ECON601 Spring, 2015 UBC Li, Hao Lecture 9. Moral Hazard Motivation • Origin of “moral hazard:” insurance on babies • General characteristics of moral hazard problems – Unobserved actions of one party, called agent, exert externality on the payoff of the other, called principal. – Principal can write an enforceable contract on verifiable outcomes that depend on agent’s action. – Agent enters the contract on a voluntary basis. 1 • Hidden action problems vs hidden information problems – Solution to hidden information problems is self-selection menus; solution to hidden action problems is contracts. – Incentive condition is truthful reporting of hidden information; and obeying with recommended action. General setup of moral hazard model in employer-employee relationship • Employee chooses effort e, not observed by employer. – Employee’s payoff is U (w, e) = u(w) − c(e), where w is wage paid by employer, with u0 > 0 and u00 < 0 (employee is risk averse), and c0 > 0 and c00 ≥ 0 (effort cost function is convex). – Employee’s reservation utility is U. • Employer’s payoff is V (y). – y is employer’s profit, with V 0 > 0 and V 00 ≤ 0 (employer may be risk neutral). 2 • Wage contract takes form of sharing of output x. – w( x ) is wage, and x − w( x ) is profit when output is x. • Modeling stochastic dependence of output x on employee’s effort e. – Direct approach: postulate a function x (e, θ ), where θ is a random variable that also affects output x, with some known distribution function—for example, x (e, θ ) = e + θ. – Parameterized approach: suppose output x ∈ R takes value from some set X, which is either an interval [ x, x ] or finite (common support); write as f ( x |e) density function (or probability function) of output when effort is e, and as F ( x |e) the corresponding distribution function. • Timing of game – Employer makes a take-it-or-leave-it offer of a contract to employee. – Game ends if employee rejects the offer; otherwise, employee chooses effort e, output x is realized, and wage is paid according to contract and game ends. 3 • Implicit assumptions: – Symmetric information at contracting stage. – Effort e is not observable to employer. – Output is verifiable and contractible. – No renegotiation of contract—both employee and employer commit to contract. Optimal contract design problem • Formulate contract design problem as a constrained optimization problem. – Employer chooses wage function w( x ) and effort e to maximize payoff given R by x∈X V ( x − w( x )) f ( x |e)dx, subject to R R – (IC) x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e)dx − c(e) ≥ x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e0 )dx − c(e0 ) for all e0 . R – (IR) x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e)dx − c(e) ≥ U. – We may think of the choice e in the maximization problem as “recommended effort;” (IC) is then interpreted as “obedience.” 4 • A two-step procedure for solving for optimal contract – Step 1: For each recommended effort e, choose a wage function w( x ) in order R to maximize x∈X V ( x − w( x )) f ( x |e)dx subject to (IC) and (IR), yielding the expected profit as a function of e. – Step 2: maximize the expected profit function by choosing e. Benchmark: Observed actions • Suppose that efforts are observable and contractible, so contract can be written on actions directly. – Still need to condition wage on output—employee is risk averse and values insurance. – But there is no (IC) constraint. – Optimal contract problem is then to choose wage function w( x ) and effort e to R maximize x∈X V ( x − w( x )) f ( x |e)dx subject to (IR) only. 5 • Use the two-step procedure to solve for the benchmark. – For any fixed e, in first step, (IR) binds at solution: if not could reduce w( x ) for each x and increase profit. – Let λ be the Lagrangian multiplier, and take derivative of objective with respect to w( x ) for each x ∈ X: first order condition is V 0 ( x − w( x ))/u0 (w( x )) = λ. – Can solve for each w( x ) in terms of λ and substitute in (IR) to get λ, and then each w( x ), as functions of e. – Optimal e can be found in second step. • Optimal risk-sharing: ratio of marginal utilities is independent across output. – In special case with V 0 constant, optimal risk-sharing implies full insurance for employee: w( x ) is constant. – (IR) becomes u(w) − c(e) = U, implying w = u−1 (c(e) + U ). – In second step, optimal effort e∗ , called “first best,” maximizes total “surplus” R −1 x ∈ X x f ( x | e )dx − u ( c ( e ) + U ). 