N'vuu'\ dbuntainfkr DEFININ TH GER O C KMYO U N T ACI N YCLIST J m a g a znte 99 7/z K re^lJutprunou - -n t c- -t f \ - 9 0 0 2l -axl l(dovt r M f l M q q r \ \ I r I s N -t -0 0 N - N *r*ioi*r*lu-*lWl lntrl IL I I some practical knowledge over the years in aluminum framethe mountain biking experience I had there inspired me to building. Heat-treating6061 after welding requiresa hightemperaturequenchingand age-hardeningprocessthat must be pursue my future career.Little did I know how this ride would tightly controlled for optimal results. During quenching, the lead me into the world of aluminum. That day,a local trail guide loaned me his GT Zaskar-Shortly material'salloying elementsare trapped in solution, which into the ride, I realized the bike rode far better than my own results in a soft metal. During the impurity phase of the aging clunker with its mismatched components. lt was more process,the alloying elements form fine particles that impede responsive,lighter and extremely rigid, making climbing abreeze. the movement of dislocations (defectsin the metal'slattice As an engineering student at Santa Clara University, I found structure) and ultimately harden the material. Aging will occur my young mind racing. What made this ride so well? How did naturally over time or the processcan be acceleratedat elevated this frame's geometry compare to my cuffent bike? Did the temperatures(artificial aging). Heat-treating 7005 after welding is straightforward and aluminum frame offer better power transfer than steel? Could I a low-temperature,age-hardeningprocess.The 7005 involves bike? design a better have alreadybeen quenched and aged at the tubes butted mechanical my senior that I decided beers, After post-ride to frame construction and welding. prior factory I design' frame mountain bike involve must engineering project cracking is a known failure mode with corrosion Stress credit. for graduation my frame own set a lofty goal to build alloys containing high amounts of aluminum 7000-series of Paul Sadoff skills of fabrication and the With two classmates is that this failure mode layman's understanding My copper. we framebuilder, California successful Rock Lobster Cycles, a propagation is likely to crack where areas high-stress at occurs rear inches of five frame with built an all-steel, full-suspension travel into crack as water, such elements, Corrosive occur. three me to develop led this project wheel travel. The successof which can lead to growth, crack accelerate sites and initiation my small, in I996, and frame design, more generationsof this frame aluminum a 7005 not seen I have practice, In failure. was born. unofficial framebuilderbusiness 7005 because possibly cracking, corrosion stress from failure frames, custom to build Sadoff For five years,I worked with framebuildproven and levels of copper, low has tubing bicycle Rock the under branded primarily aggressivetrail hardtails, ing and designpracticesaim to minimize stressat critical joints. Lobstername.We worked with steel,the material of choice for Aluminum frame failures due to fatigue are well random chance until custom framebuilders at the time, although I have not directly experiencedthis documented, Outland had purchased intervened.SantaCruz Bicycles This meansthat at some point, after some amount mode. failure the through and wonder, Bicycles,a small U.S.