myMathLab course id: montanez12523 MIAMI DADE COLLEGE, NORTH CAMPUS COURSE SYLLABUS MAC1105 - COLLEGE ALGEBRA SPRING 2014-2 ROOM 7217 Tuesday/Thursday 7:00 – 8:40 a.m. Reference Number: 832299 Instructor: Office: Telephone: E-mail: Web Page: Miguel A. Montañez 7335 305-237-1288 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday Monday, Wednesday 7:10 – 7:50 a.m. 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. 1:15 – 2:50 p.m. Course Description This course introduces you to the concept of functions and their graphs. You will graph linear, quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, radical, power, and absolute value functions and transformations; perform operations on and compositions of functions; find the inverse of a function; apply the laws of logarithms to simplify expressions and solve equations; graph non-linear inequalities; solve related applications and modeling problems. Course Competencies The competencies for this course are on the department’s web site, Additionally, you will also find very useful information, including links and reviews for final exams. Prerequisite MAT 1033 with grade of C or better or equivalent. Subsequent Course Depending on your major, you may take MAC 1140, MAC 1114, MAC 1147, or MAC 2233 after you successfully complete (C or better) MAC 1105. You may take STA 2023 concurrently with this course, or after completing it. Textbook Algebra and Trigonometry, 9th Edition by Michael Sullivan Note: Includes MyMathLab when purchased new. Students may use the Computer Courtyard located in the library to use these additional resources. MyMathLab Powered by CourseCompass and MathXL, MyMathLab is a series of text-specific online courses that accompany Pearson textbooks in Mathematics and Statistics. You will need to log into; there, you will find the complete textbook online, along with videos, homework, tutorials and quizzes. Follow the instructions on page 6 of this syllabus to register. Assistance You can obtain assistance for mathematics classes in the Mathematics Laboratory, room 2222. Web site: There, you will find course-related textbooks, review sheets and tutors that can help you to successfully complete Page 1 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 this course. The Math Lab is open these hours: MTWR 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Classroom Etiquette Please refrain from bringing food or drinks into any classroom or lab. Please turn off any cellular phones. You are expected to arrive on time to class, depart when the class has concluded, and treat others respectfully. Cellular Phones CELLULAR PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF! The vibrate mode is not considered turned off. If a cell phone goes off, a quiz will be given on the same day or during the following class (depending on time left). If a cell phone goes off during an exam, the student may have to leave the classroom and all unanswered questions will be marked wrong. ABSOLUTELY NO TEXT MESSAGING OR INSTANT MESSAGING ALLOWED IN CLASSROOM. RULES ARE VERY SIMPLE; CELL PHONES MUST BE OFF AND AWAY FROM YOUR DESKS. If a cell phone goes off, the student responsible for it will be asked to leave the classroom. The rest of the students will take a quiz worth a minimum of 5 points and a maximum of 10 points. Problems with If you are having a problem with your mathematics instructor, please see that instructor Instructor during office hours. Before or after class is generally not a good time to discuss a problem with an instructor who is either about to start class or on the way to the next class. If after speaking with your instructor during office hours you cannot resolve the problem, then you need to visit the chairperson, Dr. Vincent Bates (office 7345) as the next step. Withdrawal If you feel that you will be unable to complete the requirements for passing this class, you have the option to withdraw from the class by the College's "drop date." However, there are consequences of which you need to be aware if you drop a class or stop attending and you should always speak to your instructor or an advisor first. For example, you must earn at least two-thirds or 67% of the total credits for which you have registered and that failure to comply with this requirement will adversely impact your financial aid status with MDC. If after considering the possible consequences, you still opt drop the class, keep in mind that it is your responsibility to do so and failure to withdrawal will result in you earning a grade of "F" for the course you stop attending. If extenuating circumstances (e.g., illness, accident, change in employment situation, etc.) prevent you from continuing to attend your class before the drop date, speak to your instructor first and if needed, to the Chairperson to assess your options. Registration It is your responsibility to make sure that you are registered for this course. Be sure to obtain a copy of your schedule to verify the reference number and that you do not have any outstanding fees. Page 2 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 Grading Tests. In this class, you will have: Four (4) unit exams; 20% each. Each exam will consist of: o In-class test. o Assigned homework. o On-line quizzes. o In-class quizzes at the discretion of instructor. A final exam, 20%. The final exam is cumulative and must be taken on the date and time designated by the registrar’s office. The final exam has the same weight as the regular tests. Homework. Homework is assigned each day in class. It is strongly recommended that you do all the suggested problems in each section. Also, in preparation for the tests, it is recommended that you do the Chapter Reviews and Tests located at the end of each chapter. The final exam must be taken during Final Exam Week on the date and time scheduled by the Office of the Registrar. You MAY NOT take the final exam early! Grades. Your grades will be available on the Instructor’s Web Site a week after the test was taken (at the latest). To protect your privacy, only the last four digits of your NEW STUDENT ID will be shown. Grading scale. The grades