6 Hidden actions: When both employer and employee are risk neutral • First best can be achieved even though employee’s effort is unobservable. – Contract cannot be written on effort. • Without loss of generality, assume u(y) = V (y) = y. – Key observation: when employee is risk neutral, the first best e∗ is incentive compatible if he is residual claimant to output—employee pays a constant fee to employer (franchise fee, tenancy). – After paying the fee, employee chooses e to maximize R x∈X x f ( x |e)dx − c(e), leading to e∗ (for the case of risk neutral employee). • Optimal contract for employer: choose a fee equal to R x∈X f ( x |e∗ )dx − (c(e∗ ) + U ) to bind (IR). – Interpretation: employer “sells the firm” to employee. – Employee is willing to bear all output risk, because of risk-neutrality. 7 Two-effort model • Suppose set of effort choices of employee is {e H , e L }, with e L < e H . – A representative model demonstrating how to apply the two-step procedure. – The central idea of moral hazard models: incentives, which require wage to increase when higher output is realized, versus insurance, which requires riskneutral employer to insure risk-averse employee against inherent output risks. • Assumption on output distributions: F ( x |e H ) first-order stochastically dominates F ( x |e L ), that is, F ( x |e H ) ≤ F ( x |e L ) for all x ∈ X. – e H leads to a higher output than e L , but only stochastically. • Step 1: if e L is recommended effort. – Choose w to bind (IR): u(w) − c(e L ) = U. – (IC) is satisfied under constant wage, because c(e H ) > c(e L ): no need to provide incentives through wage contract if employer wants to implement e L . 8 • Step 1, continued: if e H is recommended effort. – Consider the constrained maximization problem of choosing a wage contract R w( x ) to maximize the expected profit x∈X ( x − w( x )) f ( x |e H )dx, subject to R R (IC) x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e H )dx − c(e H ) ≥ x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e L )dx − c(e L ), and (IR) R x ∈ X u ( w ( x )) f ( x | e H )dx − c ( e H ) ≥ U. – Let µ be multiplier for (IC) and λ multiplier for (IR), and write first order condition with respect to w( x ) as: 1/u0 (w( x )) = λ + µ(1 − f ( x |e L )/ f ( x |e H )). – µ > 0 at any solution w( x ) so that (IC) binds: otherwise, first-order condition implies full insurance and constant wage, but then (IC) cannot hold because c ( e H ) > c ( e L ). – λ > 0 at any solution w( x ) so that (IR) binds: otherwise, for small positive e, can define new contract w˜ ( x ) such that u(w˜ ( x )) = u(w( x )) − e for all x ∈ X and (IR) remains satisfied; then (IC) is unaffected but value of objective is increased; alternatively, if λ = 0, then first-order condition implies that f ( x |e H ) > f ( x |e L ) for all x ∈ X, an impossibility since they are density functions. 9 • Step 2: does employer want to implement e H ? – The answer may be no, if incentive cost of implementing e H is higher than the benefit relative to first best solution to e L . • Interpreting first order condition: tradeoff between incentive and insurance. – Full insurance is not compatible with effort incentives: to provide incentives for employee to choose e H instead of shirking by choosing e L , wage w must vary with output x. – Incomplete insurance is costly to employer: concavity of u implies that certainty R equivalent of w( x ) to employee, wˆ such that u(wˆ ) = x∈X u(w( x ))dF ( x |e H ), is R less than expected cost of the wage contract to employer, x∈X w( x )dF ( x |e H ) (Jensen’s inequality). • Under what condition optimal contract exhibits wage monotonicity? – Answer is: if f ( x |e H )/ f ( x |e L ) is increasing in x, from first order condition with respect to w( x ) in step 1 when recommended effort is e H . 