-basedone-hit literally deal,Sadoffindirectly inherited hundreds of Outland'sEaston 7005 aluminum tubes from SantaCruz Bicycles. It was a huge windfall of materials. Aluminum as a bicycle frame material had intrigued me ever since that fateful Oregon ride on the Zaskar.I knew it was time to branch out into aluminum framebuilding. By 200f , I had officially launchedAhrens Bicycleswith an immediate focus on developing handmade aluminum mountain bikes. To understand aluminum framebuilding more fully, I researchedall viable options for TlG-welded frame construction. Two options emerged:alloy 6061 as the first option, which gains its strength from silicon and magnesium;and alloy 7005 as the next option, which gains its strength from zinc. Within the 7005 family, ultra-lightweight scandium derlvatives have also been developed. With respect to handmade frame m a c h i n el o dwer R e a dfyo rw e l d i n ga,nA h r e n rse a rt r i a n g lsei t si n a nA n v ifli x t u r eT.h ec u s t o m construction, there are practical pros and a n d s u b t l teo r p r o v i d e s c l e a r a n c e p i c t u r e , a m p l e t i r e o f t h e y o k e , i g h s t i d e l o w e r i n t h e v i s i b l e or 7005 6061 cons when dealingwith either g r e aat c c e l e r a t i o n . j o i n e d f o r c h a i n s t a y s r e c t a n g u l a r s t o u t t o a n d i s s i o n a J l l e x in is readily available aluminum. Alloy 6061 a wide variety of sizes and shapesfor of cyclic loads, the material will fail when it reachesits machining frame components. Conversely,alloy 7005 is only endurance limit. In the bicycle world, this usually translatesinto malleable and are Both alloys sizes. offered in limited useful years of riding on the same frame without failure. Some of many methods. easily machined by conventional aluminum frames are still being ridden, and one my earliest gained I've but material scientist, or I'm not a metallurgist i I u u I I mountainflyer t9 "a(r((4(trtrtr a.Leq'sasodrnd Surcer roJ seuerJ ,Lraudola.tap ot aur paXualpqc -LDrE3r arllua oql ioJ sdElsulEqlxI Ig rPlnSuelJsrasn ol paldo 'laals ra^o ssauJJlls aABCIalurl lsrlJ aql aq lou plno.Aaslr{f Iulu I'lunullunlE 1909 luo4 peulqf,Bu oslEslnodorp alxE-nrql puE aururJaf,ErluolEls pasE?rlul sll roJ ulnulurnle paluB,AA lElalq aql ss?lpp?oI zI urolsn) palEerr I'anssr ssauJJlls 'uallDlrapuen dueduroc 'alSuBul rBar aql '4dauE papaau ?H laruddu quauo'^ aprs-a^Fp aql uo aruE IBnp Jo B 'Erq)Jarr?Aa^ec se^{ -rzalJ urrBIuPrJ fuPssaJauSurpr,nordalrq,l.rsarq qJur-E'Z palep Jo rapunoJ4au,^aopuE raJEl lPJol aruE4 runullunle ue lsanbar ol sraulolsnc lsl; dru Jo auo -orutuorru sa4od aq1 'tq8raluq8q puu Suols se'ra'qlq'r'r' .,'s8a1,, 'lEualPlu ?r{l Jo E roJ slsuq aql papr.t 4ro; Surunt al{t Jo arnlrnrls lauueqr-J druarcrga 3u{epad qradns aql Sururelureu allq'l.rsJrlslJalJureqi) -ord stnc dollurs aql'uorlJas-ssorl ul suollsrlu?luoJ ssarlspue qsrvq due SuronparlE paure su8rsaparuu4 a>IIqululunolu sraurol drzqs duu sazllurullu qrlq^\'lllur-pua lpq E r{1r'^palu olul sluualutu asaql uoIqsPJol se.