs all 4 Circles and the specific
drivers that champion excellence.
The 4 Circles of Excellence is the foundation for our Leadership philosophy, but is also transparent and communicated
to all coworkers within our Company. All coworkers are charged with understanding and championing the 4 Circles of
Excellence. If we engage our people better than anyone in our industry, it is a distinguishable and untouchable difference.
See Roth U > 4 Circles (via RothNET) or Engagement Data (contact the Customer Experience Dept.)
2013 Success Path
Our business always comes down to the Right People
doing the Right Things. It sounds simple — and it is.
The Success Path was created to simplify our approach
to the business and model the behavior for each
coworker in support of maximizing the opportunity for
you and your ATOMIC team to achieve success.
• It’s very tactical… fundamental… basic. It’s the core
of what we do and our formula for success.
• Achieving the Success Path is your responsibility
and your commitment to your team and our
• ATOMIC System: Hire to the Model and Build to
Greater Scale
• Time-to-Fill (Goal: BSS < 1 Week; BSM < 2 Weeks;
Management < 1 Month)
• Strong, Thoughtful Business Cases to make
Investments in Headcount
“New Hire Process” or “ATOMIC System” via RothNET
• Purity of the 50/50 Flex Desk
• Individual, Team and Branch — discipline and
consistency are critical (2.77 months = results)
• Embrace the Spirit of PAR — supportive of the Flex
Desk and creating balance between our sales and
service efforts
PAR Standards document
• Align Target Lists with Ideal Customer Profile
• Discipline in Filling Every Assignment (Pricing Box)
Pricing Standards document
Designed to help us bridge the gap in engagement
between our Customers and Ambassadors on an
assignment — it creates a greater sense of commitment
on both sides.
• Customers — introduce during the sales process and
prior to the start of an assignment
• Ambassadors — introduce at the beginning of
the interview process and prior to the start of an
• It works — our Engagement surveys show a full
point higher engagement for those Customers
and Ambassadors that have participated in the
Ambassador Program.
Pricing Standards
Ambassador Program
Problem Resolution Time
Maximizing the Opportunity for
You and Your Team to Achieve
Your Desired Outcomes &
Engagement Excellence.
...The Right People
Doing the Right Things...
Roth U > Services & Recruiting > Ambassador
Program via RothNET
• Recognize problems will happen — it is the nature of
our industry.
• Resolve the problem same call or same day = Higher
level of Engagement than if no problem occurred
— we work too hard in the sales and recruitment
process to not show courage and ownership when
problems do happen!
• Applies universally to our Customers, Ambassadors,
and Coworkers
Customer Engagement Data (contact Customer
Experience Dept.); Customer Opportunity Portal via
Roth U
Our Business:
More Aligned. More Efficient.
More Focus. More Accountability.
More Discipline. More Timely.
More Ownership. More Enthusiasm.
More Excellence.
Company History: At A Glance
We have a great story to share. Knowing our Company history makes your jobs easier and helps to introduce and validate our Company to our
Customers, Ambassadors, and Coworkers.
We believe that great companies have a soul that defines the essence
of the organization. Roth Staffing is one of those companies. Our
Mission, Vision, Values, and the Roth Purpose and Promise are the
heart of our company. The soul of our organization is based on doing
good things and always doing the right thing for others. It has been
that way from the beginning and much of our growth has come as a
result of our ability to enliven our philosophies.
From our start in 1994, we focused on business partnerships that would
make us proud and providing service that would have people raving about
our company. We set our sights on being uncompromising about quality,
putting our Ambassador first, even before the customer, and providing our
temporary employee workforce with benefits and the respect they deserve.
Roth Staffing has always fulfilled broader social responsibilities through the
understanding that our business is a wonderful platform for touching lives in
a positive way.
We never wanted to be the biggest; we only wanted to be the best at what
we do. But by being the best, we quickly became one of the largest staffing
companies in the United States.
It began in 1994 with one office in Newport Beach, CA and sales of
$364,000. Four years later this increased to $74 million, growing at more
than 20,000% and earning us the #1 spot on the list of fastest growing,
privately held companies in the U.S. by Inc magazine. The company doubled
again two years later in 2000 and doubled again three years following the
economic downturn that culminated in 2003. The company appeared on
the Inc. 500 ranking two additional times. All the company growth has been
organic and financed through retained earnings – no mergers or acquisitions
and no outside capital funding. It’s no surprise that Ben Roth, our Founder &
CEO, has been recognized by Ernst and Young as Entrepreneur of the Year
for Business Services.
As we developed, the picture became clearer as to who we are, what we
stand for, where we are going and how to get there.
