Advisory Goal 3: Grade: To help advisees identify and develop the necessary attitudes, behaviors and skills to succeed in school, college and life 9 th NOTE This may require advisees to complete letters outside of advisory. Gathering: Concentric Circles (an activity that gives students a chance to share 5 MINUTES responses with a variety of partners; see Glossary) Activity/Topic: -FUUFSUPUIF'VUVSF 20 MINUTES Closing: Whip (a positive, incomplete statement that is completed in turn by each per5 MINUTES son in a circle; see Glossary) Materials: -FUUFSUPUIF'VUVSF2VFTUJPO8PSLTIFFUPOFQFSTUVEFOU Letter to Myself Guide (one per student), lined paper (two sheets per student), envelope (one per student), pens Grouping: Whole group, pairs, individual Session Goal: Students will write letters to themselves in order to reflect on who they are, how they have changed and what their goals are for the future. These letters should be given back to them shortly before high school graduation. Gathering: Concentric Circles Choose from of the following questions: t t t t 8IBUBSFZPVSGBWPSJUFUIJOHTUPEP 8IBUJTPOFXBZZPVBSFEJGGFSFOUGSPNXIFOZPVXFSFJONJEEMFTDIPPM 8IBUNBLFTZPVVOJRVF )PXDBOUIJTRVBMJUZIFMQZPVJOUIFGVUVSF 8IPNBLFTZPVGFFMUIBUZPVTIPVMECFSFTQPOTJCMF )PXEPZPVTIPXUIJTQFSTPOUIBUZPV are responsible? t 8IBUNPUJWBUFTZPVUPTVDDFFE 8IBUJTPOFDIPJDFZPVWFNBEFUIBUIBTIFMQFEZPVTVDDFFE t 8IBUJTPOFMPOHUFSNHPBMZPVIBWF 8IBUJTPOFTQFDJmDTUFQZPVDBOUBLFOPXUPNBLFUIJT goal a reality? t 8IBUJTPOFXBZZPVXPVMEMJLFUPDIBOHFCZUIFUJNFZPVTUBSUDPMMFHFJOPSEFSUPBDIJFWF your goals? NOTE: If there are an uneven number of students in your advisory, you can participate in the concentric circles gathering. NOTE: This is a suggested gathering connected to the activity. You may want to substitute a gathering you do routinely in your advisory that is unconnected to the activity. 116 | Advisory Session Guide Ninth Grade Activity/Topic: -FUUFSUPUIF'VUVSF 1. Explain that the purpose of today’s session is to reflect on who students are now and what their goals are as ninth-graders and to record these thoughts in a letter to themselves, which they will read when they are in 12th grade. NOTE: If you did the gathering activity, you can tell students that they have already begun reflecting upon some of these questions. %JTUSJCVUFUIF-FUUFSUPUIF'VUVSF2VFTUJPO8PSLTIFFU. Point out that the directions indicate that they have a choice about which questions from each section they would like to answer. (They can choose more if they like.) Circulate and confer with students as needed. 3%JTUSJCVUFMJOFEQBQFSBOEUIF-FUUFSUPUIF'VUVSF(VJEFUIBUEFNPOTUSBUFTBTVHHFTUFEMBZPVU for their letters. Tell students to address their letters to themselves. 4. As students write, circulate and confer with them as needed. Encourage students who were absent to answer the questions today, write the letter at home and bring it back to advisory. Debriefing: t 8IBURVFTUJPOT EJEZPVFOKPZBOTXFSJOH t 8IBURVFTUJPOT XFSFDIBMMFOHJOHUPUIJOLBCPVU t 8IBUEJEZPVSFBMJ[F t 8FSFUIFSFBOZTVSQSJTFT l What was it like to write a letter to your future self? Closing: Whip One word to describe how I will feel when I get my letter back at graduation is … NOTE: Collect students’ question sheets. 117 | Advisory Session Guide Ninth Grade 2VFTUJPO8PSLTIFFU /BNF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"EWJTFS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%BUF@@@@@@@ *OUSPEVDUJPO2VFTUJPOT$IPPTFUXPPGUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOTUPBOTXFS 1. Who do you live with? )PXXPVMEUIFQFPQMFZPVMJWFXJUIEFTDSJCFZPV 3. Who is your best friend? )PXXPVMEZPVSCFTUGSJFOEEFTDSJCFZPV 2VFTUJPOTBCPVU:06$IPPTFUISFFPGUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOTUPBOTXFS 5. What are your favorite things to do? 6. What things make you unique? )PXBSFZPVEJGGFSFOUOPXGSPNXIFOZPVXFSFJOUIFTJYUIHSBEF 8. What is one thing people don’t know about you just by looking at you? 2VFTUJPOTBCPVU3&410/4*#*-*5:$IPPTFPOFPGUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOTUPBOTXFS 9. Who makes you feel that you should be responsible? (Example: my parents, my younger CSPUIFS )PXEPZPVEFNPOTUSBUFZPVBSFSFTQPOTJCMFUPUIJTQFSTPO 8IBUJTPOFXBZZPVXPVMEMJLFUPCFDPNFNPSFSFTQPOTJCMF )PXXJMMZPVLOPXZPVWF become more responsible? 118 | Advisory Session Guide Ninth Grade Copyright © 2009-2012. The College Board. LETTER TO THE FUTURE 11. What motivates you to succeed academically? 12. What motivates you to succeed socially? 13. What choices have you made that help you to succeed academically? 14. What choices have you made that help you to succeed socially? 8IBUDIPJDFTIBWFZPVNBEFUIBU%0/05IFMQZPVUPTVDDFFEBDBEFNJDBMMZ 8IBUDIPJDFTIBWFZPVNBEFUIBU%0/05IFMQZPVUPTVDDFFETPDJBMMZ 2VFTUJPOTBCPVU:063(0"-4$IPPTFUXPPGUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOTUPBOTXFS 17. What long-term goals do you have? (Example: college, career or life goals) 18. What is one personal asset (positive quality) you possess that will help you achieve your goals? (Examples: patience, sense of humor, determination, trustworthiness, cooperativeness, self-discipline, etc.) 19. What is one way you would like to change in the next four years to help you achieve your goals? 20. What is one specific step you can take now to make your goals a reality? $PODMVTJPO2VFTUJPO 21. Remembering what you just said your goals and dreams are, how do you think you will feel about yourself when you get this letter back before graduation? 119 | Advisory Session Guide Ninth Grade Copyright © 2009-2012. The College Board. 2VFTUJPOTBCPVU$)0*$&4$IPPTFUISFFPGUIFGPMMPXJOHRVFTUJPOTUPBOTXFS INTRO The INTRODUCTION is your 1st paragraph (questions 1–4) YOU YOU is your 2nd paragraph (questions 5–8) RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBILITY is your 3rd paragraph RVFTUJPOT CHOICES CHOICES is your 4th paragraph (questions 11–16) GOALS GOALS is your 5th paragraph (questions 17–20) The CONCLUSION is your 6th paragraph CONCLUSION (question 21) 122 | Advisory Session Guide Ninth Grade Copyright © 2009-2012. The College Board. LETTER TO MYSELF GUIDE
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