Fa l l Fe s t i v a l 0th ual

A Fall Festival Thank You to:
Inlet Parks Department
Ted Payne’s Bus Service a.k.a. SS Minnow 315-357-6642 tpbus@roadrunner.com
Facebook: Inletss Minnow
Murdock Trucking - 315-357-3222
The Dunay Family for Extra Parking
The wonderful Musicians
All our fine Crafters & Vendors
Town of Webb for use of their Bandshell
& all the Not-for-profits who made the weekend
Can’t find that perfect Christmas
gift at the Fall Festival?
Try any of Inlet’s unique gift shops.
Inlet Information Office
PO Box 266, 160 Route 28, Inlet, NY 13360
1-866-GO INLET
Tourism: www.InletNY.com
Government: www.TownofInlet.org
Facebook: Inlet, NY Information & Events
Fa l l Fe s t i v a l
Fe rn Pa rk , I n l et, N Y
Saturday, September 21
Sunday, September 22
Sponsored by
The Town of Inlet
1-866-GO INLET
C r af te r G u ide & Eve nt I n fo
I n l e t Fa l l F e s t i v a l . c o m
Welcome to Inlet’s
20th Annual Fall Festival!
We hope you enjoy yourself as you browse through the booths and find just
the right treasure to take back home from your trip to our part of the
Please visit us for all of our annual events:
New Year’s Eve Champagne Bus
Barnstormer’s Poker Run - January
Adirondack Ice Bowl - January
Zippy’s Crusade For Kids - January
Frozen Fire & Lights - February
Cardboard Sled Race - February
Easter Egg Hunt - Spring
The Quiet of Mud Season - April
Community Pride Day - May
Pizza Eating Contest - May
Memorial Day Weekend 50-mile Garage Sales
American Legion Post #1402 Wreath Laying
National Trails Day - June
Black Fly Challenge Mountain Bike Race - June
Adirondack Birding Festival - June
Adirondack Memory Walk - June
“Sunsets by the Lake” Concert Series - July & August
Ping Pong Ball Drop - July 4
Live Music & Fireworks - July 4
“Arts in the Park” - July
“An Evening with the Symphony” - July
Adirondack Cruise-In - July
Shakespeare in the Adirondack Park - July
10th Mountain Division Marching Band - July
Fireworks Over Seventh Lake - August
Gary Rudd Memorial Golf Tournament - August
Fall Festival - September
Adirondack Kids Day - October
Breast Cancer Awareness Ride - October
NYSMLA Primitive Rendezvous - October
Halloween Parade & Party - October
“Adirondack Christmas on Main Street” - November
Food Vendors:
“Nobel Concessions” - Burgers, hot dogs, fries, steak sandwiches, fried dough, wraps, baked
goods - Ed & Linda Nobel - 315-492-2180
“Arabic Food” - Gyro, fried dough - Charbel Chahine - 315-724-9428 or 292-2851
“Katie’s Pretzels” - Handmade pretzels, taco-in-a-bag, nachos - Richard & Marilyn Correia 315-455-7251 - rcorreia2@twcny.rr.com
Dave Ruch Saturday 11:30AM-1:30PM & 3:00-4:30PM
Dave Ruch is a special musician and performer widely noted for his ability to engage audiences of
all kinds. daveruch.com
Fritz’s Polka Band Sunday 11:15AM-1:00PM & 2:15-4:00PM
Playing everything from modern-style polka to country to rock and even blues, FPB performs an
eclectic mix of musical styles! Fritz's Polka Band is NOT an oompa pa band or the stereotypical
"polka" band. In fact, FPB is known for breaking the stereotype regarding "polka" music. FPB is
the first polka band to perform at a Woodstock Festival (Woodstock '99)! FritzsPolkaBand.com
Stephen Gratto Saturday 10:30-11:15AM & 2:00-2:45PM
Juggler, unicyclist, stilt walker, rope walker, balloon sculptor, and balancer, Stephen Gratto is a
physical comedian and much much more. All performances are fast-paced and exciting displays of
many classic vaudeville and circus skills including many feats of daring, bravery, and side-splitting
foolishness. Almost every portion of the Stephen Gratto Variety Show involves audience
volunteers, both young and old. http://webpages.charter.net/sgratto0931/
Victor the Clown Sunday 10:15-11:00AM & 1:15-2:00PM
a mime and balloon artist whose talent and artistry captivate audiences of all ages. His shows
include a variety of formal and informal pieces, balloon art and audience participation. His mime
segments include several mime activities and a piece using bird puppets. Victor will be
accompanied by his friend Denise who will be offering FREE Face Painting.
Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop - Inlet Youth Commission Booth (site #NA inside the pavilion)
First you'll choose an "unstuffed" teddy bear or other animal and hand stuff it yourself. Next, you
will 'wish upon' and insert a rainbow star, then fasten it closed. You then can name your new
animal, create a customized birth certificate and personalize your new friend by dressing it in an
adorable and authentic outfit.