Our coworkers consistently expressed that they were most passionate about
listening, doing good things and the right thing for people, and cherishing
the moments of gratitude. From this came the Roth Purpose, “To make life
better for the people we serve.”® It is now embedded in our company and it
is who we are.
“What are we the best in the world at?” Ben tapped into something that was
intrinsic to the essence of our company and formulated an answer with the
creation of our Roth Promise, “We love to create remarkable experiences…
every person, every time.”®
Many of our initiatives, like the Ambassador Program™, are the direct result
of closing the gaps as we seek to fulfill the Roth Promise.
Hopefully, it is apparent that Roth Staffing is unlike any other staffing
company. We are a company of pride and purpose that brings life to our
vision in all that we do.
For more information and a timeline of our company visit
www.rothstaffing.com (Our Company tab)
Meet our Leadership Team (via Rothstaffing.com/people/index.php)
For more information on our Organizational Structure visit the ATOMIC
System (via RothNET)
TODAY (2013)…
We are very excited and optimistic about the short and long-term
opportunities for our Company. Our vision is as clear as it has ever
been — and we feel confident about that direction. Our systems and
structures (ATOMIC System, Flex Desk, Search/DSS Structure,
etc.) are getting stronger and more closely aligned with our vision
for each of our business lines. And, our Coworker talent from West
Coast to East Coast has never been stronger. In 2013, we are
poised for huge growth and record profitability.
• Located in 22 states plus the District of Columbia.
“Must Know” Acronyms & Terms
4 Circles of Excellence: Our leadership and
engagement philosophy
Flex Desk: All BSS and BSM coworkers must
be capable of both sales and service (50/50)
•Ambassador: Our term for our temporary/
contract workers
From The Heart: Program designed around
Coworker Engagement initiatives
ATOMIC System: Our structure/system for our
teams (temp & search) in the field
•ICP: Ideal Customer Profile used to define our
“sweet spot” from a sales perspective
ATOMIC Team: A team of 2 to 3 coworkers
within a branch
Job Titles: BSS, BSM, AR, ER, PM, DSS, ERM,
RVP… these are all acronyms for common job
titles at Roth
•Crystal: Platform that generates reports
information from StaffSuite or any of our
•MVVPP: Mission, Vision, Values, Purpose,
•E3: Experience, Engagement, Excellence
•NLM: Next Level Manager
•OMP: Outcome Management Process
– Ledgent Technology & Engineering = 2 branches
•ECM: Email Campaign Manager (used to legally
send marketing emails to numerous clients and
– Adams & Martin Group = 5 branches
• Approximately 70 offices (physical locations) plus several
– Ultimate Staffing Services = approx. 60 branches
– Ledgent Finance & Accounting = approx. 20 branches
• 5 Business Lines (with plans to open several more over the
next years):
– Ultimate Staffing Services
– Ledgent Finance & Accounting
– Ledgent Technology & Engineering
– Adams & Martin Group
– One Squared Managed Solutions
• Ranked as a Top 50 largest privately held staffing firm in the US
• Ranked as the 13th largest administrative staffing firm in the US
• Only staffing firm to be awarded Inavero’s “Best of Staffing
– Client” and “Best of Staffing – Talent” in 2013, as well as
Staffing Industry Analysts’ “Best Staffing Firms to Work For” and
“Best Staffing Firms to Temp For” in 2013.
Emerging Branches: Branches that have yet to
reach their full potential receive support to help
them achieve growth and success
•Engagement: Passionate, highly productive and
fully committed to achieving excellence in every
aspect of a role or responsibility
•Excellence: Combination of Measurements to
Maximize Engagement and Financial Results;
many things we can’t measure on a single
Survey or financial report that contributes to
•Expedite: Roth’s proprietary web portal
which manages electronic timekeeping, order
placements, reporting and more for our clients
and Ambassadors
•Experience: A combination of our Performance
(opportunities and touch points) and the
EMOTIONS evoked at the LOCAL level, with
every candidate, Ambassador, Customer, and
•OP: Acronym for On-Premise, our term for
•PAR: Basic accountability standards within the
ATOMIC System for our Coworkers
•PRT: Problem Resolution Time
•R6: Roth 6 (key element of our OMP and
centered around each Coworker’s level of
•RothNET: Coworker Intranet (login at
•SSD: StaffSuite Dashboard (used to manage
key sales activities)
Staffing Firm/Company: We are not a staffing
agency or headhunter
•StaffSuite: Our internal database system to
manage front and back end office functions
•Zone: A defined geographical area that aligns
with our ICP and an ATOMIC Team
Roth Glossary
Staffing Industry Glossary