^aa8ualluqc Suuaaur8ua'rtrau -arr ara,^aqr8ual aplstno aqr 3uo1eslnc doleo5 'aqnl leas aql Jo d141dlsnpur aqt ssorre paldacced1ap1ltpue p?qsllqelsa-lla'{\ uoqs e ldaccu ot paradel aql ol papla,^aaqnl auoqr{sl1v\ aplqJBq 's?luurJaIIq ulelunotu ara.^auotseA uror; su8rsapSurqnt aqt se ap;ord auresar{l peq alod raddn t! tdaf,xa aqod ra,la'o1 apurupuuqroJ ulnurunle Sursnpalrels 1 aurn aql dg ?rlf 'uoJJ?rapu aplll .{rarrqlra,rplu,l.rroJtlJunq ol aruurJal{l 'qradns sr ,(cuaorSa Suqquua 'auoz srqr uaJJIlsol ilaqs la>llErq urolloQ aql puil{?q Suqvpad aql puu xag alqndacrad ou qlr'u pru^\roJ qrunul tq8u uoqcas-xoq.^o[oq e peq u8rsapa4od ramol aq1 'ra,uod rapun 'slerraleurrulndod raqlo uorJ '3utpu s?ruurJlunulurnlu lul SuFnP ParalunoJu? aru llulrsrp ft11unbapu E a^Eq saurvrJlunulurnle apeurpueH spuol rrycads uaq.u,(11eratell)auap ol .'fi11qeluaraqul aql ql1'44 'Suorrs 'Sur,tr8ro; Surqnt splard qcuordde sr leql puu arolu tq311 qru? Jo agord aqJ ropua^ 's066I 4ro; Surunl e a>11paduqs su,tra>1od slql Jo llnsar l?u aql luBuluar unulurnlE lef,ol aql Ilun sa{Iq urElunou ' u 0 A 0 l 0 - ac e l P ruorJpaJrnosI ralllq 1909 loJ alqBIIE^EdlaPP,rr,usu,Lr sE,^A luorJ peulqluu-J NJ u l e oul a u l l l a p u esAu a l q Va q l ' q 0 n ol nl q I n l l l n e 0 S p o ] s o l a c o e l J e s o u e l ] pattnq lunulrunle p u e Surqnt a4od qreE 'aqnt tuasaql 'sapBlaploJ slql tnq ot s{ulsureqc puu s,(utsleas Surop uaaq Peq sraqddns aqt urof ot sa4odra.^AolPUB 'suor8ar Surqnr 1aal5 raddn urotsnl Padola,taP ur IEIIaIBlu ssalls-,^aol (AVl) l'arB^AUos suaressarts-q3lq pue ssal u8rsappapre-ratnduroo uI lPualElu arolu Suroeld'.aqntaqt 1o qt8ual aqt Suop sa8uzqcSurqnt paDnq Jo ssaDlllql llp.t\ aql 'a8ulue,\puuletu sll uI 'areldta4reu aql otul Surqnt pallnq Sur8ur-rqd1 -alBwrlln 'sllP,^arauurql puB sadzqsSurqnt , aau qll.^a Surluaunradxa .(q adola,t'ua aqr paqsnd sraldoPedpea 'luuateru srqt ftqenb 3o apu aql aurJaroI IPuoISualuIp -aarqt Sursn PUEaurerJ urolEISlBnPaql uo aruE -re?l) artt a,tordun o1 'sEarBplaAd ra8rel aqt Jo asnvf,aq pasuarJursr qlSuarrstulof IIPr?^o puE >lool parPu e uo aIEl saqnl asaql {llecuaqrsaY'suorlcunf agnt leas puE ?qnl pBaI{ qloq lE suollJ?s-ssorJrallul r{tua pazrlB^osr aqnt dol aqf II?qsla>lrElqurolloQ aql le uoll)as-ssorJ raPria P puB aqnl pBaI{ aql lE uorlcas-ssorJ 'paralllu ara'^ rallEl E I{lL a pazrlB^o-rq saworaq aqnl u.^aop aqf saqnt aqr acuo dupa.to luroI azrulldo o] spua r{loq lB uoIlBzIIEAo 'parunsse sE pue dol aql I Ienueru palnbar saqnl u,^aop asn 1909 aqr Jo saqnt a8nuS-rq81urrs o1lnq arroqr ou peq .szLu\.t{p}1s 01,tqlrutls uonlsD{D ul pzunl Qt]-8tt4 )quD) szutvt.lumununry) q3not47 ?^J'QQU 2^rsu?Jx2 l\ql pe"Lz^nsy) *-'*,",fi;J,dffifrffi;";ffi uollPJIrqPJalSueut luor1 luq] para^of,slp paup pup rnJ sEl(us€.^a 'Surppnqauu4 unurulnle;o sratdope d1'reg ssarJuou qrpt ooor-1:r""rrr8ua SuunlceJnuBuracudsoraeuE sEqot dep lur uor; 'puol ol aruEqr ?plq a^Eq saqnl aql arurs rapun ]r?lJap 'Sururqruru aseaaqr dlenadsa 'sarlradord sll qll \ IPIITIUEJ Jo 'pazlsra'\o uar{'^ anrl aq '(eur srql 'a18ueut pesn sr Surqnt a8neS-rq31urrs Surqnt ro; aqr luorJ 1999 se,r\I asnelaq I909 asoqr 1 apu qsrur{ E seq leualuul sII{l 1uo4 lllnq aurerJara^a leql pallnq alrla uolsBa parrnos 1'uoseasalEr I00z t'^no tl#.rrrPl drllenb sdesurnururnle Surpre8arsqtdru