will be averaged along with the final examination grade. There are NO MAKE-UPS!!! NO EXTRA CREDIT OR SPECIAL “CURVES” WILL BE CONSIDERED. If you missed one test, the grade of your final exam will replace the test you missed (in other words, the final will count as two tests). I do not drop the lowest grade!!! Average of 90-100% Average of 80-89% Average of 70-79% Average of 60-69% Average below 60% A B C D F Incomplete. The grade of I (Incomplete) is given in the rare case that a student is PASSING a class but for some extenuating circumstance is unable to complete the last part (usually the final exam) of the class. Test Administration You MAY NOT leave the room once you have begun taking an exam. If a student leaves the room during an exam, your test will be collected and graded as a completed exam. The test will not be returned to the student for completion when they return to the room. Instructor Drops Approximately 6 weeks into the term, your professor will purge the class roll of nonattending students. This is a college requirement. No-shows or students with three (3) consecutive unexcused absences will be dropped from the course. This may jeopardize your full time, scholarship, or financial aid status. You are advised not to count on this process if you wish to drop a course. It is the student’s responsibility to drop a course before the drop deadline if s/he wishes to receive a grade of W. Page 3 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 Office Hours Your professor urges you to avail yourself of his individual instruction during office hours. Do not wait until you are in trouble. If you have been absent or late to class, please read the lesson you missed and come to the office prepared with questions. Attendance The number one key to educational success is to attend class. Class attendance will be recorded daily. Students are responsible for any work missed when absent. Since this is an accelerated course, frequent absences will impact your grade. You should make it an effort to be in class, and on time. LATENESS IS RUDE AND DISRUPTIVE. Professional Student Behavior The MDC Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook describes students’ appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, along with their consequences. As we are all adults in this classroom, I do not expect this to be an issue. Additionally, please be aware that cheating, plagiarism, and disruptive behavior are not tolerated and can result in serious consequences such as failure of a course or dismissal from the college. Cheating Any student found cheating, will receive an F for the course. If the student subsequently withdraws from the course, your professor will issue forms to have the W changed to an F on the student’s transcript. IMPORTANT DATES Classes begin Last day to drop with refund Last day for drop with W Last Day of Classes Holidays or days there are no classes and the Math Lab is closed T Feb 9 S Jan 17; U Jan 18; M Jan 19 S Feb 14; U Feb 15; M Feb 16 F Mar 6 F Apr 3; S Apr 4; U Apr 5 Students are encouraged to approach the instructor regarding any and all conditions that may affect their equal opportunity to learn. Page 4 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 COURSE SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 Sections & Tests 1.1 Introduction to graphing equations 1.2 Quadratic equations 1.3 Complex Numbers; Quadratic Equations-Complex Number System 1.4 Radical Equations; Equations Quadratic in Form; Factorable Equations 1.6 Absolute Value 1.7 Problem Solving 2.1 Distance & Midpoint Formulas 2.2 Symmetry; Graphing Key Equations 2.4 Circles TEST #1 (Chapters 1 & 2) 4 5 6 6 7 3.1 Functions 3.2 The Graph of a Function 3.3 Properties of Functions 3.4 Library of Functions; Piecewise-defined Functions 3.5 Graphing Techniques: Transformations 4.3 Quadratic Functions and Their Properties 4.5 Inequalities Involving Quadratic Functions TEST #2 (Chapters 3 & 4) 5.1 Polynomial Functions and Models 5.2 The Real Zeros of a Polynomial Function 5.3 Complex Zeros: Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 5.4 Properties of Rational Functions TEST #3 (Chapter 5) 8 9 10 11 6.1 Composite Functions 6.2 One-to-One Functions; Inverse Functions 6.3 Exponential Functions 6.4 Logarithmic Functions 6.5 Properties of Logarithms 6.6 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations 6.7 Financial Models. Compound Interest TEST #4 (Chapter 6) 12 12.3 Systems of Linear Equations: Determinants Final Exam: TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015 Page 5 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 Website Description MyMathLab/CourseCompass is a website you can use to assess your math skills, do homework, take tests, view videos and more! Access to this website is with a MyMathLab Student Access Code that comes packaged with your new textbook (if you have a used book, you can purchase access online in Step 3 below or as a standalone kit at your bookstore, but you need a valid Course ID from your instructor). For more information about this website, including system requirements, go to On-line Registration You’ll need: Your access code (inside your new textbook, purchased online in step 3, or with a standalone access kit). A valid email address Your Professor’s Course ID Number is: montanez12523 Your school zip code: 33167 1. Go to 2. Click on the Register button below Students 3. Review the Before You Start information (if you do not have an access code, you may purchase online at this point and follow the online directions). If you have everything you need to register, click Next. 4. If you have previously taken a course in CourseCompass, click Yes, Look Me Up and enter your username and password, if you can remember that information. Otherwise, skip this first step leaving No, I am a New User selected. 