FIRST ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED ACADEMY 23-B, 2nd Fl, Rajinder Ngr, Pusa Road, & L-71, 2nd Fl, Malviya Ngr, New Delhi E-mail : ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK HARD ? WE WILL KEEP YOU MOTIVATED TO CRACK IAS IN FIRST ATTEMPT NEXT SUPER SIXTY BATCHES FOR CIVIL SERVICES EXAM-2016 JOIN OUR SUPER SIXTY BATCH WHICH IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE COACHING MODULE FOR THE IAS EXAM. THE BATCHES ARE STARTING FROM 20TH JULY, 23RD JULY & 25TH JULY BOTH AT RAJINDER NAGAR, AND MALVIYA NAGAR. BATCHES WILL GO ON UPTO THE MIDDLE OF JULY 2016. IT IS A 48 WEEK JUMBO MODULE HAVING 480 LECTURES OF 720 HRS. STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO VISIT THE ACADEMY ONLY ON TWO DAYS PER WEEK FROM 9AM TO 6PM. THE TIME AND DURATION OF THE COACHING IS 33% EXTRA THAN THE NORMAL MODULES. WE ARE ALREADY COACHING THE FIRST BATCH FOR C.S. EXAM 2015 AT MALVIYA NAGAR FROM 3RD JAN. 2015 AND IT WILL CONTINUE TILL OCT. 2015. THE 2ND BATCH FOR C.S. EXAM 2016 HAS ALSO STARTED FROM 6TH JUNE 2015 AND IT WILL GO UPTO MAY 2016. IT IS AN INTERACTIVE CLASS OF JUST 60 STUDENTS. AFTER THE SUCCESSFUL START OF 1ST BATCH FROM 3RD JANUARY 2015 & 2ND BATCH FROM 6TH JUNE 2015, WE ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING SUPER SIXTY BATCHES FOR CIVIL SERVICES EXAM 2016. BOTH AT RAJINDER NGR & MALVIYA NGR ONLY 2 DAYS PER WEEK FROM 9AM TO 6PM MON & TUE BATCH STARTS on 20th JULY T H U & FRI BATCH STARTS on 23rd JULY S A T & SUN BATCH STARTS on 25th JULY ONLY 60 SEATS IN EACH BATCH Fees Rs. 1,00,000 plus Service Tax. Discount of 35% for SC/ST/OBC/North East Students. (PLEASE DON'T ASK FOR INSTALMENTS OR REFUNDS) ITS AN INTERACTIVE COACHING CLASS OF JUST 60 STUDENTS IT IS NOT A RELIGIOUS DISCOURSE TO HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS IN A CLASS WHERE STUDENTS CAN HARDLY ASK ANY QUESTIONS . THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING BETTER THAN THE BEST AND HERE WE ARE. COACHING WILL BE IMPARTED BY EXPERTS AND SENIOR BUREAUCRATS IN ENGLISH ONLY. ALL THE STUDENTS WILL GET ENOUGH TIME TO ASK THE QUESTIONS. COME TO US ONLY ON 2 DAYS PER WEEK & SAVE ON TRAVEL TIME The module is designed to call the students only on 2 days per week from 9 am to 6 pm as it saves a lot of travel time. You don't need to visit the Academy for 6 days per week and waste your time in travelling every day. There will be 5 lectures of 90 minutes each per day, with tea breaks in between and a lunch break. The student will be given 10 structured lectures of 15 hours on the two days. This is the most efficient way of saving time in big city life. CONCEPT OF SUPER SIXTY BATCH The concept of “Super Sixty Batch” is to vigorously coach 60 students for a period of one year, right from July 2015 upto last week of May 2016, to take on the Civil Services Exam 2016 and be successful in the very first attempt. We are looking for bright and very laborious fresh graduates or post graduates who are committed to prepare very seriously only for the C. S. Exam. They should be very clear in their minds that they are not to pursue any other exam, studies or job but for the preparation of IAS exam. Even their parents should know this and must be willing to cooperate in this great endeavour and motivate the students. The students of the Super Sixty batch would need to come to the Academy only on two days a week from 9 am to 6 pm and attend five lectures of 90 minutes each with tea breaks of 15 mts in between and a lunch break of 30 mts. In this way there will be 480 lectures of 720 hours, over 48 