Kid Zone - Creative Solutions & Innovations (site #KZ) Hermit Crabs, Spin Art, Sand Art,
Gem Mining, Pumpkin Painting, Win a Goldfish!, Wooden Roses, Homemade Soap, Jewelry
Red Creek Farms (site #6) Alpaca items: scarves, hats, socks, etc.
Adirondack Kids Press (site #15) Book signing & sales
Country Collage (site #18) Hand-thrown Pottery
Beach Covers Embroidery (site #23) Custom embroidered clothing, etc.
Little Mud Puppy Crafts (site #31) Knit & Crochet Items, Native American Beaded Jewelry
Silver Run Designs (site #42) Silver jewelry, upcycled jewelry, painting, photos
Barefoot Books (site #45) Storytimes!
Paul C Nutting II (site #46) Kids picnic tables, birdhouses/feeders & unfinished woodcrafts
Indian Brook Flys (site #50) Fishing flies and fly fishing jewelry
South Mill LTD (site #51) Mini receivers - headphones
Bolin’s Gifts (site #52) Handmade hats & baby baskets
Zosio Designs (site #53) Artisan crafted jewelry & handmade soap
Haynes & Brynilsen (site #55) Book signing & sales
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Craft and Food Vendors,
Novelties, Activities, Raffles
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday’s Entertainer
Stephen Gratto
10:30-11:15 am & 2:00-2:45 pm
Saturday’s Live Music
Dave Ruch
11:30 am-1:30 pm & 3:00-4:30 pm
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Craft and Food Vendors,
Novelties, Activities, Raffles
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday’s Entertainer
Victor the Clown
10:15-11:00 am & 1:15-2:00 pm
Saturday’s Live Music
Fritz’s Polka Band
11:15 am-1:00 pm & 2:15-4:00 pm
C r a f t e r s & Ve n d o r s o f I n l e t ’s F a l l F e s t i v a l
Moose River Candle Company - Soy candles, handmade soap, hiking sticks, wood
31. t Little Mud Puppy Crafts - Knit & crochet items, beaded jewelry - Melissa Zehr keychains - Mary Maslyn - 315-357-2219 - www.MooseRiverCandleCompany.com
32. Functional wheel thrown ceramics - Julianna Drumheller - 860-516-0334 - jmdrumheller@gmail.com
Trinkets & Treasures - Handcrafted jewelry, enamels, wire wrap, silversmithing, glass
lampwork - Winona Gage - 315-866-7973 - www.TandTJewelry.com
33. Flacks Country Treasures - Maple syrup, balsam pillows, dry flower arrangements Richard D Flack - 518-585-6340
St. Anthony’s Altar Rosary Society/Knights of Columbus - Raffles
Pillows, tote bags, potholders, placemats
34. & 35. Creations of Love - Handmade adult sweaters, scarves, children’s sweaters, ladies’
& men’s hats - Kathryn Cannistraci - 802-442-5006
Soft Maple Design - Decoupage plates/bellstrips - Mary Ellen Tyner - 315-376-3598 www.SoftMapleDesign.net
36. The Dolly Bama - Doll clothes for 18” dolls (American Girl) - Jayne Brown - 585-943-1830 jayne@aim4truth.com
t Red Creek Farms - Alpaca items, scarves, hats, socks, etc. - Cassandra Fusco - 315-292-8219 www.RedCreekFarms.com
37. Wildernesscapes Photography - Adirondack panoramic photography from treetops
Wood products - mainly birdhouses
and local mountains - Jonathan Esper - www.WildernessPhotographs.com
Scentsy Wickless - Wickless candles - Jodie Farmer - 315-264-2161 - Jodie.Scentsy.us
38. & 39. Rocking Horse Crafts - Unfinished wood / towels - Peter Bathke - 315-732-7089
Nancy Rhodes - Quilted Adirondack wall hangings, purses, etc. - Nancy Rhodes - 518-548-8640
40. AdironStix - Adirondack made metal stick art - Kent Menges - 315-369-5600 10. Glass decorated cubes / scarves (all handmade) - Jamie Cuozzo - 607-287-2034 - shotz1000@yahoo.com
11. Eagle Valley Designs - Handmade jewelry, all natural soy candles and Alpaca products 41. Cathy’s Textiles - Quilts, pillowcases, runners, etc. - Catherine Riggall - 315-942-6441 Laura Emmett - 607-435-1346 - laura.emmett@oneonta.edu
12. Kingsley Street - Artisan soaps & garden accessories - Kent Terpening - 315-480-3211 42. t Silver Sun Designs - Silver jewelry, upcycled jewelry, painting, photos - Lauren Walkerwww.KingsleyStreet.com
Arsenaut - lozsilversun@hotmail.co.uk