10 • Monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP): statistics – f ( x |e H )/ f ( x |e L ) is likelihood ratio: for any given x, the ratio gives likelihood of e H is chosen relative to likelihood e L is chosen, so under MLRP, the higher the output x, the more likely that e H was chosen instead of e L . – MLRP implies first order stochastic dominance: take any x ∈ [ x, x ]; by MLRP f ( x1 |e H ) f ( x2 |e L ) ≤ f ( x1 |e L ) f ( x2 |e H ) for any x1 , x2 ∈ X and x1 ≤ x ≤ x2 ; integrate both sides first from x1 = x to x1 = x, and then from x2 = x to x2 = x to get F ( x |e H )(1 − F ( x |e L )) ≤ F ( x |e L )(1 − F ( x |e H )), so F ( x |e H ) ≤ F ( x |e L ). • Monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP): economics – Wage monotonicity requires MLRP; first order stochastic dominance is not enough. – Wage monotonicity at optimal wage contract arises from incentive provision, not from inference about effort; indeed, at the optimal wage contract, employer knows employee has chosen e H . 11 • Value of information – Suppose contractible information is richer: besides output x, wage can also depend on another consequence y of e. – Same first order condition: 1/u0 (w( x, y)) = λ + µ(1 − f ( x, y|e L )/ f ( x, y|e H )). – Optimal wage contract w( x, y) depends also on y if and only if the likelihood ratio f ( x, y|e H )/ f ( x, y|e L ) depends on y. – Statistics: x is “sufficient statistic” for ( x, y) in inference problem with regards to e H versus e L , if f ( x, y|e H )/ f ( x, y|e L ) does not depend on y. – Economics: contractible information should be used in the optimal contract together with output only if it affects likelihood ratio; otherwise, dependence would reduce employee’s certainty equivalent and hence profit. – Application: is relative performance evaluation optimal when the outputs are separately produced and observed? Answer is “no” if output distributions are independent—“competition” is not useful per se. 12 • Renegotiation? – Suppose original wage contract is w( x ), to implement e H . – After e H is chosen and before output x is realized, employee’s cost of effort is sunk but there is output risk due to incomplete insurance provided by the employer in order to provide incentives. – Employer would have incentive to renegotiate the wage contract at this stage, by offering the certainty equivalent w˜ of original contract w( x ) under e H , that R is, u(w˜ ) = x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e H )dx. – Employee is happy to accept new offer (is indifferent), but employer is better off R R by Jensen’s inequality: u(w˜ ) = x∈X u(w( x )) f ( x |e H )dx < u x∈X w( x ) f ( x |e H )dx , R implying that w˜ < x∈X w( x ) f ( x |e H )dx. – Of course, if such renegotiation is anticipated, employer would not be able to implement e H in the first place: inability to commit to not to renegotiate hurts principal. 13 Multiple levels of effort • Grossman-Hart (ECMA83) setup. – Finitely many effort levels, and finitely many outputs, x1 < x2 < . . . < xn , with probability f ( xi |e) > 0 of output level xi given effort level e for each i. • Two-step procedure again: first find the least costly way to implement each effort level, and then find the effort that leads to maximum profit. – For given e to be implemented, principal chooses wi , i = 1, . . . , n, to minimize ∑in=1 f ( xi |e)wi , subject to (IR) ∑in=1 f ( xi |e)u(wi ) − c(e) ≥ u, and (IC) that e solves maxe˜ ∑in=1 f ( xi |e˜)u(wi ) − c(e˜). – Consider change of variables: choose ui , i = 1, . . . , n. – Objective is convex in choice variables, as wi = u−1 (ui ); (IR) is linear (with multiplier λ); (IC) is linear constraints (with multiplier µ j for each e j 6= e); and first order conditions 1/u0 (ui ) = λ + ∑ j:e j 6=e µ j (1 − f ( xi |e j )/ f ( xi |e)) are both necessary and sufficient. 14 Continuous effort • Mirrlees’ setup – Effort e is chosen from some compact interval, and f ( x |e) has common support [ x, x ] for all feasible e. • Main issue: use the same two-step procedure but in first step, there is a continuum of IC for recommended effort. • Rogerson (ECMA85)’s first order approach. – Replace (IC) by agent’s first order condition with respect to e, solve resulting relaxed problem, and impose conditions such that solution satisfies original (IC) constraint. – In last step, ensure agent’s effort choice problem is concave. – For fixed e, if principal chooses w( x ), agent’s first order condition in effort Rx choice is x u(w( x )) f e ( x |e)dx = c0 (e), where f e ( x |e) ≡ ∂ f ( x |e)/∂e. 15 • The relaxed problem: principal chooses w( x ) to maximize subject to (IR) Rx x Rx x ( x − w( x )) f ( x |e)dx, u(w( x )) f ( x |e)dx − c(e) ≥ u, and above first order condition of agent. – First