Surpuels-8uo1aql Jo auo ^ 'arnlIPJ pasPalJulJo subrs lErralPtuol pPal plnoJ lEql ssarls due rog kpuanbar; sal1q 4aql loadsur ol sraprr asr'tpesde'Lr1e Uaaqua^a sEqaIuErJ I la^'suosPasa^rlnJasuoJua^esroJ paJPJ ruolvls IEnp Jo spueuap ra,Lrodaql ol dn puets l,uplno) laals ool sE'{\aJuBrPalJarrl real aql Jo sseuJJrlsIEralBIaql puE palrull '666I arurs s?ruurJruolels tnq laals dur Jo auo Surpu uaaq peq 69 raAIJUteunoul ' u D r s ae p L u e rpl o o 0q l l Mp a l d ' o ) l t qa c e l e l o , s o u a d o l do ^ r l c e ; l l ef u a ne u o s s e p r n o r d l e u a l e ual q 1 - n o c u a q M u l n u t u l n lsea l l o s[ 9 0 9u e q ]q ] l M) l o M o ] J o l s e 0s , l l n q ' s l 0 p l l n qa u l e l ll l e u s l 0 ] 0 c l e c s D u r L r o c esqr u l n u t u n l es a u o s9 0 0 1o L l l o l n l x l le u l s l s a l a ; D u e t t l l u o luJn u l u n l P9 0 0 1s u 0 l q Vu V a{81 o1 urnururnlP E00L ol uolllsuBrl ot paprJap I os'patlurll su.u Sutqnl 'acl,{totord I90g Jo dlddns aLIt p?zIIEar 1 urolBISIEnp aql uo PasPqSaLLIE{I909 J o s r l . l J l u ql l p r u co A \ l S t r r p l r n qr . t t 1 y 'u8rsap JLLIE{rlrea;o stradsu {a>i azrurrldo ot panulluoJ aA,I'LIaIIIITaPLIEA rlrEsf uo SJJJETalBlu{ 3lITa ulorJ >lJeqpaa1lprluLlrrr qtt11 ureat Suner Lrallr{TJpLIEA aql pLIE J^PC ro] sauIErJ .(ueru pau8rsrp r:r,l uaqt a)urs a>llq Jqt Jo ssalra^rsuodsarpue stlert Surtpueq dsur 'ssaurdduus rtlt pa^ol ar{ tnq uoseas tErp paqsrulJ a^PC ,t\oLI arns loo uI,I 'suBrs.rpJulpl1 JrnlnJ ,{ueur .roj slseq rLll sE pa^Jas srrnlPal slr puE ruad leqt tnqop rrllo EaSstl lE Llollurtte Jo tol e poraure8 JruE4 srql '-I4suerl ra.uod aturpaurrur 'ssrLIJJIls pue Suqupad turrrlJJa IElatEI rog paznurtdo alSuuut rerl l? pult 3urqn1 pallnq aqt ulo{ alSueut tuorl tuurlduroc E peq aLLIE4ruolels addtotord aLIJ JJopES ,{q papia-tr gll sE^\ tpqt aurE{ ulolPIS ad.{]otord JJo-ruo E alprrr ot raqtoSol aurul sr?apru8rsap snouel Jsarll 'sJs-rnol urolEls IEnp ol uolu -LLroJsuorlrslreJl snorarunu aqt q8norqt prE.{\roJ olrq stql qrunEi ol ssrlrJJlls popaau aqr ppu plno.{\ saqnt ruln8uel -f,ar rLIt teql se^\ Sugaa;,{6 dlqunb apu pr8u pue rltrlllsap olrtJurtslp e ro; a13ue advantageof the tubing supply that Sadoff had acquired from the Outland sale. Framecomponentssuch as dropouts, cablestops and bottom bracket shells were readily available from a local distributor, and I assumedthat moving to this new alloy would be painless.That was a bad assumption. The off-the-shelf frame componentswere poorly designed and quality was moderateat best. Theseparts had to be reworked by hand to achievea decentaesthetic.I was clearly disappointed with the available frame componentsand new versions of theseparts were required for my handmade frames. I encountered a new challenge when I found that any weldable frame componenthad to be machined from 7005 alloy using bar stock offeredonly in a l-inch by 4-inch format. This bar stock size is not ideal and has limited design creativitysince eachframe component must fit within this pre-definedoutline. What if I wanted to designa chainstayyoke that was I.5-inch thick and 4.25-inch wide? Theseideaswere not possiblebecausethe largest7005 aluminum blank size was too small. And my dropout designswere less than L-inch