13. Zone 3 - Pumpkins, fresh cut flowers, cornstalks, apples, etc. - Jen Lamphear - 315-357-6337 43. Santa’s Attic & Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen - Handcrafted herbal/spice blends, artisnal
olive oil - Barbara Devlin - 518-884-0650 - www.SantasAtticandKitchen.com
14. Punkie’s Potpourri - Woods, florals - Margaret Penree - 315-736-9021
44. T-Bags & Rags - Denim jackets crafted from used jeans, BBQ style aprons w/fun embroidery,
fleece & faux fur hats, ponchos, neck gaiters, fabric wallets/clutches, baby bibs from used jeans - Carol
15. t Adirondack Kids Press - Adirondack Kids Series book signing & sales - 315-225-0154 Coufal - 315-655-2788 - wanakena@windstream.net
45. t Barefoot Books - Beautiful books and gifts - Meghan Wilson - 315-546-6750 16. Canine Fluff - Collars, leashes, messenger bags, book bags, purses
17. Blue Lotus Studio - Handmade jewelry - Joleen Multari - www.BlueLotusStudio.etsy.com
46. t Kids picnic tables, bird houses/feeders & unfinished woodcrafts - Paul C Nutting II - 315-727-4536 18. t Country Collage - Pottery / jams & jellies - Greg & Toni Rudd - 315-733-3354 pcnutting@gmail.com
Jeff Lindgren Fine Art - Hand painted original oil on canvas art - Jeff Lindgren 19. Creekside Images - Adirondack photography - Mark Poe - 585-376-8814 585-347-4132 - www.JeffLindgren.com
48. Designs By Elle - OOAK hand woven jewelry, hand forged metal jewelry and gemstone
LI. NYS Office of Unclaimed Funds - Free name searches and information on unclaimed
jewelry - Laura Slivinski - 315-569-9852 - laura@slivinski.com - www.facebook.com/DesignsByElleNY
funds - NYS Comptroller’s Office - 518-402-2024 - www.osc.state.ny.us
49. All Lighting Maintenance Inc. - Hand poured ceramics - Cathy Waters - 315-243-3038
20. The Story Teller - Jewelry, scarves
- all.lighting@yahoo.com
21. JRW Photos & Frames - Photography of the Adirondacks and more - Joseph R Wild 50.
t Indian Brook Flys - Fishing flies and fly fishing jewelry - Kevin Gilroy - 607-656-9210
716-472-3313 - www.JRWPhotos.net
51. t South Mill LTD - Mini receivers, headphones - Christopher Forte - 518-421-2519 22. Crafts by Chris - Solar lights, pillows, blankets, silk flowers - Christine Walker - 315-831-3799 princeamadayo@yahoo.com
t Bolin’s Gifts - Handmade hats & baby baskets - Linda Carter - 315-717-1163 - www.etsy.com/
23. t Beach Covers Embroidery- Custom embroidered clothing, tote bags, towels, fabric
book covers, rag quilts - Michele Beach - 315-853-3261 - www.BeachCovers-Embroidery.com
t Zosio Designs - Artisan jewelry & handmade soap - Suzanne Osio - 315-723-6383
24. ByEye Design - Wood painted pumpkins - JoEllen Hughes - 315-269-0563 54.
55. t Book sale & author signing - Letty Haynes “Memories of Inlet” & Jan Brynilsen “Third Story
25. Adirondack Roots - Fabric crafts - AG clothing, kids fleece, kitchen accessories - Karen
View” both of Fourth Lake, Inlet area.
Swernik - 315-397-2780 - adkroots07@yahoo.com
56. Jeffery Gavalitz Photgraphy & Woodworking - Custom framed photo prints
26. Bruggerwald Creations - Rustic furniture - many one-of-a-kind - Lloyd Brugger & woodturning, handcrafted signs, handcarved fishing lures - 518-390-3262
315-376-6249 - ednabru3@frontiernet.net
Deepe Roots - All natural bath & body products - Gwen Tracy - 518-696-5652 27. Kim Dolan Designed Jewelry - Handcrafted silver wire & beaded jewelry - Kim Dolan www.Facebook.com/pages/Deepe-Roots
518-265-7782 - kddesigned@hotmail.com
& 59 Syracuse Sox - Socks - Mark & Shawna Piraino - 315-600-6089 28. Inlet Barnstormers - Snowmobile raffle & membership info - www.InletBarnstormers.com
29. J & M Crafts - Leather wallets, purses, belts, etc. - Joe & Mary Thurston - 315-376-6567 KZ. Creative Solutions & Innovations - Hermit Crabs, Spin Art, Sand Art, Gem
Mining, Pumpkin Painting, Win a Goldfish!, Wooden Roses, Homemade Soap, Jewelry - Shaun Lafave 30. Hog Hill Pottery - Functional stoneware potter - handmade for your kitchen - Sharon Dunigan 315-506-2789 - cs2005@mail.com
603-536-3859 - hoghillpottery@hotmail.com
t May be demonstrating at their booth