weeks between July 2015 to May 2016. The students will be given complete study material in the shape of notes specially prepared by the experts under the guidance of senior bureaucrats keeping in mind the syllabus and pattern of C. S. Exam. The coaching will be for all the topics covering the Prelim Paper-I & Paper-II (CSAT), all the four Papers of General Studies of CS Main Exam and English Essay, apart from the Qualifying English and Hindi. The Current Affairs supplement will be given till Nov 2016, and finally the coaching for the Interview will also be imparted. The Academy will also hold free mock interview for the students of Super Sixty batch after the result of Main exam is declared. Thus, this batch will be prepared to cover everything from Prelim exam to the Main exam and even for the Interview, except the Optional Paper. The Academy will hold separate modules for the coaching of optional subjects like Political Science, Geography and History etc. The Prelim exam will be held towards last week of Aug 2016 and the Main exam in the middle of Dec 2016. In this way the students of our Super Sixty batch would get 18 months to prepare for the very first attempt, and further four months to prepare for the Interview. I am sure if the students prepare for this much time with all the seriousness, then they shall get selected in the very first attempt, we are certain about the success. The most important factor during such a long period of time will be to remain motivated and do the preparations as per the strategy which the Academy will suggest to each of the student as per the individual need. For this, the progress of each student will be monitored and reviewed by the senior bureaucrats on monthly basis and the student will be motivated whenever required. Our aim for the super sixty batch would be that all students should get into one service or the other in the very first attempt. However as part of the strategy we would recommend that the students who join this batch should be mentally prepared to take the second consecutive attempt in 2017 exam as well, for the best results. CONCEPT OF TWO YEAR “SURESHOT SIXTY BATCH” FOR IAS EXAM-2017 You can start preparation for IAS Exam-2017 right from August 2015. The Sureshot Sixty Batch the meant for the students who are yet to complete graduation in next one or two years. They need to come to us every Sat or Sun at Rajinder Nagar or Malviya Nagar from 9am to 6pm. This Module is slated to start from last week of August 2015 and shall continue upto July 2017. There is every chance that you will be an IAS officer right at the age of 22 years and retire as Secratary to the Government of India. Every college going student can join this module. You get two and half years to prepare for IAS Exam-2017and if you start now you shall crack IAS in the very first attempt at the youngest age. It will be most effective module if both the student and parents are totally committed to it. The fees will be Rs. 1,25,000/- plus Service Tax. Our 5 selection in IAS Exam 2014 RANK 50 RANK 433 RANK 658 RANK 711 RANK 1196 Kranthi Kumar Pati Paras Mani Tripathi Harshini Gopal Sucharita Das Vipin Saini OUR 4 CANDIDATES SELECTED IN IFOS th 1. Parth Jaiswal - 5 Rank IGNOU GRADUATES ARE ELIGIBLE A bachelor’s degree from Indira Gandhi National Open University is recognized by AIU & UPSC for appearing in IAS exam. PROCEDURE FOR ADMISSION IN SUPER SIXTY BATCH The students can come to the Academy at any time between 10am to 6pm at Rajinder Nagar or Malviya Nagar. They need to fill up the application form given as