thick, meaning extra material was wastedduring CNC machining. Overall the transition to 7005 had a steeplearning curve. Tuning stiffness characteristicsfor each rider is one of my primary motivations when building handmade aluminum frames. Through extensive R&D, I've discoveredthat aluminum frames can be highly tuned in a fashion similar to steel frames. In the front triangle, different styles of tubing can be combined to provide the desired stiffness level, from race-specificapplicationsto everyday trail riding. For example,changingthe down tube'soutside diameter and butting profile has an immediate effect on ride quality. In addition, tube-end ovalization can be further tweaked by hand to achieve different stiffness levels. The most advancedtuning of my aluminum frames happens in the rear triangle by combining the custommachined yokes I've developedwith select tubing shapes.Riders can perceive the aluminum frame'storsional compliance during trail riding. This means that the rear triangle "gives" il I tl ill itl flI I I mountainflver l I TL reflJulelunoul m' uon)npotd ^tn 4 zppwltDll 'znt) DIIDSut sap,(3t)tsqo-l n{' 111o1 ''{r1n1 'a1pt{'nwE tlto1lo fiopo; lnDd puv ur uollDqqoJ ou-ILUD) lA Jo 2^o'tt uosa[ q11nuorlpndoot w ?un'uon {1\ua.t -tn) sI pu9 LunulwnlDu0 sls0Lldut? uD LIllM uaacl 966I nu6 sawn{ uolsnt Suru8rsap 'asofurtgur sa1t,{ttg sw)tlv IDLIaH'!1o1 salp.pdopuv suno sttl'tqv2tllry'IpualPluanDlun slqt qtl^a Surppnq anulluoJ ol sa{El op [].1'.s;a{tqutelunoiu tr raAJlEtlA\ urapou Jo spuBulapaql laalu ol paunl Suraq1o alqedur st unululnlu aruls 'slsEISnqlua pue slarur snotJSuoJ-lq8ra,r,r qloq roJ af,roqJluallaJxa uP sI lErlalEu 'slEualPul srqt '.qsrEtlool lou lnq JJps raqlo a{llun sJllsualJBrErlJEurplJ * ""t*il:;f, osaur,rr rarr r*, ;;51"'X, .q, trr* oi dq palnbar ,*.*tllr* saf,rnosarlood ot 8ur4ro.tt are tunullunle ur Sutzrlerradssrrpltnq 11uru5sartLtuenb rapro lunulluru ?ql dulsE?rJul Jllrl,l seas;alouotlrnPo;d ltaql pa^oru a^Bqquo A puB uolsEa se qrns 'eullu sarrolJEJlunununlP )Ilsaluoo a1r1sarueduroJlletus 01laleJ l.uop legl srarlddnsspasralopue Jllsaruoplno Sur4aassallolut do11eE962 Surcrno5 '3ur1pur,Lr.p sr dlddns Surqnt )Ilseuop ar{l aJUISslplralulu,4aPrlunullunlu 900L 'su8rsap Surcrnossrnoq ,{ueur luads a,t,1 aseqt Surzrlentdacuocapq16 'uorlecrldde srqt roj {e,r,rsrqt Irrlrqrxag u8rsaptsoul aql s.ra;3o ur slurreteru3upl11dsla13ueu1ruar I909 pue alSueut tuorJ E00L B azllrln llvvr 'slJaq,^a rear ra8rel ldaruor JruprJslqf qtr.&\st)aJJauorsuadsnsaqt Surzdleuu ur.l pup ser.{rul9Z tE paxtl {ltuaunr JEau azrslaaq,^A luo{ q)ur sr azISlaar{,^a -62 ro g0E9 'I{rutgz lJalasuEf,raplr aql araq.r,ralSueul luorJ alqEzlluolsnf,P r{lr^\ a>lrqllert uorsuadsns-1unprunulrunle 3ura.o1zr1 uE pllnq ot ueld I pre./$,roJ 'alquunt {UBtq puu a"trsuodsar'tq8ra.r,rrq8rt ar€ teqt sa1.(tsaurzr;3o dlaue.t e raJJool aur palqeua sEqIPIIaIElu srqt Jo saruEnu aqt tsulpuElslapui-l 'sJrtslratrBrur{oaprr anblun qlpr,r IeualPu aurE{ alqBl^ E sr runullunlE *,t r,rrtpaur€ar ;i:,:j"xT:?1,?*", Suuauroc paads-q8rq pue .,t111qets 'uortcurl 1aaq,usa,tordul,(Salerls u8rsap srqt satef,rpur{reqpaal rapu pue Suttsatr-u;at-3uolpeo; truuudp rapun uaq,A seluB4 Ieals ol rElrlurs
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