order condition with respect to w( x ) from point-wise maximization is: 1/u0 (w( x )) = λ + µ f e ( x |e)/ f ( x |e), where λ is the multiplier for (IR) and µ the multiplier for agent’s first order condition. – Assume the continuous version of MLRP that f e ( x |e)/ f ( x |e) is nondecreasing. – Solution to relaxed problem satisfies w0 ( x ) ≥ 0. – Assume the convexity of distribution function condition (CDFC) on F ( x |e) that F ( x |λe1 + (1 − λ)e2 ) ≤ λF ( x |e1 ) + (1 − λ) F ( x |e2 ) for all x ∈ [ x, x ], λ ∈ [0, 1], and feasible e1 and e2 . – With c00 ≥ 0, agent’s effort choice problem is concave in effort choice because Rx Rx 0 0 x u ( w ( x )) f ( x | e ) dx = u ( w ( x )) − x u ( w ( x )) w ( x ) F ( x | e ) dx is concave in e due to CDFC and w0 ( x ) ≥ 0. 16 Moral hazard in teams • When multiple agents are engaged in joint production, there is also the free-rider problem when individual efforts are not observed, in addition to trade-off between insurance and incentives. • Setup of a joint production problem: – There are n agents; no principal. – Each i, i = 1, . . . , n, chooses an effort ei ≥ 0, unobserved to any other agent or the principal. – No uncertainty: output x is deterministic function of effort profile: x = g(e1 , . . . , en ), with g continuous, positively-valued, and increasing in each argument. – Agents are all risk-neutral: payoff to i is si − ei , where si is i’s share of output (effort cost function is linear). – Agents’ non-participation payoff is 0. 17 • A contract in this context is an output sharing agreement. – Suppose that agents agree beforehand on sharing contract: (s1 ( x ), . . . , sn ( x )) such that si ( x ) ≥ 0 for each i = 1, . . . , n, and ∑in=1 si ( x ) = x. • Efficient (first best) efforts – Suppose efforts are observed. – Efficient effort profile (e1∗ , . . . , en∗ ) maximizes g(e1 , . . . , en ) − ∑in=1 ei : for any other effort profile (eˆ1 , . . . , eˆn ), and for any sharing (s1 ( xˆ ), . . . , sn ( xˆ )) where xˆ = g(eˆ1 , . . . , eˆn ), if each i switches to ei∗ and receives si ( xˆ ) − eˆi + ei∗ he would be indifferent, but then we would have ∑in=1 (si ( xˆ ) − eˆi + ei∗ ) is smaller than ∑in=1 si ( g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ )) by construction, implying the gain can be distributed to make everyone better off. – First order condition with respect to ei : ∂g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ )/∂ei = 1. – Suppose that there is a sharing arrangement (s1∗ , . . . , s∗n ) such that each agent is willing to particapte: si∗ − ei∗ ≥ 0 for each i, and ∑in=1 si∗ = g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ ). 18 • Can efficient efforts be implemented under some sharing contract? – Answer is “no:” simple proof restricts to differentiable sharing contracts. – Suppose (e1∗ , . . . , en∗ ) is a Nash equilibrium under some (s1 ( x ), . . . , sn ( x )). – Each i chooses ei to maximize si ( g(e1∗ , . . . , ei , . . . , en∗ ) − ei —first order condition is given by si0 ( g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ ))(∂g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ )/∂ei ) = 1. – Using the first order conditions for efficient profile (e1∗ , . . . , en∗ ), and summing first order conditions over i, we have ∑in=1 si0 ( g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ )) = n, contradicting budget balance ∑in=1 si ( x ) = x. • Intuition: output sharing means that each agent gets less than 100% of gain in output as result of increase in his effort. – Efficiency requires ∂g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ )/∂ei = 1: each i exerts effort up to marginal cost equal to marginal output. – This means si0 ( g(e1∗ , . . . , en∗ )) = 1: to implement efficient effort, each i must receive all the gain in output as his share, impossible under output sharing. 19 • Budget balance and budget breaking – A simple contract achieves the first best effort profile as a Nash equilibrium: si ( x ) = si∗ if x = g( x1∗ , . . . , xn∗ ) and 0 otherwise. – This contract violates budget-balance off the path. – The budget-breaking theory of the firm: principal is someone who has no effort decision to make and who is a participant to the sharing agreement to balance the budget off the equilibrium path in order to achieve the first best. 20
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