5. Enter the 6-word access code from your Student Access Kit or inside your textbook, your School’s zip code, then select your Country; click Next. 6. Enter your professor’s Course ID number. Click Next. 7. Fill in all required Personal Information, select your school from the drop-down list, then create your own personal login name & password for this site. Choose a security question (for use if you forget your password) & type the answer. Review the Site License Agreement as desired and click Next. 8. Your Confirmation & Summary screen appears; write down your confirmed login/password (a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you use a Spam email blocker, be sure to allow emails from Click the CourseCompass Log In Now button and use the log in name & password you just created to enter CourseCompass. In the future, you will enter your MyMathLab course from this site,, so it’s a good idea to bookmark this page. You will not have to register again for this course. 9. Under Courses you are taking, click on the Course name to access your professor’s web material. Inside MyMathLab To the left are a series of buttons (they may be called Announcements, Chapter Contents, etc.). Use these to check for news from your professor, the course syllabus, & to access textbook content. Textbook material (tutorials, videos, etc.) is typically found under Course Documents or Chapter Contents. Your professor may have customized this website, so features & button names may vary. For Technical Support, call Toll Free 1-800-677-6337, Monday through Friday 8AM – 8PM, Sun. 5-PM-12AM EST. Don’t forget, MyMathLab includes FREE access to the PH Tutor Center. Toll free 888-777-0463, Sunday to Thursday 5pm – 12am EST. Page 6 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 MIAMI DADE COLLEGE LEARNING OUTCOMES The competencies and objectives included in Intermediate Algebra will address some of the recently adopted Miami Dade College General Education outcomes, a set of 10 learning outcomes we expect graduating students to master in the years to come. Miami Dade College General Education Outcomes As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to: 1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. 3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. 4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives. 6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. 8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. 9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities. 10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment. The learning activities designed in this College Algebra course will address outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. Page 7 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - MAC1105 I, _________________________________________, student ID ________________________, understand and acknowledge that: (i) I can find the syllabus at: (ii) I read and understood the Syllabus. (iii) I may obtain assistance from my instructor and from the Math Lab located in Room 2222. (iv) The myMathLab course id code is: montanez12523. (v) If applicable, I will turn off my cell phone and put it away so that it is not visible to me or to the instructor. I also understand that no text messaging or IM’ing is allowed in class. (vi) A QUIZ WILL BE GIVEN IF A CELL PHONE GOES OFF. IF MY CELL PHONE GOES OFF, I WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE CLASSROOM AND MAY NOT TAKE THE QUIZ. (vii) I will require a graphing calculator in class and in the exam. (viii) I MAY NOT use my cell phone calculator capabilities in class or in exams. (ix) There are NO MAKE UP tests should I miss an exam. (x) NO EXTRA CREDIT will be considered. (xi) I may not leave the classroom once the test begins. If I leave the classroom, my test will be collected and all unanswered questions will be marked wrong. (xii) Cheating and disruptive behavior may result in serious consequences such as course failure or dismissal from the college. (xiii) The course schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances. (xiv) The cumulative final exam must be taken during final examination week and is scheduled for TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015. ________________________________ Student’s Name MIGUEL A. MONTANEZ__________ Instructor’s Name _________________________________ Student’s Signature ___________________________________ Instructor’s Signature Date: ____________________________ Date: _____________________________ Page 8 of 8 myMathLab course id: montanez12523 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - MAC1105 I, _________________________________________, student ID ________________________, understand and acknowledge that: (i) I can find the syllabus at: (ii) I read and understood the Syllabus. (iii) I may obtain assistance from my instructor and from the Math Lab located in Room 2222. (iv) The myMathLab course id code is: montanez12523. (v) If applicable, I will turn off my cell phone and put it away so that it is not visible to me or to the instructor. I also understand that no text messaging or IM’ing is allowed in class. (vi) A QUIZ WILL BE GIVEN IF A CELL PHONE GOES OFF. IF MY CELL PHONE GOES OFF, I WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE CLASSROOM AND MAY NOT TAKE THE QUIZ. (vii) I will require a graphing calculator in class and in the exam. (viii) I MAY NOT use my cell phone calculator capabilities in class or in exams. (ix) There are NO MAKE UP tests should I miss an exam. (x) NO EXTRA CREDIT will be considered. (xi) I may not leave the classroom once the test begins. If I leave the classroom, my test will be collected and all unanswered questions will be marked wrong. (xii) Cheating and disruptive behavior may result in serious consequences such as course failure or dismissal from the college. (xiii) The course schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances. (xiv) The cumulative final exam must be taken during final examination week and is scheduled for TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015. ________________________________ Student’s Name _MIGUEL A. MONTANEZ__________ Instructor’s Name _________________________________ Student’s Signature ___________________________________ Instructor’s Signature Date: ____________________________ Date: ______________________________ Page 1 of 1
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