Syllabus MT003 - Erie Community College

SYLLABUS for MT003-03 Prealgebra Review
A. Course Title –displayed below
B. Instructor name–displayed below
C. How to Contact the Instructor–displayed below
MT003 Pre-algebra Review Spring 2015 (3 cr)
Sec 03 MWF 9-10am K216
Instructor: Linda Perel
Office Hours:
MThF 8-9am
TuTh 12:30-1:30
Phone: 851-1332 (leave message)
Office: K154
Mailbox: K249
useful web sites:
D. Catalog Description: (From the catalog) A developmental course designed to give a brief overview
of arithmetic skills and to prepare students for elementary algebra. Topics include: whole numbers,
fractions, decimals, ratios, and proportions, percents, integers, simple linear equations and basic
calculator skills. Word problems will be related to each topic. No prerequisite.
E. Text / Course Materials:
ISBN #: 9781256936794 (This is the book package in the North Bookstore that includes
(If you are looking for just the book without MATHXL, the full title is Prealgebra Edition 6,
by Marvin Bittinger, David Ellenbogen, and Barb Johnson and ISBN # 0-321-73154-9 (or
ISBN # 978-0-321-73154-8) )
2) Scientific calculator preferred (has “log” key on it)
3) A note/homework system to store papers, take notes and write homework assignments with.
F. Library Resources – a copy of the textbook will be at the Reference Desk in the library at North
Campus and may be used in the library only.
G. Course Outcomes:
1) Perform basic computations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and integers.
2) Apply divisibility rules for 2, 3, and 5 and write prime factorizations of whole numbers.
3) Convert fractions, decimals, and percents from one form to the other.
4) Estimate numbers by rounding-off.
5) Apply the order of operations to evaluate mathematical expressions
6) Represent a comparison of data in ratio form and solve the proportions.
7) Solve applications problems relative to the above.
8) Solve simple 1 or 2-step equations.
9) Demonstrate a “sense of numbers” by determining if a mathematical solution is reasonable.
10) Present organized work with checks to avoid careless errors.
11) Perform mental arithmetic and use a calculator effectively.
12) Optional Topic: Measurement, geometry, algebra.
13) Read Critically and think logically when solving word problems that involve whole
numbers, fractions, decimals and percents.
14) Calculator skills: Calculate with the four basic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) to
solve problems and demonstrate an understanding these keys:
n , x2 , y x ,  ,%, and 2nd function key . Also demonstrate an understanding of order of
H. ECC Learning Outcomes – see Part G. They are the same outcomes.
I. Testing/ Means of Evaluation
55% 5 tests
35% homework
10% participation / attendance
100% Total
J. Grading Determination:
To figure your grade at the end of the semester, average your tests together and get a %. Multiply it
by .55. Average your homework marks together and multiply it by .35. Add these together and also
add in up to the points for participation/attendance grade points.
A 90 and up;
B- 80 to 82; B 83 to 86; B+ 87 to 89;
C- 70 to 72; C 73 to 76; C+ 77 to 79;
D 65 to 66; D+ 67 to 69;
F 64 and below
***note the narrow “D” grade range
Further Explanation:
 Tests: You will complete written in-class tests, each to cover 1or 2 chapters. NO RETESTS.
Do NOT be absent unless you are SERIOUSLY ill. If you are seriously ill or a dire emergency
occurs, contact me.
Calculator: All skills must be learned by hand without calculator. You will be required to
demonstrate all calculations without a calculator on HWs and tests except for some problems in
the Percents chapter and except when I am testing explicitly for calculator skills (See the last
Course Outcome.)
MathXL access code is sold with the ECC North Bookstore book package. MathXL is an online
Homework tool and will be optional this semester.
K. Attendance - Attendance and participation will count for 10% of your grade as mentioned in Part I.
As in employment and other important life activities, attendance is key to success. More than 2 or 3
absences is considered excessive.
L. Academic Integrity and Class Policy
1) Student responsibility is essential. Please do not talk out of turn. Raise your hand to be
called on. If we are independently working in class on math problems, then quiet
collaboration with a neighbor is allowed. Excessive talking about non-academic and
non-math related topics is inappropriate. Your behavior should not disturb the concentration
of the class members.
2) MathXL related: You are prepared with book, paper and pencil and you use the paper and
pencil as you work through problems on the computer.
3) Cell phones and smartphones: turn off phones when you are in class as a common
courtesy to others.
4) On test days: place all items such as phones, books and notebooks under your desk or on an
empty desk nearby.
M. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Erie Community College recognizes the right of qualified
individuals with disabilities to receive appropriate course accommodations and academic
adjustments. These arrangements are made on a case-by-case basis. If there is a physical or mental
impairment (including learning disability or Attention Deficit Disorder), which will impact the
ability to participate in this class then contact the Disabled Student Services office listed below as
soon as possible. A counselor will provide information to the instructor which will allow
appropriate academic adjustments to be made for the student.
City Campus: Counseling, 45 Oak, Room 102L
North Campus: S Bldg (Spring Center), Room 212A 851-1495
South Campus:Bldg. 3, Room 3120
N. Topical Outline – We will cover chapters 1 through 5, 7 and 8 (omitting sections 2.7, 5.7 and 8.7)
Note with coverage may be adjusted slightly during the semester
O. Other
1) Placement Retest – If you took the ECC math placement test but feel that your course
placement is incorrect, you are allowed one retest. It is offered this week only. The teacher
will announce the dates and times in class.
2) Extra Help: See the teacher during her office hours (SEE HOURS LISTED AT THE TOP
OF THIS SYLLABUS), or go for free tutoring available in the Math Tutoring Center in
D110 off of the main library building hallway. The hours are: M-F 9 - 3, evening and
Saturday hours tba. Supervisor is Technical Assistant James Easton (851-1581)
3) Open Computer Labs to use:
 Use computers in the open lab in the library and in K238.
 Software common issue – Sometimes the software does not work when pop-up
blockers are turned on. Remedy by turning off all pop-up blockers on all your
installed toolbars.
4) Dates:
Last day to drop and add classes: Mon, Jan 26.
Last day to withdraw with a "W" on your transcript: Fri, Apr 17.
Last day of school: Mon, May 18; Grades due: Fri, May 22 (midterms due: Fri Mar 13).
Days offs: Pres. Day Recess: Feb 16-21; College Day: Fri Mar 13; Spring Recess: Apr 6-11