under. Initially they need to deposit Rs. 10,000/- to secure the seat in the Super Sixty batch. The balance fees plus Service Tax to be deposited by DD/PO, Cash or NEFT. Cheques are not accepted. The payment by NEFT can be made to Face The Challenge Academy LLP, Account No. 914020046980911, IFS Code-UTIB0000206, Axis Bank, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, and please send its details with the copy of receipt, via email. THE QUALITY BOOKS WRITTEN BY OUR OWN FACULTY MEMBERS Releasing Soon The Best Book for IAS aspirants on A MUST READ BOOK FOR ALL IAS ASPIRANTS ENVIRONMENT COVERING ENTIREChange, SYLLABUS PRELIM &&MAINS Ecology, Climate Biology,OFBiodiversity RelatedEXAM Current- ECOLOGY Affairs Covering Entire Syllabus of C.S. Prelim & Mains Exam of UPSC by Archana Sharma (M Phil Zoology) She is Regular Faculty Member of Face The Challenge Academy Contributed by Vijay Kumar IRS, ex Indian Forest Service , (MSc Forestry) Reviewed by Hem Pande IAS, ex Indian Forest Service, (MSc Botany) Addl. Secy., Min. of Environment & Forests, also Chairman, National Biodiversity Authority Foreword by Sh. Prakash Javadekar, Minister of Environment & Forests CRACK CSAT CONVINCINGLY CIVIL SERVICES PRELIM EXAM PAPER-II By K. K. SHARMA BE, LLB, MBA DEAN FACE THE CHALLENGE ACADEMY & SHARDA NAND. MSc (CS) Releasing Soon The Best Book for IAS aspirants on INDIAN ECONOMICS COVERING ENTIRE SYLLABUS OF C. S. EXAM PRELIM & MAINS OF UPSC AND RELATED CURRENT AFFAIRS by S. KISHORE (M.A. ECONOMICS) FROM DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS FACULTY MEMBERS The following are regular faculty members who are available in the Academy throughout the day. • Er. K.K. Sharma BE, LLB, MBA, Dean FTCA • Smt. S. Kishore MA (Economics) • Dr. Sarish Sebastian Ph.D. (Pol Sc.) • Smt. Archana Sharma M. Phil. (Zoology) • Sh. Ashwani Parmar M. Phil. (Geography) • Sh. Saksham Arora MA (English) • Sh. Sharda Nand M. Sc. (Comp. Sc.) • Sh. Vipin Saini (B.Tech, History Op. in C.S. Main Exam) CHIEF MENTORS • Sh. PC Jha IRS, retd Chairman CBEC, and Member of Interview Board of UPSC in 2010, 2011 & 2012. • Sh MC Joshi IRS, retd. Chairman CBDT, and Member of Interview Board of UPSC in 2014. • Sh AJ Majumdar IRS, retd Member of Income Tax Board (CBDT). • Sh SM Rastogi IRS, retd. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax. ADVISORY BOARD • Vijay Kumar IRS & ex IFoS (Forest), Commissioner of Income Tax. He is author of the famous book “Face The Challenge” & “Strategy” and is also Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Academy. The following are the Members. • Hem Pande IAS & ex IFoS, Addl Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests. • JP Sharma IAS & ex IFoS,Vice Chancellor Gautam Buddh University, Gr.NOIDA. • AK Goel IFoS, Addl Secy, earlier Jt Secy in Ministry of Environment & Forests. • AK Mehra IRS, Commissioner C Excise & Customs. • Sachin Shridhar ex IPS, Chairman Starlit Group of Companies. • HK Thakur IRS & ex IFoS, Member Customs & C Excise Tribunal. • Iqbal Singh IFoS, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. • AC Tejpal IRS, Commissioner of Income Tax. • JK Goyal LLM, Member of Supreme Court of India Bar Association. • RK Gupta, Chartered Accountant. • Prakash Adnur IRS, retd Commissioner of Income Tax. • Major (Retd.) Sushil Goel, Managing Director PCTI Group. • Mr. Amarjit Singh Chopra, Director Unique Publishers. • Dr. B.Singh IAS, retd Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India. LOCATION OF THE ACADEMY AT RAJINDER NGR & MALVIYA NGR
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